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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413931 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #825
Sorry for the delay folks, been a bit wiped - I'm coming off some meds and I've been losing days.  Such fun!  It is getting better I hasten to add, the thing is that on the good days I tend to do too much and feel like death over a candle for the next couple.  I know, I'm a muppet, I can't help it ;)

I'm compos mentis for just now so I will try and reply to all tonight :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #826
sorry, just posting her so I get any updates from this thread.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #827
Hey, everyone! Tessa May Lance has returned, with yours truly at her helm. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #828
Downed with a heavy cold or a flu, not sure what it is yet. Sorry for the lack of posting, will be back in the weekend I hope.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #829

Hello everyone! Summer is over and people are getting back into gear. Since people have been really diligent in keeping the Group updated about their whereabouts, I do not have to spread the word from my PMs like I use to do. All things considered, this time of the year people tend to be busy starting up their jobs (like me) and their studies again, but I am confident that with the new Chapter that will be launching within the next couple of weeks, activity will be picking up a bit again.

As I have said previously, we will be removing the third meeting in Chapter 02, and this is reflected in the new spreadsheet. The only ones who have not told me what they have decided upon are the writers of Simon Tovarek and Cameron Henshaw, which was a third meeting that was on the spreadsheet.

Prologue & Chapter 01 Progress

The below list of threads is chronological, starting with the Prologue and ending before Chapter 02. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. Just click on each thread to get there.

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I]

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II]

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks]
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge]
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay] Next poster: TheBanshee

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Cleaning Up] (Upcoming!) Next poster: Leonal

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] Next poster: Finished?

CHAPTER 01: Cobalt & Iron [0715 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.]
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.]
CHAPTER 01: Old Comrades  [1100 hrs.] Next poster: Auctor Lucan

CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.] Next poster: Finished?

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Awakening [1700 hrs.] Next poster: Endeavour

CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.] Next poster: Auctor Lucan

CHAPTER 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher

On the old Part 1 board I am only missing the finishing development between Tessa May Lance (Leonal, the character sheet may be finished and superb but the JPs are still waiting ;) ) and Zaraq in Unusual Courting.

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon

The name of your characters are the left column, and the columns next to that are the currently suggested order of meetings.
         Chapter 02 Pairings            First Meeting      Second Meeting      
          Cpt. Jien Ives             Ens. Skye Carver       Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent       
          Cmdr. Edena Rez             Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn          Lt. Simon Tovarek           
          Cpt. Declan Vasser             CWO Selena Ravenholm + Ida       PO1 Dyan Cardamone      
          Cmdr. T'Rena             Ens. Cir'Cie                 Ens. Cir'Cie & Sjaandin      
          Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent              Lt. Amelya Duv       Cpt. Jien Ives      
          Lt. Sjaandin Fedd             Ens. Cameron Henshaw       Cmdr. T'Rena & Cir'Cie      
          Ens. Cale Winterbourne              Beach Group Scene       Open!      
          Ens. Cameron Henshaw               Lt. Sjaandin Fedd       Open!      
          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854              Open!       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard        
          MCPO Aisha S'Ithi             Beach Group Scene       Open!      
          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn                Cmdr. Edena Rez       Open!      
          Lt. JG ThanIda zh'Wann              Cpt. Declan Vasser + Ravenholm       Open!      
          Lt. JG Zaraq             Beach Group Scene       Open!      
          Ens. Connor Matthews             Open! (Sickbay)       Open! (Sickbay)      
          PO1 Dyan Cardamone             Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         Cpt. Declan Vasser      
          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard               PO1 Dyan Cardamone       Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854       
          Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"             Ens. Maya                 Open!      
          Ens. Skye Carver                  Cpt. Jien Ives       Lt. JG Thomas Ravon       
          MCPO Soo Young Seung              Ens. Hylota Vojona       Open!      
          Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley               CWO1 Sten Covington           Open!      
          Lt. JG Tessa May Lance              Open!       Open!      
          Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley               Lt. Eve Jenkins              Open!      
          Ens. Hannah Slaverton                Open!       Open!      
          Lt. JG Thomas Ravon              Open! (needs persuation)       Ens. Skye Carver           
          Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander               Open!       Open!      
          Lt. Amelya Duv             Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Lin Kae         
          Lt. Eve Jenkins                    Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley         Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander?      
          Ens. Maya                       Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"       Lt. Hayden O'Connor          
          Ens. Hylota Vojona             MCPO Soo Young Seung        Open!      
          Lt. Hayden O'Connor                 MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell        Ens. Maya                
          Lt. Tatiana Marlowe               Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk)       (A Kurohigi character?)      
          Lt. Lin Kae                Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Lt. Amelya Duv      
          MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell              Lt. Hayden O'Connor           Open!      
          Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                Mr. Rory Callahan                
          CWO1 Sten Covington                 Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley         Open!      
          CWO Selena Ravenholm             Cpt. Declan Vasser + Ida       (Leaving for the Computer Core)      
          Lt. Simon Tovarek                  Lt. Tatiana Marlowe (cloak-talk)       Cmdr. Edena Rez      
          Lt. JG Sarresh Morali               -        -       
          Ens. Cir'Cie                       Cmdr. T'Rena       Cmdr. T'Rena & Sjaandin      
          Mr. Rory Callahan                 Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark               
          Ms. Narik Cinsaj                 Open!       Open!      
          Ms. Rihen Neyah                Beach Group Scene       Open!      

