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Topic: CH06 Battle Log: Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone [D03|1405]  (Read 4956 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH06 Battle Log: Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone [D03|1405]


[ CPO Sithick | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
@Nolan @Pierce @Cleric_Kyan @Havenborn @SummerDawn @Auctor Lucan

Sithick grunted out orders to the flight deck crew. He could hear Ensign Herrald doing the same. A fight was coming and the Valkyries needed to be ready to fly. It hadn't been long since he had prepped the Sabine to warp ahead of the Theurgy in hopes of getting Chancellor Martok to Qo'noS before House Mo'Kai's fleet knew that he was no longer onboard. The Theurgy would have to put up a convincing fight. Five Valkyries may be a giveaway. If only he could have finished prepping a prototype Killer Bee. If every resource was utilized to protect the ship, the Klingons might actually believe a valuable asset like the Chancellor was present on the ship.

Sithick watched as the remaining six Wolves scrambled to their fighters. "Razor," "Iron Fox," "Goldeneye," "Salvo," "Knight," and "Neko." The Theurgy shuddered from disrupter fire. It was time to fight. The alert for multivector separation filled the bay.

Turning to face a monitor on the nearest bulkhead, Sithick pulled up an exterior view of the Theurgy. He immediately recognized various Klingon vessels. There was a large imposing Negh'var in the center of the fleet, surrounded by Vorcha or Qang class cruisers. Then there were various Birds of Preys scouts, D-7 or K't'inga class cruisers, and what looked like a couple of Qeh'Ral class battlecruisers.

Some of the house markings were unfamiliar to him, but one stood out among them. The House of Kular, a house Sithick knew well. It was the house that his Orion trained assassin brood attacked and was defeated by. Sithick barely escaped the battle, but his broodmates were not so lucky. He was shaken from his memory by a nearby Bird of Prey.

Punching the combadge on his chest, "Sithicksss toosss thesss bridgesss. Theresss aresss asss fewsss D-12sss Birdsss ofsss Preysss insss thesss Klingonsss fleetsss! Asss lowsss-levelsss ionicsss pulsesss couldsss causesss theirsss plasmasss coilsss toosss resetsss, whichsss wouldsss activatesss theirsss cloakingsss devicesss andsss lowersss theirsss shieldsss." The odds were heavily stacked against the Theurgy in this battle but maybe eliminating a few easy targets would improve their chances.

OOC: The Wolf Pack has thinned. Wraith and Angel are escorting the Sabine to QonoS. Ghost, Foxfire, Chance, and Icarus are escorting the Allegiance. This leaves only five Valkyrie pilots to defend the Theurgy. There will be two Valravyn and three Valkyries prepped without pilots in the bay; an opportunity to reflect on absent friends. The odds are stacked against the Theurgy fighters with . "Remember, boys [and girls], no points for second place."
[Current Squad Chart (]

CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: CH 06: S [D03] 1405 Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @jreeves1701 @Cleric_Kyan @Havenborn @SummerDawn @Auctor Lucan  @BZ  [Show/Hide]

Tessa had headed to the flight deck shortly after her recent mission on the Daqchov. As much fun as it was to have holodeck adventures, and being on the away mission, she was also happy to be back in her Valkyrie. This was where she felt most at home during a conflict because while she was here, she could make a difference. And now after having been recertified for duty, she was ready to kick some Alien ass.

She saw CPO Sithick on the deck and watching a monitor with various classes of Klingon vessels on it, and sided with different factions too as she jumped in her Valkyrie and started up the engines. She loved the purr of it as it came to life. Readied in her flight suit again, she was ready to get into the thick of it. Hopefully their recent mission worked wonders for Martok and his loyalists.

Punching the cockpit closed and priming the weapons, Tessa counted down to leave the deck and be once more unto the breach as she would undoubtedly be heading into a multitude of Klingons ready to blow her and the other Lone Wolves out of the universe. She flicked her finger over the launch controls and the ship lurched forward slowly until she was past the force field of the flight deck and into the cold of space.

"This is GoldenEye on route to defend the Theurgy. Weapons hot, deflectors to full. Let's do this!" She spun the small vessel around and fired some shots successfully on the nearest Bird-of-Prey letting loose a barrage of micro-torpedoes and phaser cannons on the rear of it. The sight of the first barrage lurched the Klingon ship forward and offset it as a small explosive impact ignited their plasma and enveloping the vessel to spare parts.

She circled her ship around again and headed towards the next Bird-of-Prey but had to break off as a warning shots were coming from her rear. "Ooh, better get a move on or I'm gonna be space dust. Wolves report in if you find a weak spot on some of those bigger ships out there." She activated her scanner to uplink with the Theurgy and see who the allies were and who was a true enemy. Their work was certainly cut out for them this time.

OOC - Sorry, just saw this. Realized it never actually notified me of being tagged.[/b]

Re: CH 06: S [D03] 1405 Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #2
[ Lt. Cmdr Thomas "Razor" Ravon | Ravon's quarters -> Fighter Assault bay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce @jreeves1701  @Cleric_Kyan  @Havenborn  @SummerDawn @Nero @Auctor Lucan  @BZ @BipSpoon

After having shared lunch with Zephyr Praise in his quarters, Thomas had decided to hang back a little with the lieutenant. The two of them using this time to catch up a bit after the recent events. The Spearhead lounge bombing had caused for loss for the both of them. Khorin Douglas and Izar Bila had perished in the bombing and had left a void with the both of them. Even though relations between Khorin and Zephyr as well as Thomas had been sour, the loss of the man left the two of them with unresolved emotions. With the loss of Izar Bila, Thomas lost one, if not his closest friend in the fleet. Thomas wasn't a feelings kind of person and wasn't one to openly talk about it with anyone. Zephyr Praise however could read him like an open book.

Their little get together however got stopped abruptly when the lights went from yellow to red, which soon was followed up by a rattle of the ship when they came under fire. Thomas scrambled, saying goodbye to his lover, kissing Zephyr deeply and lovingly as he always did before deploying. Realistic as he was, he'd say goodbye to her as if it could be the last time he'd see her. He didn't want to feel any regrets when out in his ship, he didn't want her to feel like she could've said or done something more.

The Wolf leader got a chirp when he had arrived at the fighter bay and saw at least one of his fellow pilots launch off. His boots thudding along the deck plating. He had to chuckle when he noticed Lance's ship was the first one missing "Good hunting Tess." he mumbled to himself before he opened the communications line to Cameron. He got the orders and simply acknowledged it once he sat down in his fighter and fired it up. The new exosuits feeling a bit more comfortable and more natural than the old ones. Not that it was a huge difference, but the devil was in the details.

"Razor to Henshaw, I got it, B'Rels are the priority for us. Glad to hear you're with us today." he welcomed the ensign as he opened up the channel to the rest of the wolves even those who weren't in their ships yet, though he could see the pack  rushing towards their birds already "Wolves, I'll make this short. Focus on the B'Rels for now and try and take out as many as we can. Try and cover one another, no hero stuff. Razor out."

With that he steered his fighter towards the exit before dusting off into the cold clutches of space once again. He quickly followed up towards one of the closest targets and began his attack run. Whilst doing so, his peripheral vision was lit up by the green and red lights dashing through the canopy. Whilst he had enjoyed the downtime and Aldean mission, this was the kind of space combat that he signed up for. The dangerous kind, though he had so much more to lose this time. He kept his thoughts from drifting and focused on the task at hand, that being the B'Rel dead ahead.

Re: CH 06: S [D03] 1405 Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #3
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  
Despite the severity of the hour, and the looming threat that a battle with House Mo'Kai and their affiliates was, Liam still couldn't shake the feeling of something missing as he oversaw the activity in the fighter bay.

The Lone Wolves were launching, their Valkyries loaded with hand-picked hard-point configurations and their crafts cleared by the maintenance crews for launch. As much as they could, the crews prepared the crafts for launch, barring the last second pre-flight checks needed before take-off. Liam shouted for the individual teams to wrap up each of the warp fighter checks so that they could clear the bay, and all the while he shouted and gestured, the prevalent feeling of Eun Sae Ji not being there remained. Little could he distract himself from the past, even in the dire present, when they had parted on such terms as they had. In limbo, of sorts, and unsure where they stood after what had befallen them beyond the anyonic phase variance.

Still, he remained entirely focused on the tasks at hand, so when the last Valkyrie was cleared, and the remaining pilots had begun to move towards their fighters, Liam whistled sharply across the bay, alerting any stragglers of the deck crews to clear away immediately. They came running in order to get behind the transparent blast walls, filing in one after another.

"Goldeneye and Iron-Fox are clear," he told Sithick, putting his hands on his hips and hoping for the best; that this time, there would be no boarding parties entering the bay. Sithick and himself had already seen Asurians, Savi, Klingons and Borg drones inside their bay, and Liam wasn't keen on history repeating itself. "I hope they will be okay, but the rest are launching now. Please have your teams prepare re-armament of all five if this battle drags on."

Liam spotted Thomas Ravon before he vanished into his cockpit, and he could but hope the Wolf Leader had his head on straight. He'd heard scuttlebutt about him and the creator of the Niga virus, and he had a lot of reservations about her.

For obvious reasons.

OOC: @Cleric_Kyan has had a family emergency and has had to step away for an unknown amount of time, so in order to introduce his character in Chapter 06, I might NPC Renard in order to have a Point-of-View in the battle. @SummerDawn and @Havenborn , you're up! :)

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Wolf-04 [Goldeneye] Valkryrie | Space ] Attn: @Nolan @jreeves1701 @Cleric_Kyan @Havenborn @SummerDawn @Auctor Lucan  @BZ  [Show/Hide]

Weapons fire was hot as Tessa flew by approaching enemy scout vessels. There were many filling the empty cracks of free space, making maneuverability difficult at best. She saw in her viewfinder the Theurgy's split into the multivector battle platform, which in of itself was truly a spectacle to behold. The large ship taking shots from all over the place meant that shields weren't going to last entirely that long.

