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Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Stopping A Stray Bullet
Stardate: 57581.32
Day 10
20 March 2381

[PO2 T’Kolla | Cockpit | Aldea System | SS Maccavia] @BZ @Brutus

The Maccavia entered the Aldea System and Taa’gur set the course for the coordinates the Rear Admiral had given him. Leaning back in his seat thought the Devore again about the conversation Anderson and he had before he accepted to join the Theurgy. He had doubted the story of the Admiral until Anderson had shown him the evidences he’d discovered. If those oversized tapeworms wanna have a fight, they should better bring some good shields with them. He glanced to the image of Jallis at the side of the cockpit. They’ve taken this picture long ago, almost eight years now. He will not let this parasites destroy what she died for.

Taa’gur got interrupted from his thoughts by one of the annoying ways that were possible. A Klingon fighter deactivated his cloak in front of the craft and requested the alien vessel to identify itself. T'Kolla knew that he would likely met at least one of the Klingon patrols. The pilot continued to scream the orders through the comm system and instead of stammering hastily back that he is one of the new members of the Theurgy, the Devore replied composed: “Taa’gur Val Millox Kolla, Petty Officer Second Class, USS Theurgy. Check your records.” It’s not the first time he met a wannabe tough military dude. This Klingon had just barked and nothing more. Those who were calm were the actual dangerous ones, since they didn’t need to cover an uncertainty in their voice. At least Taa’gur hoped that the Klingon military had the same kind of soldiers the most other militaries had.

The pilot opened the comm again and gave the Petty Officer the order to follow his shuttle to the shipyards. I hope they’re not all so overemotional. After some annoying minutes, the Maccavia landed in the shipyards of Aldea. Before he left the shuttle, the Devore wrapped all his stuff. Some of his trophies of the last years, Nicos old guitar and the Tarachi. The last thing he grabbed was the picture. He pursed it in his trenchcoat and opened the door of the shuttle.

A couple of Klingons scurried around, but non of them actually cared about him and therefore decided the Devore to ignore them too. A short look back at the shuttle. It was a long time, but I guess everything has to end some day. He activated the self destruction mode of the shuttle and in the critical parts of the engine and consoles aboard some acid capsules opened up. I guess it’s still more worth than the shit a Ferengi tries to sell you, well that's not a bad Idea. He walked to next merchant he was able to find and offered him a very special trade deal. A few minutes and some new bits of gold-pressed-latinum in his pockets later the Devore walked to the airlocks of the Theurgy. At the entrance of the airlock stood a human Crewmen of the security.

The Crewmen stopped Taa’gur on his way to the entrance. “Please, Sir, identify yourself.”

“Taa’gur Kolla. I’m one of the new recruits for the Theurgy.” The Crewmen searched in his PADD for the name and replied: “Okay there you are.” He opened the file of T’Kolla on his PADD to check if the new crew member got any first orders. “Welcome aboard, Sir. You’re ordered to report in the engine room. Should I show you the way?”

“No, I know the way, but if you want to do something actual helpful then you can take care of my stuff here.” He laid the bag softly at the side of the Crewmen. “I’ll get it back later. Oh and If you hear any ticking from the inside just ignore it and, that’s important, DON’T open it.” The Devore clapped the Crewmen on the back and added with a smile: “No reason to panic, Crewmen. I’ll be back very soon.” Taa’gur entered the Theurgy and searched for the next turbolift to reach deck 25. I guess this one will never stop me again in the future.

[PO2 T’Kolla | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy]

T’Kolla was used to them, they were almost normal after all this years. The views, the surprised expressions, all those reactions by those who recognized his species from the Voyager logs and images. Some years ago there were no actual problem with this kind reaction, but during that time only the members of the Interceptor saw him. I guess I’ll need about two months to bring them on the same I don't care level. Taa’gur realized now that he hasn’t actually helped himself by wearing his former Devore uniform, even if he just wore the trenchcoat since it was the most comfortable coat he ever had and was pretty stylish too.

He entered the main engine, the heart of a spaceship and the most interesting workplace aboard, if worked in the right department. Glancing around the room, he saw some crew members were running around or worked on something where they stood. Non of them was the person the Devore was looking for now and therefor he ignored them completely. The Chief Engineers office was somewhere left of the warp core and T’Kolla moved straight to the spot he thought the Chief Engineer was right now, or at least would be somewhere close to it.

He reached the office door and activated the comm systems to inform the Chief of his presents. Unfortunately the room was empty and he hasn’t seen someone with her description around main engineering thus far. Luckily for him was there another person he saw, that could definitely helped him now. A brown haired, short human woman stood there and watched, as all did, his way to the office. He glanced at the insignia of her uniform she was a Lt Commander too, but if the description of Blue Tiran wasn’t completely wrong, she was definitely someone else.

“Ma’am!” He saluted in front of her and was standing at attention. An old habit and unfortunately one that hasn’t vanished until now. He just hoped the woman was non of the officers who had an actual problem with military behavior aboard Starfleet vessels. The most of them still consider them to be more scientist and explorers than marines and soldiers. T’Kolla, however, hasn't stopped to behave like he did aboard the old Devore cruisers since he had met aboard the Interceptor and definitely continued to do so aboard the Theurgy. “I was searching for Lt. Commander Blue Tiran. Could you probably inform me about her current location, Ma'am?” He has stopped saluting, but was still standing at attention, since the other Lt. Commander hasn’t given him the order to stand at ease. He had made the mistake of not waiting for this permission once and will never do it again.

OOC: A Tarachi is a one-handed sword. I'll probably make a image of it in the future or when I'm completely bored.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Das 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #1
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @DaValle @BZ 

The engine room bustled about with far more activity than she had seen in some time. The ranks were filling back out, thought Natalie had to admit that the methods of 'recruitment' were far from the norm. She'd been brought up to speed by Captain Ives upon their return, that a number of new officers were going to show up over the course of the next few days, having been sent on by their new contact at Starfleet.

But most of the new faces she saw in Main Engineering were from the Endeavour, mostly, or refugees from the other ships that had crossed in the Theurgy's wake. That many of those had come from ships that her own had sparred with, and left the worse for ware was...regrettable. She had a few new Ops Officers in that boat, and had come down to check in on things here with Lt. Commander Tiran on similar matters of crew integration. Of course, that meant integrating with the aforementioned Lt. Commander Tiran unfortunate side effect. She would have to get along, she knew. For the crews' sake, for Captain Ives, and for her own sanity. Plus there was the owl...

Natalie had not yet had the chance to interact with the little AI and had idly wondered if she might see the creature on her trip to the engine room. She wasn't here just to see Blue. As the ships Second Officer she'd started to make wider rounds each day, dropping into different parts of the ship. Today she decided that she needed to be here anyways, this might as well be her destination. And there was the fact that Billy Bob had been on hand, and she'd paused to say hello and make sure that he was well.

It was impossible not to like the soft spoken Master Chief, and she had privately wanted to make sure he was happy being back with his engines and not responsible for the entire ship. Satisfied there, at least, she had just the time to turn and discover a strange looking alien man striding across toward Blue's empty office, with a long trench coat on. Not at all standard uniform, but Natalie simple crossed her arms under her bust and watched from the moment, as the man seemed to walk with a purpose. Security was as tight as could be, so she wasn't immediately worried about an intruder. but she did see a few of the other engineers reaching, here and there, for a spare hyper-spanner or plasma torch, just in case. Far too many of them had seen mutiny aboard in the past, and while the crews were working hard to see themselves as ‘one crew’ and not a smattering collection, it was not as easy a process as she or anyone wished, and there was more than a little suspsicion to go around. TIme would tell, of course.

And if that isn't both heartening and heart wrenching all at once, I don't know what is, she reflected, watching the mans fruitless quest for a meeting with the infamous 'blue menace' (an unfortunate nickname that had managed to crop up, despite the good work the new Chief Engineer was doing. Nat would have to put a stop to it if she could). There was, she reflected ironically, never a dull moment on this ship. This thought promptly bit her in her skirted ass as the man turned and alighted upon Natalie herself, seeing her from where she watched, and made a bee line for her. Oh, hell.

