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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1200
...Now I feel awkward for saying hello just after Nolan posted! *Waves awkwardly anyways*
I just wanted to introduce myself and hope that I can add to your roleplaying experience with my character A'vura, I'm not the best at writing but I apologise ahead! I really look forward to getting started and interacting with you all!
-Nyla / A'vura

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1201
Well hello Nyla, welcome to Theurgy!

Now, that SAR mission... That's one ballsy move right there!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1202
A little swamped at work right now. I'm hoping to get a post in tonight. See you all later. And welcome, Nyla!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1203
Thanking you ^v^

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1204
No need to feel awkward Nyla! A warm welcome to you too ^^ Looking forward to playing with you too.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1205
just an update on me. I've been a bit busy at work lately but I should be able to get some posts up tonight.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1206
Hi there everyone! Welcome to Nyla, and judging by your writing in Homecoming, you certainly don't have any reason to be ashamed of your writing.:)

Sparring Thread Announcement

A new thread has been posted for the evening of Day 2:

DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.]

Specifically, it is a sparring tournament for all interested. I have entered Jien and Ida to be challenged by anyone posting first. The one who posts first should not challenge both, however, since that would be hogging all the fun for yourself.

Consider this thread a tribute to the Battlestar Galactica episode "Unfinished Business".

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1208
Replied for Krystal Tancredi. ^_^

And Nyla, if you're looking for Tristan, I can have her run into him and ch'Rayya if he's in agreement for it. We could all convene for a little private talk?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1209
as previously asked in PM I have posted for Hi'Jak so we can keep the plot train a chugging.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1210
Thanks! And I'd like to sort something, that'd be cool =]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1211
Sorry for my lack of posting recently, had a physiology exam over the nervous system and i think it ate my lunch lel.

I think i got caught up on my posts ((SAR away mission awaiting a post from Lucan)

Phasmids I think i'll make a post soon (like friday at latest.)  i think there are another few people who might be able to post before me so thats not as big of a rush unless anyone needs me to post there ASAP.

Are there any threads waiting for a post from Miles, Aisha or Selena aside from those two?  if so please PM me the link to said thread and i will get right on the reply for it.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1212
I hope your exam went well ^v^

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1213
Replies are coming, people, I have just been busy moderating through PMs with applicants and sorting out stuff. :)

1) I will post in the SAR mission and get the current scenario settled

2) I will post with the mysterious Romulan at SB84

3) I will also post with Jien Ives in Sickbay

4) With Rihen Neyah in the corridor

Thanks for your patience!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1215

Hi there everyone! Those who are interested in Star Trek Online and in ships of the trek universe in general might have recognised the non-canon Gryphon-class attack fighter being used as our Mk III Valkyrie. The reason was as simple as me having played in simms earlier where the Gryphon fighter was used as the go-to fighter. Yet after comissioning a fellow artist to help us out, and he being somewhat of a genius when it comes to 3D modelling and spaceship/sci fi fighter design, we might not have to be borrowing the Gryphon design for the Lone Wolves' squadron's fighters.

What you see below is an original design he made just for us, so this is not a fighter that any other simm is using. It is not finished yet, but I wanted to give you all a preview of the design since... well, I am really excited about this project! While our Mk III Valkyrie is my concept, Pinarci ( is the artist that made this come to life for us. While the Gryphon-class was the original reference, you can clearly see that there have been some improvements to it. No more blocky, boxy nose-cone and angular lines, but a smooth design far more aerodynamic than the original fighter:

Like I said, it is not finished yet since the commissioning includes more details to the design. The bussard collectors need textures and there are no hard-points underneath the wings, but the image shows where the project is heading.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1216
PS. I forgot to mention that the commission includes an animation as well, and here is a still from it:

The animation will be in HD resolution and it will be one of many new additions to the new promotional trailer that I am working on. Yes, there is a new trailer in the making, and it will be - I think - a great improvement from the latest one. I hope you all will agree with me when you see it. While some elements from the old trailer might reoccur, the music, pace and timing of it will be new and more high-paced.

Anyway, that's all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1217
after seeing that... I kinda want to fly one now... too bad I play a scientist.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1219
And when we raid a supply depot, who's to say we can't lay our grubby little paws on crated, some-adult-assembly-required Mk III's meant as front-line replacements?  And more pilots at SB84?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1220
Heh heh, indeed! I think that down the line, we have several fighters that are really damaged (like Khorin "Hardtop" Douglas'), which only needs spare parts. This might be parts from Phantom's Mk II fighters, and scrap from the Mk I Reavers. If there are adult-assembly Mk IIIs available, there just might be enough parts to go around. Like you said, there will be pilots on SB84 and the Resolve too.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1221
Feeling a little bit down lately and lacking inspiration, will respond to threads and PMs and such soon. Sorry!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1223
Those fighters look pretty awesome! They do remind me of a crossover from BSG's raptors only more fighter lined and some game I used to RTS with. Looking forward to the trailer of them and to our new trailer as well!

As for posts, I should be working on those during the rest of the week so I think I should have everybody satisfied (or so I hope) by the end of the week.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1224
Plan to post for my characters that have outstanding tags tomorrow :) been a busy couple of work days.

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