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Topic: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns (Read 9143 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #25
[ Ens. Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan, @Doc M., @Josie, @Havenborn, @Nolan, @Even Angels Cry, @Esyel, @Blue Zephyr
Zrinka moved from where she had been standing when she heard Tessa crying and leaning on Devyrie, and felt her heart both feel a bit happy and sadd. She was glad that another of the orignal Lone Wolves was still around, but she also knew that it had really been hard for the Lieutenant.

She really wasn't that good with crying as she couldn't understand why people didn't put it past them, but Rini could tell that doing something was neccessary. Heading over to where Devyrie and Tessa were, Zrinka put a hand on Tessa's shoulder, "Tessa, I'm sorry about what happened about Evelyn. It isn't right but she would want you to go on regardless."

Zrinka really wasn't sure that was the right thing to say, and she could have kicked herself. There was not something that she was really good at.

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #26
[ Tessa May Lance | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Auctor Lucan, @Esyel, @Havenborn, @Triage, @CanadianVet@Even Angels Cry, @Josie, @Blue Zephyr

"Tessa, I'm sorry about what happened about Evelyn. It isn't right but she would want you to go on regardless."

“Rini!” Tessa broke out of Devyrie’s confused embrace to glomp Ensign Zrinka Agaixot.  “You’re alive!  You’re alive! Tessa gushed as she hugged Zrinka Agaixot.  “We lost just about everybody at Starbase 84 but you’re ALIVE!” she cheered.

Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot had been part of the old squad until wounds she sustained during the Theurgy’s first battle with the Calamity injured her so severely that the docs were forced to put her in stasis.  Evidently the folks working in cryostorage needed the space for here was Zrinka Agaixot walking in the land of the living again. 

“Omigoshi!  It’s so good to see you!” Tessa chirped as her topaz yellow eyes lit up and she drew back to smile at the older woman.  “Oh wow, Rini, you don’t know how rough it’s been!  We lost Iron Fox, and Hat Trick, and Outrider, and Game...  For crying out loud Hurl was my wingman and I can hardly remember his face or that funny little laugh of his!  And Kanti McTavish, she transferred from shuttle piloting and she didn’t last anytime at all!  And poor Ghost was injured so bad after she got back they put her in stasis!  But at least you’re back, Rini!  We still have you!!” she cooed she clasped her hands and beamed at Zrinka.

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #27
[ CWO1 Sten Covington | Flight Deck | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] @Auctor Lucan @Blue Zephyr  @Havenborn  @Nolan

Covington was not known for his soft approach to delivering information.  In fact, he was known to be rather direct, and he did not coddle the sensibilities of those he addressed.  Oh, he could be polite, and he could be supportive all right.  But one thing he was not was one to sugar-coat anything.  And in this case, it had been determined that Salvo and his RIO were too good a team to split up, thus effectively taking one fighter off the line, but that could be compensated for...

And once he announced his plan, Herrold was the first one to speak.  But then again, he had an impression that one would have something to say, and he'd hoped he would.  Sten Covington was Chief of the Deck and he was intimately familiar with everything to do with anything that ever came out of the Valkyrie programs.  But he was no specialist, not in any of the components.  Oh, he could fix any of them all right and he was judged to be an expert in systems integration and maintenance, but he also recognized there were those better-versed in various systems than he.  And that with the destruction of the Resolve, Herrold was the closest thing he had to complete maintenance records on those birds. 

And then, he turned to the Weapons and Ordnance Chief.  "Herrold, I knew there was a reason I told you to come along."  There was a hint of a grin on Sten's face.  That boy had potential on the job, and if he wasn't willing to speak up, he was no good to the Chief of the Deck beyond just making sure the right parts got the right work.  Turning back to the SCO, he nodded.

"SCO, right now the plan was based just on spaceframe integrity; like Herrold said, all the birds from Resolve have some seriously mangled guts and it'll take some time to do an analysis on that.  But right now the plan is to make sure that thing can keep up with the Mk III's and have something like the same kind of combat endurance, and close to the effectiveness.  Only thing I know she'll need for sure is a whole new power plant and power distribution system, impulse drive and a serious computer upgrade.  Everything else will be shoehorning and replacing as needed.  But like I said, so far I don't even have a finalized design, and I'll want to run some simulations before we crack hull."

There was no doubting Covington's expertise, and his involvement with the design aspects of the Valkyries was well known, but he was not above making one admission.  "Damn I wish Mister Cooper was still alive.  He was an egghead, but he was probably the best person around to ask about making a Mark 2-and-a-half fighter."

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #28
[ Lt. JG Devyrie Okhala | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage @Josie @Doc M. @Even Angels Cry
Devyrie had definitely not expected the kind of reaction that she got from the Lone Wolf when she had mentioned the name of Evelyn Rawley. It was not until Goldeneye bemoaned the fate of the officer that Dev remembered the rumours about what had happened the night before. She had picked up on the rumour that some kind of cult had been attacking people aboard the Theurgy, and that one of the pilots had been a target, but the rest she had just learned from the clearly distraught pilot in her arms.

Bewildered as to how she might handle the situation, she had looked towards Angel with raised eyebrows for a moment, and as if by reflex, she had hugged the human back and patted her back with her gauntleted hand - the movements hesitant and awkward.

"From what I saw in the logs, I... I'm sure she was a fin-" she began to say, but got no further before the other pilot, Honey Badger, spoke up and drew the attention Lance. Her embrace suddenly vacated, Dragon lowered her arms and cleared her throat. She blinked, and turned to speak with Angel about these Devoted, but the one with the callsign Meony was the one she made eye-contact with. She appeared quite a fiesty human female, more so than what Dev was accustomed to. Perhaps it was just a cultural clash between her Alpha Centauri upbringing and whatever place on Earth this Krystal Tancredi had been raised. Nonetheless, since her current stand-point was that she'd fly with the Lone Wolves until any new information about the Theurgy and its mission was uncovered, she would attempt to do what Angel had suggested - giving them all the benefit of the doubt.

It just felt so wrong, due to the way her father had raised her; to remain the sceptic.

"Pardon me asking, for I do not presume anything," she said, and smiled as she crossed her arms underneath the gleaming plating that covered her chest, "but what kind of madness compelled you to fly a Type 8 shuttle into battle back at Starbase 84? Granted, the Resolve looked like it was falling apart around your ears. Did you simply not reach your fighter in time?"

Odd as these new pilots seemed, all in their own regard - ranging from rainbow-coloured tribbles to wearing all their emotions on their sleeves - Devyrie had a feeling that... Well, it was too early to presume anything, and especially since she still had to verify the claims that fuelled the mission of the Theurgy, but... for all their differences as wolves of three different packs...

...they were still the same breed.

OOC: Waiting for @Havenborn before posting with Liam Herrold in this thread. :)


Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #29
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan @CanadianVet @Doc M.

She could sense the tensity coming from the man beside her.  Ji's lovely brown eyes that could turn from expressive and open to hard and probing in moments shifted over to see Liam.  She wasn't sure what was going through his mind, but then, it hardly mattered.  Sten was talking and her eyes shifted back to the older man.  He was her boss, and she was far too professional and good at her job to let her internal feelings get in the way of all that was going on today.  She had Sten had a history, but not one she really wanted to talk about.  It wasn't even that that kind of rubbed her the wrong way.  Sometimes you just needed a bit of a release and on a ship that was on the run from the Federation you got what you got.  She didn't regret that at all.