He snapped to attention and saluted, and Natalie was taken wholly aback, not at all comfortable with the formality of the gesture that she blinked in surprise, her arms loosening. His behavior and dress made him a newcomer in every way and form, and Natalie struggled for a moment to process. There was something familiar about the man's features - or more his species features. She had seen his kind somewhere, though she did not remember precisely where. She knew that the race had to be something out of the ordinary for her to even have a trace memory of it standing out.

"At ease," she ordered first, waving off the salute with a flick of her wrist, and putting a smile on. More than one Starfleet officer had started their career somewhere else, in the service of another government, and more often than naught a more strictly organized form of military. And then again, those that came into the fleet during the Dominion War, serving on the front lines, tended toward a more strict accounting of themselves, even seven years after the fact. That Natalie did not was something of a surprise for many of her graduating class.

She hadn't been in the thick of the fighting though. No, she just had the Borg to deal with, most recently, and before that the Klingons, the Asuarian's, the infested...

"I'm afraid you're in the same boat as me," she continued, stepping forward as she spoke, unable to see a marking of rank from where sh was, or how the trench coat lay on his frame. She had to look up at him, because of course she did. Once again she reflected on just how annoying it was to be short. Little to be done about it however. Instead, she continued on, smile in place.

"I'm here to see the Lieutenant Commander myself and do a bit of a check in to see how she's managing. I'm Lt. Commander Stark," she said by way of introduction, having done this a few times by now, and throwing most military decorum out the window, extended her hand in the classic of human greetings, knowing not this man's culture, adding, "Chief of Operations and ships second officer. Welcome aboard the Theurgy, Mister...?" And there she let her voice trail off. She did not know who he was and was not on hand just to welcome him aboard, though both she and Commander Ducote would be doing plenty of that as the supposed supplemental personnel that they had been promised trickled in. She now wondered just how this man had got aboard, and would certainly do a read through of his file, as she was the one to meet him first.

Re: Das 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #2
[PO2 T’Kolla | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Brutus @BZ

The response wasn't... normal, it wasn't bad, bitchy or rude, just not normal. Taa'gur was almost used to the last one, but a welcome like this despite his way of introduction still surprised him. His shoulders went down and his face exchanged the former expression with a more friendlier. Well any kind of expression was actually friendly than the one he had before. He snapped slightly back and responded to the officers question."...Kolla. Taa'gur Val Millox Kolla, but you can call me Taa'gur or Kolla, if you want to. Just please don’t call me T’Kolla that would sound… strange. Not for you but for me." He broke up for a second and added again in a more cold military way: "I'm sorry, ma'am. It seemed like I've spaced out a little bit." He glanced around the engine room, the situation seemed to settle down, since he has talked with the woman. He has served aboard many ships in his entire life and one thing he wasn't bad in was his sixth sense for the morality among a crew. This one here was like a patchwork rug, used, but still it did its job. It had to be an incredible work by the COs aboard this ship to hold everything together. Even more it was something T'Kolla had a deep respect for.

"You've mentioned that you're searching for the Chief Engineer too. If you wouldn't mind, I would suggest to help you on your search. I've got some data from the Starfleet R&D Mrs Blue probably want to check herself." The Devore briefly glanced at a young crewmen working at a console that starred at him. A Vulcan crewmember. I hope that one isn’t working under my direct command. Then he shacked his head almost imperceptible and thought. Come on dickhead. Maybe he’ll be the new Cpt. Kirk in the future. You don’t know, so don’t prejudge him.

Taa’gur decided to ignore any further thoughts about him or any other "According to the blueprints of this ship are your phaser array adjustments not state-of-the-art and your torpedo were working at a 7% lower efficiency than they could work." He stopped again there and waited for her answer. He knew there was nothing more annoying than a newbie who arrived at your working place and behaved like he was the king of it. He added before the Lieutenant Commander could reacted: “I guess in any case Mrs Blue want to see those data and probably me too, even just to see the newest shitface that serves under her command and steals her time. I suggest that we should contact her per comm systems.”[/i]
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Das 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #3
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @BZ @DaValle  [Show/Hide]

Well this really is going to be an interesting day, isn't it? Natalie thought with the smallest of a wry grin on her face. Certainly, this was not going along the ways she had imagined. Not that she had much in the way of expectations, of course. The day was still quite young. And the newcomer was quite a curious sort indeed. She watched as he relaxed, bit by bit, and his expression softened. She decided he definitely had military service in his background, but could not rule out his having served under a hard ass commander somewhere in the fleet. Front line duty?

There was little real point in speculation on her part, as Mr. Kolla made his introductions, and his apologies. Having spaced out a few times herself - and this being early in her shift, so she being in a generous mood, Natalie tucked her hands back behind herself now, nodding. "Welcome aboard then, Mr. Kolla." All around them, the crew eased themselves back into the flow of work, though certainly more than a few still watched, surreptitiously, or openly, at the new man in his long coat and stiff bearing, drawing gazes as easily as the flame drew moths. 

Eyebrows rising slightly, Natalie let herself draw out the word, "Ohhhh?" a ghost of a smile crossing her face. This then, was one of the new recruits sent in, confirmed near enough based on his promise of intelligence from Starfleet R&D. "I'd have to say that this is certainly a welcome bit of news. It's been sometime since we've talked to R&D. They don't exactly return our calls." And we don't exactly make any, she thought in a tone as dry as the surface of much of her home world still remained.  Her hands tightened on each other as the man - Kolla - went on to explain that what he brought with him related to the ships offensive output, with suggesting on improving weapons efficiency. While Nat didn't focus solely on those subsystems, routing power to phasers, their drain on the ships resources, and the like certainly fell under her preview. Torpedo output was more strictly put under Cross' oversight, as the ships Chief Tactical officer. She'd make a note to second any research from this Kolla to the Vulcan Lieutenant Commander for review. 

She was sure Cross would appreciate it. 

"Since I need to see her and you need to see her I see no reason we cannot see her together. And you're right, you've got my curiosity peaked. You also don't look like a Greek, so I won't stare this gift horse too closely in the mouth." She'd never read the Odyssey or the Aeneid until the Academy, where they had been required reading along side some of Kahless' and Krotus treaties, and various other works. The Trojan War was part of a general strategy class, and thus she assumed the man might get the reference. And if not, she'd have some reading to recommend to him. A win win situation, as long as she didn't mind looking just a little crazy. Only a little.

Thinking that Blue Tiran would take to the new officer like a cat to cream, if she enjoyed those that spoke with just as much profanity as she herself employed shitface, indeed, - Natalie quirked a cold smile. The newcomer was right, of course, and that was all there was to it. She reached up, and gently wrapped her hand across the badge on her breast. "Stark to Tiran," she began, establishing a connection and then plowing on ahead. "I've got gentleman here from Starfleet R&D to see you. He's bringing gifts, even.  Its our lucky day. Care to meet us in your office?" Silently she quirked up an eyebrow at Kolla, to see if he had anything to add.

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #4
[PO2 T’Kolla | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Brutus @BZ 

His stance hasn’t changed, despite what the Lt. Commander had said. Still the expression upon his face was another now. The Devore was uncertain now, but not about the situation or the crew around them. It was the expression that the woman has chosen and more specific the word itself that he hasn’t heard thus far. Well he probably has heard the word, but didn’t thought it was worth remembering it. After a short fight with himself, he finally decided to ask her what she meant. The most members of the Starfleet didn’t took offense by this kind of questions, but still it wasn’t his way to even provoke the possibility of an offense.

