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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #225
Did you have something you wanted to do with the other personalities?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #226
I leave them open to anyone who is interesting in playing with them.  There would be Edena herself, her heterosexual female doctor who is experienced but submissive in a romantic setting, and her heterosexual male Starfleet Intelligence officer with a dominant streak

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #227
Hi everyone!

Contract negotiations extended throughout December, but now, just before Christmas, I have signed the last one of them. Furthermore my successor in my old position is now successfully (finally) slipping the old weights from my shoulders.

*uncorks champagne and sprays everyone*

No amount of words can describe the relief I feel now at the end of this period, and I as I have read up on the OOC thread above, I am further thrilled that you guys have decided to move on with the mini-plot during my absence! After my last post in the Interregnum, where there was no reply at first, I thought you guys had directed your attention elsewhere. Discouraged at first, I discovered the other day loads and loads of unread messages on this board.

So thank you for taking the initiative and rolling with the god-plot, and I gladly welcome all the mayhem it will bring.

Aside from the gladness I feel, I also regret my shortcomings in the past couple of months. I know, for one, that Taguiera might be less than impressed with me in regards to replies to the two scenes we have over e-mail. I hope you and I can come to some kind of solution for the ovedue endings of those scenes, and I will move to suggest a resolution in my coming replies.

I will now read up on the new logs and try to mould the ending of the Away-mission into the new ongoings. I have some reading up to do.

Please, if you have need of me in some capacity or character, let me know now and here? I know I Scosche needs a position on board, for one thing.

One last request: I know you guys have plenty of e-mail scenes finished/partly finished. Would you mind posting them on the board so that I can wrap my head around what has/hasn't transpired? Please? Just make sure to title them according to the board's standard format.

Ok, I could write more, but I will try to make up for my absence instead (somehow).


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #228
Oh, btw, at this point, I do not object to the god/godess being something else than Q. It seems there is a popular idea to have it something else, and I would not care to make a big issue of it for the sake of a mini-plot before Ep 02 begins.

If the god is a mystery at the start, we can resolve the matter of its identity here as we go along.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #229
Scosche has been assigned to Security, but I could use a scene between him and Ives, something about how he got on board, an interrogation, if you will.

Also, if you have some time to IM with me, I would enjoy hearing whatever thoughts you might have for the MG mini-plot.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #230
Yay glad to see ya back Lucan!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #231
I'm up for it Kuro :P amikris? Amatras? Arcorn? :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #232
Amikris or Amatras would both be acceptable, simply a matter of which one you think would be better suited for the purpose of the plot.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #233
Well exactly what do you want ot happen in said plot?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #234
I say put the two in a vulnerable situation.  They get zapped off to some place they can't get out of, maybe naked just to try and make biology take it's course.  Rather then just jump straight into anything naughty, they would probably try to escape first, and after that fails, maybe just get to know each other.  Good chance for character development I think.  I suppose the best way to make the choice of which Ash'reem is to ask which one you would like the chance to play, maybe reveal a bit about herself or just her race in general, as Isley could play a bit of an audience surrogate by being the one who gets things explained to him.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #235
Ami'kris is definitely more likely to play, as her genes are screaming "Screw everything in sight" well her brain is saying "control, constraint...don't give in with other races" :P Amatras is more likely to explain her people :P as she knows more then Ami'kris about them :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #236
Sounds like Amatras would be the better option of the two then.  I suppose it also adds an extra bit of intrigue, since she has a current mate in Arcorn.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #237
Amatras would simply reply "What is Monogamy? what stupid idea you mammals come up with"

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #238
Isley would probably approve of that statement lol

If there are any particular things you want to have them discuss, just let me know in the PMs and I will be sure Isley is asking the right questions.  As for how it would start, I don't see anything that would put the two of them together, so I would just call it a random act by the mysterious god randomly throwing them together, thus the plot wouldn't begin until they were zapped into their sealed location.  Sound about right to you?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #239
I favour Dionysus (the alien mistaken as a god in yore years of Earth) to be the mysterious god:

Reasons being that he seems a great choice for the things in store for the plot, quite simply. Question is, perhaps the name Dionysus is a bit too affiliated with Earth's Greek mythology. Perhaps some variation of the name? Something similar but more adapted to an alien lifeform? Some linguistic resemblance that would become "Dionysus" in the crude written word of humans and passed down in history?

Thoughts and ideas? I am thinking along the lines of Thje-no-yssies? *chuckles and shrugs*


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #240
Brachus then? the roman equivalent of Dionysus and not quite as well know n. or a hybridization of the two ? Brach-nysus??