What she didn't understand was Herrold.  Ji was not a stupid woman.  She had her finger on the pulse of her deck crew, she was like their older sister.  She was the one that made sure that things were running smoothly.  That things were repaired properly, and when it came to her specialty she was there without fail.  She should have gotten the job that Herrold had been given.  She couldn't really fault Herrold with it.  Coming from another ship, it wasn't like he asked for the fucking position but she thought that it should have been her.  She was dedicated and had proven her fucking worth time and time again.  Not that Sten cared, obviously.

As Liam spoke her brow rose, Another fucking Frakenship, these fuckers need to be fixed up before they stay on my deck who knows if the fuckers on the other ship actually did their fucking jobs right. she thought to herself.  She actually, liked Liam, he was smart, witty, easy on the eyes, and they got along fairly well as much as she could tell.  But she didn't like the idea of hastily put together shit on her flight deck.  That could be a fucking liability but there was nothing she could do about it right now anyway.

And then Sten laid his praise on the fucker.

Ji folded her arms across her chest and listened to the fucking circle jerk that was going on here.  Fucking men.. feed the ego or they starve like little neglected bitches. she thought to herself as she listened to him talking.  She wasn't about to let her opinions of the situation take over her job, that would mean she didn't deserve the job she had.  She was all for doing the work that was necessary but she sure as fuck wasn't going to be sunshine and rainbows while they patted each other on the back.  More than that, he completely and utterly ignored her own question, which just pissed her the fuck off.  She had spoken her question before Herrold had opened his mouth but nooooooo this is why he had fucking hired Herrold to begin with. 

I need a stiff drink after shift.

Another entered, the SCO, if she wasn't wrong.  He came up saying that he needed the ship that Sten wanted to gut and part out for a mission tomorrow.  Ji rose a hand and let it flow through her short hair for a moment.  Maybe that's why guys don't stick around.. I don't have 'girl' hair... ahhh fuck it I don't care what those fuck heads think.  She chewed on the corner of her lip as her eyes had that haze of thinking through a project, a look that Sten knew well, while she stared at the large fighter that sat heavily in her bay needing work.  Yet needing to be used. 

Sten still hadn't answered her fucking question.

He finally, eventually, got around to it when he was answering someone else.  She was starting to think this shit was fucking personal.  But she took in the information and she looked over at the fighter.  She was a smart woman and had earned her position the hard way through her hard work and proving that she could handle it.  She knew that changing this fucker into a Mark II and a half was not going to be easy but it wasn't exactly going to be hard either.  She was pretty certain the frame could handle the level of propulsion a new engine would be putting it through, that wasn't the problem.  The armored plating would hold up too, and those two things were vastly important to the safety of the pilots that flew them.  However she needed to make sure that the power systems that fueled the engines could handle that kind of flow, and that it wouldn't burn out the wires, conduits, and junctions that would take from the button that said 'go' to the engines not fry up.  She also needed to make sure that the wing flaps and the engine direction controls were up to par for something so much heavier.

“It can be done.”  Ji said, hoping not to be fucking ignored this time.  “It's going to be something we need to get started on right fucking now if we want to get this fucker in space tomorrow.  We have to get the new engines in stalled.  I''m pretty sure the frame and plating won't have any problems holding up to the better class of engine, but we have to make sure that the wiring and junctions can handle that kind of load and especially the navigation systems.  Because that's a lot more power than this fucker has already and we're going to need to make sure that it can handle it.  Which means making sure that when the computer tells it to shift the engines in a certain direction it not only can, but it works properly.”

“It'll be a big project, if Liam isn't busy though I think we could knock it out.” she looked over at the tall blonde headed man she had only just met but already felt like they would make a good team.  Despite the fact that he had the job she wanted.

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #30
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan, @Doc M., @Josie, @Nolan & @Havenborn
Tancredi watched the short-haired woman called Goldeneyes run through a gamut of emotions after recovering from spontaneous cardio excercises. That's da fahr raht there, and she'sem puttin' it out herself...ish, thought the redhead, as she watched it all with her fists planted on her hips, and trying to look like she wasn't staring or watching anything. Too hard. At least Rini was offering comfort of a sort, and then she became the source of excitement. At Goldeneye's exclamation, Tancredi jumped slightly, though her expression didn't change. Speaking softly under her breath, she said, “She shore is exsahtable.”

She didn't have long to ponder on the woman as when she turned, she found herself eye-to-eye with another pilot, and she had the look of a Pakled on a mission. That was probably a terrible analogy but it reflected in no way on anyone's intelligence here. Aside from actual Pakleds. Were there Pakleds on this ship? That would be hilarious. Tancredi privately decided she was going to go looking to see if there was a Pakled on board. After this woman said whatever she had to say. Blinking a few times at the way Okhala spoke, she matched the woman's smile and friendliness, then stroked her chin thoughtfully. If she thought that Tancredi was crazy, what would she have thought about Tribble Squadron? Well, they were dead and gone, save for her, Havenborn and Ahern. For a moment, her smile faltered, but she had it back up again before too long, and shrugged, “Howdy ho. Ah lost mah fahtar coupla years back'en we wuz still skimmin' 'em Romulans' backyahds.”

She brushed her hair back and looked around the Assault Bay, “Me'n a'buncha other Wolves lost our wings, hadda adapt, y'know? So Ah stahtad messin' wit' this'ere shahtahl? An' hellooo Tribble Squadron. Fahnast armed turkeys t'evah flah dem spacelanes.” She grinned, though her eyes glinted with unshed tears as she remembered her fallen comrades, “t'wasn't madness t'flah whut we flew. Was simply' a li'l desperation.”

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #31
Of Valkyries And Valravans
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 2, Deck 16 – Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan, @Doc M., @Josie, @Nolan, @Triage

"Briefing will follow later on lieutenant."

Daniel nodded as Commander Ravon answered his question.  He would have Knight run a pre-flight diagnostic tonight before the mission to make sure everything was in working order.

"First of, if them hahr-ups okayed 'em, Ah'm pretty shore it don't multiplah th'way them furballs normally do. 'at means it's neutered. So now it's safe an' cute! So Ah want one."

Daniel shook his head.  “It’s non-regulation and thus has no place in the Fighter Assault Bay much less inside the cockpit of a fighter.”  Daniel said, he knew that some of the mementos in his tactical/soft bag weren’t quite regulation either however they were at least out of sight and could potentially be useful in an emergency situation.

"Havenborn, SCO, the spaceframe types have been going over the Mk II's we got on board, and looks like Havenborn's bird is the one that's got the best bones right now.  We'll be ready to start ripping the guts out of it and shoehorn some Mk III components in there as soon as we get the designs looked over and we run some simulations."

Daniel stifled a scoff, his fighter was perfect as it was, it didn’t need to be upgraded.  It may not be as fast as a Mark-III in warp but then aeronautical combat didn’t take place in warp, it took place at impulse and Daniel had had no problem keeping up with the interceptors from Starbase 84 so as far as he was concerned there was no reason to upgrade his fighter.  He was about to say something when Chief Herrold spoke up.

"I know every inch of Salvo's and Knight's bird, Chief. Our voyage didn't exactly have spare parts in every new sector we crossed, but we used what we could find, and indeed, I know for a fact that she is in good shape nonetheless. Doesn't exactly meet the Mk II specifications anymore though..."

Daniel smiled a bit, having Chief Herrold stick up for his fighter like that was good, he knew Chief Randall would have spoken up about it as well.  Daniel knew that his fighter was technically a Mark-II but it had cannibalized parts from other Mark-IIs as well as other bits and pieces of technology during their voyage home but to him it would always be a Mark-II Valkyrie.

"Sten, before you start ripping the bird into pieces. I need his fighter up and ready for a mission tomorrow."  "Also, a request for both you Sten and your crew and Daniel. Considering the words of mister... Herrold? Right?"  "The ship Lieutenant Havenborn is flying isn't exactly standard anymore. How instead of gutting it entirely you check which pieces can be retained and if needed upgraded? I mean, the man has put some time in fine tuning his ship, the least we can do is have him help and look along in the upgrade of his bird."

