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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #925

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #926

Since its 2.30 am here (after graphics and shooting out PMs to new members and old), and I know Sickbay in particular needs a post from me to make things moving there in Supplementary: Hostile Takeover, please rest assured that my IC posting order is as follows:

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [Supplementary: Hostile Takeover]
- Cir'Cie & Dr. Nicander
- Thea (pending post/reply from Kurohigi)
- Assorted Lone Wolves

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [06: The Turn]
- Assorted Lone Wolves

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [09: Deception]
(still waiting on posts from Cathreen Dawinter & Brutus but I am willing to move things on anyway if required)
- Ives, Fedd, T'Rena, Zaraq

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [08: Acceptance]
- Ida
- Security guards

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [04: Anger & Bargaining]
- Jien Ives

Let me know if I have missed anything!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #927
Nothing ya missed just need to make sure you know that After Dawinter and I finish our Scene in lovers quarrel we will be creating a set set of posts in chapt 3: 02 dealing with them waking up.

I have chosen to not begin that scene until the Quarrel thread is finished just for sake of It playing out in order.  Just letting ya know so you wont close out that thread and so you will know even if the post is late in the thread it will be taking place near the same time as the early posts in the thread.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #928
Love the graphics, Lucan. I'm /still/ working tonight, so look for mw to finish that post tomorrow

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #929
I wanted to let everyone know posts might be a little late. Sunday/mondayish. I had to go to the ER today with back spasums and the pain pills they got me are going to knock me out. I haven't forgotten everyone just anything and I will get posts out as soon as I can.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #930
Take your time. Chronic pain and I are old friends so I can definitely understand where you're coming from.

Get to feeling better, we ain't going nowhere.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #931

In the case you have read in 09: Deception about Captain Vasser's speech over the intercom, which is to be heard across the whole of the ship, I feel that I need to point out that the progression time-wise is much further along on 09: Deception than in Supplementary: Hostile Takeover. In other words, Vasser's speech over the intercom is not yet to be heard in Sickbay or in the Flight Hangar.

To keep track of this and not disrupt the space-time continuum, I think its easiest if I establish when Vasser's speech is heard in Hostile Takeover, so you all need not worry about that part. Vasser's diabolical intentions will resound across the whole Theurgy in due time, and to the best dramatical effect, hopefully.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #932

Hi there everyone!

I have the pleasure to announce that I am sketching and writing up the next leg of the race since the overall majority of the current chapter is coming to a close. In order to determine how much we have left to write in past events, I will post a Story Overview here and suggest posting order if so required. I will also add a note about the overall status of the thread, like when it ought to be finished.


The below lists of threads are chronological, starting with the Prologue. Just browse the lists below quickly and check for your names in white. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. These are all links, so just click on each thread to get there.

Prologue: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance   [glow=limegreen,2,300]FINISHED![/glow]

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I]

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II]

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks]
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge]
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay]

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Cleaning Up]

Chapter 01: Find Me Unafraid

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Cobalt & Iron [0715 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.]
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.]
CHAPTER 01: Old Comrades  [1100 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Awakening [1700 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon                                 
CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon [2100 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: The White Sands of Risa [2120 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: By the Moonlit Sea [2120 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Steam-pools [2130 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Moonlight Walk [2130 hrs.]
CHAPTER 02: Distant Cabana [2130 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Ikara Nightclub [2140 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Cliffside Pathways [2150 hrs.] Next poster: Kurohigi (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: By The Luminescent Plants [2130 hrs.]
CHAPTER 02: Unspeakable [2140 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (Is this one finished?)
CHAPTER 02: Untouched Sands [2145 hrs]

CHAPTER 02: Beach House [2200 hrs] Next poster: TheBanshee (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: Behind the Amphitheatre [2200 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Under the Subterranean Waterfalls [2330 hrs.] Next poster: Nolan (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: The System's Core [2330 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Lovers' Quarrel [2350 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter (Finishing erotic scene underway)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [01: Resurrection]
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [02: Shock & Denial] Next poster: Kurohigi (Finishing erotic scene, one more scene to be added)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [03: Pain & Guilt] Next poster: Sirus (Finishing erotic scene underway)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [04: Anger & Bargaining] Next poster: The Counselor (2-3 more posts?)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [05: Isolation & Depression] Next poster: TheBanshee, then CanadianVet (2-3 more posts)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [06: The Turn] Next poster: Searcher (2-3 more posts?)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [07: Reconstruction]

