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Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion 

Lieutenant Zark was on a mission to find a friend.  She'd tried to arrange another training session with Ensign Talia Al-Ibrahim over the last few days, but their schedules hadn't been able to mesh all that well to make it worth while.  The Andorian thought she'd finally get some time today, but the wild escapade that Talia had gone through with another Wolf had kiboshed that one as well.  Zark had thought it actually unfortunate that the two hadn't come after her in their state of intoxication after she'd read what the two of them had pulled off for several reasons.  The first was she'd have been totally ready to handle the two of them probably long enough to wear them out.  The next was that if she couldn't wear them out, she'd simply beat them into submission long enough for them to sleep it off.  Talia was not bad as a fighter, but drunk, she'd have been terrible.    Being on security meant she could read the full report and knew that the Wolf had been turned into a part time Wrench Monkey for her penance, and somehow she'd managed to end up with the really crappy shifts.  Still being a friend meant looking after her, so the Andorian had a bag on her shoulder of dinner for the pilot turned mechanic.  It probably didn't matter that dinner was some time ago since Al-Ibrahim's metabolism needed constant stoking.

The Andorian entered the noisy Fighter Bay and was immediately assaulted by the smell of burning from welding, and other strange scents that came from the various fluids.  A few people looked in her direction, but most of the deck crews were too busy getting the fighters ready again.  Word was the fighter squadron had been brought up to strength,  but had a lot of rough edges, so the various pilots were working to integrate as quickly as possible.  Given the pace of what was going on, Lieutenant Zark felt bad for Lieutenant Suder as she'd been called away to Qo'nos with her, and must have put some sort of dent in her training or rest time.  Still, that wasn't to be dwelled on since she was here for Talia, not for Reggie.

Lieutenant Zark walked into the bay and began looking around for the familiar mop of dark hair and tanned skin, but stopped a few minutes in realizing there were too many places for Talia to be, so she opted to stop someone and just ask.  Another Andorian was passing her by, pushing several crates of parts when she flagged him to stop. PO Eshrasaohl “Eshra” Th'rhytral brought the cart to a stop, and tried to not look harassed to the officer who had no business being here.  Sensing this, Zark decided to be diplomatic.  "Sorry PO Eshra, I just had a quick question. Have you seen Shadow, I mean Ensign Al-Ibrahim?"  The Thaan shook his head and pointed to where several Valkyrie's were parked.  Maybe she's over by those fighters, we at least try to get her to work on her own plane while she's here.  The Zhen nodded and the Thaan's logic, and thanked him before making her way over.  She received several more looks of curiosity before arriving at the fighter to find precisely nobody working on the elegant, but grounded bird.  Searching all over, and taking some time to visit the places like the lockers, and the squadron ready room yielded no results.  Zark tapped her combadge and a sense of deja vu hit the Security Officer. "Computer, where is Ensign Talia Al-Ibrahim?"  After getting her answer, Zark nodded to herself and went after the Wolf.

OOC: This is part of the Random Encounter

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #1
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | FAB | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
[Outside Maintenance Bay 1, 1950 hrs]

Talia stood with her arms crossed under her bust, clad in a stained mustard-colored jumpsuit with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Her face betrayed mild irritation in its neutral mask, framed by the spill of dark, slightly frazzled hair. If one knew her well enough to see the frayed edges of her patience, they might have given her a wide berth, but no one there really knew her, least of all being one PO1 Danny Reeds; a hulk of a man whom was overseeing the distribution of parts and materials for her entire flight. Problem was, Reeds (and most of the deck crews, for that matter) had been taking advantage of Shadow’s fall from grace, as it were – delighting in the opportunity to send the pilot off on errands of complete and utter bullshit. Word had spread throughout the FAB like wildfire the day before, and everyone got in on it to one degree or another - giving her shit jobs and sending her off to find parts and materials that didn’t exist. As jokes go, Shadow had to admit that if the roles were reversed, she’d probably have a good laugh too – for the first time. Maybe the second, but enough was enough.

“Look,” she huffed, fighting the impulse to roll her eyes, “This is getting old you guys,” she looked around Reeds to the rest of the crew loitering on the Valkyrie in the bay. The ship was up on support struts, half of its hull armor pulled apart – the entire engine housing hoisted up vertically from the frame like a mechanical heart pulled from a cadaver. Various grins and smirks ensued from the deckies crawling over the bird, but her dark eyes snapped back to Reeds. “I played your games all day yesterday, alright? I’m here to help – so knock the shit off and let me help.”

The big guy threw his hands up, but was clearly amused all the same. “Okay, okay,” he nodded, “You’re right ma’am, but this is legit this time – honest. It’s just filtered out of order, see? Pressley’s idea of another gag – I’ll handle him,” Reeds grunted, shifting his weight to look over one broad shoulder at the offending party. “No more games, I’ll see to it, ma’am,” he added.

Talia winced, holding out her hand for the PADD. “Alright, but just call me Shadow, okay,” she told him, then glared at Pressley. “Except for him. That guys an asshole,” she smirked.

“He’s a total asshole,” Reeds laughed, “but he knows his stuff and keeps you lot flying. C’mon, we got work to do,” he nodded his bald head to the PADD in her hand. “You’ll find most of that in the assembly room, the non-inventoried expendables are in the storage closet by the replicators in the back. Don’t try to haul it all over on your own either, there’s lifters staged up in the armory – load one of those up and bring ‘er on over. We’ll get started with the initial purges while your gone, should have everything ready for you to climb in and scrub out by the time you get back.”

Shadow nodded her understanding, patting the palm of her hand with the tablet. Crawling around inside the guts of a Valkyrie didn’t sound appealing, but that was her life right now, so she’d do it. “Copy. Be back in a bit,” the pilot nodded, then turned and headed off to procure the items on her list. Dark eyes flicked to the chrono on the PADD as she walked. Fuck sakes, do these guys ever stop to eat, she wondered, as a hand rubbed across her growling abdomen. I’m bringing a few protein bars tomorrow – screw this shit.

[Assembly Room Storage A1, 2000 hrs]

After securing a lifter and loading the vats of cleaning solutions required, Talia left it out in the main room tucked between rows of armaments while she entered the storage closet. Inside the small 5×5 meter square room, she encountered three walls lined with shelves filled with various tools and supplies identified by digital tags. Perfect. Because I know exactly what the hell I’m looking for, don’t I, the pilot sighed, looking down at the PADD. Dozens of lines of code met her eyes, all out of order. Pressley you fucking prick, she shook her head, scowling at the tablet. “Shit,” the Wolf hissed, then rolled the tension from her neck and unzipped her jumpsuit to the middle of her torso for some air; she wore a simple white tee under it, over her typical sports bra and panties. She’d learned the day before not to wear much else – the damn jumpers didn’t breathe for shit. “Don’t know how they work in these stupid things,” she muttered, then started searching for items. Soon enough, she found herself moving large drums out of the way that were stacked in front of the lowest shelves, on her hands and knees scanning for some specific coolant cleaner, or degreaser, or something. Her eyes narrowed at the PADD in her hand, head tilted as she searched for the corresponding tag, when she heard the door swish open.

Rolling her eyes with a sigh, Talia didn’t even look over her shoulder. I swear, if its another fucking list of shit I’m gonna lose it, she fumed, but managed to hold her tongue. When whoever it was failed to say anything, the pilot shifted her weight to look over her shoulder and blinked in confusion. Her ass was aimed up at a familiar blue face, with platinum hair and kind blue-green eyes, a bag held loose in one fist. “Zark,” Talia asked, then rotated her body to sit with one leg cocked to the side on the floor, head tilted up to the Andorian in surprise. What’s she doing here? What's in the bag? “Uh,” the pilot blew her hair up out of her eyes, “What brings you here?”

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #2
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Assembly Room Storage A1| Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion 

Lieutenant Zark wore an amused smile.  The dirty greasy jumpsuit that Talia wore was a crime against fashion in the Zhen's opinion. Granted, the Starfleet uniform tried not to flatter the female figure too much, and it was really hard on the male figure, but at least you could see the nice parts.  Talia looked like an oversized garbage bag.  So, having the pilot's ass pointed at her face as she'd once stepped though the door didn't amount to much in Zark's books with that jumpsuit on.  Zark stood there,  leaning against the door frame, one hand on her hip and the other with the bag as Shadow decided to see who had interrupted her work.  Zark eyes and smile were suggestive to say the least as she rocked the bag back and forth and waited for the temp Wrench Monkey to recover from her surprise. 

"Well, someone was supposed to set up a training time with her boxing gloves, but instead, she was the instigator of a good ole sex romp through the ship and didn't invite me along, or have the decency to stop by and at least give me a chance to wear out the two of you."  Zark snorted when she was done her assessment, and she went back to her usual warm smile as she got off the door frame.  "I don't think there's much we could do in here for catch up with all the parts and nasty chemicals, so I brought you food instead to check up on you." The Andorian opened the bag and pulled out a box with a a fork secured to the top by a rubber band.  "It's not much, a snack really, and hope you don't mind Andorian food, but there's some braised Andorian bull on a salad and a Hari, uhmm an Andorian flat bread.  There's also an isotonic lemon lime water in here."

Zark handed the whole package to Talia and leaned on a shelf to watch in amazement as the pilot devoured the food to the point that the provider wasn't sure she was even tasting it. "Hon, if I'd known you were going to eat it like that, I would have brought my Zhavey's tuber pie with me."  Her antennae pointed themselves at the pilot, intently curious about how she'd gotten into this state. "Soooooo, what have they got you doing in the absolute pits of the ship?"

Zhavey = What the child calls the Zhen who birthed them

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #3
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | FAB | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
From where she sat on the floor, Shadow had blushed fiercely at the Andorian’s words at first, but her embarrassment was quickly forgotten in the face of food. Oh, fuck yes, she’d growled, even as her dark eyes widened with appreciation like a stray kitten suddenly offered a bowl of milk. With the tray of food in her lap, legs crossed underneath her, she gave Zark a playful look that told the Andorian oh, really? Well, she wasn’t going to let that slide, and for once knew exactly what she wanted to say and had no issues saying it at all.

She had to finish chewing, then swallow, which took a few seconds; Talia’s eyebrows met with effort, forcing herself to pause, ignoring the ravenous hunger of her body to answer. “First of all,” she cleared her throat slightly, pointing the fork up at the Andorian with a smirk. “I’m sorry for missing our training session. Second,” she sat up straighter, spearing more salad with the fork. “if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t be stuck here, wearing this fucking thing,” her free hand pulled on the jumper’s collar with a grimace. “I’d be geared up in my cockpit, with a head full of memories of me and Ghost turning you into a blissful wet mess of jelly – and you,” she jabbed a finger at Kali with a grin, “sound even more butt-hurt than I am about that.”

