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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413926 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #800
Hey folks.

I think my mojo is coming back. Hopefully I'll be able to post more from this point on.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #801
A long overdue project of mine that has finally gotten somewhere. I think IronFerrox in particular will like it.

Please let me know what might be further improved:


Raw phase:

Finished for critique:

Thank you in advance!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #802
How in the name of all that is holy did you do that???  I am seriously impressed.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #803
Thank you! :)

Like always I used Photoshop CS5 and I used the top picture as a template to start with. I then found the head of Quorra from Tron via google and spliced her head into the picture. I had to use different arms than the original arms - obviously - and I found a real life image of Selena's gun via google as well (as opposed to the drawn one shown here in the OOC thread a couple of months ago).  The cybernetic attribute of the limbs were made from copying sections of them and using tools like bevel, emboss, drop shadow, contour and inner glow. The texture of the skin and the colouring was made by desaturating the skin areas and using plenty of red and yellow with the tool Curves, then just brushing out the texture in order to attain the porcelain/doll texture on the artificial limbs. I also found the new torso (with the side-boob) via google and changed colouring and shape to fit the image. The glossy sheen on her cheek and on her limbs were made with a white lighting brush and blurred before being applied to the skin sections. Damage (scars) and the soot on the walls etc. are different brushes that I painted with manually - "by hand" so to speak.

Pardon the long explanation... but you asked. ;)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #804
Sneak Peak

Finally, we have a potential new member incoming, and I just finished a character image for him. So here is your sneak peak:

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Hello everyone, I would happen to be that newcomer. I already PMed Auctor a character sheet and I am currently waiting to see what he has to say about it. It shouldn't be too long before I get to join the crew (that is, if Auctor accepts me). Anyways, hey!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #805
Welcome to the group Endeavour. I also wanted to let everyone know internet is back up. We got a new router and a faster internet speed so when needed I should be able to post no problems.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #806
my current situation is listed in my signature.  August is a hectic month for me, but I will be trying to get posts out

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #807
I suppose everyone's noticed, but I have to apologize for how much my posting has slowed down lately. I'm starting college in a few weeks so I've been running around arranging stuff for student loans, registration etc. My bad, and I shall fit in what I can soon.

Oh, and welcome, endeavor!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #808
Welcome Endeavour indeed and thank you all for informing the Group about disturbances in your posting. Something that I will partake in myself as my return to work after the vacation has left me with precious little time in the evenings for writing, time that I have spent administrating the Group through PMs and IMs. Not time wasted at all but rather the opposite, as we for example now have a new crewmember on the Crew Manifest.

I think, though, that I may have plenty of time in the afternoon tomorrow to post where I am due. :) I will be posting a new spreadsheet too, concerning the resolution of cutting the third meetings of the festival in benefit of story progression. Also, we have Endeavour's character Connor Matthews that will enter the story in truth... Stay tuned!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #809
Welcome Endeavour to our lovely little group!

As for postingwise, I just returned from a 3 days festival. Posting will be slow with work swelling up once more but I'll be able to get one or two posts out in the next coming days. Hope you guys are all having fun during the last days of holiday (or well it's holiday in Europe)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #810
Provided I get out of work at a reasonable time and that I'm not dead on my feet I intend to post tonight. We're losing another full time employee from my team at the end of the week and the consultant we hired to replace him hasn't started work is hectic, again.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #811
Hi there everyone!

We have yet another applicant inbound but no images have been finished so there will be no sneak peek just yet. :)

Regarding the third meetings during the Festival of the Moon:

