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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #675
If I watch every episode of it till current will There be any spoilers for Winter soldier or do they separate movie from TV enough to avoid spoils.
  The later half of the season tie closely to Winter Soldier.  There is one episode that is practically a crossover, after which a central villain of the movie becomes the primary antagonist for the rest of the series.  If you're worried about spoilers (or want to get some references from the movie made by the show) watch Winter Soldier first.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #677
Nice job on the photos, Auctor. I knew Ming-Na Wen would be perfect for the part. *sees the bikini shot* Aaaaaaand now I've had my first-ever dirty thoughts about her. Good job.

On an aside note, Wen also voiced the character of Mulan.

Oh hey look, there's Ives on the poster! ;D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #678
with that post, Leonal, you've won the internet tonight as far as I'm concerned! lol

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #679
Thanks! :D But I don't want the internet. It's full of questionable porn, misogyny, viruses and bronies. Can we re-gift it to someone else?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #680
sorry, you gotta take the good with the bad.  I gotta agree with your list of questionable content though  :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #681
that feel when you can probably look on your harddrive and find a pony related porn with misogonistic content that would cause people to get sick...Fuck my life

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #682
Misogyny isn't about porn, buddy. It's about how people act. :) And I have nothing against people who look at cartoon ponies... that way. I'm sure I've probably fapped to weirder things in my lifetime. ;) and I still watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but I distanced myself from the bronies because...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #683
Misogyny is definitely something detestable.  Frankly, it only belongs in plots meant to help you hate a character even more then you already do (so it figures heavily into a plot Searcher and I just started, where she is gonna get to play some kick ass females fighting to defeat an empire full of misogynists ^^)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #684
I can't even do that because every time I think about misogynists I just get so mad I can't think.

I mean, I was physically and mentally abused by a woman for decades and somehow managed not to become a misogynist, because I have a brain, so WHAT the hell is THEIR EXCUSE YOU ASSHOLES

whoops, sorry there I go again

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #685
Heh, I was saying I probably have a pic on my harddrive that combines all 4 of your complaints about the internet.

but yea.  I just like the show too and kinda like to troll people who overreact to pony images.

Also i think most of the mysogony on the internet isnt actual woman hate but a case of small dick syndrome.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #686
Well, the problem is that only a minority of men are actual misogynist assholes; but the problem is so prevalent (hashtag Yes All Women) is ubiquitous because nobody calls them on their bullshit.

Did you see all the YouTube comments about that dickwad that went on the shooting rampage? "Well girls, maybe this will make you think twice before friendzoning some guy."


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #687
I'm okay with playing the role in a story, mainly because I have always had an affinity for playing villains, as well as being given the "master" role in BDSM themed plots, which leads to some posing as a dominating figure over women.  It's just the people who honestly believe the crap about superior and inferior genders that get to me.,  That can go both ways, as I have seen some hardcore feminists who make me just as disgusted as a misogynist.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #688
Yeah, which gives a black eye to feminism sadly.

because some dudes whine about "well why isn't there a men's rights/movement/whatever"


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #689
However, the more mainstream version of feminism isn't about women being on the same standing as men, it is to give them a leg up over men.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for gender equality. But it has to be across the board. For one, I do not agree with the lower fitness standards for the Canadian Armed Forces old XPRESS test and I much prefer the Battle Fitness Test that is the standard for field units. In my age bracket, the XPRESS test threshold a woman had to reach to be exempted from testing the following year wasn't even enough for me to pass that test. The BFT, on the other hand, has fixed thresholds of time, distance and workload.

So in terms of gender equality, the BFT requires everyone to meet the same set of standards. And as a section head (yes, I was one), I would empower by weaker female personnel by giving them more time to work up for the test during regular hours if the workload allowed for it.

