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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1100
Either way Zeno. It was a rather fitting and cool post to read ^^

Good luck Reno with the new character! Looking forward to what you'll do with him.

And welcome to the club Vystori!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1101
New Species Sheet

Compiled my notes on Andorians into a species sheet for you all, in case you are interested in what *our* official notes are on the Andorian species (loads of discrepancies out there):

Also, since Andorians are not non-canon, I have changed the name of the thread on our main board from Non-Canon Species to Species Specifications. This opens up for people to post sheets on Vulcans and others too, naturally, but only if required, I'd say. If there are no characters in our story of that species, it won't be listed.

Best Reagards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1102
Termination of Membership - Cathreen Dawinter

Sadly, Cathreen Dawinter is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group anymore because of lacking posting activity. She was approached continuously the past two months, me having been forced to NPC her character to resolve the scene in the Brig. Without any IM or PM response whatsoever, RL evidently came to draw her focus completely.

If anyone who would like to overtake this Asurian - for whom there is no species details beyond what can be found in her character sheet - and both 1) doesn't have too many characters and 2) also can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. Again, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing her gets to inherit the character. If there are no takers, Dyan Cardamone will still be kept as an NPC that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until her demise in a battle to come.

PO1 Dyan Holly Cardamone     Security Officer [NPC]

  - Formerly Played by Cathreen Dawinter

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1103
I may have to get to work on sheets for the Catians, and consequently the Xinti and the Ferasan races too. 

*Note the Xinti are based heavily on Larry Niven's species of the same name In the "Known Space" series.  Niven wrote the episode of ST the animated series. that they appeared in.  ((Yes the animated series is Canon in fact given how involved Roddenberry was with it I would argue it is more cannon than anything of TNG and onward that was made after his death.))

As for the Catians they tend to have conflicting into on them.  In the animated series the stand in for Uhura was a catian female named M'ress.  The live action male catians looked a lot like what I would define as a Were-cat.  IN the Modern Alternate universe series reset Catians are shown as almost entirely human but with feline tails.  Clearly Abrams would rather Kirk be shown bedding a couple of anime style catgirls rather than sleeping with the canonical furries of the Star Trek universe.

the ferasans were a Reimagining of the Xinti that were featured as a playable race in Star Trek Online the reason for the departure from the original version is supposedly due to conflicts with the Niven estate.

Reguarding to the relationships between the three races.  The Xinti are known to be a Patriarical race that had a conflict with earth shortly after earth's first contact with Vulcan.  They are known to be slavers and view women property rather than people.  (I would not be suprised if the ferengi werent partially inspired by them but replacing the concept of slavers with that of an amoral capitalistic mentality)

Supposedly the catians are a cousin race that evolved on an abandoned Xinti colony world.

Consequently the origin of the Ferasan race in STO is they are a divergence from the Catian race that took on a more militaristic demeanor.

Needless to say its hard to sort out the canon from the non canon with these three races.  What I can say is I directly based the idea of the vulpinians on the simple fact that if star trek can have anthro cats they can have anthro foxes too.  Also Catians in STO are the Starfleet's suppliers of fighter carriers.

Reguarding some other Star trek iconic races.  It should be important to know that despite the existence of "Orion slave girls" the Orion are a matriarchal race and the females are not "sold into sexual slavery"   The Orion's possess powerful pheromones that allow the females of the race to exert a certain kind of psuedo telepathic dominance over males of many species.  they intentionally masquerade as being "slaves" as a means to be placed in the possession of wealthy and or powerful individuals whom they can then essentially puppet without their knowledge.   "Orion slave girls" are not helpless slaves.  The males also posses powerful pheromones as well but not to the extent of the females of the race.  Or rather the females are able to resist the males pheromones while the males are not able to resist their counterparts.
THis is why in STO both the males and females of the species have the racial ability "Seduce"

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1104
Ahem, not too keen on posting all kinds of trek species in that thread. See edit of my previous post here. If there are no characters of the species present in the story (NPCs doesn't count) then they will not be listed here. Then Memory Alpha will serve just as well.

Hope you understand. I am not able to make graphics for all those species.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1105
Regarding the character of Cardamone.  Her role player and I had been establishing a certain relationship between Miles and her.  As such if her new roleplayer would like to continue this relationship and would like details on certain agreements between the two of them I would be happy to share them. 

