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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1075
Hey and stuff has been keeping me busy. But I've made a reply now, sorry especially to Auctor Lucan, for keeping you waiting over a week plus. Hopefully I won't be delayed like this ever again.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1076
I know that feeling. My posts have been trickling in somewhat, but I got a post up with Sarresh that I owed. So the scene in the corridors can roll on.

Off for more caffeine!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1077
Help! I don't know what to do! How do I screen fighters? I mean, do I instruct the fighters on what to do or just tell them what's where and going on? I mean I'm not sure what I'm supposed to write in response to Carrigan Trent's order. @_@

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1078
Help! I don't know what to do! How do I screen fighters? I mean, do I instruct the fighters on what to do or just tell them what's where and going on? I mean I'm not sure what I'm supposed to write in response to Carrigan Trent's order. @_@

Basically running communication and coordination between the Theurgy and her fighters. It was one of the things that Natalie was running. Keeping the fighters in the loop for any orders changes, status updates (what we see versus what they see) and plotting formations, i'd wager. Least thats what I had Natalie doing.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1079
Okay as the one playing the SCO since the start of ep 2 heres basicially a mission ops rundown.  You know in fighter pilot movies like top gun and you hear the guy at the radio looking at the radar being a combination of air traffic control and giving orders to the pilots on behalf of the captain.  thatsd bassicially mission ops's job.  Since theurgy has longer range sensors and better ones than the fighters the theurgy can usuially identify more about all enemy or friendly craft in the starship's "airspace"  and all information from the fighters is relayed to the mission ops desk including recon information and their sensor data the mission ops desk is able to cordinate data and relay information between the bridge and the pilots.

Information mission ops generially has access to a 3d sensor display showing all "contacts" able to be seen by the theurgy and the starfighter's sensors.

mission ops recieves a com feed from the starfighters and maintains radio contact with the squadron and can listen in on or send a signal to any some or all of the fighters in flight.

as a general rule comunication from the bridge to the squadron comes from the captain to mission ops and mission ops relays the information to the squadron channel or to the SCO to mission ops direct line.  since the captain has to deal with the hectic nature of starship battle often times the Mission ops person has to make decisions regarding issuing orders to the squadron without the captain's direct orders (which is why its often the station of the XO since the XO has chain of command authority over the SCO.

What the acting captain ordered is for the wolves to set up a fighter screen this is a general tactic in fighter engagements.

a fighter screen is essentially orders for fighter craft to engage other fighter craft as their primary targets.  Essentially ordering a starfighter screen is to inform the pilots that their primary objective is the protection of a given craft aka an Escort mission.  their primary targets are any craft attempting to attack their objective with other fighters being primary targets and only engaging larger targets once the airspace is free of fighters.

IN this situation setting up a fighter screen means go to mission ops chair open a com link to Wolf 01 (the sco's ship) inform that primary objective is protection of the USS Theurgy Secondary objectives are protection of other mission craft (the harbinger, the other wolves, the type 2 valks etc)  Tertiary objective is destruction of the Calamity.  In terms of target priority their primary targets are enemy fighters attacking the theurgy, Secondary targets are Fighters attacking their fellow fighters (wingman protection) or targeting the Harbinger, tertiary targets any fighters attempting to escape quaternary target the Calamity.

TLDR version Welcome to military air traffic control.  Fighter screen means order the wolves to destroy all enemy fighter craft.  Essentially making the wolves act as a screen preventing enemy fighters from being able to harm the Theurgy.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1080
Help! I don't know what to do! How do I screen fighters? I mean, do I instruct the fighters on what to do or just tell them what's where and going on? I mean I'm not sure what I'm supposed to write in response to Carrigan Trent's order. @_@

Crap, sorry Triage I really didn't think of that!  I really ought to have given you a shout via PM after my last post.  Thankfully, we have good folks like Brutus and Iron Ferrox to save the day when yours truly drops the ball.  ::)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1081
Thanks guys for the help with the explanation! Excellent rundown and the only two tidbits that I can add is that 1) Mission Ops is also the communication centre to any away teams, hence Mission Ops instead of Flight Ops. 2) The Harbinger is not present yet, but due to arrive in a couple of minutes at maximum warp. Protection of the Harbinger is - right then - not a viable option.
Best of luck with your upcoming posts, Triage and it was great that you asked for help here on the OOC! (Evidently so, with the swift and thorough replies!)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1082
Thanks so much, guys. Now I won't make Cameron sound like a complete idiot on a microphone, hopefully. So, to be clear, Wolf 1, does not yet have all the above mentioned orders, right? And Cameron will be relaying them now? I think I can manage that.

I am in the meantime, officially scared for Edena Rez, because nothing I can think of presents a high chance of survival for her. Augments are nasty and basically a T-1000, and Edena's just squishy... >.< I wish I had a cyborg character now...I'm sure you've all watched Star Trek, Into Darkness? Khan freaking squashed a man's front of his daughter. I can only imagine what he'd do to schizophrenic Trill.