As for men's rights, we have a few groups like that in Canada and with reason. Particularly in family court, men have a serious disadvantage. By default, they consider all men are unfit to be parents in their eyes and must prove to the judge why they would be a better parent, or even fit to be with their children unsupervised, than their abusive/absentee/alcoholic/etc mother. It's happened to a few buddies of mine going through divorce. And the same goes with the Ontario Family Responsibility Office, which oversees child support payments. If an otherwise responsible father (not a deadbeat who goes off the grid to not pay child support) misses a payment for any reason, including when it I through no fault of his own like a problem with payroll or a banking error, they will come down on him like a ton of bricks and suspend his driver's license, freeze his passport, send the cops to his door and get him locked up until the money is paid up (happened to someone I know). And unless she's loaded, a woman will always get a free pass from them.

And if it comes to he Human Rights Tribunals, a straight man will ALWAYS lose to a woman, as "men have always been privileged and therefore cannot be discriminated against on the basis of gender".

Sorry about the rant here. I'm all for gender equality, so long as it is across the board and not selective.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #690
However, the more mainstream version of feminism isn't about women being on the same standing as men, it is to give them a leg up over men.

Disagree with you HARDCORE on that one, buddy. And while it's true that men get an unfair shake in some circumstances (the domestic court thing you mentioned, as well as domestic violence), most "Men's Rights Associations" are completely unnecessary (and consist of chauvinists who feel threatened by feminism). I had a coworker tell me yesterday he thinks women want to be raped (and yes, I live in Canada). 1 in 5 American women will be raped at college. Once we correct that imbalance, then we can start worrying about starting men's rights groups.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #691
ya know I did have a long rant about why bronies became hated as well as my thoughts on feminism and SJWs (social justice warriors)  but i then said fuck it.

I'll just say I am for Equal rights for all but I am sick of the mentality that equal means protected from hearing about people with differing opinions.

Equal means just that legally on equal ground that dont mean you are protected from having to exist on the same planet as Nazi's.  Equal means they have a right to express their opinions butdont have a right to act on them.  If some moron wants to stand on a street corner saying "Jews did 911 and floride is an Illuminati Reptilian conspiracy to steralize the white man." then fine let them.  Cool let the say it i'm no offended its my Equal right to go "HAHAHA! ur a fukin moron."

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #692
SJWs are the reason I stopped reading Shortpacked :D and uh, I was talking about rape, not free speech. Although that is an hilarious comparison and I would say it's true.

ya know I did have a long rant about why bronies became hated
I hope it ended with the words "because of bronies" because bronies only have a reputation because of stuff bronies did. Not all bronies are creepy assholes, but every creepy asshole brony is a brony.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #693
Have to put my forum moderator hat on guys and gals - discussions of this nature belong in the Embrace the flames section of the broads, or the politics section, I suppose. They have no place in the rp ooc thread. I understand y'all didn't plan to get sidetracked into the conversation, but if y'all plan to continue, take it elsewhere.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #694
I hope it ended with the words "because of bronies"
Not the exact last words but pretty much yea most hate of the show hate is fandom's fault.

As for you brutus... yea god point thanks for shovign the thread back onto the tracks.

Everyone be warned though lest it rear its ugly head again

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #695
So isn't that technically bringing it up again? ;)

So uh, how 'bout that Theurgy? I feel like I've an uphill battle to really integrate Fedd into the crew. :) How would I find my best course of action?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #696
well Below decks thread is occurring a couple hours before he had to show up to his meeting in the conference room. He could show up there not knowing that its swamped with the wolves.  it isnt like below decks is closed for everyone else after all.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #697
Well, I need to integrate Trent as well. Would a meeting between the CTO and the IntO to go over the tactical reports of the encounters with the Calamity be a possibility?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #698
Heh technically both of these would occur at separate times if he wanted to be in both. 

The meeting you mention vet would be part of the current chapter and below decks is a supplementary of the previous one.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #699
well Below decks thread is occurring a couple hours before he had to show up to his meeting in the conference room. He could show up there not knowing that its swamped with the wolves.  it isnt like below decks is closed for everyone else after all.
Well, Fedd did say he wanted a drink. :) Might also be a good time to reintroduce Tessa as well.
Well, I need to integrate Trent as well. Would a meeting between the CTO and the IntO to go over the tactical reports of the encounters with the Calamity be a possibility?
Yes. Would you like to make it a Joint post?

Sorry for not replying sooner; HoE is being incredibly sketchy when accessed via my phone.

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