Daniel nodded.  “I suppose upgrading my fighter wouldn’t be that bad but I don’t want to find that I’m flying an entirely new fighter if you understand my meaning Chief Covington.  I’ve put a lot of flight hours in my Mark-II.”  Daniel said as he listened to everyone putting in their input about the upgrades to his fighter.  He honestly didn’t believe that his fighter needed these upgrades but he realized that in the long run this would go a long way to helping him integrate into the ship even if every fiber of him hated the idea of upgrading his fighter.

"SCO, right now the plan was based just on spaceframe integrity; like Herrold said, all the birds from Resolve have some seriously mangled guts and it'll take some time to do an analysis on that.  But right now the plan is to make sure that thing can keep up with the Mk III's and have something like the same kind of combat endurance, and close to the effectiveness.  Only thing I know she'll need for sure is a whole new power plant and power distribution system, impulse drive and a serious computer upgrade.  Everything else will be shoehorning and replacing as needed.  But like I said, so far I don't even have a finalized design, and I'll want to run some simulations before we crack hull."

“Chief Covington, I’d like to be present during the initial upgrade.”  Daniel asked, he’d done some personal modifications to the computer systems, nothing major but they had assisted both him and Knight in piloting the craft and he wanted to be there to make sure that the upgrades would be compatible with the modifications that he had done.  “I’ve modified some of the computer systems onboard and I would like to make sure that they are still compatible.”  Daniel said.

OOC: I think I got everyone that I needed to answer, let me know if I missed anyone.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #32
LT JG Alessia Garcia, Callsign "Angel"| Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Auctor Lucan , @Esyel , @Havenborn , @Triage , @CanadianVet , @Doc M. , @Josie , @Blue Zephyr

With all the craziness of the last couple days, it was good to be on the flight deck again.  Sure, Alessia was surrounded by pilots whom she barely knew, but that was exciting.  There was no imminent danger, no orders for a mission, just a 'get-to-know-the-squad' style briefing.  As pleasantries were passed around the group, Angel smiled at each pilot present.  It would be hard to remember their names, but she was certain she'd remember their faces.  And when they flew, each of them had a callsign that Alessia knew she could remember.

As she listened to the banter between her new squadmates, another set of voices resonated in the hangar.  The Spanish pilot turned to see an older man walking towards them, with what appeared to be two of the deck crew in tow.  She began to raise a greeting, but their conversation didn't halt.  They must have been discussing something important, so Alessia only smiled and turned back to face Dev and the other pilots.  But she overheard talk of dismantling one of the valkyries and her heart went out to the ones who would be affected, those called Salvo and Knight. 

She hated being grounded, but it had only happened once before.  After she was assigned her first Valravn at the shipyards, they had gone on a test flight.  The first few minutes had been heaven with all systems working perfectly, but then she began losing power.  She had landed safely, but the problem behind the power failure had caused serious damage to the warp core.  A converter had been improperly installed, causing a short in the power limiter which sparked a fire that lead to a plasma leak.  It took a few days to get her prototype back in working order, and in the meantime Alessia was expected to 'sit tight' and review her manuals.

Her thoughts were drawn away from that when Dev mentioned the USS Chester.  Alessia looked at the woman Dragon was speaking to, now curious  as well.  It would seem, though, that Dev had hit on a sore spot as the woman.. Goldeneye was it?  As she began to cry.  Alessia didn't know what to say or do in that moment.  She wanted to comfort the girl, but that was apparently Dev's job now.  She might have laughed at the sight of an unprepared Devyrie consoling someone with a hug, but that would have been rude! 

As if on cue, Ravon spoke up and Alessia stood a little straighter and dropped her hand to her side.  When the subject of Sehl came up, she nodded in thanks.  "Gracias, Jefe.1  I am sure it is nothing.  A days rest and he should be fine."  She wasn't entirely convinced about this, but she spoke the words anyway.  There was no need to worry anyone else at this point, especially since sickbay didn't even know what Sehl had.

Now another pilot stepped forward to comfort Goldeneye, but this one prompted an unexpected response.  Alessia jumped at the explosion of happiness and smiled as Goldeneye turned on a dime from despair to elation.  Though as her fellow pilot listed off the names of those who didn't make it back, Alessia felt that pang of grief again.  Iron Fox hadn't made it.  Him, along with nearly half of her old White Wolves squadron had perished at the Battle of Starbase 84.  How many of them had she bothered to get to know?  Now she would never have that chance.

Angel turned towards Dev, eager to learn more about her friend, but she was caught off-guard by the conversation underway with another pilot.  Alessia's ear struggled to keep up with the heavily accented woman, and it occurred to her that perhaps this was how some viewed Alessia herself.  With that in mind, she endeavored to speak clearer in order to help others understand her better in the future.  For now though, she listened to the reasons this pilot had for modifying her bird into the gangly craft it had become.

"It's quite impressive that it still flies.  I have seen many modified crafts that under perform or even endanger their pilots.  My congratulations to you for having the cajones2 to fly her."

Then she glanced at Dev.  Something strange was happening on this ship.  Perhaps it was as her friend had spoken about the night before..  She didn't want to believe such things, but between the rumors of attacks and the strange illness and the general disorderliness, Alessia was beginning to doubt herself.

1. Gracias Jefe = Thank you, Chief
2. cajones = drawers, slang for balls... in this statement, she's congratulating Meony on having the balls to fly the Fuzzy Flayer

"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #33
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: 1) @Blue Zephyr 2) @Nolan 3) @CanadianVet 4) @Havenborn
Taking a small breath of relief, Liam was glad to see the potentially awkward situation resolving itself without anyone's ego being bruised. Salvo and Knight both seemed content with the Mk II getting a refit, Covington was amiable enough about it, and the SCO only wished for it to happen after an upcoming mission. Aside from that, the project had been green-lit on all ends, and Liam knew he and the other Chiefs working under Covington would have their hands full with the bird in a couple of days.

Yet before then, they still had all these new Valravn fighters to try and wrap their heads around. The last of them were landing as they spoke, and taxied into their new allotted spots in the big flight hangar.

"I will rearrange the schedules for my weapons technicians to accommodate the refit, Chief," he said to Covington, putting his hands on his hips. "I have looked over the Mk III specs, and I gathered that there were only minor changes to weapons load-out. The important bit was the plasma conduit re-arrangement behind the phaser cannons on the Mk III after they were moved from the main fuselage to the wings, but I see no problem in keeping them where they are and use the space in the engine pits to accommodate a new conduit layout."

Realising that a couple of the present pilots would have no idea what he was talking about, Liam cleared his throat and began to explain, gesturing with his calloused hands. "Essentially, the technology of the Mk III cannons are the same as the Mk II - outward aesthetics aside - but as an upgrade, the warp drive plasma conduit on the Mk III run through the primary phaser coupling in order to double the power of the Type U+ phaser cannons. With the Mk III conduit parts on hand, the simulations done, me and my team should be able to do it. We just need the parts and five hours, and the cannons will be on par with the Mk III's."

Turning his blue eyes to Salvo and Knight, he realised they would have the usual questions. "No need to worry, there will still be pulse or beam firing options available. The pulse phaser bolts will still have a firing rate of five per second. Both beam and bolt range will remain the same too. You'll only notice the difference when you... hit something."

Knowing he had nothing more to contribute, and already announced that he'd see to the re-scheduling of his deck crew of technicians now that the decision of the refit had been made, he inclined his head to the present officers and Covington both. He gave Chief Ji a small smile as he stepped away. She was likely about to return to the bird she had been working on, and he would re-join her and help her as he'd promised once he was finished with the new work schedule.

