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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #725
Hi all,

I will be leaving Sunday for a week to visit family and go to Disney World with my nieces (15 and 10) who've never been before. 

I will have my IPAD with me and I anticipate writing some, but it'll be sporadic.  I'll be back online beginning Monday, June 23, 2014.

Take care!


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #726
gonna try and get some posting done on HoE today, but I had a tooth pulled yesterday and the medication is messing with my ability to concentrate on writing, so that may slow me down over the course of this week.  Just trying to get some stuff done during my lucid moments lol

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #727
Story Overview

Greetings everyone and hope RL treats you well out there! :)

I figured I'd take a few moments to compile a story overview for everyone to help keep track of current events in the Episode. The below list of threads is chronological, starting with the Prologue and ending with Chapter 02. I may just as well mention that I have posted a second time in the Festival of the Moon event that sets things off for everyone to start celebrating. Don't forget to read the OOC notes in that latest post of mine!

I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow.

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I]

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II]

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks] Next poster: Searcher
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay]

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] Next poster: TheBanshee & The Counselor

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.]
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.]
CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox & Doctor Maya

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.] Next poster: Leonal

CHAPTER 01: The Third Wolf Awakens [1700 hrs.] Next poster: Rising
CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.] Next poster: Nolan/Searcher/Cathreen Dawinter

CHAPTER 02: Lohlunat ... [NEW!] Next poster: Everyone! (See OOC notes)

On the old Part 1 board I am only missing the finishing development between Tessa May Lance (Leonal, where is that character sheet? ;) ) and Zaraq in Unusual Courting.

Don't hesitate to contact me with ideas for scenes in Chapter 02 or even before then (in the Prologue or Chapter 01) if it fits better.

Edit: Here is the new poster I had to make with all the additions of characters we have:

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #728
Just gonna throw my characters out there for interactions, preferably with new characters/RPers I haven't had a lot of involvement with.  There so many new faces and I haven't written with most of you.  Pretty much all my characters will be wearing horga'hn, for varying reasons
Declan Vasser (Willing)
Edena Rez (nudged into it by her former hosts)
Nathaniel Isley (willing)
Lin Kae (has no idea what it is, thinks it's just a decoration)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #729
as for my characters.

Miles will approach Rihen,  he has never been to Risa though has been tempted to take a shore leave there (he usuially takes his shore leave to the major Federation ember and ally homeworlds (for a while he had been trying to get a diplomatic visa to visit Romulus for instance) as a means of seeing the planet as he believes seeing a homeworld/homeland of a people is the best means to understand their culture.  As such Risa isn't the highest on his list as he prefers his shore leaves to be a bit of armature anthropology/comparative theology (kinda like Picard's archaeologist side)
as such he will probably not immediately take one of the amulets and instead seek her out to ask her about the item and the cultural significance as he feels wearing it without the proper cultural understanding would be an insult to the culture of the people it means so much to.

Selena will be Eh what the hell and end up getting distracted from her "mission"to find her gun probably.  she may possibly try and approach the master at arms and ask if he would lie to set up an appointment time for her to fully divulge all detains and the like of the weapon he has in his possession.  she may even use a sort of femme fatale sort of seduction for this willing to give him nearly anything to secure said appointment.

Aisha will probably shout at one of the holograms from her spot at the waters edge to have one of them bring one to her as she cant wait to embark on whatever festivities are in store.   (if any players are interested I would prefer her to be involves in some form of group sex her fantasy thats running in her head at the moment is wanting to be gangbanged.  Preferably taking a very submissive almost a willing psuedo-rape role.  she has never had anything like this but finds tonight to be the perfect time to let go of any inhibitions of sense of shame.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #730
First off, I'd like to mention that its Midsummer's Eve tomorrow night so I may not be able to get online any - playing the host to several guests at this Swedish tradition. I will be returning and posting as soon as I can afterwards though.

Secondly, as for Lohulnat, I see and agree to some potential pairings between several characters. Mind you all that my suggested pairings are merely suggestions and totally open to be changed around. I am merely brainstorming here! Oh, and while the pairings below may be deemed sexual in nature given the setting and the statuette pendants, it does not necessarily have to be so either. That being said, here goes...

Miles and Rihen, sure! Miles would have to wait a bit until her performance is finished though. In the interim there are other pairings to focus on? Otherwise I think it would be funny to see Miles and Maya in a scene as well, and she is performing as well.