She let that settle for a second, grinning as she bit into the flatbread and chewed – thoroughly pleased by the surprise visit – especially after the events of yesterday and all the bullshit she’d dealt with so far. It was wonderfully kind of Kali, and spoke volumes of the Andorian’s character. Playful broadside delivered, the Wolf went back to devouring her snack, enjoying the look on Zark's face.

“Your pie sounds amazing,” the pilot’s brows rose as she lifted the water to her lips for a sip to hide her grin; one-two combo. “As for what I’m stuck doing,” she shrugged, as her grin turned into a frown of acceptance. “Pretty much any and every shit job the deckies do on a daily basis – flushing coolant, refueling, inventories, running parts. Could be worse, I guess,” she sighed, then shoveled more salad in her mouth. “Only one more day,” Talia added as she chewed. “Thank you so much for this – I was starving,” the pilot pointed to the tray in her lap, then cocked a brow up at the Andorian; wait a minute – Zark’s in security, you dummy.

“Uh...for a second there I was worried you were here to drag me off to the brig,” Talia frowned, blinking up at Kali. “You’re...not here for that, right?”

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #4
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Assembly Room Storage A1| Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion 

Zark wanted to laugh as the pilot seemed to feel that disaster should be piling on to her and the thought that somehow two drunken pilots would be a match in bed for her.  The Andorian smiled instead as she shook her head as she crossed her arms under her chest.  "If I was here to arrest, I'd have ordered you to stand up and place your hands behind your back, then slapped on a set of binders and frog marched you to the brig as an object example to everyone on what happens to those miscreants that aim to misbehave." Zark waved a hand in front her face as she smiled to indicate she wasn't serious as she let the pilot eat.  The other point of contention that had to be addressed though and Zark smiled as she sat on a crate that Talia had to bring with her and linked her hands as she leaned on her knees.  "As for you and Rawley turning me into a blissful wet mess of jelly, you're only partially correct.  I'd certainly be blissful and wet, but hardly a mess, and most certainly not jelly."  Zark threw a lewd smile at Talia. "Four genders Talia.  That means two dicks, and two of us with three holes we use, and we use alllll of them."  Zark leaned back on the hands and crossed her legs.  "It takes those two dicks and all three of the holes on me to keep the Sh'za happy.  It's hard work since she's a multi orgasm kinda woman."  The Zhen lifted her head and tapped her chin thoughtfully for a moment.  "Now that I think about it, I do like a cumming multiple times before I pass out too."

Zark explosively got to her feet. "That's not point of this visit and why we're here now, they're obviously starving you and we can't have that." Zark placed her fists on her hips like she was gonna issue a hurtin to someone else soon. "Come on. Let's get this cart of stuff up there, then you and I are breaking out of here. If I'm going to talk about a quad orgy, I'm not doing it in this dingy dirty place." Zark got the PADD and looked at it, then began helping to sort and find stuff. Zark was a bit slower at this since she wasn't as familiar with the parts coding and descriptions. She ended up having to dismount a few cases and barrels for the correct ones, but the Andorian figured any help was better than no help. It was a pain the ass though as she ended up having to balance herself on boxes a few times to grab something behind it, resulting in all someone being able to see was a trouser uniformed butt hanging over the side and a pair of long legs swinging to keep balance. "This place needs to be better organized." Zark grumbled as she pulled a small box of stembolts out from behind another crate.

With the crates and barrels all loaded, and now a little dusty, Zark helped Talia to get the cart out and brought it to Reeds who looked very surprised at having another officer pushing the parts cart. "Uhhhhh. Alright. Shadow, you can just go in and distribute these." "And then she's done for the day right? " Zark interrupted. The petty officer looked up for a moment perplexed. "Uhm. Unless someone comes up with something else." Zark smiled at this. "An officer's job is to issue orders and if necessary, supervise PO. Besides, you have people who can do it. There were three deck hands hiding behind a pile of munitions crates near the bay doors when I went looking for the Ensign, so she can order them to do it and you'll cover for her right?"

The PO flubbered for a minute before he found his voice. "No way sir. There's still tons of work to do and...." "Beach, pink tutu, white bunny ears?" The security officer casually trotted out and the PO eyes went wide then his face paled. "Uhmmmm, well, I Uhhhhh. Just come this way on your way out, and thanks Shadow for all your hard work today." Lieutenant Zark flashed her warm winning smile at him before turning to Talia. "Shall we? " she asked before gesturing at the door to the flight deck.

OOC: 10 points for gimmick  (laugh)

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #5
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Assembly Room Storage A1| Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
It was difficult for her to eat through the grin on her face – the Andorian’s matter-of-fact attitude about it all was just too priceless. The hell is a frog march, Shadow wondered, trying to snort and eat at the same time, only barely managing not to choke. Once she’d recovered enough to swallow, she tried to get another comment in – but as Zark continued, she just rolled her eyes a bit and shook her head at the Andorian’s debauched rebuttal. She wanted to mention that she had three holes too, and that she liked to use them all as well, but let Kali have her due. Can’t exactly top the notion of a quad-orgy now can I, the pilot chuckled quietly. Be fun to try though. Fuck sakes, that sounds exhausting. Fun, her brows rose as her head tilted at the thought, but exhausting. She then lifted a shoulder at the multi-orgasm addition with a quick nod. I mean, why settle for one? Unless it’s a reaaally good one, I suppose. Her dark eyes narrowed then – trying to remember how many times she’d managed to orgasm the other night – but Zark’s sudden movement interrupted that process.

“They're not starving me – “ Talia piped up, but gave up in a huff of air that wasn’t exactly a laugh, or a sigh; Zark seemed to believe that she had some manner of injustice to correct, and Shadow wasn’t about to step in her way. Damn, Kali, she snorted, grinning up at the feisty blue goddess, what’s got you all riled up? Talia barked a gunshot laugh then, before getting to her feet with a grunt. “You think this is dirty? Try de-carbonizing one of the micro-torpedo launchers – fucking portal to hell,” the pilot muttered under her breath, arching a brow at Zark, after the Andorian had snatched up the PADD and was fumbling around the place. “Er…hang on, I already loaded some of it,” Talia gestured at the crate Kali had been sitting on, but sighed and took the PADD back instead. Between the two of them, more or less, they managed to load up the rest of the parts and supplies in short order. She stifled a giggle at the Andorian’s ass over a barrel, legs kicking about. “Good way to get spanked,” Talia commented under her breath, wishing she had a belt or something. Eh, probably a bad idea.

Once they got back to Maintenance Bay 1, Talia chewed her lip as she looked around while Zark and the PO talked; hoping no one important was watching. Kali was taking no shit, and it was hilarious, but that didn’t stop Shadow from leaning in close to explain the situation. “Um, unofficially, he’s my boss for the day,” she whispered with a grimace, but then swallowed a chuckle at being duly ignored.

Ah, fuck it, Talia smirked, shaking her head again. Pressley caught her eye then, looking quite confused from under the fuselage of the Valkyrie that was still in pieces. With a tilt of her head, the pilot grinned at him; eat my ass, fucker, her eyes told him, before her attention snapped back to Reeds. “Yeah, no problem – you guys keep at it. I’ll be back tomorrow,” Shadow nodded to him, then dark eyes turned to Zark with a knowing smirk. “On your six, Lieutenant.”

While they walked, Talia peeled the top section of her jumpsuit off and tied the sleeves around her waist, glad to be rid of at least some of the filthy thing. “Brilliant,” she murmured through a grin at her blue skinned companion, “somehow an IOU doesn’t seem like enough to cover all this – but I do try to repay my debts as soon as possible.” As they cleared the door to the FAB, Shadow tossed her ragged hair with one hand, sighing with relief. “I need to clean up,” she arched a brow at Kali, “my place isn’t far - I can grab a quick shower and change, before you haul me around anywhere else,” she smirked. “Or whatever you have in mind.”

Almost immediately though, that smirk vanished as Talia remembered the bag stuffed with Ghost’s impressively diverse collection of sex toys that sat next to her bed, which caused her to blink in hesitation. Whatever, its Zark – it’ll be fine, the pilot told herself, smiling once again as they walked to the lift.

[Talia’s Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | A short time later…]

“…I don’t remember much after that,” Talia finished her recounting of the evening with Ghost as she led Zark into the room, (which to her ears sounded really vague, mostly due to trying to keep specific names out of the story). There was plenty that stood out vividly in her memory – but even more that didn’t. She did remember busting her ass to clean the place up, however. Taking a deep breath as she sauntered in, the pilot gestured for her guest to follow. Upon the glass table sat a small decanter beside a large bowl. Talia held a hand out for Kali, “Hands, please,” she smirked, then positioned those over the bowl and dribbled rose-water over them.  "Marhaba habibti," Shadow grinned, then set the container back and offered Zark a small towel to dry off. “Make yourself at home, or,” she shrugged, “snoop around – whatever you security types do.”

After a smirk over her shoulder, she made her way past the workstation towards the head, peeling her t-shirt off as she went. Gross, her nose wrinkled, I smell like the whole Assault Bay. That knowledge only hastened her desire to shed the grease-stained abomination faster – the boots got kicked off, followed by each sock, then bra, (which joined the t-shirt on the floor) – leaving her leaning up against the wall to shimmy out of the jumpsuit. After kicking her legs free, Talia raked her hands through her hair, blowing it out of her face – then arched a brow back at Zark. “Anyway, that’s what I’ve been dealing with. What have you been up to, or into,” she asked, bending slightly to shed the black panties, leaving the door open to the head so they could talk while she showered. “And what’s next on the agenda,” she laughed from the stall.

