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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413923 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #750
looking at the "spreadsheet I have a few ideas for my own characters t fill in the blanks

MCPO Aisha S'Ithi                Group Sex Scene          Group Sex Scene          Open!  
(I was thinking two rounds of group sex and the opn slot I was thinking someone else sees her there in the sand exhausted limp and naked and decides it might be kind to help her back to some quarters (their own or hers is irrelivant where she gets treated to a much more personal experience.  I am pretty much open to whoever, Male or Female for this.)

Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard                  Ms. Rihen Neyah             Open!          PO1 Dyan Cardamone
If ya dont mind, Miles would probably like to catch up with Thea after all it has been a while since they had a chance to so much as talk aside from through her computer interface.

 CWO Selena Ravenholm                Cpt. Declan Vasser & Ida          (A Kurohigi character?)
I'm pretty muh open to whatever but for her final scene I know its redundant for me to mention the same character with two of mine but since she's open I think selena being a hacker would very much like to get to know the Theurgy on a much more personal level.  If anything she would probably seek out the AI just to try and get to know her better.  it it turns into a physical interaction then selena would relish the opprotunity to bond with a computer in a way she has never gotten to experience before.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #752
Quick Announcement to Avoid IC Confusion:

Wenn Cinn was seen arriving by a lot of people in the morning of the Prologue (Day 1). Rumours spreading has the ship knowing about this and Carrigan Trent at the point when they are both shot and released from the Brig (Morning on Day 2, also Chapter 01).

At the end of Day 2, by 2100 hrs (Start Chapter 02), Wenn Cinn has been reinstated to the office of Chief of Security and Carrigan Trent is the new Intelligence Officer. The reports have gone out across the ship, but I suppose it is one thing reading about it and listening to hearsay from the Flight Hangar scene... and to actually see Wenn Cinn back on his feet.

So, no need to make any huge fuzz over the sight of Wenn Cinn by the time of Chapter 02. :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #753
This may sound strange but Ensign Maya is MUCH more open to the group sex scene than Chief O'Connell is.   O'Connell isn't ready for one on one and Maya just wants to be included in whatever anybody else is doing. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #754
Ok, spreadsheet updated!

Note: For the First Meeting, this leaves O'Connell open just as well as Dyan Cardamone/Sar-unga Neleo is left open (even though there is a current scene between Maya and Dyan, perhaps a bonus scene? lol).

Off to bed. 2 am here. G'night people!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #755
Then since her first meting is open if anyone would like it she will probably be hanging close to the bar.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #756

OBS: Since (at least for me) the OOC thread has switched to page 16, I am reposting current relevant information (with updates) below.

The below list of threads is chronological, starting with the Prologue and ending with Chapter 02. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. Just click on each thread to get there.

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I]

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II]

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks] Next poster: Searcher
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge]
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay] Next poster: Doctor Maya

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Cleaning Up] (Upcoming!) Next poster: Leonal

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor

CHAPTER 01: Cobalt & Iron [0715 hrs.] Next poster: TheBanshee

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.]
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.]
CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.] Next poster: CanadianVet

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.] Next poster: Leonal/CanadianVet

CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.] Next poster: Anyone!

CHAPTER 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon [Plus Adherent Threads] Next poster: See spreadsheet below

On the old Part 1 board I am only missing the finishing development between Tessa May Lance (Leonal, where is that character sheet? ;) ) and Zaraq in Unusual Courting.

