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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #500
Eh, that may just have been the worst and pointless comic I have ever had the misfortune to browse through. I want the spent moments of ever having laid eyes upon it back. Pardon me, but whatever happened to the innocence and classic narration of the spiderman comics of my youth? lol I don't want to step on any toes here, but does anyone read this filth? I sound like a cranky old man, I know, and perhaps I am just getting too old. I just don't understand.

Glad you enjoyed it.  Trust me it is not meant to be enjoyed only endured.

BTW you want true pain Are you familiar with the Interactive Video Cassette Board games of the 90s?  Watching those cassettes or worse gathering enough people together to play one of those games.  That is true suffering.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #501
Lucan. You're not stealing my goddamned bird! :P Also, great post, will wait with my post till the others chuck in ^^
<mumbles something about a boy and fleshsacks...>

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #502
Your bird... It seems a certain two members of the squadron forget who ends up assigning craft to pilots.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #503
Got an Eve post for ya Boss ... now to figure out Skye's post and I'm caught up again.  Rory is hiding in Below Decks, probably chugging a pint of some sort and cursing in Irish.  :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #505
Okay.  Read the Shades of Untruth thread. 

Why the hell did I agree to this?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #506
PBeryl, all the answers you may seek is in this thread, Shades of Untruth, which occurred in the beginning of the week the two ships have spent on Theta Eridani IV.

Let me know if you have any specific questions on the present development, and that goes for all of you!



Now it's time for me to probably rehash questions that have already been asked.

1.  Is anyone aware of Nicander's state?  If so, who and to what level?  Are rumors circulating in hushed undertones or anything?
2.  If Acreth is an advanced state of Nicander's position, how quickly is Nicander healing from the contact with the brig shield?  Since Acreth seems to take energy shots and her damage resistance is marked upon I would assume Nicander has some advanced healing capability based on his state.
3.  It seems Nicander has a dual personality.  He's not as advanced in being taken over by the parasite based on your comment above, Lucan, yet he is aware of his state and is supporting the parasite position based on the posts in the Shades of Untruth thread (such as making sure there is no telepath/empath in the interrogation group and commenting about meeting Acreth on this or some other plane).  He was also providing the Harbinger and Theurgy crews with clues to the nature of the parasites (interphasal and such) to the point where Acreth beld him against the force field - was Acreth aware of Nicander's position and was helping him maintain cover by attacking him or was she acting in response to the apparent revelation of her nature?
4.  How do the parasites work in general?  Nicander stated that IP critters slowly take over their hosts and the hosts are unaware until their mind is gone.  He also mentioned the other parasite that the crew experienced where the control seems to be immediate.  Where is Nicander on this level of autonomy?
4.  What rumors are circulating through the two crews now?  Are the rumors on the Harbinger any different than the rumors on the Theurgy?
5.  If the IP are interphasal and can't be detected by normal tricorder scans, then why the hell are you talking anal probes?
6.  Do we need to be concerned about acquiring more IPs haphazardly?  Or are there set conditions that need to be met to introduce the parasite to a host?

Would you like more questions? XD

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #507
1.  Is anyone aware of Nicander's state?  If so, who and to what level?  Are rumors circulating in hushed undertones or anything?

Answer: The only rumours that are circulating concerns the outcome in Shades of Untruth, where it has been revealed as a fact that they actually have one of the unknown enemies captured. Also, obviously, that they seem to be dangerous since Acreth could get out and have the Harbinger's Chief of Security killed. Whereas there were digital evidence from before Episode 01 as to the fact that Starfleet Command has been overtaken, now the proof is a living and breathing specimen in the Brig. I suppose the rumours would be akin to having a monster in the basement, and no one knows for sure what it is, only that it does in fact exist.

No one besides Nicander knows about Nicander's true nature. No one has any level of knowledge as to him being involved, and he is not the kind to draw suspicion either, going out of his way to be the model Chief Medical Officer. He is the long-term antagonist of the Theurgy story, and one might compare him to several characters with a double nature, with Gaius Baltar, Yagami Light and Dexter being a few of them.

2.  If Acreth is an advanced state of Nicander's position, how quickly is Nicander healing from the contact with the brig shield?  Since Acreth seems to take energy shots and her damage resistance is marked upon I would assume Nicander has some advanced healing capability based on his state.

Answer: He has an advanced capacity for healing, yet as the end of Shades of Untruth states, his injuries were not too bad to begin with. He got away with a couple of days of rehabilitation. Worth to take into account as well is the advanced medical care that can be expected upon in the Star Trek universe as of the year 2381. TNG, DS9 and Voyager all have examples of miracle recoveries due to medical instruments like subdermal regenerators and such. So, his recovery was not too noteworthy.

