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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413946 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #900
Welcome aboard!  Will your Trill be joining us too?
Right now I'm just bringing in my Yoeshin character. I might bring in my Trill eventually, but I want to get the feeling and pulse of the RP first.
I posted my new character in the Crew Roster section.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #901
Woot~ I did my first replies and Lahkesis is officially in the story. I hope I did them ok~

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #903
Seems the last thunderstorm did something unpleasant to our internet connection.  The speed is varying even more wildly than usual :(

For the tech heads amongst us, how do these sound: I pinged google three times and these were the averages... 51ms, 1352ms and... wait for it... 2775ms.

'Net provider and line peeps are aware of it but it doesn't look like they're gonna do much about it.  Keeping fingers crossed it stabilises itself out at a decent speed.  *sigh*

I'm not even sure I can post this but here goes...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #904
Hey everyone, just informing you guys that I just got placed on nightshift. So posting will be sporadic and slow I'm afraid. Also with the upcoming days, expect less posting.
Hope to see you guys soon and Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #905
Just wanted to say Happy Holidays to all!  I have family here through the new year but I'll be writing/reading as I can. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #906
My brother gets in from Seattle in the next day or so, so my life is about to go from mildly hectic to full blown insane. So I most likely won't be able to do a heck of a lot until the new year... Sorry

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #907
Whether you celebrate this season or not please accept my best wishes and fond regard for you all.

My day has been blighted by a nasty re-emergence of a cold, a suspected broken bone in my foot and an internet connection that can't decide if it wants to work or not.  Despite this it has been a  lovely day with the family.  I hope everyone has had a lovely day.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #908
Merry Christmas everyone! Here in Sweden we celebrate on Christmas Eve so I have spent the evening making character graphics for a new applicant to the Group. Hope you all have a great time wherever you are! I will be using my days off to finish the writing that is needed to be done for the next part of the story so don't be surprised if the last part of Chapter 03 (Part 09) turns up soon.

Sorry to hear about your setbacks, Banshee and Nolan. Hope things work out despite working hours and internet connectivity. We sure don't want to loose you!

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #909
Hello, all! I am Erica Johnson, and I will be playing MCPO Axius vel Onea, a new fighter pilot for the Lone Wolves.

Super excited to get started, and would to get to know all of you!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #911
There's a second Câroon onboard?  This is either something real good or something real bad!   :D  I'm looking forward to RPing with you Erica but I suspect that Nicander is Quake's regular doctor.   ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #912
Yup! Lucan recommended the race to me after struggling with finding the right one. And I'm sure Maya could've taken care of him while he was down!  :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #913

I have the pleasure to announce that the last part of Chapter 03 is now up! Enjoy!

Chapter 03 The Captain of My Soul [09: Deception]


Now, this surely raise a lot of questions. I will cover the major stuff now. No, there is no set posting order at this given point. I may not wait for everyone to post before moving along to avoid loss of pace in this thread. Please try to post expediently if you can. This thread will lead to the grand finale, and consecutively... the arrival of the Calamity.

I mean to be posting again in the new thread where I detail the given scenarios for the Lone Wolves and the Sickbay staff. That being said, however, I do welcome if you guys could help me set the scene in those locations for when I move in with Harbinger teams, but if you can't make it I totally understand.

TheBanshee, I mean to discuss ideas for Wenn Cinn whenever you are available. Cathreen Dawinter, I am thinking that Sar-unga will be on the Theurgy too, perhaps together with Wenn Cinn. If for no other reason but because she is still under medical observation by Nicander.

More info may be forthcoming but I think you guys can write plenty with this this much for the time being. :)

Personally, I am greatly looking forward to write the continuation of the new scene on the Bridge as soon as there have been some replies there.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #916
Happy 2015~

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #917

Hi there again! Hope you all have a great start on the new year, even if the 1st of January often experience the repercussions of New Year's Eve...

I just wanted to inform you all that at the advise of CanadianVet, I have posted another thread that will keep IC-events  separate from the development on the Main Bride of the Theurgy and the Harbinger:

As you can see from the OOC note, this thread will depict scenes across the Theurgy aside from the Main Bridge, with the Flight Hangar and Sickbay included. I advise you all to press "NOTIFY" in the right corner in order to keep up with the development aboard the ship before Chapter 04: Invictus comes up.

I will of course post here and send PMs when needed to keep everyone posted on the development in this new thread as well.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Ps. I saw that you changed username, Sirus, from Ayjn Orin so I have taken the liberty to update the Crew Manifest accordingly. Ds.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #918
Hey, my home internet is down right now and its stupid cold right now so i cant get to the internet to do much of a post right now. Im on a phone so i cant really do much. ~Stark

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #919
Thanks for the heads up Sirius.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #921
Hi there!

Posting the new layout for Sickbay for your viewing and feedback. Please click the image to zoom to a larger version where it is easier to read the blue texts.

This is based on the following image, being the familiar rendering of Main Sickbay for a Prometheus-class starship:

The above can be seen as the round area on the new Sickbay layout.

Hope this helps all our writers with characters in Sickbay to orient themselves in the Hostile Takeover thread, which I will be posting in soon now that I can wrap my own head around the place. This will likely be tomorrow since its 1 am here in Sweden now.

I will, of course, update out Ship & Department Info post on our board with this new layout. Please reply here or send me a PM with your feedback.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #922
Sorry I've not been on guys, we had no power for a couple of days then a few hours after it came back it went off again. Hoping the weather has calmed a bit but another storm is due in and I've no idea if we'll have power tomorrow.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #923
Hi there everyone!

In collaboration with IronFerrox, I now present to you the floor plan of the Fighter Assault Bay (more commonly called the Flight Hangar, the hangar etc.) in which the Tactical CONN squadron of Mk III Valkyries are housed and where the fighter pilots usually hang out. I have tried to make this as easy to understand as possible, but for sake of reference, you are now looking at the port-side corner of the hangar since it is quite large, and I have tried to illustrate this with the round lens area with the reduced scale.

This floor plan should come in handy when writing the development in Supplementary: Hostile Takeover, where the Lone Wolves and Sten Covington's deck crew is beset by assailants from the Harbinger crew. All you who play Lone Wolves should have received a PM from IronFerrox with some further information.

Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback!


Auctor Lucan

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