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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #250
Kiya is available and would probably work rather well with male Jien.  That pretty much covers all my characters as having something now, except for Edena herself, who is still available.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #251
Sorry, just catching up ... at the game store about to play a game of Vampire ... Skye would not do well with Ida at all.  That's one person she fully intends to keep as much space between them as possible.

I had talked with Brutus about making sort of a male NPC and it's someone I was considering app'ing who could come into the story when the next major plot comes around, a bartender who was on the other ship and seeing the bad stuff going on his own transfers over.  If Brutus likes the idea of Natalie having time with male Jien, then I will bow out of that idea.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #252
After the initial pairing scenario that involves Miles and Illya (sp?) plays out the majority of its action I was thinking that miles once he becomes suspicious of the strange happenings woudl request to speak with Thea's interface so after that initial pairing I was kinda hoping miles would end up in some form of adventure scenario with her.  Another idea would be Miles getting split into Furry Miles and Human Miles.  with one of them staying with Illya in the scenario the other somewhere else and ending up requesting assistance from Thea.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #253
IronFerrox: Ah, Thea would naturally respond to the request and we'll see what happens after that.

Searcher: Thanks for the reply on the ThanIda eventuality. Oh, and it was Lucan and not Jien Ives whom I thought could be paired with Natalie Stark (female Jien going to the new applicant's character and the male Jien Ives to Kiya Rez) but we'll see what Brutus thinks. :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #254
Edena-Miles thread is currently waiting for Taguiera to play his part and have the mysterious god separate Edena's personalities throughout the ship, leaving Illya with Miles in the XO Ready room.  After that, the remaining personalities would become available for interaction

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #255
yep, Also if we do a shape shift split, Furry miles woudl have more of the animal instincts than he usuially shows IE sort of a regression to a more primitive less reserved Vulpinian state.  Human woudl have none of the Extra human ability's of a vulpinian making him effectively human.   Which woudl include no tail, and ears not even being pointed.

If this happens Kuro, which of the two halves of the split do you want to be in the room with Rez.  I think it woudl make more sense if the Animalistic instinctual half gets left with Illya and the human side is separated to elsewhere.  But interactions between the less inhibited Side of Miles with Thea could prove interesting as well. So in the end I think I should leave it up to you to decide if he is getting split and what side stays with Illya.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #256
Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a nice Christmas, if you celebrate it that is. This time of year's a bit busy for me, so I've been out of commission for a few days.

Lucan, I'm definitely up for your scenario with Ida and David. Considering how we decided their dinner date ended, I think sticking them in a cell together and then seeing what happens will be a lot of fun. Would you like me to reply to your post in the Ante Meridiem thread, or have you decided on a different course?

Searcher and Taguiera, you'll both have replies from me up tonight.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #258
Illya would probably be best with the human, simply because she is bound t want to enjoy all the benefits of having a body, which would mean dragging him around like she's on a shopping trip.  Wouldn't want him instinctively driven entire for that sake.  Plus, I usually limit the degree of furry, and Miles' alternate form is past it lol

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #259
Well, on the contrary, I think it is up to you Miles if he is split or not. Naturally, Thea will answer the furry version too if called upon, but as you know already, I am not too big of a fan for the furry side either. Still, we'll see where the writing takes things since Thea might be motivated by the MG's meddling. Depends on what befalls them, I guess. Or, Miles remains whole with Ilya. *shrugs and smiles*

Oh, I will take the unforeseen chance to write a pre-scene with Searcher (Lucan & Eve) before the MG pairings transpires, which are Eve + Khorin and Lucan + Natalie? (Pending Brutus reply). This would mean that the thread with Khorin and Eve plays out an half an hour or so later than the Ante Meridiem thread. I don't think that this will cause any disturbances in plot's space-time continuum. :)


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #260
I was giving yall the decision because I know that ome people are completely squicked out by furry so I figured that it woudl be good if Kuro were to choose which one Illya was stuck with.

