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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1250
Having some trouble getting some free time. But I'm still here, and will try to get to my threads asap. I might have to keep them short, but I'll make sure they cover all that needs to be covered, and hopefully I won't be holding anyone back too much. So sorry about this. I love you guys. <3

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1251
Hold on to your pants, folks. Big news ahead. :)


Given the successful project to give the Mk III Valkyrie Attack Fighter a look of its own (instead of borrowed from non-canon sources on the net) Pinarci has agreed to take on another project, and that is the actual appearance of Thea! Since the Theurgy has features unique to it, it has been established that it is a Mk II Prometheus-class ship (more on the name later). Some of the unique features is a new warp core arrangement compared to the divided canon set-up, the presence of a Captain's Yacht, the hangar where the Valkyries are housed and Thea's instalment into the ship systems.

So, I know some of you all will find it mind-boggling that the Theurgy has had a different appearance than the canon Prometheus-class design. You might be thinking that its too late to change something like that, but I can assure you that the project is not just about making a 3D model and rendering it into new images. If you all could be a bit open-minded about the change, I will give you a run-down of the entirety of this project, which has a few steps to it.

1) Pinarci creates the new Prometheus ship model, and once its finished, we will have new images of the Theurgy. There are progress renders being traded back and forth already (examples above), and Pinarci is making good headway. The difficulty is the MVAM concept, but he is confident he will manage to pull it off. Judging by the renders so far, he has the right idea, and I trade messages with him daily, giving feedback and requesting changes. In a couple of weeks, he will be done.

2) Next, when we have the model, I promise to retconn ALL of the artwork we have where the Theurgy is visible. With a 3d model, I can twist and turn it in all angles I could possibly need, and then insert them into the old artwork. That means all the PDF covers since Episode 01, our Promo Poster, character images where Thea can be seen. I literally mean all of the images, just like I will do so with the images where the old Valkyrie model can still be seen.

3) While I do the above, Pinarci and other animators that I hire will be creating animations of the Theurgy, which will be showed here, but more importantly, be central to the two (2!) new trailers I will be making.

4) The first trailer is a shorter one, but longer than the Episode 04 teaser I showed you a couple of months ago. There won't be any character reels, focus instead being on the story overall. The new Valkyrie and Theurgy models will be revealed here, unless I upload the raw animations somewhere before that and post the links here.

5) The second trailer will be reminiscent to the old 6-minute trailer we now have on Vimeo (link can be found in my signature). Here, there will be character reels and Captain Picard will be the narrator. This is a huge project for me, but I have made progress already. The new song has been picked, new and old character clips are under way, but I will refrain from revealing more at this point.

So, I think you guys will have an easier time wrapping your minds about the way Thea has always looked once we have completed a few of these steps, right? :)

Also, we have established a hundred times or more that Thea is a "Prometheus-class" ship, albeit an upgraded one. The official prototype name could be Mk II Prometheus-class, but how about this: Thea has an NX-registry, for evident reasons as she is the testbed for a lot of cutting edge tech. My idea is that while it wasn't officially decided yet by the R&D teams supervising the construct of the Thea prototype, mass production of more ships like her would have to constitute the evident name-change, right? Like the Theurgy-class.

In short, Thea could be the first ship of the Theurgy-class line of starships, only yet to earn her official class-name. This would explain her altered appearance from the regular Prometheus-class ship as well. Is this something you guys can buy, or am I overreaching in terms of plausibility here? :)

This idea was something IronFerrox first coined, more than two years ago, and after a lot of time in the back of my mind, and with the help from Pinarci, I mean to make it a reality. I hope you guys appreciate the time, effort and money I put into this, since I am doing it for us all and the story we write.


Since people are a bit busy and posting is a bit slow, I figured it was time for an update for you all. Here is the list of active threads organised chronologically and by board, and all of these are links to click. I have also added posting reminders about who is next to post in all of them:

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul | Part 2



DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] Next poster: 1) CanadianVet 2) Kaligos 3) IronFerrox
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.]  Finished!
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]  Finished!
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] Finished!
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] Next poster: Zenozine
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.]  Finished!
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]  Finished!
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) IronFerrox
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [1220 hrs.] Next poster: Anyone
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] Next poster: DocReno
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] Finished!
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] Finished!
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] Next poster: Nolan
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] Next poster: 1) Kaligos (Maverick arriving) 2) RosariaRosette 3) DocReno 4) Doc M.
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 hrs.] Next poster: CanadianVet

DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] Next poster: CanadianVet
DAY 02: Goldeneye's Confession [0700 hrs.] Finished!
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] Finished!
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] Next poster: Everyone who has not told the GM otherwise
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.] Next poster: Triage
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.] Next poster: Sirus
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] Next poster: Doc M.
DAY 02: Chaotic Order [1715 hrs.] Next poster: Triage
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] Next poster: RosariaRosette & Kaligos
DAY 02: Healing | Part 2 [1830 hrs.] Next poster: Zenozine
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox

DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.] Next poster: 1) DocReno 2) CanadianVet
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor

EPISODE 04: Simulcast

Episode 04: Simulcast | Prologue "Homecoming"
- Below the Subspace Acquisition Grid Next poster: Nyla
- Promenade & Recreational Dome Next poster: Triage (Bringing Tristan and Keval to the group on the Promenade)
- Brig Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) RedBaron
- Crew Quarters Next poster: Vystori (interim post)
- ? (Probably Below the Subspace Acquisition Grid) Next poster: RosariaRosette (Sera's inaugural post)


I figured I would take the opportunity to inform you that we have a new character by the name Sera vers Aldnoah, awho is currently in Starbase 84. She is played by RosariaRosette.

Ms. Sera vers Aldnoah         Explorer                    Starbase 84

  - Played by RosariaRosette

The biography will likely be posted tomorrow!


I will be posting the starter for the mission to the weapon storage facility where the Theurgy can restock its torpedo magazines in a couple of days. If people have ideas for that mission ahead of time, please post them here in the OOC or PM me with your thoughts. Otherwise, I will set us up as best as I might.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1252
Hey guys, took a while for everything to straighten out (especially with a week of all nighters at work) but I'll be a little more active from now on. I really am sorry though for leaving like that, it wasn't professional and I'll get responses asap!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1253
Welcome back Nyla! Hope things have resolved themselves a bit on your end.


With the help from two other artists, I have compiled this little feature of our fighters. It took me a few hours, but I hope you guys enjoy.

These animations will be seen in the longer trailers that I mentioned earlier too.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1254
Awesome video! Very much impressed

Also, I'm back. Went and did.a thing involving rings and vows and tiny island's in the Caribbean but yeah. Should be positing tomorrow.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1255
Haha, awesome! Congratulations Brutus! :D

Video looks pretty nifty I must say! A bit sad by the lack of weapon discharges, yet I can only imagine how much trouble that must be to incorporate that into a video. Either way, lovely work!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1256
First the Valkyries, and now Theurgy herself?  My friend, you are on a roll here!

I really like the idea of ditching the canon Prometheus-class and coming up with something to really call our own, gives us plenty of flexibility in the future, too.

And here's a few suggestions of my own: provisions for "hardpoints" along the outer hull to strap on additional mission equipment, like communcations and telemetry arrays so she could be used in a command ship function, extra sensor pallets for a number of reasons (like McGyvering a Calamity-style barrage jamming system, or having a fully-integrated, multiple point-of-view platform for surveilance or scientific observation) or weapons platform (say, dedicated point-defence clusters instead of stealing emitters from the main phaser strips?) and anything else in-between.  And of course, that would come with an increase in power and computer capability budgets to make everything work.

And since we're doing some re-jigging, maybe adding the possibility of a flag bridge, where an admiral/task force commander could coordinate multiple ships operating together instead of taking up room on the main bridge, where the captain is busy commanding his own ship?  Basically, I guess I'm saying Theurgy should be made into more than just a kickass tactical asset, she should be intended to serve as a proper flagship as well. 

And since we're coming up to the resupply run, I'm thinking the depot we're going to raid will essentially be a huge-ass cargo bay complex, meant to be used by forward-deployed starships in active operations against the Romulans.  So she's going to be stocked full of every bit of ordnance we can think of, spare parts that can't be readily replicated, raw materials for the replicator tanks, maybe a dozen or so crated Valkyries meant to be operational replacements... Even fresh food, maybe?  Hey, who'd be up for secondary magazines and storage spaces being set up board? Basically, I'm thinking Theurgy would be "brought back to establishment" and then some.  So once she'd all fixed up, she'd be effectively in as-good, if not a better shape than if she was fresh out of drydock.

