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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #300
Luck doesn't seem to be on my side the last few days. Recovering from surgery so I will post once my brain functions normally again after the narcotics work out.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #301
Good luck on getting to feeling better and all, and sorry for the late reply on that note.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #302
I'm guessing this group has died...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #303
I don't know suddenly Lucan stopped posting and i haven't seen him online since the day of my last RP post.  he asked me to modify my post that day and seemed eager to post a reply then he never posted again. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #305
This group has most certainly not died, and I have meant to be posting as soon as all characters have gathered up in the main bridge or replied back to me. If you would just post Brutus and WyteKnyte, I mean to move on with this.

Sure, I could take David, Scosche and Ida to the Bridge by means of Ida's viewpoint, but Brutus, you have not brought Sarresh Morali to the Bridge yet either. Even though I feel that the Lucan/Natalie scene is far from as progressed as I would like it to be in order to enter the finale of the Episode, Amatras Neotin has called for his presence on the Bridge (see OOC notes). While I would happily have posted earlier with what I have , I feel that I need to get replies too. I admit its a bit small-minded of me, and as the GM I should not be silent out of principle, but I am in for the enjoyment too and not just the administration of the story. I just feel its a bit discouraging that the posting order needs to be the GM every second or third post, you know?

Brutus, please reply at your earliest convenience, preferably with Natalie too and not just Sarresh, and Wyte, if you do not bring the Security group to the Bridge with David, I will do so with Ida with my next post.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #306
It is heartening to hear from everyone and know we haven't lost the game.  As a DM, I understand the hesitancy in assuming other players' characters have done something, especially when you don't have the consent of the player, and that is as it should be.  Though, unless Lucan has heard from Wyte after 2 weeks... well, neither have I about the thread I share with him for T'Less and Garen.  I'll PM him, I suppose.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #307
I'm out to A dinner tonight, Lucan, but I'll try and wrap my head into the right place this evening when I get home. (I simply cannot give you a post that does justice from my cell phone)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #308
Heh Only reason neither of my characters have gotten to the bridge is kinda obvious. 

Kinda waiting on the next post by Thea to move "Renard" along.

As for "Miles" I am kinda waiting on Kuro's post as Illya.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #309
dammit I know I posted a reply like forever ago.  Great, looks like I have to remember it and get it posted again.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #310
sorry about that, probably just a stupid error with the site itself.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #311
I think it's time.  If we're going to continue, we should do so.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #312
Agreed. Work-burden is a bit heavy, otherwise I would have posted Thursday/Friday last week. Was away this weekend, and while I hoped Wyte would get back during the weekend, I think we can move on and hope he gets back soon.

I think its safe to say that interest in a long-winded ending is quite low, so I will cut away a lot of the ideas I had come up with during my research and make the ending more straight-forward. Afterwards, I can share my notes with you all.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #313
Agreed, especially with Wyte gone, I know at least 2 of my characters could use a bit of a reset on their current activities.  I appreciate that everyone hasn't given up on this group.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #314
I think people are just busy atm. Anyway, I have as of now 4 paragraphs of the new post and there will be more before I post from work on the morrow. Too late here now to manage to do this in one sitting (0.30 am now) but stay tuned on the Post Meridiem thread for tomorrow.

If you guys want, feel free to post before me in whatever capacity or character you want, for my post will take the entity to the Bridge and plenty of dialogue will ensue.

Feels great to to finish the Episode momentarily and set things up for the new events that follows. :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #316
Time for "Fun times with Mythology"  Ishtar featured heavily in the epic of Gilgamesh.  Gilgamesh featured heavily in a certain episode of TNG.  If you don't know which one I have but one reaction.

Shaka, when the walls fell.

Also I gotta say the revelation of the godess leaves an interesting theological discussion to be had.  particularly a fun little lets spot the mythological references that allow us to piece together the line of gods and godesses that ishtar has been called.