Together, they faced the challenge with the Valravn fighters, so it was better they finished with Ji's bird so that they could see to the new additions of fighters on the Theurgy.

[ Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Loose PO: 1) @Josie (in reply to Doc M.) 2) @Doc M. 3) @Triage 4) @Even Angels Cry
Hearing the reasons behind why this woman with the callsign Meony had flown a Type 8 shuttle into battle made Devyrie realise just how desperate and forced to adapt the crew of the Resolve had been. Three years lost beyond Romulan space, in the outer rim of the Beta Quadrant, it was almost like something the Voyager had undergone, their journey only being a bit shorter. If they had re-purposed shuttles in order to survive, she reckoned that the aliens in those uncharted territories were not the most friendly.

Angel spoke up ahead of Dev, capturing the essence of her own thoughts in a bit more graphic way, but quite aptly put as well. After their time on Luna Base together, and despite how their cultures were different, Dev had learned to understand what Alessia said most of the time.

"Indeed, no offence, but as modified as it appeared on my screens, I was surprised it was able to make the tight turns it did when those interceptors moved in on your trajectory," she said, trading a look with Angel as she spoke. Their conversation from the night before came to mind, but this was not the place to conspire or question. Angel was less a sceptic than she was, but at least she had been able to see the point she'd tried to make. There was a lot more going on, but the talk of fighter crafts with crew not originally from the Theurgy seemed harmless enough.

"I am not saying it was ungainly," she explained, not saying what she meant; that it ought to handle like shit at any impulse velocity, "nor that it was ugly, I was just... surprised how expertly it could be flown. If anything, I deem it is a testament to your skills, so I can't wait to see how you handle one of those Mk IIIs, if that's what you'll be flying now. I bet this 'Thea' should have plenty of simulations for you to run, and that the new Valkyrie is not that different from the reliable Mk II."

She wanted learn more of the Aithaen that governed the Dreadnought she was on, this computer program that dwarfed all others she was acquainted with. This sentient presence aboard. Perhaps she'd run some simulations as well, if nothing else to learn more about the ship? Food for thought.

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #34
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan @CanadianVet

If there was one fucking thing that would make Ji pissed faster than anything else it was being ignored.  It was an insult to her intelligence and one that she didn't think she needed.  Ji knew that as a woman, she was already seen as lesser.  Even though this was modern day and equality had taken on a whole new meaning there was still something that happened when she was on deck.  She was a woman.  And people knew that shit and they had these issues with the fact that she clearly needed help.  How could she not?  A slender woman with muscles but not the bulking huge ones that the other people carried.  But no.. she was fine on her own and felt that she had proven herself over and over again to the point where she no longer gave two shits about proving herself.  If fuckers wanted to think her weak then they could do just that.  If they didn't respect her mind, then fuck them harder.  She wasn't going to fucking stand around and constantly wait for praise.  She knew she was good at her job and those that needed to, new it as well.

She curled her hand into a fist.  Little nails biting into the palm of her hand.  She could work through just about anything as evident by the swollen ankle that Nicander still needed to look at.  It was better today, that was for sure.  Still quite sore, but not as swollen.  But then, by the time she got to the end of her day, who the fuck knew what it would look like.  There were times when she landed on it wrong and it nearly gave out.  The sprain was bad, and while it would eventually heal she knew that it would also take a while.  It really needed a couple days off but she couldn't afford it and she would bite her fucking tongue talking to Nicander so that he thought it was getting better.

She had spoken, and given her thoughts on the matter.  Whether someone gave a shit about what she said or not, well that wasn't her deal.  Maybe that was why Sten didn't give her the promotion.  Maybe it was because she was not good enough in his eyes.  She had no idehat it was, and it didn't matter.  If she clung onto the fact that she didn't get it she would just get disgruntled and it wasn't like Liam wasn't smart and worth the position either.  He was, and that was what made it harder because she actually liked the guy.

Liam spoke and her eyes shifted to him.  “I'll do the same.  We have a shit ton of people on this flight deck we can knock it out quickly even with the massive work load.  Once Sten finishes his simulations and determines what needs to be done as quickly as possible.”

She gave a shrug.  She wasn't touching the thing until Covington told her to.  Normally, she would at least get started but she had some other things that she needed to do.  Like the Valravns.  She looked over her shoulder to see them being taxied into their Vectors so that they could figure out what to do with these babies.  These were new, never before seen, and something that Ji had never gotten her hands on.  They practically itched with all the excitement of getting her hands on something new.  Being able to dive into the engine compartment and see what it was that made them the amazing ships that they where.  Fuck those things are beautiful, when do I get to take one of those for a spin? she thought to herself as she shifted her attention back to Liam.

“Let me get some guys on board to help with the refitting process, and I'll send their names to you Chief.” she gave a nod and turned to head off.  She needed to get that done so that she could get her hands on the new babies.  Those things were something that she was dying to get her hands on.  So instead of going off to a console she pulled her PADD right out of her one suit pocket and she began thumbing through her duty roster, assigning various well trained and dependable mechanics to help refit Sten's project. 

She looked up to see Liam walking beside her, and she offered him a smile.  “I'm going to get my hands on those babies.  Want to come play with me?” she asked wondering if his love for fighters and this kind of work was as deep as her own.  She didn't get new things very often so this was straight up her alley to dive into something new.  “I've got someone running the diagnostics on the ship we were fucking with earlier, so we're free to go to the new playground and explore the equipment, I'll even let you touch the cover of the manual.. one finger only though... finger oils can be a bitch.”

She was teasing, but she was in a good mood.  One she was getting away from the environment where by she was being ignored.  And she was about to dive head first into a new project.  She was practically giddy.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #35
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr
Hearing Ji beside him, Liam turned his head and smiled, but when he realised what she just said, he swallowed, wondering if he'd heard her right. Play with...?

Next, as he had come to a stop and looked at her, she spoke in a teasing manner. Almost suggestively. Back when they had stood talking with the pilots and Covington, Liam had got the impression that Chief Ji was a bit pissed about something, but he hardly knew her, so he did not presume to guess. And for the same reason, now that she spoke of using one or two fingers in the almost flirtatious manner that she did, he did not know what to think, much less what he'd say. She seemed to be in a very good mood, at least, but he had to clear his throat to buy some time - struggling to determine what her intentions were.

"I... I can look over my duty rosters later," he said, definitely not about to verify if there was more to her manners than it seemed. He decided that all he could do was to take her words at face value, figuring that she only meant checking out the Valravn fighters. "Covington needs to have those simulations run anyway."

Said and done, he stepped towards the outer half of the flight hangar instead, heading out to the prototype fighters. Yet on the way there, they also passed the remaining Mk III:s, which was protoype tech as well, only from a different and competing Program. Having been on the Resolve for three years, he knew the Mk II well enough, and while the Mk III was quite similar in many aspects, there were still tech he needed to wrap his head around. Like the Tetryon Pulse Phase canon that could be retracted into the ventral side of the fuselage.

"For you, the Valravn fighters over there are the prototype tech, but for me, even the Mk III are pretty much unknown," he said, speaking his thoughts while he unzipped the front of his yellow jumpsuit and tied the sleeves around his waist. "Like that hidden cannon underneath them, retractable rig and all. I have to admit, when I read the specs and saw the diagrams, I couldn't help but think about how some male humanoids have a similar feature. Andorian and Hermat both have their... endowments sheathed inside their lower abdomens when they are not having sex. You have to admit, the resemblance is pretty... graphic, isn't it?"

