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Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts


STARDATE 57656.51
APRIL 18, 2381
0824 HRS

[ Ensign Lauren Pierce | Personal Quarters | Deck 12 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 [Show/Hide]

The sleep finally left her eyes as she stirred awake. Her thoughts were groggy yet, but today was a new day, a new assignment, a...fresh start. She leaned up in her bunk to fully awaken her mind and her eyes. Dried palms rubbed the skin on either side of her face as she reached further into a full-on stretch. Groans emitted from her lips as she felt the muscles stretching and the joints in her limbs popping. Lauren swiveled her legs onto the side of her bed and leaned forward resting her elbows on her knees and holding her head up, crimson hair falling in view on every side.

She glanced around her room and finally decided it was time to get up. Moving towards the replicator, she ordered a coffee to help wake her mind from her stupor so the walk to the sonic shower would result in her actually getting there without stumbling into the walls. Taking a sip, she headed towards the shower, carefully she placed her cup nearby and took off her night garments, and stepped carefully inside. Her hands motioned to clean her hair and body as her mind wandered.

This is so much nicer than the accommodations on that Klingon vessel to get here. Brighter too. With the mission now over with the battle of Qo'nos and her flight on the Allegiant through the crevices of Praxis, she was glad she received some brief rest. I sure hope I see Tessa again soon. She was pretty banged up but alive. I wonder other surprises are in store while I'm here. Finishing up the sonic shower, she wrapped the towel around her as before requisitioning her new uniform from the replicators. It was familiar but felt different somehow. Regardless she began the process of dressing as her thoughts overcame her again. I certainly hope I get to meet people on this ship. It's so...large by comparison to the Enterprise-E I had been on many years ago.

Finally dressed she stepped over to the LCARS panel in her room, and gently tapped the controls for her duty roster. "Computer, show me my assignment schedule for today." She scanned the screen and was to report to the shuttle bay but not until around 1000 hours. It appeared she had a short counseling appointment but with the recent fight, it was postponed. Depending on things, she may have to reschedule it. Shrugging at it, she put that to the forefront of her mind but she felt the inclination to go and visit areas of the ship sooner. More specifically, where she's going to be stationed for the duration. With any luck, Lauren hoped to work her way up to the bridge. Once her reverie ended, she reached forward to the panel when a message popped up. When she'd boarded the Theurgy shortly prior she was tasked as a Flight Control Officer. But this one mentioned that she was to report to Lieutenant Lail for change of designation and assignment.

That was certainly surprising but she wondered if she was to be promoted. Looks like she'll take this for its word. This must have been due to her flight proficiency with the Allegiant on Praxis. Regardless, she had a day to start, clean and dressed. Lauren tapped the controls once more to deactivate the display.

She reached behind her head, grabbing at her hair and readjusting it. Checking in the mirror, she felt ready. Nodding at her visage,  Lauren looked around one last time before heading out to duty. The doors whooshed behind her.

Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy

The door swooshed open before her as she stepped out into the halls near the shuttle bay. It was surreal being back in this environment. Since coming back to Starfleet, she'd been desk-bound which for most of it, it'd killed her. Being in the thick of it despite her bout of PTSD was where she relished. The loud echo of her standard-issue boots echoed in the shuttle bay, despite the amount of vessels present. She stood by admiring the designs and various classifications and sizes.

It wasn't long before she hear other steps and sounds coming from somewhere nearby. She wasn't aware of anyone being present but then again, technically she wasn't on duty yet and someone else was. The sounds went quiet as she heard someone speak and it startled her.

"Oh! You startled me!" her hands went to her chest, as a slight bought of adrenaline spiked in her heart and lungs. "I'm Ensign Lauren Pierce. I'm new here... And who are you?"

Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #1
[ Crewman Samala | The Apache | Hawk-class Runabout | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @Pierce

“Where is it?” Samala growled mentally as she searched for the tool that she needed. Her ship, while not seriously damaged from the prior day’s events aboard the Ta’rom and then down on Qo’noS, had not come away completely unscathed either and the crewwoman had elected to use some of her free time before her duty shift started to try and get a head start on the minor repairs needed. Currently, she was searching a tool station for a device that she only knew the Reman name for and was too stubborn to ask for a translation to identify it.