As for The furry side he can me more instinctual more prone to acting on impulse in these parts but since thea has no actual hormones or him to smell that may help curb that towards her partially.  Besides I see the plot with him and Thea being more them trying to unwravel the mystery.  So it woudl be less of a sexual geared plot and more an action mystery plot with him trying his best to curb his more primal urges.  the good thing is his furry form is the best suited in hand to hand combat so if an action scene came up at least he has that going for him.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #261
I'm up for whcih ever. I know Searcher was looking forward to stretching her creative side on the NPC. I also know that sticking natalie in the same room with lucan can only lead to trouble.

Been away and busy and...stuff the last few days. Sorry if i seem a tad out of it ^^;

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #262
Well, on the Lucan + Natalie thing, I think it boils down to whether or not Searcher wants to write up the NPC or not, but was he not supposed to be defecting from the other "friendly" ship in Episode 02? Since this mini-plot transpires before that, would that not make it easier to decide? I mean, just because the MG puts Lucan and Natalie together in this mini-plot does not mean that they are married or anything. It only serves to... spice things up, doesn't it? ;)

Anyway, I suppose the ball falls in your court again, Searcher. :)

As for the Miles + Thea thing, sounds awesome, IronFerrox, but I will not completely put aside the idea that Thea wishes to explore what it means to have a human body (if ever so briefly). Experience-wise, it will do her really well. Imagine, for a hologram, to have that kind of first-person experience as an organic. The Doctor in Voyager got to experience it in Seven-of-Nine's body in some episode in Season 7, after all.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #263
That was a really good episode!  I thought Jeri Ryan did very well acting like the doctor.

As far as the NPC guy I was thinking of, if Brutus wants Natalie to pursue something with Lucan then I would wait and app Rory for when the other ship comes into play with the main plot. 

My original thought for him was a bartender during the daytime or alpha player's hours who was caught up in all the mess with the infection.  He would be someone who might be less intimidating, someone Natalie might be able to just talk to about what happened with the infection ... sort of share their misery in their cups together.

Just trying to offer options and be flexible!  :)  I'll gladly leave it up to Brutus/Natalie and go with the flow as always.  Either way is fine and dandy with me.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #264
I suppose if Thea got turned into "a real girl" for a brief period, it might make her more open to what Lin Kae is trying to do for her too, in helping her to become a more complete individual.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #265
An excellent point what I had in mind already, though I failed to convey in detail in my last post in this OOC thread. For her to know and experience means that it awakens a desire to be more than she is, and Lin Kae is her key towards that goal. :)


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #266
During the Nimbus III mission, Kae said that Skye inspired an idea in his mind.  That was accurate, as Searcher's actual post back then did give me an idea for what Kae might work on to further help Thea along.  The thought could possibly be described as a step towards the creation of the Mobile Emitter.  Still working out some finer details, but it would basically be a holographic projector which could project Thea in places where there are no built in emitters.  Something spherical which projects her around it, making the emitter her heart of sorts, moving as she moves.  Instead of being something on her shoulder, like the Voyager emitter, this would be something inside the hologram, serving almost like a vital organ in a way.  Damaging it would mean shutting down the hologram, while complete destruction would destroy the hologram that was transferred into it.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #267
I favour the idea a great deal, and not only because it allows Thea to move outside the ship, but because I think her a bit over-powered in her current ship-based existence. I mean, to damage Thea, you would have to attack the computer core of the ship or hack her in some way. She had a passive state and a holographic phaser at hand always.

If she was to have a "heart" that contained exclusively her programmed sentience and her holographic projection (excluding the ship-functions that are left behind to be handled by the main computer), and that heart was her weakness as well, it would balance her a bit. She would have to have a transporter signature on her "heart" as well as combadge functionality. It is also a good detriment that she cannot make herself "passive" and pass through any solid matter, at least not anywhere that her material "heart" can pass through.