Before he was able to ask her the question she obviously decided to invite the other Lieutenant Commander to the little gathering here. Taa’gur was now in a for him quite uncomfortable situation. Despite his request of personality reports about his COs aboard the ship, the Admiral hasn’t send him any. The only data, beside the blueprints, Taa’gur was able to check during his flight were the normal files, but the Devore didn’t cared less about aboard which ship his new superiors has served before. So right now he had no idea what exactly awaited him with Lt. Commander Blue, but he would definitely preferred an CO with a military leading style here. If there was one truth he had learned during the Rebellion then the fact that it wasn’t the kindness of the senior Officers that kept the lower ranks in line.

Taa’gur waited till the woman ended her communication with Blue and then asked her about what he was curious about now since she has mentioned it. “Ma’am, I’ve got one question now. What’s a horse?”
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #5
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Fucking Shit | Fixing Shit Not Done Properly | Putting People in their Places |  Didn't you get Trained?
@Brutus @DaValle

When you told people to do shit, this odd thing happened.  You expected it to get done.  Not just get done, but get done to the fucking point where it fucking worked and was fucking good as new if not better.  Because, that was how Blue Fucking Tiran worked.  There was no second best, there was no fucking half-assed.  So Blue wasn't the Chief Engineer that sat behind her desk all day every day barking orders, she was out there in the fucking tubes, in the fucking trenches, in the fucking world making sure that shit was fixed.  From the smallest to the largest problem.  She did delegate as well, and she ran a tight fucking deck.  Shit needed to be done, done right, and done to her standards.  Blue checked every fucking thing that was supposed to be done, and luckily she had mostly found that the competent crew of the Theurgy were able to hold up to her standards.  There were some though, she wasn't sure how they had fucking retained their job other than the Theurgy was not exactly on a hiring capacity right now.

Blue was currently not even on her fucking deck though, she was out among the ship doing some fucking reallignment jobs that she could have given to someone else.  Blue, one.. Blue appreciated working with her hands and getting shit done herself, and two, she didn't expect anyone to do jobs that she herself wouldn't do.  So there she was, laying in one of the access tubes to one of the sensor arrays that had gotten malaligned during the large battles that the Theurgy had gone through recently.  She was currently calibrating it and getting it ready for the next time the crew went out on a mission.  Brushing her dark bangs behind her ear, because they kept escaping from the large messy bun behind her head, she began to work the wrench once more.  Torquing it over to the side and tightening this side. 

[.002% to the right, Miss Blue]

“You realize that's shit measurement right, there is no fucking percentage.”  she cursed at him as she worked again, the muscles underneath her uniform straining into the fabric as she twisted the nut again. 

[A  percentage of the axis being maligned is an accurate measurement.]

“To a creature that has sensors for that, not us lowly humans.”

[Perhaps you should install your own sensor unit.]

“Perhaps fucking so.”

Finally, another torque.  [.00000008% to the left.]

“Fuck your .000000008% to the left.]

[It is actually .00000008%]

Blue rolled her eyes.  “Whatever.” she loosened it just a hair.

[It is as perfect as humanly possible to achieve.]

“Such high fucking praise coming from a glorified coke can.” she muttered loud enough for his auditory inputs to receive.

Before he could respond her combadge began to chime and she listened as Stark began to explain the situation of her having a visitor.  Someone from R&D, who had brought gifts, and they both wanted to see her.  “I'm in the sensor arrays, I'll be a minute.” she called back.

She slipped herself out of the casing and back to the deck plating, giving herself a minute to reorient to being upright instead of horizontal.  She stretched out her body now that it didn't need to be compacted into a tight space, and headed towards the nearest turbolift.  Albert caught up to her and landed on her shoulder, letting his talons slip into the metallic shoulder pad that she had built into her own uniform.  They took the lift back to Engineering and once on deck her eyes were those of a hawk.  Everyone was moving, no one was leisurely... oh no... there he is.

“Simmons, what the fuck are you supposed to be doing?!” she called out to him as she walked across the deck.  The fact that his back straightened to it's full height said it was something. 

“I .. I w... was ju..just … re..r eplicating.. uh..”

“The fuck you were.  I don't see a fucking replicator here, it's over there across the fucking deck.  So lets not pretend you weren't taking a break.  So that's fine, you needed your break earlier, consider this your break, now get the fuck back to work before I pull sec footage to see how long your impromptu break was.”

“I .. y.. yes ma'am.”

[I can pull the feed.]  Albert stated. 

“No need, he won't do it again, today anyway.”

she headed over to her office, and palmed the door to step inside and see her guests.  Stark she knew, or at least, knew of.  She didn't actually know the woman except that Blue got the distinct feeling she was of the Blue Haters Club.  Which was fine, many were, few were of the Love and Cherish Blue Club, and that was just the way she wanted it, honestly.  The other, was an unknown.

“Lieutenant Commander Blue Tiran.” she stated with a calm nod as she crossed to her desk and stood behind it.  Albert pushed off her shoulder and flew to his perch that was built into the wall before settling down and watching the meeting take place.  Her eyes shifted to the newcomer.  “I heard you bring gifts from R&D, I'm intrigued.”

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #6
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @DaValle @BZ  [Show/Hide]

She'd reached a bit with the reference, and could tell, from the look that crossed mans face. They'd moved to the office of Blue Tiran, and awaited her arrival. Confusion had writ itself large over Kolla's face, and Natalie had to wonder just which part of what she'd said was causing him to trip up. She wasn't sure if the Trojan war was required study for all students at the Academy or if she'd just drawn the short straw that one year, in basic tactics, and comparative military histories, with the particular instructor. 

But it was something far simpler that befuddled the man from R&D. Nat found herself smiling softly. "A quadruped mammal native to Earth. For centuries they were used as beasts of burden and transport, in war, trade and agriculture. They still run races today, such as the Kentucky Derby, a five hundred year old tradition. They're magnificent creatures, Mr. Kolla. As near and dear to mankind as a dog or cat." There was, of course, the possibility that Mr. Kolla did not know what a dog or cat was, but there were far more of those at the Academy than Horses, and she supposed there was a chance he'd seen one, though she didn't know the specifics of his Starfleet career path. 

Her next response was interrupted by the confirmation from Lt. Cmdr. Tiran, but Natalie took it in stride and acknowledged the response, contenting herself to wait on the Blue Menace in her office. Taking in Kolla again, sweeping her gaze over him, she added, "The specific reference I made takes a bit of time to explain. If you're truly curious, I'd recommend reading the Federation Standard translation of the war epic the Aeneid of Virgil. Its about twenty four hundred years old, but it's pretty riveting. IF you like that, I can make other suggestions." She was feeling chatty, and a need to kill the time. Thankfully, the bellowing voice of Blue Tiran cut the conversation short. 

Nat stood up a bit straighter, and crossed her arms under her bust, schooling her features. She cocked an eyebrow up and watched as Blue cornered a tech, curious about the backstory there. Tiran clearly had been working on something, and just as clearly had a low opinion of the man she'd called out. She set him to rights, and he scampered off to work. She made no comment and asked no questions, though her eyes lit from Blue to the bird on her shoulder.  It was an effort to contain her curiosity there, as she followed the pairs trek across Engineering and into the office. Albert flapped his way over to a perch, and Nat darted her eyes to Kolla, curious as to how the new comer would take this little twist. 

"Commander," was all that Natalie said, by way of greeting, though she nodded to both the woman, and the bird, one after another. But she let Blue steer the show now, and the other woman had lobbed a question over to the new recruit. Opinions aside, Nat wasn't going to step on Blue's toes.

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #7
[PO2 T’Kolla | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy] @BZ @Brutus

The explanation of the Lieutenant Commander wasn’t as helpful as she probably thought it would be, but it offered Taa’gur the option to simply accept it and to not mention it again. He would maybe search for this animal when he had time later and he would probably forgot it as fast as he has read it. The only animal mentioned he knew about was the dog. “Interesting, Ma’am. I’ve once seen a dog, during my only visit of the planet earth.”