"Razor, are you out here? What's the formation? I'm taking out enemy scouts off Theurgy's six, but it's getting hammered despite the vectors splitting off. I suspect they were ready for this more than we realized." She turned abruptly as weapons fire thumped the topside of the little vessel. Head turned in the cockpit, she caught the glimpse of another Klingon Scout before realizing that it'd gotten her a little too close to a Vor'cha class cruiser. Quickly she dodged the barrage of disruptors narrowly missing the wings.

Sweat beaded down her brow as Tessa tapped a few other controls activating her Micro-Torpedo launcher. The scanner had a hard time picking up friends from foes and honestly, there were more foes than friends at this point. Finally it locked on and she pressed her hand on the fire button launching a spread of torpedoes on the unsuspecting scout vessels.

A crimson fire erupted from the scout vessels before her as she flew through the explosions and let loose on the Vor'cha class vessel unloading her Tetryon Pulse Cannon and Phaser Pulse Cannons destabilizing their shields. She flew past to let someone else wreak havoc whether by boarding party or destruction as she circled back to protect the Theurgy.

"Let's do it guys! GoldenEye doubling back to help out the Theurgy."

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #5
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 16, Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan, @Pierce, @Nero, @SummerDawn, @Auctor Lucan

Daniel walked into the FAB from the locker room, he knew that Uriah was already here thanks to the mishap that had happened just a couple of days ago.  Daniel had decided that Uriah needed something to occupy his free time so he had assigned Uriah to help out with the maintenance of their fighter.  He spotted K’Ren and nodded at her as he made his way over to his fighter.  “Is everything all set?”  Daniel asked his RIO as he approached the man.  Knight looked up from the PADD he was reading.  “Yup, Hellcat is ready to go.”  Uriah said.

Daniel nodded and climbed up the ladder into the cockpit.  He put his helmet on and began the pre-flight sequence, he heard Uriah call out to the ordnance techs.  “I want two torpedo launchers loaded with Mark Q-Two Quantum Torpedoes.  I also want four Mark-One Hellbore Torpedoes mounted on the hardpoints.”  Uriah stated as he watched the technicians get the ordnance that he ordered.

[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie “Hellcat”]

Daniel listened to Razor as he came over the communications channel giving them their orders.  Daniel tapped into the Theurgy’s sensor data to get look at the situation outside the FAB.   A few moments later and Daniel heard Uriah climb into his position behind him.  “Torpedoes are loaded; Quantum and Hellbore, plus we’ve got the Mass Drivers for CIWS-work.”  Uriah said as he began to help finish the pre-flight sequence.  "Excellent, time to go to work old friend."  Daniel said.

Getting the all clear from the ordnance techs and after communicating with Flight Ops Daniel powered up the engines and felt the craft hover under it’s own power.  Daniel opened a communications channel to K’Ren.  “Salvo to Neko, link up with me once you’re clear of the FAB.”  He said as he launched his fighter from the bay and out into the battle outside. 
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #6
[ Ens. K'Ren, Callsign: Neko | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ] Attn: Attn: @Pierce @jreeves1701 @Cleric_Kyan @Havenborn @Nolan @Nero @Auctor Lucan @BZ @BipSpoon
K'Ren was already running through checks on her fighter when Daniel walked into the FAB. She wasn't the first to launch, but she'd been the first getting her bird checked out for flight and her preferred loadout packed up under the wings. The tetryon cannon, a pair of twin mass drivers, and because of the target rich environment, a pair of microtorpedo launchers and a pair of full size launchers. She hated how chunky the fighter felt fully loaded but aerodynamics in space weren't as critical as in atmosphere, mass was. She'd trained for ground attack in the academy, the fighters were always loaded down with as much ordinance as they could carry, but she preferred to fly light where she could. Stalk & Pounce, that was the way she liked to fight, not weighed down by large bulky weapons.

She plugged her suit into the ships life support systems, strapping on the harness that held her in her fighter. It felt good to strap back in, put on the one thing she was good at when it came to defending her ship, her pack, her pride. This fight she had an extra reason to fight hard and make it back to the ship, her mate Deacon was waiting for her to return, her life partner, her love. Saluting Salvo and Knight as they moved into position on the launch rail, she finished her checklists, flicking on her running lights so the deck crew knew she was ready to go.

She was close behind Salvo, being parked on the launch rail as his fighter raced down the launch rail into space. She couldn't help but feel deja vu, years before she'd been launching, other fighters outside in combat, her mate Markus one of them, and she'd desperately been trying to get out there and fight alongside him. In the end she'd failed miserably, she'd been unable to protect her mate, help him fight off their common enemy, and she'd watched him die in a fireball. Thankfully though, that was not today, her mate was safe on Theurgy, protected by layers of duranium and an entire crew fighting to stay alive. She knew he could handle himself, she just needed to survive this lopsided fight.

She pressed that thought from her mind, she had to focus on the now, this fight. She gave the ground crew the last thumbs up, and within two seconds she was hurtling down the launch rail into space. The lights of the fighter bay replaced by the blackness of space, she looked through her helmet's display as the sensors onboard started picking up targets, sensor data from her fighter along with other fighters and Theurgy painting a picture of the chaos. Salvo's craft, her wingmate, was a bold dot off to one side, and she vectored towards him. "Neko to Salvo, On your wing."

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @jreeves1701 @Cleric_Kyan @Havenborn  @SummerDawn @Auctor Lucan @BZ  [Show/Hide]

The Valkyrie spun through the air like a hawk or another bird of prey type creature. She felt the increased weapon fire drawn around her and the Vectors of the Theurgy. Her radar displayed multitudes of Klingon ships surrounding her, the other Lone Wolves out here, and the ship. If they didn't get the data they needed to turn the tide fast, they were all goners.

"This is GoldenEye, I think I've spotted a weakness on the Klingon vessel, IKC Ta'rom, I think it is? I don't know, but it seems like there's a weak spot in the shuttle bay area. If we can punch a hole through we might be able to get someone on board." Klingon scout vessels flanked Tessa and fired a barrage of disruptor turrets at her six. Fire lit up the side of the small fighter. Panic began to overpower her as she feared that this time she might be on the receiving end of the death count. The two scouts grew nearer by the second as she felt overwhelmed. They were coming in for a close-quarters shot that would most certainly obliterate her.

Reflexes kicked in as she closed her eyes and veered the small ship backward. Reveries of friends and lost friends clouded her mind as she half expected to be blown to space dust. The brakes now pulled, her Valkyrie slammed back as the inertial dampeners ignited. The fire on the hull plates slowly went out as she stopped movement temporarily. Her face glanced up almost as soon as she hit the brakes where she was able to see the two Klingon scouts previously chasing, collide in a blaze of glory.

She attempted to get the small ship to reactivate after that high-speed stop she just pulled which saved her very existence. The whirring and whining of the Valkyrie chugged as she tried her hardest to get it moving again. Frustration clouded over her senses and she punched the controls in anger as it roared back to life.

"Not sure how much longer we can hold this guys!" she yelled over the comm systems. "There's just too many of them! I've been hit, but think I can keep her going for a while longer."

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #8
[ CPO Sithick | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
@Nolan @Pierce @Cleric_Kyan @Havenborn @SummerDawn @Auctor Lucan

Sithick monitored the Wolves as they prowled the battlefield. The big Gorn was still anxious about the ability of the Aldean cloaks to do their job in close quarters combat. Sithick had run maintenance on Klingon targeting sensors before joining Starfleet. It was this experience that he hoped would provide the edge needed in programing the Aldean cloaks to work against Klingon weapons.  A lot of time had passed since those days but Klingons were not known for great leaps in engineering advancement. They truly believed that if it wasn't broke, why fix it? And, why reinvent the wheel if the original design still works.

[ Commander Tereth, Daughter of Kular, of House Kular | Cockpit | Klingon fighter ]

"Arrrrggh!!" Tereth smashed her fists into the console in front of her. "Every time I get a lock these Starfleet petaQs scrambles it. How?" The Klingon daughter of Kular let another volley of weapons fire in the general direction of one of Theugy's fighters. "Warriors of Kular! Time to prove your worth in battle. Show that you are a true warrior who does not need be dependent upon technology to win your battles. Target those ships by sight and bring them down with the might of your warrior spirit. Do this or I personally will bar your entry into Stovokor! No! I will personally through you overboard on the Barge of the Dead into the fiery flames of Grethor!!!"

Her crew feared her. Not because of her temper but because she had a tendency to feed those who displeased her to her feral Gorn pets. With another pass, the female Klingon warrior strafed one of the Theurgy fighters scorching it with weapons fire but still missing her mark. With a barrel roll, it escaped her killing shot.

[ CPO Sithick | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Sithick made guttural clicking croaking noises from his throat as he cheered the Wolves. Outnumber but skilled to outlast their opponent. Then he heard it... actually he tasted it before then. Turning to view the launch bay doors, the Gorn sensed the ionizing particles approaching as weapons fire began to light up the forcefield keeping the cold of space out. The Klingons were trying to punch through and with tactical genius not typical of the hack and slash approach of many Klingon warriors. They were targeting Theurgy at her obvious weak points. Why punch through hull plating and bulkheads when a hole already existed at every shuttle bay door and docking port. Breaching those was a surgical strike from which an invasion force could enter a vessel and take out the vital organs of your prey.

"Battlessstationsss!!!" Sithick hissed at the deck crew. "Armsss yourssselvesss fors incomingsss attackersss." He knew Klingon tactics. They may be after the Chancellor but Theurgy was a prize that any of the houses represented in the enemy fleet would be happy to pick clean.

[ Commander Tereth, Daughter of Kular, of House Kular | Cockpit | Klingon fighter ]

Tereth growled in frustration as her prey continued to elude her. "Fine my little birds... I've hunted your kind before and the easiest way to take the fight out of you is to eliminate the nest from which you came. Without a perch to return to even the strongest hawk tires of flying." And with that comment, she dropped her pursuit of the every acrobatic Theurgy fighters and turned to target the nearest vector's rear docking bay. "Finally a target lock that holds! Warriors of Kular! Lock onto my target and fire!!! Fire like your honor depends on it, because it does! GurltaH! Are my pets ready?"

