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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #625
It's good to see IF posting here so I know my Oklahoma neighbor is okay.  I'm a little worried about my fellow Arkansan, Cathreen.  I hope you are okay and will breathe easier when I see a post from you.

Some of you may not know, but we had a devastating tornado rip through our state last night and there's so much death and destruction.  We were lucky in my area though just a few miles down the road, a man and his two daughters were lost.

You talking about the one that Touched down in Mayflower?  Channel 5 is talking about that storm right now.

As for myself the rotation that was spotted near Rich mountain (just north of Mena) Passed a few miles south of me right before it intensified.  and started rotating.  Worst we got from it was a torrential downpour and a little pea sized hail.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #626
Yeah, the hook and tornado actually started in my county and just kept getting stronger as it went along.  It hit Mayflower and stayed on the ground through Vilonia (which is absolutely devastated for the second time in just a handful of years) and onward to the northeast corner of the state.  They tracked it and said it basically stayed on the ground for the three hour jaunt through the state.  Even with significant warning ahead of time, it was still one of the most brutal storms we've had and there's never really a way to fully prepare.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #627
I am so sorry to hear about the tornadoes in your areas. As for your question about Cathreen, Searcher, she did post a couple of hours ago in Part II.

All: New thread posted for Sickbay events directly following the Prologue.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #628
I hadn't received a notification there but I'm really glad to hear she's posted.  WHEW!

I'll be away from the computer for a few hours now.  Gotta get ready and go to the Scout Court of Honor.  My older son has achieved Life status so is just a few steps away from Eagle Scout.  Tonight they celebrate his achievement though so I'll be there with handfuls of tissues.  :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #630
Glad to see a new face, and that the old faces are still alive after that storm. I got a buddy whose parents are out that way - scary stuff. We're getting whats left of the storm front here in VA over the next few days - no tornados expected, but still, icky.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #631
Bless you AL.  I send Maya to sickbay immediately.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #632
I hadn't received a notification there but I'm really glad to hear she's posted.  WHEW!

I'll be away from the computer for a few hours now.  Gotta get ready and go to the Scout Court of Honor.  My older son has achieved Life status so is just a few steps away from Eagle Scout.  Tonight they celebrate his achievement though so I'll be there with handfuls of tissues.  :D
  Grats to your kid on that one.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #633
I am so sorry to hear about the tornadoes in your areas. As for your question about Cathreen, Searcher, she did post a couple of hours ago in Part II.

All: New thread posted for Sickbay events directly following the Prologue.



Is this a jab at me?  *angelic pose*

I'll see about getting something posted tomorrow.  I ended up on kid and family duty all weekend so I was unable to write. 

Seriously, though, thanks for creating supplementary threads.  It just didn't feel right to throw the Sharesh storyline right into the midst of the CO encounters.  It would be like reading about Pip from Great Expectations then jumping into Shelley's Frankenstein with no segue.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #634
Glad to hear you all survived the tornadoes! European habitnts have very little (to no) experience with them. Worst we get is heavy storms but nothing that severe. Also welcome to our newest writer ^^ Looking forward to write with you!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #636
Was Red Alert or Battlestations ever called in this latest interaction with Starfleet?  I don't recall but then my memory isn't the best.  I'm trying to figure out where and what Narik was up to from the time she left Sickbay until she returns there for the supplementary thread.

Nevermind, I found where it was.

"Jesus Christ," said Winterbourne, eyes wide. "We are dead..."

"Red Alert!" proclaimed Jien, hands made into fists by her sides where she stared upon the viewscreen. "Can we get away?"

"I might have a minimal chance to escape," said Thea, referring to herself as a ship, "


Red Alert has been issued on both ships. Current status for the departments are as follows:

Engineering/Operations: Addressing issues that may have arisen because of the volcanic tremors before leaving the ground and the high degree of ash in the air on the planet. People that in the last minutes were Transported to the transport buffers are to be freed into the Transporter Rooms. Further orders are pending from the Chief Engineer and Chief of Operations respectively.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #637
New question:  When was the Red Alert canceled?


