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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413915 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #650
Good-bye!--no, do not grieve that it is over,
   The perfect hour;
That the winged joy, sweet honey-loving rover,
   Flits from the flower.

Grieve not--it is the law. Love will be flying--
   Yes, love and all.
Glad was the living--blessed be the dying.
   Let the leaves fall.

-blatantly plagiarized from "A Farewell" by Harriet Monroe

I am taking my leave from the group.  Personal writing style preferences and life's decision to throw obstacles in my way are pushing me away from RP.  I leave Narik in Lucan's more than capable *cough* (at least wait until I've left the thread before you start using those hands, Lucan) *cough* hands.  I enjoyed my brief participation and look forward to lurking about and seeing how the story progresses.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #651
Its sad to see you go PapillonBeryl. I wish I had the chance to write with you but I do wish you the best in life.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #652
PB- take care of what you need to take care of. We understand.

On an unrelated note, wanted to chime in for a minute as an 'old' player to the group. 

We've got a lot of (from my view point) new writers in the group lately, and I've been able to write and interact with a few of y'all so far in a couple of the new threads. Just wanted to say I am having a blast right now. Fresh faces and interactions are giving me a fresh perspective on my first character, Natalie, and y'all are giving me a chance to grow her from what she started as. Its fun to have her getting into some (light) conflict with some of the crew, while at the same time having a chance to explore some of the demons haunting her. And on the flip side, my comatose, near dead Sarresh might just be in some very capable hands, so I'm looking forward to getting to write him again in the (relatively) near future.

Seriously, y'all's characters are a blast. Keep up the good work, guys and gals.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #653
Take care PB! Hope we'll hear from you soon either way :)

Also Brutus, it is pretty fun to see Natalie "open up" more and more ^^ And I think you're right though, new people are giving this Rp quite a great boost to write from new perspectives.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #654
Hi everyone!

Indeed, new blood makes things flow quicker in the threads, and pulls everyone along. Great posting overall and exciting times!

Like I have said over PMs, PBeryl, thank you for your time with us and the wonderful scenes in Chapter 3 in the first part of Unconquerable Soul. I am glad that you wanted to give this story a try even if Group Role-play didn't turn out to be your cup of tea in the end. I am equally pleased that you discussed this with me at length before leaving instead of just falling silent on me. I hope that you will continue to find the story interesting even after you leave, and don't be afraid to pose questions here in the OOC thread if you want to.

On another note, Valarie has not been able to keep up with the story and as of Friday last week, she has decided to leave the Group too. Her RL-situation has not enabled her to partake in recent events,  and while she would have liked to stay, the prospects for the future does not seem to look any better. She played the character Cameron Henshaw, the Captain's Yeoman, and while Valarie cannot continue writing with us actively, she had generously offered Cameron to be inherited by someone else (like IronFerrox inherited Selena Ravenholm - formerly known as Tamika Remmington - after that writer bailed after a single IC post).

Therefore, Cathreen Dawinter (who only has a single character in form of Dyan Cardamone aka Sar-unga Neleo) has offered to take over Cameron Henshaw, and will resume posting in her threads as soon as she has wrapped her head around the scenes. I have issued a full creative licence to Cathreen to play Ensign Henshaw in whatever way she likes that doesn't fully contradict events in the story so far, chalking up any personality differences to have occurred because of the trauma she has undergone in sleeping with Jien Ives in loosing her sister Lisa Hawthorne on Theta Eridani IV etc.


In related news, PBeryl was been equally generous in leaving us, so if anyone who would like to overtake our civilian Boslic engineer, named Narik Cinsaj, and both doesn't have too many characters and also believe they can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. My policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing her gets to inherit the character. I issue the same creative licence to the writer who inherits Narik Cinsaj, even if Jien Ives did not sleep with her. If there are no takers, Ms Narik Cinsaj will still be kept as an NPC that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course).


On a side note, Kurohigi has updated his signature to explain his sudden absence, just a heads up for those waiting outside the Conference Lounge. I will be posting with Thea in the meantime.

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #655
With regards to Kurohigi's situation, I understand how this stuff can go. 44-hour work days and 27-day work weeks (and while still in country, not overseas) and I are old friends.