They went in the office of Mrs Blue and during they waited for her, Taa’gur quickly checked his coat to make sure that there’s no dirt on it. Not that he’s an extreme neat person, but since he still knew nothing about his new superior the last thing he wanted right now was to insult her in any way. Despite the fast glance on his cloths, T’Kolla stood in front of the desk in his normal posture. His arms were behind his back and his eyes scanned the room he was now in. Beside the strange widget in one of the walls of the room, the Devore wasn’t able to find anything that caught his interest.

It seemed like Natalie was one of the persons who really liked to talk with her crew. Small talk how humans said, but Taa’gur preferred the expression time-wasting. He followed the simple rule that if you had time to talk then you had also time to work. He knew that he was probably one of the greatest assheads among the leading stuff of the Nillon back in time, but he thought this was a necessity to lead the crew during those times. But this time was over and the rules were normally handled quite easier among Federation ships than he was used to it. Probably one of the reasons he never got promoted. Well, this and the fact that he didn’t wanted to be back in a leading position too. Anyhow, the Lieutenant Commander tried to make some sort of conversation here and it would be impolite, at least, not to answer her. “The Aeneid of Virgil? Interesting, I have to admit that the only ancient Terran book I’ve read thus far was The Art of War. It has given me a very revealing glimpse into the Terran culture.”

A loud voice from the engine room ended their conversation for now and Taa’gur glanced to origin of the sound. Another officer gave a crewmen a good little lecture and Taa’gur decided to pay this scene more attention. The crewmember had obviously made a break for to long and his superior followed an equal rule T’Kolla had. In the end the crewmen went back to his work and the woman made her way straight to Stark and Taa’gur. He snapped to attention and waited for the Human woman to reach her desk before he would say anything.

The woman made her way to the desk and Taa’gurs eyes rested on the object on her shoulder. The object flew in the direction of the widget T’Kolla had wondered about earlier and Blue mentioned the schematics he had brought with him from R&D. His right arm snapped at his head to salute. “Ma’am!” Again he waited for the permission to stay at ease before he continued. Well at least he hoped for such kind of permission by the Lieutenant Commander.

He took a PADD out of his coat and handed it over to Blue. “This PADD contains the data of R&D and, because I was a little bit bored during the flight, it also contains a reworked version of the Theurgy weaponry schematics, where I’ve adapted the new one, Ma'am.” He stopped after that to give the woman the time to check the new data in her hands quickly. After some moments he continued his introduction. “The exact improvements are mentioned anywhere in that PADD, but the major part is the targeting system. The most other parts of this ship weapons are still roughly equal with the latest one from the Starfleet.”

He waited for a response and continued with a slightly smile on his face. “From what I’ve seen thus far, I would say that you don’t want to waste time with lazy crewmen and therefore I’m happy to inform you about the newest moron you have to order around. Despite the fact that I’ve copied my Starfleet files on this PADD, I would also like to give you a more personal introduction than the simple file, if you give me the permission to do so, Ma’am.”
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #8
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Wastes of Time | Meetings Without Time Slots | I Have Shit to Do | These Blueprints Better Give me a Fucking Orgasm]
@DaValle @Brutus

So there was Stark.  And there was the other one.  They had invaded her office, didn't bring any bribes, and this was sudden.  There was no actual twinkies on her desk, there was nothing that she had heard about this meeting until this very moment when she was called to her office out of the blue.  Now, she had to figure out to do with these two interloppers and she wasn't exactly talented at entertaining people.  She could already hear Ranaan's voice in her mind reminding her to be calm, be nice, and not to use too many curse words.  That she had gotten where she was by hard work and nothing else.  But, she didn't really know what was going on here so she was waiting to see what the plan was.  Her eyes shifted to Stark who had called her 'commander' and Blue gave her a quick nod because there seemed to be no need to drag her into a conversation.

Blue's eyes shifted to the over done show of respect.  Her brow rose.  He obvious doesn't fucking know me yet. she thought as she looked at the way that he stood there as if he was waiting for something.  You Blue, he's waiting on you.  Blue blinked, she had trained her Engineers long ago there was no reason to snap to attention unless there was a fucking Captain on the deck, otherwise, they were to remain at ease no matter what unless she stated other wise.  And she had as of yet, never stated it. 

“Just be yourself.” she said waving a hand at the new man.

He took a PADD out of his coat and handed it across the desk to her. Blue studied it for a moment before her calloused and scarred hands, from years and years of working and inventions, reached out and took the PADD from him but hadn't done anything with it yet.  He told her that it contained data of the R&D and because he was a little bored during his flight it contained the reworked version of the Theurgy weaponry schematics.  Her brow rose further. 

Brown noser.

He told her about the targeting system, which did need an upgrade and a half, so she was intrigued to see what gifts he had actually brought.  She began to thumb through the padd looking at the various schematics that were available to her at the moment.  He told her that he could tell that she didn't have any time for morons but he wanted to introduce her to her latest moron.  Her eyes lifted from the PADD and looked over the device to watch the man in front of her as he began to introduce himself.  She put the PADD onto the desk for a moment and her eyes shifted over to the man again.  Giving him her full attention.

“Go on.  Entertain me.” she chuckled a bit, she sat down behind her desk with ease nearly putting her boots on the desk but decided against it for the time being she waited for the man to get his piece off to see what level of moron he would be.  She was hoping only mid grade, because if it was another Scruffy or Stevens he could go back from where he came.

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #9
[PO2 T’Kolla | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy] @BZ @Brutus

The Lieutenant Commander relaxed in front of him and very slowly Taa’gur lowered his shoulders too. Still he wouldn’t sat down because of two reasons. In first place didn’t expected the Devore to be here longer than actually necessary and secondly was this not yet a comfortable enough situation for him. He simply hoped that the woman in front of him would just give him an order like: ‘Move your fat ass to point A and do your job there’ actually this was the hope he had by all of his superior officers thus far. A hope that didn’t came true in the most cases.

Nevertheless, he had said that he would introduce himself to her and, despite the fact that he hadn’t prepared anything nor knew enough about Blue to decide what was interesting for her, he simply gave her the information about him that should be important right now. Well and he realised that he hasn’t mentioned his name before.

“Since I still haven’t mentioned my name yet, I should start with it.” He sat down on the chair in front of her and relaxed a little bit more. “The name is Taa’gur Kolla and to show you my moron-qualifications: seven years military training, two decades serving aboard starships and almost two years of researching on new weapons for your government... okay maybe not for YOUR government, but for the Federation at least.”

He stopped and was almost able to hear his old mate Nico saying him that he shouldn’t introduce himself like he was a computer reading his file. T’Kolla added therefore. “Well, beside those simple numbers, I have also participated in three interstellar conflicts. Nevertheless the most important thing about me you should know as my superior is that I’m working like a soldier. You give me the orders and I’ll fulfil them. I’m not a sycophant, even if it sounds that way. I had just very… uncomfortable experiences to not follow my orders and that’s all.” Actually T’Kolla wouldn’t knew how this attitude sounded for any Federation officer, if he hadn’t met Nico and even now he wasn’t sure why this kind of attitude had such negative connotation. Sometimes he was pretty sure that he would never understand the Federation and all the societies of it.

OOC: Srry for the break, a little bit of RL shit and to much work/university in the last time.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #10
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @DaValle @BZ  [Show/Hide]

Watching other senior officers - department heads in particular - interact with their subordinates was always something of an instructive lesson for Natalie. Sometimes she gleaned techniques that she might fold into her own tool bag for dealing with her department. Other times she would find the opposite - actions that just set her on edge, and would fall into the 'never ever will I ever' category of interaction. But with her promotion in position to the Theurgy's second officer, there was a new level added into the mix. 

No longer was this observation just for her own edification. It carried an air of evaluation to it. Especially with the officers new to her ship, and both in this room with her fell into that category, separated by but a smattering of days really. The fastidious new comer, with his tall bearing and subtle attempts to ensure he presented himself properly, with a military precision that had not readily been found on the Theurgy prior to now, balanced against the blunt instrument that was Blue Tiran, though perhaps 'no nonsense' would have been a kinder, and even more accurate characterization. 