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #638
The Red Alert was changed to Yellow Alert in this post:

Obviously, it is after the fleet was shut down and they activated the phasing cloak. In order to bring aboard the shuttle, they dropped the cloak for a while to allow Carrigan Trent and Wenn Cinn to come aboard. They they cloaked again, and sped off to leave the fleet behind before any ships were restored to full power.

It has not been covered in my posts, but Yellow Alert should have been cancelled as soon as they were not under hostile threat, meaning when they had gained themselves enough distance between the dead fleet and themselves. In fact, PBeryl, you should feel free to have Yellow Alert cancelled in your post, and thus leaving her with an opening to leave Engineering and head to Sickbay if that is still your intent. :)

Did I miss anything? Its late and I am heading to bed. Thanks for the reading and I look forward to your post in Sickbay!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #639
Too bad it didn't work out.   :(

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #640
The Red Alert was changed to Yellow Alert in this post:

Obviously, it is after the fleet was shut down and they activated the phasing cloak. In order to bring aboard the shuttle, they dropped the cloak for a while to allow Carrigan Trent and Wenn Cinn to come aboard. They they cloaked again, and sped off to leave the fleet behind before any ships were restored to full power.

It has not been covered in my posts, but Yellow Alert should have been cancelled as soon as they were not under hostile threat, meaning when they had gained themselves enough distance between the dead fleet and themselves. In fact, PBeryl, you should feel free to have Yellow Alert cancelled in your post, and thus leaving her with an opening to leave Engineering and head to Sickbay if that is still your intent. :)

Did I miss anything? Its late and I am heading to bed. Thanks for the reading and I look forward to your post in Sickbay!



Okay, can do.  Here's what I'm working with as a timeline for how long the different conditions were active (from Narik's perspective):
* Narik arrived in Sickbay and spoke with LT Marlows before going to Engineering (T=0)
* CAPT Ives arrived in Sickbay, gave the order to come to him in two hours with suggestions for restoring Sarresh, then went to the Bridge.  (T=5 min)
* CAPT Ives ordered Red Alert (T=7 minutes)
* LT Marlowe beamed into Engineering and installed the cloaking device (T=8 to 12 mins)
* CAPT Ives ordered evasive maneuvers and cloaking (T=12 min)
* Plasma conduit ruptured (T=13 min)
* CAPT Ives ordered Yellow Alert (T=17 min)
* CAPT Ives in the Hangar Bay and that plotline (T=18 to 30 min) (Not like Narik knows this is happening, though)
* Yellow Alert canceled (T=35 min) as Ives heads to the Conference Lounge.

Please let me know how off the mark this is.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #642
I'll be posting soon. I derped and somehow missed Duv's reply to Fedd. ;D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #643
Where do the other prologues fit in this timeline?  Is it red or yellow alert in Sickbay and "Below Decks"?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #646
Don't usually post in the ooc thread but I came across this picture and laughed so hard I wanted to share it with my one and only fave star trek group. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #647
Typing on a tablet from a hotel room. Away From my nice comfy keyboard for one more night. Should be able to get online properly tomorrow night,though cannot vouch for how much time I will have to post that night.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #649
Oh, something long overdue has been done. I have taken some time tonight to update ThanIda zh'Wann rubbish character sheet, lol.

Ida has had a previous incarnation in another roleplay, years ago, and upon re-reading the version for our story, I found that I had neglected to give the character sheet the appropriate amount of time and attention to convert her background story to fit her current profession (she was a fighter pilot in that old story). Motivational factors did not add up, writing quality abysmal, and the worst thing of all was that the personality profile section did not reflect how I have played Ida in our story at all. It was as if she was someone entirely else when re-reading that.

So, no need at all for anyone to read it - and I may still not be content with it -  but for those interested, here is the updated character sheet of ThanIda zh'Wann:



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