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #242
What I've come up with is something more generic, I guess the word is.  As most planets out there would have a history of gods, myths and legends, I see no need to paint everything with an Earth brush.  My MG will be more like a one for all, someone who's visited a lot of planets in their early history and gave rise to the legends of there having been a god of fertility on most, if not all, planets.

For example:
Klingons- Cymele (goddess)
Oritixx- Baliba'an (goddess)
Vulcan- Lia (goddess)
Andorian- couldn't find a name, but they have a "god" for fertility, as well.
Human- too many to list here

That's just a few.  Plus, to combine a fertility god/goddess with a chaos god/goddess (Loki), it would still likely be found in most Star Trek planets' histories.  Even the Ash'reem probably would have one, though I'll leave that decision specifically for KittyKat to decide on.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #243
Just FYI to everyone I'm gonna be doing posts after the New Years when everything's a little less hectic. Merry Christmas everyone!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #244
I have posted with both Jien Ives and Lucan now, with both being up for anything you guys want. Its the "Ante Meridiem" thread and open for anyone (with Scosche bound to make an appearance either way).

As for the god/alien, your thoughts sound good to me Taguiera, and I look forward to what you have in store once it makes an appearance. I have some ideas what might befall Jien Ives, but as for the rest, I welcome input.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #247
Hi people,

After finally being able to catch up on the new mini-plot after having chatted with Taguiera, I will naturally add my assistance as GM for the Group Rp to get "The Mysterious God Incident" plot-line evolve. Therefore, I have listed the affected threads below and what seems to happen next in each. I have also added my own requests for pairings of characters (based on availability, as I can see it), so I would love to get some answers from the affected writers (like a "yea" or "nay").

USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Ante Meridiem)
- After Mr. Scosche has paid Captain Jien Ives a visit on the Bridge, he gets his commissioning as a Cadet in Security. After Cdt. leaves to report to Marija Ferik (se below), the god makes Jien vanish from Deck 01 and materialises the Captain in two places. He/She is now two separate individuals, divided by a permanent state of each gender.
    -- The male Jien Ives appears in Skye Carver's bedchamber/bath or together with with her in some way (Does this work Searcher? If she is previously engaged in this plot, another idea is that Jien Ives ends up with Kiya Rez (the famous and former doctor host of Edena Rez) whom will have a high interest in Jien Ives' unique physique as a Chameloid)
    -- The female Jien Ives appears in Nathaniel Isley's bedchamber/bath or whatever (Does this work Kurohigi? She could also end up with Jona Rez in some fashion)
- ThanIda zh'Wann ends up locked into a holding cell together with David Grayson, the power goes out, no one answers their calls, and they end up having to rely on each other to make their way out of the cell. (Does this work WyteKnyte?)
- Lucan cin Nicander answers a message on his computer and goes to the Gymnasium where Evelyn Rawley demands clearance to exercise there instead of the Rehabilitation Centre in Sickbay. During the argument, Lucan ends up in the female changing room before Rawley is sent away, and there, he becomes locked in alone with Natalie Stark somehow by the god's influence (her working out in the gym in order to begin martial arts training with Jien later on). (Does this work Brutus?)
- Thea is having a programming session with Lin Kae and the Mysterious God makes her human and him a hologram. Thea thus gets the missing biological pieces for the puzzle of her own sexuality, and she is highly interested to explore it (does this work Kurohigi?).

USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Edena/Miles)
- This story is under-way, with the Mysterious God about to make an appearance. Rumour has it that Edena's three former hosts will materialise and spread across the ship... Next poster is either Kurohigi or Taguiera.
USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Adam/Nicole)
- Adam Kingston has led the disobedient Ester Hamburg to her superior officer's office, and he watches as Nicole tries to console he Cadet. Next to post is Kittykat, followed by Taguiera as the Mysterious God.

USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Eve/Khorin)
- Eve has come to check on Khorin's recovery from his wounds, and WyteKnyte is about to post next. Immediately following that, depending on what Searcher and WyteKnyte wants, the Mysterious God comes to visit.

USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (T'Less/Garen)
- T'Less has decided to return to Garren since their last counselling session (which turned out in a way that left them both in awkward positions). Next to post is Wyte Knyte, followed by the appearance of the MG at some convenient point.

USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Marija/Scosche)
- This thread begins after Scosche has paid his visit to Jien Ives on Deck 01, and I'd recommend that Letine Kett posts in preparation for Scosche's arrival at the security office. She has been informed that she'll be getting a new Cadet situated, and the Mysterious God comes along too to help him get intimate with the inner workings of the Security Department...