Regardless, the interactions were fascinating in their own right. Her own light discussions with Kolla lead her to believe he wasn't the type that favored small talk. To be fair, she didn't think his superior liked it all that much either, though she knew Blue capable, in the right setting, of being jovial. Profanely so but that was an adjustment the Captain seemed to have made with ease, so Nat would have to do so.  Struggle as it might be. Idly, she wondered what kind of books Blue had read at the Academy, and at the same time she began to make a list of suggestions for the newcomer to add to his repertoire. The Art of War was a classic, required for most tactical or security oriented career officers, and it gave her a bit more insight into the backgrounds of their new weapons specialist.

At least Blue had picked up on intent from Nat to not interfere in this. She had her own reasons for being here, and Kolla's arrival just added a curious twist to the moment. She had every intention of staying out of this part of the chat.  It's a shame that it would be rude to whip out a tricorder and start taking scans of that owl. She couldn't repress the thought as her gaze swept over to Albert, listening in on the exchange between the two other organics in the room. Kolla's self introduction drew Natalie's attention back fully, reaffirming her belief that most of his experience predated his tenure in Starfleet. 'your government' indeed, she thought.

Despite her earlier interactions with him, Nat's eyebrows rose up all the same on her forehead, and she found herself looking at Blue to try and judge the other woman's reaction. From what little she'd seen of Blue in action, the officer liked results, not formalities. And bribes, which, belatedly, she realized she had not remembered to provide. Her conversation with Cross flashed in the forefront of her mind - a day late and a credit short, as the saying went. Oops...

Be that as it may, what was important right then was how the Chief Engineer took to the new grunt. Nat could see it going either way, really. Blue could appreciate the bluntness of the man, the precision in his manner and his attitude of 'point me at a problem and pull the trigger.' Or she could find him unreasonably stiff. This was almost like one of those anthropological studies Natalie had to endure back at the academy, unfolding in real time.

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #11
[LCdr Blue Tiran | I Like Your Style | Straight to the Point | Get to Fucking Work | Tiger Koala]
@Brutus @DaValle

The man looked as though he was either going to shit a brick in her chair, which she didn't really wish to clean, or that he was going to faint.  She would prefer the latter option, but she found that she had hoped someone that had worked in the higher echelon of Starfleet would have a bit more hair on his ball sack.  A bit more swing for his swagger, and all of that.  But, instead she found him a bit meek and a quite a bit more nervous than she had expected.  But then, she was Blue Tiran and her reputation was something that proceeded itself.  She knew the rumors, and she didn't turn them down, she knew what people said, and she didn't try to change their minds.  Those that tried hard and worked their asses off as much as she did; saw a different side to Blue Tiran.  Those that were wastes of time, space, energy, and should be assigned to transportation bugger malfunction goo chambers.. would know a completely different one.

He said that he would start with his name, and Blue waited, watching him with the crystalline blue eyes that had earned her the name she carried.  Well, partially anyway.  His name was Taa'gur Kolla, and she totally and completely heard Tiger Koala.  Of course that was how it was now branded into her mind and no amount of convincing was going to change it at this point.  Still, he began to list his qualifications.  Some years being a shit for someone else and following someone else's command, then some decades on a ship doing whatever the fuck he did there, and then two years researching some new shit that was for weaponry for our government.  But then, not theirs, of course because they were on the fucking run, but she caught the drift. 

“What kind of weapons?” she inquired.

He then jumped into three interstellar conflicts.... Blue was about ready for a fucking nap at this point. It was like being in history class all over again, if he started throwing names and dates at her she was going to catch a really good fucking nap.  One of those kind that you didn't want to wake up from and you didn't dream, just full on solid fucking sleep.  She was half fucking asleep with her eyes opened when he finally got to the, I'll do anything you tell me to.. I'm a soldier kind of shit.  Her eyes shifted over to Stark who was still in the office, probably as a bodyguard, or a liaison when Blue used too many fucks in a sentence and they needed to be removed for the layman.  She stood up from her desk and put the PADD that she had been given over to the side, one that she could pour over later, form her own hypothesis, and begin formulating her own thoughts to the matter.. but for now, she needed to get this newcomer out of her office and put him through his paces.

Instead she reached over and handed out to the man a new pad.  “Here Tiger.” she said as she held it out for him.  “This is a list of the sheer amount of shit we need to get done.  Not all in one day mind you, I don't want you to kill yourself, that'd look bad on my fucking record and it's already dark enough.  So, you can start at the top of the list and get what shit you can done.  I imagine you know how to do shit and you don't need to be babysat.  Until you prove otherwise, I'm going to let you go forth and make shit work again all on your own.  If you need me, hail me, otherwise, welcome to my deck.”

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #12
[PO2 T’Kolla | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BZ @Brutus

Taa’gur was maybe a little bit slow today, but even he has realized now how clumsy his introduction had been. He didn’t knew what, but something about this Human, Blue, reminded him of Oharra. Well not completely, but some behaviors were not so much different to Oharras. In the end it was nevertheless pretty sure that Blue had definitely nothing in common with Oharra, since Oharra would never let an unknown person run around the engine room alone. But this was obviously the way this Human tried to figure out if Taa’gur was useful or just a waste of space. Luckily for Taa’gur, the Devore was already used to repair ship systems that had to intimate contact with enemy fire.

The Devore was quite a bit surprised by the name Blue used for him. Tiger. If Taa’gur wasn’t mistaken now then a Tiger was an old mythic Terran creature that got famous for burning it’s enemies alive and additionally was able to fly. A beast of cruelty and death. Or maybe a Tiger was this huge sea creature, he once read about as he read stories of the famous Federation captain Kirk. He should definitely care more about Terran animals in the future, since both of his direct superiors are Human and they’ve got this strange obsession with lower lifeforms. Taa’gur took the PADD and went through the “amount of shit”. Quite a bit, but nothing the Devore couldn’t handle in one day or two. The Lieutenant Commander had maybe said that he didn’t need to do it in one day, but she probably meant one shift. Not sure how Starfleet vessels are able to work in such cases when their crew only has to work eight straight hours.

“Ma’am, I guess I’m finished with most of the stuff in twenty hours maybe a little bit more. You can expect my report then.” He stood up and added shortly: “Still, I’ve got one question; Who do I need to kill to get a quarter, Ma'am?”
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #13
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @BZ @DaValle  [Show/Hide]

Blue Tiran was a sight to behold in her own environment. In so far as Natalie could tell, she was holding back, at least some what. She'd seen - and more so heard rumors to the effect - of Blue and her ability to go off the walls. There had been next to no profanity so far into the interview (unlike a few senior staff meetings they'd attended), and the new officer was physically in tact when Blue finished listening to his report. He'd delivered everything with that same military precision that left Natalie just slightly on edge. It clashed with her view of what Starfleet was about, and what it should be. That she was positive he'd served in some other capacity prior to joining Starfleet would go a great deal to explain his mentality. 

Then again, there were plenty of war hawks in command that saw the fleet as defense first, exploration second. And that wasn't even taking into account an alien infestation that would like to see a more militaristic Federation, at the odds with all of its neighbors. Ripe for war to do their work for them. And here she was, fighting the good fight against them; even if that meant hiding at an alien port of call to repair and recrew after months on the run from her own government. 

Thankfully she was pulled from those bleak thoughts by Taa'gur's next statement, though his exact phrasing was less than pleasing. Coughing slightly, she stood up a bit straighter and reentered the conversation. "That would be my department, Mr. Kolla. Though I'll thank you not to kill my Quartermaster. Chief Savali already has plenty of work on his plate with overseeing supplies for the repair efforts to the Theurgy," she informed the new crewmen. In truth, she had taken to helping backfill a large portion of the supply chain management when able, to free up Abraham for some of his other duties, just as she had taken to filling in the occasional watch in various Transporter rooms to spot the operators so that they could rest and recharge. "I'd hate to have to train up a new quartermaster, just as we are starting to get an influx of new arrivals to fill out some of the empty berths in the crew decks. Let me see that?' 