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [08: Acceptance] Next poster: Nolan (1-2 more posts?)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [09: Deception] Next poster: Brutus, then Cathreen Dawinter (3 more posts)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [Supplementary: Hostile Takeover]
- Recovery Ward in Sickbay | Next poster: Auctor Lucan (2-3 more posts?)
- Medical Storage in Sickbay | Next poster: Searcher (Finishing erotic scene underway)
- Surgical Suite 02 in Sickbay | Next poster: Sirus (2 more posts)
- Corridor in Sickbay | Next poster: Auctor Lucan (3 more posts)
- Digital Oblivion | Next poster: Auctor Lucan (Finishing scene underway)
- Fighter Assault Bay | Next poster: IronFerrox, Ericajohn, Doctor Maya and then CanadianVet (Searcher independently) (5 more posts?)
- Class-9 Nebula (Lone Wolves Squadron) | Next poster: Kurohigi, then Nolan (5 more posts?)


As you all can see, there are numerous threads that will be closing simultaneously, and therefore I have begun work on Chapter 04, which will be the last Chapter of this Episode.

The loose manuscript will be that, in so many words, the Captain Ives loyalists will retaliate and attempt to retake the ship, meanwhile drastic measures (like torture) is deployed upon prisoners for sake of leverage to quell the retaliation. When the timing is opportune, however, the Calamity will strike, and both crews will be forced to work together to face her, and deploy the gravametric mines as planned. Then, the outcome is determined by chance, all depending on how things play out.

How you all play it out.

One Chapter is a small amount of threads to cover all of the above, but I believe it can be done, and perhaps favourably so, since things will not be drawn out needlessly. Keep in mind to make each post count and make scenes evolve, always, instead of merely being reactions to unfolding events.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #933
While I told Lucan about it I forgot to mention here - I'm in the process of moving into a new house, and over the next few days in particular, my internet access at home is going to be very sparse to nonexistant. I'll try and get my posts up over the next week, but there may not be any posting till next weekend, as an fyi.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #934
FYI to everyone, life has seized up most of my time for the moment. Will try to get replies out as soon as I can so I'm hoping so in the next coming days.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #935
Crew Changes

Sadly, TheBanshee is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group anymore because of RL-issues, but if things will resolve themselves for her, she will be most welcome back and us. I hope she will. The writing of this story has become a source of stress for her, and that is the least she needs right now, so therefore she will be stepping away.

In regard to her primary character, Chief Engineer Tia Marlowe, she is conveniently enough undergoing heart surgery and it has not been established when she will recover from that. I will, however, NPC Tia Marlowe in the Supplementary: Breakfast thread with Nolan so that the scene can be finished. If TheBanshee returns, then that scene won't be "old luggage" that needs to be picked up again and she can start with a clean slate after her recovery.

Naturally, Doctor Maya's Billy Bob O'Connell will be Chief Engineer after the dust settles in this Episode, officially being given the position and overtaking the role pending Tia Marlowe's recovery. Should Marlowe make a complete recovery IC-wise, then the leadership of the Engineering Department will be something that we have to sort out IC-wise. I figure there are many parameters to take into account, like Marlowe's health after her surgery and ability to perform her duties to the fullest, for instance. Are you ok with this, Maya?

Then we have the important story-character of Wenn Cinn (being returned to life by the Prophets and all) that I will NPC as required to finish current threads (Chapter 02: Beach House with Kurohigi and Chapter 03: Isolation & Depression with CanadianVet and Cathreen Dawinter).

However, if anyone would like to overtake our Chief of Security as a character, and both doesn't have too many characters and also believe they can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. My policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing him gets to inherit the character. The number of Senior Staff positions will also be a factor to take into consideration, since the position of Chief of Security would be best suited for someone who does not already have a character in such a position. If there are no takers at this point, Wenn Cinn will still be kept as an NPC that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until either TheBanshee returns or we have new members that would be willing to take over playing Wenn Cinn.

Link to bio and images below:

Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn           Chief Security Officer [NPC]

  - Played by Auctor Lucan

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #937
New Graphics

I made this when I was inspired by how things turned out for those of the Lone Wolves who managed to launch from the Fighter Assault Bay in Hostile Takeover. Enjoy!