"Yes my Lady. But I must report that Purska has had an accident."

"Please tell me he lost his other arm."

"No my Lady. His leg."

"Ha! But a flesh wound compared to what they are about to do to those Starfleet targ'pu. The moment the shields drop beam them over. "Oh to be a gob fly on the wall of the Theurgy interior as her pets rendered to shreds its occupants, she thought. "Why not? Lock onto my position and beam me over as well."

"As you wish."

[ CPO Sithick | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Then it happened. For a brief moment the luminesent barrior that protected the flight deck from the cold depths of space vanished and with it gone, anything not bolted or maglocked to something flew toward the door. Not all of the deck crew was lucky. Two engineers closest to the bay doors vanished into the void of space in an instant along with their tools and a few cargo containers. Sithick couldn't remember their names, they being recent transfers from other departments.

It seemed like it took the emergency power forever to kick in. Something that Sithick made a mental note to run a diagnostic on. With so much firepower within this one space, emergency protocols should be iron tight.

When power was restored, taking stock of the resulting damage would have to wait as Sithick immediately tasted what was coming. Moments before the crimson pillars appeared and the phantom shapes within began to form.

"Intrudersss, preparesss toos repealsss themsss!" he ordered, taking only a moment to look for Herrold, hoping his superior officer was close enough to the emergency lock triggering the closure of the bay doors. Had he survived the initial attack? Could the Wolves manage without being able to seek shelter within the den? Would Sithick have to morn more brood members lost? And that thought combined with the approaching taste/smell plastered the big lizard with a wide-eyed expression of shock or the closest a Gorn could come to making such a face.

[ Commander Tereth, Daughter of Kular, of House Kular | Cockpit | Klingon fighter ]

Tereth felt the tug of the transporter moments before her fighter craft smashed into the restored forcefield protecting Theurgy's closing fighter bay doors. She was safely dematerialized when the little Klingon ship's wings were clipped. The impact was enough to force the nose and cockpit past the force field but the closing doors effectively decapitated it from its body that exploded with significant heat to seal the bay entrance in a solid weld. The Theurgy fighters would not be returning to this nest.

[ CPO Sithick | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

"Oh no! Not again!" screamed Petty Officer August De Serres as he began firing his phaser erratically and blindly from behind cover he took near the corridor exit. But this time it wasn't Klingons that had beamed into the fighter bay. The reptilian screams and roars sounded like the horrors of a 20th-century earth film about a dinosaur park.

Sithick hadn't moved since he first recognized the pheromones in the air.  It was hard to recognize them but their scent was undeniable. Standing before him and the frightened fighter deck crew of the Theurgy were six oversized Gorn. They looked nothing like Sithick had remembered them. All sign of intelligence was vacant from their eyes. Metallic collars clamped around their necks with blinking red lights indicating some security feature. They were nude save for that. The six were forced to hunch forward in order to balance a large tail each had extending from their rear. These were the Gorn of Hegemony legend. The Terror Rexes that clutch mothers would tell broods was sent by the "Great Father" to gather eggs and young Gorn for him to devour. But to Sithick these were his original brood brothers and sisters that he thought were dead at the hands of Klingon warriors decades ago.

Sithick stood frozen hesitant to fire. Maybe he could talk to them? But then a sharp female voice echoed through the bay...

"yIHIv! SuvwI' qa'! QI'tu' puqloD!"

Like guard dogs, his brothers and sisters were ordered to attack, and like a good loyal pet, they obeyed their master.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #9
[ Lt. Cmdr. Miles Renard, callsign "Iron Fox" | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ] Attn: @Nolan @Pierce @Havenborn @SummerDawn
Having launched at the same time as his wingmate GoldenEye, Miles Renard found himself against what seemed impossible opposition, though it was hardly the first time.

He did believe he'd fought worse odds numerous times, though as his slitted eyes darted between sensor readings and his targeting HUD, he couldn't be entirely sure. He'd been in dogfights before he even joined Starfleet, back when he still protected his native people, and on the Theurgy alone he'd fought at Starbase 84 and defended Thea all through Federation space for months. Having lived a long life, and seen as much action as he had, it had all become a blur, so he just took the situation as it came, and reacted to the onslaught of Klingon opposition. Bird-of-preys and Phantom raiders inbound, and with the added complication of defending Thea when she entered Multi-Vector Assault Mode, Renard was still not going to leave his wingmate out to dry. Tessa's Valkyrie had been hit, and he was at her side momentarily.

"I've got you," he told the other Lone Wolf, who'd served under him back when he was Squadron Commander - being one of the original pack. He would give her shields some time to regenerate, as he interjected himself between her and three Phantom raiders that bore down on her from on high. He soared past GoldenEye with both of his micro torpedo launchers coughing out ordnance. He caught two of them, overloaded their shields, and sent them tumbling through the outskirts of the nebula like fiery comets. The third one broke away, and Miles made a barrel roll and returned whence he'd come.

"Confirming the weak-spot you spotted on the Ta'rom and forwarding it to Mission Ops," he said to Tessa, his eyes seeking out the Negh'var class flagship of House Mo'Kai. "Let's see what we can do about it, shall we? Razor! GoldenEye and I will make a run against the Ta'rom. I have yet to spend my hard-points, and that seem to be a great target as long as we can make it count. Salvo, Neko, where are you at? Can you join in?"

They would have to cut straight through the sweeping attack wave of Klingon ship and bear down on the largest ship of them all, but with the element of surprise, and the collective firepower they had, they might be able to deal a savage blow against Gorka, son of Margon. Enough for Thea and those on the bridge to make use of it, at least.

[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @jreeves1701 
Luckily, the majority of the deck crew had taken cover behind the transparent blast walls of the Fighter Assault Bay when that second attack wave of Gorka's forces managed to penetrate the aft shields of the Sword. Liam saw members of his team trying to reach safety when the multiple barrages of torpedoes and disruptor fire hit Vector 02, but they didn't make it in time. They were gone in mere seconds, sucked through the opening of the bay. Liam didn't even remember tapping his combadge before he heard himself shout. "Herrold to Ops, lock on to the crew aft of the Sword and beam them back aboard!"

[Acknowledged!] answered one of the Transporter officers, on the task of saving lives, while Liam's light blue eyes saw a Klingon Phantom raider being cut in half at the mouth of the bay when the SF field reignited. The small Klingon vessel's cockpit had three seats, as much he knew, so there would be at least three boarders to deal with.

"Intrudersss, preparesss toos repealsss themsss!" he heard Sithick call.

"To arms!" he added, and for once - having learned their lesson by then from the times they'd been boarded before Aldea - Liam had made sure that the weapon crates had been brought out and made available behind the blast walls. He looked to make sure the deck crew went to arm themselves with hand phasers before he headed for the Flight Ops booths at the back of the bay. Three Klingons, that they could deal with. No problem. They would have a harder time clearing away the remains of that raider at the front of the bay so that the Lone Wolves could land.

Or so he thought, because a sound made him turn to look again, and at first he thought he was hallucinating... but there were six Gorn closing the distance to the scrambling deck crew. Eyes widening, Liam made a quick judgement call...and continued to run for the booths that held the controls for the tractor beam emitters. Not only might he be able to do something about the raider, but given the number of emitters in the bay, he might be able to do something about the Gorn warriors and the Klingons as well.

"Coming through!" he called, even as the screams rang against the blast walls.

OOC: @Cleric_Kyan has had a family emergency and has had to step away, so I am NPC:ing Miles Renard. We now have Klingons to fight in the Fighter Assault Bay after the second attack wave momentarily busted through the aft shields of the Theurgy's separated vectors.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Auctor Lucan @jreeves1701 @Cleric_Kyan @Havenborn @SummerDawn @BZ  [Show/Hide]

Tessa was alarmed for a moment but as she began to openly panic off comms, her wingmate "Iron Fox" howed up in the nick of time to save her hide. "Thanks Iron Fox! I needed the assist!" Her shields quickly rebounded with the overlap and she was back in action doing a barrel roll off the other side to avoid hitting him or the other Klingon scout ships.

She flew up on Iron Fox's six and locked her mini-torpedo launcher on the the third Phantom raider. The red target lock displayed on her mini-map and she tapped the controls. Micro-torpedo bursts flew at the target taking it out in a blaze of glory. Her Valkyrie flew through the debris and backed up her comrade.

She caught his response about the weak spot she'd managed to spot on the Klingon vessel. "Thanks for the assist on that!"

"Confirming the weak-spot you spotted on the Ta'rom and forwarding it to Mission Ops, Let's see what we can do about it, shall we? Razor! GoldenEye and I will make a run against the Ta'rom. "

She nodded and realized that she couldn't be seen. Slapping her gloved hand to her head, she responded on the comm system/ "Ready when you are. I think the Klingon's have met their match this time! Let's shell-shock the Klingons on board and leave a crump-hole in our wake!"

The thrill of flying hit Tessa again as if it was for the first time, with renewed love of it. While she was excited for prospects of the future and possibly doing something else, she was perfectly happy to be out there with her wing mates, giving them the support they needed and knowing they had her back as well. She flew in to be in flanking position with Iron Fox awaiting the signal to fire.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #11
[ Bekks T'chugh, son  of J'atsat and D'Marass, son of Etroll | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy@Nolan  @Pierce  @Havenborn  @SummerDawn @Auctor Lucan

"That taHqeq," T'chugh thought as he helped pull his comrade D'Marass from the decapitated cockpit of the Klingon raider. Tereth would sacrifice her entire house and burn it to the ground. As the two Klingons got their bearings, they could hear the blood boiling sounds of battle.

D'Marass slapped T'chugh's hand of assistance away as he stood disruptor at the ready. "Where is she? I will personally usher her to the gates of Grethor!"

Phaser blasts began to strike the space around the two, clearly, marksmanship was not a standard by which Starfleet officers needed to excel at in order to secure their positions, even among its fighter maintenance crew. Either that or T'chugh and D'Marass weren't the primary targets of their shots.

