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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #200
Interestingly, I don't really have to choose a god/goddess.  My idea for MGod is that it is neither male nor female, but able to shift form between the two at will, meaning she could once have been, in Norse mythology, Freya and Freyr.  In Roman, Fecunditas or Feronia or Libera and Inuus or Picumnus or Robigus.  Greek gods would be easiest, as they actually have a hermaphroditic god, Aphroditus.  So, I have my idea for what to play, I'm just waiting on situations to arise for it.  I have a few ideas about that, as well and as soon as I have a pair or more of scenes to do, I'll get to work.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #201
Edena is available, though I should note that such a powerful being does have other advantages.  Edena is a Trill with three former personalities in her mind.  A playful omnipotent being might take advantage of that and split them apart into separate beings. 

Also, rather then just instilling lust in everyone, there is room for more games to be played simply by placing people in situations.  The infection plot had everyone in control of lust, so it would be more interesting to have characters in control of themselves, but not the situation.  Some god just decides to throw two people (or maybe more if you want things to get really interesting) into some locked location without any clothes.  what happens from there happens.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #202
I would love to hear your ideas, Kurohigi.  A PM, perhaps?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #203
That sounds like something Eris or Dionysis would do LOL

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #204
yea I gotta say i like the idea of the god/goddess not rally makiing them act but putting them in a scenario where such things could occur would make more sense.   r another possibility would bee having them seem to loose controll for a moment and seconds later find themself having lost their composure and embarrassed having taken things no further than making out.

Also Kuro if you would not mind I would prefer my character to be stuck in said scenario with Edena as she has had more actual interaction with Miles at this point than most other characters in the RP.  Also since she is his direct superior officer anything that happens would become much more complex because of it.


Also I think the idea woudl be less causing people to act on lust but I like the idea of Dionysis as well God of wine well what does alcohol tend to do Lower inhibitions. so the idea of what happens being less sudden make-out and more Inhibitions being mystically lowered. that would to me make more sense

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #205
I think q (undercase q, as in the son of the main Q) is a good example.  He ran around with all that power and what did he do?  Turned the Warp Core into a dance club, zapped the clothes off of Seven of Nine, anything that amused him.  Why just think pairings when there are other things to make it interesting?  Maybe a couple find themselves zapped to a Risan resort, maybe another pair into the jefferies tubes, maybe the Vulcans get their Pon Farr jump started, while other people have gender swapping, race swapping or even body switching.

ironferrox, for the case of Edena, there would be a few options if she was split up into her personas.  You got her main Edena persona, the more sexually aggressive and creative Illya, or the romantic and experienced Kiya, the former two likely getting their bodies from their prime to go with their knowledge and memories.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #206
heh exactly! He never made anyone do anything he was just well... lets face it q was an internet troll with reality altering powers.

AS for gender swapping and  such things I do have a concept of Miles as a female so if he gets gender swapped or even duplicate made of him that's gender swapped I can play her as an NPC.
By the way if said Fem Miles (Milly) ends up happening at any point she is at best flirty fox girl and at worst a seductive vixen.

As for what one of Edena I have no clue but if she does get split it woudl be funny if Miles in in the middle of a meeting with her when she gets split.  ((BTW when it comes to his superior officer Miles is very Professional so it would probably take one of her more forward personality to cause him to do anything.))

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #207
With Natalie, the more I think about it, her job could place her pretty much anywhere on the ship at any given time: Operations is in charge of all kinds of subsystems, so she could be doing work on ODN conduits in the Medical bay when Eve is present. Rerouting environmental controls as a security patrol passes, deep down in engineering assisting the CEO or anyone else there. Or simply on the bridge during the alpha shift, interacting with any number of NPC's or Officers. so, for her, I still don't see a specific paring (Aside from the captain, whom she is supposed to start training with in the somewhat near future, but , if Lucan is out....:) )

