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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413962 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2225
At least, as you said, now you know where things stand and you can get the treatment/assistance you need :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2226
Hello my friends. I too must apologize for my long silence. I have found myself stressed beyond  my capacities between juggling my work schedule and this musical that I am in. I have been doing nothing but work and rehearsal for nearly 2 months now. I sleep occasionally and eat rarely because I am too stressed out to have an appetite and too busy to relax or sleep.

These last three weeks have been the worst yet, but it's not over.

Next week is dress and tech rehearsals because next weekend is the show!!!!!! I'm so nervous/happy/scared/excited/exhausted/can't wait/over it.... lol.  Then I have 3 days off and my life will return to normalcy.

I am aware that I handle stress poorly.  I tend to avoid everything and everyone because I can't make decisions (I agonize over the outcomes and convince myself that nothing I do/choose/say will be right) and I just cry all the time.  I do not know how to fix that. But yesterday and today I am finally feeling the burden start to lighten. I cannot promise posts this weekend, but I will try.  If I am unsuccessful, you can expect them around Monday the 17th. The day after the final show.

Im very sorry for the delay. I also know I should have written this much sooner. I apologize for that too. I didn't want to let anybody down..
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2227
IRL always takes precedense (probably spelt that wrong)

But do what you have to do. We'll be here waiting for you.  (L)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2230
Best of luck EAC! *Wonders if there would be any way to sneak peek the show.*

In other news, posting on my end is going to be a bit slower as work is kicking up a notch. Should try to poke a post when I have the time.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2232

After having played two characters for years, @CanadianVet has now taken the step to add one more. Here she is!

PO2 Eliska Bremmer            Security Officer  

  - Played by CanadianVet

She was the Master-at-Arms on the Resolve before she joined the crew of the Theurgy. Now, she is a security officer, and I really like the balance of her character flaws and her experience. Looking forward to take part in this new character's story!

Thank you @steelphoenix for the help on the first image on the left hand side above, which I merely touched up, adding effects and background to. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2234
Looking forward to see Eliska Bremmer in action!
I've caught up on several posts and will do the rest after the weekend. I'll be unreachable for the next three to four days, but I'll probably lurk on my phone for responses and such. Hear you in a few days boys and girls!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2235
Yay a new character! She's lovely! I look forward to meeting her.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2236
Hi everyone, sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been going through some very rough and emotionally exhausting stuff in my life, and a lot of really bad things I really don't want to get into. I'll try to get through it as fast as possible, but that's what's going on at the moment. So I'm sorry it's taking so long, and I'm sorry to everyone who's been waiting on me.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2237
Sorry to hear that, Hastata. I pray all will be well soon for you.  (L)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2241

We have a new member, TrexelCat, having found us through DeviantArt, and after some discussion on character concepts, we found a solution in how they will play Thea's LMH (Long-term Medical Holographic program).

EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656     LMH  

  - Played by TrexelCat

Eve (as she prefers to be called) ended up deactivated during the first battle against the Calamity, and only now - after the Battle of Starbase 84 - her encryption will be lifted and she'll be re-activated.

Before anyone asks, our new policy for new members to only get character images after 1 month + 20 posts is still a good new rule to use. In this case, however, it will be a half-way so, since TrexelCat will get his last character image for Eve after he has met the criteria. The reason why I could make images now was because I am getting help from Absinthe with another image project, freeing up my time. :)

Welcome aboard, TrexelCat! Looking forward to your introduction here and to see you on Discord.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2242
Welcome to the family, Trexelcat! Hope you have fun here. If you want threads to get started, let me know! And join us on Discord chats if you have the time. Looking forward to writing with you!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2244
Hello! Not really sure what else to put here. Huge fan of Star Trek. Most anything I create revolves around Star Trek, even the graphics for my stream are Star Trek related(shh, it's a secret). I maintain a deviant art page, it's how I found y'all. My name there is the same as here. In fact, my name just about everywhere is the same as here so if you were to do a search on my forum name, you might end up finding out more than you were ready for.

Anywho, meow. Yep.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2248
Hey all, wanted to give you a quick update. I'm in the process of finalizing/accepting a job offer with a company in a different state which, while very exciting, is causing no small amount of stress and anxiety. It's a fantastic opportunity but I'm trying to make sure I have all my ducks in a row with the move, my bills, banking situation since I use a local credit union, etc. It's one of the reasons I've been writing a bit slower as of late as well.

I've been told to expect the official offer today and have to finalize my move to start in the new place on August 21st. Eeek, lol.

In the meantime, there are a few projects at home and work I'm going to try to finish up by the end of my time here so that's even more fun on top of it and less downtime.

I appreciate all of your patience while I sort all of this out and get everything under control.

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