From across the bay, the Klingons spotted Tereth's feral lizards. Gorn genetically engineered, augmented through forced de-evolution, into lethal attack dogs. Tereth's personal pets; she wouldn't be far away orgasming from the carnage they caused.

"Let the Starfleeters deal with those vile creatures. Now's the time you and I can deal with Tereth." D'Marass plotted to T'chugh as he easily dodged another round of phaser blasts. Klingon loyalty was earned and Tereth had finally lost that of T'chugh and D'Marass.

[ CPO Sithick | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Sithick was frozen, not in fear but in curiosity. Even as the feral representations of primitive Gorn before him proceeded to attack anything that moved within the fighter bay. The sounds they made barely distinguishable from any language spoken on the Gorn homeworld. Sithick's senses could pick up on their pheromones instantly. There were clearly four males in the pack and the sent of the two females caused unwanted arousal in Sithick. As much as he tried to suppress the urge to mate growing within him, his body began to betray him, releasing pheromones that only other Gorn would recognize.

The feral Gorn were quick, agile, and strong. Across the bay where they had beamed in, they ducked, weaved, and dodged, most of the incoming phaser fire. The few hits they took grazed their tough hides and merely slowed them down momentarily. A pair had managed to scurry behind an unmanned Valkyrie where a couple of deckhands had taken cover. The sounds of hand to hand combat could be heard. One of the deck technicians crawled under the Valkyre in an attempt to escape the hulking lizards. One of the attacking Gorn leaped atop the Valkyrie, its transparent cockpit window splintering under the weight of the Gorn and its sharp talons.

"There!" came the command from across the bay as phaser fire focused on a single target. The Valkryie surfing Gorn's scales began to glow red as it became superheated from the concentrated phaser beams until a hole burrowed through to the other side. The crawling Starfleet technician yelped as the corpse of the attack barbarian Gorn crashed to the deck beside him. The terrifying face of his attacker enough to energize him to his feet and across the deck to the safety of his comrades.

However, it had a different effect on the remaining Gorn. The fighter bay was filled with a feral berserker roar as the Gorn screamed out for vengeance for the death of their packmate. The one in hand-to-hand combat behind the Valkyrie turned swinging its tail into the crewman tossing him against the bulkhead unconscious. In a berserker rage, it tore the wing off the fighter and hurled it along with its weapon payload across the fighter bay where it crashed into the bulkhead wall above where some deckhands had taken position. Luckily the weapons were not armed but still capable of detonating. However, the impact against the bulkhead managed to rupture an EPS conduit. The resulting explosion sent a shower of sparks and shrapnel down upon the sheltered crew. If Thea's emergency containment protocols had not activated to extinguish the plasma fires, the weapons payload on the Valkyrie wing now lodged in the forward bulkhead of the fighter bay would have detonated and still could if this firefight continued.

Sithick was moved by the primitive call of the feral Gron. His body sensing and releasing more and more pheromones.

"Big guy, are you going to just stand there, or are you going to help us out? Please tell me they aren't friends of yours." the nervous Petty Officer De Serres asked.

With a shake of his massive head, Sithick snapped back to reality. He spotted his crew, some in the heat of battle, others seeking shelter or aid. Patting De Serres on the back, Sithick stood open so that the feral Gorn could see him. He then opened his throat and let out his own battle cry and roar.

The Gorn ceased whatever attack they were making and faced this new challenger. Because that is what this was. A challenge of primal dominance of the pack.

"Pleassse holdsss yoursss firesss." Sithick asked of his crew. "I'sss willsss triesss toosss speaksss withsss themsss."

"Ughhh, I don't think that's a good idea." De Serres responded. Sithick hoped that De Serres and the rest of the deck crew would trust him long enough to try something even though many continued to defend themselves.

In an instant, before anyone could respond, one of the female Gorn leaped across the fighter deck and onto Sithick knocking him to the ground. The frills on her neck expanded out like a Terran cobra. She snapped her mighty jaws at his face but never to kill. Sithick's challenge was heard and was now being tested by the pack's alpha female. Gorn society has been matriarchal since its formation. Yes, it appeared to be male-dominated with a ruling King by outsiders. But behind every great male ruler, there sits a female to guide him.

Sithick sensed her pheromones, she sensed his. He watched as something intelligent flashed behind her feral eyes. She began to bark orders to the rest of the pack when her entire body was filled with electric shocks emanating from a spot under her neck. With a grunt, she collapsed atop Sithick.

[ Commander Tereth, Daughter of Kular, of House Kular | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Standing over the corpses of two Starfleet officers, Tereth released the glowing button on the device attached to her belt. No one would command her pets, no one but her would be their alpha. Pressing another button, a high pitched squeel filled the air, drawing the attention of the four remaining feral Gorn. It was followed by a series of clicks. Commands the feral Gorn interpreted as "Hide and Seek."

Avoiding confronting any of the Theurgy crew, each of the Gorn sought an access point to the ship's many crawl spaces. Taking the Gorn's retreat as an opportunity some of the crew managed to get some parting shots at their attackers. They managed to stop one before it could access a port Jefferies tube, hitting it with repeated fire. The remaining five managed to escape, one with a damaged leg it cut squeezing through a forced open bulkhead panel.

"Now, to deal with the Starfleet scum that continues to protect the illegitimate usurper sitting in the seat of our Chancellor." Tereth's demeanor was either one of ultimate confidence or defiant arrogance. She walked alone toward the flanking ranks of Starfleet officers.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #12
[ Lt. Cmdr Thomas "Razor" Ravon |  Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ] Attn: @Pierce  @jreeves1701  @Cleric_Kyan   @Havenborn   @SummerDawn   @Auctor Lucan  @BipSpoon

In the sea of red blips, Thomas noticed the few blips of wolves that emerged from the Theurgy for battle. The red and green flashed against his skin as the colorful display of firepower raged on around his fighter. Comms remained a hectic thing to maintain with target of opportunities being marked and orders being given from above. Razor in the meantime tried to focus on his own flying in the meantime, leading a few raiders on a merry goose chase. Using the fire of the ships between them to pick them off by either friendly or hostile fire. His own weapons firing when able.

When he could he replied to Tessa and Miles "Confirmed! Don't linger too long at the Ta'rom, I get a feeling you'll be drawing attention to yourselves with that stunt. Regroup after your run at marked location Delta." He, flicked a RV point ahead of where they were heading, figuring the Theurgy would have to get out of this situation, Delta would be the point where they would link up with their ship.

"Salvo, Neko, focus on defending Theurgy's six. I'll be assisting. We'll be using new trained flight tactics Zero-Alpha-Lima-Four. Confirm." he told Daniel and K'Ren while his ship plummeted through the debris of one of the Klingon ships. The shields enduring yet the paintjob getting a scratch regardless. His pursuers dissuaded from following, the hunters became the hunted as he locked on to them and chased them down relentlessly while they were seemingly converging on Miles and Tessa.

"Henshaw, I got two birds doing an attack run on the Ta'rom and the rest of us our attempting to keep your rear less hot. Would gladly take highlighted targets that need to be dealt with first. Besides that, I think we're all enjoying the light show really. Razor out." He grinned, seeing the humor in the life or death situation. His phasers opened up and dealt with the last fighters before he barrel rolled and arched his ship back to the Theurgy with maximum thrusters.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #13
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Wolf-04 [Goldeneye] Valkryrie | Space ] Attn: @Nolan @jreeves1701 @Cleric_Kyan @Havenborn @SummerDawn @Auctor Lucan @BZ [Show/Hide]

Blasts were impacting all around Tessa as she flew in for a strike on the Ta'rom. The voice of Razor could be heard on the comms as she made her flyby unleashing a barrage of phaser cannons before she turned away. Standard phaser arrays lighting up the sections previously fired upon. "Aye sir. I've let loose on 'em. Their port side is hot as a half-fucked fox in a forest fire. This is GoldenEye  returning to defend Theurgy."

The blonde woman moved her hands across the consoles as a musician would a piano during an orchestra. The Valkyrie moved with such precision and poise that it narrowly missed the detonations on the ship as she swooped by and away from the Klingon vessel. Although the ship wasn't destroyed, it took a nice little breach in that section of their hull. The explosion took out another Klingon scout vessel that was in pursuit on the heels of Tessa's fighter.

She cocked her head to the side and saw out the side part of the cockpit the erupting Klingon scout. "Holy smokes that was close! But, that'll show them!" Her fist striking the air in a small victory as she completed the circle and headed back into the heat of battle. She could see Salvo and Neko attempting to help Theurgy's six. Debris bumped the small fighter but the deflectors did their job. Thankfully these Valkyries could take a pounding, otherwise, she'd have been a goner a few attacks back.

Thrusters to full, she was on approach and locked on micro torpedoes at the Bird's of Prey firing on the other Wolves. "Hold on guys, GoldenEye is on the job!" Her tongue squeezed out of her lips as she almost squinted as if relying on an old Earth targeting system to fire. Her finger tapped the control and she pulled the trigger as micro-torpedoes erupted on the Klingon ships firing on her comrades. "What was that Klingon phrase? Perhaps today is a good day to die... Well not for me but certainly works for them!"

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #14
[ Lt. Cmdr. Miles Renard, callsign "Iron Fox" | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ] Attn: @Nolan @Pierce @Havenborn @SummerDawn
Carrying twin torpedo launchers with a total of six quantum torpedoes between them, Miles Renard had bared his teeth at the Ta'rom when GoldenEye and he made their attack run. He'd squinted his slitted eyes against the fiery fallout, content that they had delivered enough of a payload to make a difference against that beast of a Klingon ship.

The way back to the RV point Razor had given them proved far more difficult than making their surprise sortie against House Mo'kai's flagship, because they'd essentially made themselves a high priority target. While GoldenEye managed to provide cover fire for the other three Lone Wolves, Iron-Fox ended up covering their six, as four raiders gave pursuit. Miles would have them deterred before they even got their targeting HUDs aligned, as he circled down and ascended towards their trajectory. Even as he came about, stressing the inertial dampeners and making his gut clench down on rising bile, he made a white-knuckled grip around his firing controls - spewing pulse phaser fire against the hard-points they had mounted beneath their over-sized wings.

