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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1275
Main Computer Core | Flag Bridge

There we go! Hope you guys like the subtle LCARS update on all the screens and the depiction of Thea's brain under the transparent aluminium dome. I implemented the UFP logo too, just like in the Star Trek: Online picture.

The idea of pallets to change hardware depending on the mission at hand is great, and it doesn't require Pinarci to update anything in the current design either since the changes occur below the hull. I can simply mark the areas which open up. As for how we gain access to the pallets, I think we can have a combination of having them in the cargo bays and finding additional ones at the weapon storage facility.

We'll see if the Archeron makes a second appearence in Episode 04. Might just be possible, that. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1276
As time hasn't really been on my side lately I'm doing my best to keep up with the pretty nifty and ongoing discussion here. A lot of it looks good and sounds great, but I can't help but shake the feeling that it's going to end up a bit too grand in the end.

I like the idea of butterfly effects to help us in plots and story lines, but we shouldn't use them too much in my opinion. Same thing with the reformatting of the ship. It all sounds wonderful and even a bit magical to me. Don't get me wrong, the ideas and possibilities are brilliant and endless. But in the end, I'm not 100% convinced that it feels right.

Again, if I'm the only one having a problem with it. I'll adapt and gladly give it all a try and who knows I might even change my mind. But right now, I feel a bit baffled?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1277
Hello everyone.

I hope you're all doing well wherever you are, and having a good time. :)

So...I've been away from here quite a while now, about two, maybe even three weeks (time just flies these days), and I hope you weren't too worried or anything, but I've been bogged down with work, and IRL stuff. However, while I thought I could balance everything out and not suffer anything that resembled a burnout, I am dangerously close to one. So before it begins affecting my performance at work, I need to nip this in the bud.

What I'm trying to say, is, I'm, very much to my own regret, handing in my resignation to control over the characters of Cameron Henshaw, Edena Rez (and Kiya, Illya and Jona), Krystal Tancredi and Tristan Kendrick.

To all of you whom I have been writing with, or am in the middle of writing with, I sincerely apologize, and I enjoyed every single moment with each and every one of you. I really wish I had more time to spend so I could personally witness and be a part of the epic moments when my characters developed through their interactions with yours. So again, I'm so sorry, and I'll miss writing with you all.

To Auctor, you especially, I'm very sorry. I know all the efforts and sometimes stress you go through to keep everything together, you're an incredible leader and storyteller, and I'll always look up to you when it comes to leadership and maintenance of a whole story that's told through so many people. And your art! My God, you're a photoshopping genius, and I know you sometimes spent hours on end to make all those graphics and images for everyone's characters, and the pain of watching all that hard work sometimes go to waste because of how short their existence can be. Honestly, this is why I took so long to write this. I really, really tried to find the time and muse to write my characters. I mean I once wrote for 149 characters, all with individual developments across three sites, I thought, 4 in one site shouldn't be impossible, but there it was, I couldn't even write for one, and rather than drag this out to an inevitable result, I had best leave with some measure of least I think.

And I changed my mind about my initial request to you in my PM. Rather than let all that work and effort go to waste, don't kill Krystal. If there's someone willing to take her for a try and adopt her. I say let them. Same with Tristan, though what you do with him I leave entirely up to you. Actually that goes for all characters. I am fully turning over control and reins to you, Auctor, to do with as you please. I would urge all of you, if you have space to spare, to try and take on Cameron Henshaw and Edena Rez. Though they weren't my creations, I have found them to be such deep, profound and unique characters with so much potential and soul, killing them would be like killing a real person, and there is so much untapped and unexplored possibilities still in them. I'm just glad to have had the opportunity to even write here, however brief my time was. :)

So the story of my excuse for being so sure about leaving, it's just me and my mum, and my mum's over seventy. I'm the sole support and I handle the finances for everything. My work takes up 14 hours of my days, for six days of a week, leaving me just one day off to rest, recover and do stuff. I count fourteen because I include getting up, getting ready, heading to work, and coming back, all of which covers 14 hours total, give or take an hour or  two at most, and then I have just about enough time for a meal, maybe watch some TV with mum, and then bed, rinse, repeat. In between I guess I can write a li'l, if it's the only thing I do. I'm not saying other people couldn't find the time to write here even if they have less time than I do as it is, but I'm saying I can't handle it. I have been thinking on this over the last two weeks now, and figuring if I really can do it, when it hit me: If I'm trying to force myself to write, then something is wrong.

