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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1225
Lone-Wolf Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley Has a New Player!

Since Kurohigi left us, Triage and DocReno has taken over two of his characters, leaving me to NPC the last one as required. From today, however, Kaligos will be playing Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley of the Lone Wolves.

Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley       Wolf-05 [Maverick]

  - Played by Kaligos

As always when one of our players inherit a character, Kaligos has been issued a creative licence in writing the character instead of adhering to the way he was played by Kurohigi. It is also entirely optional whether or not Kaligos revises the character sheet to fit his own take on Nathaniel Isley, this by posting a new sheet at his leisure.

There are five present threads where Nathaniel Isley could make an appearance (links here in chronological order):

1) DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] Speaking with Renard about his decision about Ravon
2) DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [1220 hrs.] Rihen Neyah is at the Mess Hall
3) DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] Greeting the new Lone-Wolf "Husker"
4) DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] Saying farewell to the lost ones before Jien's speech
5) DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] Challenging ThanIda zh'Wann, fun EP01 references

Post wherever you like to and good luck with the new character, Kaligos!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1226
Best laid plans of mice and men and all that jazz. Got my SAR post in this morning. I don't think I have any other pending work, but if i do, drop me a line and I'll tackle it. For now, I'm just doing catch up reading.

work work work work, right?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1227
It is really awkward playing a character that you didn't create so I am just going to say this in the group thread.

Nathanial may not be the person you remember, No two writers have the same vision. I took him because his profile called him the anti-vulcan, and yet I have been told to play him with an edge of logic over his emotions. I intend to bring the emotions out more than that. I'm not sure if I'm going to write a new entry for him, but I'm considering it. I want to give him a few posts see how he feels and how I can revise him.

^^; but if people could take it easy on the continuity when dealing with Nathan I would be greatful. I have the highlights, and I've read the important threads, but I don't know everything about this characters history with all of you. I don't know who were his friends, who were his enemies, and most importantly I don't know the wolves.

I'm entering into a very challenging role because he is one of the original wolves, and while I have read the tactical con officers references and the crew manifest a hundred times, I'm entering a very well established team basically as a pod person. So please forgive me if I don't know your character at first sight... Nathan has been through a rough day.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1228
I have nothing but sympathy for you Kaligos, I got lucky when I took on Wenn Cinn, I could rewrite him since he had come back from the dead, and even then it feels a bit weird stepping into the shoes of an established character who was used, died and came back before I had really gotten into the group. I wish you luck with the character you have inherited.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1229
Kaligos, you could always play off the different way you write Islay as a result of cumulative stresses affecting him.  Especially having to leave a friend and comrade in arms behind to die.  And if you like, I could underscore that change of behaviour with a Sten post in that thread with Miles to kinda draw a line between the "old" and "new" Islay?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1230
That's kinda what i was thinking Canadian, that the stress has been getting to him, and so he is in a phase of adjustment especially since that mission was his first command. And yeah I would appreciate the post with Sten, sorry if I was cutting into something important between you and the boss.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1231
I have no doubts you will do fine, Kaligos. Whatever discrepancies may occur, I can fix them. Now, on to something you guys might like...

Our Mk III Valkyrie Model Now Complete + Weapon Systems

Feast your eyes on this render, and you'll see how I need your help where it says [INSERT NAME].

We have two brand new weapon systems that can be mounted on the Valkyries, state-of-the-art, and they will be picked up during the upcoming raid on that weapon storage facility. As you can see, they are somewhat extraordinary... especially that huge thing in the middle. So, the word is free people, let's brainstorm what the hell those things are, and what kind of punch they hold. *grin*

Currently, our commissioned artist is working on the animation of this model, so there are more things to come, but the model itself is finished.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1232
Well, the big sucker could be the tetryon pulse launcher that's in the original post about the Valkyries. 

As for the twin guns?  Twin rapid-fire mass drivers.  Shred right through unshielded hulls like they're made of wet tissue paper.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1233
-drools slightly- Do want! do want! do want!

I was thinking that the big thing could be a high powered disruptor cannon. In DS9 the cardassians used them a lot and they were highly effective against non shielded enemies. Memory alpha says they are "less elegant, but more destructive than phaser weapons." and that they don't do much against shields.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1234
Great ideas! Some brainstorming from my end in response.

