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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413936 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #850
Quick note: TheBanshee caught that I forgot to change the time stamp for the Senior Staff Meeting [04: Anger & Bargaining] to 0900 hrs. to make room for the awakening of Sarresh Morali in sickbay at 0800 hrs. So, the Sickbay scene takes places 0800 hrs. and the Senior Staff Meeting is at 0900 hrs.

That is all!


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #851
Quick note! Packing and trying to finish graphics tonight led to less writing. Going on a short vacation but I will be writing nonetheless, perhaps only with minor disturbances. See signature for dates and I will be posting away as best as I might. I will, however, not be able to do graphics since I am not bringing the big 17 inch laptop with me.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #852
As someone who just spent the last month marathoning through Two Broke Girls, I have a new appreciation (and attraction) to Natalie Stark, simply for being played by Kat Dennings, who is as funny as she is sexy lol

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #853
Heh heh, she is quite lovely indeed, and since I have a been collecting new image mtrl for our dear Lieutenant Commander Natalie Stark, I hope to give Brutus some more character imagery when I have the time for it. Images for the human Sarresh Morali does take a priority though, and those will likely be finished after I return from this vacation to Mallorca. In short, I have a lot to deliver to Brutus in the graphics department.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #854
Hi there everyone!

Just wanted to give you an update on what sleepovers are still available in "02: Shock & Denial". There are still unforeseen bed-partners available! lol

[ Rihen Neyah ] Attn: Anyone[Show/Hide]

[ Evelyn Rawley ] Attn: Anyone [Show/Hide]

[ ThanIda zh'Wann ] Claimed by Wenn Cinnn [Show/Hide]

[ Soo Young Seung ] Attn: Anyone [Show/Hide]

[ Narik Cinsaj ] Attn: Anyone [Show/Hide]

So! If you might consider either of these options, post a reply directly or contact me over PM in advance. :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #855
Was reading up on new posts with my morning coffee - Dr. Maya, gotta say, "race lift" made my morning. Well played ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #856
That should get quote of the Chapter!  :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #857
Lol, good one indeed.

I have the pleasure to announce that Zenozine has submitted his secondary character, namely Hylota's twin brother, Vinata Vojona. He is also a nurse working under Eve Jenkins as soon as he waked up after his injuries from Theta Eridani IV.

Since I have been doing the character graphics for Vinata Vojona (Ovri being challenging to make too), I am a bit behind in my replies on the board but have no fear, I will attend to them as soon as possible - starting tomorrow since its a quarter past 2 am here. The Senior Staff Meeting thread is my top priority since it involves so many and you have been waiting for my input there long enough. I had hoped to see more replies from attending characters before I let my entire ensemble speak up, but now is a perfect time to move things along.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #858
And to everyone I am sorry for eating up his time making my non human characters, please do not lynch me.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #859
I won't be able to do any homework for a few days, one of the cats ate through my Ethernet cable and my Hodges fix has died. I've ordered new ends and a crimping tool so I'm hoping they'll be here soon

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #860
Take all the time you need Zenozine.  Schedule changes have made it difficult for me to keep up with simming so there's room for another lovable quirky alien in sickbay. 

(Not giving up on Maya but I'm not ready to play a second character right now)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #861
Alright then, glad to hear you are not mad at me.  :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #862
I have updated our poster with the latest crew changes.

[Click on image for full size]

In that regard, sadly, Endeavour is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group anymore because of lacking posting activity. He was approached weeks ago and given time to try and get back in gear. He was given a second chance after that, giving him a date to get back to me, yet without any IM or PM response whatsoever, RL evidently came to draw his focus completely. The termination of this membership has been made for the sake of the Group as a whole.

If anyone who would like to overtake our Brig Officer, named Connor Matthews, and both doesn't have too many characters and also believe they can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. Again, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing her gets to inherit the character. If there are no takers, he will still be kept as an NPC that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until his demise in a battle to come.


Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #863

I am still awaiting the arrival of RJ45 connectors but have the crimping tool ready for when they get here so I can fix my ethernet cable.

I have a job... unfortunately it is about 300 miles away and starts a week on Monday.  I am not even sure if their internet will let me access this site but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  Posts may be a bit rough and ready if I try it on my phone but I will do this if push comes to shove and hope you all forgive me! 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #865
I've been working all weekend and have more to do today. I know I owe a few posts but I might not get to them till Tuesday.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #866
No worries Brutus.   I don't like my reply on our thread together and I appreciate getting some time to revise it!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #867
GRRR! I hate computers!!!

Managed to get my hands on two RJ45's to try and fix this bloody connection and both didn't take all the contacts (probably partly thanks to three helpful kittens who were helping me so helpfully).

So I re-bodged the original and it is working so far... with a few occasional wire-wiggles.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #868
Posting rate will be slower than expected. Busy RL schedule is to 'blame'. Will be back once I can to reply to everyone!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #869
No worries Brutus.   I don't like my reply on our thread together and I appreciate getting some time to revise it!

Saw an update to this today, and since I've been at home sick (still working) i figured i'd knock out a response.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #870
Hi all!

Busy week with late evening work to make presentations so I fell a wee bit behind in posting. Sorry Zenozine who has waited the most days for my replies, but I will be catching up now.

Kurohigi, are you able to post with Lin Kae and your ensemble in "04: Anger & Bargaining"? I feel like our holographic specialist, if anyone, might have something to say on the matter of Cala and reprogramming her (or, returning her to her original state of mind). Let me know if you want some ideas of my own to add to yours.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #871
It i quite alright, I have other RPs to take up my time, as well as drawing things.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #872
Wow. It's been a long time since I've been on HoE. Let me first say how sorry I am for going silent on all of you for no apparent reason. That was beyond immature. The reason I haven't been on lately is because I went on... I guess you could call it an adventure. You see my father has passed. I had my time to grieve and mourn, but that's not the reason I was gone. In his will, my father informed me that I apparently had a sister. June's her name. I was so enthralled by the fact that I had this long lost sister that I began researching everything I could about her. I've been all over my country, finding answers that often led to more questions. It eventually led me to Italy, where I found her with her own family. I have a niece. Being an only child, I never believed I'd be able to say that. Haha. I have to say that was one of the most awkward times I've ever experienced. Over the course of a week I was finally able to convince her we were siblings. I brought her back to America with me and brought her to our father's resting place. After a couple of days. she left for Italy and I stayed here.

Again, I'm sorry for my immaturity. I can only hope that I can be welcomed again.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #873
well I was not here when you were and when you left, but I must say, that is much more important than an RP group. I am happy to hear you managed to connect to your family, I am happy for you if that is worth anything. All I can say is that with you coming back if you end up making a new character I would be more than willing to RP with you.

And I would not call that immaturity, you simply got caught up in the whirlwind of life. The important thing is you managed to get through all of that and came back here with a great story.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #874
I don't know if my vote counts but I'm willing to welcome you back Endeavour.  Contact Auctor Lucan and discuss it.   Fortunately you weren't in a thread with anybody's characters (that I'm aware of) so you didn't leave a scene hanging.  Your character was in sickbay and hasn't been released yet.  From a storytelling perspective no harm done. 

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