Like Zaraq and Selena, perhaps, but I don't know, would not - like you say - Selena be more interested in what Vasser may be doing around Suraya Bay, only to be disturbed by someone that ruins her attempts to spy and overhear conversation? Still, I would not object to playing Zaraq if you had Selena go after him to learn about her weapon! Otherwise, I see potential in Selena and Carrigan Trent for bionic reasons and perhaps being future colleagues...

Aisha group sex scene by the edge of the water? I could lend a character to this purpose, but I do not know who at the top of my mind. Zaraq may be inclined to such a thing. Perhaps the party girl Nightmare with the right incentive or set up but she'd be another woman. Would need a couple of more male characters for this to work , I think.

As for Vasser, unsure which one of my characters may fit best so I refrain from making a suggestion atm. Perhaps Sar-unga or Cameron Henshaw?

Edena, I'd say ThanIda zh'Wann from my own gallery but we already had a scene between them in the Thermal Springs. Oh, I'd personally see some kind of development between either Wenn Cinn, Sjaandin Fedd, Carrrigan Trent or Simon Tovarek and Edena for some reason, lol.

Isley. Oh, I think we have begun to set things up between this fine gentleman and Captain Ives already, but would it be too much to raise the stakes even higher here? *enigmatic smile* At least some conversation wouldn't be too bad in order to establish a greater turn-out later on, eh? Otherwise, perhaps Amelya Duv might be a match here?

Lin Kae. We have already mentioned Miles and Rihen, but for various reasons - the tampering with the industrial replicator on Nimbus III being one of them - it would be interesting to write a short reunion scene between these two. Don't know if Lin Kae feels bad for indirectly forcing Rihen to follow along on their voyage?

Here are random ideas for my own characters:

Jien Ives: Isley being one suggestion already. Skye Carver another where she tries to teach him/her to dance? Not sure how far it might go, but some sexual tension between Ives and Trent might be interesting to work with too.

Nicander: Eve Jenkins if the obvious date here! Nicander is bisexual though so he could be with anyone and find it beneficial for his hidden agenda, lol. Would be interesting to write Nicander in a homo(sexual) scene since that had yet to occur. Otherwise he might seduce Natalie Stark again, lol.

T'Rena: Open for suggestions here! Wenn Cinn, Sjaandin Fedd, Carrrigan Trent or Simon Tovarek?

Winterbourne: Open for suggestions here! This guy prefers men generally.

zh'Wann: Open for suggestions here! Wenn Cinn, Sjaandin Fedd, Carrrigan Trent or Simon Tovarek?

Thea: Open for suggestions here! Chief O'Connell?

Rawley: Open for suggestions here!

Please don't shoot me if I may have forgotten to name a character or two here! It would then be with no intention to leave anyone out. Like I said, this was merely at the top of my mind and there are many more writers and characters here that can add to this brainstorming process!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #731
Either works for me. As of right now until someone says other wise both characters are open for grabs so to speak

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #732
Well with Miles and Rihen I was just thinking more a conversation and him getting one of the amulets is all.  Of course he will have to make it a point to say hi for Neleo since the two were so rudely interrupted in sickbay.  IF the two retreat to somehere else or part ways I dont know yet but whoudl miles find himself alone again I am sure he coul find someone to keep him company.  Perhaps the slightly more apt to smile vulcan will peak his interest or he could always do for a reunion with Thea as they havent had much of a chance to see each other since the ishtar incident.

As for the scene with him and rihen I was just saying he may need the right cultural understanding in order to wear one was all.  So I imagine she will be free and looking for a partner in someone else after a short talk with Miles.

AS for your suggestion with Selena I like it.  It would be interesting for her to start spying on Vasser and perhaps get caught by someone else while eavesdropping.   I certainly wouldn't object to it being Trent.  given his virus he implanted in the fleet his programming abilities  and him being Intel definitely interest her.

as for Aisha I dont really know who would work best I wouln't object to other females in the group situation though the real thing I was going for was an opportunity for her to get triple penetrated and possibly left exhausted and covered nearly head to toe in quickly drying cum.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #733
I could easily see her and fluffy retreating some :)where they won't be bothered *grins*  though the tail is fair gain.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #734
Trent is going to be there, albeit somewhat uncomfortable with it but he'll make a good faith effort to mingle and have a good time.

As for hooking up during the party proper? He's got something for Trill all right. So Amelya Duv or Edena, look out. But I'd be open to other encounters as they present themselves.

And I'd be open to creating some sexual tension towards a later encounter with FemIves.

