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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413921 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #700
Leonal, I'd rather individual posts. It's just a preference.

If you're open to that, I'll fire up a new thread when my brain actually works.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #701
Alright, I'll be about once I finish work tomorrow. Zzzzzzz.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #702
Quick announcement!

Since the Prologue threads are wrapping up, save for Below Decks which might continue a bit further since it extends through the entire day (same day as the morning where they left Theta Eridani IV and found Task Force Archeron waiting above the atmosphere )... I will reveal what may have been hinted already in some of the threads.

Chapter 01, which takes place the day after and begins with Wenn Cinn and Carrigan Trent being cleared by Deputy zh'Wann, will end with another Below Decks scene at 2000 hrs (give or take). This might be helpful for everyone to know in planning ahead, because this scene will be open for all characters, and not mainly the Lone Wolves heading there after being dismissed (like in the Prologue).

This scene will set off with a show from Rihen Neyah (and perhaps Doctor Maya does a number afterwards?), using her Risan showmanship to ease things up after all the crap the crews went through on TEIV. Crews, indeed, because this show marks the time when the Theurgy and Harbinger rendezvous. Celebration for being alive and together again, much to talk about come the morrow, and yet darker things will already be stirring underneath the surface....

This evening of celebration is supposed to give everyone a chance to have their character(s) take it easy and socialise freely before the major plotline kicks in for real again. Things might not be so merry for the characters anymore after that point... Consider this an opportunity not to be wasted! :)

The starter post for the show will be coming up in the next couple of days. If anyone has subplots or ideas to discuss with me to augment the story at this point, feel free to PM me anytime. Now, it's 2.11 am so I am heading to bed. G'night!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #703
Really? A G.I. Joe reference? :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #704
If Sar-unga is out of sickbay in time she shall be there  :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #706


On an aside, I likely won't post tonight. I got Facebook-raped by a social justice warrior whom I thought was my friend (and is now posting attention-seeking diatribes about me on tumblr). Now I am depressed.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #707
Err... lol, if there was a G.I. Joe reference, it was entirely unintentional. :)

Oh, I forgot to say - given the late hour yesterday - that I was happy to read the collective reaction to switching RL-resemblance for FemIves (indeed a honorary reference towards the great Mass Effect game series). I had no idea that Ming-Na Wen played the voice of Mulan until Leonal told me, so it really throw the choice in an even more perfect glimmer. I only ever saw the Swedish dubbing when I was a child.

The image with the sword... I wonder if I could make that with... *eyes light up as he stands slowly, and speaks in the voice of Barney Stinson* Challenge accepted! *mad laughter*



PS .Sorry to hear about what happened, Leonal. DS.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #708
I know this is a serious RP and it's honestly all I could think of for a title to the thread. It is, after all, about finding out about their enemy. And I didn't have enough space in the title line to properly quote Sun Tzu so I had to fall back on something that fit the bill.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #710
Err... lol, if there was a G.I. Joe reference, it was entirely unintentional.

yea its a reoccurring line from the end of the episode PSA's.  most of them would end with the kid saying.

"And now I know"

and the member of GI Joe replying "And knowing is half the battle!"

then the psa would end withthe melodic gi joe title being said with the logo shown.

Result is many kids such as me who grew up on that show have the exchange engrained in our head as

"And now I know, And knowing is half the battle. GEEE IIII JOOOOEEEE!"

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #711
Sorry CV I didn't mean to rip on it. :-) been a crappy night.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #712
No need to apologize.

And yes, that tidbit from my childhood is what popped to my mind when I couldn't find a good title. And like I said, didn't have the space to quote Sun Tzu lol

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #713
Ladies and gentlemen (and others), I'd like to introduce the Theurgy's newest crewmember Master Chief William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell!

Chief O'Connell is about as different from Ensign Maya as possible.  He's an enlisted puke, so if any of you officers need to give an order to someone, Billy Bob's your man.  If anyone who's enlisted wants to share a beer with Billy Bob 'Below Decks', he's up for that too.  Now that I've got a second character I'll probably be changing my handle again.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #714
Hey guys, I'm Josh, aka Rising. I'm new to HoE, and just got my character, Laxton Amani, approved for RP. You can see his images and biography in the crew manifest. I urge you to skim it, I worked really hard, as well as you all did, to make my character interesting. I'm really fun when you get to know me, so ask me anything you want, whether it be about Star Trek, my character, or personal life (to an extent). I'm happy to be part of your crew, nonetheless, and I can't wait to hop on the adventurous train of this RP.

Best of days,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #715
Welcome to the group. I can tell you everyone here is nice and easy to work with. I am looking foreword to writing with you.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #717
Welcome, welcome.  More fresh meat new people are always welcome here :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #719
Welcome to our little corner of the web.

Rising, feel free to join the Damage thread. All pilots are doing basic maintenance jobs since all the fighters are grounded because of the volcanic crap they've sucked in and the deck itself needing to be checked out after the combat landings.

And Maya, here's a thought: how about Billy Bob pops his head in too? Sten could use extra hands with the structural assessment of the deck and it substructure and to get the dents pounded out of the deck. Not to mention Sten might have asked him, one senior NCO to another, if he could lend a hand?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #720
Why shucks, CV.  Billy Bob'll be glad to.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #721

Chapter 02 starter has been posted, and for sake of reference it takes place on the same day as Chapter 01, only at 9 pm in the evening. Here is the link:

I will be waiting for as many as possible to write their characters arriving to the event before Rihen Neyah stops juggling knifes and declares the festival opened. Don't forget to read the OOC note and PM me if you have any questions. You may of course post your questions here as well.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #723
sorry i have been away fr a bit the last week or so.  Shit went on IRL with recieving dental bills that were supposed to be covered by insurance but weren't and I had to deal with that.  

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #724
Just to let you all know I'm alive.  Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit busy this week.

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