Chapter 02 "The Festival of the Moon" Progress

The below list of threads is chronological, starting with the opening ceremony. Just like earlier, I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. Just click on each thread to get there.

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon [2100 hrs.] Next poster: Kurohigi (Edena Rez)

CHAPTER 02: 3 Joint Posts - The Counselor & Doctor Maya [2115 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor
(I need a thread name to post a place-holder! :) )

CHAPTER 02: By the Moonlit Sea [2120 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox

CHAPTER 02: The White Sands of Risa [2120 hrs.] Next poster: CanadianVet

CHAPTER 02: Steam-pools [2130 hrs.] Next poster: Leonal

CHAPTER 02: Moonlight Walk [2130 hrs.]

CHAPTER 02: Distant Cabana [2130 hrs.]
CHAPTER 02: By The Luminescent Plants [2130 hrs.] Next poster: TheBanshee

CHAPTER 02: Ikara Nightclub [2140 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher
CHAPTER 02: Untouched Sands [2145 hrs] Next poster: Kurohigi

CHAPTER 02: Cliffside Pathways [2150 hrs.] Next poster: Kurohigi

CHAPTER 02: Behind the Amphitheatre [2200 hrs.] Next poster: Auctor Lucan

Btw! Those who have wrapped their First Meetings should feel perfectly free to start up the next meeting when the other writer is available for it! (Or perhaps even before that, if the second writer wants to write in two places in time during Chapter 02)

Non-Canon Species Information

As you all may have noticed, the place-holder and one of our species have been posted on our main board! Make sure to take your time discovering the Ovri.

Upcoming Chapter

Given how things have come to run a bit slow, I think its time we start wrapping up the Festival of the Moon at our own leisure. Some of you may opt to skip the second meeting as well if you feel so inclined, and you may all certainly continue write in Chapter 02 as the story moves on to Chapter 03. Just keep in mind that the evolving events in Chapter 02 may have effects on Chapter 03 since it plays out the morning after the holodeck event.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #830
Hello, all. As you may know, I started college this week so things have been a bit hectic. Now that I have settled into a routine I can play catch up. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #831
Hey all, I'm going to be sans-internet for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this coming week.  I might be back on on Friday night but I'm not promising.  Anyone I'm waiting for, it would be a nice treat to come home to a message ;)  I'll try not to leave anyone hanging before I go

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #832
Still haven't found the time to post, everyone. Sorry. I feel singularly responsible for our delays. Trouble is, I can't post from college because our internet blocks House Eros. :( I'll keep at it though, likely post tomorrow.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #833
gotta love college, a time when sexual experimentation is at an all time high, you're legal to view content about such things, and they block it lol

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #834
I have arrived back at home but I am knackered so won't be replying until tomorrow, hope you don't mind guys but I'd rather not write complete drivel!  :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #835
I don't know when I'll be able to reply. Hopefully Sunday morning.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #836
I'm still connected to the wound vac after surgery in mid-August and have had a few follow up appointments as well as dealing with the kids.  I'll try this afternoon to get out a post or two but it may be tomorrow before I have a real chance to be in front of my computer for more than ten minutes at a time.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #839
I think I need a couple of days.  The black dog has me and I'm not in a good place right now.  I'm sorry.  Graduating with a Bachelor's should be a time of celebration but all I feel is sad.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #840

I've given this a tonne of thought, and it's looking like I will have to quit the group.