I mean, I love Star Trek, and I LOVE Star Trek: Theurgy. It was like being a literal part of the Star Trek Universe. Hell I personally think we are a part of the Star Trek universe, and that this is probably something I'm gonna miss like crazy the minute I hit the "post" button for this message. But I have to look after my job, and it's not fair to leave you guys hanging for weeks at a time.

So again, Auctor, I am so, so sorry. :( I know I talked and made a lot of big promises and reassurances of my abilities to cope, and now I'm proving I can't. But I think it's better I just ended it now rather than dragging it on. I hope you'll be able to forgive me eventually. Maybe even let me back someday, when I've settled things down in my life, and when I'm not struggling to survive every single day.

Just to let you all know, the situation in my country is still ongoing, and there's a potential dictatorship beginning. Taxes and prices are going up, daily consumables are almost rising to the prices of an arm and a leg, so there's that. yeah, fun times.

Well, I can go on, but I think I've covered the gist of it all. I'll just take my leave here, with a goodbye, I'll miss you all, and I'll drop in as often as I can, to keep on reading your stories, and I pray blessings for each and every one of you. Be well, take care, and I'll see you some time. :)

Take care of Heather, guys. She's a goofball and so clueless, but she'll be a great help, I know it.

Signed with love,

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1278
Hi Triage,

I recognise how you must think me angry with you, me having argued that more than three characters never work out on several occasions, and that it always leads to the writer resigning and leaving characters behind - characters that not only I have spent time on making images for, but others have helped integrating into the current storyline. You need not worry on that account, and especially since the way in which you resign help a lot with conflicting feelings.

That you take the time and effort to write a post like this is such a nice way to go about it. If you check the post directly underneath our Crew Manifest, and the list of writers that have left us since we started out, I can tell you that more than half of them just simply stopped replying to PMs and posts, vanishing without showing the respect to the Group to explain what was going on. I realise, of course, that with the great effort I put into this project, a sense of guilt might make them unable to face up to their responsibility towards the Group or to me personally to inform about their choice, but that might be as it may. It just goes to show what a nice and responsible person and writer you are, and I can but thank you for all the warm-hearted words you leave behind on behalf of me personally and the story as a whole.

If your IRL issues resolves themselves, and you feel confident about returning, then you should know that you will always be welcome here. Perhaps you will only be writing one or two characters then, to ensure that you won't burn yourself out, but either way it goes, we will be here. This story has yet to be fully told, and we have been at it for 4 years already, so you can rest assured that we will be here for many years to come. I am certain that you will find yourself back here at some point, as long as you want to return.

As for your characters, I have given it some thought, and here goes:

1) Heather McMillan

Her being a civilian scientist, she doesn't hold a senior staff position or something like that, so she could simply be made a NPC until someone wants to inherit her, or you return to play her again. If someone is interested in playing her, just PM me and we go from there. No reason to kill her off since she is not in the way of some new applicant, really.

2) Cameron Henshaw

Her being the Captain's Yeoman, and the off- and on-duty relationship with the Captain, I am very keen on having someone take over playing her. The relationship is one thing, for sure, but Henshaw is also Mission Ops now, and the Captain's own Morale Officer - unoffically keeping tabs on the crew. There having been a mutiny, that is a pretty high priority task atm. Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, Cameron Henshaw is also the adopted daughter of Episode 04's antagonist, Ian Hawthorne. There is some great things ahead if someone would just take Henshaw into consideration.