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon

The name of your characters are the left column, and the columns next to that are the curently suggested order of the pairings.
         Chapter 02 Pairings            First Meeting      Second Meeting      Third Meeting   
          Cpt. Jien Ives             Ens. Skye Carver       Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Sjaandin Fedd   
          Cmdr. Edena Rez             Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn          Lt. Simon Tovarek              
          Cpt. Declan Vasser             CWO Selena Ravenholm       PO1 Dyan Cardamone         
          Cmdr. T'Rena             Ens. Cir'Cie                 Ens. Cir'Cie & Sjaandin         
          Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent              Lt. Amelya Duv       Cpt. Jien Ives         
          Lt. Sjaandin Fedd             Ens. Cameron Henshaw       Cmdr. T'Rena & Cir'Cie       Cpt. Jien Ives   
          Ens. Cale Winterbourne              Open!       Open!         
          Ens. Cameron Henshaw               Lt. Sjaandin Fedd       Open!         
          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854              Open!       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         CWO Selena Ravenholm   
          MCPO Aisha S'Ithi             Ms. Rihen Neyah          Open!       Open! M/F   
          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn                Cmdr. Edena Rez       Open!       Ens. Maya   
          Lt. JG ThanIda zh'Wann              Open!       Open!         
          Lt. JG Zaraq             Open!       Open!         
          PO1 Dyan Cardamone             Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         Cpt. Declan Vasser       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard     
          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard               PO1 Dyan Cardamone       Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854        PO1 Dyan Cardamone   
          Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"             Ens. Maya                         
          Ens. Skye Carver                  Cpt. Jien Ives       Lt. JG Thomas Ravon          
          MCPO Soo Young Seung                            
          Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley               CWO1 Sten Covington           Open!         
          Lt. JG Tessa May Lance                            
          Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley               Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Open! (see Kurohigi's post)         
          Ens. Hannah Slaverton                              
          Lt. JG Thomas Ravon              Open! (needs persuation)       Ens. Skye Carver              
          Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander               Lt. Eve Jenkins       Open!       Open!   
          Lt. Amelya Duv             Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Lin Kae            
          Lt. Eve Jenkins                    Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander       (A Kurohigi character?)         
          Ens. Maya                       Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"       Ms. Rihen Neyah          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn      
          Lt. Hayden O'Connor                 MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell                
          Lt. Tatiana Marlowe               Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk)       (A Kurohigi character?)         
          Lt. Lin Kae                Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Lt. Amelya Duv         
          MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell              Lt. Hayden O'Connor           Open!         
          Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                Mr. Rory Callahan                   
          CWO1 Sten Covington                 Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley         Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley           
          CWO Selena Ravenholm             Cpt. Declan Vasser       (A Kurohigi character?)       Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854    
          Lt. Simon Tovarek                  Lt. Tatiana Marlowe (cloak-talk)       Cmdr. Edena Rez         
          Lt. JG Sarresh Morali               -        -        -    
          Ens. Cir'Cie                       Cmdr. T'Rena       Cmdr. T'Rena & Sjaandin         
          Mr. Rory Callahan                 Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                  
          Ms. Narik Cinsaj                               
          Ms. Rihen Neyah                MCPO Aisha S'Ithi       Ens. Maya                 Open!   
Like I have said, I will start up a couple of scenes in the next couple of days according to the above. I suggest you all do the same!

Here is the current list as I see it for the "First Meeting":

Finished Scenes:
Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard - Ms. Rihen Neyah [IronFerrox & Auctor Lucan]
PO1 Dyan Cardamone - Ens. Maya [Cathreen Dawinter & Doctor Maya]

Initiated Scenes:
Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent - Lt. Amelya Duv [CanadianVet & Nolan]
Lt. Sjaandin Fedd - Ens. Cameron Henshaw [Leonal & Cathreen Dawinter]
Cpt. Declan Vasser - CWO Selena Ravenholm[IronFerrox, Kurohigi (& Auctor Lucan)]
Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley - CWO1 Sten Covington [Auctor Lucan & CanadianVet]
Ms. Rihen Neyah - MCPO Aisha S'Ithi [IronFerrox & Auctor Lucan]
Cmdr. Edena Rez - Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn [Kurohigi & TheBanshee]
Lt Cmdr. "Phantom" - Ens. Maya [Auctor Lucan & Doctor Maya]
Lt. Tatiana Marlowe - Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk) [TheBanshee & Nolan]
Lt. Eve Jenkins - Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley [Kurohigi & Searcher]

Pending Scenes:
Cmdr. T'Rena - Ens. Cir'Cie [Auctor Lucan]
MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell - Lt. Hayden O'Connor [Doctor Maya & The Counselor]
Cpt. Jien Ives - Ens. Skye Carver [Auctor Lucan & Searcher]
Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark - Mr. Rory Callahan (Current Chapter 01 scene) [Brutus & Searcher]

Awaiting Yea or Nay:

Please let me know if you want to move or change stuff!

The Chapter 02 starter thread is open for everyone to post in with your characters. If you are more comfortable replying there, that's cool, yet there might be a lot of traffic there if everyone posts in that thread. In order to not let a specific pairing of conversation (or sex) take over that starter thread, I think that all one-on-one scenes that become too "exclusive" - in lack of a better word - should emigrate into a new thread on the board where such a scene can play out without sending notifications to numerous non-involved writers.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #757
I think a dance lesson would be good so Skye would be open for a bit of a scene with the captain and then she'd probably work on persuading Thomas to come to the holodeck.

