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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1025
I already have plans that will accommodate for whatever people want to write directly after this Episode, so no worries there.

Once the crisis is resolved, two new sub-boards will be created in close succession.


Which will accommodate anything you want to happen on the ship (within reasonable bounds, lol). There will be room for individual character development, debriefings, promotions, drinks in Below Decks, repairs (lots of them...), funerals, speeches... You get the idea. I vaguer that the need for repairs - alone - will require a week of respite. Threads will likely be organised by days of the week, and I might have to make a spread-sheet to visualise when in the week-calendar threads occur. So, one week, before...

EPISODE 04: STARBASE 84 (working title)

We have numerous new characters that are about to be introduced, a couple from present members at least two new applicants are sitting on their hands and waiting for us to come to Starbase 84. Hence the need for us to have two boards, where I can create a Prologue thread where I can work with the new character introductions on Starbase 84. The prologue will be scenes on the base and the new characters there. Chapter 01 will be the Theurgy moving in to board the base, and the focus will be to carry out the plan to broadcast the message about the parasitic threat. As you can imagine, this Episode will be no longer than a 1/4 of the length of the gargantuan double feature of Unconquerable Soul. The Theurgy's crew are supposed to board the base before/mid-battle against Starfleet ships, Tactical Conn will have a lot on their hands to make it work, and in the end, a number of personnel on SB84 will end up on the Theurgy.

The reason why I have made this an Episode of its own is that I have found a neat way to tie the boarding of the base to the major plotline, more so than with just the need to get the word out. I will say no more at this point, but I think you will like it. Also, we will all have to take into account the obvious when we may be writing on two sub-board simultaneously. And that is, of course, this General Rule of ours:

V. Characters need not appear in a single thread at the time, and are thus free to be in several different scenes at once [provided that the scenes follow each other in the story and does not happen simultaneously]. As to avoid confusion, crew members are to specify in OOC notes when scenes takes place in relation to others. Furthermore, it is encouraged that individual scenes are handled so that they correspond with ongoing missions in such a realistic manner as possible [for the sake of not disrupting the space-time continuum]. Logic and common sense are the rules-of-thumb here.

So, when your characters partake in the action whilst boarding Starbase 84, I encourage that you all have your characters focus on the task at hand and don't reflect too much on what has happened in threads on the Interregnum board. You will all, of course, know if your characters have been promoted and been given new positions. Contingency by logic and common sense, and keeping in touch with me if in doubt.

If you have any questions on this, please ask away here or over PM.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1026
Eun Sae Ji

Since the introduction of this character is crucial to an upcoming scene in Chapter 04. Invictus, I was up until 4 am last night to finish the character images of our - no more nameless - Head of Fighter Propulsion in the Fighter Assault Bay.

PO1 Eun Sae Ji               Head of Fighter Propulsion
  - Played by RosariaRosette

As for which department she will officially belong to, since she is not a Tactical Conn pilot, Eun Sae hail from Engineering even if her position place her in the Flight Hangar under the command of Sten Covington. It's just the same as Sten Covington officially belonging to Operations, but his position as Chief of the Deck makes him leader of the hand-picked team that work in the Flight Hangar. Eun Sae beig a technican, she belong to O'Connell. This team working in the Flight Hangar of the Lone Wolves would be the same team that is mentioned in the Tactical Conn info. In other words, in a contemporary work-place, Sten would claim his pay-check from Natalie Stark, while Eun Sae would do so from O'Connell. Yet even if they technically belong to Operations and Engineering respectively, they work on a full-time assignment in the Fighter Assault Bay, and where Sten Covington is Eun Sae's *real* everyday superior officer.

More info can be found in Eun Sea's character sheet. Well done in the making of this character, RosariaRosette!

Now that the application process is finished, I will resume writing and responding to PMs. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1027

Before you click on the spoiler-button below this sentence, please make sure to read the last post I have made in 05: Anodyne (link) with Cir'Cie.


The revelation of this has been a long time coming, but now it has been made. How unfortunate that the strike-team is unaware of what they are up against... *grins* My thoughts lead me to a scene in Into Darkness, where Khan single-handedly killed dozens of Klingons, and how he was immune to being stunned by Nyota Uhura at the end of the movie.
Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1028
Well it DID weaken him a bit at least, though it kinda pissed him off more than anything else.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1029
Fitting that his model played the T-1000 in the Terminator movies...Alrighty who has some molten steel we can dip him in?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1030
Not to brag too much but outside of statements made in the rp proper Selena called it.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1031
And don't forget, he also commanded a top-secret special operations unit and was the COB on a ballistic missile submarine.  Come to think of it, that's probably where he got his mutinous tendencies.

Now, we might not have a foundry on hand but a phaser cranked high enough would do the job, and without introducing any impurities in an entire batch of steel.  However, it might scorch the upholstery a little, and the smell might bother some.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1032
Can't simple hand phasers burn through half a building on the highest setting, not to mention reduce a humanoid to dust? I mean genetic engineering is no match for a phaser set to vaporize/disintegrate  (such a fun word, disintegrate, especially when said slowly).