         Chapter 02 Pairings            First Meeting      Second Meeting         Third Meeting      
          Cpt. Jien Ives             Ens. Skye Carver       Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent                
          Cmdr. Edena Rez             Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn          Lt. Simon Tovarek                    
          Cpt. Declan Vasser             CWO Selena Ravenholm + Ida       PO1 Dyan Cardamone               
          Cmdr. T'Rena             Ens. Cir'Cie                 Ens. Cir'Cie & Sjaandin               
          Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent              Lt. Amelya Duv       Cpt. Jien Ives               
          Lt. Sjaandin Fedd             Ens. Cameron Henshaw       Cmdr. T'Rena & Cir'Cie               
          Ens. Cale Winterbourne              Beach Group Scene       Open!               
          Ens. Cameron Henshaw               Lt. Sjaandin Fedd       Open!          Lt. Simon Tovarek           
          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854              Open!       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard            CWO Selena Ravenholm      
          MCPO Aisha S'Ithi             Beach Group Scene       Open!               
          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn                Cmdr. Edena Rez       Open!          Ens. Maya      
          Lt. JG ThanIda zh'Wann              Cpt. Declan Vasser + Ravenholm       Open!               
          Lt. JG Zaraq             Open!       Open!               
          Ens. Connor Matthews             Open!       Open!               
          PO1 Dyan Cardamone             Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         Cpt. Declan Vasser          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard        
          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard               PO1 Dyan Cardamone       Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854           PO1 Dyan Cardamone      
          Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"             Ens. Maya                               
          Ens. Skye Carver                  Cpt. Jien Ives       Lt. JG Thomas Ravon                
          MCPO Soo Young Seung                                  
          Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley               CWO1 Sten Covington           Open!               
          Lt. JG Tessa May Lance                                  
          Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley               Lt. Eve Jenkins              Open! (see Kurohigi's post)               
          Ens. Hannah Slaverton                                    
          Lt. JG Thomas Ravon              Open! (needs persuation)       Ens. Skye Carver                    
          Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander               Open!       Open!               
          Lt. Amelya Duv             Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Lin Kae                  
          Lt. Eve Jenkins                    Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley         Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander?               
          Ens. Maya                       Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"       Lt. Hayden O'Connor              Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn         
          Lt. Hayden O'Connor                 MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell        Ens. Maya                         
          Lt. Tatiana Marlowe               Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk)       (A Kurohigi character?)               
          Lt. Lin Kae                Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Lt. Amelya Duv               
          MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell              Lt. Hayden O'Connor           Open!               
          Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                Mr. Rory Callahan                         
          CWO1 Sten Covington                 Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley         Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley                 
          CWO Selena Ravenholm             Cpt. Declan Vasser + Ida       (A Kurohigi character?)          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854       
          Lt. Simon Tovarek                  Lt. Tatiana Marlowe (cloak-talk)       Cmdr. Edena Rez          Ens. Cameron Henshaw        
          Lt. JG Sarresh Morali               -        -           -       
          Ens. Cir'Cie                       Cmdr. T'Rena       Cmdr. T'Rena & Sjaandin               
          Mr. Rory Callahan                 Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                        
          Ms. Narik Cinsaj                                     
          Ms. Rihen Neyah                Beach Group Scene                     
From what I can determine, I need the involved writers in the below pairings to post here or PM me with what they want to do. If you are content with just nixing the pairing, then just say so, but otherwise tell me which second meetings you want to change in order to fit in the affected third meeting.

What to do about:
1. Simon Tovarek and Cameron Henshaw?
2. Thea & Selena Ravenholm? (IronFerrox, you want Thea to meet Miles or Selena in the second meeting?)
3. Ens. Maya and Wenn Cinn?
4. Miles Renard and Dyan Cardamone?

Btw! Those who have wrapped their First Meetings should feel perfectly free to start up the next meeting when the other writer is available for it! I also have some more intrigue to add soon enough, namely through T'Rena being at the Festival... *enigmatic grin*



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #812
After what happened between Maya and Phantom, I don't know if Maya will be returning to the holodeck tonight.  We'll find out if the new counselor can put her back in the party mood or if it will take a medical emergency to get her back to the holodeck.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #813
to update my internet status during my move, I will likely only lose the weekend, as I will have my internet connection in my new place on the 25th.  For the sake of a weekend, I can always hotspot my phone to get posts done.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #814
Hahahaha Wenn finding out what happened to Maya. Wow that would be bad.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #815
But it would be drama!  We'll see if Auctor Lucan allows it.    8)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #817
((the original plan with Dyan and Miles was to meet up About Midnight in the gymnasium area of the ship (one of the fighting/sparring mats most likely) so this wouldn't even occur within the holodeck Unless she is opposed I was going to propose that we could start that thread sometime very soon.))

As for The middle meeting for Dyan (the meeting with Capt. Vasser)  If Kuro and Dawinter want to either Dyan can interupt the current conversation between Selena, Ida, and Vasser, or Her and Kuro could go ahead and play out that scene at a time period noted as after the current scene is finished.