Comment on the Mini-plot:

The nature of the Mysterious God I leave in Taguiera's capable hands. As for what has made the alien life-form come to the USS Theurgy specifically and cause mayhem, I do not know how much has been mentioned over chat at this point, but for sake of availability for all involved players, I will mention what Taguiera and I discussed.

The activities aboard the USS Theurgy during Episode 01 caught the attention of the alien, and being an entity that feeds/enjoys/revels in carnal pleasures and chaos, it has used its influence upon the physical world in order to get aboard the ship. How should remain a mystery at this given point, but it has come aboard, and it now (with it being disappointed in how orderly the crew conducts itself) seeks to make the crew and its activities become interesting again...

As for how the alien is thwarted... time will tell.

A helpful timeline:

Since there seems to be some confusion about when and what happened at which point in relation to whatever (*nod sagely*) I have tried to help everyone out with a time-line below:

  • Niga Incident conclusion (the fighting comes to an end)
  • 1 week later, the senior staff meeting is held and the USS Relativity leaves with Sarresh Morali staying behind (Epilogue Ep 01)
  • 1 week after the senior staff meeting, the away-team leaves for Nimbus III (Interregnum: Low Profile & New Blood). Before the team leaves, Scosche has been discovered aboard and is put in a holding cell three days previous to the departure of the away-team (the ending of Interregnum: Lost & Found). The same day that the team leaves, ThanIda zh'Wann makes a drawing of T'Less and later has a catastrophic dinner with David Grayson. Furthermore, Miles Renard is promoted to be the new leader of the Lone Wolves.
  • Three days pass while the away-team travels to Nimbus III at high speed ahead of the USS Theurgy and goes about their mission on the planet side. During this time, among other things, T'Less has her counselling session with Garen Nelis, Jien Ives gets help fixing his sonic shower in his quarters, and Sarresh Morali enjoys a bath with Amikris Noetin.
  • Three days after the away-team is escorted by the Lone-wolves back to the Theurgy, the Mysterious God Incident begins (as exemplified by the Ante Meridiem post of mine, just for sake of reference) At this point, Scosche has spent roughly a week in a holding cell and all the role-playing threads listed above transpires.

Okay, I hope this helps things along somewhat. Oh, and again, please post the e-mail role-plays that are going on on this board as soon as you think you have a Chapter/Act/Part finished. Please also try to title the role-plays according to the board standard and in accordance with when (see the time-line) the events have occurred.

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #248
Nathan Isley is expected to enter a plot with Kittykat's Amatras, and Lin Kae is supposed to have a body switching scenario with Skye, but I suppose that one still works if he just uses her body to go do a programming session with Thea.  There was some interest in Jona being used elsewhere, though a pairing with female Jien would probably be more interesting, consider they were both Starfleet Intelligence officers, and might have even known each other.

The body switch thing would throw a monkey wrench in your Skye/male Jien thing, but it might also be amusing to see Skye-in-Lin's body meet up with Ida, considering there was some dislike from Skye in the Infection plot.  That is, of course, up to Searcher.  I know in the end the plan was for Skye and Kae to meet back up and sleep together in what would be no doubt a strange turn of events for their body switch scenario.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #249
Ah, thanks for letting me know and I would hate to step upon pre-made plans/pairings for the plot. I think I can work with this in some other way, though:

- Male Jien Ives + Skye Carver Kiya Rez? (I forgot the add the question to you Kuro. I remember Kiya taking an interest in Jien's Chaeloid anatomy during a conversation between Jien and Edena)

- Female Jien Ives + Nathaniel Isley New applicant... (There is a new player whom today have submitted a first draft of a character sheet. If he is interested, I'll do that pairing, but if you could let me know how things turn out with the Jona thing, Kuro, I also like that idea.)

- ThanIda zh'Wann + David Grayson. See above for details. (Does this work WyteKnyte? With male Jien paired elsewhere, nothing prevents the Skye/Kae pairing. If Wyte has other plans, I would love to see if Skye-in-Kae's-body is paired with her, Searcher.  :) )

- Thea + Lin Kae. I had this idea that Thea would find out about Lin Kae's adventure with Rihen Neyah on Nibmus III and have a reaction to it, and with Skye Carver involved in all that as well, I (at least) am looking forward to fun RPing-times ahead. Yet unless anyone is interested in the hologram, I will sit this one out with Thea.

- Lucan cin Nicander + Natalie Stark. See above for details. (Does this work Brutus?)



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