At first, I never thought that huge thing could fit inside the lower part of the Valkyrie's hull, but then I looked more closely and made this image below, which does show that it is possible that it is the tetryon pulse cannon. The rigg arrangement have to be some kind of fold-out system, where it drops down and then is pushed forward and locked in its deployed position. That thing surely lives up to its pre-stated weakness of reducing craft maneouverability, that's for sure! I liked the disruptor idea too, Kaligos, and I looked long and hard at the possibility of a subatomic disruptor variation ( However, being that it is a weapon of the 29th century, I don't think it's perfectly feasible. With it being the tetryon canon, we would also have made it visible in the 3D model.

So considering the size of the weapon, what would motivate to add it to the Valkyrie in the first place? Considering the size, it should have some great benefits too, so I tried to explain the different types of weapons and find a balance between them, and I hope you guys can agree with me on these texts, and I had to add/change some stuff to the Mk III:s

In the DS9 handbook, it said that the micro torpedoes were 13 cm, which is ridiculously small and couldn't make much of a difference in a fight, therefore, I increased the size to 50 cm including the fins (for atmospheric flight as needed). Oh, that's why all the torps in the larger image have fins, btw, since the Valkyrie is supposed to have excellent atmospheric capabilities as well, including weaponry.

That leaves us with the two-barrel weapon system, which can be picked up at the weapon storage facility.

I like the idea of mass drivers, probably coil-version instead of a railgun, but we have a problem here with the need for ballistic weaponry when we have the phaser technology. Why use phaser cannons to whittle down shields, and then switch to a ballistic system, when you can just as well keep firing with what you have? The phasers have higher yield than ballistics too, so what could possibly give these mass drive guns the edge it needs to motivate their existence? I have had this discussion with IronFerrox before, but it might need some more viewpoints.

So, everyone, how do we make Trek-lore friendly mass driver gatling guns? I am all for an idea where the best defence against it would be using one's deflector to handle the projectiles, but we need some realistic kind of shells, material (or magic) to make the rounds shield-piercing. If we go so far as to have them nix the shields altogether, we are still talking about a rapid-fire weapon that can quickly run out of ammunition. That way, we have a kind of balance that doesn't make the weapon system completely over-powered.

Good grief what nerds we are...

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1235
Okay, reading from above...

The twin-mount?  No longer effective against shields, but unshielded targets would still be highly vulnerable.  I would say it used the same kind of magnetic accelerator system as torpedo tubes, but launches, say, a 5-10 gramf ferrous-sleeved osmium (one of the densest materials on the periodic table) dart at, say, ten percent the speed of light (which, in addition to the speed of the fighter, would be damn fast, up to about .35c assuming full impulse)? 

I would say the advantage would be rate of fire, with each barrel on the mount firing at 1500 rounds per minute each (effective rate, per mount, 3000 rpm, 6000 if two mounts are installed), and due to the rate of fire and some small servos on each barrel, impacts can be collimated in order to be on top of each other.  And because it is a straight kinetic weapon, it would shear right through ablative armour the way phasers can't.  And it would not have the problem phasers would have in high-particulate environments or where an energy weapons discharge could ignite volatile materials.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1236
With the larger cannon it's hard to note if it's mounted under or above the Valkyrie, and honeslty it would impact maneuverability a lot less if it was positioned under the ship. The curved nose gives the gun a good hiding mount so it doesn't impact the sleek style that the ship has if it were above it.

also for the cannons... why not have them as flack guns? a deffensive type of gun that shoots shells at incoming missiles, the gun when mounted looks like has full maneuverability, it could be an automated weapon that takes down incoming missile fire. like deploying the flares of old. give a pilot a little more extra protection? instead of having another gun that is designed to rip apart an enemy have a new defensive option for the ships?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1237

Why not a combination of both? Like you say, Kaligos, nautical warships already have gatling guns programmed to take out enemies ashore, detecting metallic or glass reflections and swivelling around to open fire in matter of seconds. A two-in-one system would be ideal, and also validate the necessity of the weapon despite its non-existent shield-penetration. Good ideas from you both.

So, are everyone aboard with the specs CV suggested? And can we have a name for it? I have no suggestions.