Sarresh is a little more tricky. He'd either be on the bridge, in science department, or maybe somwhere fiddling with the deflector dish control. he'd probably be spending most of his time (more then he'd like) in the presence of one or another ash'reem.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #208
Gender/body swapping could actually turn out quite comical.  I just started watching Farscape on Netflix and a couple of days ago saw an episode where six of the characters were switched around.  John in Aeryn's body and Chiana in Dargo's body ... those were some hilarious scenes.  Kuro is absolutely correct that there are some wonderful possibilities other than pairings, giving everyone a chance to be creative and stretch imagination and writing skills.  One scenario I just thought of would be Skye checking in on Lin Kae.  She's feeling like a big sister to him and if they were swapped, she'd take his body and roll in mud or something to show him he can do things like that and not worry about germs, etc.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #209
Just wanted to put in my two cents and say that if anyone needs another player for any idea with NPCs I would be delighted to play some of them in whatever scene you all might like.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #210
All right, I have a decent idea of how to proceed now, but I'm still waiting on a few more scenarios from folks.  I think I can come up with a few from what's been offered here, but I want to get as many of our players involved as possible.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #211
I'm all for Adam being turned into a girl :P that'd be funny.  As for my Ash'reem characters ... not sure what to do with them.  :P alot of conditions that would be interesting to play them through might also be lethal to them, or I wouldn't be sure how to proceed with. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #212
For your Ash'reem, the god could probably mess with them a bit to make things less lethal for them.  Just think of whatever crazy conditions you would want to enact.  This kind of plot can make the impossible possible after all.  All you need to figure out which characters or even just RPers you might want to interact with that you might not have had the chance to.  The plot can invent the reasons why it happens. 

That's the case for everyone too, so for those considering just who their characters would be around, go crazy with the ideas!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #213
I could use someone to play with Brutus, specifically with Natalie, I think, though Saresh isn't out.  It doesn't have to be a PC, an NPC will do just fine.  Also, there's completely new thoughts for it, as well, including playing a celebrity off the subspace network, something like that.  I'm willing to work with just about anything.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #214
If Kuro agrees, I'd love to have a Skye and Lin Kae interaction.  I think there could be a lot of comic relief there as well a deep bond that could be made.

If needed, I could try to run an NPC guy to interact with Natalie.  I've thought about stretching my writing and that might be a good trial if Brutus agrees.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #215
I wouldn't have Kae with anyone but Skye right now.  Too much potential fun, but a pre-built story that hasn't seen a payoff yet.

That would leave Isley and Edena (with Edena being four potential characters if she was split into her former hosts) for anyone who wants to interact with those characters.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #216
I added multiple new threads for various characters.  For instance, IronFerrox's Miles will be having a briefing with Edena, unless you object, Kuro.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #217
I have no objections.  I will try to get a post up tomorrow night, but tonight looks unlikely for me getting any posts done.  Too much to do to dedicate my time towards a quality post.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #218
Searcher: I'm game for some fun and more then willing to help ya stretch your writing styles

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #219
anyone want anything with my charactesr?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #220
I coudl NPC someone I guess Since miles will be busy at first with the XO

Also I am assuming the meeting is Tactical Conn Department report where he is briefing her on any anomalies with Fighter patrolls that occured, and the tactical conn division's post mission Analysis on the Away mission.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #221
Iron, that sort of detail I would leave to you and Kuro.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #222
actually that sentence was meant for kuro lol... I guess i shoulda specified who i was talking to heh

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #223
Kittykat: I wouldn't mind putting Isley with one of your Ash'reem.  We could use it for a bit of exposition while we're at it; a chance to have our characters speak about themselves to flesh out their characters, maybe allow you to talk more about the Ash'reem race within the RP.  If that sounds like a good idea to you, we can discuss what kind of points we want to touch on within such an encounter, as well as what kind of circumstance the two would find themselves in.

ironferrox: A meeting would be the easiest to explain why the two end up in one place together.  Taguiera, maybe we can OOC when we are prepared for interference by the god?  That would seem the best way to make it it is properly put in place.  I think splitting the personalities of Edena and them all ending up in different locations would be vthe best way to work things.  Leaving Miles with Illya, her most sexually outspoken former host, would probably be the best pairing.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #224
An OOC would be fine.

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