She continued to rummage as a new set of footsteps entered her proximity. Her telepathy was locked down tightly, but she was well-trained in the use of her other senses. The new arrival was, Samala guessed, at least her own height, or at least weight, judging from the sound and timing of her steps. Finally finding the tool she needed, the pilot turned and began to head back towards the Apache. As she came around one of the parked shuttles, she almost ran into the back of someone she didn’t recognise.

“Excuse me,” she requested calmly, apparently starting the redheaded female judging from her reaction, and confirmed a moment later when Ensign Lauren Pierce introduced herself.

“Crewman Third Class Samala, ma’am,” Samala introduced, straightening slightly and looking up into the eyes of the taller woman. “Was there something I could help you with?”

Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #2
[ Ensign Lauren Pierce | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 [Show/Hide]

The suddenness of their near collision was startling but was welcome. The brown haired Reman woman before her was pretty, but much younger than her. It was an odd sensation seeing such a younger woman especially an engineer so adept at the small vessel before her. She could see the grease of the Apache on her hands.

Samala greeted her and inquired as to her arrival. Lauren smiled at the younger woman. "Hi Samala. I was wondering what it's like" Lauren said, knowing that the other woman had been here far longer and the fact that she was only days new to Theurgy. "I was wondering what you could tell me about your journey here on the Theurgy. I've been here a few days and already been part of a huge altercation that reminded me of the Dominion War."

She paused briefly to allow for Reman to respond as she glanced at the Apache. Admiring it's beauty and the touches added no doubt from Samala's keen eye. Listening on she could tell some of it might have been difficult and decided to change the subject slightly.

"She's a nice ship. I can see she means a lot to you here." Lauren touched the hull plating and took in the feel of the vessel before her. "Is she fast?"

Pausing again to listen she felt a kindred spirit in the brunette. It was almost as if they lived different lives but some things were in common. And the love flying seemed to be one of them.

"I remember in my Academy days and the day I met Tessa Lance, one of the Lone Wolves here, that I flew a shuttle against the Breen in the Sol system. I was caught but that was fun until...well I was captured and served time on the Breen POW camps." Her eyes glazed over briefly as she remembered the horrendous times there. She could see Samala's eyes and knew she'd been through something rough in her life too.

Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #3
[ Crewman Samala | The Apache | Hawk-class Runabout | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @Pierce

“Can’t say much about my journey,” Samala responded, wondering what it was that the officer expected someone of her rank to say. “I was awoken from stasis right before the battle with the Borg. After that, we were at Aldea until we came here,” she summarised observing the woman and how she was looking over the Apache. “Wasn’t here much before that ma’am, so it might be better to ask someone that was.”

Samala knew that look. She had seen it the first time she had walked into the hanger at Bacury III and innumerable times thereafter. This woman, this officer, was a pilot. That was something that Samala was able to relate to. She was sure that she had had the same expression on her face the first time that she had been allowed into the Theurgy’s Fighter Assault Bay and seen the warp fighters sitting there.

“The Apache saved the lives of my brother and myself,” Samala answered, looking of the dark hull. “And fast? Not really. She doesn’t have the speed or agility of a warp fighter but then she was never built to have it either. That isn’t how she hunts.” She then listened as Lauren reminisced about her time at Starfleet Academy and the aftermath of the Breen’s attack on Earth. “I was only told stories about the attack and about the Breen. What I heard wasn’t good,” she said, trying to show some empathy. “But you made it back and are the stronger for it. That is not something anyone can take away from you.”

Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #4
[ Ensign Lauren Pierce | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 [Show/Hide]

Lauren realized that the other woman had mentioned a few things about her journey but was staring rather intently at the ship before her. Almost mesmerized by it. But she snapped back and answered about the story she was told. "Oh! I just wondered about you was all. I am new aboard and just was trying to survey what I'm walking into and those I will be likely working with to some degree. But I think I've heard enough."

Her eyes continued to peruse the ships' hull as she walked closer to it. Listening further to the story of the Apache and it's journey too, she was intrigued. However Samala's empathy towards her and her personal struggle at the hands of the Breen was a welcomed one.

"Thank you Samala. I appreciate your words and for allowing me to be here." Lauren touched the hull in an almost admiration much like one would do to someone they cared deeply for, despite her only just seeing this vessel for the first time. "She looks like she can certainly take a punch, and give one." Her brow furrowed as she recalled Samala's remark of how that wasn't how she hunts. "Out of curiosity, how exactly does she hunt?"

Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #5
[ Crewman Samala | The Apache | Hawk-class Runabout | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @Pierce

“You’re welcome,” Samala replied politely, swallowing the remark she thought when the woman touched the Apache. As much as she had been using the ship to help her new crew, she still thought of the Apache as hers. But she also knew that it was a natural response for a pilot to want to get a ‘feel’ for a ship, to touch it and try to understand it. She'd done it herself the first time she had seen one of the Apache’s sisters back on Bacury III.

“She’ll take a hit or three from anything not fired from a true starship. But she isn’t built for direct combat against other ships,” Samala explained, growing more comfortable with a familiar topic to discuss. “The Apache and her sisters were designed to augment, and assist rebel Reman strike teams on their missions against Romulan targets. They’d use their cloaks to get close, and then the Disruptor cannons and banks of torpedoes to ambush their prey, be it a ship or ground target before deploying the troops. Once everything was done, they’d ghost away like they were never there.”

“May I ask,”
Samala requested, changing topics to satisfy her curiousity. “Why did you join the Theurgy?”

Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #6
[ Ensign Lauren Pierce | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 [Show/Hide]

Lauren nodded when Samala spoke about the capabilities of the small vessel. She hadn't realized that these were built for the rebel Remans to attack the Romulans but remembered that the two species sharing a home world weren't exactly on the best of terms. The mental picture painted in her mind about how these ships like the Apache hunted. It was really something to visualize and think about if she had to be honest with herself.

As Samala had finished her educational explanation of the Apache and vessels like her, she inquired to Lauren about her why for joining the Theurgy which made her pause briefly to think about it. It wasn't like she was looking for difficulty or a struggle but she wasn't exactly playing it safe either.

She took a deep breath, exhaled and began her story. "Well to be honest...I sort of stumbled on some information when I re-enlisted in Starfleet recently. I was doing research at the communication relay at Starbase 82 when I intercepted information about the Theurgy. Upon further digging I found out that my old friend Tessa from MIMAS Station was aboard. She's not likely to go AWOL as I practically had to convince her kicking and screaming at MIMAS to investigate the Breen near Earth."

A brief chuckle escaped her lips as she recalled it. "Then I tried to relay that information to command when our source and ally in Admiralty intercepted the intel, he transferred me here. And since coming on board I've gotten to reconnect with Tessa and fly some awesome vessels."[/b]

Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #7
[ Crewman Samala | The Apache | Hawk-class Runabout | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @Pierce

It was the first time that Samala had confirmation that the Theurgy had an ally within Starfleet. She had suspected of course, hard not to when new people periodically showed up practically unannounced, like her present company, but until now it was only supposition. Lauren Pierce had confirmed it for her. Not that it made much of a difference to the young pilot. There was nothing she could do with the information anyway.

“You left Starfleet?” Samala asked, singling in on part of what she had heard. “May I ask why you left and what made you come back?” It was an odd concept to the hybrid, leaving something and then returning to it. Her life had been dedicated to her Reman brothers and sisters and their efforts to break free from Romulan tyranny. Not once had she considered shirking from that goal, much less returning to it later. It seemed...wasteful to her.

“Sorry for being so direct, ma'am,” Samala apologised before Lauren could answer her questions. “You don’t have to answer any of that of course,” As an attempt to cover her mistake, Samala asked, "What have you flown? I have only flown the Apache or small shuttles since joining the crew.” A pilot was a pilot and she was curiously what it might be like to fly some of the other craft aboard.

Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #8
[ Ensign Lauren Pierce | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 [Show/Hide]

Lauren wasn't sure if her spouting off about the ally in Starfleet was hidden knowledge or not, but the cat was out of the bag so to speak. Either way it mattered not where the Theurgy was concerned, danger lurking behind every bulkhead and asteroid.

Samala's inquiry about her leaving Starfleet she knew had to pique the other woman's interest some. The quick apology following it however was surprising to her as she hadn't expected that. "Well, to be honest. I was on night shift on the Enterprise-E for a short time on the CONN when I was selected to go back to the Academy. It was still during the Dominion War and we needed capable pilots. I was top of my class and they create the Valkyrie program at MIMAS Station in the Sol System." She looked as if in a daze before continuing as the memories flooded back.

"When I got there, I'd trained for a few months and was joined by my friend Tessa Lance. She was fresh from a posting too but had just arrived there. When I met her, she was my bunk mate and I more or less talked her into leaving the lockdown in our quarters. I more or less could have been courtmartialed for what I did in hitting a higher ranking officer and knocking him out to gain access to some shuttles. I took a regular shuttle and Tessa took a training vessel. That is after much persuasion."