Thanks again for all the information and advice. When it comes to air battles, I'm a mud-marcher/groundpounder. Aerospace lingo is new to me. Which is even sadder since I have a fighter pilot coming in soon >.< Totally gonna cover up my stupidity on the lingo with a hillbilly accent and speech and just shoot my act off like a maniac.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1083
yes miles has currently received only the order to launch.  in my last post miles sent a transmission to mission ops requesting orders regarding target priority and objectives.  he is currently assuming primary objective is protection of the Theurgy since scramble orders typically are only given in situations when the home base is threatened.  the part he needs clarified the most is whether their mission is primarily to engage enemy fighters (space superiority), or to preform strike operations against the Calamity (hit and fade bombing).

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1084
It's pretty much just occured to me that IC-wise Cam might not really know how to direct fighters either.  However, re-reading my last post, Trent's instructions are such they can be pretty much relayed word-for-word and still make sense to the pilots out there.  As for pushing telemetry to the fighters, I'd imagine it would be fairly straightforward process of using the information Tovarek is already cleaning up for the tactical plot and forwarding it to each Valkyrie, almost like sending an email to multiple addressees. 

And besides, Henshaw will see Wolf-01 with Miles Renard on board is out there and she's bound to recognize that all he needs is broad mission parameters and he can handle the details and execution at the sharp end of things.

And besides, that's how Trent is doing things.  Barring a few specifics, he's giving broad yet clear directions to the Bridge crew and lets everyone do their jobs as best they know how without the need to micromanage.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1085
A quick announcement.

I completed my anatomy course with a B and wont have class again until Thursday august 13th.  Next up Physiology.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1087
Congrats Iron!

Meanwhile, Vet, Lucan, Zenozine, I've posted. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1088
Diplomacy: the art of saying "nice doggy" until your Bajoran gorilla can get into position  :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1089
Right? That was freakin' awesome, Zeno! :D

Thank you for saving Edena. My little Trill was this close to death. :S

Can I have a nice loyal pet robot killer bodyguard or something for her please? Ooh, I know! A personal Horta!

Anyways, I totally loved how Wenn Cinn just like came up behind him, shoots, and end of story.

Some people love a dramatic, long, dragged out fight, especially since Declan Vasser's a friggin' Augment. But I can appreciate an anticlimatic and swift ending to a hyped up villain. It was poignant, significant, and very well-deserved. So excuse me while I fangirl over Wenn Cinn for a minute...


*Fangirl over*

But I do feel bad for Dyan. She was like, all excited to get her chance to hunt her "prey", and in comes the (quote) Bajoran gorilla.

You know, I was half expecting Wenn Cinn to use his bare hands to snap Declan's neck, really. Like just moments before I read that he used his rifle, I was totally expecting a neckbreaker attack. Though a rifle was more affirming. Not even an augment can survive that.

Great posts everyone! :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1090
Well I am glad that Cinn managed to get mixed up in all of this and ended up being tricked into coming along. I can only imagine how hectic thing are going to be getting for Cinn now.

As for how the "Bajoran Gorilla" handled hings, lets think about this, Declan had a hostage, we just watched Declan preform great feats of strength, and he might have super human endurance. If he had spoke up Cinn would have jeopardized the clear shot he had. there is a time to be a hero, and a time to be a soldier, and the soldier gets the job done. As cool as it would have been for Cinn to perform a Metal Gear Solid style take down it is unlikely he could have pulled it off, and since Dyan would have wanted Declan to likely look her in the eye as she killed him, Cinn knew he need to end this, one shot clean and simple, no bravado, no games, just an objective that needed to be completed. Also lets not forget how quickly Ives could have been in danger there.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1091
I thoroughly agree.  And while killing Vasser with his bare hands might have been hugely satisfying and rate an impressive "cool factor" rating there's no telling just how strong an Augment's neck muscles are so Cinn could have struggled in vain while he'd put a very permanent crimp in Edena's day before feeding Cinn his own face.

So the quick, clean and brutally efficient shot in the back of the head was the professional thing to do and much more in keeping with the no-nonsense approach of a veteran officer.  And it has a coolness of its own.

And besides, considering just how quickly he died without the chance of a reflexive muscle contraction, thanks to a vaporized brain stem, all Dyan would have to do to look him in the eye would be to flip Vasser onto his back.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1092
Haha! I loved your post for all the aforementioned reasons, Zenozine. Thanks for the read! :)

Besides, we already had the dragged-out, dramatic fist-fight in the Episode, this in the form of T'Rena's fight with Carrigan Trent and O'Connell. Furthermore, I think Zenozine's good taste in terms of Wenn Cinn's actions also sticks within the spectrum of what the character was originally supposed to be: the hardened soldier that sometimes ends up doing what Captain Ives can't for the sake of the mission because Ives has to live up to the ideals of the crew to some extent, despite what they are going through. Another layer to this interesting working relationship is how these two comrades since the Theurgy's commissioning butt heads over manner-of-approach and methodology. This not meaning that Wenn Cinn would resort to the things Vasser or T'Rena migt in order to ensure smooth operation. The way I understand it, and Zenozine should correct me here if he has other ideas for his inherited character, Wenn Cinn is a Bajoran Occupation survivor first and Starfleet Officer close second.