As for where the large gun is mounted, it is below the ship. I think it shows better in this image I made with one of the renders:

The image also shows a few possible weapon arrangements. Hope that helps.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1238
LOVING THE FLAK CANON IDEA! I myself was thinking it could be something like an automated version of the ball turret on an old B17 bomber.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1239
Btw my idea on the rate of fire for the dual cannons was similar to the Bofors 40mm (2 rounds per second per barrel)  resulting in potentially 8 rounds burst fire mode (in 1 second) or if all fired at once 2 (4 round shots) or any combination of possible rates of fire there.  My thoughts on the twin canon is that its designed for 2 roles.  Anti missile (torpedo) countermeasure, and soft (unshielded) target elimination.  As such its usuially part of a bombing run/deep space strike weapon configuration.  When approaching a target below the ship's horizon the tracking systems will lock onto the target and open fire on it alowing continuious fire from various angles ((as long as you keep the target below the artificial horizon the gun can fire at it.  As such excellent weapon for Bombing runs.  Also lets say that you get tagged by a ground to air torp or missile or for that matter a photon torp from an enemy ship.  Angle yourself to the torpedo to be off your keel (ventral side) and the twin guns cover your ass there.  okay so someone is at your dorsal side and fired at you.  Invert and now the guns are facing the torp; dead torp, alive wolf.

as for the tech of the weapon I agree Dense metal but how about we steal a bit from another sci fi

Mass effect. use something stable and easily available like lead (near limitless ammo as a result since you can replicate non rusting surgical steel easily and since you are literally using small amounts of it a single decent size chunk of it in the would last more than an entire mission's duration.  now for the Trek twist on ME's Zero point energy thing.  Use a warp field bubble.

SO the two bulges on the barrel wrap up the say 1g piece of lead in a warp field bubble (this would the size of the smallest version of bird shot #9 and flings it out at just above warp 1.  Now here's the kicker.  Since the craft is at combat speed the realspace speed is going to just above the momentum of the craft (near  1000 K/s) However the barrel's function is to send the piece at warp speed with a dissipating warp field this means as soon as the fragment hits something the subspace shell is gone forcing the metal fragment back into real space. 

Now as we know F=ma  Mass is near zero but still exists.  Even at small amounts though what is it's acceleration.  Well acceleration would be  the amount of speed it decelerates to upon impact.  299,792.458 km/s is speed of light and its real space speed is 1000km/s  this means the acceleration is near the same as the speed of light the difference is negligible.

result is a 1g piece of surgical steel decelerating at 295,000 km/s the result is 295 KiloNeutons of force exerted over a small area.  given that I am sure the old enterprise got pelted with micrometeors all the time and were warded off by the deflectors its safe to say that navigational deflectors will knock any "bullets" like this away and shields will take a bit of a pounding before being harmed at all by it.  Torps, unshielded things, soft targets, large starships sittingin dock though.   Oh yea this would be one hell of a good weapon to use on those targets.

BTW CV your bullets woudl hurt a lot worse BTW.   but where would we put them all.  seriously at smallst they are what the size of .22 LR and if they fire at a rate of 25 per second then how many can we store in a single one of the weapon devices?

with the slower rate of fire of 2 per second and the size of nearly 1 mm each ( i estimate yours are about what 4-5 times the volume of the 1gram ones. so lets see 12.5 times slower rate of fire and 4 in the space of 1 I estimate we could potentially pack an ammount that can giv us 50 times the time of sustained fire as your idea.

BTW I do like you idea better i just cant imagine where we would store the ammo unless we are creating hammer-space technology in them too.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1240
what if it had a replicator built into it's feeder? since it would need actual ammo, and the replicators can well make it (especially if we used the surgical steel idea) than wouldn't it make sense to have the feed of the machine gun litterally making ammo, at the expense of Battery power? I imagine it would be a bit more energy expensive than firing rounds with a phaser... but not by much, i mean Federation has had replicators for close to over a hundred years by now.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1241
Iron Ferrox, the F/A-18, as an example, carries IIRC 570 rounds of 20mm for it's M61A2 Vulcan and that puppy can crank out up to 6600 rounds per minute, and the Phalanx CIWS is wrapped around that same gun, though tuned to around 4500 rpm.  Those are burst-fire weapons, not meant to pour it on like water from a hose.  However, I like your collapsing warp bubble idea. 

 And say we adjust projectile masses, say to the tune of 3 grams each and each barrel carries 3000 rounds in the attached hopper, it would allow for a maximum of two minutes sustained fire per gun, which is considerable and for a weight of 9 kilos of ammunition, or just south of 20 pounds, per barrel which ought to be manageable.   If doctrine was to fire, say, one-second bursts from just one twin-mount at a time ammuntion consumption could be kept down to extend the combat endurance; especially if the option to just pour it on was made unavailable by way of a hardware interlock that isn't accessible while in flight, kinda like the burst limiter in the M16 family of rifles.  But if you use something denser and harder like tungsten or even depleted uranium, the size of each round would decrease dramatically while having absolutely devastating terminal effects.  And if the guns can swivel and collimate, they would make for a wonderful air-supportm strike and anti-torpedo defence either for self- or area-defence. 