I added this to my latest post as well. The image is a photoshopped melting pot of over 14 different images.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #938
In regards to the incident in the corridor outside the Recovery ward, now that that series of events is dying down you should be able to hear Vinata weeping in the recovery ward where Maal has been wounded and Patrick, the mutineer left to guard the entrance has been subdued.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #939
No worries, this has been addressed in a PM sent to involved people in the Sickbay scene. It might be a bit implausible to hear Vinata's crying through the sliding doors and all the way down the corridor for everyone present, but since Maya knows what the situation was in the Recovery Ward, she + others will be heading back there.


I would say 80 % done with planning and writing, so please continue as far as you guys like in the current threads in wait for me to finish.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #940

[ Uncharted Planetoid | Surface Temperature: - 30 ⁰ Celsius | Surface Gravity 0.81 g | 1300 hrs. ] Attn: Nathaniel Isley & Ravon

Overhead, the Class-9 nebula lit the overcast heavens in gold, and the pelting blizzards howled across the frozen planet. The orange light made you think that it wasn't as cold as the readings in the Valkyrie said, but with most of its hydrosphere locked up in massive glaciers, it was barely habitable by any definition. The atmosphere simply couldn't trap enough heat from the Red Dwarf that it circled, but that had at least allowed for an easier atmo-entry for the Lone Wolves.

Evelyn Rawley released the seal of her canopy, letting more of the rigid air inside. Standing up, she saw her fellow Wolves climb out of their crafts. Her white space suit protected her from the worst of the cold, and her oxygen supply would last for at least three hours. Her eyes scanned the vista of the icy mountainsides and wondered if there could be anything alive out there. They had no sensor readings of their own any more, so it was anyone's guess, and that compelled her to pick up her Type III rifle before she jumped down to the ground. She pressed a button on her suit to close the cockpit behind her.

It had been a tactical choice to land on the planet regardless of the conditions, because the constituent compounds and elements in the orange nebula - with it's sensor-deceiving properties - had effected the planet's atmosphere too. At first, they had jumped to Warp, then doubled back to mask their warp signature, and then touched down much closer to the nebula than comfortable. They would be hidden from the Harbinger and its fighters if they followed, at least, but the need for decisions was pressing, and so was the need to repair their Valkyries as best as the conditions would allow them to. Rawley trudged through the ankle-deep snow and shielded the visor of her helmet with her free hand, trying to locate Maverick and Razor.

Razor. Thomas might have saved her from Hannah in the hangar, but that had not diminished Rawley's memory of what he had done to her that morning in her quarters. And then there was the rape-murder of Narik Cinsaj shortly afterwards. Then... the mutiny. Circumstances? She did not believe in them. She saw Maverick and walked up to him. "Wolves Three and Eight said they'll scout the perimeter," she said into the microphone in her helmet as she neared him. "So what the bloody hell should we do now? How the fuck could this happen, anyway?"

She spotted Razor then, barely hearing Nathaniel's answer... and she made her decision. She glanced towards Isley, hoping he wouldn't do anything foolish, before she raised her rifle against Thomas and powered it up. "Not one step closer," she said in cutting syllables. "So, let's hear it. How come you tried to rape me, saying you can't remember doing so, and then that Boslic woman met the same fate shortly afterwards? Come on, Thomas. You are a part of all the shit that has gone down today. I am fucking certain of it. So spill it out."

Hope you enjoyed this sneak-peak of the next Chapter! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #941
New Security Office Layout

While working on the upcoming events in Chapter 04, I have been forced to update the map of Security's base of operations aboard the Theurgy with some more detail. The old floor plan looked like this:

And here is the updated version:

[Click on Image for full-size]

Based on the positive feedback on the floor plans I made for the Fighter Assault Bay and Sickbay, I am sure this will come in handy. I have also added it to the Department Info thread on our main board (where this OOC-thread can be found).

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #942
Sad day for all us Star Trek fans :(

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #943
Indeed it is. May he rest in peace, and somehow, I am hoping that he knows how millions of fans mourn his passing today.

I've posted Chapter 04 of this Episode a short while ago, and I don't know about you guys, but I will dedicate my writing of this part of the story to this man who has touched the hearts of so many. Here are the links.

Chapter 04: Invictus [01: Subjection]

This thread, named 01:Subjection, will contain the scenes with all characters that are captive by the current circumstances in the story, be it in the brigs of the two starships, strung up in a Ready Room or if they are stranded on a distant planet. This thread will eventually be continued in 03: Liberation, where the prisoners will somehow be set free, as soon as the IC-events in 03 affect the captives.