He attempted to joke, chuckling and shaking his head while they walked. "I have to say, I am impressed by the size of them. I could never have guessed they all fit inside the unless I had seen them emerge." He was, of course, speaking of the cannons emerging out of the fuselage, but the sight of the Valravns ahead had him fail to make the distinction. "In your personal opinion, is the size relevant to their effectiveness?"

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #36
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Assault Deck | Deck 14 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan

She wasn't sure if she had caught Liam off guard or if he just had a tickle in his throat but he took a moment before answering her and decided to clear his throat for a moment.  Her brow rose as she waited to see if he wanted to come work with her.  Finally, he spoke and a smile warmed her face.  She gave a nod.  “Damn straight you can.” Ji winked at him as he told her that he could mess with the duty rosters later.  She knew that he had to be as excited as she was to get her hands on the beauties of the Valravns.  She brushed some of her hair behind one of her ears as he told her that Sten needed to run his simulations before they could do anything on the project fighter anyway.

“Yep.  So we might as well find our happy place right?”

As they walked past the Mk III he looked over at them and began to talk.  She paused right before the Mk III as she listened to him speaking.  It was nice to find someone with the same passions that she had.  He was a good guy and that's why it was really hard for her not to like him.  She actually did like him.  They worked well together and that was a nice thing, she usually worked alone but that wasn't always the case and at least if she had to work with someone Liam would be her firsts choice and it was without the baggage of Sten. 

He unzipped his flight suit and she grinned as he tied it around his waist she would be doing the same thing in a moment herself once they got to the Valravn.  He mentioned that the Mk III was something that was an enigma to him still, which caused her to smile and she gave a nod.  “Well I'll give you the grand tour some time, it's pretty fucking badass, that bad boy.  I think you'll like it.” she said with a shrug as she tucked her PADD away into her pocket and closed it up.  Unzipping the front of her own mechanics suit and she tied it around her center like he had.  She didn't even really know why they had to wear this fucking things.  She would much prefer just regular pants and a tank top or sports bra.  Today she wasn't wearing a shirt underneath her flight suit it was just her sports bra a black number that showed off the scars on her stomach.  But she wasn't ashamed of them.

As he began to liken the retractable Pulse Phase Canon like male genitalia.  She laughed, she couldn't help it.  Her face brightening up as she shrugged her strong shoulders and she looked over at him and listened to all his questions.  He asked her if size was really important when they were talking about these kinds of things.  She let out a long breath of air and pushed her hair out of her face which promptly, defiantly, fell right the fuck back into place again.  Even though she hadn't thought about them that way now she was pretty sure that she would never look at the fucking thing as anything more than a giant fucking penis that shoots shit.

She tilted her head trying to sober herself up a little bit.  “If we are still talking about canons here, then no.  I've seem some schematics of small powerful cannons, the thing I think that makes these particularly deadly is you have no fucking clue when you're fighting this bastard that it's in there.  Then all of a sudden, boom, there it fucking is.  I think this bad boy has more bang for it's buck.  If we're talking about dick size, then no.  I think it's all in how you use it.” She winked at him and motioned for him to come along.  “Lets get dirty!”

She lead him over to the Valravn that was vacated and sitting pretty just waiting to be seen and messed with.  She hoisted herself up on the steps as she headed up into the cockpit and opened it.  She took a deep breath and a grin on her face told of how much she truly loved getting to mess with something new.  She reached into the maintenance compartment and pulled out the surprisingly compact manual and then she jumped back down to the deck plating.  “Come sit.” She perched herself on the third step from the bottom and patted the spot next to her so that they could look over it together.  She was like a child in a candy store. This was the shit that she lived and breathed.  It was what made her tick, and Liam was probably the only person outside of some of her other boys that actually understood that.  “I want to check this over before we dive in.  If we move too fast, she could blow.  So .. we gotta take our time with this sweet baby.  Besides, more time together.” She nudged his arm with her own and put the book so that they could both look at it at the same time.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #37
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr
Of course, Eun Sae Ji shared his understanding about size, and agreed with her in regard to the surprise effect when the Mk III was able to deploy something like the tetryon canon as standard armament. He did a double-take, however, when she started to talk about dick size, making his eyes widen after she winked and walked away.

How did she... Oh, I... I see. He realised how he had phrased his question, and again, he cleared his throat, embarrassed to have alluded so to something like that. He was not entirely sure what he might say or do in reaction or reply, so he merely kept silent and followed her to the Valravn fighter closest to them. She must think me quite crude at this point...

Then again, she had said they were to get dirty, and that was... a subject of speculation as to what she meant. Did she know what she was saying to him? He was not entirely sure, feeling more awkward about it, to the point he looked around to see if anyone had overheard her. Decided no one did, he saw her emerge from the Valravn's cockpit with the compact PADD that would contain the specs of the new fighter. She looked really great in just her sports bra, which certainly did not help the situation at all for Liam, who felt he had to busy himself with hiking up the white sleeves of his undershirt. When doing the heavy work on the deck, he usually removed it, but now was not the time. Especially now now, he thought, becoming a bit self-conscious in her presence.

Seating himself next to her to watch the small screen, he realised she was talking about the Valravn as if she was a woman, and that made Liam blink. Taking their time with her so that she didn't blow? How...? Surely she must know. She must be saying this in perfect knowledge of... How am I supposed to answer that?

"...Besides, more time together."

Hearing this, Liam swallowed while looking at the digital book. Oh, she knows what she is doing. Still, doesn't help me with what to say. Was she talking about herself? That he was supposed to take it slow with her? He hadn't done anything yet! Yet? Did he want to? Damn it, why are women so difficult to understand? The men I have dated have always been more straight-forward about what the were after.

And now he thought he was 'dating' her? No, this was certainly not a date. Most assuredly not. They were professionals. They had duties to preform. Get it together, Liam...

"Speaking for myself, I would love to see the guns on her," he said, looking at the contents menu, running a calloused finger over the touch screen and making the menu scroll, looking for the engine section, "but I reckon you'd rather want to see what gets her juices flowing first?"

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #38
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Deck 16 | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan

Ji knew that the scars on her midsection were out for all to see, they were old scars, and had that pale white and dark pink color that showed their age.  None of the scars she currently held were new.  She sat there on the steps and waited for Liam to come and join her.  She didn't realize that she was throwing him off guard as that was most definitely not her intent.  She just was herself and she wasn't going to change just because her words could sometimes be taken another way.  Perhaps they both had an itch to scratch since they were constantly talking like this but then she wasn't sure she needed her itch scratched at all.  That would probably just lead to a deeper connection. 

She hadn't found anyone that she really wanted to be with just yet.  She liked a few people.  Word had it that Sten had found someone else, and that was fine.  While he had been kind to her and they had slept together twice she doubted that they were easily compatible.  She wanted someone that she could actually get along with.  Someone that understood her passions but could also handle the spit fire that she could be.  Especially when she got mad.

She leaned close so that he could read the device in her hand with her, the compact PADD was very small but it wasn't hard to read the information that was on it.  Her arm and his were pressed together and her head was fairly close to his as well.  He reached over saying that he wanted to be able to check out the guns, and she gave a nod.  Letting him pull down the menu in question so that he could pick the information that he wanted to read about them.  He told her that she would probably want to see what got the juices flowing and she chuckled softly.

“Go to the guns first, I can share.” She said as she found the guns which were just underneath engines and she clicked it before he could click engines, or at least that was what she hoped.  That way he could read about the guns.  That wasn't her specialty but she would read over the information because the more she knew about the fighters they were working on the better.  She put her chin on Liam's shoulder so that she could be closer.  Not because she liked him... but because they were sharing a very small hand held device.  She wasn't even thinking about how it would look or feel... or anything really.  She was just enjoying herself with him. 