She has already mentioned the following

Inanna (Sumerian)
Ishtar (Mesopotamian)
Aphrodite (Greek)
Venus (Roman)
Freya (Norse)
Tlazolteotl (Aztec)

Also she mentioned the Stealing of the Mes leading to humans being given the gift of civilization.  This means myths associated with the origin of human sentience also count as her domain this evokes the most famous stories of Inanna's theft of the Mes and later her imprisonment in the underworld (Sumerian and Mesopotamian), and the tragedy of the Titan Prometheus.

I am gonna start with pointing out a few of the other gods this character may or may not also be known as  and how about we all start the wild mass guessing as to her other names.

the love, fertility, sex godess
Asarte (Cannanite) Greeks literally adopted this goddess as Aphrodite
Inari Okami (shintoism) Shinto godess of fertility, Sake, and Foxes.**

**Miles people for centuries worshiped a creator goddess that bears an appearance in their mythology similar to hr angelic form (though much more like a anthropamorphic Vixen of course)  He has studied a lot of comparitive religion as a hobby seeing the many forms this same diety seems to have taken in human history and myths.  as a result he is very familiar with the Myths involving this particular deity  in fact his people still symbolically worship her though in a more gnostic spiritual ay than a literal worship of a goddess way.

The gift of knowledge to man
Promethius and the stealing of fire from mount Olympus and giving them to his creation, Man.  Zeus punished him by imprisoning him to a stone and having a eagle peck out his liver every day (it regenerated each day as well making it an endless cycle of torment)

The serpent (Christianity Judiasm Islam)  I think most of us know the whole Garden of Eden story God creates Adam, Man, and creates Eve, Woman, as his companion.  Tells them both don't eat of the tree of Knowledge of good and evil.  The serpent tempts Eve.  Sne in curiosity takes a bite and finds the fruit tasty and offers some to Adam he eats and in consequence man and woman are mortal and they are cast out of the garden into the wild where life is not as harmonious and bad stuff happens.   Some would argue that the knowledge of good and evil is Sentience and Free Will which without those civilization is not possible.

This alone paints a great comparison between the serpent and Prometheus but that really seals the comparison is the second half of the Prometheus story.

After Pormethius is punished Zeus wishes to punish man.  He creates a woman from the same substance man was created from and the Olympians gift her with many well gifts.  the most significant gift though is a Jar or a Pithos.  She was also given other gifts such as being taught needlework by the gods and the ability to speak and craft lies and deceit (this story is where the Greek, Roman, and later Christian belief of women being deceitful treacherous, and inherently evil most likely comes from BTW.)  Due to her being given many gifts she was named by the gods "All Gifted" or Pandora.  the first man was warned by Promethius not to accept gifts from Zeus but he did not listen and accepted the woman the gods crafted for man along with her gifts she came with.  At one point Pandora opened the Jar which was said to contain burdensome toil and sickness that brings death to men, diseases,  and a myriad other pains.  Upon opening the box and realizing what she was releasing Pandora quickly tried to shut the box trapping the last thing within the box within it forever.  That one thing trapped within Pandora's jar was hope.

Major similarity here is woman involved in the fall of man and "original sin" and created the building blocks of civilization.  This parallels the theft of the Mes.  This would indicate that in the ages of man humans have combined and rearranged aspects of the same being whom the crew of the Theurgy has encountered as this Mysterious Deity.

So oh yes indeed she who is known by many names was quite the little nod.  after all there is a being that often has called himself hee who has many names.  Oh how The Stones would be proud of you Lucan.
"Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name.  What's puzzling you is the nature of my game."

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #317
Current location of the Theurgy
The most recent interum plot took place near in and near the Nimbus system.  The Nimbus System is located, according to all the maps of Trek I have seen, along the Romulan Federation Neutral Zone in the "North" direction (I am defining galactic North as the direction towards the center of the Milky way. which is the direction used on most Trek charts and maps.

Here is a map spotlighting Sol and Nimbus.