A smile lit her face as she leaned agains the ship. "We surveyed the area for a while and discovered some Breen vessels invading the system. Tessa and I flew out of sight until a scout ship found us. I destroyed it but it alerted a larger vessel. While I was fighting back, I scanned their fleet and sent it to Tessa to take to Command. They beamed me aboard as I watched both vessels get destroyed. Later I learned Tessa used the emergency transport beacon and relayed the data. Me on the other hand...."

Her focus shifted as her tone went quieter. Remembering the torturous time she spent with the P.O.W. Camp run by the Breen and Jem Hadar soldiers. Lauren flexed her hand. "I was beaten often for refusal of compliance. Eventually they took my right hand and severed it just above the wrist. I have a mechanical attachment for my prosthetic with synthetic skin. It was fashioned after some tech from the Soong type androids actually."

Looking back up again she smirked. "So when the war was over, I was returned to the Federation and I resigned my commission. I was given the prosthetic and years of counseling. I probably would never have returned if not for hearing that Tessa was alive and a member of the rogue ship Theurgy. I just knew she wouldn't be complicit willingly with something illegal. She was a beacon of strength for me when I was in the camp."

She shook and returned to the other question about shuttles flown. "Well, I've flown the Valkyrie's, Sovereign Class starships, the Allegiant, Type-8 Shuttlecraft's and a few of the runabouts. Honestly, they're not much different other than accounting for the mass, and the speed. The bigger it is, the harder it is to get going or stopping. The smaller it is, the more you have maneuverability and speed on your side. But each has it's own unique beauty." She said with a wink.

Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #9
[ CM3 Samala | The Apache | Hawk-class Runabout | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @Pierce

Samala didn’t need her telepathic abilities to know that Lauren’s memories of her imprisonment by the Dominion were far from pleasant, standing in stark contrast to her earlier recollections from before the attack. She knew her brother had trouble coping with different events from during the war and she herself with some of the things she had had to do more recently. She’d do them again if it came to it but that didn’t make them affect her any less.

“I understand the mechanics and physics of flying larger or faster craft. But to actually be able to do it is something else entirely. To have so many others reliant on your abilities. To not make mistakes that will cost them their lives as well as your own,” Samala intoned, trying to convey her feelings but struggling. “It is something that while I find intriguing and desirable, I also and fearful of. Not that I will get the chance to anytime soon. A lot of people would have to die before I was given the opportunity to pilot this starship,” she pointed out, looking up and around them.

“Was it worth it?” Samala segued after a moment. “To put so much trust and hope in a friend you hadn’t seen in so long to give up your whole life?”

Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #10
[ Ensign Lauren Pierce | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 [Show/Hide]

Lauren thought about the moments she was reliving in her mind about her internment camp moments. It gave her a shiver down her spine. The feeling of pure helplessness. Something she hoped to never be in the presence of again. The sight of the Breen officer who froze her hand to her mid forearm, then proceeded to snap parts of it off as a way to get her to spill information that they later discovered she didn't have. She flexed the augmented replacement she has now but it still wasn't the same despite appearing real.

The flight capabilities helped snap her back to reality however as she listened to Samala explain the difficulties of having to fly others and not just your own life in a difficult situation. "You never know the opportunities that could arise in a crises. Plus I'm new here and already getting put on flight duty. Likely due to the Allegiant flight but still. Even that was tough for a first opportunity to get back in the thick of it. I was scared to death of dying but remembered I had the full support of everyone to get us out alive. It's kind of..." she pondered it briefly before finishing her thought. "Empowering."

As the gears changed to Tessa and getting involved with the Theurgy, she was ready to reply. Almost bursting. "Was it worth it? Totally is worth it. Tessa bless her soul was a goody two shoes. I broke her of it at the MIMAS Station despite her cries to turn around. But she also rubbed off on me. I had to learn it the hard way. And honestly, if it weren't for the wondering what happened to her at the POW Camp. I'd likely have given up. The thought she'd survived even though I didn't know helped me go on one more time every time I thought of her."

She leaned agains the ship and thought for a moment more. "And my great-grandfather was a Lt. Commander in Starfleet. He was a pilot at first and then went into intelligence. He fought for Starfleet and the Federation and died for those ideals. I couldn't do any less being his descendent. He stood for honor and for the just." She pictured the Starfleet bio she'd looked at many times before.