I wasn't sure what to do with Eve since there are many she could interact with though she will be at the holodeck.  She will always welcome Lucan's attentions.

Still recovering from the long vacation, overdid things and dealing with extra pain so please forgive my slowness but I am trying to catch up with everything.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #758
Spreadsheet and story overview updated!

I have put it on my list to have Lucan approach Eve Jenkins where she is currently at, but since Lucan has hogged Eve to himself most of the story, I leave it open to anyone to beat Lucan to it. ;)

As might be apparent above, I have quite a few scenes active so possible candidates should have a day or two to win the eye of our sweet Head Nurse (just beware of the daydreams she inflict upon people at this point in the story!).

Glad to hear Jien will get the opportunity to dance a bit! :) The starter for that scene is on my list as well unless you want to set the scene Searcher.



Ps. Updates are made from PMs too, so you all might notice a few more pairings. Ds.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #759
Update: New Chapter 02 locations!

I just posted two placeholders for threads that everyone can use as they see fit!

CHAPTER 02: Steam-pools [2130 hrs.]

This location is set up based on the reference to the steam-pools on Risa (see popular attractions):

Descriptions of the area is open for everyone to work out as your characters go there.

CHAPTER 02: Subterranean Gardens [2130 hrs.]

The only canon description available for these gardens is "Subterranean Gardens with luminescent plants." These are also mentioned in the link above. Free to expand upon as well if your characters goes there.

That's it for tonight. G'night!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #760
Just letting everyone know, I'm very much enjoying the thread. I meant to be posting at least twice a day but life keeps tripping me up! Gonna do my best.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #761
I'm laptopless for the next 24-36 hours. Replies may be badly written (on the Kindle), slow or non-existent.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #763
I'm back... bit longer than expected - blame wine ;)

I'm going to try and get through as much today as I can as I am on a people-avoidance day :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #764
As is evident I am a bit spread thin all over the Theurgy roleplay so the number of scenes I am writing in lowers the frequency in which I post a wee bit but not by much. Gradually, my posts are going up on the board and into e-mail Joint Posts (aside from Group administration).

There is no need sending me reminders since no one is forgotten (I have my list) and I do not want to be stressed out when I am enjoying the story as much as I do now. I want it to remain fun and not a burden.

2.39 am here now and heading to bed. G'night...



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #767
apologies for delays in posting.  Been busy here between work, house shopping, and starting up a group game of my own on another site

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #768
It's awesome that you guys keep everyone posted on busyness and such here in the OOC thread!


Some minor additions and changes plut an update to current posting order in the Prologue and Chapter 01 threads.

Since Dr. Nicander dismissed everyone in Exigency of Life so that they could prepare for the holodeck event, he is alone in the Morgue doing eye-surgery on Dr. Miko Dauntless' corpse if anyone (present or not in the scene so far) would like to swing by him for a chat before he gets to join in on the holodeck. In retrospect of writing that sentence, could anyone think of a more romantic location and setting than that? lol! Here is the link for those interested:

I am happy to inform everyone that I am on vacation at my summer house now and I have therefore an abundance of time for writing. My previous OOC post about reminders was required since I got several of them at the same time, but that shouldn't have to happen anytime soon from this point on.

That said, feel free to hit me with posts and hit me hard. ;)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #769

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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #770
Got a few posts out but still owe a couple more.  It's after 2 a.m. though and I need a bit of a nap first.  Sorry it's taking me a bit but I'll get there eventually!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #771
I must apologize for my recent absence. Work has been stressing me out and I had a hectic weekend. What little downtime I had was spent vegetating on the couch watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #772
I must apologize for my recent absence. Work has been stressing me out and I had a hectic weekend. What little downtime I had was spent vegetating on the couch watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
by the clone wars do you mean the cgi series they made after ep 3 came out or the regular cartoon miniseries that came out as hype for ep 3. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #773
The latter. I got all excited when I found out there was a sixth season on Netflix.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #774
The latter. I got all excited when I found out there was a sixth season on Netflix.
only good things imo that came out of that clone wars cgi fest is the dark lightsaber that the one merc has. the delta squad cameo and Gregor.

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