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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #600
1. The song was made up by me.
2. I haven't got a melody for it yet. I plan on working on it and sing it myself on YouTube. Which I post on here and maybe add to my post.
3. Well I have to say its freestyle poem/song and I would label it as lullaby/inspresional.

Thank iron fox. Though come little and mix of I see fire from the hobbit movie is what it makes me of.
no prob Glad I wasn't too far off trying to shoehorn the words into Come little children's melody wasn't too far off.

also wow now we can have RP related  OC that isn't lucan's image manipulation or promo videos.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #601
Hey everyone, Just thought I'd pop in and let everyone know I'm not dead.

I've been kinda busy lately so I'm sorry I haven't posted as much as I used to.

I'm hoping things will settle down for me soon so I can get back into the rhythm of things.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #602
I didnt figure ya were heh, Hoping things work out for ya soon.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #603
RavenVess: Zaraq is a part of the current plot in Episode 3, and depending on the outcome, I might add him as well to the promo trailer. I would have had difficulty with him regardless because of his unique look. Like I said over PM, great song too!

Adakoch: Hope to see you return to us as soon as you can!


As you all can see at the bottom of the above link, I have finally gotten around to clarify the chain of command when it comes to Warrant and Provisional Officers comparing to Line Officers and NCOs. Here is the relevant image, but if you have trouble knowing what the rank insignias mean, look at the link above.

I will be making some more edits to this, and with Dyan Cardamone's rank needs to be changed to Petty Officer 1st Class instead of 3rd, like I thought initially when I advised you Cathreen Dawinter. I also need to edit the gold/steel variance in some pictures of NCO rank insignias. My fault for not researching this more thoroughly from the start!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #604
Ok Lucan I changed her class on her character sheet. Is there an other places I need to change?  :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #606
figuratively (why no recent posts) or literally (locations that we live)?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #607
Central Canada, roommate hogging the bandwidth. :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #608
Cathreen Dawinter: I think that was all that you needed to fix but I will get back to you if I find more locations! :)

Here is the answer, as best as I know, to the figurative question:

- Auctor Lucan: Active
- Kurohigi: Active with high work demands
- Brutus: Active (In many Roleplays and admitting himself a slow poster. Welcomes floggings.)
- Searcher: Active with high family demands
- IronFerrox: Active
- Nolan: Active (recent death in the family, word pending on return)
- The Counselor: Active with high work demands
- AdaKoch21: Active but with high work demands
- Valarie: Active now (will post today unless something unforeseen happens))
- TheBanshee: Active
- PapillonBeryl : Active
- Cathreen Dawinter: Active
- Leonal: Active
- RavenVess: Active (moving and has sketchy internet access)
- CanadianVet: Active

Everyone if free to correct me as needed! :)

The literal answer is a town in the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #609
Wednesday:  Massive blackout that affected the whole of the north of Scotland [Show/Hide]

Thursday:  No internet access at college and had to catch up with shit-ton of work at home instead

Today: Finally getting sorted out.  Breathe... just remember to breathe...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #610
BTW to answer the questions myself If I'm not posting its either writers block with the story, I am out of the mood for the RP, (when I get out of the mood it tends to last between a week and a month. It's these times that my replies seem to be kinda half assed and I don't really put much effort into them.)  or I am just not checking the thread cause I got lazy and need a kick in the ass to tell me, "Hey people are waiting for you to post something."

As for where I am In real life I live in Southeastern Oklahoma, USA. In a very small town.  Like post office, school couple churches and a Middle of nowhere country general store. ((If I would ever learn to hunt or fish I would be living in a literal paradise.))

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #611
I feel your pain IronFerrox. I live in a small town in Arkansas. The only thing we have here are houses. No store, no fire department, no cops. Nothing but houses and cows. *sighs* SOOOOO boring here.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #613
Right, I'm back in action (or I think I should be). Time to do some reading up.
As for where I am: Belgium, North west of the small country by the seaside next to a major port.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #614
Cathreen Dawinter: I think that was all that you needed to fix but I will get back to you if I find more locations! :)

Here is the answer, as best as I know, to the figurative question:

- Auctor Lucan: Active
- Kurohigi: Active with high work demands
- Brutus: Active (In many Roleplays and admitting himself a slow poster. Welcomes floggings.)
- Searcher: Active with high family demands
- IronFerrox: Active
- Nolan: Active (recent death in the family, word pending on return)
- The Counselor: Active with high work demands
- AdaKoch21: Active but with high work demands
- Valarie: Active now (will post today unless something unforeseen happens))
- TheBanshee: Active
- PapillonBeryl : Active
- Cathreen Dawinter: Active
- Leonal: Active
- RavenVess: Active (moving and has sketchy internet access)
- CanadianVet: Active

Everyone if free to correct me as needed! :)

The literal answer is a town in the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden.



