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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413852 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #275
Seeing that he dropped in the hangar bay, I think Thomas can "notice" it for the first time.  From there he might startle the wolf so it runs off, might lead to a merry wolf hunt (possibly with other chars) as Thoms might want to figure out why there's a wolf running around on board.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #276
Especially when the wolf looks identical to his SCO's Animal form.

Also I sent lucan a IM over MSN asking if your conversation with Thea is at the same time as when Miles and Rez were split into their different forms.   If you both want it to be at that time here is what would be noticed by your character and here is what can be noticed by Thea Lucan in his post mention the sound of a thud in the direction of Fighter Wolf 01 and that in their direction they probably wouldnt see him

Thomas would possibly hear a mild thud like a sack of something being droped to the floor from approximately 4 ft up (Basicially it woudl be like a side of beef packed in flour and in a Fur sack dropped from 1-2 meters in the air and landing on a Hard surface  from a  distance of across the entire fighter bay.  Visually he woudl be able to see nothing as fighter wolf 01''s shadow is over the creature and it is hidding with the fighters landing legs between it and you blocking your line of sight.

Thea woudl have the same visual from her location but being the ai of she ship she has the option to playback shipboard sensor and camera logs located in the direction of the sound. 
These logs woudl reveal Miles's Animal form's side appearing in the camera's view under the fighter.
At this point it appeared to be falling at a rate of approx 10 miles per hour. 
It continued to fall for 1 meter for a length of time of 0.19 seconds
It impacts the ground at a speed of nearly exactly 14 miles per hour  suggesting a nearly exactly 2 meter fall.

Upon hitting the ground the creature appears dazed and looks towards the two in the shuttle bay it appears to look inquisitively looking at one then the other then backs up putting the landing leg of the fighter between the two and it while appearing to peek around the corner of the landing legs to keep an eye on them.  The canid is showing body language indicative of caution. with no signs of Agression or Submission.

The appearance of the creature matched Miles animal form but its actions suggests a level of intelligence lower than Miles would in this form and possibly no higher than a Social species of Pack canine like found in the Terran Gray wolf (Canis Lupus)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #277
Opened up a new thread for the two scenes between Jien Ives in two version together with Kiya Rez and Thomas Ravon. In this thread, the meeting with Scosche Bellde'side has already happened on Deck 01. I will open up RP-wise with a lengthy post on the morrow, but the place-holder is up for the time being.  Being almost 1 am here, I will be retiring for the evening now.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #278
Right os, I' am all kinds of fail when it comes to getting back to y'all. After some thought, I do want to stick Natalie with Lucan, given they have something of a history, what with being trapped together for a while.

That said, once this new episode starts, I look very forward to inflicting poor natalie on your new character, Searcher. Since I do want to get to write with you at some point.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #280
I have asked Lucan to take over game mastering for the MG subplot.  I've been pretty busy and know I won't be able to give the story the attention it deserves.  I am not abandoning any of my characters, just turning over this particular duty to the original game master, so I look forward to continuing.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #282
Greetings fellow writers!

What with the surge of activity in relation to the mini-plot, and with the understanding that it might be difficult to start Episode 2 in mid January since people won't have wrapped up their stuff by then (me included), I have a resolution, so here is the announcement:

- The Mini-plot becomes Episode 02
- The upcoming Episode becomes Episode 03, and starts beginning of February (depending on demand/readiness)
- The posts adhering to Episode 02 are retitled to "EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [XXX/XXX] (depending on pairing)
- Taguiera, Ironferrox and Kurohigi (unless I have missed anyone) would you please rename the threads you have started according to the previous point as soon as you are able to?
- In due time, I will post a new thread in Episode 02 where we merge all the pairings into a single sequence of event, where the threat of the MG is addressed in full force.
- The aforementioned thread will also be the last chapter in this Episode, making it a significantly shorter Episode than Episode 01, yet nonetheless a chapter of great relevance in the USS Theurgy's story
- A placeholder Interregnum post will then be set up for events that takes place between Episode 02 and 03.
- Episode 03 will start really hands-on with the arrival of the "allied" ship and the Red Alert being sounded aboard the Theurgy.
- Kurohigi and I have been in correspondence about some details in Episode 03 that will be changed for better effect, and we are individually working on ship-relevant info and NPC character sheets. Material such as this will be forthcoming here as well as in Episode 03 once it begins.

In other news, I am excited about the upcoming Star Trek movie. The footage looks great and I like the casting of the villain. I hope this movie will be just as good as the last one.

That is all,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #283
Sounds good, Boss!

Yeah, I'm really looking forward to Into Darkness, too. I managed to find a copy of the nine-minute preview online (it was blurry, but good enough to see what was going on) and it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. I actually hope it'll be even better than the last one which, while still very enjoyable and easily one of the best Trek films, could have been a bit better. But they filmed that during the 2007 Writer's Stike, so they weren't allowed to make any alterations to the script (or even ad lib dialogue!) like you can normally do while filming a movie. So the story and dialogue probably will be sharper and tighter in the sequel.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #284
Short notice: While I now have 5 different scenes to reply to as of the replies today and last night, I would definitely have been posting just about now. I have guests in my house, though, so I will write replies during the day and evening tomorrow so that I am not such a poor host. :)

Also, Brutus, are you still available for a scene with Lucan and Natalie? Then, unless you have any preferences, I will set them up in a new thread tomorrow as well.

Looking forward to see development on the other threads too, and if any of you need the MG to appear, let me know? I would not like to barge in on people's scenes unless asked. Most likely I'd ruin stuff for you more than bring excitement.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #287
Been doing a lot of research the last two days for the last part of Episode 02. I am happy to announce that with the awesome help from IronFerrox and Taguiera, I do believe we have a nice finish for the Episode. I have also done some graphics, and I have a picture to show right away: the Mysterious Goddess (who's name remains a secret for now).

I have done some more, but I'll save that for later in the Episode. I will be posting on the morrow, and with the research I've made, I might have some surprises in store.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #288
Very nice!  Look forward to the rest of the Episode.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #289
mmmhmm, its been a fun read so far.
Lucan: working up a post for you, but bear in mind I'm looking at a long day tomorrow and at least a 12 hour shift friday (into Saturday) so it might take a few more days.

If I owe anyone else a post, pm me?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #290
I may be away from posting for a bit, my main computer has went fubar and i am down to only having access to my laptop which has a lot smaller screen.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #291
I should be able to finish up my posts today, but I'll be out for about a week. Going on a trip for a small week so I'll be back to posting after that.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #292
Just so y'all aren't caught unaware, I've caught some kind of bug, bit of a fever and allergy/sinus headache.  It might be a day or two before I can write replies, though I will no doubt try.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #293
 Brutus sits down with a big ole mug of hot apple cider, in his easy chair, and sets to work on that post he owes

Tag, hope you get better soon

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #295
I'm having a horrible blonde moment ... dashing all around taking boys to scout functions, etc. ... where should Skye and Kae post?  Will there be a seperate thread for the bridge or should we post in the Ante thread?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #296
Ah, well two possibilities and one recommendation of my own.

I posted in yours and kuro's thread here:

So, depending on whether you guys want to have your characters wake up by the sound or not, discussing how to go about the situation and getting dressed and what not, I would recommend you continued writing in your thread for that immediate response to the security alert. Please read the OOC notice at the link above. During that interaction, unless they reach the same conclusion, I could have Jien asking Kae to get to the bridge and thus getting Skye in the bargain. I will keep an eye on how things develop. This would be my recommendation.

Or, you could wait for a couple of days more, and a new thread will open up where Kae and Skye can turn up. So, up to you guys!



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