As for a name, I'd say something pretty self-explanatory, like the M-142 Rapid Fire Mass Driver Rapid-Fire Twin-Mount.  Or just M-142 in common parlance.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1242
And I'd like to add that the more rapid rate of fire might be necessary with a fighter.  Between the mounts' traversing speed, a fighter's more limited computer capability and the human at the controls, when using that weapons system to swat torpedoes out of space the ability to smoke one with just one round every half-second could be difficult to justify.  So a "wall of steel" approach, like the Phalanx CIWS, might be necessary to effectively stop incoming torpedoes, especially since they are fairly small targets, moving rather fast and being engaged from a moving platform.  In this case, quantity most definitely becomes a quality of its own.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1243
Awesome ideas being spit out here, and I will try to coalesce it all into a draft for the weapon system's specifications. So far, we have a name, which I shortened with the use of an abbreviation because it was a bit of a mouthful. I think it should be named the M-142 RF Mass Driver Twin-Mount.. And with that name set, I could complete this baby:

Before I publish this on DeviantArt and give due credit to the artist I hired to make this into reality, I would love if you guys could troubleshoot this for me since I have stared myself blind at it at this point. Have I got everything right? Your stamp of approval means a lot.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1244
A few things 1: Your description of the tetrion pulse phase cannon in the graphic before seems to not be what we used it for in an earlier situation.

as such I propose what will pick up a type 2 tetrion canon.  The difference would be as follows.

Type 1 Tetrion Canon: a canon that charges and fires a pulse of tetrion particles at a target though its uses are limited the resulting charged beam can disable systems near where it hits and has been known to cause localized shielding systems failure.

Type 2 Tetrion Canon (Tetrion linked Pulse-phase Cannon): This weapon Has two modes of fire.  IN its primary fire mode a small beam of tetrion articles is fired at a target essentially Painting a target for fire.  After painting the target the canon makes minor adjustments to its aim and firres its primary weapon a charged Pulse phaser blast.  This pulse phaser blant is far stronger than the typical phase bursts from the wing mounted pulse phasers and is more comparable to the Pulse phraser canons on a Defiant class Starship in terms of strength of Phaser shot.  Most importantly the telemetry data from the tetrion beam can be linked to other ships in the squadron or with other Starfleet vessels engaged in a battle effectively painting the target for allied ships in an operation.  This allows for coordinated strikes on a single location from multiple vessels. 

Using a squadron of fighters equipped with Type 2  Tetrion canons linked to a heavy weapons emplacement has been shown to be an effective defense against cloaked warships as all it takes is one fighter to spot the cloaked vessel by bouncing a Tetrion pulse off of it and this signal can be sent to all other fighters and weapons emplacements to fire on the location of the cloaked ship.

Alternately the weapon can, like its type 1 counterpart, fire a concentrated tetrion beam at its target causing the disabling or shield softening effects.

Finially there is the biggest change to the Type 2 Tetrion canon.  Like the M142 Twin Mount  the type 2 tetrion canon is mounted on a swiveling joint that allows for the needed changes in targeting precise locations on targets.  With Tetrion canons slaved to a single ship.  as such the leader can assign a single ship in the squadron to paint the target and open fire.  while all other ships in the squadron preform space superiority while having their canons deployied.  Though the aerodynamics and manverability of the squadron wil be dininished somewhat all tetrion canons can be linked to fire at a single target while the pilots concentrate on other tasks such as dogfighting or covering the ship on the "bombing run."

As such given its ability to independently track targets in motion the canon is primarily a siege weapon that has very limited use in fighter to fighter operations and often diminishes the ability of the fighter in a dogfight scenario.  but its use is very effective as a means of air to surface or fighter to starship bombardment.

A general Deep space strike loadout would utalize both the Type 2 Tetrion Pulse Phase Canon as a primary weapon for bombardment while in flight and Dual Twin mounts as a means of anti projectile countermeasure and for added Punch against those tricky armors that are resistant to energy weapons, and against soft targets.  Used in conjunction the Valkyrie mark 3 is much more efective in a bomber role than with a more traditional loadout.