It was nice to have someone around her that understood the love for the fighters and all they could do and be.  Ji chewed on her lower lip as she read over the information with him, letting him control the screen so that he could read at his own pace, while she skimmed quickly for the most pertinent information.  “These are bad fuckers.” She whispered softly reading through it with him.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #39
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr
Reading the information, Liam could only agree with that sentiment, but he was a bit worried too - a frown forming on his brow.

Digesting the information about the unique phaser solution, he did not notice how close Chief Ji was getting. He began to talk soon enough. "The wings are not only important for stable atmospheric flight, but to grant additional hard-point slots," he concluded, scrolling the information a little, "Look at the armament rig for the micro torpedo launchers; the forward-swept arms. They extended from the bottom of the nacelles and into the two launchers in front of the cockpit. The launchers are fed with torpedoes through the arms, which allow for a high number of torpedoes and a faster loading mechanism than in the Mk II:s, at least. I kind of like it, as long as they are not too 'protoype' and gets jammed all the time. Could be high maintenance between engagements..."

At this point, he realised that Ji was leaning against his shoulder, and he became self-conscious and a bit nervous, clearing his throat before he continued. He also stole a glance towards the closest area of the flight deck to see if anyone was looking at them. As nervous as he got, he was also getting a bit excited about how things were developing with the Chief. They'd just met, but they seemed to click well professionally. He was not sure they were being entirely 'professional' at the moment, though, at leas in terms of outwards appearance. Yet he was certainly not about to push her away for appearances sake. In fact, he enjoyed her being so close, and he could not completely keep himself from looking at her. There was just so much warmth... so much skin.

"The... Um... It says here that the Valravn is the only Federation warp fighter that has dedicated Type VIII phaser emitters," he said, making a low whistle - realising it was a little bit too close to a wolf whistle given the current situation - before he continued. "Type VIII phasers on a fighter? They were standard issue on smaller starships, for crying out loud. It says they have modified emitters, reduced in scale to fit at the fore and aft sides of the wings, and that there is a third reason they wings are as big as they are. Of course... They need to house the entirety of the phaser couplings since they can't be housed inside the fuselage. Wait... like on the Mk III, these fighters' phaser couplings extend into the nacelles as well, even to the quantite reactor core and the warp drive plasma conduit. That's how they can be Type VIII emitters... It's like the entirety of the fighter is a big, double-piped canon, and with those nacelles, it's got to be fast too."

This emphasised what worried Liam a bit when he began to read, that initial concern that he had yet to voice. "There was a warning in the beginning. It said that it was as of yet unknown how the emitters would last in a prolonged engagement. That means these are far from being fully tested, and I feel there might be a lot more maintenance to those big phaser emitters than the torpedo arms. We might even have to make modifications on all these fighters, finishing what Luna Base and the Valravn Project team couldn't. If we don't, we might be putting the lives of the pilots in more jeopardy than they already are out there. It's one thing flying giant glass guns, but if they are giant glass bombs? I know I would not like to have that on my conscience."

Having said this, he pulled out his own PADD from the side of his thigh and began to compile his notes for Covington. Doing so, he happened to get a even better view of the attractive Chief next to him, and he clenched his jaw to try and focus, hard as it might be.  Indeed, he would literally get hard lest he tried to concentrate. He did not wish to embarrass himself. "H-How's propulsion on them?"

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #40
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Vector 02 | Deck 16 | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan

He began to talk, and Ji was listening.  While she didn't really do much with fire power, she could understand that passions that he had for those kinds of things and she knew enough about them that she could keep up a fair amount on what he was saying.  Her dark eyes were watching him as he spoke about all of the things that he was reading about in the manual that they had gotten their hands on.  The hardpoints under the wings and what those were actually used for on a ship this amazing.  He was right though, some of the shit could easily get jammed during usage, and if not continually lubricated properly it was likely that they could easily malfunction.  The thing was, the more moving parts something had the more likely it was tht something would eventually go wrong.  Not that she wanted it to be that way but it was true.

“We'll have to make sure the crews that work on these fuckers know to keep everything aligned, calibrated, and lubricated.  If that shit doesn't work right out there when the pilots need it the most then their fucked.  I refuse to have a pilot in danger because of faulty maintenance. That's my number one fucking pet peeve.” she admitted to him her eyes flashing up to his and then back down to the manual.

Her eyes shifted to his as he told her that these birds were far from fully tested.  Because everything on these fuckers was a prototype especially the emitters.  He mentioned the maintenance and she sighed again, thinking about how much of a work load having these fuckers on her flight deck was going to be.  Slowly, the excitement and the giddiness of the new babies on her deck was starting to wane with the fact that they were actually going to have to take care of these fuckers.  Something that she wasn't entirely sure how to do just yet.  So she was going to want an elite fucking squad on it, probably headed directly with herself until she was comfortable enough to let them handle it on their own.  These fuckers were beasts, but they could also be fragile.

He leaned to the side to take notes, so Ji held herself up on her own accord and now that he was jotting down his notes for Sten, she pulled out her PADD and stuck it on the stairs right next to her.  She quickly thumbed back through the menu so that she could find the propulsion systems, and brushed her hair out of her face.  She noticed the hitch in his voice and her eyes shot up to his unsure of why he had one.  She had no idea the effect she was having on him.  Mostly because, she was fairly oblivious to herself as a woman for the most part.  When she was comfortable, and doing her own thing, she just moved and went with the flow.  She never thought about how it looked or seemed.  And she was oddly, quite comfortable, around Liam.

She chewed on her lower lip, a habit that she did sub-consciously as she looked through the information that was available on the propulsion systems of the ship that they were messing with.  Her eyes were widening with every line that she read.  “Fucking Christmas...” She whispered more to herself than to him but she knew that he was close enough that he would hear her anyway.  “It's got fucking warp 6.5 and that's not even fucking max.  Maxes out at fucking 9.4... that's... I.. just can't even fathom how the fuck they got it … wow.”

“Twin-tandem Quantite Reactor... Cores?”  She flipped through the information on the screen her eyes wide with disbelief and wonder.  She could spend a year trying to figure out all of the shit that this fucker could do, would do, and could break down doing.  She was amazed as the list went on and on.  She looked over at her partner in crime.  “I want to fly this fucker so bad.” She whispered to him with a conspiritorial look on her face.  She looked back over at the fighter and then back at Liam, she was aching to get into that cockpit, fire the fucker up, and take off.  She knew how to fly, you had to know how to fly so that you could test shit out.  If things didn't work right sometimes the only answer was to fly the fucker and see if you could recreate the problem.  That was half of being a mechanic and when you dealt with propulsion systems you needed to feel it to understand the issues.  She bit her lower lip.

“You think we'd get in trouble for taking her out for a spin.  I mean.. imagine the data we could collect if we fucking hooked that fucker up to our PADDS and downloaded the information as we went.  Propulsion, weapons systems, general maintenance and systems.”  She looked over at him.  “We could put her through her paces and ride her hard.”

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #41
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr
Oh, but the idea to test the manoeuvrability of the Valravn was tempting, that much Liam had to admit...

...but when she again alluded to something rather sexual, saying that they would ride her hard, Liam blinked and caught Ji's eye. He was almost certain she was no longer talking about the fighter any more. Was she saying that she wanted him to... with her? He swallowed, and rose to his feet. A little bit too quickly, her effect upon him *hard* to conceal, but he stepped away adjusted his jumpsuit over his hips a bit and turned towards her. What should he say? He cleared his throat.

