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CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel


STARDATE 57654.16
APRIL 18, 2381
1000 HRS

[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Hallway near Holodeck 02 | Deck 8 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring 

Tessa having left the public baths after bumping into the newest counselor Amanda Ashby, was left a little more chipper than she was prior to going there. Her face showed the excitement for the day despite the probable venture into battle as tensions grew among the senior staff. At least while she was in the baths, she managed to get a good bite to eat and some relaxation among the shenanigans.

She looked to meet some other crew while she was off duty and she'd happened to see someone of interest on approach. It was Lt. Commander Hathev, one of the lead counselors on board. Tessa however wasn't shy, nor was she scared of counselors. Quite the opposite as it was that department that helped her get back on her feet and regain a normal-ish life. Or as much of one as could be expected on the Theurgy.

Her hand waved to the other woman as she saw her grow closer. "Hey! Want to hang out? I was just about to visit the holodeck. Any interest?" She smiled back at Vulcan knowing full well that the smile wouldn't be reciprocated back to her. But she felt good and it was known to be infectious whenever Tessa was present with others.

"I'm open to doing whatever. Just wanted to visit with some more crew. It helps me when I'm out there by myself." She said pointing into the distance.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #1
[ Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Corridors near Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Hathev had been in her office for hours already, and the day was already proving to be a curious one.  It seemed that the closer the Theurgy drew to Klingon territory, the more restless the crew became.  For some, such as herself that mean more focus on the tasks at hand were required.  To that end she had taken advantage of the opening in her schedule to consult once again with her list of crew who had been recommended for counseling.  Despite the staff shortage, her team had done well to see all crewmen who had been flagged as high risk.  There were a handful that had, for whatever reason, not been seen yet, including one Lt. JG. Tessa Lance. 

Like most in Starfleet, Hathev had never served aboard a starship with an active fighter craft squadron.  They had been in high demand during the Dominion war, of course, where they had been extraordinarily successful at taking down Jem’Hadar attack ships allowing the rest of the fleet to focus on larger targets.  But Hathev had been on Earth during the war and had not experienced their presence firsthand. 

Lone Wolf squadron had taken heavy casualties in its engagements, and to a certain extent it would have been prudent for every single pilot to be assigned mandatory counseling.  However, her experience told her that an unwilling patient, or worse one who was attending under duress, was the least likely to find the help and guidance the counseling was intended to provide.
Having reviewed Lance’s personal record, Hathev deduced she would be just one such individual for whom, a sense of fear or pride or invulnerability, would prevent her from seeking therapeutic help.  To that end, she had left her offices and, with Thea’s help, made her way to where logic told her she would ‘accidentally’ bump into Lt. Lance. 

It was almost Vulcan in its precision.

Hathev offered a slight bow of her head in response to the Lieutenant’s exuberate wave.
“I would welcome the opportunity to visit the Holodeck, though I do not wish to intrude if you had time reserved,” she said as she fell into step with Lance.  “I do not believe I have had the opportunity to meet you until now.  I’m Lieutenant Commander Hathev.”

She intentionally omitted the fact she was the new ship’s counselor.  No reason to put her on edge until trust had been built.  Beyond that, it was logical to assume she already knew.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Hallway near Holodeck 02 | Deck 8 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Tessa stood before Hathev now. The two women in duty uniform, Tessa could tell that her comrade was of the medical or counseling division but honestly it didn't bother her much. The fun she'd had with people out of the Lone Wolves was impressive as of late. She'd spent time with Tactical people, operations, counseling, medical, fellow Wolves, diplomats, and the list went on. No matter the situation that occurred, the time spent with the other people was golden to her. After all, her codename was GoldenEye.

"The more the merrier!" She stated in an enthusiastic tone. Her face shown a quirky look as her lips curled into a smile. "I'm sure you already know who I am but I'm Lieutenant Junior Grade Tessa May Lance of the Lone Wolves Tactical CONN division. Pleased to officially meet you." Her hand jutted out to shake the other female officers as she turned to walk beside her on their way to the holodeck.