If you wish to overtake her character and wish to terminate the relationship, as having a sort of romantic tie it isn't your kind of thing, or given my characters rather unique appearance (essentially being a furry for lack of a better term), and certain aspects of the kinds of sexual acts the two happened to share with each other.   I would ask the relationship ends in a way that is explained story wise and as such would end in a way that fits the personalities of both of our characters.  Given the amount of in story build up that has been made I feel it would be wrong to just ignore their previous bonds and such aside as if nothing happened.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1106
Please bear with me these next few days while I try to find time to make a reply for my chars. I should be able to make one today. Sorry to those waiting on me. :/

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1107
I think I'm speaking for everyone here when I say that life has this annoying tendency to happen and get in the way of posting and that we understand.

But at any rate, thanks for the heads-up.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1108
Dear all,

I deeply apologize for the length of my delay in replying. These have been the most difficult and challenging two weeks of my life so far, and it's affected my performance both here and in real life. In addition to being threatened with job loss after only working for three months, less than that, actually, and compromising my place here in Theurgy, I had a slight bout of depression and anxiety. Don't live in the greatest neighbourhood in the world, and my country's on the verge of civil riot. House has shown signs of being broken into, and I live alone with my mum, so I haven't gotten very good sleep or been in the best state of mind.

This might come as a bit of a surprise to you, Lucan since I didn't mention this in our PM.

Anyhow, I just thought I'd explain what's been happening to me a bit, so that hopefully, you'd understand, and I apologize again for my slow responses, compared to when I first started and was responding within seconds at a time. I can't say I'll ever be that fast again anytime soon unless someone can help me find an online job that pays me enough to keep my head above water, and also have the time to spare to follow my passions of writing and roleplay.

Still, I should be able to reply within the day from here on out. I actively check Theurgy on my Tab, so I can even respond from there if need be.

Anyways, live long, and prosper.

I shall be writing a reply now.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1109
Replied to the PM, and I am sorry to hear about these further details to your RL situation. I hope things will quiet down where you live and that things will become easier at work - that you get the recognition that you deserve there. Sleep deprivation, while merely the product of all other horrible things you mention, is a hellish detriment to trying to write when you do find some time for it.

I may not have any online job suggestions, but the first months at a new job in a new industry (especially) are always tougher, so I hope you will find things become easier for you, which I am certain they will if you just continue to do your best and make your employers content with your performance. You may have the eye on you in the beginning, but they will find other new employees to devote that time on, I am sure.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1110
Life happens, and sometimes it happens in messy ways, all at once, and all over the place. RL always comes first. So you focus on what you need to focus on. Be safe, as best you can, and carry on with that job. We will be here when you need a good distraction, and I think everyone in the group understands that your response time needs to take a.back seat to other concerns.

In short, good luck, and we understand :)


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1111
Thanks so much for understanding. :)

I've posted now.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1112
Shall I post a reply for Captain Ives and the others in Undoing, or will we be moving to the next chapter?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1113
07: Undoing Information

In 07: Undoing, I will be posting with Thea/Ives next now that the remaining mutineers have been brought up, IC-wise presenting the Lexorin dispersal solution combined with Maya and Cir'Cie's help to solve that bit. I will also post one last time with Nicander in Sickbay.

Besides me, RosariaRosette will post with Fasha and Eun Sae, and IronFerrox wanted to post with Miles and Aisha after my post. That's it, though! We are done!

Epilogue Information

It's now time for everyone to post once per character in the Epilogue, where everyone may pick a time during the afternoon and evening on that same day, depicting  their character in a scene that brings closure to this story we have written together. Don't forget to mention when - during the same day as the battle was - that your Epilogue post takes place!


If you can't think of a scene or don't want to post since you feel that you have nothing to add to what you have already posted earlier, please inform me via PM so that I can cross your name from my Epilogue list.

If people want to write out scenes together, instead of posting once on their own, that is perfectly alright too. Just make sure to inform the one you are to write with.

I will be posting here again soon with information about Interregnum 03-04!

If you have feedback or want to discuss the Episode's ending, feel free to post here!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1114
For anyone who wants to go psycho seeing someone arguing with herself, enjoy Edena Rez's post in the Epilogue. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1115
Just read that post. Quite entertaining to see one person hold such a complex discussion with herself.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1116
Sorry I've been away for so long. I've been busy with life recently and without internet access, beyond my not-so-smartphone which I can't post from, so it's been insane.

Anyway I managed to get a couple of posts up, including the first Lahkesis Saugn in a long time. I hope they read ok and give some insight, at least the Lahkesis Saugn one.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1117
I would be the last person to fault you, Sirus. I've been there myself already.