One of them carried four Vaghn cluster torpedoes, and they lit up like fireworks in the formation of raiders when Miles managed to pierce the shields of that raider. It sent a sole surviving raider scurrying off into the growing debris field of the battle.

"Come on!" he snarled like the were-fox he was, and switched to micro-torpedoes when he engaged with a B'Rel bird of prey that tried to hit him. The staccato reverberations of the micro torpedo launchers in front of the cockpit were like ancient drums, and it marked the time passing like the beat of a Vulpinian battle dance. Feral in the face of rising opposition, in how the Klingons sought to punish the Lone Wolves for their bravery rather than praise them for the glory of their enduring efforts, Iron-Fox danced with them all, to a beat only he heard. The heartbeat of war, which rose to challenge them all... in defiance of the inevitable.

That, being how he was finally caught in the crossfire between two bird of preys that both went after him, and he screamed still as he continued to dance - launching all that he had left in the face of the ship that gave pursuit.

The dreadful Ta'rom on the prowl, and locking on to his fire-emblazoned Valkyrie.

Thea, Miles found himself thinking as the Negh'var ship opened fire, and what vestigal shields he had left were snuffed out. The ETS system was already lost, unresponsive as he tried to engage it. It was as if time stood still, even as his Valkyrie kept firing, catching yet another raider across its cockpit. Odd, how calm he felt, in the last moments. I've protected you this far, Thea. Now, Razor and the wolves that will follow me must carry on.

"Thomas!" he shouted as his cockpit were in tatters, yet with his helmet still intact. "Protect her... protect them... at any cost. Courage is fear..."

Even as his Valkyrie was twisted and the disruptors cut into the ceramic plating of his exosuit, he tried to pull his hand phaser and raise it, eyes peeled on the mighty beasts beyond the wreckage of his warp fighter. His cry was only silenced by embrace of space, and the disruptor banks of three converging Klingon ships.

[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @jreeves1701 
Finally arriving at the tractor beam controls in the booths at the back of the bay, Liam quickly began to tap on the LCARS screen. The sheer madness of the development in the bay was largely lost on him before then, but the explosion had momentarily distracted him. Focus!

"Locking on... No. Damn, they are fast..." he murmured, swallowing with his forehead beaded by sweat as he belatedly tried to seize the Gorn on the deck. This, with the swivelling tractor beam emitters in the deckhead of the bay. He barely caught on to one of the lizards before they forced themselves into one of the jefferies tubes, which was a tight fit for them and could slow them down, but Liam had to cut his efforts short with stopping the Gorn and re-prioritise. Others were better equipped to handle those. "Ensign Herrold to Security, we have Gorn in boarders on Deck 16! Thea, scan for their lifesigns and relay the findings for interception!"

Saying this, his light blue eyes had landed on the remaining three Klingons in the bay, and he focused his efforts on the female Klingon at the forefront, whom seemed to have left her two co-pilots behind at the mouth of the bay. He locked on to her with the controls, and in the beam which was strong enough to lift and move warp fighters, he stopped her in her tracks. He was about to turn his attention to the other two Klingons, whom were now severely outgunned by Liam's deck crew, but he'd forgotten to separate the targeting input for the different emitters...

...the result being that all of the emitters in the bay had locked on to the Klingon female, and while they all separately were supposed to just keep her from moving, the different energy directions weren't exactly calibrated to a singular point between them. Therefore...

Liam's eyes widened in shock as the Klingon was torn apart in three directions - blood and ichor suspended in the air.

OOC: Awesome! The Theurgy crew now have both Klingon and Gorn to deal with during the battle! Lol! I leave the remaining two Klingons to your discretion, @jreeves1701 !

Lone Wolves, @Cleric_Kyan has not come back to me still, no replies on PMs, emails or DMS, so let's end the story of Miles Renard in Star Trek: Theurgy with a bang.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #15
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Wolf-04 [Goldeneye] Valkryrie | Space ] Attn: @Nolan @jreeves1701 @Cleric_Kyan @Havenborn @SummerDawn @Auctor Lucan @BZ  [Show/Hide]

The firefight outside her Valkyrie would make most officer's tremble in fear and freeze, but not Tessa and the other Lone Wolves. But a situation was brewing she wasn't prepared for. Although she wasn't as close to Iron Fox, it nonetheless caused an emotion of sadness to strike her as she watched his Valkyrie getting blasted with disruptor fire. She heard his call to Thomas over the comms and knew unfortunately where this was headed.

A shot of disruptors blazed across her nose as she barrel-rolled back towards the Theurgy. A salvo of micro-torpedoes locked onto the vessels that targeted her comrade in arms, a fellow wolve. It was then she saw Iron Fox go out in a blaze of glory as he was blown out of space dealing disabling blows before he too faced the great beyond. Pain hit her as their numbers again fell lower. She cocked her head to the side and watched quickly as it was over within moments.

Micro-torpedoes locked on to the vessels that took her squadron's partner from them. Her hand hit the controls with anger and precision as the Klingons didn't know what was going to hit them until it was too late. Phasers locked after that and she detonated two Birds-of-Prey before she flew through their debris.

"Let's make sure Iron Fox doesn't die in vain! Lone Wolve's, let's give them all we've got!" Tessa yelled into her comm before piloting to cover the others on the Theurgy's aft section. With any luck, they wouldn't be losing anyone else today.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #16
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo & ENS K’Ren, Callsign: Neko | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie “Hellcat” & AC-409 Mark-III Valkyrie ] Attn: @Nolan, @Pierce, @Nero, @SummerDawn, @Auctor Lucan

As his fighter cleared the bay Daniel got a good look of the situation, dozens of Klingon starships surrounded them, he saw a group of B’rel-class BOPs nearby and marked one of them as his target, once K’Ren formed up with him he’d have her cover him while he lined up a shot with a Hellbore torpedo.  He’d first need to drop the shields but that shouldn’t be a problem thanks to the Tetryon cannon that K’Ren’s Mark-III was mounting.  Using the secondary fire mode she could quickly strip the B’rel of its shields and then Daniel’s Hellbore would finish the hostile craft.  That was how it should work in theory, however Daniel knew that theory and practice didn’t always work as intended, hopefully that wouldn’t be the case this time.

A moment later Daniel heard K’Ren’s voice over the communications channel.  “Copy Neko, I’ve got a B’rel targeted, light it up with the secondary fire mode with your cannon and then I’ll finish it with a Hellbore.”  Daniel said as he watched her craft slide up alongside his; her and Knight were all that was left of the Grey Wolves and he’d do whatever he could to keep her safe, he wasn’t going to lose her and keep her from returning to her new mate.

K'Ren had barely cleared the bay, linking up with her element leader when he called over the radio he'd found targets for them to hammer. She glanced over her sensor plot, seeing the large numbers of targets, mostly enemies which meant she'd have to be on her toes the entire time. The upside was accidently targeting a friend was that much less likely. Forming up on Salvo she listened as he explained the attack plans. "Roger Salvo, designate the targets and I'll light them up for you. Save some for me tho k? Can't hog all the fun." She knew Havenborn would give her targets to hit with her larger topedos, it was just a matter of thinning out the targets so they could focus the big guns on the capital ships.

Daniel smirked as K'Ren confirmed his orders, as he was about to move into position he got orders from Commander Ravon to take up a defensive position behind the ship and to use one of the new tactics, Zero-Alpha-Lima-Four, which was using allied and hostile debris while flying in a back to back formation.  "Orders confirmed Razor."  Daniel replied.  He switched targets towards one of the B'rels that was located near the aft end of the ship and shared the targeting information with K'Ren, he watched as she painted the target and dropped its shields with her Tetryon Cannon.

Daniel maneuvered his fighter behind the enemy craft, the Klingon pilot onboard the small escort was good but unlike Daniel's Gryphon the B'rel was much larger and not as maneuverable than his smaller fighter.  He had to get in much closer than he preferred because of the Hellbore's shorter target lock range but it didn't take Daniel long for to acquire the target lock once he was in range and a moment later he fire a Hellbore torpedo.  He watched as the torpedo struck the side of the B'rel and for a moment it looked like nothing happened.  A moment later the B'rel exploded debris flying out from all sides.  "Confirmed kill."  Knight said from behind him.  "Salvo to Neko got another target, this one is all yours."  Daniel said as he pulled back to allow K'Ren's fighter to take point

K'Ren had heard the orders come in from Razor as they swapped positions, seemed she was going to be targeting and shooting this time, while still flying through debris. Nothing like a little fun to make the job simpler, she mused to herself. "Salvo, keep debris off my tail. Going in." She locked onto the next B'Rel, matching it's maneuvers, ducking and weaving through the debris of destroyed ships floating near the ship. It was taking much of her concentration to fly between the larger debris, and she heard pings as smaller debris bounced off the hull of her fighter. She took a slightly different approach to her target then Salvo. Using the debris, she weaved in and out, making a targeting lock harder on her craft, occasionally popping out to paint it's aft shields with tetryon cannon. The enemy shields flared but held as she pumped fire into the larger craft.

This was normal enough, the tetryon cannon would take a few strikes to drop a section of the B'Rel's shields, and K'Ren had both her mass drivers and micro-torps ready. It took a couple more hits and the aft shields flared, dropping for a brief window. K'Ren used the advantage and loosed a salvo of microtorpedos into the craft. Several slammed into the edge of the reforming shield but ready, K'Ren got in close, firing off a burst from her mass drivers into the B'Rel's engine. Flare up's came from the impulse engine and K'Ren loosed one final pair of micro-torpedo's into the gap before peeling off. She glanced back, watching the B'Rel erupt, the ship's engines exploding, engulfing the Klingon craft in the split second before the antimatter pods ruptured, completing it's destruction.


This Joint Post brought to you by the letter K and by the writers: Havenborn and SummerDawn.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.