OOC: Marhaba habibti– hello and welcome my dear, an informal greeting between friends

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #6
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Talia’s Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion 

Zark's face was severe as Shadow recounted what she could remember of the The Romp as she was thinking of it now, but that was a mask since her eyes were bright with mirth as she tried to not burst out laughing.  Talia's discretion was commendable, but the problem was the number of complaints that had filed in meant that Zark already knew what had happened probably better than Talia would remember even if she had been sober.  This carried the pair to Talia's quarters in Fighter Country near the FAB.  Stepping in, the place certainly did look very disorganized, and Zark stopped when asked for her hands.  A white eyebrow arched as Talia asked for her hands to be held out and the gentle watery scent of roses caressed her sense of smell. That's an interesting custom, I wonder where that comes from.  Following Talia's advice, the Andorian made her way in and took a stroll around, taking in Talia's personality with all her personal effects.  "It's been pretty busy getting to know new people, working out, and helping others get ready for the fights ahead.  Mostly by throwing them around the ring in the gym. " She stopped in front of a pair of boxing gloves just as she finished her sentence and and shook her head as gave them a wry smile.  It was a short, but meaningful shared history behind them, one of shared blood even from the recent past. "A lot of them have a ways to go, and I'm doing my best to bring them up to speed, but well, you can only do so much when they feel like they have to be with me instead of wanting to be there.  Actually, one of the Operations types, a Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt, is doing his best to actually get better at fighting."  Zark paused for a moment while she assessed his progress. "Overall, he's coming along, but there isn't enough time to make him too capable. I mean you'd easily kick the crap out of him.  He might stand a chance if he uses the dirty tricks I taught him"

As the water started and the security officer was prowling that her attention was caught by a bag that was just sitting there.  Normally this wouldn't elicit much interest, but she'd seen another gym bag elsewhere that was much larger, so having two bags was a bit of an anomaly.  She knew she really shouldn't but there was something hot pink and deep purple hanging out of it, and the Andorian's curiosity was piqued as she went closer to take a look.  Quite sure it wasn't any illicit substances or dangerous items, Zark approached the bag next to the bed and gently pushed the top open, just a bit so she could get a peek inside and her eyebrows tried to rise into her antennae as her eyes grew wide and began to glow.  The Zhen had to suppress a chortle at her find and her mind raced with the possibilities.  It was worse now she'd had that dormant area re-awakened by a Betazoid diplomat and she really hoped Reggie wasn't nearby or she'd be broadcasting that loud into that Betazoid's head.  Given both their persuasions, that could cause ..... frolicking.  Still, remembering what Talia had said last time they were at a shower together, Zark saw an opportunity and began rummaging anyway.  I wonder if these are all Talia's or are they Rawley's, ah, what's this?  Lemme see, Ah hah, they're likely Rawley's.  If she didn't smoke so hard, maybe.  Good thing Reggie only does it on occasion, oh what am I thinking?  Zark you kinky perv.  Snigger.

Digging through, the Andorian let curiosity get the better of her as she began categorizing and sorting the find. Oh my, Rawley, who would have thought? Zark removed a couple of items and took them to the replicator. "Computer make a copy of these items, sanitized please." Her voice print was on it, so she'd own up in an instant if there were any questions.  An invisible beam scanned the items and replicated duplicate set.  With that, the Andorian dumped the originals back in the bag and her imagination took flight.  Talia would be in the shower for a while, especially with her hair, so Zark had some time and she spent a good couple of minutes debating whether she should put a costume on, but would it would be too much of a shock to the pilot's system.  Skin tight and exposing leather probably would be, so maybe not. It was getting to be very warm, so Zark stripped off her uniform and folded them and set them aside till she was down to her ship issued sports bra and panties.  Ordering a white shoulderless tee, a pair of black leather leggings, and walking shoes, Zark got dressed for a casual night out.  The fun part though was setting aside the double ended strap on and pair of fuzzy white binders on the bed beside her and waiting for Talia to come and explain them as she sat there and smirked on.

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #7
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Personal Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
It was easy to imagine Kali in the gym, training with others; Talia’s lips curled at the scenes playing out in her head as she brushed her teeth. It might have been her job, but the pilot sensed the Andorian truly enjoyed the workout and helping people learn how to defend themselves. Flinging people around seemed like an added bonus. I'm sure she enjoys that too. The pilot barked a laugh at the comment about Mr. Leavitt, but then pouted a little.

“Didn’t teach me any dirty tricks,” Talia mumbled around her toothbrush, then spit and rinsed her mouth out. “Alright, I’m going in. I’ll try to be quick,” she called out, then stepped into the shower.

Her forearms had gotten the worst of the grime from the day in the FAB; spotted with smudges of grease and grime that took a considerable amount of scrubbing to get off. Her hair was an absolute wreck – so she washed it twice – then in went the conditioner. The low humidity of the ship played havoc on her skin and hair; she kept it higher in her room, but still. Moisture was critical. Even doing her best to hurry so as not to keep Zark waiting, the entire process still took close to thirty minutes.

Really need to cut my fucking hair, Talia huffed as she wiped excess water from her face and body. Without leaving the steam-filled confines of the stall, the next step began: lotion. Coconut and Shea butter, scented with a hint of lavender, was generously applied and rubbed into every nook and cranny, leaving her skin feeling soft and refreshed. By the time she left the stall, there wasn’t any need to dry off, except for her hair which was wrapped up in a towel like always.

Talia paused to check her eyebrows in the fogged mirror, then frowned. She hadn’t heard anything from Kali the whole time. What’s she doing?

Leaning back, a single dark eye peeked from the head towards her workstation and bed. A pair of legs was there, clad in leather, kicking idly. A brow arched over the eye, but Shadow shrugged. Figured she’d go snooping, the pilot smirked, returning to her eyebrow inspection. “Sorry, almost done,” she called out, after a nod of satisfaction with her appearance.

Making her way to the closet just on the other side of the head, not quite in full view of her guest, Shadow rolled her bare shoulders before opening it to consider what to wear. “ some people disagree with your methods, or…are they just not agreeable with you? Is that why some don’t want to do it,” she asked as she donned her standard underwear – confused why anyone would feel that way. Fuck sakes, I can't imagine any fool stupid enough to cross that woman, she thought with a smirk. I’ll break whatever she doesn’t.

Her mind wouldn’t let the earlier comment about Leavitt go, either. “And what tricks? You didn’t teach me anything dirty,” the pilot chuckled as she pulled on a pair of faded denim jeans. Been wearing nothing but leggings for works now. Time to change it up, she smirked, choosing a gray button up blouse as a top; the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Leaving the buttons open for now, Talia paused to pull the towel from her hair, shaking it out to spill over her shoulders as she turned towards the brush by the workstation.

Dark eyes flicked to Kali as she passed; the Andorian was just sitting there, grinning at her. Talia grinned back. “Hey, that’s a really cute –“ the words and grin froze as her eyes fixed on the other items on her bed. Ah, fuck, she laughed nervously. She went snooping after all.

Shadow cleared her throat then busied herself with the buttons of her blouse as her face colored, lowering her head to glance up at the Andorian; a finger flicked to the strap on and cuffs. “Those aren’t mine,” she smirked. “Was wondering why you were so quiet out here. Went looking for evidence, huh?”

Come on, stupid buttons, she bit down on her lip, trying to ignore the memories in her head while her fingers fumbled; how good it felt – hands bound – as Ghost took her however she wanted.

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #8
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Talia’s Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark just sat there and waited, and waited, and waited.  And it was well worth the wait just to see Talia flustered.  When Talia pointed out that she'd been looking for evidence, Zark merely shrugged and waggled her eyebrows at the pilot in silent admission of what she'd been doing.  Zark figured she'd guessed well since Talia seemed to have lost all coordination and the Andorian was torn, if Talia didn't eat, she might be cranky. On the other hand, seeing the way Talia was fumbling and trying to hide herself, the Zhen was pretty sure she was reliving something embarrassing, yet probably, very pleasurable.  There was the temptation to get up and slap the fuzzy binders on Talia and leave her hands behind her back, totally at Zark's mercy, but she didn't know how that would turn out, so it was discarded. 

The Andorian grabbed the binders off the bed and began swinging them on her fingers.  They may have been fuzzy on cuffs, but there was still metal in between and it clinked gently as they made circles in the air.  "I have to admit to being surprised to finding these in here. I'm fairly confident that you're telling the truth since a few of the toys kind of have Rawley inscribed on them somewhere, and since you've just started opening yourself to others, I don't think you'd quite go this far with others."  Zark smirked. "At least it doesn't appear that it would happen while you're sober at any rate. Still......."  The Zhen bit her lower lip for a moment. "There are a lot of options in here for a fun time." Zark got up and gently swayed her hips as she got closer to the still fumbling Talia. 

Slipping the loose binders over one wrist, Zark laid her hands on Talia's shoulders and turned her around.  The Zhen looked up and down Talia's shirt and smirked as she reached down to the next undone button and gently slid it into the right hole as the cuffs gently swayed on her wrist.   "I think you had a good time, maybe more of a good time than you thought you would." Zark postulated as she continued to work the buttons.  Talia's shirt was fully buttoned in short order. The Andorian stepped back and nodded at her handiwork, the blouse was in good shape.  Smiling, she turned around and headed to the bed and tossed the binders on the bed where the landed with a jingle. 

"Anyway, four genders is what I said in the dirty dusty room?  Well, funny story about that, the first time a set of binders got used on me, well, I don't think it was totally consensual, but she's my wife, so I suppose I should have seen what was coming.  Zark sat down on the edge of the bed and crossed her legs as she leaned back on her hands.  "This was years ago, one husband was at a teachers work shop, the other was answering a farm emergency, which left Ryzit and myself at home.  Oh let's see, she was a constable at the time for the planetary police.  She'd just gotten back from a verdict and sentencing session, put the perp away for 25 years.  Serial arsonist if I recall correctly."  Zark smiled as she stared at the ceiling walking down memory lane.  "Anyway, the husbands are gone and I'm the only one there and since she was happy with the win, well, I want to say she was more in the mood, but she's always in the mood when I'm home, so I think we'd been at it for three or four hours already.  Personally I was ready to say we were good, but she's insatiable. She decided to let me have a break anyway.  I think it was the the ale we had since we decided to see who was better at putting binders on the other; we were pretty drunk.  Anyway, at some point, I think she got needy and just left hers on me."  Zark leaned forward and crossed her arms over her legs.  "I almost kicked her in the face for that one since I tried to get out at first, but well."  Bare blue shoulders shrugged.  "I got over it really fast when she got her tongue in my mouth and her fingers into me."  Zark casually picked up the binders again.  "So, if you don't mind me asking, who wore these and was it a good time?"

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #9
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Personal Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
She couldn’t stop the images and sensations in her head anymore than Zark could stop teasing, apparently. It didn’t escape her notice that the Andorian ignored her questions, having sprung her trap. Talia shook her head at Kali's words, even rolled her eyes unconsciously; Ghost’s toy collection had caught Shadow off guard, but the cuffs weren’t that big of a surprise. Talia had watched enough holovids to understand the appeal – still, she hadn’t expected to enjoy it so much. Ghost certainly did, Shadow smirked, vividly remembering how the fellow Wolf's mouth and hands worshiped her body, enough to force her to shift her weight with the subtle heat growing between her legs. Easy, now, Talia cleared her throat quietly.

Kali was relentless, however; Talia fought back a sigh as she was spun around to face the Andorian. Fucking tease, she bit down on her lip with a shake of her head. She’s doing this shit on purpose, the Wolf exhaled, avoiding Zark’s eyes as her blouse was buttoned. Her mind worked at the implications of the blue beauty's comment, causing her heart rate to elevate; the truth was, ever since their boxing session, Talia had realized her sexual urges had ratcheted up to the point of being distracting. Ghost had been an experimental push outside of herself that had – admittedly – gotten out of hand. Doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy getting my brains fucked out, she smirked, but didn’t offer any comment; she let her eyes answer enough.