3.  It seems Nicander has a dual personality.  He's not as advanced in being taken over by the parasite based on your comment above, Lucan, yet he is aware of his state and is supporting the parasite position based on the posts in the Shades of Untruth thread (such as making sure there is no telepath/empath in the interrogation group and commenting about meeting Acreth on this or some other plane).  He was also providing the Harbinger and Theurgy crews with clues to the nature of the parasites (interphasal and such) to the point where Acreth beld him against the force field - was Acreth aware of Nicander's position and was helping him maintain cover by attacking him or was she acting in response to the apparent revelation of her nature?

Answer: Your question is twofold so I will start with his dual personality. It would save me some time to refer you to Dr. Nicander's character sheet, and the turmoil inside him has been depicted throughout the roleplay, but in short, Nicander was a vengeance-bent Caroôn man before he was joined. From the moment he was joined, he is also loyal to his mysterious "kin", and he has a voice in his mind that clearly comes from the parasite. Whereas the parasite had deep inclinations towards violence and murder, Nicander is the balancing counterpart. In his pursuit for vengeance, as a charismatic and exotic professional in the medical field, he has been a deceiver since early years in his life. In contradiction to the beast inside, he is always in control, manipulating events and people around him to get what he wants. The quirk about it is that he now *is* joined, and has dual interests in current events because of what he has become. So, its not an easy question to answer, but yes, he has a dual nature.

As for why he feeds stale breadcrumbs of the truth about the parasites' nature to the Theurgy and Harbinger COs is not because of disloyalty towards his 'kin', for if you re-read the very last post with Dr. Nicander in Shades of Untruth, he reveals the hidden ongoings that transpired in the Brig. Sonja's cover was already blown, and they both saw a way to raise Dr. Nicander above any kind of suspicion. Moreover, if Dr. Nicander is the one leading the project to find the means to detect the enemies in their midst... I think he will be just a little bit partial about the outcome and his way to influence the method of the scans, don't you? *grins*

4.  How do the parasites work in general?  Nicander stated that IP critters slowly take over their hosts and the hosts are unaware until their mind is gone.  He also mentioned the other parasite that the crew experienced where the control seems to be immediate.  Where is Nicander on this level of autonomy?

Answer: As you may realise by now, you might want to take what Dr. Nicander said before he was zapped with a wee pinch of salt. *grins* The crew never experienced any of what he spoke about, however. His theories were strictly theories and had no solid reference to events in the roleplay so far. The enemies that the crews are dealing with are, however, fully aware that they have been 'joined' and they are perfectly fine with it. Brainwashed, in a sense. This includes Nicander, for he was not too keen on being joined before he was, yet right afterwards, he accepted the new facet of his existence. He did not lose who he was, at least not as far as he was/is concerned, but became more. Whether or not that is true... I leave it to the players to determine over the course of the story.

5.  What rumors are circulating through the two crews now?  Are the rumors on the Harbinger any different than the rumors on the Theurgy?

Answer: Please see the answer to Question 1 in regard to Sonja Acreth. As of this moment in the story, the rumours are mainly speculation about what Sonja Acreth and the enemies that have taken over Starfleet are - added with who knows how many political functions in the United Federation of Planets. They are falsely branded traitors to the Federation, so you can just imagine what kind of worries and speculation that are circulating. Will they be absolved if they manage to uproot the enemies, despite the fact that they have had to defend themselves against the pursuing starships?Thye have killed countless innocent brothers and sisters in Starfleet just to preserve the truth about Starfleet Command. Will the pressure to have them all punished be too great? As for the Harbinger and the Theurgy respectively, its a wee bit early for discord or something like that. Right now, there is great relief in that they are not alone. Rumours may detail different kind of officers, with the XO of the Harbinger being a frosty Vulcan bitch, as opposed to Captain Vasser being a solid and tested leader on that ship. On the Theurgy, we have a former Starfleet Intelligence XO and a Chameloid Captain who is both a man and a woman. Go figure what rumours may come of those profiles. The darkest kind of rumours would be born from the paranoia about not knowing if the person next to you is like Sonja Acreth...

6.  If the IP are interphasal and can't be detected by normal tricorder scans, then why the hell are you talking anal probes?

Answer: Heh, that was a joke. ;)

7.  Do we need to be concerned about acquiring more IPs haphazardly?  Or are there set conditions that need to be met to introduce the parasite to a host?