And Sten will be there as well. And seeing how he traded somewhat suggestive comments with Rawley, maybe we can line those two up?  Oh, and he'll probably play some rocking tunes too. Enya is all well and good but this is a party, right?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #735
Maya won't be on stage forever.  After her song, she's ready to mingle.   :-*  When it comes to partners, she's pathetically easy.  There probably isn't anybody onboard that couldn't seduce her if they tried.  That said she's currently interested in Wenn Cinn (the dead guy), Mister Trent (he's broken and doctors like to heal people), and Rihen Neyah (who she admires for being so liberated).   She's up for anything from a physical relationship to just a friend to drink coffee with, she's not choosey.  Trouble is, nobody wastes their time on a Vulcan and Maya never initiates intimacies on her own.  Once you befriend her you have a friend for life, but who bothers trying to make an emotional connection with a Vulcan?

Billy Bob isn't quite as ready to mingle but I think it would be interesting to see sparks fly between him and MCPO Aisha S'Iti.  They're both chiefs, and they're both around the same age, he's a cowboy and she's an injun, and they both fought in the Dominion War on the same side.  The fact she's a Cardassian is just icing on the cake because conflict is what drives drama.  

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #736
When I finally get them there:

Tatiana is useless at speaking to members of the opposite sex in any situation that isn't work.  She'll probably get flustered and try to excuse herself in some way.  Up to you if you wish to persevere ;)

Cinn is just back from the dead, depending on how things go in the lead up he might be wanting to remember what it's like to be alive... fully alive.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #737
Has been ages since I got the time to post on here. So good to see everyone is still alive and kicking. Now to the more brain stormy part of my post.

First of I have Thomas Ravon walking around, not sure if he'll be actually at the event so perhaps someone might need to persuade or encourage him.

Secondly, I have Amelya Duv who will be attending the event for sure after the hard work on Sarresh. She'll probably be in the mood for a nice drink or a good talk that might or might not lead to something more. Trent can sure try to pick her up, so cheers for the heads up. Anyone else who would try to take a shot at her feel free to do so.

Finally I still have Simon Tovarek. He'll also be attending and looking to mingle. Perhaps he could try and stall Tatiana to leave with question about the cloaking device. Or he might stumble upon Aisha in her willing pose. Could also mix with anyone else so feel free to nudge him if you are interested.

That was me for now, going to sleep now cause I have another work shift in the morning.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #738
Havent made a call one way or another yet as to if Natalie ends up at the holodeck or not.  Just before the festivities kick off, she's checking on on Rory; It'll depend on whether or not they end up going to the holodeck together, separately, or not at all ;)

Sarresh is still bubbling away in a stasis pod at this point, unless we're gonna wake him up in time for the festivities, and I can guarantee the last thing he'll want to do is mingle with any of you lot. He's gonna be a bundle of fun when he wakes up :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #739
in terms of characters I have never really interacted with that I would be interested to, I'll just list off and see where that goes:
Eve Jenkins
Tatiana Marlowe
Natalie Stark
Dyan Cardamone
Amelya Duv
Selena Ravenholm

works out I think, as I believe those are all different RPers.  Just a matter of which ones end up available and if I have a character they're interested in.  Lucan, I'm sure we will be RPing more in the future as well, but I think I should interacts with the other RPers as well if the opportunity presents itself :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #740
Y'know what I love about this place?  The depth of the characters!  I've read this story from the first post and Ida had always come across as a bit of a loose cannon... looks like I found out why!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #741
I must again apologise for my relative lack of posting lately. I've acquired some kind of eye irritation that makes viewing a computer screen for any length of time nightmarish.

I've tried posting from my phone, but there seems to be some sort of bug. Whenever I post on my mobile browser, HoE completely freezes up on me.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #742
So call me a dork, but since we are dealing with so many characters and we have hundreds of ways to combine them, I felt the need to make a spreadsheet for us all to keep track of the Festival of the Moon! Otherwise it would have become a trainwreck to try and sort out what is going on and when.

In the left column you can find the name of your character, and the columns next to it are the suggested order of the pairings suggested so far.