*shrugs* Suffice to say, I welcome some rp-exploration of this idea in the near future. *nod nod*



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #268
I imagine it would work similar to the Doctor, in which she could be transferred between the ship's computer banks and the emitter, but to further the need to make this object an important part of her, perhaps Kae designs this to store all the extended programs he is placing into her.  It was noted that the Doctors expansions, be it photography, daydreaming or the command hologram, all used up memory aboard the ship.  This emitter could contain everything that makes Thea who she is, making it not just her hart but her very being.  It would have it's own power (which would require charging) and memory to fit all these additional programs, while being back in the ship would render her a more simplified version of herself.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #269
Hmmm, I'm torn between the mayhem of Lucan or the soothing understanding that Natalie might get from NPC bartender! Ahhhhh indecision!!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #270
well to be honest Miles is more than open to a encounter in that way with Thea I was just saying if you didnt want to RP out the whole furry thing I Understand.  Actually that's another part of why he has been more than overly chaste in his actions in the Federation.  He knows most humans and many other member species in the Federation aren't attracted to his species' more canine appearance.  If Thea made the idea of consent clear to him though gicven the directions his hormones woudl be pulling him in he would most certainly be grateful to her for helping him keep his sanity in the situation.

Anyways Lucan i will leave it up to you how far things woudl go between Miles and Thea.  But, I will say Miles woudl be more than willing if she were.  I just figured Thea would be naturally more interested in being professional.  To put it bluntly Miles is the type who is super aware of the taboo of sexual harassment and is ultra careful not to try and do anything that could even be implied as such.   Most of his reluctance to being overtly Flirty with his crew-mates is due to his not wanting to cross any lines.    I guess you could say its almost a fear of being seen as a creeper so to speak. 

Besides Captain Ives seems to be a very Proper and regimented captain, and as such Miles does all he can to make sure he walks the line of proper behavior under his/her command.

Also Thea with a heart sounds like an awesome idea.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #271
Hello everyone! It would appear that I'm the newest writer in the group ^^ I've just posted up my character info in the manifest and I'm looking forward to meet you all. I'll be busy reading up on miniplots and other events at the moment but feel free to Pm me if anything is on your mind :) Also feel free to ask away if you people want to know more about me :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #272
A warm welcome to you Nolan, even though I welcomed you in our correspondence before you joined. I will take the moment to announce that your character is now listed on the Crew Manifest as well as the Squadron Organisational Chart (appears when pressing the "Spoiler" button next to the white Lone Wolves bar on the Manifest)

Furthermore, I have moved to update the Request thread with fresh info, just FYI everyone. If you guys have people you want to recommend the RP, feel free and make sure they send me a PM.

I suggest you two, Searcher and Brutus, take your time and decide what you want to do in the mini-plot (regarding the choice of Lucan/NPC) and announce it here when you have come to a decision. :)



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #273
Glad to see another wolf in active duty.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #274
Glad to see another wolf in active duty.

Reguarding the Split of miles I have decided there are three forms.  Two for actual plots and one that will act as more an NPC type character.

For lack of confusion I am giving each form a seperate name in narration though all can be refered to in character by any name variation that Miles goes by

The Completely human form will be designated as "Miles"

the Natural form will be called  "Renard" (which is one of the french words for fox)

Finially there Canine animal form "feral" form would be the term used by the furry community.  I am designating  this one as the Rusty Fox or simply "Rusty" (given his rust colored fur).  This form appears almost identical to the earth species Chrysocyon brachyurus  Common name: Maned wolf (( )) 

For size comparisons to human and other wolf species here is a chart.

This form can be placed into different threads if anyone wants it to show up.  Compared to the other two forms Rusty is a extremely intelligent canid but not to the point of full fledged Human level inteligence.  Essentially he is much like an extremely intelligent working dog.  His primary instinct given there are no females of his species is not to mate but to find food and a safe form of shelter.  However given the vulpinian military man at the core of his personality He has protective instincts towards those who appear to be in danger of undeserved harm and could potentially attack an aggressor with the same level of force as a Police K-9 Unit.   He can recognize doors and other familiar objects but due to being in this four legged form he is less able to easily manipulate Controls.  Essentially he knows what button to push because of a instinctual memory as Miles but can only hope he mashes the right one with his paw, nose, claw whatever.  This is only the case for more obvious controls like things he used every day like doors.  complex things like computer interfaces are just curious blinky lights to him.  His personality is primarily outgoing and  friendly. but can be violent if he is threatened or if another who seems to be an innocent is threatened.  His vocalizations are limited in this form to canid sounds and gestures common to his and similar species barks, growls, whines, whimpers, yips, canine gestures, etc.

As mentioned if you want him to show up in your thread just ask I can play as him or control of him can be shared between us where you can partially control him  him as a helpful NPC "animal companion" type character.

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