She gestured to the PADD in his hand and, after a moment, took it and tapped in a few commands, navigating her way through the ships internal network. She bypassed the general access level that had been encoded to the device the Chief Engineer had given her new 'grunt' and used her own codes to access the ships roster of available quarters. She confirmed the new mans rank while she was at it (Petty Officer, Second Class) and looked through the assignment logs. A few more taps, and she entered him in the official ship's roster, under Lt. Cmdr. Tiran's command, and assigned him quarters according to his rank and position. Then she logged back out, though left the PADD with the screen on the room assignment itself. This would serve as a directional guide.

Handing the device back to T'Kolla, she said, "Rank hath privilege, and you can check in with Chief Savali later if there are any specific items you need for your quarters. For now, you have a billet. That should make everything official, Petty Officer. You're stuck with us, now." It would be up to Kolla to determine if she meant that as a good thing, or not.

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #14
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Go Find Someone Else | I Dare You to Finish in 24 | Maybe This Asshole is Competent | I Could Use Competent Assholes]
@Brutus @DaValle

The man stood in front of her, stating that when he got it done in twenty four or a little more hours, should he report to her.  For a moment her brow rose and she watched him, maybe he can actually do shit. she thought to herself.  Only time would tell.  Everyone was useful in their own capacities, she had only found two that she thought could be spaced or given to another ship where their lazy style would eventually get them killed.  On this ship, Blue refused to let anyone take her or her crew down because some lazy fucker decided that a nap was more important than doing anything that they were assigned.  Or that the color yellow was the best, of all fucking colors.. yellow.

“You would, yes.  If I'm not here, you can leave a message with  Albert.  I work just as hard as every fucker out there so I'm often not in my office.  If I'm not, Albert is.” she stated firmly giving a nod to the owl that was still perched on the ledge. 

[Greetings.] the owl stated in his decidedly British and debonair voice.

Then she was asked about getting him Quarters.  Before she could tell him to get fucked and find someone that cared where he slept, Stark stepped in stating that was her job.  Oh good, can you kindly get the fuck out of my office while you do your job? Blue thought to herself, but she didn't say it, not out loud.  She tried, to be good, and the less Brig time the better, really.  But, she was really starting to get annoyed and she had a lot of shit to take care of if this fucking boat was ever going to fly with some sort of integrity.

As Stark finished, Blue was itching it get back to work.  Her eyes shifted from Stark to Tiger, and back and forth again and again waiting for them to finish their leisurely chit chat and get the fuck out of her office.  Her eyes shifted to Albert who was likely onto her, because he was getting to the point of knowing her pretty fucking well now.  She looked back at the two who were enjoying their little talk, and cleared her throat. 

“Cool.  So now you have your fucking jobs and a fucking place to sleep, and some really great rank privileges.  I need to get my ass back to work, and so do you, so go unpack your shit and get to work. No need to report for duty, I assume you'll be back because if you're not.. I'll hunt your fucking ass down and make you regret it!” she stated and she brushed her hair out of her face.  “I'm blunt, and rash, and I like my cursing.  But, if you're competent, shit will go well.  I appreciate the help.” she said with a bit of a smile and picked up her own personal PADD waiting for the others to go, so that she could get back to work.

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #15
[PO2 T’Kolla | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BZ @Brutus

The longer the conversation took the more uncertain the Petty Officer got. After some years living among them, he was completely aware of the fact that Starfleet Officers had some sort of natural issue with authority, but nevertheless to see such a difference by two commanders aboard the same ship was… something new for him. Even the Interceptors crew had some sort of unspoken chain of command between Officers of the same rank.

Commander Stark answered his question first and told him that he should probably not kill the quartermaster and despite that this option was available the Devore hadn’t planed to do it. He just thought that using such an expression would maybe break the metaphorical ice. Anyhow the human Commander obviously knew how to handle such kind of situation and simply requested the PADD in the hand of the Devore. “Of course, Ma’am.” He handed the PADD over and Stark loaded something down on it. After some moments he got it back and Stark informed him about rank privilege and that he should talk to someone called Savali if he had still some problems or needs. “Alright, Ma’am. I’m sure I’ll not border Mister Savali, but good to know just in case.”

His attention snapped back from Stark to Blue the moment she started her next volley of curses. In the end of that the human Commander explained her attitude a little bit to the Devore. That again wasn’t expected by Taa’gur in that moment. Thus far nobody of his superiors has tried to explain themselves or their attitude and only to be a little bit more blunt and rash than the normal Starfleet Officer wasn’t actually enough to shock the Devore. “Alright, Ma’am. I’ll just pick my stuff up and bring it to my quarter.” Then he straightened himself and saluted while saying a short “Ma’am.” to either of the Commanders in the office.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #16
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @BZ @DaValle  [Show/Hide]

"I'm certain the Quartermaster will appreciate that, Petty Officer," Natalie noted with a genuine smile. Having handed over the PADD, Natalie essentially handed over control of the meeting back to the Chief Engineer, whom she imagined was getting quite fed up at this rate. Nat wasn't stupid. Far from it, in fact. She knew good and well that Blue did not welcome outside interference in what she considered her domain, and never mind that she had been with the Theurgy for less than two weeks, and Nat had been there for...well, what seemed like a life time, even if that wasn't quite the case. What was important was that the 'Blue Menace' had taken to Thea with a passion, and Natalie couldn't find fault in that. 

All the same, she was satisfied that she'd been able to save the ships newest recruit a little bit of time, if not a little bit of suffering, as she listened to the man interacting with Blue. Once again she decided she'd look over his record later in the day. Assumptions were dancing about in her head and she wished to see which were correct and which were not. She privately wished Kolla the best of luck, but he seemed competent enough, if more than a bit straight laced, and she imagined that if he lasted a week, he'd go the distance. Of course, she wasn't his direct superior, so she only had so much say in the matter. If he'd been assigned to Ops she imagined his straightforward 'I'll fix it in half the time' attitude would either drive Nator up a wall, or the two would become best friends, in which case Natalie would have real cause to worry. 

As it was, this man was Blue's problem, or boon, however he would shake out

She gave a curt nod to the man as he saluted, she herself not comfortable with the formal gesture in ways that some other officers might be, and Blue Tiran - was even less likely to stand on formality than Natalie was. Once the man had left the officers and made his way through the engineering deck, Natalie turned to Blue. She took the other officer in with a slow look, and cocked an eyebrow up on her forehead. "Do you think he'll last?"

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #17
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Just Get Your Shit Done | Make it Right | I Don't Like Correcting Other People's Idiocy | Can't Run this Fucker By Myself.... but if I Could..]

Tiger headed off to go to his Quarters and drop off his belongings.  She almost told him that while she had dismissed him from her deck she sure as fuck hadn't dismissed him from the fucking deck.  However, she figured that was a bit bitchy and she really wanted him to concentrate on his work instead of worrying about his shit getting stolen or kicked around as shit broke all the fucking time and her deck could get busy.  So she let him go, he might as well put his shit out of the way before he got to work, who knew when he would see the shit again.  They were working hard as fuck on her deck and she didn't need the fucktards with too many options to fuckify her fucking deck too much.  She needed those that actually understood what the fuck they were doing.  She hoped that he was going to be one of those because she sure as fuck didn't have time to be fucking babysitting some useless fucker that had sold himself as useful.

She had figured that Stark would leave her the fuck alone now.  Job done, no reason to stick the fuck around, but, apparently, she couldn't catch the drift that Blue was really fucking busy and had a whole deck-ful of shit to do.  Nope, she sat her ass still in her fucking chair and turned almost as though they were fucking friends or something asking if she thought the asshole would last.