In the mean time, Auctor, I really don't know why, but Henshaw just makes me so...wordy. >.<

Brace yourself for the verbal diarrhoea.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1118
There's nothing wrong with that.  Sometimes, characters just run away from you.  Or that's just the way they want to be written.  Hell, I put out a wall of text just for Trent to have a shower and crawl into bed!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1119
Nothing wrong with being wordy on a writing site. Tho verbal diarrhoea is a hell of a way to describe it lol.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1120
It was a great post Triage, no worries there. :)

I am planning on posting with Ives and with Nicander next in the Epilogue and the Aisha/Ives scene, but since people are starting to wrap up Episode 03 for their characters, I have the below to present to you:


DAY 01
Chain of Command 

- 0900 hrs. XO Promotion 
DAY 02
Memorial Services 

DAY 03

DAY 04
Restocking the Ship 

DAY 05
Senior Staff Meeting 

DAY 06
Battle Preparations 

DAY 07
Messages to Loved Ones


As you may discern, the above calendar is a means for us all to keep track of the threads we might post in the Interregnum. Day 01 is the day after the battle with the Calamity. I have only added one thread so far, this being the thread that will depict Carrigan Trent being offered the XO position and what would immediately follow that.

I have also added a general focus for each day of the week that the Interregnum lasts. Yet despite the focus - or theme - for each day, this should not feel restrictive for you all. It is merely a means to keep track of the days and what happened which day. Away-missions might last for more than one day, so I will opt to fill in the multiple-day duration of away missions into the calendar.

When you post your threads on the board, or inform me about the intention of writing threads here or via PM, I will be updating the above calendar and post it in this thread.

Furthermore, please adhere to the formatting of the thread starters as well as the standard of subject layout we use. Here is some code to help you out:

New thread subject:
Code: [Select]
DAY XX: Your Title [XXXX hrs.]

New thread header:
Code: [Select]
[size=12pt][color=white]DAY XX: Your Title [XXXX hrs.][/color][/size] 

[b][ Character Name | Location | Deck XX ][/b]  [i]Attn: Character 1, Character 2 etc.[/i]

That's all for tonight in regard to the Interregnum, but tomorrow, I will be brainstorming a lot of ideas for all of your characters and post my ideas here. Ideas which may be discarded or included in the calendar after I hear back from you. It will be an organic discussion too, people entirely free to make suggestions of their own about what they want to write.

So I hope we all become inspired, and let me know where to schedule your time for your characters.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1121
Thread Suggestions for Interregnum 03-04

Hello everyone! Like I said yesterday, I will start to write out some ideas that come to mind for threads that could be interesting to write/read. Please consider these as suggestions and I would love if you all could comment by number on the suggestions that would involve your own characters (yea/nay/what?/etc.). This, so that we can see if we have a match of interest between involved writers, then we'll fit the scene into the calendar. In no particular order, here are some ideas of mine, and I hope you may like some of them at least.
  • Depending on how much evidence would be left behind in the morgue, Lucan might promote Hylota Vojona to Junior Lieutenant by the time he establishes that she is pregnant.

  • Debriefing of Selena Ravenholm in Sickbay, with A) Jien Ives B) Carrigan Trent or C) Wenn Cinn

  • Simon Tovarek approaching Heather McMillan about an offer to join the Science Department.

  • Sarresh Morali and Ryuan Sel talking over what happened between them at the end of Episode 03.

  • Christopher "Husker" Slayton being summoned to Miles Renard to discuss how he might become one of the Lone Wolves.

  • Miles Renard announcing the new squadron organisational chart with the removal of the dead and missing Lone Wolves and the addition of Husker.

  • Lin Kae and Thea discussing that she was unsuccessful to save her daughter.

  • Edena Rez discussing her new function and position aboard after resigning (unless that happens in the Epilogue, at which point the discussion is with the affected Dept. Head)

  • Fasha and Carrigan Trent catching up on old times somehow and somewhere.

  • Wenn Cinn and ThanIda zh'Wann clearing the air after she asked to be transferred to the Harbinger.

  • Thea visiting Miles Renard to offer condolences on the many lost Lone Wolves.

  • Some kind of triangle drama between Papa Bear, Eun Sae & Rawley.

  • Doctor Maya being promoted to Junior Lieutenant by Dr. Nicander.

  • Hylota Vojona and Heather McMillan having that drink that was suggested.

  • Some kind of constellation between Hylota, Vinata and Maal (waking up) and addressing what happened during the hostile takeover

  • Ryuan Sel grudgingly getting a promotion from Wenn Cinn because of her actions in Episode 03, despite the fact that their Bajoran faiths collide.

  • Husker catching up with either/both Amelya Duv & ThanIda zh'wann somehow and somewhere.