As it stands, I've taken way too long to post. It's becoming more and more apparent that balancing a full-time education, a part-time job, and a serious relationship is becoming too much to handle.

Make no mistake, I love you guys and this group, and it pains me to quit. If there was another way I would take it.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #841

Hello everyone! :)

Posting is on the slow side in general and in this spirit I have ended up contributing to the silence a wee bit because of work and celebrations on this end. The time I've had left has been contributed to OOC talks and administration and for the people that I have IC threads with I can but apologise for the momentary silence. I am catching up, though, and I hope I did not leave anyone concerned because of my lack of time.


Sorry to hear about the post surgery complications and I hope you know that my thoughts are with you. I saw you managed to post a bit and its really cool how you solider on with this and the kids and all. We all are looking forward to you being able to write with us more but not at the expense of your health and your RL committments. The Ikara Nightclub thread is still there for when you have the time and feel inspired, among the other threads you are in, and I need not tell you how excited I will be when the reply pops up eventually.


Awesome colour chart! I will be adding it to our tumblr feed when I get home. :)

Sorry to hear the black dog bit you, purple rain pouring and all, but I hope that you will have recovered by this time that I write this though. If not, perhaps we can have a chat about scenes that may inspire you.


You know that I am aware of your commitments IRL, and that I am not surprised by your decision to leave us. I will say here that it's really sad for the group and the plans we've made that you find yourself unable to continue writing with us, and that is just a minor thing compared to the great loss of you as a writer in the story. Even more so, in that even if what you did write were awesome contributions to the evolving events, we loose the funny and easygoing writer of Sjaandin Fedd.

Thank you so much Leonal for your inspiring time with the Group, but I hope to find you over IM even if you have left us. Perhaps I can keep you up to date with the story, at the very least, for the time when you may want to return someday. :)

Upcoming Chapter Status

Before the last days where I was away, I did manage to work some more on the upcoming chapter starter. Its nowhere complete yet, but I just want to let everyone know that the story will go on and that while there is no immediate stress about doing so, we should work to finish the current threads we have so that we can make time for the continuation of the story.

Crew Changes:

We have a new character in the pipeline as well, and with Leonal leaving us, I have some further administration to handle with the crew manifest.

Lastly, there are couple of writers that have not posted in a while so I will be contacting people to see if they are still around. A census, if you will, and as you all know with this roleplay, we'll just see how much meat will be fed to the grinder of the upcoming fighting/battles and how many characters are inherited by present members. Grim, but we need to free up positions on our crew manifest for new members.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #842
Nothing beats good old drama where people die...

Sorry to hear you're leaving us Leonal. I was looking forward to stalking Fedd with more mind games but alas.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #843
I could not help but post a short teaser from the new Chapter that I am working on. I hope you will enjoy.

[ USS Theurgy | Main Sickbay | Deck 07 | 0605 hrs. ]

A sharp hiss cut the air.

It was the sound when the lid of the cryogenic stasis unit decompressed, and finally opened. Residues of cold mist rose into the air. The person inside had been gradually thawed during the night, yet the thawing had fogged up the glass compltetely, so the results of the Asurian blank cell treatment remained a surprise for the three people standing around the opening unit. Of course, the tricorders had been unanimous in the vitality readings, yet it remained to be seen what kind of appearance the DNA resequencing had resulted in. Were they awakening a freak from its slumber? A grotesque excuse of a survivor that would never accept the thing he had become, all for the sake of the truth and the mission?

"Nurse Vojona, Doctor Maya, please prepare to help me move him to the biobed," said Lucan as he looked down into the unit, the mist having cleared from the face. He reached down and opened one eye, confirming what the tricorder had already stated. Just to be sure, he raised a small palm beacon - its light casting the dancing mist into brilliance above the patient's countenance.