Answer: There is an example of how Dr. Nicander was joined in his biography. I will say no more on the matter as of this point in the story. :)

8. Would you like more questions? XD

Answer: Absolutely! I love to do 'interviews' concerning the story. I may be referencing posts and scenes with links as required. If there was anything I missed, all players should feel free to add their thoughts too.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #508
You wouldn't Iron! :o Pull rank to get the newest toys? Tsk tsk :(
  No just reminding you that it is not either of their decisions to make.  Technicially it is the captains and XO's to make but logic would dictate they woudl leave it to the SCO to determine who flies what ships and with what orders.    :D
Besides all Miles woudl want do do with personally it is take it for a test drive.  Probably not his style of ship anyways.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #509
No one besides Nicander knows about Nicander's true nature. No one has any level of knowledge as to him being involved, and he is not the kind to draw suspicion either, going out of his way to be the model Chief Medical Officer. He is the long-term antagonist of the Theurgy story, and one might compare him to several characters with a double nature, with Gaius Baltar, Yagami Light and Dexter being a few of them.


As you may realise by now, you might want to take what Dr. Nicander said before he was zapped with a wee pinch of salt. *grins* The crew never experienced any of what he spoke about, however. His theories were strictly theories and had no solid reference to events in the roleplay so far. The enemies that the crews are dealing with are, however, fully aware that they have been 'joined' and they are perfectly fine with it. Brainwashed, in a sense. This includes Nicander, for he was not too keen on being joined before he was, yet right afterwards, he accepted the new facet of his existence. He did not lose who he was, at least not as far as he was/is concerned, but became more. Whether or not that is true... I leave it to the players to determine over the course of the story.


Rumours may detail different kind of officers, with the XO of the Harbinger being a frosty Vulcan bitch, as opposed to Captain Vasser being a solid and tested leader on that ship. On the Theurgy, we have a former Starfleet Intelligence XO and a Chameloid Captain who is both a man and a woman. Go figure what rumours may come of those profiles. The darkest kind of rumours would be born from the paranoia about not knowing if the person next to you is like Sonja Acreth...


 There is an example of how Dr. Nicander was joined in his biography. I will say no more on the matter as of this point in the story. :)

You're trying to get me to read more, aren't you.  :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #510
Gaius Baltar was from Battlestar Galactica, Yagami Light is from Deathnote and Dexter is a series whose main character is called Dexter.  They're all characters who appear to be good but are actually rather wicked underneath.

Reading is fun.  Plus the story is good so it's worth a read ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #511
But I have other things to be reading.

...And writing.   :'(

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #512
Quote from: PapillonBeryl
You're trying to get me to read more, aren't you.  :P

there is a rule here much like a rule on 4chan their rule is Always Lurk Moar

Our rule is Read Moar

Gaius Baltar was from Battlestar Galactica, Yagami Light is from Deathnote and Dexter is a series whose main character is called Dexter.  They're all characters who appear to be good but are actually rather wicked underneath.

Reading is fun.  Plus the story is good so it's worth a read ;)
Lucan needs to eat more potato chips to be as awesome as Kira though

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #513
I just read Nicander's bio.  Yet more evidence Lucan is an ass man.

And I see what you mean about taking the words of Nicander with a grain of salt.  An assworm and an interstitial parasite don't seem to be one and the same...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #514
Just posted in the Shield Generator thread.  It's short and to the point.

Question - What is the plan for Narik?  Is she going to be kept on the Theurgy?  Will she be transported to the Harbinger?

I don't know what you have planned for the Harbinger and Acreth but if you want someone to fight engineering fire with engineering fire then Narik can probably counter anything Acreth tries to do to the Harbinger.  Or is the Harbinger is going to explode in a spectacular fireball?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #515
Narik does belong to the Harbinger, but now is not exactly the easiest time to fetch a Transport over to the Harbinger. Besides the evident crisis and the imminent need to leave the planet, I believe Acreth messed up the Transporter signals. Iron Ferrox? Do you recall the nature of the problem since you brought the details of the idea to the game? Furthermore, the most dire problem atm is Acreth herself getting into the Bridge witha phaser rifle, whereas Engineering problems she may have/will cause are secondary.

I leave it to TheBanshee to decide whether or not requesting Thea to beam Narik back to the Harbinger or if Tia Marlowe will want to have Narik stay. Either way is fine with me, and I can, if needed, continue throwing problems your way regardless where Narik ends up, PBeryl. ;) The Chapter, however, is coming to a close quite soon.