If Selena gets out of that scene she will probably head to the computer room (trying to dig up dirt on Vasser obviously and Thea may interrupt Selena inquiring what she is up to.  Selena could of course say something like she wanted to see the computer systems of a ship with such an advanced AI up close (which is true as well)  the conversation could easily turn to wanting to get to know the AI system a little better, perhaps intimately better.

In the mean time I can start up a scene where Miles meets up with Thea.  They can talk for a bit, possibly things get physical, possibly not  then Thea could get interrupted by noticing something is going on in the computer core.

((At the very least this means Miles and Thea get to catch up a bit and miles gets to hear how her improvements have been going, after all it was her experience with him the first time that made her realize how human she wanted to be.))

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #818
I am not oppose at all. I also wouldn't mind Dyan interupt the current conversation though it would probably be this weekend. Which brings me to my second reason for posting here. School starts tomorrow along with the nursing program. I have seven classes and clinicals this semester so posting is going to be slow for me I wanted to let everyone know.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #819
Festival of the Moon Development

As long as Kurohigi is ok with Dyan Cardamone/Sar-unga Neleo showing up before things get out of hand between the three (Vasser, Ida and Selena), I would certainly not mind to have Ida reflect and question the transformation and implication of the Petty Officer's mission aboard the Harbinger. Would serve for an interesting encounter! Also, I can post a new thread where Thea observes something plot-important happening *smiles enigmatically* and setting the scene for Miles to find her there. This thread will not only lead on to the encounter in the computer core between Thea and Selena (since she has left Vasser, Ida and Dyan behind in our current thread) but also entail a scene between Sjaandin Fedd and two other characters that have been planned between Leonal and I. I hope to be able to post this new thread on the morrow since it's over 1 am here now.

New Member

Also, I would like to take the opportunity to welcome Zenozine, our newest member in our Group RP! He plays Nurse Vojona, who's transfer to the Theurgy from the Harbinger was just made now that the ships have rendevouzed:

Ens. Hylota Vojona           Nurse [Show/Hide]

Larger images of Hylota Vojona can be found in our DeviantArt gallery:

Now, if anyone has a character that is available for interaction in the Festival of the Moon, Hylota has just arrived there so make sure to make the Nurse feel welcome! ;) Otherwise I might have T'Rena or some other closet villain sink his/her teeth in her...

Information on Non-Canon Species

Zenozine has, with the addition of this medical officer, introduced a new non-canon species named the Ovri to this roleplay as well, and the details about the Ovri can be found behind the "spoiler" button in Hylota Vojona's character sheet for the time being. My plans are, however, that since we have a few non-canon species at this point, we might post the information of these species in a more easily accessible spot on our main board. A new information thread above this OOC thread, perhaps, with info about the Ship AI:s, the Ash'reem, the Asurians, the Câroon, the Nevomites, the Vulpinians and the Ovri. Perhaps even with compiled details about some canon species too, like the Andorians and the Boslic, which doesn't have that much information on them in Memory Alpha.

That's all for now! Please let me know over PM if you have any ideas for the plot or the sub-plots to share.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #820
You seem to have forgotten a certain species in that list there.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #821
Dyan is the second meeting for Declan after Selena/Ida, so setting a prior meeting could help set up him coming back to see her later for their second scene.

Note: Tomorrow is a flight day for me.  I'll better know how much time I'll have online when I get to where I am going, but tomorrow will be net-less, given I leave at 9 am and arrive close to midnight

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #822
Ah, but of course! I must be growing senile or it was just the late hour lobotomising me. The Vulpinans too, certainly, as they are the non-canon species with perhaps the most information to them over the years we have been running this story. They almost seem canon to me at this point. The list has been corrected and sorry for the overlook. Especially since you have invested so much time and effort into the creation of the species.

Btw, did you all know that we had a 3 year anniversary back in the 5th of May this year? I certainly forgot, lol.

Kurohigi: Certainly! Then let's wait for Cathreen DaWinter to come briefly crashing the scene with Sar-unga and we'll see how things go. :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #823
Hey guys. Sorry for my lack of posting. My computer crashed and I was forced to buy a new one.  I'm back now though.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #824
I keep getting unexpected guests at my house! But I shall be back on the bike after work tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!

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