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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413951 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #950
New Deck 01 Layout

Hi there! Just wanted to show you all our new floor plan for deck 01, where the main bridge is located.

Here is the old floor plan:

And here is the new one:

As you can see, there isn't that much of a change, only some improved graphics, really. I just wanted it to resemble our other new floor plans. Let me know if anyone has any questions on it. I am not fully happy with the colours in this one, so I might revert it to black and white when I have the time.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #951



Clumsy me!

Hi everyone!

I've just joined the crew of the Theurgy.

I am two parts personality, and seven parts crash.

Do not bother asking what that meant, because even I do not know!

Now all that said, I'm joining as pacifist biologist, you can see my profile in the Crew Manifest thread. :)

I look forward to meeting all of you in person...or should I say, in character?

In any case, live long and prosper!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #952
Well Always A Healer I loo forward to seeing you in the RP.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #953
Ask, and ye shall receive!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #956

Hi there everyone!

Unless you've already read it, Lieutenant Commander Carrigan Trent has just gained limited access on one of the Battle Bridges in 02: System Reboot ( Doing so, he has made a ship-wide announcement over the intercom to rally the crew to the Ives loyalists' side. A very inspiring speech that not only incorporates the plot development of the story, but the character development of Carrigan Trent over the course of Episode 03: Unconquerable Soul. Excellent work, CV, and thank you for the reading.

Like I said when Vasser dealt his speech at the end of Chapter 03, I ask you all to delay incorporating the speech into the individual scenes you all have in 01: Subjection, 02: System Reboot and 03: Liberation. The reason is that Carrigan Trent only delivered this speech after having fought and accidentally killed Sjaandin Fedd, and Billy Bob O'Connell managed to stun two mutineers in Main Engineering. They then had to make their way to a completely other deck than they were first upon. Therefore, since all scenes started at the exact same time, it is most reasonable that Carrigan Trent's speech is heard over the intercom only at the end of your current scenes in this part of the story.

To best preserve the space-time continuum in regard to the speech over the intercom in all our scenes, I propose that I initiate that speech in my posts or PM one of you with a green light when the time is right.


I would like to remind you all to reply to the poll I sent out when you have time to do so. I would like to get at least two more replies before I present the results to the Group as a whole. Always a Healer, you have not been sent the poll for the simple reason that you have not been with us long enough to easily submit any answers, but if you are still interested in filling out the poll to the best of your ability, please PM me and I will send the poll to you as well.

Thank you all for your time and keep up the excellent writing! Before long, I will be posting the starter for Chapter 04: Invictus [04: Retaliation].

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #957
Everything good comes to an end...

This decision has been a long time coming, but now it is time.

After compiling the poll results and seeing how some of you have secretly hated just about everything I've done the past four years, I keenly felt how it was the final straw. There were numerous negative comments about my organisation skills but even more scathing remarks about my writing, which felt incredibly unfair since English is my second language. All the characters I have been writing to make the story move forward got poor grades from a lot of writers, some even getting 1 or 2 at the most, which feels to me like a clear indication that I am wasting my time. Time that I should be spending more with family and friends.

On this 1st of April, I hereby declare the Theurgy story ended. Everyone died. The bad guys won. I hope you find better venues for your writing.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator No More

Ps. If I write a couple of posts tonight, it will merely be for sake of trying to improve and find some closure. Ds.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #958
On a side note I am sorry for not posting, but I have been off my game lately due to a lack of sleep.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #959
Everything good comes to an end...

This decision has been a long time coming, but now it is time.

After compiling the poll results and seeing how some of you have secretly hated just about everything I've done the past four years, I keenly felt how it was the final straw. There were numerous negative comments about my organisation skills but even more scathing remarks about my writing, which felt incredibly unfair since English is my second language. All the characters I have been writing to make the story move forward got poor grades from a lot of writers, some even getting 1 or 2 at the most, which feels to me like a clear indication that I am wasting my time. Time that I should be spending more with family and friends.

On this 1st of April, I hereby declare the Theurgy story ended. Everyone died. The bad guys won. I hope you find better venues for your writing.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator No More

Ps. If I write a couple of posts tonight, it will merely be for sake of trying to improve and find some closure. Ds.

I must say, this is a shock.  I can only hope I wasn't a major contributor to the factors that made your decision.  I for one don't blame you.  This was a Herculean task you set for yourself and even if the feedback was 100% positive it's amazing you kept this going as long as you did.  You put a lot of work into this and I'm sorry it had to end on a bitter note.  Good luck in all of your endeavors and take comfort in the fact that you now have time to spend with your family and friends. 

Good luck and God Bless,
Doctor Maya

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #961
Lucan, you glorious son of a bitch...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #962
Not funny... Got scared...
Not smiling...
Plotting revenge...
Ate Pizza...
Better now...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #965
...Ok did he really fool you all? It is April first and he mentioned the date in the post! And come on, would any of us say that Auctor Lucan is bad with his characters?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #966
*peeks up from OB book* Mildly amusing *goes back to reading about babies*

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #967
Crikey o'reilly! I nearly fell off my chair (and I did anyway, for an entirely unrelated reason) when I read that! I was shouting to myself "I just bloody started!"