3) Edena Rez

Before Triage took over Edena, there were plans to have Nolan inherit the Rez symbiont, fact being that Amelya Duv is an unjoined Trill. I had Nolan online over IM already when you posted, and Nolan has shown interest in the original plan to have Amelya Duv become Amelya Rez. I will honour Kuro's original wish to keep him in the loop if Edena Rez were to be inherited by someone else, so I will PM Kurohigi and Nolan separately about this. This would also open up the Lounge Proprietor position aboard the Theurgy as well for new characters/members.

4) Krystal Tancredi

She being a fighter pilot on the USS Resolve at Starbase 84, I figure that she might be an NPC to begin with. If no one would be interested in playin her, she could either go out in a blaze of glory in the final battle or, alternatively, if you would return before that - Triage - you could simply pick up playing her again. I don't see her becoming one of the Lone Wolves, though, unless someone actively plays her. Worst-case scenario, she will be an NPC up until the end of Episode 04.

5) Tristan Kendrick

I could use some help from someone playing Tristan Kendrick, though, since he is a plot-driving character in Episode 04. It would, also, be a temporal undertaking, him being an Episode-based character and not intended to be played actively after Episode 04 comes to an end. If someone would be willing to do this, it would be awesome!

So, there we go. Some kind of contingency plan, and to to let you - Triage - know that there will be an opportunity to take up playing Heather McMillan if you decide to return, and if you return before too long, you would have Krystal Tancredi too. Take care of your mother, and take care of yourself. Don't give up on your writing, because it would be such a shame for a talent such as yours to go to waste.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1279
Sad to see you go Triage! Hopefully life will get better soon. I do hope that you may one day find the time and strength to come back to us. Until than, good luck in your future endeavors.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1280
hey sortry to see you go triage.  Also sorry i have been so unabe to post when i said I would post.  the days i thought i wouldnt be usy ended upbeing a lot busier than i thought they would be this last week and frankly I think I will have just as hectic of a time posting until after the first week of December is over. 

Thankfully, Our Final is going to be a take home final and as such I will be trying to complete it on Thursday the 3rd. and out last test will be on that same thursday in class.  ((I will try and get caught up on posts today. I apologize if I forget to post in any threads where I am needed.))

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1281
Sorry folks for my delayed post. I know it's just a filler post for now until the plans for my character get worked out in more detail but I told Lucan I'd have it posted like a week ago. Managed to get the flu (thanks kids~) that had me offline for a few days at least. All better now though so PM me or tag me here if you need me to collaborate more with you regarding planning. :D

"You wish to knock over cows? What is the significance of this? Do you derive pleasure from such things?" - Ensign Six

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1282
Thank you for letting the whole group know about changes in posting activity!

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

The raid on the weapon storage facility has been initiated in the Interregnum! Head over here to read it:

Like it says in the OOC note, the plan is that the Lone Wolves launch at Ives' order and deploy the tetryon pulse canons underneath their Valkyries, and in a coordinated attack, they blast out the Black Opal's systems. Communication, targeting systems, sensors, everything. Only then, the Theurgy move in to beam down the three security teams, each team six people strong. The Lone Wolves are free to land at the Black Opal, and together with Security, move into the base to secure it. Amendments or additional "last moment" ideas are welcome, and presented in response to this post. Let's try this without a layout of the base at first, and if required, I can make a map, but lets keep this basic and quick so that we can move on to Episode 04 before too long.

Posting order is free, but if there is a lack of posting activity, I will set an order just to make things move along, or I will simply push events forward.

Butterfly Effect Vote = 11 Members in Favour

The vote closes in a couple of hours, but 11 have already voted in favour of the butterfly effect. Despite the unanimous vote, no one has requested to have any changes made, but here are two things that has happened as of Day 04:

1) The USS Theurgy is - and always has been - a Theurgy-class prototype ship and not a Mk II Prometheus one. I have no progress renders to show at this point, but at least the name change is easy enough to remember for the time being.