As Zark returned to lounge on her bed, Talia hooked her thumbs into the pockets of her jeans and cocked a hip as she listened; lips pursed as she tilted her head. The marital dynamics were fascinating, if a bit ethically challenging, but she didn’t want to get into that at the moment. Her imagination followed along with Kali’s tale, picturing the curvy Andorian in such dire straits. Imagine having the time to have sex for three or four hours, Talia chewed her lip; her weight shifted again, fully aware of the growing, heated dampness clinging to her panties. All this talk isn't helping, Kali, Shadow smirked, then cleared her throat at the story’s conclusion.

Then her lovely friend put her on the spot, without a hint of shame. Shadow took a breath, arms folded under the bust of her blouse with a brief look of petulance. She knows damn well what she’s doing. Well, fuck it – chew on this, Kali, Talia nibbled her lip; if her friend wanted to be an insufferable tease, then so be it. Turnaround was fair play. Very slowly, she approached the Andorian, head tilted coyly. She stopped right before her, then slowly bent to one ear – a hand raked the dark mop of her hair over a shoulder as she did. “I think you know the answer to that,” she purred. “I could tell you,” she whispered, her lips moved close enough to tickle a blue earlobe, “but you’ll have to make me,” Talia smirked before pulling away.

Then she took the cuffs; Shadow smiled lopsided as she twirled them around her finger. “Now then,” she bit her lip again, “are you finished teasing,” a dark brow arched playfully at Kali. “Or did I just get dressed for nothing?”

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #10
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Talia’s Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

If Zark hadn't been married to her particular Sh'za, she would have been put off by how aggressive Talia was being.  An apt human expression crossed the Andorian's mind. Goodness, you're a horny thing. And I'm one to talk. The lavacious Andorian smirked as the dusky pilot teased her ear and a purr formed in her blue throat.  She'd been prepared to be handcuffed by the pilot, but it looked like Shadow had a submissive streak in her as well.  It certainly smelled like it from Talia, and and in Zark's case, she could feel her desire getting the better of her on her own sex.  The Zhen grabbed the handcuffs and tossed them behind her as she snaked a hand behind and into the dark hair and pulled the tanned head towards her.  Blue lips mashed against pink ones as a tongue separated and began to dance with Talia's inside her mouth.  Everyone tasted and felt different as the blue tongue explored the inside of Talia's mouth, then thrusted, parried, and caressed her partner's tongue as she moaned throatily at the sensation.  The other hand joined the first, and the Andorian forced her way up with heads still attached.  She almost over did it and nearly fell on the pilot, but the two managed to stabilize to standing.  Zark broke the connection first and as the two separated, a thin trail of liquid linked them. "I'll get you another shirt." was all the warning she gave before planting a hand on Talia's chest and pushing her against a wall. 

Zark closed her eyes and locked lips again as both hands reached towards Shadow's chest.  She got a double handful of breast and gave them a gentle squeeze before moving up towards the collar of the blouse she'd just helped button up.  There was a popping sound as deceptively smooth muscles began pulling the shirt apart and buttons began landing gently on the carpet.  It didn't take long to destroy the shirt before Zark pushed it off the wonderfully dusky shoulders.  Separating once more, a smooth motion got Talia to raise her arms above her head with an elegant drop then raise tried to smoothly remove the bra she was wearing. The main hiccup being the bra getting caught on the owner's face, but it was a problem that Zark was used to dealing with.  With a deft grab and a light flick, the offending black material was off and she'd bared the wonderfully full mounds while the bra landed on the floor.  Zark took a moment to run her hands over the very well defined arms and purred happily. "Stay standing Talia and hang on."

The blue head closed on the milk chocolate neck and began kissing and sucking on it gently, then with more force. While one arm was used to keep Zark stable, the other hand traced itself along the other side of the neck, then the collar bone with feathery lightness. The collar guided the blue hand towards the full mound where the Zhen teased the outline of the side of the full breast before the hand gently grabbed the bottom the breast and a couple of fingers found the excited rock hard nub. As blue lips continued to kiss and suck around the neck and nibble the tanned ear, the hand on the the boob massaged it as she gently stimulated the nipple.  The Zhen's eventually left the neck and proceeded down.  A bit of bending brought the blue and white head to the other breast where cerulean lips closed themselves around the other peak and Zark licked and sucked as she moaned out a subtle vibration into Talia's tit.  When Talia's hands tried to interfere in any way with Zark caressing and worshipping the body in front of her, the blue arms would push them away, or behind the tantalized woman.  Zark had had sex recently and more often than Talia, so she was definitely excited, but not in desperate need yet.  There was six months at least that Zark knew about where the pilot had not been pleased in anyway, hence her over the top Romp from before.  The fact that she'd been in hibernation was irrelevant.  Her mind knew. 

When the hands sought out the Andorian once more, Zark led them to the hem of her own t-shirt and let them latch on.  Zark raised her arms and dropped, letting the shirt rise over her head and off exposing her blue skin to the wonderfully cooling effect of heat having somewhere to escape to.  With the shirt gone, the blue alien found herself in front of the well defined tanned six pack, and her hands gripped the strong tanned ones and pushed them towards the owner's breasts in a silent command to start playing with herself. 

The blue hands planted themselves gently on the hips, and the blue lips began sensually kissing each of the six muscles before kissing her way south.  More wet kisses were planted on her softer underbelly, the black crown tat received a little more attention with the blue tongue, and the hairless crotch.  The Andorian stopped at the glistening flower and looked up and smirked as she threw those salacious eyes at her partner and waggled her white eye brows then turned her attention back to the petals in front of her.  Zark blew a gentle breeze on Talia's sex before her index finger softly traced the wet contours and folds.  The Zhen debated standing up and just using her fingers on the pilot, but well she wanted a taste and was down here anyway.  There wasn't even a mental shrug as Zark closed her eyes, gripped the hips tighter, and the cerulean lips and tongue began to probe, penetrate, and brush the mocha flower that was being presented for worship.

Sh'za - Term of endearment for the Shen in the quad.

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #11
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Personal Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
As soon as Shadow heard the throaty growl escape Kali’s throat, the pilot knew she was in for it; the curve to the Andorian’s lips proved it. She had a second to bite her own lip as Zark snatched the cuffs and tossed them, before everything escalated rather quickly. No resistance was given – Talia even arched her neck as blue fingers combed up into her hair and pulled her in – lips already parted, more than ready for her first taste of the Andorian’s mouth. A purr of approval joined Zark’s muffled moan as the Wolf let her mind blank completely – as their tongues explored each other – Talia’s lips feasted on everything they could latch onto, suckling at Kali’s as the two stumbled upright.

A gasp of amused want huffed from Talia’s nostrils as she was pushed against the wall, licking the taste of Zark from her lips, then a groan of absolute need as the Andorian’s mouth locked onto hers again. As she felt her blouse ripped open, Talia grunted her approval and busied herself with her denim jeans; tanned fingers fumbled until she was forced to pause long enough for her arms to be freed of the sleeves and her bra to be peeled away. As the blue mouth worked its magic on her skin, the tanned human arched herself into the Andorian, thumbs hooked into jeans and panties, shimming both down across hips and ass to fall to the floor at her feet. Her flushed skin was on fire, radiating the heat of her passion, yet pebbled with goosebumps at Kali’s touch. Dark eyes narrowed to wanton slits at Zark’s words, but Talia complied, raking the hair from her face with both hands. “Mmm, fuck,” she murmured as the Andorian’s mouth latched onto her neck, head tilted up and away to give her full access. Her body arched even more into the blue goddess – leaving only the pilot’s muscled shoulders against the wall.

Talia’s body responded of its own volition; as Kali’s teasing touch and wet mouth stoked her desire even hotter, Shadow’s hands left her mop of hair to seek purchase on the blue beauty, only to be denied again and again. Her hips moved in time with her hitching breath, as soft groans escaped her throat every time the Andorian swatted her grasping hands away. Finally, Talia managed to peel Zark’s top away with a satisfied groan, only for Kali to force those wandering hands firmly in place upon the pilot’s own flesh. Fine, Talia’s eyes spoke, brow furrowed briefly in frustration. That expression was quickly smoothed into lustful longing as the Andorian’s mouth continued its teasing journey down her abdomen. Fucking tease, she nearly cursed under her breath.

“Oh, shit,” Talia gasped instead, dark eyes wide as they looked down the length of her body into Kali’s, seeing the intent in those glistening blue-green orbs of mischief. Don’t stop, please don’t stop. Her weight shifted completely to her right leg, as the left raised of its own will – as Zark’s teasing breath sent shivers through her entire body – to rest on a blue shoulder. Shadow’s eyes rolled as her head tilted back, tremors of pleasure rippling through her abs as a wet, warm mouth closed on her sex; the hands covering her breasts squeezed tight, nipples pinched between slender digits as a growl bubbled up from her throat. Oh, fuck, yes. “Was it,” Shadow purred between breaths, “s-something I s-said?” Her hips jerked and bucked with every minute movement of the beautifully skilled mouth. Shit that feels so fucking good, her mind raced, as Talia bit her lip and looked down again. Her hands moved from her chest down to her abs, to rest just above the tiny crown tattoo. There they gently pulled up, exposing even more of her clit for Zark’s deliciously wet mouth. As that mouth continued its teasing flicks and probes, Shadow felt every muscle in her legs and thighs tremble with anticipation.

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #12
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Talia’s Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

To Zark, it didn't matter if it was a marathon orgy at home, or a quickie. What mattered was the enjoyment of everyone involved and since Talia looked like she was staring to lose herself, it was a very good thing. The blue tongue worked in concert with the mouth from literally too many hours to count of oral practice on her 'wife' in human parlance. The Andorian's head was quite mobile as she worked her way up and down Talia's sex, then used those deft blue fingers to press, pull, or squeeze where necessary so she wouldn't be totally disengaged. 

Zark was relentless, yet measured in her pursuit of Shadow's pleasure, only giving her small micro breaks between sensations before she found something to re-stimulate. When Talia had exposed more of her clit, the Andorian took a moment to drape the muscular leg over her shoulder before her blue mouth had closed over the wide open clit. Her tongue had flicked, poked, and danced around it in a subtle yet random pattern, but there was more. Zark's free hand had plunged into her own leggings, then past her panties where her fingers curled into her wet self and the stimulation caused her to moan with unfeigned delight that sent an erotic sonic vibration into the dusky woman.

Talia was getting more wet by the moment, and with one finger now pressing and twisting inside the vag, the love juices had found an exit and the blue hand was getting wet as the liquid streamed out. The steadily increasing bucking from the pilot was a good sign as Zark pulled her hand out an let the intensity calm for just a moment before she dragged her mouth off the clit and back to the folds. The cerulean tongue plunged deep into the hot sex and Zark felt the warm liquid coat her face. It was all up to Talia now as the main thing the Zhen became concerned about was just keeping contact. The unengaged hand went back to the unattended clit and began rubbing it furiously.