"A-As much as I find the idea tempting," he started to say, regretting it instantly, and instead decided to talk as if he'd taken her words at face value, "neither of us have the training to test-fly these new fighters. They are not even a part of the Valkyrie program, and I - for one - would not like to test its systems until we've had one of the former White Wolves teach us how to do it. We should do simulations first, since its safer to make the rookie mistakes on the holodeck."

Having said this, Liam looked around the bay, checking to see if anyone else had caught on to what might - or mightn't - just have happened between him and Chief Ji. Satisfied that no one was looking in their direction, Liam took a deep breath to calm his heart and gave Chief Ji a smile. "I will see if the White Wolves are able to load up simulations for both of our teams, so that we can get more data to work with. I will inform Covington about what we've learned, and put some people on scanning all these wing-mounted emitters for wear and tear."

The reason why he excused himself had nothing to do with any aversion towards Chief Ji, he realised whilst he stepped away, leaving her behind. Quite the opposite. He just wasn't sure how he could handle it in the middle of the flight deck, and with all these new eyes evaluating his performance. Immediately, he was second-guessing himself based on what had happened before the battle the day before, on the flight deck of the Resolve. Why, then? It seem edevident to him that Ji wanted to evaluate his performance in more unorthodox ways, and of course he was tempted...

...but where did things stand between him and K'Ren since last night?

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #42
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Assault Deck | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan @Havenborn

He shot up.

Ji leaned back, her elbows on the step behind her, as she watched him adjusting his flight suit rather randomly.  She didn't quite look down enough to pay attention as to why he would be doing that.  He turned to her and told her that there was no way that either of them were trained to fly these.  She sighed, unfortunately he was right.  As much as she didn't want him to be.  She knew how to fly the ships she had been trained on, but she probably did need to get ahold of one of the pilots so that they could train her on how to take these babies out so when it was needed she could work on them.  Her dark eyes studied the man as he stood there telling her all of this. 

Have I made him uncomfortable.  I feel like.. I have somehow...   She was used to making little sexual innuendos here and there, mostly because she worked in a predominately male field and they all took to getting their minds in the gutters from time to time, and she didn't mind rolling with it.  He was right though it would be far easier to do things in the holodeck where if they crashed there was no real harm. 

She gave a surrendering shrug.  “You're right, we should set aside some time for holodeck training.  And if that doesn't go well we can eventually flag down a pilot to help us.  But I'm sure the holodeck is a good place to start.” she admitted as she slowly unfolded her body on the stairs and stood up brushing a hand through her hair to get the bangs out of her face.  He told her he was going to get people to help them make a holodeck program that they could run for training purposes and get some orders for Sten and his people to scan the hard points for wear and tear.

She gave a nod. 

“Sure, let me know when the holodeck is up.  I”m going to go take this manual and my notes to the back office and check out some more of the schematics and make notes and shit for Sten.”  she said as she watched him walk away without another word.

“Uhh.. bye...?”

She sighed and looked up at the machine behind her.  Leaning down she gathered the small compact manual PADD.  Uprighting herself she gave a sigh and headed to the office where she liked to work when she needed some time to be with herself.  Ji walked through the deck letting a couple people know where she was going incase someone needed her for something.  Closing the door behind her as she entered the office that anyone could use, she walked to the replicator and got herself a tall cup of coffee with a bunch of sugar and sweetener in it before she slumped down in her seat.  It was colder in here, so she shrugged on the top half of her deck suit and zipped it up as she leaned back.  Putting her feet on the desk she began to read through the manual. 

While she did so, she chewed on the knuckle of her left index finger.  It was something she did when she was deep in thought, and she didn't even realize she did it.  It was totally subconscious when she did it.  She was memorizing and contemplating about a lot of the information in the mini-manual.  She doubted that she would be needed but if she was a few knew where to find her.  Dropping her hand she took a sip of her coffee, her eyes never leaving the PADD.

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #43
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Deck | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

The potential powder keg of a situation seemed defused for now, though Thomas doubted this would be the last of it. From what he had gathered from the weapon specialist it looked like the current upgrading wouldn't affect the fighter functionality as a whole. Which in his books was perfectly fine as he needed the pilot and his bird ready for an upcoming mission. How they did it or what they did to it, mattered little to Thomas. Sure he would love to get his hands dirty again in fighter maintenance yet overhauling a fighter was perhaps a better plan to be dealt by the professionals.

With a nod Ravon looked at all the parties that mattered for the upgrade of Daniel's fighter "Settled in that case. Lieutenant, fine tune your arrangements for help with the chief." he said decisively before nodding to the rest "If anyone else needs me, I'll be in Mi-" he paused and bit his tongue before continuing "I'll be in the office." he concluded before he nodded and made his way from the party. The life certainly had seem to returned to the flight deck as Thomas looked at the group of Valkyrie and Valravn pilots as they mingled and got acquainted with one another. If anything, it would prove to be interesting times ahead.

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #44
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan & @Even Angels Cry
“Ah-ah!” said Tancredi, waggling a finger in the definite negative, “But sadleh, mah Fuzzy Flayah's seen 'er last flyin' days.”

She turned to size up the new pilot that joined the conversation with her. Judging by her appearances, and by the way she talked, she could recognize a fellow Earther, “Meony's da name, an' killin's mah game, sugah. Do Ah detect an Earth-bohn Latina in dat accent?” She winked and grinned, then turned, paused, and turned back, “Ah got lucky,” she said, “Dat Tahp eight woulda been mah death a hunnerd tahms ovah, if it warn't fer good ol' Erik Randall...” she sighed, “...wish th'hell the ol' yeller's still here with us.”

She grinned at Dragon, listening to her explain what she saw. It of course made her more than a little proud to have been the accomplished pilot to impress this lot with her madness of flying an outdated shuttle into one of the most intense battles in recent memory. “Ya'd be surprahsed what a tahp eight kin do when ya change its impulse engines an' add sahm Valkyrie thrusters fer laughs. An' don' worry, Ah personaleh thought it was ungainly, ugly, and a disaster jes' waitin' th'happen. Had a death wish, ya could say.”

She did, but her new motivation now after all the new revelations from this crew gave her a new goal, especially in light of Captain Kendrick's absence. Planting her fists on her hips, she glanced at Dragon again, “Anyhow, thanks, hon. Ah will be flyin' a mahk three. Gonna head ovah in a bit, in fact, t'staht mah first trainin' round. Was nahs meetin' y'all. We shou' meet up laytah, mebbe grab a drink or two, eh?”

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #45
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 2, Deck 16 – Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

Daniel nodded as Commander Ravon dismissed the group.  He and Knight both walked back over to their fighter and began to get it ready for the upgrades that would come after the away mission.  There were a few things they could do now to get it ready, nothing that would interfere with their mission tomorrow though.  Daniel sat down in his seat and began to go over his logs, behind him he heard Knight working.  After a few quiet moments however Daniel noticed a slight power fluctuation that appeared in his flight logs.  He decided that the best solution to finding the problem would be to download his flight logs onto a PADD and find the Chief of Power.  He informed Knight of what he was going to do and told him to continue going over their logs looking for other fluctuations.

Daniel disembarked the fighter and asked a couple of the technicians nearby who pointed him in the direction of the auxiliary office.  He had met the young woman earlier when Chief Covington had proposed the idea of upgrading his fighter.  He suddenly realized that he didn’t know where the office was and flagged down another technician to get directions.  Once he had the directions he made his way to the office.

