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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 413964 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1050
Thanks @_@

I'll try to do my best.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1052

Sorry for taking some of your time with these statistics below, but it has me really excited. :)

Vimeo Promotional Trailer

You know our promotional trailer on Vimeo? It is now hit an amazing 1255 plays since I posted the latest version almost 2 years ago. To put this into perspective, one of our older trailers got a total - ever - of 56 plays on YouTube... and it was up for well over a year. The number of plays increased dramatically when I joined STPMA and TrekCore over six months ago and posted links to our Star Trek: Theurgy story. I have also used some Yahoo Groups to advertise Star Trek: Theurgy, but only with a minor effect. The Vimeo trailer is also linked from our Tumblr blog.

DeviantArt Gallery

Furthermore, some statistics from our DeviantArt gallery, here is what the statistics summary tells me today:
  • "Auctor-Lucan has 19,780 pageviews in total" (Note: Meaning that our gallery's main page has been visited that many times)

  • "The 234 deviations (images) in their gallery were viewed 117,603 times".

  • "175 deviants watch Auctor-Lucan" (Note: Meaning that we have 175 fans who have asked to receive a notice whenever a new image is posted)

  • "Overall, Auctor Lucan's deviations has received 527 comments and were added to deviants' favourites 4,469 times" (Note: these are the total numbers for all our images)

  • "The deviation with the most comments is "Star Trek: Theurgy" with 19 comments." (Note: Our poster) "The most favourited one is "Deputy-ThanIda-zh'Wannn-Study-02", with 139 favourites." (Note: A recent image in our Boudoir) "The most viewed deviation is "Jien-Ives-Study-01" with 3,958 views." (Note: The one with Jien holding a Aldebaran whiskey glass and wearing lingerie)

  • "In average, every 3.2 days Auctor-Lucan uploads a new deviation."

  • "Average comments per deviation: 2.25"

  • "Average favourites per deviation: 19"

  • "Average views per deviation: 502"

  • "Average comments per day: 0.69"

  • "Average favourites per day: 5.86"

  • "Average deviation views per day: 154"

  • "Average pageviews per day: 25"

Tumblr Blog

As of today, our Tumblr blog- where I mainly post our DeviantArt images, some writing tips and reblogg art and writing resources etc. - has a total of 39 followers. I think this is a fairly low number, but I think that given time, our images will be reblogged more and more, and we will attract more followers.

The most liked or reblogged post was an image of Natalie Stark that I posted recently, which got 39 notes. Link: Unfortunately, i can't seem to find any info on how many notes our blog has gotten in total since it was created.

Constant Commissioning Requests on DeviantArt

Over the last couple of years, there have been many people who has asked me to make commissioned artwork for other members on DeviantArt, be it artists themselves or fellow roleplayers or GMs on other Star Trek simms. I think the most flattering request came in during the past couple of days. I will mask his/her name out of respect:[Show/Hide]

No reply yet... I wonder why? Hmm...


Anyway, I know you guys like the story and all, which the Poll I sent out showed quite clearly, but with all the above... I think I just wanted to let you know that your characters and the depictions of them are not as anonymous as you might think. They are all given plenty of exposure to the Star Trek fandom, and while Gulliver is the only reader that have joined and posted in this thread, I often see "Guests" listed on Who's Online and reading our threads. I hope you all realise how successful this roleplay group is compared to many other simms out there, and how grateful I am towards you all that you want to write this story with me.

Lastly, I wrote something in an old Group Report I sent out a year ago, and I think it captured something important. Therefore, I added the text to the front page of our DeviantArt gallery:

Artist | Hobbyist | Digital Art

Some people have asked me why I spend so much time on the Theurgy project. The simple answer is that it's fun, and I love both writing and making graphics. But besides this, I have a story to tell, and I want a rewarding way to tell it. Perhaps it’s a bit selfish in the context of a role-playing group, but I am merely referring to the major plot-line. The big brush strokes, because the plot must always leave enough room for all our writers to add upon the story in their own unique ways so that we are all enjoying ourselves. It must be an equal win-win rule to the development, because the creative input of our writers adds upon the story in a way that I could never have done if I wrote this story by myself.

