Here are the promotions that I see makes a lot of sense. These are optional to write out scenes for, but they should involve the Department Heads besides the promoted character at the very least. So, go over this and arrange for new threads in the Interregnum as you guys see fit. Pending = To be incorporated into the Interregnum. Optional = To be decided OOC (and then written).
Former Lt. Cmdr. Carrigan Trent [ Finished | Promotion to Cmdr. & Executive Officer ]
Former MCPO Aisha S'Iti [ Pending | Promotion to Lieutenant ]
Former PO1 Ryuan Sel [ Pending | Promotion to CPO (or Ensign) & new Master-at-Arms ]
Former Lieutenant Duv [ Unfinished | Promotion to Asst. Chief Medical Officer ]
Former Ens. Maya [ Pending | Promotion to Lt. JG ]
Former Ens. Hylota Vojona [ Pending | Promotion to Lt. JG & Head Nurse ]
Former MCPO "Billy Bob" O'Connell [ Optional | Promotion to Lieutenant ]
Former Ms. Rihen Neyah [ Optional | Promotion to a Provisional rank in Engineering ]
Former Ms. Selena Ravenholm [ Pending | Promotion to a Provisional rank as Encryption Specialist in Ops. ]
Former PO1 Eun Sae Ji [ Pending | Promotion to CPO/Ensign ]
Former Ms. Heather McMillan [ Optional | Promotion to a Provisional rank in Science/Medical ]
If you guys have more suggestions for promotions, please PM me as soon as you can!
I have updated the calendar. Important to remember: The Interregnum is supposed to be free-form role-playing. You may post whatever threads you want to write there with how many you like as long as you don't blow up the ship, so to speak. This is supposed to be your vacation from the more linear storytelling of the Episodes. When you guys post your thread starters, I will simply add them to the calendar. All I request is that you try to adhere to the formatting of the thread starters as well as the standard of subject layout we use. Here is some code to help you out:
New thread subject:
DAY XX: Your Title [XXXX hrs.]
New thread header:
[size=12pt][color=white]DAY XX: Your Title [XXXX hrs.][/color][/size]
[b][ Character Name | Location | Deck XX ][/b] [i]Attn: Character 1, Character 2 etc.[/i]
Threads in italics are not posted yet. Blue threads are events that span several days. Each entry is now also a link.
Day 01 is the day after the battle with the Calamity. Day 07 is now reserved for events in Episode 04: Simulcast.
One thing to have in mind is that repairs and drills for the the boarding of SB84 should permeate the whole week of the calendar, and we have named the days for specific major events that will be posted as I write them out, but besides that, you are all free to make things up as you please. However, despite the focus - or theme - for each day, this should not feel restrictive for you all. It is merely a means to keep track of the days and what happened which day. Here is the explanation for what will happen during the days of the Interregnum:
DAY 01
Chain of Command
This day is dedicated to promotions and changes in the crew manifest. The inaugural post here would be Ives offering the XO position to Carrigan Trent, but other promotion scenes would be handled in majority on this day as well. This because the ship needs to have an established chain-of-command.
DAY 02
Memorial Services
Funeral services and dedicated words to those who died in the mutiny and the battle with the Calamity. Burial in space, caskets sent off into the oblivion? Not entirely decided yet. A day of mourning those lost.
DAY 03
Besides promotions, there are also awards and medals to hand out, commendations etc. Perhaps a good day to visit Below Decks in the evening?
DAY 04
Restocking the Ship
Using Trent's info, the Theurgy visits a hidden Federation weapon silo to restock before the coming battle. This might entail some fighting for an away-team?
DAY 05
Senior Staff Meeting
A brief such covering the planning of the raid against SB84. Drills for the boarding parties are held during the whole week, but perhaps depicted more in detail here since it follows the Senior Staff Meeting.
DAY 06
Messages to Loved Ones
The day before the suicide mission to SB84. This would be the time where everyone makes personal logs to their loved ones in the Federation, talking about what has happened, the truth about Starfleet Command, and that they might not survive in the ambition to spread the truth. Everyone saying their farewells in their personal logs.