Curiosity got the better of her as she walked in an attempt to keep pace with the Vulcan officer's steps. Her eyes occasionally watching to be sure she was keeping in a similar stride to not outpace the more patient crewman. "So what sort of thing do you want to do at the Holodeck? I sometimes visit places of old Earth, and other times I go for test flights in shuttlecrafts or my Valkyrie. I've also been known to go back to my childhood room, but honestly, I haven't had to do that in months. Haven't really felt the need to go back since I had my mental breakdown and recovery sessions a while back."

She took in the look of the Vulcan who held herself at full composure but interested in what was being said. Tessa glanced at the lean woman and admired how she could walk so elegantly about the deck plates. "Anyhow, how are you enjoying the Theurgy so far?"

The feeling of being a little scatterbrained hit Tessa on occasion but that was part of where her quirky nature came from. How quickly she could adjust to different situations or places. She could see the Holodeck arch approaching as she'd seen so many times before. The Holodeck was an escape for her but not in the sense of an addiction as it was recorded for Reginald Barclay, but for somewhere to not go stir crazy.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #3
Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Corridors near Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce 
Hathev regarded the pilot with a professional curiosity.  In her experience humans could be impulsive and find it difficult to focus, at least to the standard she had been used to as a Vulcan.  However, Lt. Lance seemed even less focused than most humans.   In the matter of one or two sentences she had posited almost a half dozen different possibilities, of which two she suspected might have psychological merit.  She also spoke of her previous mental health issues and subsequent recovery, which she also found unusual.    Even with those for whom the stigma had long since passed, it was a topic of conversation not often spoken about openly.  She had expected it even less likely an admission from a combat pilot.

No.  Logic demanded a more long-term therapeutic strategy with this patient

Before she had the opportunity to respond to the inquiry as to what program to run on the Holodeck, Ms. Lance posed another question.  As fortune would have it, the answers to both were related, if only tangentially.

“While I am not one to ‘enjoy’ things, I have found my time aboard the Theugy to be both the most rewarding and challenging assignment thus far in my career.   The nature of our mission combined with our circumstances provide unique challenges.   The ship itself is a marvel.  I have never served aboard a ship with multi vector assault capabilities, to say nothing of a full squadron of fighters.  It is a unique element that I have yet to experience.”

She paused at that, a calculation.

“You said you often simulate shuttle and Valkyrie flights?  I have not had occasion to renew my piloting training in some time.  Would you be willing to assist me?   If that is perhaps to bland of an option for you, I would welcome a…” she paused to consider her words.  “I believe the term would be a ‘ride along’ in a Valkyrie.  Would either of these options be suitable to you?”

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Hallway near Holodeck 02 | Deck 8 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Intrigue for the Vulcan washed over Tessa as her mental faculties opened up knowing at one point in time that she had been influenced by a mind-meld that had for all intents and purposes released her from her past. Hathev's mention of not being one to 'enjoy' things and finding the Theurgy to be a rewarding assignment. But the Commander's inquiry about the squadron fighters and Valkyrie's specifically made a twinkle trigger in Tessa's eye.

"Holy smokes! A chance to show off the Valkyrie's to someone other than a squadmate would be wonderful!" She heard the Commander's thoughts on flights and her inquiry for assistance in renewing her pilot training was something Tessa had never been asked to do before but was elated to do for the other woman. Not only that but it could be another experience for her to put under her belt for future assignments or opportunities.

"A ride-along would be awesome sir! If you're okay with that, then let's get it underway." She tapped the arch nearby and input her command for the training program. "Computer activate program GoldenEye 700." The computer beeped to acknowledge the command and it responded. Enter when ready.

She looked at Hathev and stepped into the arch-way as the door opened to the shuttle-bay full of Valkyrie class vessels and miscellaneous shuttle crafts. "So, you wanted to try a Valkyrie? Well, these beauties are wonderful and fast." She walked up and rubbed the hull of one of the crafts before she looked back at Hathev. "They're armed to the teeth too! Why I've taken out quite a few fighters with one of these. Before I learned to fly one, I had a friend I lost back at MIMAS Station too but that was a long time ago." She seemed to lose steam at the mention of MIMAS but then burst back to full tilt on energy before she began looking around the bay again.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #5
Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce 

Hathev appraised the vessel as she walked around it.   It was smaller than expected, roughly the size of a Danube Class runabout, but it lacked the cargo and passenger capacity. It appeared to more than make up for in power.   It looked fast.  It looked aggressive.  It looked salwart.