Anyone has any thoughts?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1257
Great initiative! I would love if people could chime in on the development. I will wait a moment on the vrdict on the above until I hear others too, but I like it overall. Right now, I will take this opportunity to post some progression renders that I got only an hour ago:

Pinarci insisted on expanding upon the Valkyrie video above in this thread, and since I was unhappy with the other artist's render of the pilots in the cockpits, Pinarci went all in and decided to model the pilots from scratch based on our artwork. Version 2 of the Valkyrie animation will also feature enemies - or at least one - that the fighters will be firing upon. Hence the images in the top left.

The other images are gradual changes to the MVAM set-up. Hard to explain since this is a process with twists and turns, not even mentioning language barriers since Pinarci - like me - writes English as a second language. I like the way things are heading, and eventually, we will be able to see the full three-part composition of Thea.

So, we have these ideas from CanadianVet:

1)  Provisions for augmentations along the outer hull to strap on additional mission equipment (smart thing, even if they are exposed, I will keep it in mind)

2)  Maybe adding the possibility of a flag bridge, where an admiral/task force commander could coordinate multiple ships operating together (My comment here being that in a way, the Main Bridge could be that, but I'll think on it. If she is to be a flagship, maybe she needs a bit more mass too... the Prometheus-class is quite small compared to the Sovereign-class.)

Good ideas on the weapon storage facility! I am almost done with the starter and I will keep it in mind for the last revisions.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1258
Well, "along the outer hull" doesn't necessarily mean the hardpoints or the equipment pallets are unarmoured.  When not in use, each hardpoint could have the same armour as the outer hull itself in the form of a cover and each pallet could have its outer surface no different than anything else on the surface of the ship, sharing the same vulnerabilities and defences as the "fixed" hardware, making them basically plug-and-play attachments that would seamlessly integrate into the hull proper.

As for the flag bridge, Theurgy might not be suitable to be the flagship of a major formation, but smaller tactical gatherings of ships?  And the concept of a flag bridge is a dedicated facility to command a formation of ships, independent of the ship it's on.  Say, if we had Admiral Bob on board, Ives is on the main bridge, commanding Theurgy proper as Bob's flag captain and as a unit within a formation/squadron/what have you.  So when Bob gives an order, it goes to what ships need to carry it out, via each ship's captain.  And Bob would have his own "flag bridge crew" to manage to overall situation, from ships' statuses and the overall space around them.  They would be independent of Theurgy's crew proper and not involved at all in her operation between sending directions from the admiral and receiving reports. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1260
Thanks for the clarification on the pallets! Makes better sense now, and it all depends on standardisation in the R&D department for ship-models to come if these are supposed to be plug-and-play assets to the ship.

As for the flag bridge, I understand the function and the concept, and I agree with it overall. I even have a stock image to work with it as a mock-up of the concept:


The problem I have is this: how does this benefit our story? It is not likely the Theurgy would have a bunch of admirals on it to use it as intended. While it is a good idea, the use for this area on the ship would be limited. If it were to be used for something else, as an office area, we are removing people from the Main Bridge and perhaps spreading the characters out thin. So, what is in it for us, specifically?


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1261
Reminds me of the set up for ships in David Webers Honourverse series...could be good.

That's exactly where the idea came from.  David Weber is probably the best sci-fi writer I've ever come across.  And I would think it would be a fitting tribute.

And as for a function, at some point Theurgy will start gathering allies and there will eventually be a need for a command and control facility for a squadron or task force.  And in the immediate?  I'm thinking using that as the Intelligence cell since it would be ideally set up for that sort of purpose.  And it could also do the same kind of duty as the War Room on Babylon 5 after the Shadow War as the broadcast center for "The Voice of the Resistance" as it would already have access to a pretty advanced communications setup without having to McGyvver a studio from scratch.

Now, for the equipment pallets, I could see Starfleet standardizing that sort of add-ons to be the same size and shape and use the same connectors to the ship so they could be used across a number of classes of ships without needing any time in drydock.  Just one of those work pods and a guy on the hull in an EVA suit could be all that's needed to make it happen while underway.  And a number of those pods could be also acquired at the front line.  Say, originally intended for the Archeron as one of the testbeds for that feature, but conveniently the Prometheus MkII/Theurgy-class prototype could have been designed with that capability from the get-go. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1262
Still keep an eye on the game, even though I have retired from it, and the talk of retconning the class of the ship caught my attention.  One thing that came to mind when I read the idea of it was that, since there has been events which bring time travel into the game on occasion, couldn't the change of class from a prototype Prometheus class to a Theurgy class, as well as any changes being made to it's features, be explained by a butterfly effect?  Some measure of time travel into the past altered the course of events and changed the Theurgy to it's own class of vessel.  It would be similar to the Year of Hell, where the Voyager dealt with the Krenim temporal weapon ship. 

