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Topic: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns (Read 9197 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 1, Deck 9 – Upper Shuttlebay > Vector 2, Deck 16 – Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan, @Doc M., @Josie, @Nolan

Daniel sat in the pilot seat of his Mark-II Valkyrie, Knight sitting in his RIO seat; they had gotten clearance to take off from Operations and for Daniel it felt right to be back behind the controls of his fighter.  He maneuvered his fighter slowly out of the shuttle bay taking time to enjoy being behind the controls once more.  Once out into the nebula he brought his speed up to quarter impulse and made for the Fighter Assault Bay.  However as he was flying there he took a moment to look at the nebula, he had to admit that it was quite breathtaking and his thoughts drifted back to his conversation with Petty Officer Patterson about the nebula and his promise to take her out.  Maybe if Commander Ravon was in the Fighter Assault Bay he could try to swing the idea by him and see if he’d be willing to allow that.

“We’re coming up on the FAB.” Knight said behind him breaking him out of his trance.  “Understood, slowing to maneuvering thrusters.”  Daniel replied as he watched his speed drop down.  His fighter had been serviced as best as it could be in the shuttlebay and he could still feel a little bit of lag when he tried to speed up or slow down.  He had burned the engines pretty hard, they’d likely need to be overhauled at some point but right now they were working and that was the important part.  He brought his fighter in slowly as he noticed that the new fighters were being taxied into position.  As his fighter passed through the FAB force field he was slowly directed to a spot by a Landing Signal Officer, he also felt the fighter being assisted by a tractor beam.

It took him a couple minutes to land his fighter but once it landed he popped open the cockpit.  “I still can’t get over how uniquely designed those new fighters are.”  Knight said as he climbed out of the cockpit.  “Ugly, you mean ugly.”  Daniel said as he looked over at the Valravn fighters.  He had read up on their specifications and well as the Mark-III Valkyries and while the Mark-III was a good evolution of the Valkyrie series, in his mind his Mark-II was the superior craft, and with a superior pilot, such as himself, and a superior RIO, such as Knight, that made for quite an unstoppable force.  “I’ll fly a Mark-III or one of Ensign Tancredi’s Fighter-Shuttles before I fly in one of those.”  Daniel added as he finally stood up and climbed out of his cockpit and down the ladder.

He noticed Chief Petty Officer Liam Herrold on the deck and was happy to see him settling into their new home.  Daniel made eye contact with Chief Herrold for a moment and he nodded a greeting to him before spotting Commander Ravon on the deck as well.  “Let’s go greet our new Squadron Commander.”  Daniel said.  “I still think it should have been you.”  Knight replied as they made their way towards him.  “He seems like a good man, we’ll see how good of a commander he is.”  Daniel replied, he had nothing against Ravon and honestly he actually felt relaxed for a change, he didn’t have the stress of being an SCO to worry about, he only needed to worry about his Flight which admittedly was still stressful but not as much.

“Commander Ravon, Lieutenants Havenborn and Ahern reporting in sir.”  Daniel stated as both he and Knight came to attention, the click of their boots barely audible in the busy hangar bay.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.


Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #1
[ LT Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet , @Auctor Lucan  , @Doc M. , @Josie , @Havenborn  

The fighter assault bay was as busy as an ant nest in season. people running all over the place with specific jobs and tasks while the fighters were being positioned and taxied in position. Ravon witnessed the activity from the sides of the Fighter Assault bay near the briefing room entrance as he looked at the Valravns. He had also noticed the disapproving look on Sten's face when he saw the fighters yet left the man to his own mechanics for now as he was far too busy from being disturbed at the moment.

In the meantime Thomas his eyes scanned over the present fighters. His eyes resting on Rawley's bird for now as he had heard from Sickbay that Ensign Zrinka Agaixot had been discharged from Sickbay after being brought out of stasis. It was a bit of light at the end of a very dark tunnel. At least one of their old pack mates returned, yet it seemed to come at the cost of losing another. Regardless Thomas would be happy to see Rini back after her absence.

Wolves 15 and 16 had been missing from the fighter assault bay as they had been assigned to patrol around Theurgy. Terror and Sniper were on stand by in case an alert would go off and assistance was needed. He had seen the pilots with Their RIOs not too far from their birds while the rest of the squadron was moving around to get in their assigned slots.

His attention brought back to the here and now when he heard Havenborn's voice besides him as he announced his presence together with his RIO. "Gentlemen." he replied before he faced them and saluted them "At ease." he continued before he nodded at the Valravens "What do you guys think of them?" he asked as he himself looked not really in awe about the prototype fighters. He waited for the two pilots to voice out there opinions before he smiled faintly "Mhm... Anyway I have a job that's perfectly cut out for both of you guys. There's an away mission coming up with a civilian ship, I need some fighters to escort it. I was thinking you should have the lead on this one Daniel." he stated as he looked at the former SCO. It wasn't as much as a suggestion nor was it an order. Yet there was some sense to it that it sounded more as a statement than a suggestion. He had already made a rap sheet of which pilots he wanted to see ready and able for that mission, yet he still needed to inform everyone about it. A thing he'd go into further detail with a small briefing later on.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #2
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan, @Doc M., @Josie, @Nolan & @Havenborn
When she had awakened that morning, Krystal "Meony" Tancredi felt a mild regret for not pacing herself better, though all things considered, she was doing remarkably well for a start. She used to have a reputation for being the ship's resident drunk, a reputation she now aimed to rid herself of in light of Kendrick's absence, and the continued peril her family was being put in. After her shower, and a rather eventful day, she had little time to process the previous day, let alone all that was going on today, but the former Resolve crew was quickly and efficiently intergrated into the Theurgy, which had problems of its own.

A lot of problems.

Pausing in the shuttle bay to stare at the sad state of her fighter shuttle, the Fuzzy Flayer looked like it had seen its last days as a working craft. It was still smoking a little even, venting black puffs here and there. It was like it functioned just long enough to bring her and Ronnie Romulan safely on board the Theurgy, then it "breathed" its last, and lay down to die. “You were a fahn turkey, Fuzzy,” said Tancredi, “the fahnest turkey in all'a Starfleet. Ah hope they cain fix yah.”

She fondly rested her armoured palm against the side of the vessel, then had herself beamed over to the Fighter Assault Bay. As she walked towards the SCO, she realized that the shuttle bay had no Type 8 Shuttles like hers, and she thought that they ought to fix up the Flayer if nothing other than to have a fine combat shuttle of its kind to help out the crew. While her helmet was tucked under the crook of one arm, her head still had her cowboy hat on, a habit she forgot might not be allowed on board this ship. Slipping to stand beside Havenborn and Ahern, the redhead stood at attention, saluting, “Ensign Krystal "Meony" Tancredi, repawtin' f'duty, sah!”

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #3
[ Ens. Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan, @Doc M., @Josie, @Havenborn, @Nolan
Rini had gotten a new fresh uniform made from the replicator and made sure Bobo was all okay, having been pleased that her tribble was all okay and had been looked after while she slept.

Lifting up Bobo, she set him down on her shoulder and he squeaked, wriggling in. Tilting her head, she rubbed her cheek on him and then headed out of her quarters. Walking down the corridor, she smiled and nodded to a few crew. Reaching a lift, she waited and then entered the empty lift, turning as she spoke, "Hello, Thea. Could you take me to the Fighter Assault?"

When the lift started, Zrinka smiled, "Thank you." She had met the ship's holographic avatar and over her time aboard, she knew that it had a personality and treated Thea with respect.

Arriving, she stepped out and outside the door to the bay, Zrinka stopped and took a bit of a breath. The last time she had been in there had been when she had needed to crash land her fighter after getting seriously injured & put in stasis.

The memory was still very fresh for her, and she hadn't even had a chance to get used to the scars or how she now had an artificial pancreas.

Then, after just a breath, Zrinka moved on into the bay and smiled, enjoying the view of the fighters and people working.

Heading over to one nearby, she whistled as she realised it was one of the Valravn fighters, something she hadn't really seen before.

She ran her hand over it, speaking to no one really but the fighter, "Oh, baby. They sure got some sweet new toys while I was sleeping." Moving around the fighter as Bobo bounced, she examined it.

After a little bit, she stopped when she spotted a group of pilots, and noticed that one of them was Thomas. He had always been a bit shy, but well, Zrinka felt everyone was more shy then she was. But he was a good pilot.