There. Oh, I might also take the opportunity to say that the new chapter will consist of 8 new threads posted all at once (see 'Master of My Fate' on the previous board for reference), with scenes set chronologically through the next day... leading up to the proverbial boiling point.

That was all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #844
this should be good from the looks of it. I would also like to ask if I have at all proven that I can handle a second character?  Because as times goes on I would like to throw in Hylota's brother.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #846
I will do that, but probably later on or next week.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #847
I could not help but post a short teaser from the new Chapter that I am working on. I hope you will enjoy.

[ USS Theurgy | Main Sickbay | Deck 07 | 0605 hrs. ]

A sharp hiss cut the air.

It was the sound when the lid of the cryogenic stasis unit decompressed, and finally opened. Residues of cold mist rose into the air. The person inside had been gradually thawed during the night, yet the thawing had fogged up the glass compltetely, so the results of the Asurian blank cell treatment remained a surprise for the three people standing around the opening unit. Of course, the tricorders had been unanimous in the vitality readings, yet it remained to be seen what kind of appearance the DNA resequencing had resulted in. Were they awakening a freak from its slumber? A grotesque excuse of a survivor that would never accept the thing he had become, all for the sake of the truth and the mission?

"Nurse Vojona, Doctor Maya, please prepare to help me move him to the biobed," said Lucan as he looked down into the unit, the mist having cleared from the face. He reached down and opened one eye, confirming what the tricorder had already stated. Just to be sure, he raised a small palm beacon - its light casting the dancing mist into brilliance above the patient's countenance.

It's aaaallllllive


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #848
Connectivity is down on my end.  Expect delays.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #849
Chapter 03 is up!

This is just a brief announcement that the first half of Chapter 03 is up for your perusal and - hopefully - enjoyment. I promised you 8 starter threads and there will be, but these first 4 should be sufficient to keep everyone occupied until it is time to delve further into the evolving story. I reasoned that if I were to lay out all the upcoming events, I would invite disaster since neither us are entirely sure what may happen in the first 4 threads, which might contain actions that would radically change the starting points of the last 4 threads that are due soon enough.

The four first starters for Chapter 03 has been stickied to the top of the board so that they are easy to keep track of (thanks for that Brutus). The four threads are numbered chronologically and have time stamps when you click on them, which will reveal that they take place in the morning after the Festival of the Moon.

Here is a brief overview of the starters (with links):

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [01: Resurrection]

Here, Nurse Vojona will start assisting Maya and Nicander with some eye surgery of Sarresh Morali. Then, when that is finished, Maya will be doing some neuro-pressure treatment while simultaneously treating Morali's newly grown skin with a healing agent (read Aquatic Denominator for more info on this).

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [02: Shock & Denial]

Here, there are plenty of openings for some Day After antics. There is also some forshadowing taking place here for the major plot. Options: 1) Check the "Attn: Anyone" tags and call dibs on them here (or post right away, as you see fit) 2) Post your own hangover setting with your character and tag it with "Attn: Anyone", leaving the random pairing open to join the scene. 3) Post your dedicated post to a pairing of your character and someone specific, as agreed over OOC channels. Like "Attn: Auctor Lucan". Note also that this thread forbids characters Nicander, Maya, Vojona and Morali (naturally) to partake since they are in Sickbay already.

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [03: Pain & Guilt]

Sickbay again, where the eye surgery and the treatment of Morali's nervous system and skin has been finished, and its up to me, Zenozine and Maya to make sure we do not have any contingency errors by starting up this thread ahead of time. Here, involved people have been gathered to attend to Morali's awakening. For sake of reference, this is Sarresh Morali's new appearence. I hope it is ok that I reveal this in this fashion, since people need to know at this point:


Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [04: Anger & Bargaining]

This is the Senior Staff Meeting, where Carrigan Trent has the first item on the agenda. It's a large gathering of characters and writers working in once scene, but I am confident we can sort out necessary posting order over OOC channels. If nothing else, right here in the OOC thread. Please read in, post your characters as they are in attendance, and I hope you will all enjoy the development.


Now that Chapter 03 is up and going, its a good time to start finishing off your old threads in the Prologue, Chapter 01 and Chapter 02. I have some posting to do there as well, so please, no one should feel stressed out about Chapter 03 being up already. Take is easy and enjoy your writing!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

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