Chapter 04: Invictus [02: System Reboot]

This thread, named 02:System Reboot, will contain the scenes with all characters that are involved in the effort to reclaim the Theurgy ship's systems from Vasser and T'Rena. This thread will eventually be continued in an upcoming thread in due time, at which point will be determined as things evolve.

Chapter 04: Invictus [03: Liberation]

This thread, named 02: Liberation, will contain the scenes with all characters that are involved in the effort to free Captain Ives, Commander Rez, SCO Renard and Petty Officer Cardamone. This thread will eventually be continued in an upcoming thread in due time, at which point will be determined as things evolve.

As of now, all three threads start at the very same time: 1300 hours, which is one hour after Supplementary: Hostile Takeover in the previous Chapter. It is free to make up what has transpired during the hour that has gone by since the hostile takeover based on what has been suggested in the new threads. Lastly, please make sure to tag your posts by [Character] and/or [Location] for ease of reading.

Brutus will soon be re-organising the threads on the board so that Chapter 04 is on top.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #944
Hello everyone!

I just wanted to take a moment to announce that Zenozine has expressed an interest in inheriting the character named Wenn Cinn, our tank-built Bajoran Chief of Security. Currently, Zenozine is reading up on the character and the scenes he has been in since the point when he (re)joined the story at the beginning of this Episode. At this point, Zenozine has told me that there are no greater changes planned for Wenn Cinn in terms of RL-model or an altered persona.

So, the Prophets were right after all! The Wenn must be of the Theurgy.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #945
Hi again everyone!

I just wanted to share my latest illustration of the Theurgy's Deputy Chief Security Officer, Lieutenant Than'Ida zh'Wann:

DeviantArt link:

I would love some feedback if you have any!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #946

Hello everyone. Over the course of the years, I have slowly been revealing the nature of the enemy that has taken over Starfleet Command and an - as of yet - unknown number of other political seats of power in the Galaxy. You have gradually been fed hints and clues though the inner workings of Dr. Nicander's mind and his biography. Captain Ducane of the USS Relativity also divulged the repercussions of the Niga Incident if Commander Rez hadn't managed to leave the recording of the Theurgy's last hours behind for the Relativity to find. One of the questions that lingered was, at the time, why the enemy wanted to reduce the people of the Galaxy to what the virus had made them all into.

Then, there was the end of Episode 02: "Whatever Gods May be". There, most of you might not think there was a clue as to what the enemy was, but if you read the passages where Ishtar was banished from her temple and before the bridge crew faced Metatron, you will actually get a rather clear hint of where she ended up.

Well, perhaps not so clear back then, but as of now, in Episode 03, you have been able to read about the conclusion that the enemy are parasites that exist in flux with the dimension that our crew possess. Also, you have glimpsed the inner workings of Sonja Acreth's mind. You have read what happens in the long run to the minds of the people that are hosting the parasites. You may even have concluded that Dr. Nicander is not at all as far along as Acreth is, and that our dear CMO struggles to maintain his own mind and priorities. While control is slipping, his doubts grow, and he does not know what will happen to him.

Most recently, in Chapter 03, Sonja Acreth was interrogated in the Theurgy's Brig, and some rather important clues were dropped as to what the true goal of the enemy actually is. Moreover, some answers about the Niga virus were answered. This happened in CHAPTER 03: The Captain of My Soul [05: Isolation & Depression] in case you are interested to catch up.

Yet many questions remain, of course, and I would not be a very good storyteller if I were to reveal too much at once. What I can do... is to leave you yet another hint.

If you have a couple of minutes to spare, I would recommend reading this article: LINK. A word of caution though. You might want to finish eating first...

So, I will just leave that there, and you may begin your own speculations. *enigmatic smile*

Thank you for your time.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Ps. Oh, and if you have access to it, I might even recommend watching a classic sci-fi horror flick named "Event Horizon". I watched it back when it premiered, and it has not been until recently that I realised how it might have inspired me to the story of this Group RP. Ds.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #947
That link reminded me of that GIF where a worm or the sorts crawls out of a spider. Very weird stuff... Will try to find a reference.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #948

Thank you so much everyone who have had the time to answer the poll that was sent out last week. The answers have all been very insightful for me and has helped me a bit in some decisions that lies ahead. There are still a couple of writers who haven't replied to the poll yet but I mean to compile the results for you all in due time.