Grinning, she headed over towards them and gave a whistle, "Hey, Thomas. Where is the old fox? I'm back from stasis and need to convince him to let me have a new fighter. or maybe see if they repaired my old one."

Spotting some pilots she didn't know as she reached them, Zrinka stuck her hand out, "Hello, I'm Zrinka Agaixot, but I go by Rini or Honey Badger. And this is Bobo."

Looking towards the woman in the cowboy hat, Rini smiled, "Mmm, you're cute. Want to get a drink later?"

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #4
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Maintenance Bay 1 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy]

Mother … fu...cker... turn.. you piece... of stupid.. space.. shit.. ugh!  Corded muscles popped on the young mechanics arm as she pulled the massive long handled wrench with just about every ounce that she had on her body. She was small, light weight, but looks could be deceiving.  She wasn't the sort that let any man show her up, and had a reputation for winning arm wrestling contests among the men that she worked with because they forever underestimated her.

She was not your average girl.  She could curse like a twentieth century sailor in two languages at the same time and she didn't mind a little grease and grime underneath the fingernails.  There were times to be pretty and there were times to buckle down and get some shit done.  The woman took a moment to relax her grip, it was starting to put rigid red marks in the palms of her hands the way that she was pulling with all her body weight against the massive wrench handle.  She opened and closed the palms of her hand and pulled a dirty rag out of the back pocket of her coveralls wiping her forehead with it for a moment before cramming back where it came from.

Could she get one of her mechanics to do this for her?  Sure, could.  But did she want to?  Fuck no.  She appreciated hard work and she was the sort of boss that sure as hell wasn't going to ask her men and women to do shit that she wasn't able to do herself.  She also wasn't above asking for help.  She might be the Propulsion Chief but that didn't mean she knew everything there was to know about all the aspects of being a mechanic and working on the birds.  Keeping them in space and well.. propelling in proper directions was literally her job.  Thus, she worked hard to make sure that when her pilots got in her babies, they were ready to go.

Normally, she worked with her coverall down around her waist, but she had it zipped up for today, there were a lot of people out and about in the bay today and she figured that it was best that she covered up at least a little.  Ji put her hands back on the wrench and used her booted foot for leverage against the fighters engine carriage.  Some of this shit was plain old, and some of this shit wasn't in need of replacing often, so the bolts and shit ended up practically fused together.  She would work it loose, she had leverage and time on her side. 

“You need help boss?”

Ji's dark eyes shifted past her wrench and focused on one of her mechanics.  Massive brute, with huge bulging muscles that he never could quite cram into a full coverall.  So he wore a tank top and his coverall around his waist.  He was probably three times her size.

“Did I ask for your help?” she asked as she blew air upward moving her bangs out of her face as she waited for the answer.

“Nope.  Just thought I'd offer.” 

Ji shrugged.  “Well if you're feeling chivilrous today, why don't you go get me a Q-9806294A-B.” she said naming off the part that she needed to replace.  “Make sure to get the bolt assembly as well.” 

“Sure thing.”  he gave a nod and headed off to get the parts that she needed from the replication area. 

Ji waited until he was gone and then she refocused on the beauty in front of her.  She didn't mind it when mechanical things played hard to get bitches.  Because, in the end she would win.  Or throw it across the room.  But, she couldn't throw an entire fighter across the room so the part had to come off before she could chuck it at something and make her feel better.  Ji was still working on her anger issues.  Honestly, sometimes she thought she just needed someone to share her thoughts and feelings with.  Not so much a counselor but someone that could accept her, and understand her.  But, only a few one night stands had occurred and after that whole Niga thing she wasn't all that sure what she wanted out of life and a man to begin with.  Still, who knew, it would come when it was time. 

Omma was always on her to get married, make babies, you're getting old.  Appa didn't really care he had her siblings that were popping out babies and making the married life a true reality.  Ji liked her job, and sure she'd love to share her life with someone but it wasn't going to be just anyone.  It had to be the right one.  Twisting her body against the wrench she finally felt it budge and the wrench fell from her hands clattering against the fighter's engine for a second as the bolt finally loosened.  Ha ha you stupid fucker, I win.  She squatted down in the most unladylike of ways and twisted the nut off the rest of the way with her fingers. 

Released of it's bolt, she flipped it up in the air like an old school coin and caught it shoving it down into her pocket.  Probably not the best idea to throw this fucker while people are down here checking out the new babies. she thought to herself as she climbed down the maintenance ladder to the decking and waited for Jim to come back with the parts that she needed for this baby. 

Being nosy, she poked her head out of the maintenance bay so that she could see the main floor.  There were the planes.  Some having just come in.  People bitching about the newness.  People didn't like change, Ji could understand that.  As much as she tried to go with the flow, sometimes it was just hard to accept new.  Plus, a lot of people were still reeling from all the shit they had gone through lately.  Even Ji... twice with Sten.  One that wasn't really her choice and another that was completely her choice.  Where did they stand?  What were they?  What could they be?  Fuck if she knew.  She was ill equipped to figure that out on her own and while she was pretty independent in life when it came to affairs of the heart she might as well be a third grader with a 'do you like me?' note slipped under his door. 

Oh fuck me, I need to get him out of my head. she thought to herself as she turned to go back to the fighter that needed her expertise.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #5
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Blue Zephyr @Triage @SummerDawn @CanadianVet @Havenborn
Behind him, the sliding doors closed, and in the Fighter Assault Bay, the Valravn fighters landed for the first time. For Liam Herrold, it was a humbling sight, seeing them arrive, since he knew next to nothing about them.

"I hope one of the pilots brought a manual," he said under his breath as he walked out among the deck crew, all busy overseeing the operations concerning the present Mk III Valkyries and the new Valravn fighters. Some of them eyed him, and he inclined his head to them. Even though they might have hoped not meeting his eye, they nodded back before continuing what they were doing. Liam remembered them from the briefing he'd arranged in the deck crew lounge on the starboard side of the flight deck. Sten Covington had just announced him being the Assistant Chief of the Deck, even if Liam had barely spoken with the Chief Warrant Officer prior to that.

Oh, how the gathering in the lounge had gauged him when he spoke to them, at least the ones from the Theurgy. Those from the Resolve had been amiable enough, nothing new to them about his position, but it had all been a rather awkward affair. Liam was not good at speeches. With everything needed on hand, he could equip a Valkyrie Program fighter with four hardpoints and restock its micro missile magazines within two minutes, but he couldn't find the right words, especially not after Erik Randall's death. He led by example, getting his hands dirty, not through saccharine speeches and sentimental drivel. He could shout to get the job done, not tattle the crew into it. He had never known who the late Assistant Chief of the Deck had been, but he'd prove Covington that he and the Resolve deck crew knew what they were about.

As he walked, he saw a singular Mk II Valkyrie. It had already been taxied into position, and when the pilots removed their helmets, he recognised the former Grey Wolf Leader, Daniel Havenborn, and his RIO. He smiled and inclined his head to them, but did not pause his step. Strange, that Havenborn wouldn't be the SCO any more, but the Martian would always have his respect.

Even though it was hard to look away from the sight of the Valravn fighters that landed, Liam spotted the woman he'd meant to see, and he regretted not having had the time to speak with her sooner. Instead of going to see her after the announcement, just after 1200 hrs., he had decided to try and find K'Ren and make sure she was okay. He hadn't found her, and he was getting a bit worried. Neko had slept in his quarters for the night, but after that, he had no idea where she had went. He hoped she would show up soon, since her medical leave had ended, and she was bound to show up and report to the new SCO. Liam did spot Meony though, seeing her approach the rest of the Tac CONN pilots.

"Hello there," he said, and cleared his throat behind the woman in the yellow jumpsuit. He had his own sleeves hiked up, and he held out a hand to the Head of Fighter Propulsion systems on the Theurgy. "Are you Chief Ji? Liam Herrold, the... the guy Covington spoke about at noon. Pleased to meet you. Sorry I couldn't see you sooner. Had to check on someone that was hurt yesterday."

[ Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala | AC-477 Valravn Cockpit | Lower Shuttle Bay > Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 03 > Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Even Angels Cry @Esyel @DocReno @Nolan @Josie @Doc M. @Kaligos
In the second wave of White Wolves launching from the Lower Shuttle Bay, Devyrie 'Dragon' Okhala checked her system read-out while her RIO - Vinnie Ferris - opened a channel. [Ops, this is Wolf-One-One,] he said behind her in the Valravn cockpit, but his voice was heard clearly inside her helmet, just like the amusement of the very short flight. [We have cleared the shuttle bay on Vector 03. Requesting permission to dock on Vector 02, over.]

[This is Ops, permission granted. You are in cue behind Wolf-One-Two, over.]

[Thank you, switching to manoeuvring thrusters. Wolf-One-One, out,] said Vinnie. They had already engaged their shields, using the harmonics that would prevent them from igniting the sirillium gas of the nebula. After closing the comm link to Mission Ops, Vinnie then talked to Devyrie. [Hey, she is quite a ship, isn't she?]

Devyrie turned her helmet to look at the three Vectors of the Theurgy, her green eyes reflecting the pulsing nav lights on the hulls. "She is," she said into the mouth-piece of her helmet, but all she could see was the damage that all of the shuttles, work bees and EVA-suited repair crews were trying to tend to - a race against the clock to make sure they'd survive another bout with Task Force Archeron. "I just hope she is enough."

She remembered having seen all of the ships drop out of warp at Starbase 84, and known how they were all committed to the orders of Starfleet Command. She had been there, like the rest of the White Wolves, when the Orcus reached Theta Eridani IV, finding Admiral Sankolov's fleet running on what meagre power they could generate by auxillary means, more or less adrift in orbit around the planet. Captain Slayton had provided all of those ships with uncontaminated software, allowing them to rinse the computer virus out of their systems, and then, they had set off towards Starbase 84 at maximum warp, only to find themselves arriving too late. The Theurgy had already been there, and it had looked Captain Ives had laid siege upon the starbase. Only later, she had learned that they'd tried to use the Simulcast system without confrontation, but had failed - forced to defend themselves against the starbase's substantial tactical syste-

[Hey, I said, are you all right?] asked Vinnie, and Devyrie realised that she had started to think about her own survival, and whether or not she'd be able to see her father again. There was so much she wanted to verify with him, just so that she could trust in Ives' words.

"Yeah," she replied into her helmet, "Pardon, what did you say?"

[I said, you saw those Asurian saucers, right? If this Captain Ives managed to get some kind of allies, I am sure there will be more out there willing to listen. I know, that false Simulcast thing did not help... But from what I understood, there are more people out there who knows what's going on.]

"Yeah," she just said, not about to talk to Vinnie about what her father had written to her back on Luna Base. "I guess. Slowing down by fifty. Entering structural integrity field. Stand by for tractor bream lock in three, two, one.... And we're there."

[Shortest... flight... ever,] said Vinnie in jest, and Dev couldn't help her lopsided smile.

Once their Valravn was in its allotted space on the deck, Devyrie popped their canopy and waited for it to raise and slide backwards before she stood up. One of the Theurgy's deck crew pulled out an airstair for her and Vinnie, and as she stepped down to the deck, she removed her helmet. Her green irises paused at a gathering of pilots not too far off, thinking she recognised them from the briefing at noon. She undid the bun she had tied her braids into, and they all tumbled down around the metallic shoulders of her exosuit. As she scanned the pilots, she realised she had yet to speak with her new Squadron Commander. Both Angel and Shinigami said they trusted him, but she was not quick to trust.

"Could you do the post-flight check?" she asked Vinnie.

"Sure, but it's your turn to do the maintenance overview later," said Ferris, having removed his helmet too.

Devyrie walked towards the gathering of pilots, helmet under her arm, but she made no comment as she approached. Instead, she was listening to the conversation taking place, politely enough meaning to wait for an opening. On Luna base, it was not often she'd thought about her Romulan heritage, and what the ridges on her forehead implied to other Starfleet officers. But now? She expected the usual reactions, and had her replies lined up.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #6
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Maintenance Bay 1 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] @Auctor Lucan

How many large beefy giant men does it take to replicate a part and some new nuts.

Ji blew air upward with her lips again, and the bangs that had settled themselves back into her eyes fluttered back out of the way.  Sometimes it didn't work, most of the time it did, but it kept her from having to move her hands which were usually busy with some task or another.  Some people thought she should grow out her hair, and she supposed that she could because then she could just keep it up all the fucking time.  But then, she would be hot when she was working and she would always have it up instead of down because it would have the threat of getting caught in things that she just didn't need it caught in.  Short was best for her line of work and it didn't seem to detour the men from seeking out her comforts at night when the itch struck from time to time. 

Looking up at the massive fighter that she had been working on she began to walk around it.  Looking at the paint that had been chipped off and messed up through the various things that it had done.  Attacks, and flying through debris fields, and doing it's actual job.  That didn't mean she liked to see her babies all fucked up.  That actually tended to piss her off, but then if people were gentle with them then she wouldn't have a fucking job so she supposed as long as they weren't having to be parted out because they were beyond repair she was all right with taking her hammers and other tools to pop out the dents and fixing up the fuckers so they could fly again.

She pulled out a PADD out of her large thigh pocket and began to notate all of the damage that she was going to have to fix on this fucker so that she could have a good thing to bounce off of when she heard a voice behind her.  She turned, and her eyes laid on a man standing there in the striking jump suit of bright fucking yellow.  At least he fills it out really nicely... she thought as she looked up at him.  She was slight, clothed in her own jumpsuit that had little slashes of grease, sweat, and grime on it.  All in a day's work really.  But her eyes, dark brown, studied him for a moment.  Eyes darting back and forth between his two eyes getting a good feel for him.  She might be absolutely one hundred percent human, and Korean, but that didn't mean she couldn't tell a lot from a man that was standing in front of her.

Or at least, some.

His name was Liam Herrold, and her brow rose slightly on the right side of her face.  She wasn't really surprised, just that she hadn't actually met the fucker yet.  He mentioned a reason for that only moments later and she looked down to see his hand was held out for her. Well don't be a total shit, Ji. she chastized herself as she reached out and shook his hand with a strong and firm grip.  She might be a fair bit shorter than him but she had enough weight on her shoulders that she could stand her own against the very male field. 

“That's right, Chief Ji.  Nice to meet you.” She had to admit, she had a thing for blue eyes.  Maybe it was because she was Korean and all she grew up with were brown.  Colors seemed so unique and blue just had a nice light to them.  She looked back at the fighter taking her hand away from his and began to pin another notation into the PADD in her hand before she talked to him again.  She wasn't sure what he was actually doing here, though they would probably be working together a lot and that was both fine, and nice.  She liked having people that weren't complete dickheads to work with.

“So I think we'll be working together a lot.” she said honestly.  “I take all manner of bribes, mostly in the form of coffee or heavily sugared food” she grinned over at him, kidding but not.  Those were things that she liked, she just didn't expect him to actually show up with them.  “Are you settling in all right, into your new position and all of that?” she asked him curiously as she motioned for him to follow.  While she would love to sit and chit chat, she needed to at least finish the notations on the fighter in front of her before she sat down somewhere with a get-to-know-you game of 20 questions.  Though he was more than welcome to ask just about anything he wanted while she was working.  She was female, multi-tasking was practically ingrained into her from birth.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #7
[ LT Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan  , @Josie  , @Triage , @Even Angels Cry , @Doc M. , @DocReno , @Esyel

While awaiting the reply of Daniel and his RIO Thomas couldn't help but gaze over the new fighters. His eyes running over them as he made a mental note to ask Alessia or Minjae about the performance of those fighters. His jaws clenching together as he looked away and found himself eye tot eye with the redhead cowgirl pilot from the Resolve.

"Ensign Krystal "Meony" Tancredi, repawtin' f'duty, sah!"

Thomas nodded and said the same to her as he did to the boys "At ease." his eyes trailing back over the hat as he shook his head and decided to let it slip for now "Ensign, you've seen the new baby you'll be flying in after you completed Sim training?" he asked as he pointed towards a brand new Mk III Valkyrie "I'd say go ahead and get yourself acquainted, if you want any customization or anything to it run it by the chief first and help along. You're expected at holodeck 2 in in 30 minutes on deck 8 for the first sims." he told her.

