USS Endeavour: We Are the Borg
[ USS Endeavour NCC-71805 | Federation Starship | Nebula-class | 1300 hrs. ] Attn: @Top Hat @Blue Zephyr @YasyraTrill @TrexelCat @patches

Captain's Log, supplemental. I cannot shake the feeling that there is something wrong with Starfleet Command.
I have not told any of the crew, not even my trusted First Officer, but I find it strange how this persecution of the Theurgy has been handled. While I can understand that a rouge A.I. ship - a tool of the shapeshifter Jien Ives or not - is of paramount interest to destroy since it's a multivector dreadnought... the confidential sub-set of orders confounds me. For while my ship has yet to be drafted for Task Force Archeron, I have still been told - at the threat of treason - that if we should encounter the ship, the A.I. might spread to other starship computers, and that I should not establish a communication link with it. At first glance, that might seem a wise precaution, but why would Command threaten its Captains in that fashion?
I remember the Dominion War, where us Commanding Officers were given the latitude to do our best for the war effort, but since then, it's like they can't trust us to do anything, managing how we command our ships to a level that I haven't see-
Computer, pause log.
- Captain Amasov, Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
Under the command of Captain Amasov, the USS Endeavour NCC-71805 was a 24th century Nebula-class starship, and it was en-route to Starbase 84 in late February when it suddenly vanished, never heard from again. That day, Captain Amasov had emerged from his Ready Room at the call from the Second Officer, and as he looked at the viewscreen... he had known it was the end.
For out there, in a sector just adjacent to the Azure Nebula, they beheld the dreaded shape of the greatest known threat to Federation space. The immediate questions came to mind. How could it be there? How had it appeared in he backyard of the Alpha Quadrant? Amasov swallowed, knowing that those questions could not get their answers at that hour, and raked his mind for the proper course of action. "Red Alert! Shields up!"
"Aye, Captain," said his tactical officer. Yet Amasov was already directing himself to the helm.
"Get us out of here, now! Maximum warp!" he called, but it was too late.
"Negative, they have a tractor beam locked on us. They are stopping us from engaging warp. Some kind of jamming field, sir. I can't do anything!"
There was a static roar on the intercom, clearly foreign in origin - the signal wedged into their systems like a blade. Then, the words Amasov had hoped never to hear again boomed across all decks of the Endeavour.
Numbly, Amasov seated himself in his chair, raising a trembling hand to his lips, knowing that there was little more he could do.
Then, something came over him. A kind of resolute anger that made his trembling hand clench in to a fist. With teeth bared, he rose to his feet again. He refused to surrender his crew. Not one soul aboard the Endeavour would surrender, if he led the way - showed them the spirit of defiance that had earned him his command. They looked to him as their leader, and he would give them all what they would want in such a moment - when all hope was lost.
"Arm all torpedoes. Reroute power to phasers. Fire at will! Fire everything we have!" he said, then rounded on Ops. "Give me a priority link to Captain Ian Hawthorne on Starbase 84. Transmit our coordinates and send him this message. We have engaged to Borg, and we request all available starships to converge on ou-"
The first barrage of enemy fire connected with the hull, and Captain Amasov was thrown off his feet.
OOC: I figured I would write a starter for all those who write crew from the Endeavour, so that you can depict the destruction of the ship prior to Episode 05. Have fun!
Edit: Added a time-tag for you guys. This happens at 1300 hrs. Middle of alpha shift, that is.