The butterfly effect might also allow players a chance to adjust things about their profiles they might like to change, and to chock that up to the butterfly effect as well.  Such a change would almost be unnoticed by the crew, as it would essentially rewrite history, and the only thing which might realize the change would be some manner of temporal equipment on-board the ship, which in turn could turn into a bit of a mystery to solve.

All that is just a suggestion that came to mind when I heard the idea, and I hope it might at least prove useful for something or another.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1263
I have given the war room/flag bridge idea some thought and I am 80 % aboard on the concept, and mostly because of the long-term implementation since I feel it is completely superfluous now, since the Main Computer Core provides this space for the people working in Intelligence.

My idea is that, as a hybrid of the idea, the Main Computer Core looks like the picture above, and was meant to offer the opportunity to used as a Flag Bridge if so required. It makes sense to me in several ways: 1) When Thea was shackled, she had a team of computer scientists puppettering/watching her. They were meant to have a work space in the Main Computer Core. Back then, in Episode 01, we had scenes taking place that would fit the area in the image too. 2) Jien Ives offered Carrigan Trent to use the Main Computer Core when he came aboard, and with that kind of space, it would make sense to offer it to Trent. Looking back, the bare-bone description of the office fits too. 3) The location is ideal to protect Admirals, being at the very centre of the ship, well protected.

If I add Thea's brain to the image, below the hologram of he planet, it would serve its double purpose seamlessly, and the use of the term Flag Bridge or War Room has not yet been coined, being that it was originally supposed to be dedicated to holding Thea's chains, so to speak.

Excellent idea, Kurohigi! Good to see you are still interested in reading the story and thanks for your input. I do wonder if our members feel like they want to change their characters around a little bit, and in that case, it opens for a fantastic opportunity to have that change occur over-night between Day 03 and 04. I even have a few minor changer in mind for my own characters, but I would not like to shove these changes down people's throats just because of them, so I think I will have make a poll out of it for every member to partake in and decide. If the majority wants character changes due to an unknown butterfly effect, we'll do it. Then we can change the class of the ship to Theurgy-class, and even if everyone is oblivious to any changes having occurred. The one who would pick up on the changes would be Sarresh Morali, and on SB84, Kaligos character Hi'Jak (with his degree in Temporal Mechanics and the time he has on his hands).

Changes to characters would then have to be approved by me over PM, and added as a new paragraph in all character sheets respectively. For sake of making everyone aware of updated characters and past events of theirs, I will announce changes here on the OOC thread.

So I will set up a poll, and we'll see if there is interest in this. Thanks again, Kurohigi!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1264
I'll also add, since the time frame of this game is close to the time frame of Star Trek Online, that one feature added to the Oddessy-class Starships (of which the Enterprise following the Sovreign class was one) was that the Captain's Ready room has a private transporter pad and turbolift.  It's a small detail, but would make it easier for the captain to access his/her ready room without obstruction (I would guess the turbolift itself might even connect directly to his/her quarters.)  There is also an image of the bridge layout, if any of the design elements would be useful:

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1265
Definitely like the idea of Implementing butterfly effects in the RP.  In fact These butterfly effects can periodicialy be used as a means to retcon things that we cant Write out of the Rp itself with a canon reason for the retconning.

For example lets take characters who have been written out via "stasis"  Perhaps some of the characters end up in a state of temporal flux. where in one timeline they died and in another they lived. As a result the character is written out of the RP without being on screen killed off and if the RPer comes back then the character can be brought back into sync with reality.

IN addition lets say a character joins and there are several posts pertaining to them then they just disappear perhaps the explanation for characters just moving on as if they never were talking to them (for story progression) is because they only existed in a state of temporal flux to begin with and the other characters literally forget talking to them.

Essentially this mans any plotholes in the RP can be summed up with SOmething happened butterfly flapped its wings on the fourth wall itself and caused wibly wobly timey wimey ball esque things to happen and that's why noone questions the plothole.

Essentially it is the answer to any question of inconsistency.
Thats just my thoughts on the convenince of this idea.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1266
Thanks again Kurohigi! I have not played Star Trek Online but I keep hearing that I should. As for the turbolift, while I see the comfort factor in it, I am not too keen on changing the Deck 01 floorplan again, so I will probably refrain from doing that. Interior design, however, is something entirely else. The linked image was very very tiny. Do you have a larger one?