Suddenly though he heard a whistle and he turned his head to see a ghost. His demeanor changing a little as he smiled a bit broader when he saw Rini walk over with Bobo on her shoulder. However when the fighter pilot came closer and asked where the fox was, the smile faded to a painful one before he shook his head. He let her introduce herself to the other pilots first and he had to chuckle a bit as she already fell into her old flirty behavior. He looked back at her as he was glad to at least have one of the old wolves back. "Rini... Can I have a word for a sec." he asked her, pulling her away from the group by just a few meters. He felt like she deserved to hear this news somewhat more in private instead of in front of a new group. "I would've come and visited you earlier in Sickbay to break you the news..." he said softly "Miles is gone. Presumed KIA after our last mission." he stopped for a second to let it sink in to her "I've been appointed to new SCO so I guess you'll have to convince me this time." he answered and looked her in the eye. "Make you a deal though.... Convince me you're fighter ready and I'll put you on the next mission so you can get back behind that stick."

The SCO's eyes rolled over Rini's shoulder to the long braided pilot that had joined the group. He stepped in closer to Honey Badger and gave her a well deserved friendly hug for being back "Either way, it's good to have you back. I'll fill you in later about the craziness." he whispered before he walked past her and towards the pilot. "Don't believe we've been properly introduced. Thomas Ravon." he introduced himself to the pilot as he looked at her face, noticing the distinct ridges, yet not making any comment or assumption about it. He kept his eyes locked on hers as he waited for her own move now.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #8
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Blue Zephyr @Triage @SummerDawn @CanadianVet @Havenborn
When Chief Ji said she would accept bribes of certain kinds, Liam chuckled and nodded. "I'll make sure to keep that in mind if we have any disagreements, or I need any favours," he said, following her idly as she continued tending to the Mk III Valkyrie. His blue eyes were drawn to the aerodynamic curvature of her ventral side - the warp fighter's, of course. Admittedly, the curvature of the propulsion chief was quite nice too, having noticed already without openly staring, but he hadn't been so up close to the newest iteration in the Valkyrie Program before. He was so distracted he realised Ji had spoken again.

"What? Ah, yes," he cleared his throat and looked back to the Valkyrie, wondering how it would preform in atmospheric flight compared to the Mk II, which had a far more angular fuselage, "I am, admittedly, both surprised and happy that Chief Covington saw it fit to let me keep my old position I had on the Resolve when I came aboard here. Then again... I realise it is likely a choice based on how many deck hands were evacuated as well, them needing a familiar face and someone who knows how to keep them motivated. Especially since they lost Chief Randall; our late Chief of the Deck."

Liam paused there, Erik's stern frown lingering in his mind - ever disapproving but just in most regards.

"I... understand you lost your Assistant Chief of the Deck before you came to Starbase 84," he said, remembering how Covington has mentioned a mutiny and how a couple of Mk II Valkyries had opened fire inside the flight hangar itself. In fact, Liam could still see traces of the repairs in the bulkheads and where the transparent blast shield walls had been replaced. "I'm sorry for your loss. I hear Chief Hansen was a good man."

Liam's blue eyes were drawn to Ji again, seeing what she was up to. "Shall we speak later, or is it okay if I help you out?"

[ Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala | AC-477 Valravn Cockpit | Lower Shuttle Bay > Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 03 > Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Even Angels Cry @Esyel @DocReno @Nolan @Josie @Doc M. @Kaligos
By the time Devyrie Okhala reached the pilots, Thomas Ravon had turned her way and greeted her. Dev's eyes had strayed to the two fully human women he'd spoken to, as well as the two males. In the company of the five, it did seem she stood out with her rather... exotic heritage. She chided herself to think that way, even if her appearance had constantly been a part of her upbringing. It was hard not to think of it, when children and parents both had always assumed the worst of her, just because of her fathers' people's animosity towards the Federation.

"We haven't," she said in her Alpha Centauri accent to her new Wolf Leader. She offered her hand to shake his in the common Earth fashion. "Devyrie Okhala, the pilot-half of Wolf-11. My RIO is back there. Vinnie Ferris, but the White Wolves called him Furry."

Having glanced back towards their Valravn fighter - which had prompted Vinnie to make a casual wave towards them - Devyrie turned back to Ravon and folded her arms underneath the chest-plating of her exosuit. "You can call me Dragon," she said, and then raised her Romulan eyebrows a little bit, "unless you make it customary to change callsigns for us new Lone Wolves?"

There was no challenge to her question, her tone almost as passionless as a Vulcan's. The new SCO was a fine male specimen, but she wasn't about to let a notion so primal distract her. "I'd hate to be called something else, since I've had my callsign since before my tours on the Repulse, the Farragut and Luna Base. The other pilots in the Academy began to call me Centauri Dragon once they learned where I was raised, and even in the Valravn Program, it still stuck."

Pausing, she glanced towards the deck hands that circled the new fighters in the hangar. "They have no idea what to do with them, do they?" she said in fleeting amusement, for it was not so much a question as it was a statement.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #9
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy]   @Auctor Lucan

Ji could understand the look in his eyes.  Herrold had it, that bug, that one that dug deep into the people that could appreciate and understand a beautiful machine like the one that was sitting in front of them.  It might not be the most beautiful thing in the world right now, but in time, given some care and work that it would very much be the beauty it had been before it had been in the battle recently.  Most of the outer work was done, she was now working on the inner things.  Like the nuts and the shield generator that had been fritzing out during it's last flight and that was just not going to fly here. 


Ji watched as he came back to the conversation, and grinned.  She knew that look all too well because while she was the sort that really appreciated conversation, she much more appreciated the fine lines of a beautiful machine of flight.  It was one of the many reasons that she was doing the job that she did now.  The love for her machines, for fixing her flight squads, for all of the men and women that she kept safe by making sure their machines got them from point A to point B and survived the battle in between if possible.

He mentioned being surprised that he was allowed to keep his spot because he had initially been from the Resolve and she could understand that surprise.  She felt that most of the people that came over figured that they would have to forfeit their previous standings and more than that probably would not be as easily trusted.  They were good people, as far as she could tell, but that didn't mean that there wasn't a bad egg here and there.  But then, that was life.  Life gave you lemons so you could make lemonade and then they gave you rotten eggs that turned everything else into shit.  That was just how it was and you had to take one with the other because there was no other way to take it.

She felt bad for all the misplaced officers.  She had been sent to the Harbinger for a while because she and the Chief had been locked in a closet during the visit from the Ishtar entity and ended up having some awesome .. stellar sex.  Which meant that he got weird and sent her as far away as possible.  Which had fucking sucked until she got back here, then they had sex again and thus far, she hadn't been sent away.  He had held true to his word which was all she wanted.  She didn't like being sent away, she loved her job, her flight deck, her machines, and her work.  She even liked the pilots, for the most part, though some of them were as dense as fucking bricks.

“I'm sorry for your loss.” she said honestly.  Ji might be the sort that was quick with a curse and a snarky comment, but she had a heart too.  “Were you close to the Chief?” she asked curiously as she crossed her arms under her chest while they talked for a minute.  It was nice to meet the new guy, and she had a feeling that for the most part that would probably get along.  At least they were so far, she hadn't actually been an issue yet.  But give her time, she was certain she could give him a run for his money.

He mentioned the loss of her own Deck Chief, and she sighed softly raising a hand to brush the hair out of her face, which promptly fell right back down in the same spot the rebellious bitches that it was.  She gave a shrug.  “He was all right, I guess.  Not much for connecting with the people down here.  But that was just the kind of guy that he was.  Not bad.   Just not the sort that you made a friend out of either.  Regardless it sucks losing anyone.” she admitted as she looked away for a moment and then back over to him.  Her dark eyes latching onto his blue ones as he asked if they needed to speak later.  After all she was was busy.  But then, offered to help her. 

Can always use help. she thought to herself as she looked up at him.  He was quite a bit taller than her. 

“Definitely could use some help.” she admitted as she looked over Liam's shoulder and saw the massive form of Jim coming back into the room with a cart that was holding the parts that she had requested.  Jim looked at the man beside Ji as he looked over at her for a moment nodding to Liam.

“Jim, this is Liam, he's our chief of weaponry and armaments now, and second in command after Covington.  Better than Hansen so far,”  she chuckled with a shrug.

“Not hard to be better than that fucktard.” 

“Jim!  Aigoo!” She said as she sighed and shook her head, most of the people on deck were used to her Korean cursing and exclaimations.  This one just meant 'My God', in context.