Future potential iterations of the weapon platform

At some point in the next 10 years some R&D guy or a pilot or someone will try and rig the phaser to fire as a beam rather than a pulse canon.  the result will be the inadvertent effect of having a concentrated Phaser beam fired with a residual cone of tetrion particles around it.
after further research is donee it will be discovered that the dammage this weapon causes is a partial bypassing of shields and a concentrated burn from phaser fire on the target hull.

The type 3 will take advantage of this ths creating a weapon which is able to partially bypass shields and deal limited direct phaser dammage to a hull directly.  however a Fighter size craft does not contain the necessary power generators to fully test the limits this weapon system has to offer.

The type 4 tetrion canon prototype beecomes a forward mounted directly forward firing phaser beam that is located on the underside of a starship's hull drawing power directly from the power generators of its warp engines this weapon is capible of decent shield penetration but at the cost of being not quite so great against abblative and energy deflecting armors and has a slow firing rate.  Also ends up plagued with malfunction usues that cause the engines to blow coolant storage cells.

given the disaster that is  the type 4 tetrion prototype a project is sparheaded by the advanced starship design bureau named Project yamato.  This project is to create a ship built around the use of what the tetrion canon is theoretically capable of.  The USS Yamato is built as a prototype that holds the first fully functioning  newly named Prototype Phaser Spinal Lance  THis weapon creates a massive burst of tetrion particles that cones around a concentrated phaser beam The Particles cause a hole in an enemy ships shields.  The phaser beam then pierces directly into the hull and is of such high heat that it is capable of piercing all the way through most ship hulls.  High heat resistant armors, Energy deflecting armors and ablative armors tend to absorb enough of the phaser energy to prevent full penetration and torpedoes are necessary to effectively damage these armors.

   The yamato had to have Two major design changes to effectively use this weapon.  1 The warp core had to be divided into a main warp core and a secondary auxiliary warp core and  to stabilize the auxiliary warp cores systems a third warp nacelle was necessary.  The auxiliary warp core is the one fed into the weapon and as a result the phaser shot is less a traditional phaser blast but a concentrated beam of warp Plasma. that has been produced via the matter antimatter reaction in the auxiliary engine.  as a result it takes a while to rebuild the necessary energy to fire another shot. 2: the deflector dish had to be redesigned to function as the tetrion particle focusing array that the lance uses.

IN some year before 2495 the USS Yamato enters into service.  In an alternate timeline the yamato is so sucessful in its weapon design that in the yar 2495 at the time Admiral William T Riker had the USS enterprise D  as his personal flagship. It had been refit and modified with Yamato type modifications including the third nacelle and the inclusion of the Phaser spinal lance proving that the weapon was now developed enough to be installed on other ship classes even older out-dated ones.

Essentially its my idea that the combination of tetrion pulse and Phaser cannons leads to the development of that badass laser gun from All Good Things."

TLDR version might want to include that this is the type 2 since we established using the tetrion beam as a disabeling/Anti shield device in last episode. so that there isn't a discrepancy in if its a BFG pulse phaser canon then why haven't we used it a lot more.  Also would be a shame to not have that System fryer as a secondary fire option on the canon.  My idea is Right now the valks have the type 1 (fires the tetrion beam.  What we get soon is a type 2 which is much more awesome.  also since its underslung and we are in space (no wind resistance) why wouldn't the canon have a maneuverable tracker like the twin mount does.  would make it even more effective as a bombardment weapon if the pilot can still at least evade somewhat while its firing occasional shots at an enemy.

Second part
Over many iterations the underslung canon on the valks becomes the basis of the laser gun on the 3 nacelle enterprise D in All good things.  would be funny to think that its the crazy combination of tetrion and phasers that results in the whole shield bypassing and drilling through  qualities that thing had.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1245
You are referring to the image of the ventral side of the Valkyre right? I had no intention to post that on DA, merely give a visual guide to you guys. Space-constraints disallowed me to list all features, but you have come up with a lot of new ones I'd love to implement. My intention was never to nix the "EMP-beam" feature, but add another one to it, so we are basically on the same page there, only I want the Type 2 features (only named Type 1) right from the onset of the Mk III Valkyrie program. So, I think we can go with 80 % of what you have suggested for a number of reasons.