Some of you have left incomplete requests or suggestions, so I suggest that you try and iron out the specifics of your First, Second and Third meeting for the evening. Anyway, here goes!
         Chapter 02 Pairings            First Meeting      Second Meeting      Third Meeting   
          Cpt. Jien Ives             Ens. Skye Carver?       Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Sjaandin Fedd   
          Cmdr. Edena Rez             Open! (see kuro post)               
          Cpt. Declan Vasser             CWO Selena Ravenholm & Ida       PO1 Dyan Cardamone         
          Cmdr. T'Rena             Ens. Cir'Cie                 Ens. Cir'Cie & Lt. Sjaandin Fedd         
          Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent              Lt. Amelya Duv       Cpt. Jien Ives         
          Lt. Sjaandin Fedd             Ens. Cameron Henshaw       Cmdr. T'Rena & Cir'Cie       Cpt. Jien Ives   
          Ens. Cale Winterbourne              Group Sex Scene               
          Ens. Cameron Henshaw               Lt. Sjaandin Fedd               
          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854              Open!               
          MCPO Aisha S'Ithi             Group Sex Scene       Group Sex Scene         
          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn                Open!       Open!       Ens. Maya   
          Lt. JG ThanIda zh'Wann              CWO Selena Ravenholm       Open!         
          Lt. JG Zaraq             Group Sex Scene       Group Sex Scene?         
          PO1 Dyan Cardamone             Ens. Maya                 Cpt. Declan Vasser       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard     
          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard               Ms. Rihen Neyah          Open!       PO1 Dyan Cardamone   
          Ens. Skye Carver                  Cpt. Jien Ives?               
          MCPO Soo Young Seung                            
          Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley               Open!       CWO1 Sten Covington             
          Lt. JG Tessa May Lance                            
          Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley               Open! (see kuro post)               
          Ens. Hannah Slaverton                              
          Lt. JG Thomas Ravon              Open (needs persuation)               
          Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander               Lt. Eve Jenkins?       Open!       Open!   
          Lt. Amelya Duv             Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent                
          Lt. Eve Jenkins                    Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander?               
          Ens. Maya                       PO1 Dyan Cardamone       Ms. Rihen Neyah          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn      
          Lt. Hayden O'Connor                               
          Lt. Tatiana Marlowe               Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk)       Open (shy)         
          Lt. Lin Kae                Open! (see kuro post)               
          MCPO Billy Bob O'Connell              Group Sex Scene?       Group Sex Scene?         
          Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                Mr. Rory Callahan                   
          CWO1 Sten Covington                 Musical Performance       Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley           
          CWO Selena Ravenholm             Cpt. Declan Vasser & Ida               
          Lt. Simon Tovarek                  Lt. Tatiana Marlowe (cloak-talk)       Group Sex Scene?         
          Lt. JG Sarresh Morali               -        -        -    
          Ens. Cir'Cie                       Cmdr. T'Rena       Cmdr. T'Rena & Lt. Sjaandin Fedd         
          Mr. Rory Callahan                 Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                  
          Ms. Narik Cinsaj                               
          Ms. Rihen Neyah                Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         Ens. Maya                   
I hope this will make things clearer on what the plans are. It's clearer for me anyway, and I feel confident to start up a couple of scenes in the next couple of days according to the above. I suggest you all do the same!

Please let me know if you want to move or change stuff!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #743
Ok but only because you said to do it. Auctor you are a nerd. But I like the idea I think it will make things easier to figure out.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #744
Best use of a spreadsheet ever!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #746
 MCPO Billy Bob O'Connell               Group Sex Scene?    Harsh dude!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #747
The sooner we all admit that we want to gangbang Nathan Fillion, the sooner we achieve world peace.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #748
Hey, at least it's not Sten lol

Nobody needs to imagine Liam Neeson like that.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #749

Thank you all for the positive feedback on the spreadsheet! Like I said, I felt the dire need to make it for us all to keep track of the scenes to come.