Essentially this mans any plotholes in the RP can be summed up with something happened butterfly flapped its wings on the fourth wall itself and caused wibly wobly timey wimey ball esque things to happen and that's why noone questions the plothole.

Essentially it is the answer to any question of inconsistency.
Thats just my thoughts on the convenince of this idea.


Excuse me? Plotholes? Inconsistencies? *snort* How dare you suggest that our story would be nothing but 100 % accurate and consistent with Trek lore, not to mention the attendance to absolute realism in how things are developing within those bounds? ;)

That being said, should some itty-bitty detail stray anywhere close to implausibility, then the butterfly's wings may just - indeed - flap it away without delay.

Jokes aside, good call on the returning members and characters idea!

Remaining question: Is it ok with everyone that I make a floor plan and use the image of the war room to illustrate the Main Computer Core? This, with the added possible functionality of a Flag Bridge should there be need of such?

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1268
I just sent this PM to Auctor Lucian but I figured I would share my idea here as well and see how people respond to it

I don't know, on the one hand Hi'Jak gets a new storyline, on the other hand i'm not really sure how this storyline would even play out. "Suddenly things are different!" okay then what?

It would be interesting if it leads to something more dire down the line, since the butterfly effect is a way of describing temporal flux and the multiverse theory it would be interesting to have something big happen because of it. Off the top of my head a collision with the mirror universe! I'll admit it I'm a sucker for the Terran Empire.

since the ship would be in a state of quantum flux we could have characters passing through from the empire and Federation we could use this as a way to explain characters who have gone missing or even who show up rather suddenly. Maybe there was a collision of some sort and the Theurgy hit the other universes Theurgy eventually we could end up with a mixture between the two war ships explaining the changes to deck layout with more than just "oh some choices were altered here."

Basically the two ships could be entangled through a sort of temporal rift which would slowly be ripping the two ships apart, causing things to change, or be altered in subtle ways. Kinds of déjà vu interactions could appear as the crew interacts with the ship. Minor things at first.

Of course I'm not going to say no to something that would have one of my characters at the for front of a story, but I think that just having Theurgy in flux with no purpose behind it is kind of moot.  I'm not saying that this would be something for episode 4, but we could start laying down building blocks for it.

Have character ghosts walking around as the crews start to interact with the other realities the butterfly effect represents. Temporal anomalies popping up through the ship and then suddenly failing to register (since it's not really time energy but rather multiple world theory)

Have Thea herself start to have memories from other worlds as her AI brain starts interacting with the Terran Empire's database (since she would still be connected to that worlds network instead of being severed like our Thea is.) So she would suddenly have orders and memories from a much more violent world.

We could even have some full on infiltrators.

It could lead into something bigger where Theurgy is getting torn apart be the presence of the other timeline, and it's up to two ideally opposed crews to work together to either dislodge one of the ships, or a war where they are desperately trying to destroy the other ship from the converging timeline.
it could even lead to a new way crew members can join. Left over people from the Terran Empire slowly adjusting to life on a Federation vessel sounds like a great story line to me.

These were just my thoughts off the top of my head for story line ideas revolving around the idea of a butterfly effect.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1269
re reading that I am suddenly reminded why I do not write in the early morning. I'm not exactly the most articulate or well written person before my morning coffee, I will try to modify that so it makes more sense and is less riddled with spelling errors later when I have a little more free time on my hands.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1271
I don't know, on the one hand Hi'Jak gets a new storyline, on the other hand i'm not really sure how this storyline would even play out. "Suddenly things are different!” okay then what?

Ah, I am confident we can make this sub-plot for Hi'Jak and Sarresh Morali interesting, and far more so than the "These are some mighty peculiar readings... Oh, crap!" For Hi'Jak, it could be a tie-in for his defection, and not just for him, but for Six, Drauc, Sera and the Resolve crew as well. His readings would further confirm Captain Ives and the Theurgy's story about what is really going on. And this is just for starters. Besides his readings, there is also Drauc's translation of what A'vura heard the Romulan say. Then there is Six's forensic evidence etc. etc.

Several comments here have brought up the OOC benefits and the liberties it grants ship and asset development for the group, so that on its own should merit the occurrence of the butterfly effect in my opinion.

