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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #525
Thanks for the feedback so far! And yes, that came out exactly the way I intended, PBeryl, lol!


Crisis #03 | USS Harbinger Bridge
Crisis #07 | Shield Generator [PBeryl first, wrapping her POV]
Crisis #02 | USS Theurgy Bridge
Crisis #10 | Thermal Springs [Tomorrow]
Chapter 02: The Captain's Yeoman [Tomorrow]

We need posts from Kurohigi and Searcher in Volcanic Skies and The Counselor in next in Choice of Decent! Adakoch, you are up in Reunion and may chip into events in Volcanic Skies at any time too! :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #526
Expanded information on my most recent post in the Harbinger bridge thread.

Selana "Luna" Ravenholm's personal sidearm is a weapon of her own design and construction and is called the "Mark 3 Paralizer." 

Mark 1 was a very highly customized Tazer like weapon and the Mark 2 was a reverse engineered Ferengi energy whip that she had constructed to stun via Electricity much like a tazer.  The mark 3 is the logical extension of her previous 2 designs.

The paralizer is constructed using a variety of plastics composites and other materials that match the same components of her artificial limbs.  It contains no standard power cell instead has a certain amount of charge approx 1 hour of active (turned on and continuous) use.  It is charged through her artificial limbs and as such can be recharged at nearly any time. (for each 1 second of use it requires 3 seconds of charge.)  as such it is extremely hard to detect on shipboard sensors as a weapon.

The paralizer is a 2 weapons in one system.  It fires rounds via electromagnetic propulsion.  (low power rail gun mechanism)  and on average the projectile hits with roughly the same velocity as a paintball.  Its round are small Barbed projectiles similar in shape to a cocklebur.

This burred projectile is designed to either stick to clothing or pierce skin (from 10 ft away on average the burr will embed halfway into the skin of someone shot.  The burr projectile is coated with a Paralytic neurotoxin that cause in most species known to the Federation a interruption of most nervous functions resulting in essentially being frozen still.  With most the effect wears off in approximately 30 minutes to an hour  ((in the case of serious or lethally allergic reactions to the poison the handle of the gun has a compartment with multiple single dose vials of the antidote.))

When fired the Burrs are attached to a thin fulfillment strand that leads back to the gun allowing for the gun to be used in its second function.
By folding the gun over the gun reshaped to form into a sabre hilt and guard shape and upon the pull of the trigger in this state an arc of electricity is sent through the filaments then back to the gun creating an arc of electricity that appears fuchia in color.  Do to the specific weight that the filaments are calibrated to and the wight of the barb itself  this arc when detached and allowed to hand free in the air behaves much like a whip.

Due to micron sharp barbs and shape of the projectile the projectile can be fired at a surface and if it attaches the user can either use it as a grapple like object or can use it as a means to pull a loose object closer to them  (Think legend of zelda hookshot.  Or better that grabby whip in skyward sword.)  This is accomplished by the fact that the filaments are made of a material with a very high tensile strength when electrified. but susceptible to being cut by sheering when not.

In addition the slide is made that it cuts the filament if it is pulled back.  (if you fire two barbs only the second will have a still attached fulfillment.  If you fire one and pull back the slide then you manually cut the filament.

The gun when fully loaded contains 7 burrs  in addition to the gun itself being in that which compartment there is room for 3 reloads (28 burrs total on her person at once.)

As for how severely the shocking and affects Acreth after the initial few seconds I leave that up to Lucan.

Trivia about the weapon.

It is heavily in appearance on Samus Aran's Paralizer sidearm from the Metroid series (particularly how it is portrayed in Super smash Bros Brawl  when it is used by "zero suit samus") See pic below

The noise it makes when fired can best be described as sort of the kind of harsh quick metal on metal ping I imagine like a louder sharper noise than if you were to try and use a sledgehammer to hammer a railroad spike into a Hole meant for a much smaller rivet.

The sound of the snap is like plastic snap holds snapping into place and the hissing noise of the "whip" lighting is meant to be kinda like the click Hiss of a soda can being opened combined with the snap-hiss Noise used in star wars for when a Lightsaber is turned on.

I said the handle folds into a saber shape for an intentional homage/parody to the word Light Sabre.

What the gun itself looks like.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #527
It's a cool gun, Iron! Came to excellent use in the Harbinger thread just now too. :)

Speaking of the Harbinger, everyone, I have now also updated the character images on the Harbinger's Crew Manifest and updated Cala's pictures as well:

I did not update the Calamity's puppet CO and XO since I only had one picture each for those holograms.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #528
Death Montage - Part 01

Given the amount of death scenes throughout the story, the idea came to me that I would compile them all for your reading "pleasure" here in the OOC thread. I will have to divide the list in two parts because of the amount of text, but if you are interested to learn how people were killed/put in stasis, just click the "spoiler" buttons next to each name. Enjoy!

