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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #550
I do hope you enjoyed it as much as I did ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #551
 ;D it felt great! And I'm hardly sore at all!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #552
I have to say I am having fun with posting as Tessa.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #554
Good report. Now I am simply trying to think up a post.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #555
And a great post it was!

For those that have yet to read their Report, and for all those that are reading our story without being active members (Gulliver, Arielle etc.) here is the relevant excerpt about the most recent development:

Our dear heroes have just managed to leave Theta Eridani IV in the nick of time, only to find themselves facing a whole fleet of Federation starships awaiting them outside orbit. This was revealed at the end of Crisis #10 for those of you that have yet to read that far. Pardon the minor spoiler. >_> I urge everyone to catch up on Crisis #10 first, before attending to the continued events.

Furthermore, an Epilogue has come up where events that fit into the time-frame between leaving the planet surface and engaging the fleet outside orbit may take place. In this epilogue, you will at the very least be introduced to an old face of the Theurgy crew. So old that he pre-dates Episode 01, yet has nonetheless being a recurring name in the story so far.

So, Part 1 of Unconquerable Soul has come to a close, and that means that a new sub-board has been created, and I urge you to click the "NOTIFY" button up in the right corner of the new board. The Prologue, where the threat of the incoming Starfleet pursuers will be addressed, is split into two short parts, where one will deal with the initial encounter, and the second part takes place somewhat into the near future aboard one of the enemy ships, the USS Archeron.

The main plot of this Episode has not too much to do with this encounter with Starfleet, and I promise you all that things will quiet down real quick. You all may be weary of combat after Part 1 of this Episode, and I am fully aware of that. My intentions with the encounter is in part a plot device for later events, but also for sake of introducing two new characters to the story. So for all those who are anxious to have your characters... "socialise", you needn't wait for much longer. *grins*



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #556
And finally, I am in business.

Hold on to your shorts...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #557
*chuckles*  Lucan, you are thorough as always and seeing more new people who are so enthusiastic is wonderful.  Your compliments are appreciated though for Skye's combat post I have to get 98% of the credit on that one to Iron Ferrox.

It isn't that I don't like to do combat posts, it's that I am not familiar with all the lingo and know without a doubt I come up woefully short when I try to make them on my own.  I can have her talk smack and yes, she's one who always plays head bangin' music while she fights, but as far as maneuvers and different types of attacks ... I'm pretty clueless.

It's truly daunting, especially when I read IF, Kuro, and Nolan's combat posts.  Those guys are truly in the know and pull it off quite well.  I love Star Trek and have watched the movies and series (except DS9 because I just couldn't get into the characters for some reason) but despite that I never truly picked up on the scientific aspects.  It was the emotional aspects I grasped.  *shrugs with a lopsided grin*  I figure my best contribution so far is Rory drunk and staggering around the valley.  :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #558
Hah, seems as though I am never thorough enough since I failed to mention Rory properly in the Report! :) I should have added what I wrote to you over PM after I read your Rory post. *chuckles* I can't wait to see him find his way to Below Decks and take over the place.

As for you writing combat scenes, I do remember someone joining the RP at the end of Episode 01 and who single-handedly (besides a naked Nathaniel Isley trapped on the Captain's Yacht) made sure to keep the infected from taking off into space and contaminating the whole Galaxy, and not only that, also using a tractor beam to send the Yacht's Warp core away at a safe distance before it detonated. A detonation, mind, that served to help the USS Relativity to find its way to the Theurgy in the timestream. ;)

Technical lingo aside, your Skye seems to do what she is best at with a certain *ahem* flare.

Also, thank you CanadianVet for awesome morning-time reading. If that wasn't a good character introduction, I don't know what is. :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #559
Searcher, the technobabble is fairly easy to come up with. Mostly you can make it up as you go. And when in doubt, there is a number of us geeks you can quiz.

And in the case of Skye as a fighter pilot, you don't really need all the "attack pattern (insert technobabble here)" stuff.  But to describe her flying, a suggestion I can make is to look up aerobatic maneuvers, WW2 aerial combat for dealing with other fighter-sized threats and anything you can find about Wild Weasel missions and close air support for working against starships and ground targets. Of course you'd have to adapt for the Star Trek environment and for working in space. For inspiration on that front, the recent Battlestar Galactica series gives a pretty detailed glimpse of fighter-based space combat.