All I can say is I hope there is an end in sight for that mess and and you'll get some downtime soon.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #656
Good luck K.  We'll just assume that your characters have 'the night shift.'

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #657
Hi again everyone!

Sadly, neither Adakoch21 nor RavenVess are members of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group anymore because of lacking posting activity. They were both approached weeks ago and given time to try and get back in gear. They were given a second chance after that, giving them a date to get back to me, yet without any IM or PM response whatsoever, RL evidently came to draw their focus completely. This termination of these memberships are made for the sake of the Group as a whole.

Both these writers played Lone Wolves pilots, and since they are unique with their designations and numbers in the squadron, with no replacement pilots available, and I toiled for hours to make their character images, I have decided that their characters needs to either be inherited by someone else (like Cameron Henshaw was inherited by Cathreen Dawinter) or made NPC:s for the Group as a whole to play (like Rawley and Nightmare already are in the Lone Wolves Squadron).

Therefore, Leonal (who only has a single character in form of Lieutenant Sjaandin Fedd) has offered to take over Tessa May Lance, and will resume posting in her threads as soon as he has studied the current version and made revisions as he see fit in a new character sheet. Again, I have issued a full creative licence to Leonal to play Tessa in whatever way he likes that doesn't fully contradict events in the story so far.


If anyone who would like to overtake our Human/Betazoid pilot, named Soo Young "Oracle" Seung, and both doesn't have too many characters and also believe they can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. Again, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing her gets to inherit the character. I issue the same aforementioned creative licence to the writer who inherits Oracle. If there are no takers, she will still be kept as an NPC that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course). I will personally finish the threads on the old board where this character is still active if there are no immediate takers.


On a side note, Nolan and I are writing a Joint Post with Tovarek and Thea where details regarding the phasing cloak will be revealed. The JP will be posted as soon as it'f finished. Looking forward to the continuation of all threads on our new board! :)

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #658
I at least have the long weekend now, so that's been my chance to play catch up.  Until I know for sure if I can have my weekends back from work, I'm gonna refrain doing any posts that are unnecessary, just to be sure I don't lock anyone up if work continues to keep me too busy.  I also give Lucan permission to control my characters if my absence is too long and a scene needs completion while I am unable to perform my duties.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #660
I'm still hungover from my weekend at the sci-fi con but I should be able to post soon. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #662
Current Story Overview:

Threads on the old board:
EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire] - Next poster:
EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: Unusual Courting] - Next poster in PM Joint-Post:
EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: The Captain's Yeoman] - Next poster:
Cathreen Dawinter

Threads on the new board:

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I] - Finished

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II] - Finished

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks] - Next posters:
Searcher & Nolan

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay] - Finished

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge] - Next posters:
Nolan & Leonal, characters leaving
CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] - Next poster:
The Counselor
CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.] - Next poster:

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.] - Next poster:
Doctor Maya
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.] - Next poster:

The Prologue takes place the same morning and during the day that they left Theta Eridani IV, while Chapter 01 takes place the day after they left Theta Eridani IV. As per request, I hope this info might help!

Upcoming threads will advance the story further, with the Harbinger and Theurgy meeting at the rendezvous point. It's just a matter of time for me to write the new starters as soon as I can. :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #664
Not that I want to do this but I am having personal reason... I will not be much of a posting rate that is required for this game... so I am going to back out. I hope that someone will find Tessa to their liking. Auctor I will try to post through the co-writing between Tessa and Zaraq so that thread will be ended and will tied up any of the loose ends that I may have cause. After the time I need to myself I will think about rejoining at that time. If anyone really wants to know may asked me in PM about what is going on. I am sorry to leave you all in this time but I find there is no other way from holding everyone up from a great story...

Thank you

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #665
Hope you had a great time at the convention! Any Star Trek related things there?
Oh, yes! There was a starship bridge simulator, great fun. I got to be weapons officer. We kicked large amounts of ass.