“Sorry.  Sorry Chief, I got you those parts... and.. coffee?”

Ji's eyes narrowed.  “I don't see the coffee.” she said raising her brow. 

Jim grinned.  “Because I'm going to make it now, fresh, super newly replicated.” 

Ji grinned and dismissed him.  She then looked over at Liam again.  “I'd like help.  I'm replacing the shield generator and doing basic maintenance so this sucker will be ready to fly out again next battle.  You can help if you want to.” she smirked as she looked at the tray of parts that she had asked for.  The generator was a small device, that had some wires hanging off of it and connector pods that would snap into place into other connector pods creating a tight seal.  This seal was imperative to make sure that it could function in space.

“Ever installed one of these puppies before?”

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #10
[ Ens. Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan, @Doc M., @Josie, @Havenborn, @Nolan
Rini grinned as she could Thomas's face smile and then she stopped smiling when he seemed to shift. Following him to where he stopped a few metres away, she knew this wasn't good.

She frowned when she found out that Miles hadn't made it. He was always interesting, and he hadn't gone too hard on her own quirky batshit crazy behaviour. He hadn't minded her flirting although nothing went further. He had known about her issues too but that she did her job. Rini had developed friendship for all the Lone Wolves, and that some had passed or going missing when she was sleeping, she felt bad.

She sighed, "Oh. He was a really good SCO, but I know you will do good here too. Aye, I understand. The docs have cleared me for duty, and I was going to go through the flight physical tests. Expect to see lots of reports about me on your desk."

Rini nodded as he moved in close and hugged him back, "Glad to be back. Sounds good." But really, it had shook her a bit more then she would want to admit.

Turning to look where Thomas was going, Rini looked the new pilot up and down, smiling. So far, there seemed to be a lot of new pilots and she knew it was good to replace lost squadron mates. Following on behind, Rini felt a little bit more subdued as she began trying to process it.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #11
[ LT Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan  , @Josie  , @Triage , @Even Angels Cry , @Doc M. , @DocReno , @Esyel

He nodded at Rini's words as she stated Miles was a great leader "Thanks for the confidence. Though I imagine it'll be a challenge nevertheless." he answered to the brown haired beauty. He hoped she'd be fine and would probably check in on her later when all the hive activity would cool down a bit.

Once Ravon reached Dev, she extended her hand and he gladly accepted it as he shook it, giving enough pressure into it to come across as a confident man. "Welcome aboard and glad to meet you miss Okhala." he greeted her as she glanced over at her second half. The RIO waving at them as Ravon waved back with a smile. The eyes of the newly appointed SCO turning to Dev as she gave her his callsign and asked if she could retain it. He looked over her features as he straightened up and paused for a second before giving her his answer.

"I don't intend to change any of the callsigns. Would confuse the pilots you're used to work with as for the new pilots that haven't gotten acquainted with you, the call sign will probably stick." he answered her as he nodded over to her RIO "Same goes for your RIO and every other pilot in this squadron. The only callsign change I'm aware of is from Isley who turned from Maverick to Icarus." he clarified.

As she looked at the deck hands Thomas smirked a little "It's all new toys for them... I'm sure the chief will know what to do with your birds. Though I imagine you guys will have to point out to the deck hands if something is wrong with your fighters." he answered before he gazed back over the deck. His eyes glancing back at Dev to notice her exotic features once more, yet he refrained from calling it out to her in public. He'd do so on a private occasion.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #12
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan, @Doc M., @Josie, @Nolan & @Havenborn
Let it never be said that Tancredi paid no mind to her surroundings. If that were true, she would have been dead long ago. In this case, the sharp pilot didn't miss the way he looked at her hat and she quickly flipped the hat to hang behind her, then she answered him, “Shore did see 'em!” She glanced at the craft, admiring it and already imagining the customization she would love to have put on it...well, as much as was allowed anyway.

“Hollowdieck two, thuhtee minutes, duck aight, got it, y'got it!” She tossed a casual salute to the man with a lopsided grin, before turning her attentions to a tall, pretty woman dressed in the white collared uniform of Tactical CONN pilots. Accepting the offered hand and giving a strong pump, along with a pleasant smile, she answered her, “Mahtee fahn, hon, Ah'm Meony Tancredi, and howdy do, Bobo!”

Keeping her smile, she went on to answer the woman's offer, “Ah don' see whah not.” Just before Ravon steered Agaixot aside to talk to her in private. She glanced at Ahern and Havenborn, saying softly, “Dat tribble is cute. Ah want one.” then turned her attentions back to the SCO and the other pilot. She didn't strain to hear the words, nor did she really want to. The expressions told her enough. The man was delivering bad news, or a sad one. The two embraced, which told her that the woman was probably from Theurgy and had been out of action for a while. Once they were done talking she fully turned to study the bay.

“Shore is a lot bigger than ours, ain't it?” She said aloud, though aimed at no one in particular.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #13
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 2, Deck 16 – Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan, @Doc M., @Josie, @Nolan, @Triage

Daniel and Uriah both stood at ease once Ravon had told them too, Uriah knew what Daniel expected of him and he wasn’t about to disappoint his friend and former SCO.  When asked about he Valravans Uriah shrugged his shoulders.  “They’re unique looking fighters, sir.  I can’t wait to see them in action.”  Uriah said.  Daniel on the other hand shook his head.  “I can’t say I think much of them sir.”  Daniel said, he really had more to say on the subject but now was neither the time nor the place for such a discussion.

Daniel nodded when Ravon stated that he felt Daniel should take lead on the mission set for tomorrow.  “Thank you sir, I won’t let you down.”  He said.  “I assume there’s going to be a briefing later with more details but may I ask who the other pilots that have been selected are?”  Daniel said.  If he knew who was assigned to the mission he would have a good idea as to how to deploy his temporary flight.  Hopefully they’d have an uneventful mission and they could get back safely.

Daniel nodded to Krystal as she fell into line with him and Uriah.  As other pilots walked up and introduced themselves to Commander Ravon, Daniel couldn’t help but notice that one of the pilots had what was unmistakably a Tribble.  While he wanted to say that the Tribble was not part of the uniform and thus was a violation of regulations he kept his mouth shut, he wasn’t an SCO anymore and as far as he knew she wasn’t in his Flight so she was someone else’s problem.  “Why would you want one of those abominations?”  Daniel asked quietly.  He had read up on Tribbles during his time at the academy and he agreed with the Klingon assessment of the species.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #14
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Blue Zephyr @SummerDawn @CanadianVet 
When asked if he was close to Erik Randall, Liam honestly didn't know how to describe it at first. Then he remembered how they'd started out, and how long it had been since he spoke to someone that wasn't Resolve crew.

"It... took our ship three years to return to the Federation. During these years, both Randall and I climbed in rank on the Resolve's flight deck, and we were eventually promoted to Chief Petty Officers." Pale blue eyes wandering the deck and Eun Sae Ji, he tried not to get lost in the memories. "We lost a lot of people. Skirmishes with hostile aliens, or by other spatial phenomenons. Erik Randall became the new Chief of the Deck, while I took on the role of Weapons Maintenance Chief. Despite how we were of the same rank, I reported to Erik, and our working relationship didn’t really affect our friendship. On the Resolve, every day was about survival, and chain of command on the flight deck was more or less just a formality. I... miss him. Took me the whole night to get it through my thick skull that he's actually gone."

Before he got any further, and actually being quite relieved he didn't have to talk about Randall, Chief Ji's mechanic showed up, and Liam put his hands on his hips and waited for the exchange to finish, greeting the wide-shouldered man with a smile and a nod. Handsome fellow, Liam noted, but thought no more of it as he turned back to Eun Sae Ji. It seemed she did want his help with the shield generator.

"Of course I'd want to," he said with a smile and unzipped his jumpsuit, pulling his arms loose from the sleeves and tying them low around his hips. His white undershirt was newly replicated, with no dirt of grime on it yet. "I mean, how could I refuse a chance to get up close and personal with a beauty like this?"

Ignorant of the double meaning of his words, he stepped up to Chief Ji, reaching past her while facing her to pick up the shield generator... and then he simply turned away from her and made towards the ladder that would take him to the dorsal side of the Mk III Valkyrie. After the short climb, he looked across the hull plating to find the hole where the small shield generator was to be mounted. As he began to connect the wires, he saw that the grey maintenance access hatch to the engine pit was open, and it made him smirk in self-consciousness - remembering what he and K'Ren had ended up doing in the engine pit of her Mk II just before the battle. At least Neko was still alive, Liam happy to have been able to get her to Sickbay in time, even if Erik Randall was gone.