These are my biggest motivators: Our writers; with their unique characters; the way they write them; the opportunity to depict them visually with character images; how they make the major storyline come to life in a way I never would have managed on my own, and because they enrich the story with their own desire to make their characters come to life.

With this quote of mine, I bid you a great evening, and I hope you will like the upcoming posts of mine.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1054
New Thread! - CHAPTER 04: Invictus [07: Undoing]

The new thread is up! This will be the last one besides the Epilogue. Link:

More posts will be coming up in the old threads too! I will post them as soon as they are finished.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1055
Just a shout out to Auctor Lucan for his awesomeness in writing XD

You are amazing! I hope we get to write together for a long time.

This applies to all of you as well, fellow writers. I am honoured to be able to write alongside with each and every one of you, past, present and future! I hope to meet and interact with all of you with my characters at one point or another.

Bless you all! <3

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1056
Sorry, I am so sorry that I have been so slow to respond. I have be doing a lot of little jobs lately. I was going to write up responses around noon where I am, but I ended up instead spending the last 10 hours doing a home repair might take me a while longer, but I will get my response up tonight.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1057
Hi all,

My family's here for the next three weeks, so my online time may be a bit more erratic than usual.  I won't be completely AFK the whole time, and I will be replying to JPs/posts when I can, but I just wanted to offer a heads up!

I'm also going to fix my last reply in the sickbay thread so it gives folks more to react to.  So sorry for the confusion!


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1058
Star Trek: Theurgy Announcement

Hi there everyone!

On the side, I have been working on a little project for you all. I got some help to create this, in particular from someone you might recognise when listening to it. I was so excited that he agreed to do this for us!

Click the image-link below to see this short teaser on Vimeo for what's to come.

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed making it, even if I had some help this time around. I would love to get some feedback! Its awfully quiet here in the OOC thread sometimes!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Ps. Before you all start jumping down my throat... the answer is - of course - no, its not really him, but it might just have been right? ;) Ds.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1059
Awesome! Just awesome!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1060
Simplistic yet interesting, very nice.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1062

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1063
Very nice. 

Finially got my post with Aisha done tonight, Now I need to get to work on a post with Miles.  Looks at time, Nevermind, I'll do that tomorrow.

Reguarding things in my post

Hope noone had someone at tactical in already  if so I apologize for creating an NPC to take the station for my post.  If someone hs a character who is supposed to be at tactical jus tell me and i will edit my post as needed.  Otherwise info on the two NPCs introduced think of them as literially extras on the set though i doubt we will ever see them again. 

Manning tactical is
I took this image from some random Star trek RP (google image searched "young Female security officer Star trek" and it was a result)  I imagine this is what she looks like minus being a bajoran.  (literally just random character image to place with the character and the name i made was random as hell too.  I was picturing her as barely out of academy and either Harbinger or Theurgy was her first assignment.  I imagined her as being either a Human or Unjoined trill though the idea of having her being one of the few and very rare Orion's working for the Federation was a thought I had as well.

As for the NPC of the yellowshirt crewman male guard.  I dont know why this image seems to peronify the way i was imagining the character but it does.  To me the expression to me to me just reads, I dont give a fuck about anything,  I have no morals, and if i dont get anything out of it then it don't matter.

so yea theres some faces to place on the NPCs i just threw out there.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1064
Pretty impressive video. Looking forward to what the future holds!

As for posting, summer madness has arrived in my town which means double work pressure in the hospital where I work. I'm trying to fill in my time as good as I can to get replies out, yet keep in mind that I have serious delays while writing them out.