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1033
yes but remember the ives loyalists still prefer to follow the rules of Starfleet and would prefer not to kill if at all avoidable.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1034
Site to site transporter? I Mean we do know where he is and it's not like he can fight that? I mean one second he'[s on the bridge, the next he's in the brig...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1035
Yes, the Ives Loyalists largely play by the rules. But it could be argued that Vasser earned himself a summary conviction for the crimes of mutiny, treason, murder, conspiracy, sabotage, unlawful detainment and probably a whole lot more.  And with that list of charges, it could be equally argued that the death penalty is warranted.  But why is it I can picture the "gentleman's way out" being presented to him in the form of a locked room and a phaser locked on a lethal setting with just enough juice for one shot?

As for site to site transport, I'm given to understand that at this time, transporters are down due to the damage to the power systems.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1036
Not only has Declan Vasser been around the block. In some alternate universe of 1997, by some quirk of irony, Declan Vasser and the female form of Jien Ives were fighting on the same side in "Hong Kong 97", featuring Robert Patrick & Ming-Na Wen (available on YouTube, last I checked?).

They both looked a bit younger then...

Indeed, Transporter Systems were deactivated as a result of the sabotage, one of many systems shut down to conserve the critical loss of plasma.

As for the fate of Declan Vasser, it will be interesting to see what happens next... :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1037

Sadly, Kurohigi is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group because of RL-issues. Please see the below PM to for further detail:

I am currently working 12 hour shifts 7 days a week to complete a number of asbestos removals, while also hosting my parents for the first time in the three years I have lived on the other side of the country from them.  I have had no time or privacy to be making posts until just now, nor do I expect that to change much over the next few weeks.  With this added on to my usual plate, I think I am left with the decision that I must bow out of the group.  I do not have the time to truly dedicate to keeping in pace with the other writers, and I will only be a hindrance if I continue to try and do so.

In my next post in 01: Subjection, I will have Edena Rez step down as First Officer in her dialogue with Captain Ives in their shared holding cell, this because of the reason that Edena Rez feels that she cannot serve Captain Ives to the requirements of the set mission parameters because of Jona Rez' presence inside herself. This in the sense that Jona is too big of a liability to be serving in a First Officer position and is better served in a Intelligence Officer capacity. Furthermore, the manifestation of one of the Rez symbionts former hosts - Kiya - was forced into being intimate with Jien Ives during Episode 02: Whatever Gods May Be, and after the the Ishtar Entity was banished, Edena Rez now retain those memories. While secondary, this is something that Edena believes undermines their working relationship.

After stepping down, Edena Rez does, however, maintain her rank of Commander after her resignation from Executive Officer of the USS Theurgy, and as an NPC, she will be serving as Chief Intelligence Officer aboard until her ultimate fate is decided (inherited or subject to injury/death/stasis to open up the CIO position for new applicants). See the next section for more info on that.

Given recent events in our current Episode, the obvious IC-sense of it, and deliberations of my own before asking him if he is ready to step up and meet the high expectations I have, CanadianVet has agreed to have Carrigan Trent assume the Executive Officer position on the USS Theurgy. In-Character, this will become official during INTERREGNUM 03-04, and Carrigan will be then be promoted to the rank of Commander.


Initially, I will be NPC:ing Kurohigi's characters in the remaining scenes of Episode 03 as required. If the writers are still available, I tend to give those leaving us the chance to make wishes as to the fate of their characters. So, upon asking if kurohigi was willing to let any other member of the Group inherit his characters, he has replied with this blessing and request:

I would be okay with my characters being adopted by others, as I feel there has been enough characters dying from all the members that left, though I also wanna feel comfortable with the hands they are placed in.  To that regard, I would like to hear from those members who might be interested in adopting my characters, just to her what insights they might have bout playing the characters, and allow me to feel they are being taken into good homes, so to speak.

Characters have successfully been inherited by other writers before, Wenn Cinn and Cameron Henshaw being two of them, so links to biographies can be found below, and as required, I will be able to provide anyone interested with information about what the characters have been up to so far in the story:

Cmdr. Edena Rez              Executive Officer Chief Intelligence Officer
  - Formerly Played by Kurohigi

Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley       Wolf-09 [Maverick]

  - Formerly Played by Kurohigi

Lt. Lin Kae                  Holographic Specialist

  - Formerly Played by Kurohigi

So, if anyone would like to overtake these characters, and A) doesn't have too many characters and B) also believe they can keep up posting for another one, they should contact me with such a request over PM. My policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing him gets to inherit the character after a word with Kurohigi. The number of Senior Staff positions will also be a factor to take into consideration, since the position of Chief Intelligence Officer would be best suited for someone who does not already have a character in a Senior Staff position. If there are no takers, the characters will still be kept as NPCs that are available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until either we have new members that would be willing to inherit them or they become subject to death/injury/stasis.