I have done some updates, but you can still find the name of your character in the left column, and the columns next to that are the suggested order of the pairings suggested so far. I have mainly made sure to visualise potential pairings between Kurohigi's characters and the characters that he'd like to RP with. I leave it to you guys to find the connections you like.
         Chapter 02 Pairings            First Meeting      Second Meeting      Third Meeting   
          Cpt. Jien Ives             Ens. Skye Carver?       Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Sjaandin Fedd   
          Cmdr. Edena Rez             Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn          Open! (see Kurohigi's post)         
          Cpt. Declan Vasser             CWO Selena Ravenholm & Ida       PO1 Dyan Cardamone         
          Cmdr. T'Rena             Ens. Cir'Cie                 Ens. Cir'Cie & Sjaandin         
          Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent              Lt. Amelya Duv       Cpt. Jien Ives         
          Lt. Sjaandin Fedd             Ens. Cameron Henshaw       Cmdr. T'Rena & Cir'Cie       Cpt. Jien Ives   
          Ens. Cale Winterbourne              Group Sex Scene       Group Sex Scene         
          Ens. Cameron Henshaw               Lt. Sjaandin Fedd       Open!         
          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854              Open!               
          MCPO Aisha S'Ithi             Group Sex Scene       Group Sex Scene       Open! M/F   
          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn                Cmdr. Edena Rez       Open!       Ens. Maya   
          Lt. JG ThanIda zh'Wann              CWO Selena Ravenholm       Open!         
          Lt. JG Zaraq             Group Sex Scene       Group Sex Scene         
          PO1 Dyan Cardamone             Open!       Cpt. Declan Vasser       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard     
          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard               Ms. Rihen Neyah          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854        PO1 Dyan Cardamone   
          Ens. Skye Carver                  Cpt. Jien Ives?               
          MCPO Soo Young Seung                            
          Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley               Open!       CWO1 Sten Covington             
          Lt. JG Tessa May Lance                            
          Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley               Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Open! (see Kurohigi's post)         
          Ens. Hannah Slaverton                              
          Lt. JG Thomas Ravon              Open! (needs persuation)               
          Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander               Lt. Eve Jenkins?       Open!       Open!   
          Lt. Amelya Duv             Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        (A Kurohigi character?)         
          Lt. Eve Jenkins                    Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander?       (A Kurohigi character?)         
          Ens. Maya                       Group Sex Scene       Ms. Rihen Neyah          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn      
          Lt. Hayden O'Connor                               
          Lt. Tatiana Marlowe               Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk)       (A Kurohigi character?)         
          Lt. Lin Kae                Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Open! (see Kurohigi's post)         
          MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell              Open!       Group Sex Scene?         
          Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                Mr. Rory Callahan                   
          CWO1 Sten Covington                 Musical Performance       Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley           
          CWO Selena Ravenholm             Cpt. Declan Vasser & Ida       (A Kurohigi character?)       Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854    
          Lt. Simon Tovarek                  Lt. Tatiana Marlowe (cloak-talk)       Group Sex Scene?         
          Lt. JG Sarresh Morali               -        -        -    
          Ens. Cir'Cie                       Cmdr. T'Rena       Cmdr. T'Rena & Sjaandin         
          Mr. Rory Callahan                 Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                  
          Ms. Narik Cinsaj                               
          Ms. Rihen Neyah                Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         Ens. Maya                   
Like I said, I will start up a couple of scenes in the next couple of days according to the above. I suggest you all do the same!

Here is the current list as I see it for the "First Meeting":

Initiated Scenes:
Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent - Lt. Amelya Duv [CanadianVet & Nolan]
Lt. Sjaandin Fedd - Ens. Cameron Henshaw [Leonal & Cathreen Dawinter]
PO1 Dyan Cardamone - Ens. Maya [Cathreen Dawinter & Doctor Maya]
Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard - Ms. Rihen Neyah [IronFerrox & Auctor Lucan]
Lt. Tatiana Marlowe - Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk) [TheBanshee & Nolan]

Pending Scenes:
Group Sex Scene [IronFerrox, Auctor Lucan & Doctor Maya]
Cpt. Declan Vasser - CWO Selena Ravenholm & Ida [IronFerrox, Kurohigi & Auctor Lucan]
Cmdr. T'Rena - Ens. Cir'Cie [Auctor-Lucan]
Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley - CWO1 Sten Covington (after musical performance) [Auctor Lucan & CanadianVet]
Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark - Mr. Rory Callahan (Current Chapter 01 scene) [Brutus & Searcher]

Awaiting Yea or Nay:
Cpt. Jien Ives - Ens. Skye Carver [Auctor Lucan & Searcher]
Cmdr. Edena Rez - Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn [Kurohigi & TheBanshee]
Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander - Lt. Eve Jenkins? [Auctor Lucan & Searcher]

Please let me know if you want to move or change stuff!

Doctor Maya, I listed O'Connell for the scene with Aisha S'Ithi since you mentioned an interest in such a meeting, but the nature of the scene did not add up with the reserved state of mind he is in, so I leave it to you to mention alternative meetings you'd see for him. :)

The Chapter 02 starter thread is open for everyone to post in with your characters. If you are more comfortable replying there, that's cool, yet there might be a lot of traffic there if everyone posts in that thread. In order to not let a specific pairing of conversation (or sex) take over that starter thread, I think that all one-on-one scenes that become too "exclusive" - in lack of a better word - should emigrate into a new thread on the board where such a scene can play out without sending notifications to numerous non-involved writers.



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