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Nominations for XO on the Theurgy


Before there are any polls held for the XO role on the Theurgy, I would like nominations to be made. Here are my nominations:

- The old XO remains in position after the ship is re-integrated. (Ives sides with Trent instead of Dewitt)
- Ducote gets a new role aboard or alternatively administers the Counselling/CONN department
- Wenn Cinn remains as CSec
- Ziegler exits story on the Cayuga or dies.
- Dewitt's fate is uncertain. Nerina could administer the CONN Department.

- The former XO on the Endeavour is chosen as a new XO, after some IC build-up.
- Trent becomes Chief Intelligence Officer again or gets a new role aboard. (Ives sides with Dewitt's view)
- Wenn Cinn remains as CSec
- Ziegler exits story on the Cayuga or dies.
- Dewitt/Nerina administers the CONN department. The other's fate is uncertain.

- The Second Officer of the Theurgy is chosen to become the XO instead and is promoted to Commander.
- Trent becomes Chief Intelligence Officer again or gets a new role aboard. (Ives sides with Dewitt's view)
- Ducote becomes CSec.
- Ziegler exits story on the Cayuga or dies.
- Dewitt/Nerina could administer the CONN department. The other's fate is uncertain.

- This previous First Officer of the Theurgy returns to her role as XO, and the Cayuga gets a new CO (if not destroyed).
- Trent becomes Chief Intelligence Officer again or gets a new role aboard. (Ives sides with Dewitt's view)
- Ducote gets a new role aboard or alternatively administers the Counselling/CONN department
- Wenn Cinn remains as CSec.
- Dewitt/Nerina could administer the CONN department. The other's fate is uncertain.

- GM NPC Option, where either
- - Dewitt (the former CO of the Black Opal) is promoted to the position, or:
- - Nerina (as a previous First Officer of the Theurgy) returns to her role as XO.
- Trent becomes Chief Intelligence Officer again or gets a new role aboard. (Ives sides with Dewitt's view)
- Ducote gets a new role aboard or alternatively administers the Counselling/CONN department
- Wenn Cinn remains as CSec.
- Ziegler exits story on the Cayuga or dies.
- Either Dewitt or Nerina could administer the CONN department.

As for new positions/roles aboard, there are some options on what to introduce, but let's start at square one, right?

So, if anyone has a nomination to make, please do so within the next 3 days?

Keep in mind that the XO role is strictly an In-Character position like all the rest. You can't however, nominate a character of your own!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Nominations for XO on the Theurgy

Reply #1
I will say that Natalie Stark has gotten a taste for command now ;) I'm not entirely sure anyone could says she's done a good job at it, however haha. And in all seriousness I'm not sure she holds a candle to the field of candidates already portrayed. Thats a very solid list of options, @Auctor Lucan

Re: Nominations for XO on the Theurgy

Reply #2
I will say that Natalie Stark has gotten a taste for command now ;) I'm not entirely sure anyone could says she's done a good job at it, however haha. And in all seriousness I'm not sure she holds a candle to the field of candidates already portrayed. Thats a very solid list of options, @Auctor Lucan

I second Natalie Stark!

Re: Nominations for XO on the Theurgy

Reply #4
I won't accept nominations that are not motivated as plausible. ;)

While I'd say that its a wee bit of a blow to Natalie's ego i do actually agree ;) She needs more experience in command roles before someone makes her the XO of a ship like the Theurgy, her performance in temporary command of the Stallion aside. Now, a smaller ship....maybe  haha.


Re: Nominations for XO on the Theurgy

Reply #5
I nominate Ducote. He has no ship to act as first officer on, not to mention how well he handles things even as he learns the truth of the Theurgy. :) He'd make an excellent first officer, in my opinion. :)

Re: Nominations for XO on the Theurgy

Reply #6
Thanks, @Multificionado - but he's already on the list! :)
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
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Re: Nominations for XO on the Theurgy

Reply #7
Oh. Then I second the nomination for Ducote. :)

Re: Nominations for XO on the Theurgy

Reply #8
If the Cayuga is destroyed and Ziegler survives, she becomes the highest ranking officer with the most seniority aside of Ives.  (If two officers are the same rank, the one who has held that rank longest has the most seniority, and thus authority, unless the assigned position indicates which officer commands who.  So if Ziegler remains in the cast, it would be logical for her assume the position of XO for the entire ship.  Otherwise Trent with his experience as a CO seems to be the best fit for the job, unless Nerina comes back from the dead.  (Of course, the psychological trauma of losing his ship in the Dominion War would make Ducote a better candidate.)  I don't see Dewitt getting the job.  A CO of a supply depot isn't prepared for taking charge of a dreadnought whose navy is actively hunting it.  As for Cinn, he seems fine just where he is and its a risk to promote anyone too quickly.

Now that the three stardrive sections of the ship can separate again, it makes sense to have multiple officers of command rank (generally commander and higher according to the TNG episode "Thine Own Self") available to take charge of each stardrive section during combat.  Incredibly, we actually have a need for three or four XOs., meaning that second officer, third officer, and possibly fourth officer are almost as important as the first officer on this ship.  The TNG episode "Thine Own Self" indicates that officers who have made it to commander rank are qualified to run a ship of this size.  This leads me to believe that talented newcomers like Wenn Cinn. Natalie Stark, or Jennifer Dewitt would only be in the running if there were no other alternatives.

So in short, my choices for first officer in the order of who would be best for the position are thus:

 1:  ANYA ZIEGLER:  The most competent and stable of the choices so far, should her ship be destroyed without her.

2.  NERINA:   Starfleet trained her and chose her for this position. aboard this very starship.

3:  RANAAN DUCOTE:   Starfleet trained him for the position of XO aboard a modern starship.

4:  CARRIGAN TRENT:  Although my personal favorite, his psychological wounds could offset his previous experience as a CO. 

5.  WENN CINN:  Although he wasn't trained to command a starship like the previous candidates, guidance from the Prophets and his service aboard the Theurgy since coming back from the dead makes him a viable dark horse candidate.  The only reason for him to be so far down on the list is that he hasn't been to "Command School".

6:  JENNIFER DEWITT:   Officers aren't sent to posts like Black Opal because they've impressed Starfleet.  Even if she's right about Trent needing to give up his XO position that doesn't mean she's qualified to replace him, so I'm placing her last in my lineup for XO candidates.

Re: Nominations for XO on the Theurgy

Reply #10
I can absolutely concur with @Doc M. about Dewitt and Wenn. Even if Dewitt's removing Trent from command (per Regulation 619), she wouldn't be qualified to serve as first officer of a capital ship, given her last post. And I agree about Wenn being okay where he is.

Re: Nominations for XO on the Theurgy

Reply #11
Good input, and I am sure people agree and disagree on any and all accounts, but the poll will just give you one vote, @Doc M. , so make it count! :)

But I hate my votes!!!  I voted for the Helmet to stay put and now look what's happened!!!

(Sigh).  Put me down for Anna Zeigler.  With the set up of her background info she's overqualified for the position and the scenes between Anna and Ives will shed some light on who the skipper was before all of this happened. 

Re: Nominations for XO on the Theurgy

Reply #12
I know... let the XO be the XO... Ives needs something unusual though.  Something outside the chain of command.  A circle of holy advisors, perhaps?  Wenn Cinn for the Prophets, Deacon for the Fanged God... and didn't we have a new priest come on board recently?  And with three, you have one for each vector for continuance protocol... it's perfect!  :D

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