"Are you heading down into the maintenance pit or should I close the hatch?" he called in question down to Ji, since keeping it open could make either of them trip and fall on the slick hull.

[ Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala | AC-477 Valravn Cockpit | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Even Angels Cry @Esyel @Triage @DocReno @Nolan @Josie @Doc M. @Kaligos @Havenborn
Gratified to hear she and Furry would keep their callsigns, Devyrie nodded to the SCO in regard to helping the deck crew. While amusing to see them try to make some sense out of James Knight's latest fighter design, she knew that she and the rest would have to help out as best as they might, lest their birds would not get the kind of care they needed. With the kind of phaser emitters and conduits loaded into the wings of the Valravn fighters, and given the fact that they were prototypes, there were likely plenty of maintenance issues to sort out. After all, the AC-477 Valravn had yet to see mass production.

While listening to Ravon, Devyrie noticed how the brunette in a duty uniform and... a colourful tribble on her shoulder was giving her a once-over. At first, expecting the worst because she usually got the evil eye from Starfleet officers, Devyrie had meant to deliver a scathing remark. But then... she saw how the human was smiling to her, and it was the kind of smile that... well... told a different story altogether. Blinking with her green eyes, Dev wasn't sure what to say when given such open predilection from a fellow Tactical CONN officer, but at the very least, she supposed she'd introduce herself, not sure if the woman had heard her name when she spoke with Ravon.

"Devyrie Okhala," she said, giving the brunette a smile of her own, but even if she wanted to, she could not quite match the look she'd been given. Nonetheless, she stepped past Ravon to extend her hand in the Earth fashion to the woman as well. "Or you can call me Dragon. I didn't spot you at the briefing at noon. Were you hurt in the battle?"

Having taken the step to speak with the woman who had eyed her the way she had, Devyrie's gaze lingering on the endearing tribble on her shoulder, her green eyes then shifted to the redhead with the hat and the one called Havenborn. What was the name of the woman? Tancredi? She thought that was the name she'd noted at the briefing. The redhead seemed to be admiring the flight deck, which meant she was likely from the Resolve.

"Bigger than the one on the Orcus too," she said, the light shimmering across her exosuit as she turned to look at the big area on the ship. "Of course, Luna Base was bigger, but that might be expected, so for a starship, this is quite impressive. It looks a little bit worse for wear, though, so I'd say it has seen its fair share of use... but that just means it got character."

Then, Devyrie's eyes fell on the far bulkhead of the hangar, and she paused. "Has... there been fighting in here? Or did one of your pilots open fire with their pulse phasers when landing? I mean, those markings... Those kind of repairs are usually done on the hull of the ship... not the bulkheads."

OOC: Dev is referring to the battle scars - while repaired - from when two Harbinger pilots opened fire against the Lone Wolves officers during the mutiny of Episode 03. Big mess, and one that Rini wouldn't know anything about. Only Ravon could explain those, or either of the other Theurgy pilots, should they appear at this point.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #15
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Flight Deck | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] @Auctor Lucan

She could not imagine having been in Liam's shoes.  Fighting aliens, running from this and that, space fights, and everything that they could to actually get back to the Federation.  Now they were stuck with the Theurgy and it wasn't the most stunning example of the Federation since they had been ostracized from it.  They too were on the run from the Federation.  Who caught up to them from time to time.  She felt that her job, as a mechanic, was probably one of the safer ones on the ship, but there were times she wished that she could put forth more of a helping hand.  But then, she remembered that without her and her boys there wouldn't be solid fighters for the others to use.

They were friends, him Erik.  She felt bad that he had lost his friend.  She had lost some in her line of work, just knowing Fleeters and the people around them, before they were lost in battle, or in an attack.  It wasn't ever easy, but that didn't stop her from making new friends and expanding the arm of her family that way.  She wanted to be with them as much as she could because they were the family that she had while she was away from home and Korea.  She missed her Omma and her Appa, but she wasn't able to see or talk to them right now, which was really hard on her.  Koreans were big on families and it was hard to be separate from them right now.

“I'm sorry for your loss.” she said as he tried to come back to himself.  Right before Jim came back with the parts that she needed for the fighter that she was next to. 

She could appreciate his love for the fighter though.  The fucker was a beauty and she loved working on them.  They were streamline and massive and just the kind of thing that she loved to do what she could in.  She truly enjoyed the fact that her literal job was to climb into these fuckers and replace the parts that she needed to, keep them going, and enjoy what she could do with them.  She loved finding ways to make them better, more surprising, more stealthy, it wasn't always easy but there were sometimes that she came up with good ideas. 

“Yeah this fucker is one of the best.” she admitted as he took the shield generator from her and headed up on the massive staircase to get to the large engine compartment where the generator needed to go.  He began to plug in all the wires and the conduits that would join properly with the receiving conduits to create the complete circuits needed to get shit done and pop a shield up on this sucker.  She brushed her hair out of her face and she headed around the fighter and watched as he began to connect it, then mentioned the maintenance hatch. 

“Actually I was going to slip in and do a quick diagnostic on the systems.” she admitted as she looked over at the hatch and then scaled the same stairs as he had before she carefully slid into the open engine hatch and quickly took out her PADD so that she could hook it up to the fighter's main computer components.  She could do it from the cockpit as well but this would give her a comprehensive view of what was going on with all the systems, and make sure that the shield generator was going to work once it was actually attached.

“When you have it hooked up let me know, I'm going to run a quick diagnostic.” she called from inside the Engine compartment.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #16
[ Ens. Zrinka 'Rini' Agaixot | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan, @Doc M., @Josie, @Havenborn, @Nolan, @Even Angels Cry, @Esyel, @Blue Zephyr
Zrinka had noted earlier that one of the other pilots had seemed to be a little bit uncomfortable about her, and she suspected her didn't approve of her - which didn't really matter. She heard him speaking, and on her shoulder, Bobo bounced and squeaked, making some rather rude sounds. Making a mental note to do some audio recordings later, Rini patted Bobo, "Calm down, Bobo. Some people have not taste. But you probably shouldn't do that."

Turning to Dev, she smiled, "Nice to meet you, I'm Zrinka Agaixot, but I go by Rini or Honey Badger. I've been in stasis for awhile and only got out today. Mainly just some flesh wound burns and a minor spearing, but all good now. I've been aboard since the beginning, and glad to see the squadron expanded."

Looking around, she grinned, "It is quite impressive and sure beats the size of a Sovereign I was on previously. I'm not really sure how that happened and I seriously doubt the chief left it like that when I crash-landed ages ago, so it's possible recent damage. He's a good guy, Covington, and we are really lucky to have him."

She made a mental note to go and check in with him later to see how he was going, and make sure he was still okay with her helping out with maintaining her fighter - well, whatever new one she got assigned. Zrinka had been flying Valkyries for awhile, and gotten to know a lot about them. She was pretty sure that her old one would have been completely trashed and it would probably be a new one. So she would have to relearnt all the intricacies and nuances of a new one.  Some pilots couldn't really tell, but for her flight style, she absolutely had to learn the upper limits of what it could do because she never knew exactly when it could be neccessary. Musing, she knew that she would probably need to go sneaking down with some paint cans too.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #17
[ CWO1 Sten Covington | Flight Deck | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] @Auctor Lucan @Blue Zephyr @Havenborn @Nolan

The work in the fighter bay was proceeding apace.  The remaining Mk III Valkyries were getting worked over, and the ones they had secured from Black Opal were being rolled out.  The word had come in early they had to be put into service and they would start replacing the butchered Mk II birds that had been recently acquired.  And that would take some time.  Granted, each and every single one of those new fighters needed some serious assembly, its power plant brought online, the antimatter and fuel pods filled and weapons brought online.  It meant welding, bolting, testing and just general grunt work making sure everything was properly lined up. 

But there were some caveats, one that desperately needed addressing sooner rather than later.  And that meant he needed his senior types with him right now.  And it seemed that Ji and Herrold were talking to each other right now.  Well, time to interrupt the little gathering and he walked up to them.  "Herrold, Ji, with me.  We're about to have a little bit of excitement here."