I will also make an effort to keep the results from showing character or writer names so that those who wish to be anonymous in the results can remain so.


Time for another story overview, so that everyone is up to date on who's up in each thread. The below lists of threads are chronological, starting with the Prologue. Just browse the lists below quickly and check for your names in white. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. These are all links, so just click on each thread to get there.

Prologue: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance   [glow=limegreen,2,300]FINISHED![/glow]

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I]

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II]

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks]
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge]
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay]

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Cleaning Up]

Chapter 01: Find Me Unafraid

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Cobalt & Iron [0715 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.]
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.]
CHAPTER 01: Old Comrades  [1100 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Awakening [1700 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Brutus (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon                                 
CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon [2100 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: The White Sands of Risa [2120 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: By the Moonlit Sea [2120 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Steam-pools [2130 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Moonlight Walk [2130 hrs.]
CHAPTER 02: Distant Cabana [2130 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Ikara Nightclub [2140 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Cliffside Pathways [2150 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: By The Luminescent Plants [2130 hrs.]
CHAPTER 02: Unspeakable [2140 hrs.]
CHAPTER 02: Untouched Sands [2145 hrs]

CHAPTER 02: Beach House [2200 hrs]

CHAPTER 02: Behind the Amphitheatre [2200 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Under the Subterranean Waterfalls [2330 hrs.] Next poster: Kurohigi (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: The System's Core [2330 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Lovers' Quarrel [2350 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter (Finishing erotic scene underway)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [01: Resurrection]
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [02: Shock & Denial]
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [03: Pain & Guilt] Next poster: Doctor Maya (Finishing erotic scene underway)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [04: Anger & Bargaining] Next poster: The Counselor (1 more posts)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [05: Isolation & Depression]
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [06: The Turn]
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [Supplementary: Unfit for Duty] Next poster: The Counselor (Joint-post)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [07: Reconstruction]

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [08: Acceptance]

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [09: Deception] Next poster: Kurohigi, then Cathreen Dawinter (2 more posts)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [Supplementary: Hostile Takeover]
- Recovery Ward in Sickbay
- Medical Storage in Sickbay Next poster: Searcher (1 more post)
- Surgical Suite 02 in Sickbay
- Corridor in Sickbay Next poster: Brutus (2-3 more posts)
- Digital Oblivion
- Fighter Assault Bay
- Class-9 Nebula

Chapter 04: Invictus

CHAPTER 04: Invictus [01: Subjection]
- USS Theurgy, XO Ready Room Next poster: Brutus
- USS Theurgy Brig Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter & Kurohigi
- USS Harbinger Brig Next poster: Nolan
- Unnamed Planet Next poster: Nolan
CHAPTER 04: Invictus [02: System Reboot]
- Holographic Lab Next poster: Searcher/Kurohigi
- Main Engineering Next poster: Auctor Lucan
- Outside Warp Core Control Room Next poster: Auctor Lucan
- Living Quarters Next poster: Auctor Lucan
CHAPTER 04: Invictus [03: Liberation]
- Below Decks Next poster: Zenozine (Wenn Cinn)
- Main Sickbay Independent order: The Counsellor, Brutus, Zenozine, Searcher
- Jefferies Tubes Next poster: Zenozine


As you all can see, in just a handful of posts, we will be finishing Chapters 02 and 03. To those who are straggling, please try to wrap these up as soon as you can so that we all may focus on the present Chapter 04: Invictus. As an extra measure to reach our busy writers, I will be sending this over PM as well.


I figured I'd help our busy writers by letting everyone in the Group know what people are up to OOC and why some replies may be lagging a bit right now. Here is the current status as far as I know:
  • Auctor Lucan        Active
  • Kurohigi            Semi-Active (Apprenticeship for the next 6 weeks, away from home)
  • Brutus              Semi-Active (New house & tough work schedule)
  • Searcher            Semi-Active (Winter trouble & family)
  • IronFerrox          Active
  • Nolan               Active
  • The Counselor       Semi-Active (RL-burdens)
  • Cathreen Dawinter   Semi-Active (Studies)
  • CanadianVet         Actvive
  • Doctor Maya         Active
  • Zenozine            Unknown (No reply on latest PM)
  • Sirus               Active
  • Ericajohn           Active
Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #949
Informing you guys that I might remain dark for next couple of days. Hectic work and a bit of a busy life are keeping me from posting. See you guys soon!

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