Re: CH06 Battle Log: Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone [D03|1405]

Reply #17
[ Bekks T'chugh, son  of J'atsat and D'Marass, son of Etroll | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy@Nolan  @Pierce  @Havenborn  @SummerDawn  @Auctor Lucan

The two Klingon warriors stalked their way across the fighter assault bay in an effort to assassinate their commanding officer, Commander Tereth. All looked promising for the two until tractor emitters locked onto her and tore her in asunder. T'chugh felt his stomach turn as he watched the visceral pieces of Tereth plop to the deck. Then noticed that the majority of the female commander's body had actually sprayed in all directions. One of her eyes rested upon his shoulder staring at him in murderous rage. Had she known what they were planning?

T'chugh was about to scream out in a bloodthirsty cry as was Klingon tradition when D'Marass cursed. "Argg, meddling Starfleet.!" In disguised D'Marass flung his opened daqtagh dagger off to the side where it struck someone. T'chugh looked in that direction to see a shortish uninformed combatant slump to the ground.

"Come, only a fool fights in a burning house," D'Marass ordered. "With their master dead, those Gorn are going to kill anything that moves. There is a whole contingent of Klingon warriors on board this ship. This battle may be over but the war continues on. We may be able to join them." D'Marass removed the house markings from his uniform and tossed his weapons to the ground. Raising his hands in the air he whispered a question to T'chungh, "What is that phrase the Earthers always transmitted to our earliest warriors?"

T'chugh was having trouble removing his house markings from his uniform, the clip having snagged on the fabric... "errr, we come in pieces?"

D'Marass rolled his eyes at his less than Klingon companion, clearly, his presence in the House fleet was the result of some political favor. "Hold! We come in peace!"

[ Otheusz "Sparkles of the Grey Scars" | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy

"Sparkles" had heard the combat and it called to his pirate heart. His opportunity to stab Klingon hearts had come again. He worked his way across the fighter assault bay were a menacing Gorn was attacking a Starfleet crewman. Hand to hand combat it would be, his specialty. The Gorn were a pirate's dream combatant. He had fantasized about taking one on in hand to hand. And he was delighted to say it was not a disappointment, but in the end it didn't stand a chance. Otheusz thought if anyone object to him stuffing and mounting the head of this one to adorn his trophy case. The reptiles hide would also make for a nice set of leather too. But all that would have to wait because "Sparkles" noticed his next target, a pair of Klingons. With stealth and file, the pirate inched his way toward the two, when unexpectantly. SHIRK

Looking down at his chest, Otheusz saw the hilt of a daqtagh. How? He had been staring at the two the whole time, except for that brief moment when he watched the Klingon female be ripped to shreds. A moment's distraction was all it took. Poetic were his final thoughts as his body slumped to the ground releasing the built-up charge it contained. As the electricity spread across his dying body, it ignited his clothing and the Grey Scar pirate did more than sparkle, he blazed.

[ CPO Sithick | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy

Sithick rolled the female Gorn off of him. She was still alive and he would like to keep her that way. Someone among the Klingons had bred his people war and he needed answers. Perhaps he could get them from her.

"Dontsss killsss. Stunsss butsss notsss killsss. Questionsss weeze hasss."

He stood just in time to watch the female Klingon splatter across the deck. Pieces of her entrails landed on his snout. He could see the disguised in many of his crewmates' eyes, more than one had doubled over heaving as they emptied the contents of their stomachs. Sithick however, licked his lips and savored the taste of fresh meat.

"We come in peace." He heard the words and turned to their source. 

"Peaccce? Youzzz calls thisss peacce?"

"My word, they've trained them too." D'Marass responded.

"Uh, do you know you have a being on fire over there?" T'chugh asked one of the other officers on the deck. "We didn't do that."

A snarl was forming on Sithick's lips as he contemplated his next course of action. Technically Liam was the senior officer in charge but Sithick felt confident that he would be in agreement with the words the Gorn spoke next. "Azzz muchsss eyesss wouldsss likesss toosss eatsss yousss twosss, regulationsss forbidsss itsss. Plusss eyesss wouldsss getsss an upsetsss stomachsss." Pointing to two composed crewmen, Sithick ordered, "Securesss themsss tillsss weezzz cansss placcce themsss insss zee brigsss."

The battle wasn't over, there were feral Gorn roaming the ship and who knows what else beamed aboard while the shields were down.

"Zee restsss of yousss. Clearsss zee hangarsss doorsss. Zee Wolfsss needsss toosss landsss." Sithick knew that before the day was over he would have to plant more flowers in his garden, the question was how many?

CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: CH06 Battle Log: Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone [D03|1405]

Reply #18
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Wolf-04 [Goldeneye] Valkryrie | Space ] Attn: @Nolan @jreeves1701 @Cleric_Kyan @Havenborn @SummerDawn  @Auctor Lucan @BZ [Show/Hide]

Her fighter flew on through the plethora of the Klingon armada so far taking a slight hit but nothing substantial. The energy out there was fierce and rampant with destruction on all sides. Between the Theurgy's hits taken and the loss of a comrade, she was feeling a little less zeal than she had moments before. Seeing Gorka's ship warp out of the area was an omen that things were changing faster than expected. She checked her surroundings and took note that some of the other Lone Wolves were returning to port and decided now might be best in case they had to make a move on.

Tessa turned her head in her cockpit more out of the thrill of watching space zip past around her than anything else. The on-screen monitors were more accurate than the line of sight but the intuition of being a pilot helped her not need to necessarily require it. But the pilot zipped on closer to the Theurgy as she noted a Klingon Bird-of-Prey decloaking on her starboard bow. She attempted to barrel-roll the ship as the Bird-of-Prey let loose a barrage of disruptor fire. Damage intensified on the side of her little ship before she turned enough with the loss of momentum firing micro torpedoes on the enemy's port as he attempted to make a turn. Striking the other ship's exhaust ports, it sent the Klingon vessel spiraling off careening into a tailspin.

Her hands scrambled to regain control before she too went into an unstoppable motion towards the ship. She managed to stabilize the controls enough to limp her Valkyrie back toward the Theurgy's Fighter Bay. The smell of exhaust was leaking into the cockpit which thankfully, she'd decided to wear her fighter suit to allow her to still breathe. Although the viewfinder was damaged, she was able to pilot through a small portion of her cockpit glass. Noting she was still coming in too hot to not make an abrupt landing, she decided it was best to alert the fighter bay crew to activate safety protocols of some kind.

"This is GoldenEye! I've been hit on return to the Fighter Bay. I'm coming in too hot. Recommend you activate whatever safety protocols you have in there, otherwise, you'll have one hell of a mess on your hands." She sat still steering the small ship towards entry with the hope she'd still survive the crash landing.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #19
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @jreeves1701 
After seeing the female Klingon ending up... 'separated' by the tractor beams he'd activated, Liam had cursed under his breath where he operated the controls in the Flight Ops booth. He had not meant to kill her, just apprehend her, but looking at the aftermath of it, it was clear what he'd done intimidated the two Klingon males enough to surrender themselves. While Liam couldn't hear what Sithick was saying out there, and his poor vantage point in the booth prevented him to pick up how many had fallen to the boarding party, Liam could hear Goldeneye reporting that she was coming in for landing - the voice loud voice of the Lone Wolf reverberating in the booth.

"Shit," he said, looking at the cleaved Phantom raider at the mouth of the fighter bay, and deactivated the tractor beams that held the separated remains of the Klingon woman. The suspended goo was finally allowed to hit the deck, as he redirected the tractor beam emitters towards the raider. With a few command inputs on the LCARS screen, and a cue made to the SI field, he pushed the raider off Thea - launching it back into the battle well before Tessa May Lance would come in for landing. Whether or not the raider ended up hitting anything in the battle outside, Liam would never know. He was already out of the door, striding out across the deck.

"Warp fighter coming in hot," he shouted to the present deck crew, still carrying the phase pistol he'd picked up when the boarding party had first appeared on the deck. "You four, keep the Klingons at phaser point until security finally gets here and can take care of them! Sithick, if you can help Security with how to deal with those Gorn in the Jefferies tubes, please do so. The rest of you, man your tasks. Rinella! Get back into that booth and prepare to help Goldeneye land if she needs it!"

Liam wasn't sure he'd be able to operate the tractor beam emitters well enough to help with the landing, and rather wanted the Petty Officer who had the experience for it on the task.

His light blue eyes fell on the immobile form of the female Gorn, still lying on the deck, and he looked towards Sithick again. "Until the battle is over, she must be confined somehow. Please work with Security to get that sorted too? They should get here any moment now." Perhaps it was superfluous, but he added the obvious nonetheless. "You know your own species better than anyone present aboard, so deal with it while I take care of the bay."

[Alert! Goldeneye coming in,] came the call from Rinella in the Flight Ops booth, and Liam set out to deal the orders needed, sending his deck crew running to tasks they were more practised with than dealing with boarding parties. Then again, after the past few battles that the Theurgy had faced, perhaps it was becoming the standard MO.

Re: CH06 Battle Log: Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone [D03|1405]

Reply #20
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Wolf-04 [Goldeneye] Valkryrie | Space ] Attn: @Nolan @jreeves1701 @Cleric_Kyan @Havenborn @SummerDawn @Auctor Lucan @BZ

The knowledge hit her like a ton of bricks. She was coming in hot and even with the protocols in place, her Valkyrie had sustained some serious damage. She was going to crash but by how much was yet to be seen. Also whether she'd survive the impact or not too. But nevertheless, she knew it was soon to be a bumpy ride.

Her cruiser glided ever closer to the fighter bay doors which were wide open. Carnage of a Klingon being ripped apart by what appeared to be Tractor beams was something she'd never noticed before. Rough way to go she thought but could be worse. She could die crashing into the very ship she was tasked to protect. Her hands moved like lightening attempting to gain control back from the careening vehicle. Carefully she'd managed to stabilize the Valkyrie but the brakes weren't there. It'd take a miracle as she re-enters the ship. Thankfully, the crew wasn't in harm's way...that she could see at least.