And Lucan, I aim to please. Glad you enjoyed it. I was really hoping to make Trent's peculiar sense of humour come through and I think I succeeded.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #561
A fourth degree burn is one that extends through entire skin, and into underlying fat, muscle and bone. Basically it destroys everything. No natural healing from it.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #562
I've never heard of it before.  Interesting. 


I guess I could have just googled.

Burn Classification

Note: The list below shows 4 burn degrees. While most of the public does not recognize the 4th degree, it is the correct term. The table below, with 3 degrees, is also correct. Both are acceptable.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #563
Okay, I feel way outclassed.  It seems everyone has multiple characters.  How in the world do you do it?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #564
I only have one! ;) but in my case, having multiple characters is easier when your brain is a fevered fountain of creativity. The last Star Trek RP I was in, I played a male Andorian XO, a female Denobulan nurse, a male human engineer with a prosthetic arm, and a female human yeoman (who looked like Helena Bonham Carter).

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #565
Think I'm at three now. Yet I always have the urge to get more so I can be everywhere lol. It's pretty fun to have very different chars and I'm guessing somewhere in my mind I must have a personality disorder... Because they're all seperate voices and minds working in my head lol. Anyway posted my bit in "Under the Bludgeonings of Chance | Part I"

Off to bed now cause I have a weekend full of work...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #566
PBeryl: I can only speak for myself but I find it a great way to be more involved in the story, with several point-of-views helping to tell the story.

Nolan: Great post with Tovarek!

I have a bit of a conundrum. As IronFerrox and I discovered months ago, there are several Star Trek star charts out there, where two are the most accepted ones:

Chart 1:

Chart 2:

There is a problem in how the Nimbus System (which the Theurgy was recently passing through) is located in two different places in the above charts. In Chart 2, it places the the system in the area of space where the the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire and the UFP meet in the middle of the chart. On this map our current location is misnamed Acmar, whereas Chart 1 clearly shows "Acamar (Theta Eridani)". Chart 1 does not, however, display the Nimbus System anywhere close to that location. In Chart 1, you can find Nimbus at the top edge of the Romulan Star Empire. Furthermore, the Starbases in the region are different in the two charts. To top it off, the Hromi Cluster is not visible in Chart 2 either, and we used that reference in the RP as well.

For sake of orienting everyone, and the fact that it is clearly mentioned in Memory Alpha that Nimbus is on the Klingon border, we will officially use Chart 1 in this RP, but with the modification of where the Nimbus System is located.

....I think I will make a chart of our one to reflect this, cutting out the relevant section from Chart 1 and editing it, but now, it's 1.30 am here so I am heading to bed. :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #567
Is Ashreem new in this RP.  I googled the term to try and do some research while at work and the only links that came up were to the RP on HoE or Lucan's DA page.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #568
Here comes the notes about the Ash'reem species. This is no species of my own creation, but that of KittyKat, whom has left the RP.

Ash'reem - The Amphibious Frog People

Almost extinct, this very rare Warp-capable species does not only have so low birth-rates that they may only spawn one child every 100 years, but their planet is dying too - the waters being corrupted by the minerals released from the underwater volcanoes and earthquakes that tear the bottom of the sea apart. Their shore-outposts and underwater cities are slowly coming to ruin.

Ash'reem are as free-spirited -promiscuous - as they are due to their low birth-rates and the need to make their species survive. Both male and female Ash'reem have a life-expectancy of 200 years. They are a new member of the United Federation of Planets, and in hopes to get assistance with the survival of their kind, they have sought to enlist people in Starfleet and assisted in many scientific fields to show their good will. The USS Theurgy has been fitted with residential pool in one of the Senior Staff quarters in order to host the Neotin family.

Their skin in naturally warm and moist. They retain water with their skin and hair in order to survive out of the water for extended periods of time. Prolonged dehydration is fatal.

All Ashreem have six webbed fingers, four regular ones and two thumbs, one on either side of the main four. At the centre of the palm of an Ash'reem, a secretion duck synthesizes and secretes a thick paste that encourages cellular regeneration and growth, well acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and antibiotic. This is a key component to their long life-expectancy, where they use the paste to regenerate each other.

Ash'reem bones are naturally hollow and soft, only being comprised one fourth by actual bone the rest being cartilage. This makes Ash'reem extremely flexible yet sometimes seen as clumsy when walking, often seeming to sway slightly on their legs but are exceptionally graceful in the water - seeming to fly more then swim.