"So I guess those are why I did it. Not for me, but for the good of everyone in the galaxy."

OOC: The great-grandfather Lauren is alluding to is the currently unknown relative who now goes by Alana Pierce. They haven't met yet at this point in time.

If you have an idea for a logical end point too, we can go that route too. Good either way however.


Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #11
[ CM3 Samala | The Apache | Hawk-class Runabout | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @Pierce
"Besides my brother and my ship, I lost everything I ever had two months ago. Taken from me by the Romulans that have oppressed and enslaved my people for generations. I have heard the whispers, that I should feel lucky that I take after my Romulan mother more than my Reman father, but besides her, Romulans have done nothing but take. Remans have been the givers. A home. A family. And the galaxy has done nothing but watched as all this has happened,” Samala said, her voice suddenly hard and bitter. “Where have Starfleet’s ideals been for us?”

“My brother says that we need to show others that we can be more than what they think of us. That not all of us are like Shinzon and those that were aligned with him. That every race has those that would rather persecute and hate others,”
Samala mused, her voice softening slightly. “But I have to tell you, that’s a hard thing to do when you are just a crewman third class on a renegade starship. Opportunities aren’t exactly lining up outside my quarters.”

“So as good as everything has been for you so far in coming here, I’m still trying to see how this will be a good thing for me and my kind,”
Samala said. She hadn’t meant to become bitter, but the talk of Starfleet and their ideals had struck her deeply and she couldn’t stop herself.


OOC: Honestly not sure how to end this, lol. Lauren could beg away from Samala's emotional outburst or she could try to challenge it. Up to you. I'm happy either way.

Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #12
[ Ensign Lauren Pierce | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 [Show/Hide]

Lauren took in all that Samala explained to her about the severe loss that her and her brother had to deal with. It made her heart hurt for the woman as she nearly felt the need to give her a hug. The raw emotion flowed from her and struck a cord having lived in a terrible situation herself. "I...I...." Lauren went for it anyway and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry, I could just feel what you said and it made me just want to...well... you get it. I can relate to Starfleet's ideals. I was actually captured because I broke protocol and in turn gave the Fleet the data on the vessels attacking the Sol system through Tessa. I was captured because I decked a higher ranked officer, knocking him out and took matters into my own hands. They just...didn't look for me until my release at the camp."

She backed up giving Samala some space. "If you need anything, I have your back. Tessa too." She winked. "And don't be sorry. It happens to the best of us. This ship gives us all the chance to work as a cohesive unit and trust each other, no matter the background. Here, we're all renegades."

Lauren went to speak again but her combadge chirped on her. "She tapped it." You are late for duty. Report to your designated workstation immediately! Her face turned sheepish and slightly reddened. "Oh shit! I forgot I have a shift coming up!" She walked back as she waved to Samala. "I have to get back to duty but it was very nice chatting with you and getting to know you!" She paused briefly near Samala before she proceeded on her way through the doorframe.

OOC - Feel free to finish is up in your next post if you like.

Re: Day 01 [0824 hrs.] Fresh Starts

Reply #13
[ CM3 Samala | The Apache | Hawk-class Runabout | Main Shuttlebay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @Pierce

The hug was entirely unexpected as Samala expected the officer to offer some sort of meaningless defence of the Federation and what it stood for. And rationale, Samala could understand an argument like that. The galaxy was an enormous place, and it would be hard for one organisation to completely dominate it in its entirety. Both the Borg and the Dominion had tried, and both had failed. As Lauren hugged her, Samala stood still, unsure what to do as Lauren began to speak again about how exactly it was that she came to be captured. 

Eventually though, the hug ended, and Lauren stepped back, offering the support of both herself as well as the woman called Tessa as well. Samala wasn’t familiar with them but that was not surprising given her lack of socialising as well as her low rank.

“I guess it does,” Samala admitted grudgingly to Lauren’s declaration that they were all renegades. The Martian went to speak again but her combadge interrupted her, reminding her that she was now late for her shift. Lauren uttered a swift farewell and some platitudes before departing. Looking after the departed pilot, Samala mused about what they had spoken about and how it fitted in with everything else she had heard since coming aboard.

“I guess it does,” she muttered quietly before turning back to the Apache, tool in hand.


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