"This is GoldenEye, do whatever you're going to do now! I'm coming in!" the blonde woman yelled as she came within a few meters of the ship. The ship's tractor beams launched on either side of the doorframe and attempted to guide her in the best it could with the momentum she dragged beghind her. A wing blew off the small ship as she hit the reverse thrusters hard. It was too late however as she crashed into the emergency net which prevented harm from the ship but not from it's pilot.

Her face smacked the controls as she was sent flying forward despite the seatbelt. Had she had the forethought to wear her helmet, the concussion would have been minimal, but due to the blunt force of her head smacking the console, she'd been knocked out cold. Blood from her nose shot out and sprayed the console as she'd accumulated a large bruise on her left cheek. She laid limp on the controls, out of commission but not dead yet.

The Valkyrie was in the same sorry state that her pilot was. In need of serious repairs.

OOC: She's not dead but will need to go to sickbay. She'll likely end up in the same area as Lauren Pierce for a medic which will amplify the reunion after she awakens.

Re: CH06 Battle Log: Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone [D03|1405]

Reply #21
[ CPO Sithick | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce @Cleric_Kyan @Havenborn @SummerDawn @Auctor Lucan @BipSpoon @Nolan

Sithick watched as Goldeneye's fighter crashed into the landing bay. It was not a total loss and could be salvaged. Without access to Starfleet facilities the ability to replenish lost fighters was greatly handicapped. Before long, Sithick knew that he would be leading a team of technicians in rat rodding their fleet of fighters.

"Eyesss eyesss, Ensignsss," he responded to Liam's orders. "Yousss, yousss, andsss yousss, withsss meesss." Sithick ordered his selected team. Tapping his combage, "Theasss, transportsss gornsss femalesss toosss xenozoologiesss labsss simulatorsss zeroesss twosss andsss runsss Sithicksss environmentalisss simulationsss Gornarsss Betasss Zeesss."

It was a simulation that Sithick rarely ran. It was a program that was designed by some of his friends from Black Opal in an effort to make the big guy feel at home. Sithick appreciated the gesture but couldn't bear disappointing them by saying Gornar was as alien to him as he was to them.

Once the Gorn female had dematerialized. Sithick led his team toward the nearest Jefferies Tube access. The doors had been pried open and bent outward. The claw marks a clear indication of the brute strength possessed by these feral gorn. Sithick was familiar with the amplifying effect adrenaline had on himself, but these cousins of his must be running on a high octane version of the biological chemical.

Holding his hand in a signal for those behind him to hold. Sithick flicked his tongue near the shaft of the tube. What he sensed was troubling. The feral Gorn had only one direction to go and that was up. Everyone could hear the echoes as they tore their way through the labyrinth of tunnels connecting every deck of the ship. What few crewmen could register was the taste of their focused intent. These Gorn were on the hunt. Their orders made clear by their handler.

"Thea. Status of the Gorn intruders." Sithick asked.

"The G...g...gorn intru..u..uders have... have... have inva..a..aded Decks 15... 4... 4... 14... 13." The studdering response of Thea worried Sithick. Then all the lights across the fighter deck began to flicker before system by system went dark. There was no way they had reached Auxilary Engineering of Vector 2. The primary plasma conduits would have been a heat source to attract the minds of these feral creatures. Slowly auxiliary power kicked in from backup subroutines but areas affected would be operating at less than full strength.

The Gorn chief growled a low rumbling sound of annoyance. Tapping his combadge again, "Sithicksss toosss bridgesss. Statusss reportsss onsss Gornsss intrudersss."

Sithick didn't recognize the voice of the person that responded. "I'm assuming that you're the Gorn life sign in the fighter bay, but sensors in the lower decks are shorting in and out. I'm showing damage in various sections of Decks 13 through 15. There is a massive plasma leak on Deck 14. It has been sealed off by emergency forcefields and containment doors. I'm picking up three Gorn lifesigns moving separately throughout the ship. Power fluctuations seem to follow in their wake."

Sithick watched four of his cousins enter the Jefferies tubes. Where was number four? Was he the injured one? It made sense. If he was then he would have sought a warm place to nest and heal. The plasma leak! When this was all over, Sithick sensed that maintenance would find the charred remains of a Gorn in a sealed section of Deck 14.

OOC: Sithick's hunt to be continued in Triage & Tactics.

For those remaining behind, Deck 16 will is on auxiliary power due to damage caused by the Gorn ripping their way through the Jeffries Tubes. The four are now down to three due to make their appearance in Triage and Tactics. Anyone with quarters on the lower decks of Vector 2 that wants to include damage to their quarters, feel free to include such easter eggs. These Gorn are on a hunter/killer mission to eliminate Martok. All Klingons look the same to a feral mind, so they are attacking any and all Klingons they encounter and anyone or anything that gets in their way. Except for the one that died a messy death by nesting on a plasma conduit.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: CH06 Battle Log: Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone [D03|1405]

Reply #22
[ Lt. Cmdr Thomas "Razor" Ravon |  Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ] Attn: @Pierce  @jreeves1701 @Cleric_Kyan   @Havenborn   @SummerDawn @Auctor Lucan   @BipSpoon 

Some situations called for desperate measures. It somewhat surprised Thomas at how many desperate situations he had found himself in while being aboard the Theurgy. The state of mind of the pilot shifting slightly from the battle for a second before the shaking of his craft brought him back to the unsettling reality that was setting in. He could hear his own breathing much more than usual inside of the helmet and the other sounds of the cockpit faded as his gaze was drawn to a particular bit of the ongoing battle.

Miles was providing covering fire support for the escaping crewmates of the pack. Perhaps it was one of the reasons why Thomas always looked up to the man, he never backed down from a fight to ensure the safety of his pack. However, from where Thomas was sitting, he could see how this situation would turn sideways, fast.

"Come on Miles, get he fuck out of there..." he murmured to himself, already steering his own fighter into the utter clusterfuck that Miles worked himself into. Thomas knew however, he was too far away, there were too many targets between him and Miles to ever get there in time. He could only see how his old mentor, his friend called out to him.

"Thomas! Protect her... protect them... at any cost. Courage is fear..." It was the last thing he'd hear from the Vulpinian before his ship was enveloped by fire and phaser fire. Thomas screamed out in both pain and rage, his own voice not even registering in his own ears, he wasn't even transmitting.

Closing the distance to the returning fighters, he continued where Miles left off. Distracting and or destroying any targets that came after them and marking a giant bullseye on himself. Claxons and alarms went off the entire time now while shields were starting to get worn down by the battle and weapon systems began to deplete.

"Razor. Buckle in, shits about to get real hot."
Henshaw warned him as the flight plan got updated, the vectors moving closer together in front of his eyes. "We're about to punch through the following coordinates, yea I know. Small gap. Watch yourself...ops out."

"Anyone not being able to land their ship in the next minute, rally on me as we'll be making a jump soon! Updating flightplans now. Stay safe and watch one another. Razor out." he called out to his wolfs. In the meantime Goldeneye made her crash landing, her fate unknown, though it sounded like hell over her comms. He could hear the distress and chaos from down in the bay, unsure if landing there was a good option.

The Valkyrie twisted and spiraled through debris and constant phaser fire, explosions occurring all around him while he punched in his own coordinates for the jump. He'd either live to fight another day, or would find his end in the wreckages of this onslaught.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #23
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @jreeves1701 @Pierce @Havenborn @SummerDawn @BipSpoon @Nolan  
Seeing GoldenEye's Valkyrie come crashing into the Fighter Assault Bay, Liam Herrold was glad that he wasn't in the Flight Ops booth, controlling the tractor beam emitters. Rinella, however, did a fine job at it. As well as anyone could expect.

The Klingon raider was shoved out of the mouth of the bay, the cockpit section tumbling through the battlefield outside in short order. The Valkyrie came in hot, touching down on the deck, but the momentum was caught by the aftmost tractor beam emitter, slowing it down. Then, Rinella recruited the rest of the bay's tractor beam emitters to bring it to a full stop, compensating for the lacking energy output in the first one. In short order, the Valkyrie was safely elevated a couple of feet above the deck, and was towed into its slot on the deck.

By this time, both Security and Medical personnel had arrived in the Fighter Assault Bay, the former taking the captured Klingons off their hands, and the latter dealing with the wounded. Two officers ran to Tessa May Lance's Valkyrie, accompanied by two of the deck crew pushing a flight stair to it, and after they scanned her through the cracked canopy of the warp fighter's cockpit, they issued an emergency medical transport for the Lone Wolf. It was definitely quicker than to try to get the cockpit open and extract her from the exosuit in such a tight space.

Meanwhile, shouting orders left and right to deal with the situation in the fighter bay, Liam Herrold ended up closer to the mouth of the bay - witnessing the battle outside. He could see Klingon ships decloaking or dropping out of warp, either mounting a defence for the three separated Vectors of the Theurgy or joining the enemy lines. It was as if all the Klingon Houses were congregating for the battle, a battle Liam had heard might decide the future of the Klingon Empire. And right in the middle of it was the Theurgy, supporting the Chancellor because he knew what the Infested were and understood the import of dealing with them.

"This looks bad," he said under his breath, squinting at the soundless explosions taking place out there when the Klingon forces clashed while one side tried to get through to the Theurgy. The Lone Wolves were still out there, but at least they were no longer alone. More and more ship arrived to help push back House Mo'Kai's ship and their allies. Perhaps the remaining warp fighters out there would make it, but the amount of losses on both sides of the Klingon fleets were significant.

If the Romulans were heading for the Empire's borders, and with the Klingons already having suffered so much losses in the Azure Nebula whilst fighting the Borg Queen, would there be any left to fight another day?

Re: CH06 Battle Log: Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone [D03|1405]

Reply #24
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie, Gryphon-class “Hellcat” & [ ENS K’Ren, Callsign: Neko | AC-409 Mark-III Valkyrie ] ] Attn: @Nolan, @Pierce, @Nero, @Auctor Lucan

The tactics that Daniel and K'Ren had devised had worked well, between them they had disabled or destroyed a half dozen B'rel-class BOPs.  K'Ren had just popped the shields on a seventh and Daniel scored a direct hit on a B'rel-class in it's engine manifold using the last of his torpedoes.  The small escort craft split into several pieces after an explosion that managed to scorch his shields dropping them down to seventy-six percent.  He could hear Knight behind him cursing as he tried to find spare power from somewhere.  He had already turned the fighter's life support systems off and they had switched on their suits life support systems to conserve power.