The Zhen had no idea if Talia would collapse under the onslaught. As disappointing as it was, Zark's wet fingers came out and looped around the leg on her shoulder just in case Shadow came so hard she would fall, and if she didn't, well there was always the rest of the night to wear out the Wolf.

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #13
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Personal Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
She was losing the battle to stay upright with every passing second, and not for a lack of trying; Zark was just do damn good. Talia couldn’t hold still either, which wasn’t helping her balance. One arm was flung out against the wall in a vain attempt to stabilize herself, while she basically ground herself on the Andorian’s mouth, the other held her hair up out of her face, which was buried in the crook of her arm. In an effort to stop from crying out too loud, Shadow bit into her own bicep; that didn’t do much to stop the grunts and moans though.

Kali was playing her like a fiddle; stoking Shadow closer and closer to the edge of climax only to pause and leave her trembling for more. It was devious and relentless and oh, so fucking delicious – the poor pilot was so lost in the moment that she reverted to her native tongue between growls of pleasure. Talia was panting freely now – lust filled eyes turned down to meet Zark’s before rolling back up in her head again – causing her balance to shift, so the hand left her hair to reach out for the edge of the work desk under the Andorian’s passionate assault. “Fuck, let me cum already,” she growled out loud between breaths, then repeated it, over and over, ever more serious as the shakes overtook her body and the Andorian just kept edging her on and on into total loss of control. With every passing second the demand got louder, but then edged into a desperate plea – begging the Andorian for release.

[WO Rene Lafayette, (Talia’s Neighbor)]

A thud against the wall prompted an alarmed jolt to consciousness. Rene blinked in the darkness of his room with a grumble even he didn’t understand. “Tha hells goin’ on,” his eyes narrowed at the wall – but his ears told him soon enough. You gotta be shittin’ me, the flight-line inspector sighed over the muffled ruckus emanating from his neighbor’s room. Not again, no fuckin’ way, the sheets were flung aside in a growl as he got to his feet and marched to the wall. “Hey,” he barked, pounding a fist on the bulkhead over the howler’s moans. “Give it a rest, will ya?! Fuckin’ stick-jockey’s I swear,” he grumbled, shaking his head as the ruckus continued, before turning to head back to his bunk to bury his head under a pillow.

[Meanwhile, Back in Talia’s Quarters]

“Ooh fuck...y-you’re gonna...oh fuck you’re g-gonna -” Talia managed to mewl out as Zark’s hand blurred across her clit. Almost instantly the world ceased to exist for the Wolf; her dark eyes screwed shut, body locked rigid in a wave of ecstasy that flowed from her in a spray of hot juices that coated her thighs. Her right knee gave out seconds later, and the sex-drunk pilot flung her hands back onto the wall with two loud thumps to save herself on instinct. Gravity wouldn’t be denied, even with Zark’s help; Talia crumbled with a groan, reduced to a wet, sloppy mess.

Somehow, she managed to avoid pulling Zark down with her, but could barely open her eyes where she lay sprawled out before the blue beauty. It took a few seconds for her to form complete thoughts, or words, but eventually her mind snapped back into something close to rational thought. “O-okay,” Talia panted, hands resting on her heaving chest, “I wore the cuffs, okay,” she laughed weakly, looking up at Zark through heavy-lidded eyes, “fuck sakes, Kali, what did you do to me?” The Andorian had reduced Talia to a soaking wet puddle of discombobulated goo; the pilot’s muscles involuntarily spasmed as she lay there, trying to catch her breath. “Last time I shit talk you, lady, I swear,” Shadow chuckled, lifting a shaky finger up in defeat. “Mercy,” she asked in a murmured whisper, waving the finger like a flag with a playful smirk.

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #14
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Talia’s Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark barely had time to pull herself off when she felt Talia go rigid in her grip.  Talia wasn't a vocal screamer like her Sh'za was, but she did share the same trait of the involuntary muscle spasm.  Zark's reflexes though were geared towards the scream first and she was sprayed with the pilot's hot cum in her mouth, chin, then eventually neck as the orgasming woman continued to shake in her grip.  Zark swallowed since there wasn't much choice, but that wasn't unusual when she was giving oral, and just let the liquid drip for a moment as she worked to determine how stable her partner really was.  It turns out she wasn't and the Andorian had to almost wrestle her partner into a soft landing that found the Zhen smiling at a quivering pile of goo.  A blue hand took a moment to wipe away the liquid, and looking for a towel of some sort, found the grey blouse and wiped her hand and face on it as Talia came to terms with her enjoyment. "Mercy?  What's that?"  Zark asked playfully as she dropped the hanging leg off her shoulder.  "I think you still have another two to three hours on the clock." the slightly damp Andorian teased.  Zark tossed the blouse away like she'd just finished cleaning a counter top.  "A lot of people think I'm lying when I tell them the length that sex can go on, but with my Shen and an roommate from Risa at the Academy ."   Zark shrugged and waggled her eyesbrows at Talia to confirm a lot of what had happened there.

A blue finger jabbed in the general direction of Talia's neighbour. "You don't think he minds do you? I recognize that sort of thump and yelling from my first year." The bare blue shoulders shrugged once more and then she stood up and sat on the edge of bed.  Zark had to shimy a bit to get the leggings off, but when they did, she tossed them onto Talia's bare torso where they landed with a ruffle and a feathery slap.  The wet panties came off without a flourish and were tossed aside, then the bra came off over the blue head and carried the white hair for just a moment before they cascaded back down around her shoulders.  Zark picked up the so far unused phallic toy, and began pulling on it gently from side to side.  "I'm gonna need new underwear anyway, but what about you?  What needs to be satisfied more now?  That bottomless pit of hunger?  Or was your first orgasm just an appetizer and now you're ready for a main course?"


Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #15
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Personal Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
With Zark's playful promise of mercilessness, Shadow bit her lip with a hum of approval as she stretched out on the floor; her hands sliding down her taunt body with anticipation for what was to come. Dark brows wiggled back at the Andorian's comment about her sexual prowess; Talia had no doubts remaining, after the delicious tongue lashing she'd just received – Kali hadn’t even broken a sweat yet. She was curious to see how long she could keep up with her, and eager to expand her repertoire.

You really are a treasure, Kali, she thought, dark eyes falling to slits in wanton admiration. Talia could only hope that one day she could be as confident; it was incredibly arousing.

The Wolf chuckled at the ruckus from her neighbor, propped up on her elbows as Zark moved to sit on the bed; she watched, head tilted, enjoying the show. “He’ll deal with it,” Shadow smirked, then giggled as the Andorian’s leather pants fell over her. She continued to watch the blue temptress shed her clothes, chewing her lip. The toy Kali chose wasn’t her first choice, but the way she played with it and the words she used stoked the imagination and heat between her legs all the same.

Hm…decisions, decisions, Shadow thought with a grin as she rose to her knees, enjoying the brief feeling of leather sliding across her hot skin. Once upright, the Wolf spread her knees wide, the long drape of her hair tossed over a shoulder before raking her hands through it. All the while her eyes never left Kali’s.  She had no intention of stopping; as with everything else she committed to, Talia was all in, ready and willing until her body gave out. Her head tilted the other way, eyes roaming the beautiful woman before her. “Thinking another appetizer is in order, actually,” she purred, then leaned forward and crawled like a stalking cat towards those lovely blue legs. Truth be told, she wasn’t thinking at all, which was a blissful relief in and of itself; Talia knew what she wanted and trusted Zark to let herself experience it. Emboldened by desire, Shadow took her time on the approach, enjoying the way the Andorian watched her.

As she drew closer, Talia’s hands slid up those wonderfully sexy legs as they parted for her. Kneeling before Kali, Shadow couldn’t help but wiggle her ass side to side as her hands continued their northbound sojourn, nails lightly trailing up Zark’s thighs. The pilot hummed approvingly as her head lowered to Zark's abdomen; her tongue and mouth began their own journey north. As the Andorian’s body arched back, Talia pulled herself closer to press her own rock hard nubs into blue skin; she could feel Kali’s heat and dampness, making her mouth water even more.

A throaty hum preempted the long, curled length of her tongue extending out in a slow lick up from the bottom of one ample blue mound, to flick at a dark blue nub before her lips latched onto it completely; both hands filled, kneading, squeezing. Her tongue wiggled rapidly as she sucked, gently at first, then harder as the Andorian responded. The nub was released with an audible pop, and Talia wasted no time giving its twin the same treatment, as her passion rose hotter with every passing second. A thin trail of saliva dripped from her lips as the nipple popped free, and as her fingers teased and pinched both, the pilot’s lips crushed into Zark’s with a moan of need.

A door had been breached within her. Shadow wanted to taste her; she wanted to please her, to watch her face distort into a mask of ecstasy and bliss. In that moment, that was all she cared about; but beyond that, from somewhere deep within her came a burning desire to be used for the pleasure of another. “I want…to make…you cum,” Talia panted between heated kisses, savoring the taste of those soft blue lips mixed with the lingering tang of her own juices. “Tell me how,” she purred, then pushed Zark down into the bed before wrapping her hair up in a hasty, improvised ponytail.

Without missing a beat, her hands hooked under the Andorian’s knees as her mouth dove into the glistening folds between blue thighs. The tip of Shadow’s tongue extended to tease the slightly swollen nub of Kali’s clit as her hands slid down those delicious inner thighs, squeezing gently. Dark chocolate eyes looked up at blue-green as the entire length of Talia’s tongue extended to encompass all of Zark’s wetness with a low hum. The Wolf paused long enough to wiggle the tip in teasing flicks at her puckered ass, then slowly slid up to trace slow wet circles on and around the hardening nub again. A quick lap, then another, then her slender fingers got a fresh coat of saliva before teasing and gently spreading those moistened petals. Fingers flanked her clit, and the tip of Talia’s tongue blurred against it in rapid flicks; all the while her eyes watched, almost pleading, while she waited to be told what to do.

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #16
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Talia’s Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark smiled then bit her bottom lip as she felt Talia dance her way up the blue thighs, and the Zhen began the process of surrendering herself to the sensations as the dusky woman began to tease her belly with her tongue.  Zark's back curved pushing her chest out as she growled happily at the turn events were taking and the sensation of Talia's nipples pressing into her elicited as sigh as she watched her partner? trainee? snake her way up towards her ample bosom.  Blue hands linked themselves on Talia's back as the tanned mouth enclosed itself on her blue breast and Zark moaned as she let her head fall back.  As Talia licked and teased, Zark sighed and moaned louder.  Zark had just began to rock on the bed in delight when there was a pop and the weight shifted to her other breast.  The squeezing and massaging send waves of pleasure running through the Andorian's body.  When the sensation stopped, the naked Zhen let out a sigh as her bright eyes watched to see what the pilot would do next.  It was so dirty, yet so exciting to see what pilot start to lose control of everything and the tiny thin trail of liquid caused Zark to lick her lips in anticipation. 

