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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413893 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #476
Actually, it was.  So much melodrama. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #477
Hello everyone,

First I would like to thank Auctor Lucan for helping me work on my character sheet and getting me interested in the group. I am really looking forward to writing with all of you and am looking forward to the stories we will be crafting. I would also like to thank all you for letting me be a part of your group.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #479
Thank you. I am looking forward to writing with you.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #480
Welcome welcome!

I've only just joined too but I'm loving it already (even though Lucan is evil :P ).  I look forward to seeing you in-game :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #482
Should Thea still answer the combadge for the Shield Generator thread?  It looks like she's been pulled off of transport duty in the Theurgy Bridge thread.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #483
No worries, that happened before Thea went to rescue Eve Jenkins so she is back by then. :) Also it does not have to be the holographic projection of Thea that people are talking to. She can handle multiple conversations as well as any starship computer can, with pelple asking from her all over the ship. Awesome that youcaught a possible discrepancy and made certain. :) /Lucan via mobile phone

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #484
Random thought:

In order for the good Chief Medical Officer to verify that all of the crew is who they really are and doesn't have an alien parasite up their arses, he would have to make reeeeeeal sure there is nothing up there. Tricorders can only tell so much.




Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #485
WTF?!!  Hell fucking no.  You try that shit and Narik will be doing a lot worse than cursing in Ferengi.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #487

Luuuuuuuuuuuuucan!  Bad.  No anal probing.  That went out with Area 51!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #489
You are beginning to make an arse of yourself :P

Really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Did you know arseholes always forget the punchlines to jokes?  Yeah, they might begin well but by the end they've rectum!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #490
We interrupt this anal probe talk to bring you Lori's away notice!

Hi all,
Just a heads up that I'll be leaving this Thursday to visit family, and I'll return some time Thursday of next week.  With the exception of the days spent traveling, I will be around for writing via my IPAD here and there, so I won't be totally AFK, but a bit more sporadic.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #491
Sounds good, Lori!

Attention everyone, with the help of an old site I was on, and with great updates and changes, I have expanded upon the Department Information pertaining to Starfleet Security:

Please post your feedback or comments on the listed information here in the OOC thread so that I can make updates as required.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #492
Looks good, I like it a lot.

Can't think of anything you missed.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #493
Those thoughts going on within the corrupted Ensign.

Cant tell if Tainted by the warp by the Prince of Pleasure or if she took the berserker pack from the DooM comic.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #494
Thanks! Good to hear Banshee. IronFerrox, I know none of the two references, but the idea of the plotline's enemy has been with me a long time. Sonja Acreth's mind is the advanced state of Dr. Nicander's, suffice to say, and like with all good horror, I have drawn inspiration from the Necronomicon in describing what goes on inside her.

I have now also added a new NPC, which is based on the character of an applicant who bailed on us. The original character sheet was merely a messy first draft, which has now been given my touch and additions. The original writer told me - upon deciding to not join us after all - that I was free to use this character as an NPC, and I have now decided to do so after changing things around a bit.

Anyway, here is the link to the character sheet:

Zaraq is the USS Theurgy's new Master-at-Arms, who transferred over from the Harbinger during the week on Theta Eridani IV. He is mainly there for sake of the continued plot, and he may and may not survive Part 2 of this Episode, opening up the Master-at-Arms position once more.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #495
I guess I have some reading to do since those last couple of posts in this thread have me totally baffled.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #496
Splitting skin. Tearing guts. Biting eyes. Ripping flesh. Splitting bone. Blasting new orifices. Fuck them with rifle. Firing. Laughter. Laughter in rain. Blood rain. Flesh-puppet gone, gone, gone...:  Thoughts from the mind of the Enemy.

I was saying this line of thought reminded me of the Doom Comic.

Particularly page 3's RIP AND TEAR rant.  I suggest imagining the Doom marine is voiced by The Ultimate Warrior.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #497
Eh, that may just have been the worst and pointless comic I have ever had the misfortune to browse through. I want the spent moments of ever having laid eyes upon it back. Pardon me, but whatever happened to the innocence and classic narration of the spiderman comics of my youth? lol I don't want to step on any toes here, but does anyone read this filth? I sound like a cranky old man, I know, and perhaps I am just getting too old. I just don't understand. :)

PBeryl, all the answers you may seek is in this thread, Shades of Untruth, which occurred in the beginning of the week the two ships have spent on Theta Eridani IV.

Let me know if you have any specific questions on the present development, and that goes for all of you!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #498
Sadly, Gentleman_And_A_Scholar is no longer a member of the group because of irregular and lacking posting activity. He was approached beforehand and given time to try and get back in gear, yet without any response whatsoever, RL evidently came to draw his focus. This termination of membership is made for the sake of the Group as a whole.

Character Rennan Cooper will succumb to injury at first given opportunity in order to open up the position of Chief Tactical Officer. Should the case be that the writer wish to return to the Group RP sometime in the future, he is more than welcome to do so.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #499
Hello there everyone!

Here is a status report of current events in the RP, and whom is next to post in the remaining threads. I have maked finished threads in Chapter 03 in green, and those left to finish yellow. We are oh, so very close to ending this leg of the story and leave the planet! There are surprises aplenty for then so lets give this "shore-leave" on Theta Eridani IV a grande finale!

Chapter 03:

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 03: Master of My Fate]

Crisis #01 | Transport Centre

Crisis #02 | USS Theurgy Bridge Next poster: Valarie
Crisis #03 | USS Harbinger Bridge Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter

Crisis #04 | Crane Malfunction

Crisis #05 | Choice of Decent Next poster: The Counselor

Crisis #06 | Shuttle Extraction
Crisis #07 | Shield Generator Next poster: Searcher
Crisis #08 | Triage Centre
Crisis #09 | Volcanic Skies Next posters: Searcher, Kurohigi and Adakoch (in independent order)

Crisis #10 | Thermal Springs Next poster: Auctor Lucan, waiting for Valarie in Crisis #02      

Previous Chapters:
EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: The Captain's Yeoman] Next poster: Valarie

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: Reunion] Next poster: Adakoch

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire] Next poster: Adakoch (One last to wrap up?)

Note: I have taken the liberty to tie up loose ends in the threads where we were waiting on Gentleman_and_a_Scholar.

Let me know if you need help or inspiration!



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