The battlespace around the Theurgy was intense there had been larger Klingon cruiser that Daniel had meant to target earlier but the smaller BOPs kept presenting themselves as easier targets of opportunity.  He knew that K'Ren was low on ordnance as well then an update came from Razor.  "Copy Razor, Salvo and Neko returning to base."  Daniel said, the two of them hadn't strayed very far from the Theurgy so returning to the FAB shouldn't be that much of an issue, he wasn't sure if the other pilots would be able to though.  "Salvo to Neko, form up.  You'll land first."  Daniel said as he heard a sign of relief come from Knight behind him.

While Cait's were not a species to relish in the kill, defense of one's pride by means of lethal force was culturally acceptable as a last resort. Her time in Starfleet, the combat sorties, all had been times where talk had failed, and while she had blood on her paws, she knew there had been no other choice. She also knew, when her time in Starfleet was over, she'd settle down with her mate Deacon and be a mother, help restore balance to the universe. Her mind for now was focused on the task at hand, the last BoP's shields were down and she slipped into position behind and above Havenborn as he went in for the kill. His torpedoes ran true, and the aft end of the craft erupted in front of them, consuming the smaller spacecraft, it's Klingon crew entering the Gates of Sto'vo'kor even as the two fighters semi-successfully dodged the debris. Havenborn's fighter had taken a hit from some of the wreckage and she could see his craft was damaged, enough she knew they'd have to return to base soon enough, especially as they were low on ammo, torpedo banks were depleted, the fighter's energy weapons reserves were getting low.

She heard Razor's command for her and Salvo to break off and return to the Theurgy. She formed up on Salvo, on his wing, glancing over at his craft, the dings and dents in the craft from debris evident. Even with energy shields some things still got through, and she gave him a thumbs up. She banked in towards Theurgy, the flight path displayed in her helmet display, and even though they were in combat technically, K'Ren was content to let the autopilot handle the last minute of flight, it could correct for any combat maneuvers faster then she could, keep her on course for a smooth landing.

She was getting close to landing, she could see the outer markers of the landing pattern lit up in her visor when she felt what could only be described as is she'd felt something inside tear, something ripped away, a faint word 'Sorry,' followed by pain that seemed to tear her apart. K'Ren gasped, the pain overwhelming, an all too familiar pain. She cried out, the loss of her mate, her Deacon, she was alone again in the universe, her link to the man she loved snapped in an instant. R'Kaltha it seemed wanted to balance the books with blood, the blood of those she loved taken for those she killed. Markus, her cub, and now Deacon, she truly was forsaken, and now cursed.

Daniel heard the cry from K'Ren over the communications link but watched as her fighter coasted into the FAB. He wanted to get into the FAB as soon as he could so he increased his speed. "Salvo to Neko, what's wrong?" He called over their com-link.

K'Ren wasn't focused on the approach and landing, her autopilot was managing the flying for her, which was good as her mind wasn't focused, couldn't focus in that moment. She could barely think, her heart hurt so much, and she barely heard Salvo's call over the open comm-link between them. "Deacon," she said to the voice in her cockpit. "My mate is dead."

Daniel was shocked, he knew that she had taken another mate but wasn't entirely sure of who it had been. He recalled meeting Deacon when they first arrived on Theurgy he was the proprietor of the Below Decks Lounge. "What's your status Neko? Can you handle the landing?" Daniel called back concern in his voice. He'd already lost Meony he didn't want to lose K'Ren as well.

K'Ren was struggling, but she forced herself to focus on her craft, work through the pain, get back to the Theurgy, where she could sink into the pain. "I'm, I'll make it back Salvo." she remarked to her wing-mate. She glanced over her cockpit, she was on final approach and the control tower in the landing bay could finish the flight, but she willed herself to focus, get herself landed. "Final Approach. Theurgy's docking system is active, can guide me in."

"Understood Neko, I'll see you on the ground." He said as he watched as her fighter glided into the bay, he could see the active tractor beams guiding it down. He began the slowing of his craft as well, unlike Neko however he planned to land his fighter manually. It was a matter of pride for him to land his craft no matter the condition it was in, only twice in his career had he not been able to do so. "Knight as soon as we're on the ground take care of the post-flight duties." Daniel said as he heard an affirmative acknowledgement from his RIO.

K'Ren mostly monitored her craft as she came in for a landing, the tractor beams guiding her craft into a hover and into a free space that was relatively untouched by the fight earlier. She felt the bump of her craft on it's landing struts, and out of habit began the shut down procedure, her mind not really on the craft, the combat, all she could think about was the loss of her link to her mate, the feeling of emptiness in her heart and mind. She popped her canopy, unstrapping herself from her fighter, lifting off her helmet. She was just going through the motions at this point, climbing down the ladder, placing her helmet under her arm, walking towards the locker rooms wordlessly, not trusting herself to speak or say anything, trying not to break down in the middle of the fighter bay, not like the first time, the time she lost Markus.

Daniel felt the tractor beams take hold of his fighter as he spotted K'Ren walking towards the locker room. He wished that he could speed up time and get his fighter landed faster. After a few painstaking moment the fighter finally settled into its docking cradle and he opened its canopy., there was a hiss as air refilled the cockpit He unstrapped from the seat but didn't even make a motion to remove his helmet, catching up to K'Ren and making sure she was okay took priority. He'd seen her go through this last time when they had lost Markus and if she had felt the loss of Deacon, her new mate, Daniel understood what she was going through and he knew that she needed a friend right now.

K'Ren didn't really notice Daniel as he followed her to the locker rooms, the grief and pain seemed to make the rest of the world around her a haze. She went into the locker rooms, placing her helmet in her lap as she sat down, leaning her head against the helmet. Tears started to stream down her face, staining her cheeks, and she began to sob, unable to hold on any longer, letting her pain flow freely. "Deacon," she slowly repeated, rocking a little.

Daniel paid little mind or heed to anyone as he rushed through the crowds of people making his way towards the locker room, once he was inside the corridor outside the locker rooms he stopped and pulled his helmet off, clipping it onto his back he entered the locker room and listened for a moment. After a second he heard a word just barely a whisper but said over and over, 'Deacon'. Daniel slowly made his way into the locker room and after a moment he found K'Ren, her head against her helmet, rocking back and forth. He approached her and sat down next to her, placing his hand on her shoulder to let her know he was there.

K'Ren at first didn't notice Daniel come into the room, so focused on her own pain, as she was. Only after he sat down beside her, and placed his hand on her shoulder did she even acknowledge him. "Deacon is dead." she said simply, choking through tears, "Like Markus," she said, "I felt him torn from me, a part of me ripped away." She couldn't explain how she'd felt it, just knew that she had. She placed her head back on her helmet, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "Every time I find something good, death rips it from my grasp."

Daniel had never really understood the link that K'Ren had been able to share with her mates, something to do with Caitian physiology but he didn't really understand how it worked. Daniel embraced her for a moment, then released. "Deacon's death isn't like Markus." Daniel said. "Markus was a pilot, he knew what he was getting into every time he got into that cockpit. Deacon should have been safe on the ship." He said, it hurt him to see her like this. As any pilot can attest to, every time you got into a cockpit and flew into a combat sortie you risked everything. It seemed like Fate was attempting to balance the books.

K'Ren felt Daniel's touch, a friend's brief embrace. His words to her about Markus and Deacon, while true (she knew this in her rational mind), gave little comfort in the moment. The pain was just too raw, too fresh for simple words to assuage the hurt she felt, the anger towards the universe and what she couldn't control. "The deities maintain balance, R'Kaltha brings life to her children, her sister takes life away." she almost whispered through the tears. "I am a foresaken one, p'roash'ngrann, but I am also cursed." She said, "The deities balance the blood on my hands by taking that which I love from me."

Daniel wasn't entirely sure what to say, to him death was just part of life, the price one must eventually pay to Fate.  "We'll get through this together K'Ren."  Daniel said, casually using her name without her rank, at the moment he cared more about her well-being than about her rank.  "Fate and the gods be damned, you're not cursed or forsaken."

K'Ren leaned in against Daniel. He's been her wingmate for pretty much all of her career, he'd saved her ass a few times, he'd known Markus, knew how much K'Ren had loved the pilot, and she knew he knew how torn up she'd been when she'd lost her mate. He'd kept tabs on her, made sure she came through the madness in one piece. She knew the next days would be hard, she need time off to grieve, to deal with the mental anguish she felt, the near insanity her species suffered after their link to their mate broke, the madness her people called it. "And yet Daniel," she said softly, "Those I love are torn from me. I lost Markus, I lost a cub, and now I lost Deacon. Everyone I love around me dies. How is that not cursed?"

As K'Ren leaned against him he wrapped an arm around her.  He remembered what it was like the last time this happened and how it nearly destroyed her, he wasn't going to let that happen no matter what Fate had in mind.  "You still have me, and Uriah and the other pilots.  I'll be here for you every step of the way."  He said softly.  He would have to speak to Commander Ravon about giving her a leave of absence to deal with the mental trauma.

It felt strange in some ways, but she felt a measure of comfort with Daniel's arm wrapped around her holding her close. She sniffled a little, "I know the wolves are here for me, you and Uriah, and even Liam. I just need space, the madness will consume me for a time, it is the Caet way." She paused, knowing more hardship was to come, she'd have to face Deacon one last time, the shell he once inhabited empty, her mate now before the fanged god. "You will come with me when I see Deacon one last time? Say goodbye to my mate."

"Of course I will K'Ren."  Daniel said.  "If you need anything at all let me know."  He added as he continued to hold her close.  Daniel didn't know Deacon that well but he knew that he hadn't deserved whatever Fate had done to him.  He would support his wingmate throughout her time of need.


This Joint Post brought to you by the letter H and the writers Havenborn & SummerDawn
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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