2) I have long wanted to change Evelyn Rawley's callsign from 'Ranger' to 'Ghost', and this will be a fact as of the thread above (and IC-wise her callsign has, as far as our characters know, always been 'Ghost'). Small thing, but worth for everyone to know, at least those who write Lone-Wolf characters.

That is all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1283
Unless there are any objections, I'll have Sten join the boarding party to head up the resupply operations along with whatever enlisted people will be involved in the tagging and transporting of supplies.  Do we have anyone who wants to lead the Theurgy end of the process? 

Ida will of course be in overall charge of the boarding proper as the senior officer on the ground and commanding the security/kinetic component.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1284
Slight correction if I may. Rank-wise, Lieutenant Commander Wenn Cinn will be the senior officer on the ground during and after the boarding operation, commanding Security with Ida and Ryuan Sel leading the secondary and tertiary security teams that beam down. In addition and following in the wake of security, Ops with Sten Covington in charge beams down to manage to loading operations. COps Natalie Stark could oversee it all from the bridge, perhaps?

That being said, I leave it open to all kinds of complications during the loading, crew on the base hiding and suddenly throwing a wrench or two into the loading operations.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1285
Who is going to be leading the wolves in the attack?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1287

All right, a rundown on current development projects and where I might need some help form you guys. Also, a new fun project up for everyone to weigh in on.

Mk II Valkyrie (Harbinger Fighters)

Since we are left with a handful of old Mk II Valkyries, IronFerrox had the idea that the old images we used for the Mk III could be the Mk II instead, the only thing that needs fixing is to make them grey since they have been described as grey on too many occasions to retconn now. What I need from you guys is help to write up the specs for them, but compared to other projects below, they are a low-priority.

Mk III Valkyrie (Pinarci's new weapon systems)

The Twin-Mount

IronFerrox and CanadianVet had awesome ideas, but I find myself short of time to compile the specs into an easy to understand paragraph of text. This text needs to be added to the Tac Conn info on our board.

Tetryon Pulse Phase Cannon

Same thing here, while an old weapon, the pros and cons I listed here in the OOC needs to be compiled into a single paragraph description that makes it clear what it is capable of.

Theurgy-class Starship Specifications

Pinarci may be making the 3d model, but it is up to us to go over the old specs of our Mk II Prometheus ship and update it to fit the new Theurgy-class. This one is a Priority, I think.

The New Accipiter Rifle

I bought these stock images on, and figured we could put the design to use. These could be the standard armament in the cockpits of the Reavers, so a handful of these could be recovered from the debris. What I need from you guys is to give this rail-gun looking rifle specs, and I think it could be reminicent of the twin-mount idea, but perhaps even better, a tetryon pulse phase cannnon that can be carried around? Feast your eyes on these and I will photoshop them eventually:

Hope you like it!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1288
I figured Wolf-01, personally. But would you rather have Miles Renard pass on this one, IronFerrox?

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Yea, Miles is leading the Wolves in both Airborne and ground operations on this mission.  In the air he answers to mission ops and when on the ground the wolves are redesignated as security division and as such he reports to Cinn.  SOme of the wolves will land while others remain in a airborne patrol.  It will be up to the individual Roleplayers whether their pilot was assigned to a ground ops role or whether they remain in air patrol.  The highest ranking Wolf remaining in the air during ground operations becomes the pack leader in the air while miles leads the wolves on the ground recieving orders from Sten.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1289
Unless there are any objections, I'll have Sten join the boarding party to head up the resupply operations along with whatever enlisted people will be involved in the tagging and transporting of supplies.  Do we have anyone who wants to lead the Theurgy end of the process? 

Master Chief O'Connell will be happy to man the Theurgy's transporter room during the operation.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1290
Hey, just so people know I changed my forum name back to Absinthe and Fine Wine. That way my forum name matches my account name once more. Plus I like the way it sounds. Anyway just an FYI

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1291

Do we have anyone who wants to lead the Theurgy end of the process?

Master Chief O'Connell will be happy to man the Theurgy's transporter room during the operation.

