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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413908 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #575
Yeah, in hindsight it wouldn't even really be a Na'vi at all. James Cameron's ego is big enough as it is. What I really wanna play is a >7' tall blue-skinned feline humanoid with carbon-fibre reinforced skeleton and big yellow eyes.

Also I have another cool original species I made called Novemites! ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #578
Ooh a drunken Lucan who loves us all?

Perchance it is time to ask for all those things we want and because he loves us he will let us have them!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #579
I would like to be half-Betazoid, half Klingon and half Romulan. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #580
Despite the fact of me being drunk last night I am truthfully working on a new version of our Promo Trailer (see my signature).

What takes the most time for me is always the endless questing on YouTube for clips of the RL representations of your characters, so if you have a couple of minutes to spare, it would help me immensely if you could PM me hyperlinks to high-quality clips of your characters. That way I can download them all in wait for their turn to be edited into the trailer.

If you all could do this, it would cut down the editing time for me by more than half. Naturally, some of you may have difficulty finding viable clips (like with a Boslic character), and for those there are few alternatives than to use the character pictures I have already made for you.

Also, there is further development in the Prologue, and if you have questions as to how you might proceed with your characters, just PM me so that I can help you out with a few thoughts and suggestions.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #581
Here's some good stuff for Fedd.

Another possibility:

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #582
reguarding the map post lucan made recently.  Since we are in the Theta system as mentioned I noticed this places us in very close proximity to the Azure Nebula.  i think we should avoid that area.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #583
I should probably know better, but here I go anyway...


EDIT: Nevermind, a quick google search provided me with the answer.

I say we give it a quick visit :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #584
Sorry for the comms silence regarding play, been involved in a horse rescue this week. Should get stuff up tomorrow

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #585
Year is 2481 or so... do we really want to buzz a 5+ fleet of ships all with quantum slipstream drives... and thats if we are lucky.  If not lucky then we buzz a borg invasion fleet.   Yea lets do that.  That's a perfect idea.

Also IMO that place is just flat out unlucky.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #586
 :P*yawns and stretches out* watched the mummy returns and now its time for bed. I did want to ask you guys if you where going to beam Dyan over before they escape or after?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #588
One long week of fun is over.  Another is yet to come.  I will be on continued radio silence during the week.  I hope to get a couple of posts down this weekend, though.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #589

Lucan, how can you call the mummy returns such filth? lol. I watched the mummy then the mummy returns had a good dose of Ardeth Bay hehe

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #590

Today's Theurgy PSA: The new Promotional Trailer is 80% done. Its based on the old one with some updates, mostly with the character reels being updated but also with our new logo and some minor modifications to the intro and ending.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #591
Freakin' sweet!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #592
The new Promotional Trailer is finally finished!

Vimeo is converting it as I post this, but you guys should be able to see the time left for it to finish if you click the link in my signature or right here:

Star Trek: Theurgy Promotional Trailer Ver. 2.2

If the conversion is finished when you read this, you will have access to the trailer and I would love some feedback since it took me a week or so to finish in my spare time. Updates have been done depending on available mtrl (clips) and whether or not I was content with older sections as they were. So, I have not neglected any one of you in terms of updates to some character reels, but I simply did not want to ruin what I had already accomplished the last time I did this.

Notice all the flying windows? All of them have been adjusted to show what I want when they fly by the screen. Its a tedious calibration, I tell you. Two frames this way, two frames that way, to catch that kiss or punch or whatever. Please bear this in mind and be kind, because I remain an amateur at this. :) Oh, and I know the music transition is a trainwreck already, lol. Its not the easiest song to work with.




Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #593
I came.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #595
Best review I ever got was in high school.  "That was the best thing I have ever read and I, sir, have read Schindler's List"

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #596
*faints from an overdose of fangirlgasms*

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #597
YAY! For the video! I like it very much so but I didn't see Zaraq in there.

I did post for Tessa so YAY!

And to everyone I hate this but I love this all the same time but who likes moving and dealing with packing and unpacking driving from one place to the other. Though this is a started of a whole new chapter in my life and I happy for it yet just want it to be done already. I will try to post as much as I can after around about a two weeks from moving and unpacking and what ever else we must do to call the place home.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #598
Cool song IN the thread Raven.  I have a few questions.

1: are the lyrics from something or did you write them yourself?

2: do you have a melody in mind for how the song is sung?

3: If not either and its really more of a poem/song of your own creation then what genre is it.

Myself I get the vibe of a haunting lullaby.  Something similar to that come little children song in Hocus Pocus.   Let's just say Selena Ravenholm knows why that's what comes to mind to me.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #599
1. The song was made up by me.
2. I haven't got a melody for it yet. I plan on working on it and sing it myself on YouTube. Which I post on here and maybe add to my post.
3. Well I have to say its freestyle poem/song and I would label it as lullaby/inspresional.

Thank iron fox. Though come little and mix of I see fire from the hobbit movie is what it makes me of.

Simple Audio Video Embedder