Leading both Chiefs, he headed towards the other knot, the one where a certain Mk II crew was hanging out.  "Havenborn, SCO, the spaceframe types have been going over the Mk II's we got on board, and looks like Havenborn's bird is the one that's got the best bones right now.  We'll be ready to start ripping the guts out of it and shoehorn some Mk III components in there as soon as we get the designs looked over and we run some simulations."

At one time, there had been two members of the Valkyrie design programs on Theurgy.  However, Reenan Cooper had gotten killed in the second engagement with the Calamity on Theta Eridani IV, which left only Sten Covington as a true subject matter expert on those designs.  But while he was no designing engineer, he had a few notions about how to go about that purpose. 

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #18
[ Tessa May Lance | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan, @Josie, @Havenborn, @Nolan

Dashing through the corridors of Deck Sixteen was a flustered woman in her mid-twenties whose white collar indicated that she was a Tactical CONN officer.  Lieutenant Tessa May Lance had been trying to visit her squadmate Evelyn Rawley but had been stonewalled.  Dejected, she had forgotten the time and had gone to the Spearhead lounge to eat ice cream.  Now she was tearing down the corridor attempting to get the Flight Deck in time.  “Oh... I'm late!  Get outta the way!” she cried.  “Make a hole!  Excuse me…” she moaned as she accidentally bumped into a crewman going about his duties.  The man lost control of his Antigravity dolly and tumbled to the deck, spilling his load of hydraulic fluid cylinders.  “I’m awfully sorry!” she called behind her. 

Tessa attempted to skid to a halt just outside the Flight Deck and walk in casually but the doors slid open and she stumbled into the flight deck like she was an extra at a clown show.   She trotted up to Thomas Ravon heedless of the fact that he was currently speaking to Devyrie Okhala.  “Lieutenant… Lieutenant junior grade Tessa May Lance reporting for duty sir,” she announced weakly as she slumped forward to clasp her knees and try to catch her breath.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #19
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Flight Deck | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy]  @Auctor Lucan @CanadianVet  @Havenborn

She was sitting just inside the Engine Compartment, with one of her legs, yellow jumpsuit hanging slightly as she waited for the go ahead from Liam.  She appreciated the help, most of the time she liked to work alone because it just meant that she knew that everything had been done properly.  But she was willing to have a work partner from time to time and it gave her a chance to see what Liam was actually good at and if he was the sort that she could count on in her times of need. 

Though a new voice interjected itself into her moment.  She tucked her head outside of the fighter engines' compartment and looked at none other than Covington.  A voice she knew well.  A body she knew well.  Though she had a feeling that it was over.  Whatever had happened between them, he wasn't hell bent on continuing it, and that was fine.  She didn't want to push it and she felt that there was too much awkwardness with their past history and their first time together for there to be a good basis for a relationship.

That and he never seemed to seek her out.

“Sure thing.” 

Ji hopped out of the compartment and down onto the deck plating below waiting for Herrold to come with her so that they could both follow him at the same time. She followed after Sten, walking smoothly behind him.  Brushing her short hair out of her face as they ended up in another spot of the flight deck.  He seemed to be all business and that was fine with her.  She looked up at the Mk II where it stood and let out a long low whistle as she looked at it.  Sten began speaking talking of upgrading the fucker and using MkIII parts instead of II.  Which would bring it closer to actual current specs and allow for it to get much more use.

Fuck me sideways Sten... she thought to herself.  You just want to keep me in grease and parts for the next year of my fucking life. she sighed softly as she brushed her hair out of her face.  She really needed to find a way to fix her bangs out of her face but that was something that she wasn't going to fuck with at this exactly moment.  She bit her lower lip in thought as she looked up at the massive fighter.  She did love a project and obviously didn't mind getting her hands dirty when it was necessary, or .. not necessary she just enjoyed her job and enjoyed everything that she did with it.  She also had a good crew to work with, and Liam seemed like he would fit the mold as well once he got settled and comfortable with the rest of the crew.

“Do you have the design work all ready?” Ji asked her boss, she didn't stick with sirs and shit like that unless she felt that it was warranted.  Most of the time, it wasn't, most of the time she talked to those that she worked with like normal people and she would insert rank when it was necessary.  She wanted to see the designs if he had them though, because being the specialist that dealt with power and propulsion she would love to get at least a temporary glance at their main plan.  At least have a game plan going in on this fucker before she actually began carving it into the beauty that it was going to be.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #20
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan, @Doc M., @Josie, @Nolan & @Havenborn
Sighing, Tancredi gave her former SCO a patient look, her lip tilted on one side, then she jerked a thumb towards the tribble, “First of,” said the Texan, “if them hahr-ups okayed 'em, Ah'm pretty shore it don't multiplah th'way them furballs normally do. 'at means it's neutered. So now it's safe an' cute! So Ah want one.”

Resting her palms over her hips, she glanced around and nodded at the various pilots who responded to her statement about the Theurgy's size, but when Okhala mentioned the damage, her eyes scanned the bulkheads and walls, and she began to pick out the signs, and her hackles began to rise, though she maintained her casual smile, never betraying that something had her worried or paranoid all over again. It struck her then that they were still close to the Romulan border, and that lot always had something going on. It was a wonder they didn't have more encounters than what the Resolve did.

She made an unmistakable action of reaching for a pistol over her right thigh in a quickdraw only to freeze mid turn when she realized that she wasn't being attacked, but instead, there was an out-of-breath woman named Lance catching her breath and introducing herself, “Saints, man!” said Tancredi, “Where's th'fahr?”

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #21
LT JG Alessia Garcia, Callsign "Angel"| Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Auctor Lucan , @Esyel , @Havenborn , @Triage , @CanadianVet , @Doc M. , @Josie , @Blue Zephyr

Alessia landed her Valravn in the new fighter bay and killed the engines.  Someone would maneuver her ship into it's slot soon.  For now though, she had brought her bird over as requested.. even if she'd gotten a late start doing it.  Tardiness was unlike Alessia, though she usually had good reason when it happened.  As her cockpit opened and she climbed out of the pilots seat, alone, that reason was made quite clear.  Her Andorian RIO, Sehl, was not with her. 

Alessia removed her helmet once she was on the ground and fastened it to a hook on the ladder she used to enter and exit her craft.  She scanned the deck for the gathering that should have taken place several minutes ago.  Her eyes spotted Dev's unmistakeable white locks and immediately headed over.  Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail today, and it swung freely as she raised a hand in greeting to her fellow crewmates.  As she neared, she noticed others present whom she'd not met in any official capacity yet.

Alessia gave a slight nod to Dev once she joined the group, but directed her attention towards Ravon.  "My apologies for the delay, Jefe1.  I was waiting for Sehl th'Chilnes , my RIO, but he failed to report so I flew the bird in alone.  The ship's computer informed me upon arrival here that Sehl was admitted to the infirmary last night with an illness.  A diagnosis was not given, and it may be a day or two before he is well enough to fly.  Pero2, I knew it was important to move my ship, so I did.  I hope I didn't miss anything muy importante3?" 

She cast a cursory glance around at the other people and crafts in the room.  Most were unknown to her, but this wasn't surprising.  Her sole remaining reason for being on the Theurgy was Ravon.  She didn't know the other pilots or their RIOs, and she had barely interacted with any non-Orcus crew since arriving.  This was something she intended to remedy immediately, and there was no time like the present to break the ice.

"Hola.4.  It's nice to meet you all.  Mi nombre es5 Alessia Garcia, or Angel if you prefer.  Usually, I would have my RIO by my side, but he is feeling ill and is resting in sickbay.  It is a pleasure to work with you all and i hope we build a bond muy fuerte6."

1. Jefe = Chief/Boss
2. pero = but
3. muy importante = very important
4. Hola = Hello
5. Mi nombre es = My name is
6. bond muy fuerte = very strong bond
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #22
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: 1)@Nolan 2) @Havenborn 3) @CanadianVet 4) @Blue Zephyr
Liam had been about to answer Eun Sae Ji when his new COD approached, and quite unceremoniously, he asked Ji and him to accompany him. The light surprise made him raise his eyebrows, but he quickly finished up with the shield generator - taking him a mere few seconds to do at that point - and sealed it tight. He grabbed the edge of the wing and swung his legs over the side, hanging a few feet over the ground before he safely dropped down on the flight deck. Still wondering what was going on, he caught up with Ji and Covington before they reached the gathering of Tac CONN officers. Only then did he hear the COD announce what was up, and his eyebrows climbed a bit further before he plastered on an impassive face.