Excellent Doc M! I will leave it up to you which transporter room he operates from but we have a couple of them. Ida will be leaving from one, Ryuan Sel another, and Wenn Cinn from a third one. Sten Covington will also be leaving from one of the three aforementioned (unclear in the post, from what I remember). Brutus! Natalie Stark being on the Bridge, she has the bird's perspective on all transporter operations during this raid. DocReno! Since O'Connell won't be at his station on the main bridge, Lin Kae is most welcome to man the Engineering station, standing in for O'Connell.


With Nolan showing great interest in Cameron Henshaw, there have been a lot of discussions back and forth (where also Kurohigi was involved in regard to Nolan's inheritance of the Rez symbiont for Amelya Duv). Early on, we decided to wait a week to see if there was anyone else interested in Cameron Henshaw since Nolan already has a few characters, but with no interest shown from the group, here is the result.

Nolan will take over Cameron Henshaw as of this day, and play her in full as if she was one of his own. In this inheritance, a butterfly effect has made it so that she - at some point - decided to grow out her hair instead of keeping the haircut in the above images. So, as of Day 04 and the Black Opal raid, Cameron Henshaw looks like this:

(Note to those with DA accounts: There might just be a new image of Cam in the DeviantArt boudoir gallery of ours too...)

As you may be thinking, this would leave Nolan with a lot of characters to handle, so in the interest of Group transparency and clarity in regard to my loose policy about 3 characters maximum per member, here is Nolan's character gallery:

1) Amleya Duv
2) Simon Tovarek
3) Cameron Henshaw

4) Edena Rez (light trial period until symbiont is transferred and Edena is put in stasis)
5) Thomas Ravon (MIA, potentially returning at some point)

Nolan raised a very good point about getting to know Edena Rez as the character she currently is before she is eventually absorbed into Amelya Duv, so my demandis that Nolan let me step in and help him whenever needed. I still remain worried that Nolan, like Triage, would burn out his creativity with so many characters to write for, me having experienced the backlash of having a lot of characters and scenes to keep track of. It is not just in terms of writing, but reading up on all the posts that you need to. In short, I will step in and NPC characters of Nolan's choosing as required to keep him from being stressed out about all the writers that may be waiting for him.

A second benefit of not putting Edena Rez in stasis right away is that if Triage or Kurohigi returns before that, they both retain the possibility of playing her again. As of now, Kurohigi's work situation has not improved, and while he gave it serious thought, he still felt that he would not be able to give the Group the attention it deserves.

So, Nolan will be trying his hand at writing for Edena Rez as well, but perhaps not with the 100 % dedication of the top three characters in the list above.


I could still use some help from someone playing Tristan Kendrick, since he is a plot-driving character in Episode 04. It would be a temporal undertaking, him being an Episode-based character and not intended to be played actively after Episode 04 comes to an end. If someone would be willing to do this, it would be awesome!


A reminder about the help I need compiling info on the listed projects below, as well as opening a discussion about the new Accipiter rifle:



In order to document the changes of the butterfly effect, I have retitiled the poll and added a post underneath it which I will be updating as required with new impacts of the butterfly effect. Here is the current list and the link:
  • Evelyn Rawley's Callsign: Rawley's callsign is now - and always has been - "Ghost" instead of "Ranger".

  • Cameron Henshaw's Hair: Instead of the short pixie haircut that Cameron had before, she has at some point in the past decided to let her hair grow out.

  • Natalie Stark's Affair with Rory Callahan: Natalie never had sex with Rory Callahan. While there was a mutual interest, nothing came out of it.


If anyone out there have requests about changing their characters or their past, PM me about it and I will approve it, announce it and add it to this listing.


For all those interested in the development of the new starship model, I have some bitter news.