  • Given the fact that Tia Marlowe is not recovering, Ives has a personal chat with O'Connell about his rank and position, promoting him to Chief Engineer instead of Acting such.

  • Debriefing of the interrogation of Sonja Acreth, a thread where Captain Ives, Dr. Nicander, Carrigan Trent and Wenn Cinn sit down to discuss what was learned from the parasitically joined Ensign in the Brig.

  • Debriefing scene between Simon Tovarek and Sarresh Morali where Morali returns to duty in the Science Department, perhaps grudgingly. I can write Cir'Cie at the scene too.

  • Papa Bear and Eun Sae discussing what lay between them as they repair Axius' cockpit.

  • Carrigan Trent and Selena Ravenholm discussing potential ways to get through SB84's tacyon grid.

  • A Below Decks scene between Miles Renard, Tessa May Lance, Evelyn Rawley and Christopher Slayton.

  • Eun Sae Ji coming in for a physical in Sickbay, seeing Dr. Nicander. Alternatively, a quick away mission.

  • Vinata Vojona recovering at some point and seeing Dr. Nicander

  • Jien Ives visiting the Flight Hangar, talking about the hangar's condition and inventory for the upcoming battle with Sten Covington.

  • In fact, Jien Ives visiting all departments, seeing the department heads and some of the other officers.

  • Counselling sessions with Hayden O'Connor.

  • Gym scenes with Jien Ives sparring someone. Ida could spar with people as well.

  • Thea catching up with Selena Ravenholm after she recovers.

There! I have more, but I think that would do to initiate the talks. Please let me know if any of these are to your liking by posting here in the OOC.

Moreover, please bear in mind that the above ideas are not inluding the seven "official" posts for each day that I will be writing, which will all pick up on the themes suggested for the days. Here is what I had in mind for each say and what everyone can post reactions to since they are all affected.

DAY 01
Chain of Command 

This day is dedicated to promotions and changes in the crew manifest. The inaugural post here would be Ives offering the XO position to Carrigan Trent, but other promotion scenes would be handled in majority on this day as well. This because the ship needs to have an established chain-of-command.

DAY 02
Memorial Services

Funeral services and dedicated words to those who died in the mutiny and the battle with the Calamity. Burial in space, caskets sent off into the oblivion? Not entirely decided yet. A day of mourning those lost.

DAY 03

Besides promotions, there are also awards and medals to hand out, commendations etc. Perhaps a good day to visit Below Decks in the evening?

DAY 04
Restocking the Ship

Using Trent's info, the Theurgy visits a hidden Federation weapon silo to restock before the coming battle. This might entail some fighting for an away-team?

DAY 05
Senior Staff Meeting

A brief such covering the planning of the raid against SB84.

DAY 06
Battle Preparations

Drills for the boarding parties are held during the whole week, but perhaps depicted more in detail here since it follows the Senior Staff Meeting.

DAY 07
Messages to Loved Ones

The day before the suicide mission to SB84. This would be the time where everyone makes personal logs to their loved ones in the Federation, talking about what has happened, the truth about Starfleet Command, and that they might not survive in the ambition to spread the truth. Everyone saying their farewells in their personal logs.

So, we will see how ambitious we are about all of this, but the skeleton framework is in place so that we can fill it as much as we want to. Let me know if you have additional ideas by posting here in the OOC.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1122
Termination of Membership - Searcher

Sadly, Searcher is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group because of lacking posting activity. The reason behind the drop in activity is RL burdens and lacking time to keep up with the story, but despite this, she took the time to wrap the remaining scene she had with Eve Jenkins in the Medical Labs, and for that I am very grateful.

As for Searcher's characters, which are Eve Jenkins, Skye Carver and Rory Callahan, she has expressed her will that no one inherits them because she is not comfortable with anyone else playing them for the continuation of the story. This, of course, will be respected and the only time her characters will be played will be by me and only so far as our General Rules state in regard to opening up the positions that her characters currently hold:

III. The main storyline is run by the Game Moderator, who is ultimately responsible for the well-being of the group and the story. Any problems, concerns, questions or complaints may be directed to the Game Moderator via PM. [Contact Auctor Lucan] The Game Moderator may put the characters of inactive writers in stasis for the sake of opening positions for new applicants to the RP. If a writer is inactive, it may affect the whole RP if s/he has characters in key positions.

Thank you for the years you have been writing with us, Searcher, and I hope you find enjoyment in all your future writing endeavours.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1124
Sad to see you go Searcher. The best of luck in life and hope to hear from you from time to time.

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