Sorry for lack of posts. My work schedule was changed abruptly and everything is topsy-turvy right now.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #667
Oh, before I go to bed, I'll just want to show you all a work-in-progress. For while it is not done and there is more to add, this might help engineers and Lone Wolves alike with some terminology and placement for components on our Valkyries (ignore grey texts since they are not relevant yet):

When finished, I will share it again.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #668
New topic posted that, initially, holds vital info for everyone about the effects of the Phasing Cloak that the Theurgy and the Habringer is using! :)



Ps. I am catching up on posts as quick as I can Ds.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #669

Hi there everyone! An announcement that is quite graphics-oriented...

First of all, here is the new poster with some new faces:

Furthermore, as you may have noticed above, I have finally decided to change the RL-model for Captain Jien Ives' female form (FemIves).

When I created the character and made his/her graphics, I scoured the internet for a fitting image and I found the images of a woman that held a katana over her shoulder. I was sold immediately, found more pictures of her and thought no more of who the woman was while spliced her face in next to Mark Dacascos (MaleIves). Over the years, it has become more and more apparent that this Tila Tequila was a... I feel that 'skank' does not quite suffice, but I will go with that description of her. Not only has she released 3 self-directed sex tapes but she is so high on drugs she thinks she is one of the illuminati. Seeing videos of her talking made it apparent that having Tila as my FemIves did not add up too well with the type of persona our Captain Ives has. In fact, her face might make applicants take the RP and the story less seriously.

Therefore, after some brainstorming with Leonal, I have found the ideal choice for who stars as FemIves in our story. Has anyone happened to see Melinda May in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D? Now there is a tough woman who could pull off the role as Commanding Officer. A woman who - if she smiles at all - just smiles quite faintly and has that unblinking kind of stare that easily intimidated people. The actress name is Ming-Na Wen:

Here is the new miniature images for the Crew Manifest:

Here is an updated image of her from our boudoir on DeviantArt (which is safe in regard to our site rules):

There are two more images on our DeviantArt page's boudoir, but you will have to find them on your own there:

The work to rinse all our graphics from Tila Tequila continues, and I will soon be updating the covers for our PDF-files with the story so far. First, however, I will be writing due posts in the story!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #670
My God!  She's perfect!  Ten out of ten for casting!  A plus!     ;D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #671
As a watcher of Agents of SHIELD, I like the change.  The Cavalry is here lol

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #672
Love the change too.

Ming Na Wen does the quiet intensity I picture femIves radiating extremely well. Along with the ability to take intensely brutal and decisive action.

Not to mention adding to the RP's credibility is always a good thing.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #673
so you are calling her FemIves...  Mass Effect is having A shall we say massive effect on your character terminology isn't it?

Helo I'm Lt. Commander Renard; and this is my favorite bar on the Theurgy.

BTW never watched S.H.I.E.L.D.  (Only watched the movies Still havent seen Winter Soldier.)  How is Agents?  I have heard good things just havent watched any Eps yet.  If I watch every episode of it till current will There be any spoilers for Winter soldier or do they seperate movie from TV enough to avoid spoils.

Still Excelent choice for Retconned Fem Ives.

BTW I am working on a better character Appearance for Renard.  I still like tennant but I think i could have done a bit better than vulcan eared human with a fox tail for the discription.  I think It woudl be a little better If I updated the physical appearance info to be more inline with something Like a Wild Elf from the Roleplaying Pathfinder setting.  As for the eyes I have a perfect image for the exact eyes he has.  these are Miles Eyes  In the Animal form they fit into the head exactly as on the pic of the fox there.  In the "furry" form there is a slight bit of Schlera "the whites of the eyes" around them.  IN non furred form there is a normal human ratio of Schlera to Iris to pupil.  In all three forms the pupil and iris are unchanged in terms of color and shape.  anyways I thought I woudl let you know I was thinking about making a better more specific and less bland discription for miles in the near future

On a side note (joke) Furfags overwhelmingly support shipping Renard and Neleo
sorry I was looking up Maned wolf anthros and this was a result and i immediately thought, "wait bat wings on a maned wolf? Sounds like an hybrid of our two races to me!"

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #674
*almost dies laughing* Oh my god havn't even slept together and already have a grown kid. lol. It does look like a hybrid between them which is funny.

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