As he worked on the saucer section, which was the last one to finish, Pinarci ran into problems. In his own words:

"I did detect a big problem with the ship and it seems that connections don't work, I did try to correct it but more I play with the object it goes bad. It is best I start with a clean start. Since I know exactly how she needs to be I will build her from the zero up to this point. I am sending you and and image and you go on with 'customer has a request', don't close the order. I am starting fresh up, with a clean geometry." - Mehmet Pinarci

It seems the intricate model lost cohesion, resulting in a set-back all the way back to square one. Him being a trooper about it, though, he seems none too discouraged by it. We have a delay, but better that than a model that doesn't fit together. I am cheering him on for all of us, and I will be posting progress renders here in the OOC thread on a regular basis.

That is all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1292
Okay, Sten is just outside Transporter Room 1 with 15 other resupply boarders, and there are another 16 waiting at Transporter Rooms 2 and 3.  The way I wrote it, Security will beam in first and as soon as the "clear" is given, the resupply crews will be beaming over in 2 waves from 3 different transporter rooms and then, they will go shopping... Viking-style.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1293

After posting in the prologue today, I realised that it might be better starting up a new thread instead given how I have turned the heads of time forward three hours at Starbase 84. So, I split up my long post, by 1) letting the Prologue end with A'vura getting stunned and carried to the Brig, and 2) starting up this thread for all the writers in Episode 04:

Chapter 01 "Tensions Rising"

I will also send this link over PM to those who write in Episode 04. The Theurgy will either arrive at the end of this new Chapter or at the beginning of the next depending on what kind of headway we make.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1294
Been caught up in work/rl/nanowrimo. That last one is done tho (successfully!) So I'll be trying to post later tonight for at least some of what I owe

Lucan, if you can shoot me a pm with thread lists I'd much appreciate it.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1297
Hi everyone! Look what they found in the cockpits of the Reavers? The Mistress-at-Arms will be posting a demonstration thread at the phaser range, but here are the specs. :)


Model: RG-M1506 PT-10 Accipiter (RailGun - Mach 15 model 06 Phased Tetryon level 10)
Weight unloaded: 6 kg
Weight loaded: 7 kg (1 kg Battery Pack)
Total Length: 120 cm with gyro-stabilization
Trigger Pull: 0.5 kg to 3.5 kg (user adjustable)
Battery Pack Capacity: 0,5 hours of constant tetryon beam fire. 2000 tungsten carbide 5 mm bullets/4000 Warp Field Bursts
Railgun Bolt Velocity: 18,375.66 km/h
Effective Bolt Range: 1 km
Scope: 4cm x 5cm Long- & Close-Range incl. Biomimetic Exographic Targeting Sensor
Safety: Trigger Finger Print Scanner, Scope Retinal Scanner, Grip Biometrics Scanner

This state-of-the-art heavy support rifle hail from next-gen technology. It was recovered from the cockpits of destroyed Reavers in the last battle against the USS Calamity and there are 5 individuals of these weapons. They are not freely distributed to officers on the Theurgy without consent of two members of the Senior Staff. The first Accipiter was recovered from the Reaver that Evelyn Rawley landed in the hangar after the escape from Theta Eridani IV, yet with the grip and retinal scanners, it was useless until Thea could derive the code that restored the weapons to their factory settings. Obviously, the Accipiter was meant as a heavy infantry support weapon and not pilot standard issue, but for the holograms in the Reavers, the weight of these weapons were not a disadvantage, and thus became standard gear in the cockpits.

The Accipiter features a new hand-held RailGun system. A Rapid Loader Replicator creates an 7 mm Tungsten Carbide bullet which is then loaded into the Micro Warp Field Generator. The generator creates a short lasting warp field around the bullet. The bullet, now virtually weightless, is pushed through a magnetic field which pushes the bullet up to speeds of Mach 15. This entire process takes less than .0006% of a second. This allows the gun to shot a maximum of 1500 bullet per minute. Though meant to be fired in bursts this gun can fire for a solid 20 seconds before it will need to be reloaded. Due to this new system the device can launch a projectile at high velocity without any muzzle flash or burst or chemical propellent.