He stood outside the door and after about a minute of debating with himself about whether or not he should ring the door chime or just enter he decided to just enter.  He was an officer and had a problem with his fighter that he needed her to look at.  He tapped the door panel and the doors opened revealing the young woman he had met, though now her deck suit was pulled on fully.  He cleared his throat announcing his arrival, just in case she hadn’t heard the door open.  “Excuse the interruption Chief Ji, but I was examining my flight log from the past days action and I noticed a power fluctuation I think you should see.”  He said as he approached her, the PADD in his outstretched hand.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #46
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Vector 02 | Deck 16 | Fighter Assault Bay | Auxiliary office | USS Theurgy]

The manual in her hands was full of information.  Ji sat back in the seat that she had decided was her own for a little while.  Never hurt to let the legs rest.  I really need to hit the gym later.  Maybe I can find someone that can actually spar with me. she thought to herself as she rubbed her eyes for a moment giving them a break from the screen she had been studying since before Liam had decided to take off.  She was still confused on that front, what had happened there. Why he left in a hurry.  She figured that she must have fucked it over somehow.  Messed something up.  Said something that offended him.  She would have to apologize later, if that was the case, she would most definitely want to make it right.

They had to work together after all.

She popped her feet up on the edge of the desk, boots crossed at the ankle as she shifted lower in her seat, giving her body a bit of a break she sighed softly.  Picking up the PADD she began to scroll through it again.  She needed to get as much info as she could.  It was important, and when Liam and she needed to work together again she wanted to have the knowledge that was out there about the Valravn.  She didn't really expect anyone at the door. Usually the only time they hunted her down was when there was trouble, which most of her boys knew how to handle so usually she went unbothered when she was in the office.

Apparently, not today.

The door slid open, and Ji found her dark chocolate eyes shifted upward from the PADD.  It took a moment to focus on the Lieutenant.  She remembered him, from the meeting earlier with Sten.  She didn't know if he needed something or just wanted a chit chat.  She was surprised at the fact that she had female parts changed the way that she was treated.  Often, men just wanted to chat with her, something that she could not quite understand.  She was all for chatting and hanging out but sometimes it was nice to be business only.

“Lieutenant.” she stated as he entered. 

She didn't rise, she was tired, and he was technically on her turf.  Besides she got overly tired of the people with pips thinking that everyone else that also worked their asses off needed to be super excited every time they came into the fucking room.  She put her PADD down on the desk beside her though, Havenborn had her full attention.  Dark eyes studying his face as he apologized for the intrusion.

“No need, what's up?” she asked in her usual upbeat and friendly manner.

She listened to his words, and her arched brow lifted slightly.  Leaning forward she grabbed the PADD from him before settling back in her chair.  She looked at the information, her face serious, her eyes darting back and forth as she read through the information that was available on the PADD.  Her brows dropped, furrowing slightly as she then looked back up at him.

“Did you notice anything off when you flew her last?” she looked back down to puzzle out just what the fluctuation was.  She would probably need to run a full diagnostic, which she was fine with doing they needed to pinpoint the problem and fix it before they started working to upgrade the thing.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #47
[ Ens. Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]
While Zrinka had been briefed about the losses, it had been altogether too much to take in when just reading about it in a report. It was when a dear sister wolf laid it all out aloud that the reality began to sink in for Rini. She swallowed, hugging Goldeneye back, and tried to find something to say. It was not just Iron Fox, whom had been their new SCO after Jaru Rel was put in stasis before her, but all the others of the original Lone Wolves. She could barely put a face on this Kanti MacTavish, just a cute one in CONN as far as she could recall, but Hat Trick? Outrider? Game? She had been really close to Game. She'd had her adventure with Ghost back on Earth, but Game and she had close on a regular basis.

"I'm here," she said, her voice a bit thick, and raised her hand to run it through Tessa's hair. "I saw o-others in the briefing. Hardtop. Oracle. Nightmare, Quake, Morrigan... and Kestrel. It... It feels so surreal. There's hardly anyone left of the old wolves."

Saying this, she glanced towards all the new faces. Strangers, while seemingly good people. With just Tessa, Ravon, Isley and her still flying among the old Wolves, what would become of their tightly knit squadron that had known each other's tactics like the back of their own hands? How was they supposed to truly protect Thea now, when so much had been lost, and with strangers flying at their sides?

[ Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]
Devyrie smiled faintly when the one called Meony suggested drinks later, and inclined her head to the red-haired pilot.

"Sounds like an excellent idea," she said to the woman and then walked over to Angel, barely having had a word with her since they little... adventure the night before. Her sister wolf seemed all too aware when Dev looked at her, but just to not make her uncomfortable about openly hinting at what had happened between them, Devyrie chose to say something more duty-related.

"I'll talk to our RIOs, asking them to help the technicians with a holo program showcasing the Valravn. I am sure they could use some help with understanding just what it is they are dealing with. If nothing else, they ought to be able to pull the technical specs from the computers. I'll see you in this new lounge of ours later?"

Walking away, Devyrie glanced towards the three present Lone Wolves that had been flying their Mk III:s since Starfleet took up the hunt, still breathing. It had to be a testament to their skill, and after the White Wolves had been split into two during the battle at Starbase 84, she hoped that this new squadron would hold together, and that all the pilots would adapt to each other without falling apart.

- Fin

OOC: Thread continues for Havenborn and Blue Zephyr.

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #48
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 2, Deck 16 – Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

Daniel thought for a moment as Chief Ji asked her questions.  “I noticed some slight irregularities in the drive system during the action but I had chalked it up to normal wear and tear.  From what I’m reading here it seems like a larger issue might be present but I’m no expert.”  Daniel said.  He hoped that she was an expert and would be able to find the problem and fix it before the away mission tomorrow.  He would of course stay and work with her should she need the help, or just want some company.

Daniel couldn’t help but look over the woman in front of him; she was quite beautiful even if she wasn’t what a blonde, which is what he preferred.  Thought he wouldn’t really pass a woman over if she wasn’t a blonde, he just liked blonde women more than any other.  He knew some people had that same feeling about redheads and brunettes, for him it was blondes.

He would have to remember to put this in his report at the end of the day for Commander Ravon to read, when he had been SCO he had made sure that his pilots had always made daily reports on their activities when it came to their fighters, he assumed that Commander Ravon would want one from him as well and hopefully this power fluctuation proved to be a minor issue and not something that would bar him from going on the away mission tomorrow.  He was partly looking forward to the said mission as it would get him back into space with his fighter where he belonged.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #49
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Auxiliary Office | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Ji's eyes shifted from the PADD of information in her hand to the Lieutenant that was standing there beside her desk.  She had not had the chance to really get to know Havenborn before, and she doubted that they had a great deal of time at the moment to do so.  She liked to get to know the pilots and the Engineers if she could but that was not always easy.  She mostly stayed to her deck there was plenty of shit to do here, and she didn't always have the luxury of exploring the ship and taking time to chit chat with people.  She gave a sigh. 

Chief's job is never done. she thought to herself.

“All right, show me where your bird is and we'll see what's going on with her.  The likelihood is, it's probably something amazingly simple.  Since her diagnostics were only recently run and came back fully green.  But you never know.  It takes so many parts to get your babies up, stable, and moving in the directions you dictate.”

She stood up and collected her PADD as well as her tools.  She quickly grabbed up everything she thought she might need and headed out after the pilot allowing him to lead her where his fighter was.  “When did you first start noticing the issue?” she asked as they walked over to the fighter in question.  She looked up at the great beast and gave out a long sigh.  She felt like she knew most of these inside and out at this point she had been inside them so very much.  But Ji might be a Chief but she was the sort of Chief that dove into all the grease and grime as quickly as any of the others.  She fully appreciated the ability to just get her hands dirty.

She pulled the large set of stairs up to the cockpit's entrance and she quickly scaled them.  Opening the hatch she leaned in and plugged in the diagnostic system into the main computer and began to run it.  Green coding ran across her screens as she looked back over at Daniel giving him a reassuring smile.  “Don't worry so much,” she teased.  “You got the best of the best on this.”

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