I'm looking forward to your post with Edena Rez in that scene, Triage, before I post again with Ives (and Dyan). :)

As for the grand space battle against the Calamity, I am itching to post there again with numerous characters, but at the very least (since people should feel free to take the chance to post more about what they do to fight the Calamity) I want to give IronFerrox and RosariaRosette the opportunity to post with their characters exterminating some Reaver-arse now that Thea sent them the Reavers' shield harmonics and helping so that they can target them by ordinary means. Since your post ended at the time when Quake was killed, Doc M. (previously named Doctor Maya), you should feel free to post again as well so that Tessa can take advantage of shooting right through the Reavers' shields. Personally, I think IronFerrox should post next and give Maverick's group orders that I can implement in my next post.

Tomorrow morning, I will be posting with Rihen Neyah (+ Thea, Lin Kae, Skye Carver & the EMH) in the corridor scene.

In Sickbay, The Counselor is next, posting with Hayden O'Connor in response to Hylota Vojona when she can since she has the family staying over this week. I might be able to figure out an opening for me to post there as well with Thea and/or Cir'Cie too. Perhaps, unless the IC-timing becomes convoluted, I can have Doctor Nicander arrive here after the scene with Heather McMillan in the turbolift.

We are so bloody close to ending the Episode now, guys, so take your chance to post what you want to add to the current scenes now that you have the chance! I would hate to rob you of the opportunity by ending the fighting for you.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1093
Well I am glad that my post was well received. I am trying to portray Cinn as less of the by the book officer and more of a Bajoran playing at being a Starfleet officer. He does a job and respects the crew as his post demands, but when no one is looking, the glove come off and he will do what is need to ensure that the crew survives, even at the cost of his own standing or life. There is a time for ideals, and there is a time for action, Cinn leave ideals to Ives, he will be there waiting if action is needed.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1094
If the chief security officer shoots a genetically augmented superman who can outdraw him, outshoot him, and outthink him in the front that is good shooting.  If the chief security officer shoots a genetically augmented superman who can outdraw him, outshoot him, and outthink him in the back that is good judgment!   ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1095
Hey guys,

Just popping in really quick to say hello and introduce myself since I'm so new to this rp. I can't say I'm not just a tiny bit nervous to be working with all of you lol, but I'm also looking forward to it quite a lot. I've been keeping in touch with Auctor to make sure I'm ready to post when it's time to introduce my character, Six. :D Let me know if you have any questions and what have you. For now I will be taking it in baby steps to try and get used to writing in group again. It's not something I've done in quite a while. Do feel free to PM me though if you have insight, suggestions, needs, or whatever else and I'll work with you happily. I am a big fan of collaboration and communication so please do any time. ^___^

"You wish to knock over cows? What is the significance of this? Do you derive pleasure from such things?" - Ensign Six

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1096
The Holographic Specialist - Lieutenant Lin Kae - Has a New Player!

Since Kurohigi left us, I have been NPC:ing his characters as required. Now, however, DocReno will be playing the Theurgy's Holographic Specialist instead. As of yet, there has been no update of the character sheet in the Crew Manifest, so a link to the old one can be found below:

Lt. Lin Kae                  Holographic Specialist

  - Played by DocReno

As always when one of our players inherit a character, DocRenohas been issued a creative licence in writing the character instead of adhering to the way he was played by Kurohigi. There is, however, a lot of backstory to read up on since Lin Kae have been with us since Episode 01, so I will keep playing Lin Kae until the end of Episode 03.

That's all for the moment and good luck with the new character, DocReno!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1097
Welcome aboard, Vys ;)

And congrats, DocReno. I'm sure we'll all be interested to see where you take things with this character.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1098
love the direction yall took with Vasser.  There is a fine line between heroics and strategy.  Its important to know that good guys shouldn't fail to adhere to the first rule in the evil overlords checklist.  No one! is too important to kill with a stealthy bullet to the back of the head.

that said woulda been cool to see the combat there Bajoran Riddick and a fallen angel esque fighter vs augment T1000 that woulda been an interesting fight.  I mean Cinn has to have a certain advantage I mean guy got brought back from the dead by a race of quasi dietys.  In D&D terms that pretty much marks him as a "chosen one" type of hero.

That said for cinn to get into position and execute the kill.  How many levels in Rogue does that Bajoran have

Oh and welcome Vystori glad to see a new face around.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1099
Well blieve me, I was tempted to do something like a "Catchy one liner" or "catchphrase" before he shot, I was also tempted to have him say something witty, but thinking about what Cinn had been through that day, crawling through vents to gather gear, making a tactical decision to send off his fellow crew as a distraction while he broke out his captain, putting his team at risk of sexual assault for the sake of an ambush, and then finding the cruel conditions that prisoners were kept in, no there was no need for a one liner or witty farewell, Vassr was a monster, he was too dangerous to leave alive for an instant longer so Cinn did what needed to be done and put the beast down and ended a threat to the Theurgy.

Also I imagine it as though Cinn does not see himself as a Chose One, but more an idiot that let himself get killed before his time and he was lucky enough to be sent back to do the job right this time.

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