They have pheromone ducts underneath their arms, three on each side, where the top one emanates their own feelings and the other two are sensitive receptors that picks up on the environment around them. That is why they wear plastic bio-wraps underneath their uniforms, to suppress the full effect and not disturb other personnel on a starship too much by projecting their feelings and state-of-mind upon others.

Both male and female Ash'reem exhibit hair on their heads but no where else in their bodies. Ash'reem hair serves a function of water retention, readily absorbing water into itself and holding onto it slowly feeding it into the scalp to replenish lost fluids. Their hair's silk like feel assists in retaining water around their scalp and absorbing it from their environment, allowing for long trips out of the water. However most Ash'reem require a bath or shower at least once every fourteen hours if remain healthy, dehydration sets in after thirty six hours.

Ash'reem eyes are always exceptionally large, as they evolved to live and hunt in dark waters. Ash'reem eyes vary in colour although green is the most common. They have to use goggles in light environments since they live in the dark waters normally. Prolonged exposure to bright light might damage their eyes permanently.

They have no true ears, instead having an external tympanum that covers where a human ear would be and more delicate inner ears to discern subtle notes within the greater sound. Ashreem communicate amongst themselves with their pheromones and body language more than words. Although they are fully capable of communicating verbally, as in using Federation Standard, they find it awkward at times. Their natural spoken language is in the range of infrasonic waves that are inaudible to many other races.

Ash'reem lack teeth as most would consider them, instead having a stretching tongue and rough muscular plates inside their mouths that help grind up food. They are quite agile with their tongues and able to thrust them out of their mouths with effort, and then much like a squid can control its arms movement, it can be used to show affection. Extended, their tongues can stretch two feet. It is an evolutionary relic from a time where they used their tongues as close-quarters weapons, and they can still break bones with the impact if they thrust their tongues out - their whole gullet and chest supporting the oral attack.

Check the Deviant Art gallery or the Crew Manifest for pictures!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #569
*chuckles*  Lucan, you are thorough as always and seeing more new people who are so enthusiastic is wonderful.  Your compliments are appreciated though for Skye's combat post I have to get 98% of the credit on that one to Iron Ferrox.

It isn't that I don't like to do combat posts, it's that I am not familiar with all the lingo and know without a doubt I come up woefully short when I try to make them on my own.  I can have her talk smack and yes, she's one who always plays head bangin' music while she fights, but as far as maneuvers and different types of attacks ... I'm pretty clueless.

It's truly daunting, especially when I read IF, Kuro, and Nolan's combat posts.  Those guys are truly in the know and pull it off quite well.  I love Star Trek and have watched the movies and series (except DS9 because I just couldn't get into the characters for some reason) but despite that I never truly picked up on the scientific aspects.  It was the emotional aspects I grasped.  *shrugs with a lopsided grin*  I figure my best contribution so far is Rory drunk and staggering around the valley.  :P

Searcher- After I had read this post of your it made me think I really didn't know much about a lot of about names of tricks or flight patterns for a fighter plane, I am sure it should be the same thing for a space fighter. I don't know if anyone else feels this way because no one has really brought this up  as far as I know so I went and started to dig up helpfully links for everyone to used. I hope this could help us all make a better post during flying and fighting parts of the story.

Basic fighter maneuvers, Combat spread
Air combat maneuvers

I hope these sites are helpfully to everyone.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #570
I might not play a Valkyrie pilot, but might I suggest you also look into close air support flying and aircraft carrier operations. These would be good analogues for working with Theurgy as the carrier and the fighters going after actual starships.

Also, other resources you might want to consider for fighters in space, the old TV show Space: Above and Beyond, while cheesy as fuck, could be helpful, as well as the Viper scenes of the recent Battlestar Galactica show.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #571
I'm loaded down with RL during the next two weeks.  I hope to get a post or two written this weekend, though.  Sorry for the interruption in your service. ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #572
I keep having character ideas, but running 2 so far seems to be stretching my limits as is, given my less than frequent posting ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #573
I wonder if Auctor will let me play a Na'vi? :D but without the creepy rape braid.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #574
Ah, if you are referring to the Ash'reem pictures and species, then you'll have to settle for a moist, amphibian, short and six-fingered Na'vi that needs to wear goggles all the time.

As for the actual Na'vi, no, I am not too keen on incorporating cross-franchise species. I would just as little accept actual Krogan, Turian, Asari and Salarian characters. ;)  

(Come to think of it, photoshopped Salarians might have fit the Ash'reem better as a visual representation of their species than the Na'vi)



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