[ Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann | Azurite Station ]
Attn: 1) @Ellen Fitz 2) @BipSpoon 3) @UltimaImperatrixia 4) @Brutus 5) @Stegro88
Before stepping into the airlock of the Apache, Ida had listened to Commander Cross' plan, and she'd agreed to it - even though she suspected that like in all missions, things never went exactly according to those. She'd accepted the smoke grenades from Lieutenant Amarik, clipping a few into place along the side of her exosuit's left thigh - agreeing with the sentiment that if possible, those would have been ideal to distribute an air-bourn antidote. The Botanist, Cir'Cie, spoke next, and for those not wearing exosuits, she'd synthesised an inhibitor against the effects of the virus. It was short-lived, but in such circumstances, Ida knew every second counted - every moment of lasting resistance potentially being the margin for their survival.
Her Romulan comrade-in-arms had asked a question pertaining to whom went where once they were inside, and Ida just made a brief comment since they were tasked with getting the bay doors open and they couldn't dally. "I suggest we decide that once we're inside and know more of the tactical situation in the bay. Let's move out."
Valyn was already at the door, so Ida joined her and stepped into the airlock. She reached out to the side and manually sealed the door behind them. She then depressurised the airlock, and hit the switch which made the aft of the Apache open for them. The asteroid wasn't far... yet nor were the memories from the Niga Incident. Ida willed herself to ignore those, and reached for her wrist PADD, activating the thrusters of her exosuit. She led the way across the open expanse between the cloaked Reman gunship and the research facility's closed shuttle bay, and once they were across, she looked back at where they'd come from. She realised that visually, they must simply have materialised into existence once they crossed the cloak envelope, because she couldn't see where the Apache was any more. It was as if Amarik and her were alone, even if the rest of the away team were available on comms.
"I'll cover you," she simply said, keeping her mind on the mission, and with her hardshell boots magnetised against the frame of the bay doors, she put the stock of her rifle against her shoulder, and she was ready to raise it in case the doors opened prematurely and revealed hostiles. She was confident the other Lieutenant would be able to get the small airlock open somehow... and once she noticed the Romulan being successful, she followed her inside, turning her back against the bay doors.
The small airlock was enough for four people, and once her thrusters carried her inside, she reached for the manual controls and sealed the door Valyn had opened. While the airlock was being pressurised, Ida readied herself for whatever they might find beyond the airlock, knees bent and on the ready to take cover if needed be. There was no room for doubt, no time to contemplate that they might encounter some kind of defence turrets inside the shuttle bay, and they were about to die. They had a mission, and their assigned task was on the other side. "Let's go."
Denying the effects of adrenaline in her cobalt blood, Ida hit the seal for the airlock, and once the door hissed open, she charged in three steps - eyes along the sights of her rifle and looking for movements.
There wasn't a soul in sight.
That, given the context of the mission, would be worrying in itself, but worse yet... when she swept the bay, moving along the outer perimeter of it, she also saw that there were no shuttles present either. Whomever might be left on Azurite Station were trapped there, because the single remaining worker be - marked '01' - wasn't going to carry anyone anywhere. Especially this close to Tholian space, and with the lack of other inhabited systems within any reasonable range of light years. There was abandoned cargo sitting in the middle of the circular bay, and some to the side of it. No one has even bothered clearing the area.
Ida raised her eyes to the terrace surrounding the bay, and she could faintly make out windows there, only there were no lights. No movements. The bay operations booth was pitch black, and there was no available ladder, suggesting some kind of elevator out of sight. On the far side of the bay, emergency lighting showed a wide hallway, leading to a set of double doors that remained close. Some kind of partial power failure?
"All clear..." she said to Valyn after they had made the rounds and checked for any hidden defence systems with the tricorders they had in their wrist PADDs. She made no further comments on their findings, the situation speaking for itself. They were professionals, and there was no reason to point out what was obvious to them both. This mission wasn't going to be like they'd thought it would be. There might not even be anyone left to evacuate. "I'm reading life support being online in the immediate vicinity. The control panel is over there, if you get the bay doors open, I'll contact the Apache."
Once the Apache had landed, Ida could hear Lieutenant Conway over comms, her being asked by the Reman pilot if they'd keep the gunship cloaked, but it sounded like Conway had a good idea about that. [You can decloak her, Crewman. If we are to extract people, it's best they see where the cargo hold is at instead of running out into space... and with officers on the ground, it's not like our presence won't show up on internal sensors anyway.]
The aforementioned officers were soon filing out of the cargo hold, and Ida had her back towards them - eyes on the perimeter.
"The control panel for the bay doors had no access to the rest of the facility," she commented once Cross came within earshot, having checked already after Valyn was finished with it, "and while we'd likely have better luck with the booth up there... it doesn't look powered up. For now, our tricorders will have to lead the way to some kind of powered-up terminal, but the dampening field that kept this place off sensors is still active, so it doesn't look like we can scan very far ahead. Twenty meters, if that, judging by my own tricorder."
She knew her voice had a static to it, the helmet projecting it to the away team. Yet even to herself, she believed she sounded cold, but it had nothing to do with the shivers running up her back. They were going in blindly, and she didn't like that at all, yet her tone was that of focus on the mission objective.
To destroy the place, after extracting whatever intel they could glean from it.

OOC: We're in! Time to split people up. I suggest the following posting order next: 1) @Ellen Fitz, perhaps you have Cross split the people up into groups, with set objectives according to the overall plan? 2) @BipSpoon, you lead the way for Valyn's team into the station, wherein you can illustrate the progress. Up to you if they make contact with anyone still alive, or find any infected researchers somewhere? 3) @UltimaImperatrixia whatever team Cir'Cie is on, you illustrate the progress made by that team, and same as BipSpoon, you have creative license in setting the progress of the mission on that end. If Ida ends up in Cir'Cie's team, she leads the way with her rifle raised. 4) @Brutus, same as BipSpoon and UltimaImperatrixia , you also have creative license in setting the progress of the mission on that end. If Ida ends up in Morali's team, she leads the way with her rifle raised. 5) @Stegro88, same same as the previously mentioned. We have the most progress and fun if we push events forward, so don't have them remain in the bay. Push progress forward and I look forward to see where we're at when it's my turn to post again with Ida. If you need any input from Ida in your posts, I'll reply to your PMs. 
Participating characters so far:
Team Leader: Lt Cmdr. Cross. Type-2 phaser, TR-120 rifle, tricorder, no exosuit.
Security Officer: Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann. Pulse phase pistol, Type-3 phaser rifle, exosuit.
Security Officer (due for transfer to Intelligence): Lt. Valyn Amarik. Pulse phase pistol, Type-3 phaser rifle, exosuit.
Medical Officer: Dr. George Hernandez. Type-2 phaser, TR-120 rifle, medkit, tricorder, no exosuit.
Science Officer: Lt. JG Sarresh Morali. Type-2 phaser, TR-120 rifle, tricorder, no exosuit.
Science Officer: Ens. Cir'Cie. Type-2 phaser, TR-120 rifle, tricorder, no exosuit.
CONN Officer (on the bridge to begin with): Crewman Samala. Type-2 phaser, TR-120 rifle, tricorder, no exosuit.
Ops Officer (on the bridge to begin with): Lt. JG Yvette Conway (NPC). Type-2 phaser, TR-120 rifle, tricorder, no exosuit.
+ 7 more Officers, all NPCs unless more writers join. Names and ranks of NPCs TBD and added as needed in the story.