When Talia squeezed her swollen nub, the jolt of pleasure made Zark moan and grab at the Talia's head, which also happened to be coming in for a passionate kiss that the Andorian gladly closed her eyes for so all she do was feel the fiery kiss.  The vibration of the moan sent a wave of anticipation and excitement through Zark as she delved deeper into the kiss and began sucking on the pilots mouth.  The blue tongue crossed once more, but not in exploration, this time it curled and teased in invitation.  Like the snake charmer, Zark invited Talia's tongue into her mouth and then when she'd crossed over, the blue one danced in the darkness leaving nothing but pleasure and sensations. 

The lust was a near physical thing as Talia's breathing was barely able to push out “I want…to make…you cum” and Zark growled her agreement with that.  When she asked how to do that, Zark just nodded and watched as the shiny dark head went down between her legs and began to work on her wet cunt.  Zark gasped as he tongue flicked her clit and everything else as she began to let out a series of moans and started to disconnect her thinking mind to just let the sensations take over. "Talia~~" Zark breathed as she closed her eyes.  "Just..Uhnnnn....Keeeeeep~ going." A sigh mixed with a moan as the blue hands naturally made their way back to her breasts and began massaging them.  As they kneaded and squeezed the mounds, deft fingers took some time to squeeze the hard nubs a much louder moan escaped her.  "~~Ahhhhh.  Put your fingers in mee.......~~and move them around."  Zark asked as Talia continued to drive her steadily towards the climax.  "Ooooooor........Uhnnn...........Play with yourself......Ahnnnn.."  The Zhen managed to sigh out as her hands continued to work herself into a frenzy. "I want to feel you moan into me."

[WO Rene Lafayette, (Talia’s Neighbor)]

It was no use.  The WO was objective enough to realize that even though the stick jockey was in trouble, she was still hot, and now she was going at it again with a different partner who was saying to do all sort of other things and enjoying herself in the process. Even with the ear plugs, his body had been riled up and he would not sleep, not without a sleeping pill of some sort.  As he sat on the edge of his bed, he looked at the tightness in his underwear and sighed.  "You bastard.  Maybe I need a cold shower or something."  A really loud series of moans came through the wall and they didn't sound like the pilot which sent his imagination running. "Maybe some time on the holodeck, maybe go in there with the two of them.... FUCK!"  Looking at his engorged member once more, he knew there was one thing he could take care of.  Closing his eyes, he conjured up a distorted image of the dark haired woman he knew was having sex, and a random blonde she could be with, then grabbed his shaft and started stroking.

[Meanwhile, Back in Talia’s Quarters]

The brushing, wetness, and heat were intoxicating, and Zark wrapped her legs around Talia's head as she squeezed the Wolf's head closer to her.  She didn't try to suffocate Talia, but she subtly began to manoeuvre her head more towards the areas she wanted stimulated and her moans soon changed to pants of passion as she began that were soon becoming louder.  "Oh Spirits, Talia~!  Please,!"  Zark pleaded as she started to feel the climax grow in her.

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #17
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Personal Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
With her mouth occupied, the best Talia could do was nod and moan a muffled affirmation to Zark's instructions; she had crawled up fully onto the bed, as the Andorian bucked and shifted, to keep her place between blue thighs. The lean muscles of her back were on display as she arched her ass high, knees spread wider as a hand trailed across blue skin to her own. As that hand found the dripping wetness between her legs, fingers plunged within, forcing another throaty moan directly onto Kali’s clit. The Wolf’s eyes rolled back for a moment, lost in the pleasure of giving and receiving, until Zark’s thighs closed in with remarkable strength. Still, she held on, suckling furiously – wiggling her tongue in teasing rolls – as she felt every tremor of blue flesh. The more Zark writhed and cried out, the hand and fingers between her own slick thighs increased their movement, drawing Talia closer and closer to climax again.

As Kali moved her to where she wanted, Talia complied instinctually, noting what sent shivers through her blue body, what made her gasp, what made her cry out – all of it was just too fucking hot – the Wolf was thoroughly enjoying herself, growing wetter every second. Even as she pleased Zark, her fingers worked within herself to the point of no return.

Then she felt it – her own walls constricted, a flood of hot juices from within – and her fingers pushed deep and held the pressure within as it rocked through her. "Mmh! Mmmmfkk, mmfffkk," Shadow moaned, eyes screwing shut through the orgasm, face buried into blue skin as her own hips jerked, taunt body quivering with release. She panted heavily through her nose, desperate for air, but with Zark’s thighs crushing her in place she had no where to go.

When relief finally came, Talia’s free hand raked the hair out of her face quickly the instant the pressure from Zark’s thighs on her head released. The Wolf released her hold on the Andorian’s clit with a wet smack and a gasp of air as her lips broke the seal, trailing thick ropes of saliva, only for her slender hand to trail down a blue thigh to lightly pat the glistening folds. Pat-pat-pat, her hand teased, as Shadow watched, nibbling into the other thigh with wet kisses while catching her breath. “Like this,” she asked between pants of breath, as her teeth bit into Kali's thigh teasingly; the hand over Zark's slippery pussy blurred, and the pilot pulled the fingers free from herself with aching slowness to taste herself, sucking them clean with a quiet moan of satisfaction.

Properly lubricated with her own spit and Kali’s juices, Talia purred as her ring and middle fingers slipped within the Andorian, curled up to flex with ever increasing intensity; the Wolf blinked slowly and smirked up at Zark before her tongue continued its work – fencing the blue goddess’ clit in slow laps – then faster teasing strokes. All the while, her fingers never stopped moving within. Shadow loved the way Zark tasted, the smell of her, and wouldn’t stop until the she climaxed in her mouth.

[WO Rene Lafayette, (Talia’s Neighbor)]

In his mind, Rene wasn’t sitting on the edge of his bed, propped up on one elbow, furiously stroking his rock hard cock to the noises coming from his neighbor’s wall; he was someone else, in a hot shallow pool, the water barely reaching his thighs. The stick jockey and a Risian bimbo knelt before him, moistened ass cheeks lifted high – kissing passionately as he drove himself with abandon into the pilot’s achingly hot cunt from behind – harder than he’d ever fucked in his life; the humid air was filled with the sound of their wet lips and slapping ass cheeks. “What you…get…for keeping…people awake,” he panted as the two of them moaned, releasing his grip on her hips to land a sharp slap on her bouncing ass. “Fuck!”

In this world, he could do anything and everything – so when he grunted for the blonde to spread the pilot’s perfectly toned cheeks, she did so without hesitation, even going so far as to position her head just perfectly to allow her pink tongue to tickle the pilots asshole in a teasing, dirty display that drove him nuts. Rene groaned down at her and pulled his throbbing member from the stick jockeys gushing wetness to slide it strait into the bimbo’s waiting mouth, a Creole curse stammered from clenched teeth as his body trembled.

Back in the realm of reality, Rene panted like a dog as the first dribbles of precum moistened his shaft…

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #18
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Talia’s Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

The panting blue woman in Talia's bed bucked and rocked as she cried out each wave of pleasure that coursed through her body.  She'd given up for the moment on trying to advise Talia on what to do next and just gave herself to the gratification as the dusky woman's tongue worked her over.  Her partner's moaning as she fingered herself added to the erotic texture of the evening as Zark more heard, but still felt the lust being transmitted into her sex.  A hot wave of pleasure raced through her system as she began to moan louder and louder.  Zark mewled when Talia stopped for a long feeling brief moment as she asked something, then her mind was overrun as she felt her clit rapidly being brushed along with something inside her. All sense of time was lost as Zark was bucking on the bed, and she gripped the sheets in an attempt to keep her body on the mortal plane.  Her back arched and bounced as her legs stretched out and widened to give Talia more access to her wet cunt.  The Andorian took a moment to raise her head and looked through the valley of her chest to see the raven hair peeping above her blue belly and nodded jerkily through beguiling eyes.  The blue head fell back and her mouth lay open as the sounds of her pleasure continued to resonate through the room.  The blue hands let go of the bed and raced for the ample bust and squeezed them together before grabbing the hard blue nubs and giving them a squeeze.

Zark screwed her eyes shut and yelled out as the orgasm raced from her loins to her head and bounced back and forth through her body.  The continuing stimulation of the fingers inside her seemed to give the waves of pleasure a bit of a boost with each stroke and the Zhen only collapsed after what felt like a dozen more strokes inside her helped to keep the excitement going.  It didn't take long for the orgasm to spend itself and for the Andorian to float into the after glow as she lay there while her body worked to restore everything to normal.  The Zhen sighed when the fingers eventually came out and she happily lay there getting her breath back as her chest heaved from the exertion. 

[WO Rene Lafayette, (Talia’s Neighbor)]

The creole man's brain began to misfire as he heard whoever was getting fucked becoming louder and faster.  The blonde had given up his dick and the pilot was on her back as he rammed his hard rod into her glistening cunt while the blonde sat on her face got herself eaten out by pilot.  The blonde was rocking back and forth as her head was pointed in the air and she continued to moan more and louder.  Somehow, dream Talia was moaning as she ate the blonde's sex, until it became too much and there was a loud yell.  Rene grunted hard as he emptied his load into the pilot's sex causing her to cum hard, and the blonde also came while he continued to stroke out his load as the imaginary pair rocked in ecstasy.

[Back in Talia's quarters]

Zark couldn't gush or squirt.  There was too much a risk of freezing the liquid and getting frost bite on the cold surface of her home moon.  Still, she was sure that the digits that Talia had stuck in her were covered with her juices anyway.  Zark got on her elbows as her eyes sparkled and chuckled then moved to sit up.  Strands of white hair gun over he face as she slowly and sensually sat up.  Leaning over, Zark planted her arms between her thighs as she put her feet behind her and squeezed her boobs between her arms.  "Talia, I think you're a natural.  A bit more practice and self trust in what you're doing, and you'll be driving your partners insane."  Zark took a quick read of the pilot and found there was still plenty in the fuel tank despite what she was sure was a pair of orgasms so far.  The Andorian did have a slight worry about what happened if Talia enjoyed herself too much, but that sort of issue seemed far off. 

Getting up, Zark cupped the pilot's face, closed her eyes, leaned over and kissed Talia on the lips.  Her blue tongue pushed it's way into the pilot's mouth and she moaned again as she tasted the mingling of her own juices and Talia.  Zark let the kiss linger while before she pulled off and stood up.  "We could just make it a non-stop fuck fest, and I do think you have it in you to just keep going, but pacing is also important."  The blue woman's hip swayed as she walked nude to the replicator.  Stopping and turning her head as she looked over her shoulder to offer another piece of advice.  "As is the show.".  Smiling, Zark ordered a couple of glasses of champagne with a strawberry in them.  Sashaying her way back, the Andorian passed one glass to Talia before sitting down next to her and linking her arm in a sitting snuggle and taking a sip.  Zark lay her white hair against the pilot's shoulder and sighed for a moment before continuing the conversation. "So, what have you discovered so far?"  The Zhen then lifted her head and breathed into the dusky ear.   "And what do you want to try next?"