Cmdr. Nerina             Former Executive Officer [Show/Hide]

Lt. Rennan Cooper        Former Chief Tactical Officer [Show/Hide]

Lt. T'Less               Former Chief Tactical Officer [Show/Hide]

Lt. Lawrence O. Lance    Former Chief CONN Officer [Show/Hide]

Lt. Ben Vessery          Former Chief of Security [Show/Hide]

Lt. Diadeniera Drovo     Former Chief of Security, USS Harbinger [Show/Hide]

Lt.Cmdr. David Grayson   Former Chief of Security [Show/Hide]

Lt. JG Adam Kingston     Former Security Officer [Show/Hide]

Ens. Marija Ferik        Former Security Officer [Show/Hide]

Cdt. Scosche Bellde'side Former Asst. Security Officer [Show/Hide]

Lt.Cmdr. Jaru Rel    Former Squadron SCO  [Wolf-01] [Show/Hide]

Lt. JG Khorin Douglas    Former Fighter Pilot [Wolf-05] [Show/Hide]

Continues below...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #529
Death Montage - Part 02

Lt. Garen Nelis          Former Chief Counsellor [Show/Hide]

Lt. JG Jovela            Former Head Nurse [Show/Hide]

CPO. Nolak Kalmil        Former Chief Engineer [Show/Hide]

Lt.Cmdr. Nicole Howard   Former Chief Engineer [Show/Hide]

Lt. Alexander Rosek      Former Chief Engineer [NPC] [Show/Hide]

Lt. JG Arcorn Neotin     Former Engineering Officer [Show/Hide]

Cdt. Ester Hamburg       Former Asst. Engineering Officer [NPC] [Show/Hide]

Lt. Amatras Neotin       Former Chief Science Officer [Show/Hide]

William "Bill" Regal     Former Bartender/'Special Adviser' [Show/Hide]

- Fin

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #530
Since the Harbinger's enemy prisoner, Sonja Acreth, survived her escape - locked up as she will be by Dyan Cardamone again - I went ahead and made some new graphics for her listing on the Harbinger Crew Manifest:

Ensign Sonja Acreth           Prisoner                    USS Harbinger [Show/Hide]

I have yet to write a biography, though. I might just do that as soon as I have the time.

As for remaining posting in Chapter 03, here goes:
Crisis #02 | USS Theurgy Bridge
- Valarie is to post next, followed by a new applicant. Then it is finished.

Crisis #03 | USS Harbinger Bridge
- Cathreen Dawinter is to post next, followed by Kurohigi. Then it is finished.

Crisis #05 | Choice of Decent
- The Counselor is to post next. Then it is finished.

Crisis #07 | Shield Generator
- Searcher is to post next.

Crisis #09 | Volcanic Skies
- Adakoch21 is to post next, yet I may post in the interim with Rawley and Lucan. Then it is finished.

Crisis #10 | Thermal Springs
- Brutus is to post next, then I can end the chapter after that, getting the show on the road again, so to speak.

As you can see, there is not too much left, so I hope everyone that have finished their Crises won't have to wait too much longer.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #531
Good day.

Lucan, I am hoping to join this particular RP and as I do not know what sort of notifications this site has, could you please check your PMs at your convenience? Thank you.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #533
Thank you. Looking forward to your reply and input.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #534
Despite how many characters Lucan kills people still want to join the RP.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #536
*Majel Barrett computer voice*
Warning. New player approaching, Leonal-class, warp factor six. Armaments: claws, quantum torpedoes, Type VII "Cutting Wit" phaser banks. Cargo: words. Registration: out of date and likely forged. Recommendation: destroy with extreme prejudice and report to Starfleet Command.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #537
Welcome Leonal!  Looks like you are going to get on famously here :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #538
The sound of buzzing comes from the door to the room as figure slowly walked into the room. She wear a bright smile on her face as she looked around the room. "Evening everyone, I am glade to be aboard this game. I will be playing Tessa, 007, Wolf-07. It so great to be apart of this game."

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #540
Yep New Blood, new fun can be had.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #541
And loads of fun we'll have indeed... <grins> Welcome to the both of you and enjoy your stay!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #542
Lieutenant Commander Carrigan Trent, Intelligence Officer...

Soon coming to a fugitive renegade starship near you.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #543
YAY! New crewmates :)  Hello one and all, you crazy brilliant bunch!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #544
I just saw the new trailer for Star Trek: Renegades, published 21st of December.

YouTube Link:

Odd how familiar that poem the new Captain writes on the wall is... I somehow seem to remember another Captain citing it on the 20th of June last year.

Between this instance, and the fact that I just discovered that the second verse was used in Mass Effect 3 by character Ashley Williams, I feel less and less convinced I found a gem when I came across that bloody poem, lol.

Alternatively, Tim Russ is ripping us off.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #545
It always amazes me when i watch these things, because I never expect the actors to be legit. But we've got a lot of familiar faces in that trailer. I can never tell if they're doing it cause they enjoy new twists on career defining roles, or if the pay is good ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #546
I'm still trying to catch up on my assigned reading... I hope everyone can be patient with me while I detox from my disastrous trip. :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #547
I got my first post up YAY... Though I may have over looked said reading but not fully... because I don't get to used computer as much as I like because I am borrowing my mother's computer and I forgot what I was I was suppose to read but I don't think I messed anything up with my post. It was not much of an introductions of a my character really... but yet I think it will do well..

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #548
Hooray, I finally popped my Star Trek: Theurgy cherry!

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