Oh, Daniel won't like having his wings clipped for sake of an upgrade, one he likely doesn't think he need, and even if it's just temporary, thought Liam, clenching his jaw as he looked between the grizzled veteran of the Valkyrie program and the former SCO of the Grey Wolves. It was hardly the most diplomatic approach he'd heard, and he reckoned 'diplomacy' was something that was in fact not mentioned in Covington's file. First day, and he was pit between his old and new crew?

Ji mostly seemed concerned with the amount of work involved, and the complicated aspect of the upgrade of the Mk II. Her question he could answer, though. "I know every inch of Salvo's and Knight's bird, Chief. Our voyage didn't exactly have spare parts in every new sector we crossed, but we used what we could find, and indeed, I know for a fact that she is in good shape nonetheless. Doesn't exactly meet the Mk II specifications anymore though..."

Liam glanced towards Salvo and Knight, hoping they didn't feel he was betraying them.

[ Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Loose PO: 1) @Josie 2) @Doc M. 3) @Triage 4) @Even Angels Cry
It seemed Honey Badger didn't know what had happened to the back of the Flight Deck either, and before anyone else could answer, another human ran up to them and reported for duty, obviously late for something. Looking towards Commander Ravon, she couldn't quite tell what she'd been late for, and the redhead from the Resolve even asked where the fire was at. Devyrie glanced towards the woman's hair, thinking she knew, but didn't comment - enjoying the idle humour for herself.

Ravon, however, barely had time to acknowledge the woman by the name Lance before a very known face showed up. Devyrie's face animated in a small smile, seeing Angel steal the show by announcing her presence to the new SCO. Alessia and Devyrie had shared a drink in Below Decks the night before, and though they had been weary from battle and worried about their choices, right then - in that lounge - the world had made sense to Devyrie. She inclined her head to Angel, and gave her a knowing smile.

Yet as if the amiable situation - this beginning of a bond to be made between three different squadrons - was too good to be true, an older human approached together with a younger man and woman. Fighter Bay Ops on the Theurgy, and they were talking about the Mk II. The implication was likely that the pilot and his RIO might get their wings cut, and Devyrie sympathised with the ones called Salvo and Knight. There really wasn't anything she could do, though, figuring that the new SCO would have to handle that delicate matter.

"Lance, you say?" she said and turned away from the SCO, Fighter Bay Ops and the two Mk II officers. She remembered that name from the tactical logs from the battle at Starbase 84. She narrowed her eyes, trying to remember. "Goldeneye, right? As I recall, you and this other pilot - Ghost - took on the USS Chester all by yourselves. You took turns with those tetryon pulse cannons, alternating between cutting the shields and cutting the hull behind the shreds. Those were some impressive manoeuvres..."

Devyrie held out the gauntlet of her hand to Goldeneye. "... and bold. Devyrie Okhala, or Dragon. I look forward to flying with you and Ghost both. Is she coming down here as well?"

In the corner of her eye, she saw Honey Badger, Meony and Angel close by, likely also leaving the discussion of the Mk II to Ravon and the Chief of the Deck to sort out. Suddenly, she realised where she'd noticed the redhaired human's callsign. Her green eye shifted back to Meony, doing a double-take when she realised that the woman had joined the fray whilst piloting an ungainly, old shuttle.

Oh, she has to be as mad as she looks...

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #23
[ Tessa May Lance | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Auctor Lucan , @Esyel , @Havenborn , @Triage  @CanadianVet, @Even Angels Cry, @Josie , @Blue Zephyr 

"Lance, you say?"  asked the woman talking to Ravon whose ash blonde dreadlocks were combed back from a high forehead that featured cranial ridges that made her look like she was half Romulan.

“Yeah,” Tessa gasped as she grasped her knees and tried to catch her breath.  “That’s me.”

"Goldeneye, right?  As I recall, you and this other pilot - Ghost - took on the USS Chester all by yourselves. You took turns with those tetryon pulse cannons, alternating between cutting the shields and cutting the hull behind the shreds. Those were some impressive manoeuvres and bold,” the Valravn pilot continued as she extended her gauntleted hand to Tessa.  Devyrie Okhala, or Dragon. I look forward to flying with you and Ghost both. Is she coming down here as well?"

Tessa took the other woman’s hand and stood up straight.  The look of horrified anguish on Goldeneye’s face made it her appear to be witnessing a death.  “G-g-ghost w-won’t b-be j-joining us,” she stammered as she tried to blink back the tears.  This was a first impression.  Tessa had to put a lid on her emotions and lock her grief in a box until she was alone or at least until her new squad mates had gotten to know her.  “She-she-she h-had an ah-ah-accident,” she stuttered as one of her tears escaped her topaz yellow eyes and trickled down her cheek.  An accident?  Is that was she was calling it?  She couldn’t tell Okhala that Evelyn had been attacked by some of her shipmates who had formed a religion around the ship’s official time traveler.  Then she’d know that after five months on the run from the Federation that everybody aboard the Theurgy were going space happy.  “Yeah, it was a tragic… accident…” she stammered as her topaz yellow eyes filled up with tears. 

Before Devyrie knew it Tessa was putting her arms around her and crying on her shoulder.  “W-why?  Why does so many bad things happen to us?   Evelyn survived everything that’s been thrown at us only to be taken down by something so stupid!  She came back from Starbase 84 for crying out loud!  It’s not f-fair!”

OOC:  I'm assuming that Tessa heard about what happened to Ghost and when she visited sickbay that some loose lipped orderly let slip what really happened to Evelyn regardless of any cover story that might or might not be circulating.

Re: Day 02 [1600 Hours] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #24
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan  , @Josie  , @Triage , @Even Angels Cry , @Doc M. , @DocReno , @Esyel

"Briefing will follow later on lieutenant." he answered Havenborn as his eyes scanned the deck. The damage to the bulkheads was still a sore reminder of the events from the mutiny. Devyrie brought it up and Thomas would answer her. "It''s a reminder of what happened when we ran from Calamity and hooked up with the Harbinger... After our escape from Theta-" He got cut short from replying any further when he saw a familiar face rush up to them. "Lance... Glad you could make it." She seemed out of breath and somewhat tired from the run. He watched her trail of chaos that she left from running and he couldn't help but smile a tad amused by her nature as he tapped her on the back "Cardio huh?"

The eyes of the newly appointed SCO were resting on Tessa as he was about to ask if she was alright before yet another friendly face appeared. He looked at Alessia as she got out of her own Valravn when she landed it and walked towards the group. He noticed the lack of a RIO and it didn't take long before she informed him about the condition of her RIO and he nodded "Heard a couple of people have gotten that bug..." he answered to the Hispanic pilot as he nodded for her apology and delay. "Hope he gets better soon Alessia." he smiled before the voice of God sounded through the FAB.

The timing was not exactly impeccable, yet the way Covington addressed to gut the ship as a whole to get new components in would probably not sit well with the Mk II pilot. Ravon glanced over at Daniel before nodding at Sten. "Sten, before you start ripping the bird into pieces. I need his fighter up and ready for a mission tomorrow." Ravon informed him as he had to thread lightly now in order to not cause a shout out scene between the two people. He listened to Liam and glanced over at Ji as he figured the four of them could probably make the mark two into something better, they just had to get on the same page.

"Also, a request for both you Sten and your crew and Daniel. Considering the words of mister... Herrold? Right?" he asked as he looked over at Liam, he was still trying to wrap the names up of various new crew member, yet thought he had gotten it right. "The ship lieutenant Havenborn is flying isn't exactly standard anymore. How instead of gutting it entirely you check which pieces can be retained and if needed upgraded? I mean, the man has put some time in fine tuning his ship, the least we can do is have him help and look along in the upgrade of his bird." Thomas negotiated, wondering if it would be acceptable for both parties or if he had to push on and eventually mediate this situation.

In the meantime Tessa broke down it seemed against Devyrie and Thomas looked worried at his new pack. He looked back at Daniel, Sten, Ji and Liam and awaited their answers to see how the situation would unfold. He crossed his arms in the meantime, as his expression turned from relaxed to more concerned and more into a game face as if he was flying his ship.

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