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #19
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Personal Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
After she’d licked her lips from the kiss, Talia cocked her head as she leaned back on her elbows, dark eyes half-lidded watching Zark with a lopsided grin. Shadow hummed pleasantly as she raked the damp mess of hair from her face; athletic legs crossed as her breathing slowed to nearly normal, but the pilot was far from done with the blue beauty. Kali had brought up a good point though – there was nothing wrong with taking breaks – so she lounged, basking in the Andorian’s praise while her eyes drank in blue skin, biting her bottom lip. This is so much better sober, her mind chuckled, then she sat up to accept the offered glass of champagne with a murmured thanks. With Kali next to her, arms linked, Shadow took a sip as the Andorian leaned in to ask her questions, breath tickling her ear, sending a shiver of pleasure through her body.

“Hm,” Talia hummed as she swallowed, then smirked at her ‘instructor’. “Well, I was just thinking that this is a lot more fun without copious amounts of alcohol,” her smirk bloomed into a true smile, all teeth and dimples. Two slender fingers plucked the strawberry from her glass and raised it to her lips, hesitating there while she thought how to answer. It only took a few seconds before she grunted a laugh. I have no idea what I’m doing.

“You know, truth is I’m really just enjoying the moment,” Talia grinned again with a slight shrug as she bit into the strawberry. “Mmm,” she moaned slightly, winking at Kali before offering the Andorian the rest of it. “We went from taxi to full throttle a little quick,” she admitted, still smiling, “but that’s probably my fault. I like being...aggressive...but...I also like being told what to do? And I liked pleasing you, a lot,” the pilot admitted in a throaty whisper; she bit her lip again, then leaned back to lounge on her elbows, taking care not to spill her champagne. Still smirking, the Wolf re-crossed her legs slowly. “And what did you mean by ‘the show’,” Talia’s dark eyes narrowed mischievously, knowing full well what she was doing with the entire length of her taunt, muscular body on display. “You mean we’re not supposed to rip each others clothes off,” a brow arched as she smirked, shifting to roll on her side, head propped up by one elbow. Her left knee tucked in close so she could rest the champagne glass on one sculpted ass cheek. “That was my favorite shirt, too. How dare you,” Talia quipped, wagging a finger at the Andorian playfully, then took another sip of the sparkling golden liquid.

“As far as what to try next,” Talia arched a brow with a small giggle, then turned her head to nod over her shoulder to the uniquely designed dildo idling on her bed just out of arms reach. “I’m curious what were you planning to do with that, exactly,” Shadow purred, swirling her drink around a bit, until her eyes widened with a sudden idea. Unfortunately, as with most times, the raven-haired pilot had to stumble-fuck her way through asking for what she wanted. “Uhm, you could...I mean, can to... give a better blowjob? I mean, how you do it? I uh...never really had anyone explain it to me,” Talia laughed at herself. “I mean I get the gist, its know. What’s your technique?”

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #20
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Talia’s Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark reached for the hand that offered the strawberry and ate the rest of it as Talia worked to process everything that had happened so far.  Zark thought Talia's thoughts were disjointed, but that was to be expected when they were making new discoveries.  The admonition that Zark had destroyed her favourite shirt slid off the Andorian like show much rain water, though Zark did make a note to get Talia a new one anyway.  The Andorian was marshalling her thoughts on how to best answer Talia's question about what was 'the show' when she arched an eyebrow when Shadow meandered her way through the best way to give head.  Zark chuckled at this question since 'the show' and head tended to go together.  Polishing off the last of her champagne, Zark looked at her glass for a moment before launching into the topic.  "The Show are the actions and gestures we do make our partners more horny."  Zark smiled at how succinct her answer was.  "Sometimes it can just happen by a person being in the room.  My wife is like that.  Maybe we've all been programmed for it, but she enters the room and you can see it in my husbands pants and my shirt that we're ready to go."  Zark smiled nostalgically at the thought of her wife and she looked down for a moment and saw her nipples were just that much harder then they were before.  "Damnit Sh'za." She quietly cursed before returning to the topic. 

"In other cases, it's down to your movements, games, and what you decide to show off to charm them into the appropriate mood.  For example."  Zark tipped her champagne glass back as she hooded her eyes and a peak of a blue tongue slipped out to stop the fruit from going into her mouth.  Zark didn't even look as she put the glass down and gently plucked the berry from her mouth.  Tilting her head down just a bit, the Andorian traced the fruit along her lips before gently sucking on it and getting a slight pop as she removed it from her mouth.  Giving the siren smile to Talia, Zark then leaned over and while she was naked, still gave the pilot a view of the top of her bossom, then brushed the strawberry on Talia's lips then pushed it into her mouth just enough to get it to stay.  Zark leaned forward quickly to mash her lips against the humans as she moaned hard and bit off the exposed half of the berry.  She felt the tickle from her chest as she pressed herself into her play mate and held on for a bit as she kissed and chewed a bit, then her tongue pushed the berry into Talia's mouth.

Zark pulled back with a sigh and had to bring her hand up to her mouth to catch the juice as it dribbled down then chewed quickly to get the food out of her mouth so she could talk again.  "So it'll be games and gestures like that to excite and tantalize."  Zark moved to grab the dildo off the bed, which just caused her to point her shapely ass at Talia in the process then turned around and held the toy up so she could get a good look at it.  "First thing to note, is that this is your end goal, don't try to deep throat the thing from the start.  You're supposed to enjoy this as well.  So first off, see how he feels about being called certain things.  Could be honey, babe, who knows what turns them on."  Zark proceeded to explain how it was best to generally let the blowee feel they were in charge and and it helped to be and act submissive.  Then there was the stimulation of the areas around the hips, even the ass to get him really excited.  "My husband Ryn doesn't like to admit it, but when I start licking his balls, that's usually enough to get him to full length."  Zark shared with a smirk as she kept explaining. Zark then took the toy and began to use it as a teaching point for common areas to stimulate as she ran her tongue along the point where the toy joined the harness to demonstrate stimulating a very sensitive area where the shaft joined the balls.  Zark's voice voice became a bit muddled as she ran her tongue along the shaft and kissed her way to the tip then shoved the toy in her mouth and began bobbing her head up and down.  The toy came out coated in liquid as Zark pointed at her tongue and explained how she used it to stimulate part she was sucking on, and also used her hands to stroke and massage the shaft as she went along. "Be gentle with the thing, then increase your pressure enough for a good time.  After he's cum in your mouth, I'm sure you know whether you spit or swallow.  Or when he makes the noises that he's going to cum, you have to decide whether to pull off and get it sprayed all over you." Zark finished about 15 minutes later.

Zark gave Talia a moment to absorb the lesson before giving her final thoughts. "I'd say it's better to practice on the holodeck, but we could do it here.  It'll be really clinical since I won't feel anything.  Orrrrrrr I could put this on, and you impale yourself on it till you cum again."

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #21
[Ens. Talia “Shadow” Al-Ibrahim | Personal Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
Her head was swimming in endorphins as she lay there, head propped up by an elbow, doing her best to focus on what Kali was saying. Her legs wouldn’t stop moving, or trembling, and it was impossible to ignore the hot, slick wetness between her legs; still, Shadow noted the way the Andorian described the affect her wife, Sh’za, had on the group, and Zark in particular. Talia bit her bottom lip in a lopsided grin, dark eyes flicking over the curves of blue skin, enjoying the view.

Damn, I can only hope someone thinks about me like that someday, her mind whispered as she inhaled, then lifted the glass of champagne off her ass cheek to her lips – finishing off the bubbly golden liquid with a smile. Her head tilted a bit as Kali began her ‘example’; eyes bright with mischief and curiosity before her brows shot up. Oh, Talia’s mouth fell open, watching and wondering what the blue-temptress was up to with the piece of fruit, but thoroughly entranced at the same time. “Mnh,” she purred, holding the berry where it was placed, her eyes closed as the grip on her empty champagne glass was lost without a care; unencumbered, her hand went to the side of Zark’s face, then wrapped around her neck, pulling her deeper into the kiss. Oh, fuck, her mind cooed as a throaty groan joined Zark’s moan – the taste of the berry, champagne, and the Andorian filling her mouth – while the heat between her legs intensified enough to make her physically squirm.

Talia’s breathing hitched up as the Andorian pulled away, managing a nod as she licked the juices from her lips. Fuck sakes, Zark, she bit her lip again, unable to resist from reaching out to trail the back of her hand across the curves of blue skin before her. As Kali continued her educational instruction, Shadow watched more than listened, dark eyes locked on soft lips, blue-green eyes; the way her hands moved, the teasing touch of her tongue. At that point, the Wolf wasn’t sure what turned her on more – listening to Kali’s sultry voice or watching her work – it was all Talia could do to stop herself from pouncing on the blue goddess again, right there.

By the time Zark concluded, Shadow was panting lightly through parted lips, utterly lost for words; the mind unable to keep up with what the body wanted. The main problem was, Shadow realized somehow, was that right then she wanted everything. Belatedly, the pilot realized her hand had found its way between her legs, which forced a series of blinks as she grinned sheepishly at Kali, then bit her lip again. “Hmmm,” she hummed, as her hips slowly gyrated, eyes closing for a few seconds while her mind tried to make a decision. No use, too horny, a neon sign blinked in her head.

A chuckle bubbled up from her throat as the pilot let her head fall to the mattress. “Kinda want a real one,” she confessed, rolling over onto her back to grin at Zark and the dildo, gesturing with a wave of her hand at herself. “I’m a hot mess right now, in case you can’t tell,” Shadow purred, bringing the hand up from between her legs to lick her fingers with a sigh. Fuck sakes, what did I get myself into here, her mind chuckled as she blinked up at the Andorian slowly. “Seriously underestimated you, Kali.  You’ve given me a lot to consider, as always,” the pilot grinned, “but for now,” she rose up on her elbows as her muscled legs lifted, knees bent, then spread wide to reveal slick thighs as her abs tensed. The rise and fall of her chest quickened as her head tilted slightly. Let’s see what else you can do, her eyes said.

“Think you could use that to try and calm me down, please,” Talia cooed sweetly.