I was packing things up when this post was made the next few days I was moving and setting things up in my new home. The place needs a lot of work but I got net back so I have time to do things but I also have to divide my time between a few forums, and job hunting as well as visiting people I know online.

RavenVess- Active- and job hunting-

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #615
Ladies and gentlemen, coming soon to the USS Theurgy...

CWO1 Sten Michael Covington, Chief of Flight Deck Operations.

In English, what that means is they all shuttlebay and fighter bay operations go through him. That's maintenance, parking spots, logistics, sweeping, mopping, the kind of air freshener in the cockpit, you name it.

While they are on board, auxiliary craft, fighters included, "belong" to him. And unless the Captain is on his flight deck, he is the voice of the top deity of your choice.

Pilots, be aware, this fellow is pushing 60 and has 40 years in Starfleet. And while a number of you may or may not technically outrank him, he is not some crewman to be bossed around. Although it would be fun to have one of you try  ::)

Seriously, he's there to primarily look after the whole rear echelon of the fighter squadron and keep the flight deck running smoothly. Simple stuff really.

Other people playing enlisted types, his door is always open if you need a chat with something like a Sargent-Major. Got issues with officers unjustly busting your balls, want a drink, need someone to talk to about your issues that doesn't have a degree from Starfleet Academy, or try and start an NCO band, he's your man.

All in all, just trying to add to the story here.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #616
Heh, now that you have mentioned him here, you might just as well post his character sheet in the Crew Manifest thread. I will then update the manifest so that it has the listing and link to your post. :)

Just remember that Covington operationally reports to the SCO and Jien Ives is not the kind to tolerate unjustified insubordination on his ship. ;) Just to add another layer of intrigue to the IC situation.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #617
An updated tribute to the Lone Wolves Squadron (with some new faces):


Click the hyperlink above. The image was too wide to show directly here in the OOC thread.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #618
I like Sten being in the pic. Reinforces he is the "man on the ground" for the squad. and is an honorary member of the Wolves themselves rather than ust a guy who works in the bay they share with him.  alo noticed the range eng jumpsuit with shite undershirt.  Also subtlety reinforces that he is engineering division with a heavy area of focus in tac conn operations.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #619
Hello, I'm new and just joined the crew.  I'm introducing Doctor Maya, a female Vulcan neurologist who looks like my avatar.  This is my first time RPing on line and I'm still learning how to navigate around this site  I've come into the middle of something that's so complex and intricate that I'm completely lost! 

I made Maya a quiet introvert who doesn't make waves to explain why she's been onboard all this time but always off camera, but I may have shot myself in the foot.  I don't seem to have a way to integrate her into the story!  If anyone wants to use her in a storyline feel free to give me my cue.  Perhaps I've made this character too isolated.  I figure the best way to get her in the action is to let her be a friend or a sounding board for other characters.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #621
Hello, I'm new and just joined the crew.  I'm introducing Doctor Maya, a female Vulcan neurologist who looks like my avatar.  This is my first time RPing on line and I'm still learning how to navigate around this site  I've come into the middle of something that's so complex and intricate that I'm completely lost! 

I made Maya a quiet introvert who doesn't make waves to explain why she's been onboard all this time but always off camera, but I may have shot myself in the foot.  I don't seem to have a way to integrate her into the story!  If anyone wants to use her in a storyline feel free to give me my cue.  Perhaps I've made this character too isolated.  I figure the best way to get her in the action is to let her be a friend or a sounding board for other characters.

I am sure you will get some used out of Maya... soon because they willingly gave my character a gun. She a pilot not a foot soldier! I sorry I had to throw that out there because I thought it was funny.. but I am sure being fairly new to this game and was able to get in there rather fast thanks to Auctor and other players.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #622
Yep I'm sure You'll fit right in If you have ever done Roleplaying like D&D then your imagination in that game will be your greatest ally here.  as for my own personal tips I would say that my own experiences have taught me that This is sort of light writing fanfiction th diffference being you are simply writing for one character in the story and you write their story so to speak and react to the others stories.  I in fact like to refer to Online RP as Cooperative/Collaborative Fan-fiction.  Either way its nice to always see another new face.

More faces = more writing = more chaos.  Beautiful chaos.  The ruinous powers would be pleased.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #623
Thanks guys.  Is it possible that she has formed a connection with any of your characters?  If any of your guys need to emote, she makes a good listener.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #624
It's good to see IF posting here so I know my Oklahoma neighbor is okay.  I'm a little worried about my fellow Arkansan, Cathreen.  I hope you are okay and will breathe easier when I see a post from you.

Some of you may not know, but we had a devastating tornado rip through our state last night and there's so much death and destruction.  We were lucky in my area though just a few miles down the road, a man and his two daughters were lost.

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