Blue's eyes shifted to the door, now closed, allowing for more private conversations.  Though Albert was in the fucking room, so private was .. well.. loose a term for the whole thing.  But, she fucking knew that he wouldn't tell anyone he was a pretty good companion and her fucking assistant he just couldn't know too much shit was still hard for her from time to time.  Shifting her blue orbs back to the  woman in the chair Blue sat back in her own, letting it roll back away from the desk a couple inches before she sat up propelling herself back into the right fucking position.  Brushing a mass of dark black and blue curls out of her fucking face she sighed.

“Well I don't fucking know.  If the fucker is half as useful as he fucking claims and the shit on this fucking padd isn't absolute hogwash then we might actually get some fucking where.  This fucking deck is so fucking fucked that … sometimes I think we ought to rebuild the fucker but we can't fucking do that without a shipyard and a wealth of fucking parts.  However, we've made great fucking progress on this fucker and if that wasn't the case I would have fucking told Ives to get fucked a while ago.  But, … yeah, if Tiger can fucking actually be of actual fucking help he'll have a place on my fucking deck for some time.”

She popped her boots up on her desk.  Reaching into one of her drawers she pulled out a twinkie and opened the wrapper before popping it into her mouth.

[Miss Blue, need I remind you that is your sixteenth twinkie during your waking hours.]

“I wasn't counting, fucker.”

[I have dedicated myself to the task of your health.]

“Oh well you're about to learn what a fucking waste of time is then.”

[I am unsure of your meaning.]

“You'll understand when you get far enough.”

Her eyes shifted back over to Stark.  “So .. how long do you think he'll fucking last?  Do you think this shit on his padd has any merit?”

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #18
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @BZ  [Show/Hide]

Having taken a seat and asked her question, Natalie watched Blue work through the fact that she had not left in the wake of their new recruit. He hadn't been the only reason for her visit, after all. She had been running an inspection in Engineering before T'Kolla had strode into the heart of the ship looking so very much out of place. Just because the new Petty Officer provided a good distraction didn't detract from the reason she'd been there to begin with. That it was only now becoming apparent to Blue Tiran was...well, perhaps she shouldn't be as privately amused as she was. It was mean, and Blue hadn't done anything (today, yet,) to deserve that. 

So Nat just kept a polite smile on her face and left one leg crossed over the other, trying to relax in the presence of a woman she struggled to be at ease around.  Too many changes. Not enough time to adjust, she quietly reflected. Not all the changes were bad. Most of them could be considered a wash at worst, and better, on the whole. Too many deaths, and too many new faces. That was the problem. Too many people used to doing things a certain way, and ways that Natalie wasn't familiar with. Half the senior staff had a prior working relationship with each other, and she was having to adjust to them, instead of the other way around. 

There was no denying that Blue had an impressive preponderance towards profanity. Nats eyebrows shot up her forehead despite her very best effort, and she began a mental track of how many f-bombs the engineer dropped. The other woman managed 18 before reaching for a snack, and getting told off by Albert, the ever so fascinating AI. One of these days we are going to have a chat, Albert and I. Alas today, is not that day, she determined, schooling her features again into a pleasant enough smile, though she could not completely hide the amusement she felt at the way the owl chastised its...creator?

Blue was up to 21 by the time she finally asked Nat for her opinion and the Ops officer took a breath to steady herself. "I'd say its a toss up. He seems...out of place. He clearly comes from a strict military back ground. And despite all the fighting we've done we're...not military. If he can adapt to...different command styles," she could be tactful, honest, "then I think he'll last. He seems eager to work at least. Which is more than we can say for some of the crew."

Natalie had not failed to notice the way that Blue had dressed down one of the other engineers while she had been making her way towards Nat and T'Kolla earlier. "It's a problem I've seen across the board, in each department. I'm hoping that by the time we leave Aldea, everyone will be back up to pulling their full load. Or...we'll find something to be done about those that aren't, I suppose. We can't exactly court marshal them and then drop them in a reform center." Sighing, Nat gestured to the PaDD. "I only took a brief look at that. What little I saw was tantalizing, to say the very least. If it lives up to its specs, and if we can integrate it with our current systems. And with loaned parts from the locals..then yes, its promising.

"More if's than I like, to be frank. But that's the situation we're left with. If. If. If."
She reached up and rubbed the brow of her forehead, leaning farther into the chair across from Blue. "Thats part of why I'm here actually. I've been making rounds to the various departments to check in. I've been getting reports still of issues with the KDF and the Aldeans and their getting supplies on schedule. If we get what we need, we make changes. Well, I need to know if we are getting what we need. Are we? Are you?"

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #19
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Idiots Abound | Intelligence Does Not Equate to Usefulness | Can I Space Some Fuckers?]

Blue looked over at Stark with the slight smile on her face that seemed she was amused by Blue and Albert going at it.  They were more like siblings now than they ever had been before and Blue knew that it probably looked odd her fighting with her AI.  But, Albert has his own set of opinions, thoughts, and sometimes almost emotions which was odd for Blue and they were still in a learning curve when it came to figuring each other out.  However, Blue quite enjoyed that he was upgraded even though she would have preferred to have more of a hand in how that was done, she figured that at least this would do for now.  She appreciated that Ives had found a way for Albert to at least be her assistant on the deck when she needed one. Though he was classified as just a civilian he couldn't be everywhere she was but he could be her eyes and ears on the deck when she was otherwise occupied on this ship that was becoming less and less held together by duct tape and more sturdy by the day.

Stark began to speak about how it was a toss up – with how the man would do on a ship that wasn't militarized.  Blue gave a slight nod, because she understood the concerns of the woman.  Honestly, Blue wasn't all that commanding when it came to her kind of job.  She didn't like to be mothering people she needed people to take the fucking reigns and get their fucking jobs done so she didn't have to fucking go back and do it for them, properly, later. 

“My concern there is, that I don't have the fucking time to be following some fucker around giving orders.  I also don't have time for him to be coming to me asking what to do next.” she admitted to the Second Officer. 

Blue knew that people on the ship doubted her.  Her personality, her flavor of languages, and the fact that she was the way she was.. people talked.  The scuttlebutt on the ship proved that people weren't exactly sure that Blue was the right choice.  But, Blue had also been proving herself a workaholic, someone that got shit done, and someone that didn't take shit from anyone else.  She had through these last two weeks accomplished a great deal and the Klingon even seemed to appreciate her attitude because they were always laughing at the way she came at them or the others around her, giving her slaps on the back and so forth speaking in their Klingon-ese or whatever.

Stark then mentioned the fact that they had idiots on board that couldn't rub two sticks together and remove their bark much less start a fucking fire.  Blue gave a wry grin, she ran a tight deck down here and if they didn't like it well there were plenty of fucking decks they could go work on and get the fuck off of hers.  She expected perfection, hard work, and motivation of her people.  She also was big on rewarding good work, good behavior, and making sure the fuckers that didn't put their shit together properly knew it. 

“We can't court marshal them, but maybe we can leave them on the sands of Aldea.” she said quick witted as always before giving the Second officer a shrug.  “Well a girl can dream.” she offered Stark a bit of a smile and sighed. 

“I don't take shit from this crew on my deck, they can get the fuck off and go scrub the deck plating in the mess hall for all I care.  I have some idiots I would love to toss over to Support Staff or whatever, but, I can't, I suppose.  They haven't done anything wrong but believe me their files are growing by the minute of all the shit they've been assigned but hasn't been finished.” she said with a bit of a sigh.

Stark motioned to the PADD that still sat on Blue's desk, Blue would have to go through it with a fine tooth comb to decide if it was really something she thought would benefit the ship and her deck and everything.  She was picky as fuck about what she allowed to happen and not to happen on her deck.  “It's promising, but can our systems handle this fucker, or is it going to overload.  We're just getting this pile of bolts and duct tape back together and working, I would hate to sabotage it so I plan to go through all the information on here later.” she admitted to the woman still sitting in her office.