It should be noted that due to the high rate of fire firing for more than 15 seconds solid risks a catastrophic overheat. Due to size and weight limitations and a high rate of fire the supercooling conductor inside the device, a cooling conduit designed to convert residual heat into additional power for the machine, may be overloaded and cease to function. At which time the device will no longer be able to get rid of excess heat. Though the parts  are rated to a high heat tolerance the Biomemetic materials in the sight will fail at temperatures exceeding 540 K. In addition the overheated housing my cause damage to any organic tissue in contact with the device.


The device has a number of unique firing options. This includes 3 unique settings for the railgun, an experimental railgun dry firing feature that creates a burst of concussive force, and a newly designed Phased Tetryon Beam Emitter.

Railgun Firing Options

The first firing mode for the rail gun bullets only fires a single shot each time the trigger is pulled. This is ideal for hitting an unshielded target within a 1 km range. Next is a burst of 10 bullets per trigger pull (0,5 second burst). This option is ideal for combat in tight corridors and in situations where it is best if ammunition is reserved. In addition the first 2 options allow for a great deal of control. Finally the third option allows for a continual firing. This option is ideal for dealing with a large number of targets and situations where aiming at individual targets is no longer an option.

Warp Concussion Mode

A new experimental feature allows for the railgun to be fired without a projectile. Instead the device creates a short lasting warp bubble and launches it at high velocity. Within 3 meters of the gun the warp bubble will dissolve and create a concussive force which can be used to repel targets that are swarming the shooter, break up debris, or push objects to heavy to normally be moved. This option is still highly experimental, and though field tests have shown it to be useful, it should only be used on the single shot setting of the device.

Phased Tetryon Beam

Tetryon beams weaken and disable most types of shielding while not damaging organic tissue, making this emitter the preliminary firing option before switching to the railgun once a shield has been disabled. The Phased Tetryon Beam Emitter uses this technology in parallel with phaser emitter technology, a standard issue that is commonly found in the majority of Starfleet handphasers and rifles. The combination of the two emitters allows for a single beam that can not only weaken and disable shields but can also stun a target. This allows for a single weapon that can do the job it would normally take 2 unique beams weapons to do. In addition, there are a number of stun settings that can be used, from the low stun setting which can disable most adults to maximum stun setting which is strong enough to immobilize a Soong-type android.  The reason why there is no kill-settings in the emitter is that it would render the effect of the tetryon beam inadequate of breaking down shields.

Tetryon Sensor Marker

In addition, thanks to a unique targeting sensor in the scope, it is possible to use the tetryon emitter to mark targets, making for a near permanent weapon lock on that target as long as it is within a 20 degree angle in front of the Accipiter's muzzle. This unique feature allows for continual target lock even when other sensors can no longer pick up the target due to obstructions. Though the range and power of the lock is highly variable, it is still useful in situations where visible contact with the target cannot be maintained.

If anyone spots typos or errors, please let me know and I will update this text before I add it to the Security Dept. info on our board. Absinthe! I have made some updates to the specs, so keep this in mind for the demonstration thread. Moved some decimals and numbers around for sake of plausibility, and removed the kill-setting on the tetryon beam emitter.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1298
Hey party people,

Just giving y'all a heads up here. Between the 18th of Dec. and the 6th of Jan. my kids will be out of school for their Christmas vacation. Since we do in fact celebrate the holidays things will be utter chaos and crazy over here, not to mention that my oldest son and I will be spending a portion of that time up North away from the house for a private vacation. I will be here sparsely, if at all. So please do bear with me. I will try to keep up in that time, but if I cannot you are aware of the reasoning why.

Thanks in advance, and happy holidays to you all. =3

"You wish to knock over cows? What is the significance of this? Do you derive pleasure from such things?" - Ensign Six

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1299
Hi all,

Just wanted to chime in and let everyone know I'm still alive!  This is a particularly busy time for me, but the good news is, I expect to have free time over the holidays. 

I'm catching up on the reading overall and expect to have posts up in a day or two.


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