In any regard, that was a good one, Mr. Lucan. I do look forward to seeing a response from you and Zenozine in our interactions soon. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #968
The Captain's Yeoman - Ens. Cameron Henshaw - has a new player!

Because of RL constraints and not quite warming to her, Cathreen Dawinter will no longer be playing the Captain's Yeoman. Always a Healer - who has now changed name to Triage - will be playing the Ensign instead. An updated version of the character sheet has been posted in the Crew Manifest (link below):

Ens. Cameron Henshaw         Captain's Yeoman

  - Played by Triage

The tentative ambition is that Cameron will be joining Wenn Cinn's group in 03: Liberation at the earliest convenience, with the ambition to clear her own name after Sjaandin Fedd incriminated her on the Main Bridge in Chapter 03: Captain of My Soul [09: Deception]. As always when one of our players inherit a character, Triage has been issued a creative licence in writing the character instead of adhering to the way she was played by Valarie or Cathreen Dawinter, and the obvious reason for these changes IC-wise will be the emotional trauma she has suffered of late in the story.

That's all for the moment and good luck with the new character Triage!

best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #969
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I changed my display name from "ericajohn" to "Axius," the name of my character. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #970
Don't make the same mistake I did!  I'm still wracking my brains for a better handle than the one I've chosen.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #971
I just chose the name that i have used on other sites when i signed up here. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #973
The Câroon Species

After getting some invaluable help from Axius, we have together taken the required time to finalise the species sheet for the Câroon. While not entirely complete since there are a lot of different Regions to cover in their society, it is at least enough there to use in the Star Trek: Theurgy role-play. Here is the link:


I have heard that they kind of resemble the Last Airbender people, and while I reckon that might be the case even though I am unfamiliar with the franchise, they are actually loosely based on the Sea Folk of the Wheel of Time - a fantasy series by the late Robert Jordan.

If you have any suggestions for addendum or questions, I welcome if they are sent to me over PM instead of posted directly in the Non-Species sheet.

FYI, we will soon have a new species sheet there in the form of the Radiants, and as soon as IronFerrox and Cathreen Dawinter finds the time, we might even see the Vulpinians and Asurians there too.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #974

There are still a couple of writers who haven't replied to the poll yet but I mean to compile the results for you all as soon as they are in. As I have previously stated, I will also make an effort to keep the results from showing character or writer names so that those who wish to be anonymous in the results can remain so.


Time for another story overview, so that everyone is up to date on who's up in each thread. I slimmed it down this time around since we have so many finished threads. I will only show the unfinished threads below, and please PM if something is unclear or left out.

The below lists of threads are chronological, starting with the Prologue. Just browse the lists below quickly and check for your names in white. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. These are all links, so just click on each thread to get there.


Prologue: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance     [glow=limegreen,2,300]FINISHED![/glow]

Chapter 01: Find Me Unafraid     [glow=red,2,300]ALMOST FINISHED![/glow]
- Chapter 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher (Finishing erotic scene underway)

Chapter 02: The Festival of the Moon    [glow=red,2,300]ALMOST FINISHED![/glow]                        
- Chapter 02: Lovers' Quarrel [2350 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter (Finishing erotic scene underway)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul     [glow=red,2,300]ALMOST FINISHED![/glow]
- Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [03: Pain & Guilt] Next poster: Doctor Maya (Finishing erotic scene underway)
- Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [Supplementary: Unfit for Duty] Next poster: The Counselor (Joint-post)
- Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [09: Deception] Next poster: Kurohigi (Finishing post from Captain Vasser)
- Note: I checked and I think the threads in Supplementary: Hostile Takeover are ok to end where they are.

Chapter 04: Invictus     [glow=blue,2,300]CURRENT CHAPTER![/glow]

Chapter 04: Invictus [01: Subjection]
- Deck 01, XO Ready Room Posting order: Nolan, Auctor Lucan, Brutus
- Deck 01, Corridor (w. Callahan) Next poster: Auctor Lucan
- Deck 02, Senior Officer Quarters (w. Aisha S'iti) Next poster: Auctor Lucan
- USS Theurgy Brig (Renard & Neleo) Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter
- USS Theurgy Brig (Ives & Rez) Next poster: Kurohigi
- USS Harbinger Brig (zh'Wann & Duv) Next poster: Nolan
- Unnamed Planetoid Next poster: Kurohigi
Chapter 04: Invictus [02: System Reboot]
- Holographic Lab Posting order: Kurohigi, Auctor Lucan, Searcher
- Battle Bridge (to be continued...)
- Corridor, En Route Upper Computer Core (to be continued...)
Chapter 04: Invictus [03: Liberation]
- Below Decks Suggested posting order: CanadianVet, Zenozine, Doctor Maya, Triage, Axius (leave Below Decks)
- Main Sickbay Independent order: Auctor Lucan, Doctor Maya, The Counselor, Brutus, Zenozine, Searcher
- Waste Management Posting order: Zenozine (edit), Triage (edit), Auctor Lucan

To those who are straggling, please try to wrap the yellow threads in the old Chapters as soon as you can so that we all may focus on the present Chapter 04: Invictus, not to mention when [04: Retaliation] comes up.


Ran out of time tonight with lots of moderation stuff to do, including a new applicant to work things through with. Posts will come up tomorrow!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

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