[Meanwhile, next door]

Rene grumbled to himself while he showered, all thoughts of returning to sleep abandoned. He needed a drink, maybe a snack, but most of all he needed to get out of his room and away from the Howler next door. A part of him understood that, yeah, everyone had needs; life aboard the Theurgy was tense, people needed to blow off steam from time to time. That didn’t stop the other part of him from being a touch jealous, flavored with a bit of envy. Damn pilots get away with murder. This shit keeps up, ah’m gonna lodge a complaint and request new quarters, he grimaced, holding his head under the hot stream of water. His hands raked through the close cropped hair on his skull, sighing as he shook his head.

Then he started laughing at the absurdity of it all.

“Let er be,” he chuckled at himself. He had to get up in a few hours anyway – nothing a strong cup of coffee wouldn’t fix. A snort and a shrug followed as he continued his shower, a decision made to visit Below Decks to get his mind right before the day in the FAB began. "Glad somebody's havin' fun 'round here at least," he mumbled as he soaped up his chest.

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #22
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Talia’s Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark raised an eyebrow as she smirked and Talia left herself wide open. Well, there's more than one way to play. The Zhen thought to herself at the invitation.  Zark stood up and made sure the webbing was free and loose, then bent over as she put one foot through a hole.  She had to take a moment to get a strap out of the way before sticking the other foot in.  Taking a quick check to make sure she had the her feet in the right place, Zark slowly, soooooo slowly pulled the webbing up.  She closed her eyes and breathed as lightly as possible, so the only sound in the room was Talia's own pants of desire and the sensual brush of materiel up her shapely legs.  It took way longer than it really should have to get the dildo up when she inhaled as the inner dildo ran into her cunt.  It was time. Opening her smouldering eyes, Zark gently grabbed the toy and slowly pushed it into her wet sex and moaned.  The feeling of the toy inside her pushing and stretching with each movement elicited a gasp or a moan of it's own, and when she grabbed the un-engaged end, Zark began to push it back and forth.  Zark bit her lower lip as she played with the phallus sticking out of her and her body gyrated to the rhythm set by her hand.  It would have been so easy to continue, but that wasn't what she was here for and the Andorian fell on her knees between Talia's wide open legs.

Zark fell over, but used her hands to keep herself up and off the pilot before lowering herself and kissing Talia again on the lips.  As her tongue penetrated Shadow's mouth, she began the game of parry and quest once more.  One blue hand made it's way to the toy that she could feel rubbing against her playmates crotch, but couldn't find the angle to enter.  By feel alone, her hand gripped the hard shaft and brushed it against Talia's aching sex; touching, teasing, and doing anything but proving the finality of relief.  Zark knew it would drive the pilot crazy since she was quite impatient.  When Zark determined Talia had waited long enough, she pulled herself upright, positioned the tip against the hot sex and let go as her hip thrust the hard length as far as it would go into the pilot.  The reaction on Zark was intoxicating as the end inside her stretched her vagina to it's limits and she moaned hard as her hands landed on the tanned thighs and pushed the legs wider apart while her hips began to piston the toy.

Zark didn't know or care how long it went on as Talia's pleasure became hers as she moved with a steady rythm and occasionally changed the angle to stimulate something new.  Zark's moans joined Talia's as the two continued to feel the synchronized pounding turning their insides into jelly.  Her mind began to fall into the sensation as she let go of the legs, closed her eyes, and tossed her head back.  Her hands came up to her naked breasts and began to play with the hard nubs that drove her further into a frenzy as she moaned loudly and bounced on the bed.  Zark was ready to keep going like this till they both came, but an idea struck her as she went on auto pilot.  The Zhen didn't know if she was being mean, but she stopped suddenly and pulled the dildo out.  Grabbing it, she found it could bend, so a pair of blue hands grabbed Talia's hand making the no doubt shocked and protesting human sit up.  Zark quickly scurried around the back of the pilot. "Get on your knees Talia." Zark commanded and when she had a clear opening, Zark slid her hips under the pilot.  The blue hands grabbed the dusky hips and impatience battled caution as she positioned the wet cunt over the toy, then pulled Shadow's hips onto the toy, impaling her on the dildo. Zark moaned loudly as the dildo inside her pressed hard to one side, and her body pressed into the tanned back.  "Moan and scream Talia, go for it!" Zark ordered into the pilot's back as one hand snaked around and began massaging a breast, while the other went down to the exposed clit and began rubbing.

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #23
[Ens. Talia “Shadow” Al-Ibrahim | Personal Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
Dark eyes watched intently as Kali stood, roaming the Andorian’s body as her heart raced; the rise and fall of Talia’s chest quickened, bottom lip tucked into a sultry grin. Part of her knew she was being selfish, that she was caught up in her own needs, drowning in years of pent up desires. Even in that moment – turned on beyond anything she'd ever known – the dominant, overwhelmingly rational and controlling portion of her psyche struggled to reassert itself in the pleasure-soaked soup of her brain; but it was far too late to turn back now.

Watching the way Zark teased herself drove Shadow’s hand back to the river between her legs; every nerve in her body felt alive with need at Kali’s approach, at the touch of blue skin, the taste of her lips and amazing tongue. Talia moaned into the kiss as her fingers and nails trailed up the Andorian’s flanks, across shoulders and down her back. The pilot cooed mumbled pleas and hissed whispers of want into blue flesh between fevered kisses, nibbles and slurps, as every semblance of her carefully constructed mask of control slipped away.

While she feasted on Zark’s mouth, the teasing hardness that rubbed against the slick folds between her thighs had her hips grinding up on instinct, as the burning need inside her ached to be filled. Her hands settled on Kali’s shapely ass to pull her in – but the Andorian rose up suddenly – and as her grip slipped, Talia felt the toy slide home. The intensity of the thrust sent her senses reeling; her back arched as eyelids flickered, dark orbs rolling as her mouth opened in a silent scream of pleasure and pain. Zark had sheathed the entire length in her in a single, savage thrust; the sudden pressure on every wall within sent a wave of incomprehensible pleasure even as she felt her muscles clench around it, and all Shadow could manage was a tiny gasp while her entire body trembled with rapture. Blue hands spread her thighs even wider, as she felt every inch of herself filled to capacity, Talia groaned as her hips rocked; shaky hands found purchase on heaving mounds, squeezing briefly, before shooting up to cover her mouth in a vain attempt to stop herself from crying out.

As Zark’s tempo increased, Talia flung a muscled arm out to the wall at her head to hold her position. Time lost all meaning as the Andorian pounded her mercilessly –beyond ragged breaths, the room filled with the sounds of their passion – throaty moans, wet flesh, and Shadow's muffled, incoherent pleas. She couldn’t think, couldn’t speak; Zark had reduced her to a primal state of mindless sensory overload. Then, just as it felt like she couldn’t possibly endure any longer, everything stopped – the loss left her drifting, confused – her mind unable to decipher Kali’s breathless commands. M-my knees? She thought, or might have even mumbled – Shadow couldn’t tell, as she struggled to comply. Everything was misfiring, involuntary muscle spasms wracked her limbs as the Andorian shifted beneath, guiding her where she wanted.

Gravity won out soon enough, and Talia loosed a drawn out moan as she sank onto the toy again; the position, her entire weight, and Zark’s timely upward thrust sent it impossibly – incredibly – deeper. The pilot’s hips bucked, trembled, as she squirmed, hands flailing out for something, anything, to anchor her in place. Zark was relentless though, forcing Shadow’s back to arch, driving the angle of the toy in exactly the right direction to pummel her into ecstatic oblivion. Soon enough their rhythmic movements synced, building up to a thrashing tempo of slick skin before Shadow even realized it. Her hair whipped around, siezed by the hand gripping her mouth as her head fell back in surrender.

A lust-filled eternity, or only a few minutes later, everything broke free. She couldn’t hold any longer. Somewhere deep in the back of her sex crazed mind, Talia wondered why she had even tried; beneath the trembling fingers over her mouth, moans became muffled cries, then groaned wails. The blue hands on her sweating body fueled the fire, as she bounced, rocked, and squirmed to climax in an ever building frenzy. She didn’t even comprehend what Kali said, as the flood gates opened to the most powerful orgasm she’d ever known…

Shadow just started screaming.

Re: Day 14 [2000 hrs] What happens behind the door....

Reply #24
[WO Rene Lafayette | Next to Talia's Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

The Warrant Officer was banging his head against the wall as he tried to ignore and work his way passed the pair of screaming, moaning, and wailing females next door.  Trying to get his jumpsuit on was proving way more of a challenge as his erection had returned full force after he'd stepped out of the shower.  How many times can they possibly go at it?  He'd uselessly wondered while trying to futilely pull up the zipper on his work clothes.  The sounds had blessedly stopped for a moment, and the creole man had paused to see if they were done and hopefully giving him time to calm down.  He'd been tugging on the zipper when he was sure the pilot started making sounds again and he swore up a storm as he clipped his dick with the zipper and keeled over in mind numbing pain.  He was an honourable man though and remembered that he'd let Talia have her fun, so he just lay there curled up in ball on the deck as he repeated to himself. "Oh shit, have mercy on a man, please" over and over again.

[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Talia’s Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Zark's groans and moans reached fever pitch and pace as she held on to Talia and continued to rub her nipple and clit in a blur.  The pilot was busy trying to use gravity to drive the dildo deeper into herself and Zark used whatever space she had to thrust upward gleefully contributing to Talia's pleasure.  The bed was beginning to creak and groan under the assault as if it was also taking pleasure in what was happening on top of it.  The rubbing and thrusting had the desired effect and Talia's screaming orgasm reverberated around the room.  Zark could have just let Talia just enjoy the orgasm as it wracked her body, but the Andorian continued to slam the toy as far as it would go.  She had two goals with this, the first was to keep the sensation running in the Wolf on top of her, but Zark had also reached the point where she needed to cum as well.

Thankfully it didn't take long and the Andorian buried her face into Talia's arched and sweaty back as she cut loose with a scream of her own.  The blue arms snaked around the quaking and spasaming pilot tightened as she inhaled the scent and pheromones.  Although she'd stopped pumping, Talia continued to ride the toy inside her and this swung the other end inside Zark, and she rode the waves as the of the bucking human in unison while her own brain misfired with the rush of endorphins.

When the screaming and groaning was finally abated, Zark turned her head and left it on Talia's back as she loosened her grip.  When the Andorian's brain finished resetting, Zark smiled and chuckled.  She felt really good and purred throatily before she began gently peppering kisses on the dusky back.  Giggles and chuckles interspersed the kisses as soft pops underlapped the sound of heavy breathing.  The blue woman didn't know how many kisses she planted on the tanned back before rolling to the side and pushing Talia off the dildo.  The squelch from this was more noticeable and Zark giggled louder before rolling Talia over so she could see her face.  When she saw the glazed after glow still plastered on Talia's face, the Zhen smiled and leaned into kiss her once more.  This brought the two bodies closer and Zark could feel the toy rub her insides once more as it bumped along the very slick folds once more.  "How did you enjoy yourself?" she asked the pilot in a happy soft voice.

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