Here is a link to  the full map  which spotlights the majority of major locations in the Alpha and Beta quadrants.

this one is a map of the milky way itself showing the quadrants and has a small overlap showing Explored space.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #318
Short comment, it is strange that Nimbus III appears in the Romulan neutral zone instead of the Klingon, since that is where Memory Alpha states that Nimbus III was located:

"Klingon" Neutral Zone

    See also: Federation-Klingon border

A neutral zone also existed along the Federation-Klingon border by 2285, referred to by the Klingons as the Federation Neutral Zone. In 2267, the development of Nimbus III as a "planet of galactic peace" began in the Neutral Zone. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier) This neutral zone was violated by Commander Kruge in 2285. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

For the record and reality of this story, Nimbus III is located in the Klingon-Federation Neutral zone, regardless how confused things might be canon-wise. The Klingon-Federation border was previously mentioned in the Interregnum and in the beginning of Ep02.

Also, thanks for the attempt to start a theological discussion, Ironferrox, yet it seems we are all fed up with the last leg of this Episode 02 and the interest of delving into the research I made pretty vane. I mean to wrap it today with another lengthy post of mine, and then set things in motion for everyone to do as they please in another place-holder Interregnum thread (between Ep02 and Ep03). Also, I will arrange for people to be able to post their EP03 characters somewhere and get things in gear for the next story, which most probably, and hopefully, will not be so taxing and forced as the conclusion of this Episode. I hope, however, that people enjoyed the story for the sake of reading it, even if it became sort of an abbreviated version of what I had in mind at first and not allowing for much of actual role"play".

My apologies for my shortcomings and in hope that the new part of the Theurgy's story will be more interesting for you guys to post in.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #319
Some notes:

- Everyone is very much free to continue rping in the wake of my last post in Post Meridiem. If you have pairings or ideas to implement right away after people disperse from the Main Bridge, go right ahead.

- The Interregnum thread will play out the following day. Meaning morning to evening the day after Post Meridiem. The day will end with the Senior Staff Meeting, which will be the start of Episode 03.

- Episode 03 begins at 2200 hrs with the Senior Staff Meeting, and notes to inspire you for the characters that are not in the Senior Staff will be forthcoming.

Placeholder for the Interregnum thread Ep02-03 will be up today.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #320
First time that I've witnessed a grand finale :D I must say I'm impressed by the effort and ideas that were put in to the story. Looking forward to the next episode ^^

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #321
Thanks for your kind words. Means a lot. :)

- Interregnum thread Ep02-03 is up!

- Those with approved NPCs for Episode 03 can now post their character sheets at the top of our board, where I will make a NPC manifest as the sheets are posted. Searcher, I believe you have one character, yet we have several more on the way.

- Let me know what you want to write with me in Post Meridiem and/or the Interregnum thread!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #322
First Storyline NPC is posted by IronFerrox:

(Iron, please note that the new pic on the left end of the row has her rank insignia on the collar if you want to update your own post to show that instead)

Looking forward to see the rest of the character sheets posted there! Searcher has one of them, I believe. (I will be posting one myself soon)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #323
I guess I'll introduce myself here in anticipation of being fully inducted to the group - I have a character set up that would be part of the Harbinger crew, an Engineer who's been acting Chief during the Harbinger's recent troubles.

I've read over a lot of the plot and character sheets and have familiarised myself with the Goddess reveal. It would be great to work out ideas with all of you, I think it's definitely in place for any of the Harbinger characters to interact from the get go, so I look forward to that.

In a nutshell, he's not your typical Starfleet Officer in that he resented being forced by his parents into that career path. He was less committed to studying during his time in the Academy than he was putting himself about and he's still the same as an officer.

Hopefully everything goes well and he'll make an appearance soon :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #324
I've already extended my welcome, but here I am nonetheless to inform everyone that Aron's character (Alexander Rosek) has been added to the Storyline NPC list.

Aron, I have added the agreed picture to the list, but you did not add your own image to your character sheet, just FYI.

Midnight here, so I will have to get back to this planning of the initial steps of the Ep03 plot tomorrow.



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