Then the topic moved to the supply runs from the Aldeans and the Klingon, and Blue chuckled.  “Fuck no, well in the beginning that was a fucking problem, but then, I got involved because I don't fucking care who they are or what they are doing nothing is more fucking important than this ship.” she admitted.  “Once I got to know some of our Klingon helpers, and verbally sparred with them a little bit I haven't had a single fucking issue yet.  Do you need me to dress down some others?  Wait don't we have some kind of Klingon person .. that represents our ship or fucking thing?”

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #20
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @BZ  [Show/Hide]

She wasn't actually sure that Blue would respond, would give her any insight to her thoughts on the new addition to the crew. And yet, she did, begin to open up, if only just a little bit. The response fit with what she was starting to conclude about Blue Tiran's style of running things. She wanted a crew who could jump from one task to the next, without having to have their hands held. Natalie could respect that. On the other hand, if she were to be completely honest with herself, she would have to admit that when she first came out o the academy, she was somewhat like that. Wet behind the ears and in need of a steady hand for instruction.

Not so much any more. She had time for officers like that - fresh-faced, new to their job officers. T'Kolla didn't strike her as that kind of officer. But he was military more than Starfleet and sometimes those types needed a firm hand, and that would be problematic in an engine room run by the 'Blue Menace'. "Well, he came bearing gifts, and hopefully he can keep showing initiative."

Stark sympathized with her counterpart, even if she imagined butting heads with her, instead of commiserating. The day was shaping up to be a strange one. She drummed her fingers on her knee as she listened, nodding along with what the other woman was saying.  Suppressing a laugh, Natalie at least tried to look scandalized at the thought of shipping problem officers off the ship and stranding them on the planet below. "Not sure the Captain would go for that. Unfortunately we need every hand we can get. Making those hands do their job, and do it well, is going to be an issue.

"Honestly, if anyone was going to be left behind, it would be the remaining misguided cultists. They're more trouble than they are worth, but the counseling department is doing their best to try and rehabilitate the 'Devoted'. Not sure how much luck they'll have there."
Leaving them neck deep in the Aldean ocean sounded like a great idea. They'd cost the ship some good officers, and a lot of grief. Yet again however, they were short on staff, even with the new faces arriving through clandestine channels from allies within Starfleet. If it were possible to turn any of those problem children back into respectable officers, they had to make the attempt.

Answering Blue's point about the upgrades with a nod, Natalie could only add, "The last thing I want to see is the EPS grid of the ODN conduits blow a gasket in the middle of battle because we tied one too many shiny new objects into the system. Thea is the most advanced Federation starship out there, bar none, but even her systems can be overtaxed if we're not careful. If we can't provide the power base, reliably...if we can't fix whats already broken there's no point in trying to upgrade it."

To fix, they needed material. And this had been the trickiest part of Natalie's job since coming to Aldea. To the point that she'd nearly been stabbed the first time she tried to address the supply short fall. Just another day in the Klingon Defense Force, she thought blithely, a frown passing over her face for just a moment, before she forced it aside. She didn't notice her hand had drifted to the nape of her neck, where the blade would have caught her, had Khorin Douglas not been in between it and her. She had to raise her eyebrows at Blue's attitude toward the local Klingon's and how to handle them. Brazen, which was she supposed, Blue.

"I'm impressed they didn't try to stab you. They nearly left a D'kTahg in my throat when I squared off with the dockyard administrator. Pompous little bastard, for a Klingon." That might have been the first time that Natalie had sworn in Blue's presence. Unlike the woman across from her, Nat was not known for foul language. But Administrator M'Kish had left an impression with Natalie, and it was far from good. "Turns out the Administrators right hand man - Gorka -  is the brother of one of our Pilots. Lt. Douglas. And would like as not rather see our officer dead. So if you do go tearing his head off, watch your back.

"In theory,"
she continued, "Lt. Commander Dewitt is supposed to represent our interests to the locals. And Zyrao Natauna -" I hope I pronounced that right - "Is here to represent the Chancellor? I haven't had all that much interaction with her. An El-Aurian in the service of the Klingon Empire." She shook her head. Saying that aloud still seemed weird.

"Point is, they're supposed to be there to help, but when it comes to the ship getting supplies, that's what Ops is here for. So I went and I butted heads. And Khorin got stabbed for it, but we got what we needed, and we learned about about the pirate problem they didn't want to own up to. I still think M'Kish is up to something. There's a power play dynamic between him and Gorka that I feel we're stuck in the middle of." She let out a low, frustrated sigh, and rubbed at her forehead for a moment, shutting her eyes. Five days later and she'd gotten no where better on that front.

"I suppose it is only fair to point out that M'Kish went out of his way to make sure that we were warned that not all the Klingon's in the Council back Martok's play." Natalie found herself opening up more about this whole situation than she'd ever imagined she would with Blue Tiran but here she was. She'd made a report to Captain Ives, and Commander Ducote. And now she was filling the ships Chief Engineer in on her misadventures. "Not everyone in the Empire feels that harboring our ship is a smart move. Which I suppose is somewhat obvious, but M'Kish made it known that there were those out there actively trying to sow dissent between us and the Empire.

"He was rather ambiguous as to if he were one or not. I think he's trying to play both ends against the other and come out on top."

Re: Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet

Reply #21
[LCdr. Blue Tiran | Wah wah.. wah wah wah wah... WAH wah wah waaaaaaah wah.]

Blue was thinking about the tons and tons and tons of shit that she needed to get done.  Even though she was getting closer and closer to the end of her list, to the point where she could give Ives the all clear to get this shit started.  She wanted to give him a good bill of health for the ship and allow them to head off knowing that the ship was as good as it could be for the time being.  But, now she was listening to Stark and the woman was going on and on about some shit that Blue wasn't really paying attention to.  Her mind had already, as often was normal, turned inward and began to run through the shit that she still needed to get done before she was good with doing some other shit.

The list of shit-to-be-tackled was something of a thing that was nearly a daily occurrence of additions and less subtractions.  But, she was finally getting to the point where shit that was being added did not out number the ones they had done and she was starting to feel pretty fucking good about the fact that the fucker was starting to actually shorten.  She was even thinking about going home on time tonight, a rare fucking occurrence if there ever was one.  She had thought about messaging Ducote and tell him that he had best get his ass home at the same time that she did so they could actually have some fucking time together. 

It had been hard to find that time since they had come on this ship.  Most of it was spent with  him calming her fucking nightmares and work.  She hated that she felt weak when she slept and often times she pushed through being tired so that she didn't have to fuck with the vulnerable feelings that assaulted her when she got ready to sleep.  She hated sleeping when Ducote wasn't there, because they were far fucking worse.  She hated that she dreamed that he was dead again, she hated that she feared that it was true and woke up trying to find him when he wasn't in the fucking room.  It was getting better, it was, with  Therapy and time, it was getting better but there were bad nights, there were worse nights, and there were some now that had no bad dreams at all. 

Blue wanted her old self back.

Blue realized that Stark was still talking, only it reminded her of those old cartoons where the bald little fucker went to school and his teacher only made weird sounds and you could never actually understand what the fuck she said.  Because, that was exactly how it worked with kids, you didn't fucking listen to anyone and Blue realized that she was much the same in her adult life.  However, she wasn't going to change that any time soon.. because she was far too fucking set in her ways and felt that there was no fucking need to change herself.  She was pretty fucking stellar the way that she had created herself.  But, she did realize that she hadn't heard anything that the fucking woman across from her had actually said and part of her knew that she should feel bad.. but .. she didn't.

“Just stand your ground against the Klingon and pull that liaison bitch in when you need her, that's her job so.. let her do it.” she shrugged her shoulders.  “I'm sorry to be a bitch myself but I really got to get back to the deck and get some shit done.  I appreciate that you came out to chit chat and hang with me and the newbie but.. work has to get done and if I'm making my rounds.. it does.” she gave a bit of a grin.

“Until we meet again, Commander.” she gave a quick nod and then picked up her PADD and headed out of the office leaving Stark to make her own exit when she was ready.  Blue had nothing to hide or be ashamed of in the office so there was no reason for her to worry about the Second officer remaining there alone.


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