It would be interesting if it leads to something more dire down the line, since the butterfly effect is a way of describing temporal flux and the multiverse theory it would be interesting to have something big happen because of it. Off the top of my head a collision with the mirror universe! I'll admit it I’m a sucker for the Terran Empire.


I am not at all adverse to having the butterfly effects that transpire now in the Interregnum and in Episode 04 leading to something bigger down the line, not at all, but as to the details, we need to think it through and tie it into events following the secret (currently imagined) ending of Episode 04. A bit too early to tell, and what you are describing has a scope that would make up an entire Episode of its own, if not two of them. In short: Yes! But let's take it slow to begin with.

As for the Terran Empire... Before I make my stand in regard to that, I might have to wash that loathsome episode from the end of ENT out of my eyes... The one where Scott Bakula, in his customary over-acting, even sets a new record for it. ENT has some golden nuggets, but a lot of it is unwatchable because of Bakula, and that Episode even makes me nauseous.

Of course I'm not going to say no to something that would have one of my characters at the for front of a story, but I think that just having Theurgy in flux with no purpose behind it is kind of moot.  I'm not saying that this would be something for episode 4, but we could start laying down building blocks for it.


I don't think its moot at all considering the benefits and possible liberties to the story, and indeed, like previously stated, building blocks are good, but I am adverse to building the whole foundation without a blue print of the finished house. ;) So I think we can take it slow, and see what happens. Slight changes, strange occurrences, readings alluding towards what is going on, all fine. Ghosts and Terran Empire agents slipping through, naw. Not yet anyway.

To further build upon the temporal occurrences down the line, and also sticking to the story about our enemy and the current state of the Federation, I see a great opening to tie it closer to the core story. Given the enemy's ties to one or more factions of the Temporal Cold War of the 29th century (which has been referenced on several occasions in our story since Episode 01), and the recent revelation of the enemy's end goal (, it is to me obvious that the butterfly effect is a build-up set in motion by the enemy to tear apart the order of space-time itself - reducing everything to the primordial soup of energy that they intend for this Galaxy and all the rest of them.

Down the line, and during the gradual build-up, we can weave fantastic stories. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1272
Ps. Nice Bridge, Kurohigi! While entirely too spacious for the Theurgy, I like the design elements in it. We won't have a transporter at the back of it, but I really like the floor and the duty stations. I will see if I have an opportunity to visualise the Main Bridge in a new way. I'll add it to my project list. DS.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1273
Never watched ent I don't like prequels so the moment I learned it was before the original series I ignored it

The DS9 and TOS episodes were good.

Any way you seem to have it packed down. So I guess I needn't worry.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1274
I really like the idea of the computer core being able to double as a flag bridge.  After all, on a starship real estate would be at a premium and with a new class of ship (butterfly effect or no), you'd want to be able to pack as much capabilities as possible without sacrificing anything. 

I hope I'm not too far out to lunch here, but I kinda picture the Theurgy/Prometheus MkII class as being intended from the keel up to be a multirole platform.  Yes, she is wrapped around a combat-centric design, but its intent is to be able to keep itself safe on long-range deployments.  The ability to add on mission-specific modules that I mentioned would be the way to tailor the "base" model for its intended purposes.  Say if she was going to deploy in a flagship role, the main computer core/flag bridge gets manned and you fit various command and control and telemetry equipment to the hardpoints.  You need her to be fitted out for combat?  Tactical pallets with various payloads from point defence clusters to extra shield emitters or Calamity-style EW systems (those might be McGyvered using Trent's knowledge and basic sensor pallets).  For science?  Additional sensor modules, and with the ship's capability to separate, there would be three hardened, fully integrated and autonomous observation platforms sharing full sensor data instead of fragile probes with a pre-set mission profile.  And whether we get said pallets from the raid on the supply depot or in the ship's stores as part of the butterfly effect, having some on hand could be interesting.

As for Kuro's bridge plan, THAT is a flag bridge.  Throw on a holo-display in front of the command dais where the UFP crest is and a console for the command staff to manipulate the data for a more efficient display and you've got the kind of command facility that could run an entire fleet-level engagement.  Honestly, I'd think that would be the sort of facility to be found more on a starbase or a dedicated command ship, not that canon states there are any of those in the inventory.  But if Archeron pokes her ugly head back in, I could see her main bridge being repurposed to that setup and the ship being actually commanded from her secondary command deck.  Sankolov does strike me as enough of a dick to kick the captain off his bridge and out of his own ready room, after all...

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