EDIT: Should have replied to all my posts, PM me if I missed anything ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1065
That was astounding. For a second I thought my characters were going to jump out of my head and join the show...

Wait...oh...ouch...they just did. Don't mind the blood, folks, just my creative juice bursting out in a freaky manner.

Still alive, and still astounded.

And that voice...




I'ma go faint now.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1066
Amazing Picard-ian voice!  I'm looking forward to the finished version.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1067
Lol, this is the finished version since its a stand-alone project. A teaser, if you will, for Episode 04.

The large trailer is another project entirely, but I have some additional Picard monologue to add to it once I can get around to update the trailer.

Glad to hear you guys liked it too!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1068
First time writing as Edena Rez (and Jona) in Retaliation. Hope I did okay. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1069
It looked great! I will be replying with a short post with Ives to finish that scene in 04: Retaliation and then set things up for a continuation in 07: Undoing. Getting too late here though so it won't be tonight. I was up to 3 am last night and feeling the effects now.

Best Regards,

Auctor lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1070
Auctor, you just went Terminator with Declan. :P

Great writing and emotional output there. I totally felt the fear and tension.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1072
Sorry I haven't been able to post lately everyone internet issues and work have sort of been working against me in tandem hopefully I can get one done tonight.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1073
FYI for everyone, I'm currently stuck with night shifts at work. Needless to say, these shifts are not great for roleplaying and our pretty much wrecking havoc in my posting schedules. Will get back to posting once I'm more awake and return to my daily rhythm/routines.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1074
Thanks for the information, Nolan! It's awesome that you guys share your posting situation here in the OOC thread so that the whole group is made privy to the information. Otherwise, I will have to PM what little I know between you guys when you wonder why there have not been any replies of late.

As I have PM:ed to some of you about lately, RosariaRosette and IronFerrox are next to post in 07: Undoing when it comes to the development on the Theurgy's main bridge and the flight hangar. Hopefully they can get to their posting soon. I think that the other active scenes are less confusing about who is next to post, and the writers are aware that its their turn, me included.

New Character Introductions

As you may have seen here: ...we have had a few new characters listed for the upcoming Episode. Here they are, with links to their character sheets:

Ens. Six                      Forensic Scientist Officer  Starbase 84
  - Played by Vystori

Cpt. Tristan Kendrick         Commanding Officer          USS Resolve
  - Played by Triage

Ens. Krystal Tancredi         Fighter Pilot               USS Resolve
  - Played by Triage

F'Rell                        Warp Field Specialist       USS Resolve
  - Played by Sirus

Some of these characters will belong to the crew of the USS Resolve, which will be docked at Starbase 84 during the time of the Theurgy's arrival.

With this list, I take the opportunity to welcome - in advance - our newest member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group! Namely, Vystori (who is also a forum moderator here on House of Eros, just like Brutus). Looking forward to what stories may come of all these new characters as soon as I can get that sub-board up and post the first couple of threads.

New Non-Canon Species: T'Fanrell (and two familiar ones)

New information on our non-canon species has been added to our board, this in terms of three species. Two we all might be familiar with, and one is brand new: the T'fanrell. Here are the image-links:

With the addition of these, only the Asurian species lack some info, but in related news, Cathreen Dawinter has ceased to reply to PMs and emails. Checking her profile on House of Eros, she was last active 2015-06-12, so let's all hope she is alive and well out there. With any hope, she will give us a life-sign soon. In the meantime, I will try to resolve her character's scenes in the current episode, but after that, I will either let Dyan Cardamone's presence on the ship fade into the background, or if enough time as passed, put her up for being inherited by anyone interested. If there are no takers, she will probably be killed off during the Starbase 84 scenes.

I think that's all for now! Looking forward to you guys posting and to let us all end this Episode with a bang. :) Then, the Interregnum 03-04 and Episode 04: Simulcast sub-boards will be created for us all to delve as deep as we want to into character development and introductions.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

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