The Type 1 Tetryon Pulse Cannon has had the following features from the start, quoting you a bit:

Primary Firing Mode: A small beam of tetryon articles is fired at a target, painting a target for fire. Achieving target-lock on the painted target, the cannon still needs to be directed towards the target, but it can do minor adjustments to its aim to compensate for flight movement. The charging of the subsequent pulse phaser blast is initiated when right when the tetryon beam is lit, and with a delay of five seconds, the cannon fires a bolt far stronger than the wing-mounted phaser cannons. Furthermore, the telemetry data from the tetryon beam can be synchronised into the squadrons and the Theurgy's targeting systems, allowing for coordinated strikes on a painted target. The cannon is effective against cloaked enemies since all it takes is one Lone-Wolf to manage to bounce a Tetryon pulse off of it, then the target will be painted and visible in the targeting systems.

Secondary Firing Mode: A concentrated tetryon beam is fired at its target, compromising enemy shields and even disabling them after depending on enemy shield strength and regeneration ratio.


1) It is obviously too big for it to be a swivel cannon, I don't think the rig can allow it, especially since there is gravity even in space. The barrel and the software can, however, track a painted target within a 20 degree angle during the charging sequence (where the pilot needs to keep the target in its sights). This allows for some writing suspense and a challenge to compensate for the kick that the cannon holds.

2) The charging takes 5 seconds, so it might be hard to hit moving targets unless its from a long distance, the fighter can maintain its course, and the targetting software have time to compensate. For optimum usage, this weapon should be used as a over-powered sniper rifle.

3) With the heavy charge of the cannon's bolts, and given how the warp plasma conduit runs through the primary phaser coupling for added punch, the warp drive can't compensate for continued fire. After five bolts being fired, the fighter pilot is risking to short-circuit the Valkyrie unless s/he shuts down auxiliary systems and reroutes spare power to the phaser coupling.

4) There is still gravity in space, and depending on how strong it is, manoeuvrability will be heavily impaired when the cannon is extended.

The reasons why we can't have them be picking up a Type 2 iteration at the weapon research facility are these:

A) The cannons are a part of the Valkyries, with a retractable deployment rig and with a seamless fit into the belly of the ship. Unless the cannon was developed specifically for the Mk III Valkyries, I can't see an integral part of the fighter being switched out. And even if the cannons found in the research facility were meant for these Valkyries specifically, there is still a small window of time to made heavy changes to the attack fighters before they reach Starbase 84. The Mass Driver Twin-Mounts won't be the same kind of heavy hurdle to install since they ought to be adapted to fit hard-point slots and comes with its own software upgrade to LCARS targeting systems.

B) You mentioned that it would be hard to explain why the cannon's Primary Firing Mode has not come to use in the battles the Lone Wolves have fought so far, but I don't think its that hard to explain considering the disadvantages of the weapon and the nature of the battles they have fought. I don't think there is any need to have any of the scenes retconned either.

Episode 01, Maverick and Kestrel were stopping infected Wolves and crew aboard shuttles from going to Warp, but did not want to kill them. In Episode 02, there were no Valkyries launched as far as I can recall, and in Episode 03, we have three major battles where the Lone Wolves were deployed. In the first battle with the Calamity, the Reavers were right in their faces after surprising them, and they were too quick and merciless to be locked on to with the cannon. The way they were harried, they could not sniper-shoot the Calamity either, since she was also firing right back at them with next century ordinance. Second battle, the Calamity never entered Theta Eridani IV's atmosphere, resorting to orbital strikes, so again, the problem would be to paint the Reavers given how quick they are, and extending the cannon down on the planet would impair manoeuvrability. The Valkyries were never deployed against Task Force Archeron, and in the last battle against the Calamity, the Lone Wolves were - again - preoccupied with trying to ward off the Reavers from Thea. The gravity of the proto-star would have fucked up manoeuvrability too.

So, no problem with future iterations to develop into that weapon in All Good Things, but the Valkyries already have - and will keep - the Type 1 version with the features mentioned above. I hope that is okay! :)

Unless someone spots any errors in the larger image, I will publish it on DeviantArt.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1246
awesome makes perfect sense to me. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1247
Hey, just letting people know hat my posts might suffer as it is no NaNoWriMo and I need to write A LOT this month...
Just a heads up.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1248
I'm sorry for my lack of posts lately, I'm kinda racking my brains trying to get into my characters' heads lately.  Hopefully I'll be able to crank out a few this weekend.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1249
Hey, just letting people know hat my posts might suffer as it is no NaNoWriMo and I need to write A LOT this month...
Just a heads up.
had never heard of that but I hope you get some good writing done!

On an aside I would like to let you guys know that i will try and get caught up on replies today but will likely not be able to respond again till next tuesday due to needing to study for a Physiology test.

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