Please consider these as suggestions and I would love if you all could comment by number on the suggestions that would involve your own characters (yea/nay/what?/etc.). This, so that we can see if we have a match of interest between involved writers, then we'll fit the scene into the calendar:
- Depending on how much evidence would be left behind in the morgue, Lucan might promote Hylota Vojona to Junior Lieutenant by the time he establishes that she is pregnant.
Debriefing of Selena Ravenholm in Sickbay with Jien Ives [Follows "A Fresh Start"]
Simon Tovarek approaching Heather McMillan about an offer to join the Science Department.
- Sarresh Morali and Ryuan Sel talking over what happened between them at the end of Episode 03.
Christopher "Husker" Slayton being summoned to Miles Renard to discuss how he might become one of the Lone Wolves.
- Miles Renard announcing the new squadron organisational chart with the removal of the dead and missing Lone Wolves and the addition of Husker.
- Lin Kae and Thea discussing that she was unsuccessful to save her daughter.
- Fasha and Carrigan Trent catching up on old times somehow and somewhere.
Wenn Cinn and ThanIda zh'Wann clearing the air after she asked to be transferred to the Harbinger. [Follows in "The Path Ahead"]
- Thea visiting Miles Renard to offer condolences on the many lost Lone Wolves.
- Some kind of triangle drama between Papa Bear, Eun Sae & Rawley.
- Doctor Maya being promoted to Junior Lieutenant by Dr. Nicander.
- Hylota Vojona and Heather McMillan having that drink that was suggested.
Some kind of constellation between Hylota, Vinata and Maal (waking up) and addressing what happened during the hostile takeover
- Ryuan Sel grudgingly getting a promotion from Wenn Cinn because of her actions in Episode 03, despite the fact that their Bajoran faiths collide.
- Husker catching up with either/both Amelya Duv & ThanIda zh'wann somehow and somewhere.
- Given the fact that Tia Marlowe is not recovering, Ives has a personal chat with O'Connell about his rank and position, promoting him to Chief Engineer instead of Acting such.
- Debriefing of the interrogation of Sonja Acreth, a thread where Captain Ives, Dr. Nicander, Carrigan Trent and Wenn Cinn sit down to discuss what was learned from the parasitically joined Ensign in the Brig.
Debriefing scene between Simon Tovarek and Sarresh Morali where Morali returns to duty in the Science Department, perhaps grudgingly. I can write Cir'Cie at the scene too. [Covered in "Meeting of the Minds"]
- Papa Bear and Eun Sae discussing what lay between them as they repair Axius' cockpit.
- Carrigan Trent and Selena Ravenholm discussing potential ways to get through SB84's tacyon grid.
- A Below Decks scene between Miles Renard, Tessa May Lance, Evelyn Rawley and Christopher Slayton.
- Eun Sae Ji coming in for a physical in Sickbay, seeing Dr. Nicander. Alternatively, a quick away mission.
- Vinata Vojona recovering at some point and seeing Dr. Nicander
- Jien Ives visiting the Flight Hangar, talking about the hangar's condition and inventory for the upcoming battle with Sten Covington.
- In fact, Jien Ives visiting all departments, seeing the department heads and some of the other officers.
- Counselling sessions with Hayden O'Connor.
- Gym scenes with Jien Ives sparring someone. Ida could spar with people as well.
- Thea catching up with Selena Ravenholm after she recovers.
Please let me know if any of these are to your liking, or if you have additional ideas, by posting here in the OOC.
Here are the characters that are available to be inherited as per our usual procedures. Drop me a PM if you are interested in either one of them!
Lt. JG Zaraq Master-at-Arms [NPC]
- Available to be played by all members
PO1 Dyan Holly Cardamone Security Officer [NPC]
- Available to be played by all members
Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley Wolf-05 [Maverick] [NPC]
- Formerly Played by Kurohigi
PO1 Maal Nurse [NPC]
- Available to be played by all members
Ens. Cir'Cie Science Officer [NPC]
- Available to be played by all members
That is all!
Best Regards,
Auctor Lucan