As for what happens to the Harbinger, what on Earth made you think I would reveal the outcome? *grins* Joke aside, unless someone screws up too much, the Harbinger should get out of the valley eventually.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #516
The transporters were turned off via a admiral level security lockout code.  Essentially an admiral flipped the switch and placed a lock on it not even a captain can turn back on.  her only option woudl be a brute force hack into the transporter systems.  Currntly the codes beign input into the ops station are just that as transporters are the next system that will be reactivated.  Full phaser controls are next on the priority list after that.  given that she is a bit distracted at the moment the transporter hack may take up to a couple more minutes or may complete within seconds.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #517
I hope I'm not the only one who opened the spoiler tag for the new Chief Science officer Simon Tovarek and instantly shouted "Science bitch!" lol

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #518
Hope no-one thinks I'm just not responding.  Just want to make sure no-one else wants to post before I do :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #519
I am at my summer cottage and had guests yesterday, so I will make sure to post in the Harbinger Bridge Crisis tonight.

Kuro: Indeed! Though I had it in mind when making the character pictures for Nolan's new char. I have not seen as much from Breaking Bad as I'd like to, but I knew about Aaron Paul's character's tendencies even before I started watching, lol.

Banshee: If there is anyone else atm, it's Searcher reacting to either yours or Pberyl's post, but with the new orders in the USS Theurgy Bridge Crisis from Edena Rez, I might show up there with ThanIda zh'Wann. I do think, however, that she will show up in order to finish that Crisis, so I think you can safely post away! :) I personally think it will be interesting to see if Tia will already exercise her new position of command in Engineering to offer Narik a new/better contract, (provided Tia likes to have Narik aboard) and can motivate her actions for her new XO and CO if they get out of there.

All: Oh, I have posted the last Crisis now (#10, where Captain Ives finds Sarresh Morali), and I have locked the Crises that I think are finished. Please try to make some headway in the remaining Crises so that I can wrap up this part of the story with them all leaving Theta Eridani IV (unless something unforeseen happens). It would be a shame to keep the people who are done with their Crises waiting too long.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #520
*sighs, writing this up again after the post being lost after midnight yesterday*

As I meant to write last night, time was cut short for me to post in the Harbinger thread, and I devoted the little time I had to read up on all the wonderful posts you guys made this weekend. Also, I finalised a graphics project that has been on the backburner for months now, the last missing images now complete and the update made. Anyway, I will be posting in the following threads today:

Crisis #03 | USS Harbinger Bridge
Crisis #07 | Shield Generator
Crisis #02 | USS Theurgy Bridge
Crisis #10 | Thermal Springs

As for the graphics I have made, you may want to take a look at the USS Theurgy's crew manifest and click on the "spoiler" buttons next to the characters you play:

What I have done, which might not be apparent, is that I have collected all the individual character images into rows of 4 image slots and saved them all (4 slots at the time) into single shiny .png files. So its four images in one, basically. The reason I had to do this was because the amount of code required for a single image made the old method almost break the posting-limit for a single post since we had so many images contained in a single post. This way, I could cut down the amount of code in the Crew Manifest and take the opportunity to make the template frames look better.

Some character images did not look good with the new glass effect, but I have strived to substitute them for new character images instead. I am, however, always prepared to replace them with something else so just PM me with your requests and ideas!

If you guys like the new look, and don't want to change back, I will be doing the same update to the Harbinger's manifest, which should not take too long now that the image hosting and edits has been arranged for.

Oh, and since Hayden O'Connor, our Chief Counsellor, has decided to save our NPC Science Officer - Cir'Cie - whom you may remember best as an infected "antagonist" in Episode 01, I took the time to update her character images too:

Ens. Cir'Cie             Science Officer [NPC]

The model is Mollie Sue Steenis-Gondi, in case anyone was wondering, and Cir'Cie - like other NPC:s - is available for everyone to use.

Looking forward to feedback if you have time to give it.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #521

Oh, and since Hayden O'Connor, our Chief Counsellor, has decided to save our NPC Science Officer - Cir'Cie - whom you may remember best as an infected "antagonist" in Episode 01, I took the time to update her character images too:

Ens. Cir'Cie             Science Officer [NPC] [Show/Hide]

The model is Mollie Sue Steenis-Gondi, in case anyone was wondering, and Cir'Cie - like other NPC:s - is available for everyone to use.

That just sounds so wrong...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #522
As for what happens to the Harbinger, what on Earth made you think I would reveal the outcome? *grins* Joke aside, unless someone screws up too much, the Harbinger should get out of the valley eventually.

What on Earth made you think I expected a real answer?  ;)  I'm used to coming up empty handed during fishing trips.  Doesn't mean I don't keep trying.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #523
@ Lucan: Nice redesign of the char pics ^^

@ Papillon: Wrong never sounded so right? :P Also admire the spirit to keep trying so Lucan would give away something :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #524
 Brutus chuckles, clealry amused

I do like the redesign on the pictures, Lucan. And saving effort on coding the profiles is always a bonus.

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