Sorry for not posting IC-wise the last couple of days, but now you know why. New posts will be coming up as soon as I've written them.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1038
Hey Lucan?  I gotta say you did the EMH great.  Just the right kind of abrasiveness came through in its speech.  I could almost hear Robert Picardo delivering those lines.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1040
Hi everyone. I'm a fan of the story  that's been away for awhile. I'm happy to see I have a lot of catching up to do. I started again from the beginning and read Outbreak again.  I want to compliment everyone who worked on. An intriguing story with interesting characters. I particularly like how vivid the writing is. Best of all, considering the nature of the story, it is eroticism that is truly erotic. I had forgotten how intense the last chapter was particularly for Natalie Stark. I look forward to reading  what I've previously missed.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1041
Hi Gulliver! Thanks for all the positive feedback on DeviantArt as well. If you are about to read up on the story, I will make sure to send you the PDF books instead so that you won't have to jump around between the scenes in the threads that you read. Its good to see you come checking in again.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1043
We get fans commenting here. How awesome is that?

 Brutus may or may not be grinning like the Cheshire Cat

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1044

Since 06: Calamity has become pretty long already, I plan to post a new thread soon, which will more or less cover these events:

1 ) Aisha heads up via the Turbolift ahead of the rest to enter the Bridge, she announces her successful entry via combadge to the strike team before stepping in.
2 ) The 2 Jefferies tubes teams in the strike team move up next, taking care of the patrolling sentries, teams led by Fasha and Tessa respectively.
3 ) Once both the above teams says "clear" to Natalie Stark, the remaining Bear Cubs (1 or 2? I forget) follow her and Sten Covington up via the turbolift
4 ) Aisha is by then handling the graviton mines, and the collective strike team enter the bridge in a show of force and not with phasers blazing - this to not disturb bridge operations mid-flight from the Calamity. O'Connell will hopefully be able to assist Aisha from Engineering with enough juice to keep a steady and high enough warp factor despite the sabotage.
5 ) At this point, there is the factor of Vasser and his actions to weigh in, and Carrigan Trent will be arriving as well.
7) The Lexorin will be released via Life Support systems somewhere around here
8 ) Somewhere at this point, the fight against the Calamity is underway as well
9 ) As soon as Captain Ives and Commander Rez are liberated, they will also head to the Bridge and show up in this thread, but will arrive after Trent
10 ) Miles Renard, also liberated from the Brig, will be heading for the Valkyries, likely summoning all Wolves here, and Sten will likely be going down there too with the Bear Cubs
11 ) Thea has, by then, already launched the Reaver that was sitting on the Flight Deck
12 ) The Lone Wolves who were on the ice planet will be arriving
13 ) Ida, Slayton and Duv will be arriving with the Harbinger too
14 ) End game

Intentionally, there are a lot of holes in the above list, but a lot is depending on yours, Calamity's and Vasser's actions.

After this, there is only an Epilogue thread coming up with a couple of short scenes, and where I will leave it up to all of you to depict how the Episode ends for all your characters respectively.

I think we are starting to see the end on the horizon, right? :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1045
I'm just wondering, perhaps Gulliver would care to join us?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1046
If I could join you I would. I suffer from an Alzheimer's like Neurological condition so creative writing is not something I am capable of any more. At least not well enough that I'd want to share it with the world.
I'll settle for being a fan and appreciating the talents of the group. Thank you anyway.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1049
Good to hear you are making progress, Gulliver, and indeed, the story arc with Stark and Nicander ranging from Episode 01 to Interregnum 02-03 was great! Brutus and I had a lot of fun writing that, but alas, now Natalie has found a boyfriend (I guess?) in an Irish barkeeper, so she may have her happily ever after despite all that she has been through.

Progress Update

I have been busy with the below business, new character graphics and other moderation-through-PMs, but posts are in the making - the new thread included now that IronFerrox has posted with Aisha S'Iti in Anodyne.

The Former First Officer - Commander Edena Rez - Has a New Player!

Since Kurohigi left us, I have been NPC:ing his characters as required. Now, however, Triage will be playing the resigning First Officer instead. As of yet, there has been no update of the character sheet in the Crew Manifest, so a link to the old one can be found below:

Cmdr. Edena Rez              Executive Officer Chief Intelligence Officer(?)

  - Played by Triage

As always when one of our players inherit a character, Triage has been issued a creative licence in writing the character instead of adhering to the way she was played by Kurohigi. There is, however, a lot of backstory to read up on since Edena Rez have been with us since Episode 01, so I will keep playing Edena Rez until Triage is ready. As to what Edena Rez will be doing after she has resigned, it has yet to be determined, so we'll see how things go at the end of this Episode.

That's all for the moment and good luck with the new character, Triage!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

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