“A ride along would be most satisfactory.  Thank you, Lieutenant.”

She noted the pilot’s comments about her friend during her time at MIMAS and how her exuberance seemed to diminish as she spoke of the memory.  There was emotion tied to that loss still even after several years.  Humans were curious like that.  No matter how well their rational minds could explain the loss in logical manner, their emotional selves were seemingly unable to detach from their emotional attachment to the lost person.  For some it could take years to properly compartmentalize the emotional response.   Some, however never could.

Is that what I am to become, she wondered.   Am I destined to feel the emotions of your loss for years to come, Triss?  Will one mindmeld gone wrong cause me to feel your loss for the rest of my life?   Can my psychological health sustain that?  And what of my relationship with Cross?

She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind.  Although this was not a formal appointment, for Hathev, it was no less important, and her patient deserved no less than her full attention. 

This hadn’t been the first time in their brief conversation that Lance had mentioned loss and it ws becoming abundantly clear the sense of loss weighed heavily on the human.   However, it was still too soon.  If she pressed with pointed and direct questioning, the Lieutenant might retreat, rendering any progress they might have made, useless.   So for now, she focused on the ship, and considered a more tactical way to issue her inquiry.

“Tell me about her,” she asked simply.

Let’s see which ‘her’ she talks about.   Logically, she will speak about the ship, not her deceased friend.  But perhaps she will open up.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Hallway near Holodeck 02 | Deck 8 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Tessa enjoyed being amongst friends again on the ship. It'd been an interesting time since she had gotten her head screwed back on nearly to normal. Well, at least for her it was normal. Others might see her as this weird anomaly on board that seemed to bring happiness wherever she was. Good thing she wasn't Orion. She wasn't Betazoid but she was able to read loss on people rather well as she'd been a consistent learner of the subject.

When Hathev asked her to tell her about her, she was uncertain which her the counselor was referring to. So in typically Tessa fashion, she decided to discuss both. "Well the Valkyrie III was my favorite from the time I'd been handpicked to be part of the program. Soooo many variations and so much that can be done in them. They move like....what were they called..." Her hand stroked her temple as she tried to find the old earth term for it. "I believe they were called Sportscars. It moves quickly and very aerodynamically but in space."

She couldn't help but remember her friend who so long ago, or what seemed like it to Tessa, had provoked her to take a shuttle out against the Breen with little to defend herself. But she managed to hold her own. "My friend Lauren Pierce was awesome." A smile grew over her face as her eyes lit up slightly. "I didn't know her very long but she taught me a few things on bending rules and speed. I guess in our short meeting before she died at the hands of the Breen that she rubbed off on me about taking the fast vessels into combat against impossible odds." She looked down slightly offput and spoke almost in a whisper but nothing that the ears of a Vulcan couldn't pick up on. "I just wish she were here still. I wished she had survived."

Tessa slightly slumped on her holographic Valkyrie and stared at the controls before her attempt to perk back up again. "Sorry, you wanted to hear about the ship. Let's see...." she pointed at some other variations and wondered which Hathev would be interested not realizing that she was actually here to talk to Tessa instead.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #7
[ Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce 

Hathev’s eybrow cocked at the name “Lauren Pierce”.   Lieutenant Lance believed her to be dead, but Hathev was certain she had seen the name on the list of transferees from the IKS Kajunpak't.  Her service record had indicated having been captured by the Breen.   Had Ms. Lance been mistaken in her assumptions?  Hathev took in the features and the aspects of the ship that the lieutenant pointed out to her.  The ship was a fascinating machine to be sure, but it was merely a means to an end.   

“May I see the cockpit, Lieutenant?”

As they continued to survey the vessel, the pieces in Hathev’s mind had started to come together.   She was not fully briefed on the MIMAS attack, but there was no saying Lance’s understanding of what had happened, was factually accurate.

If she was wrong about Lauren Pierce, could I be wrong about you, Triss?  Should I give the Captains words more credence and dare to hope you are alive?

Was redemption possible?   Could she still yet repair the damage to her marriage with Triss?  Did she even want to?  Would Triss?   Too many variables, too many outcomes.

Stop this, Hathev.   Do not allow yourself to fall victim to speculation and unfounded prognostication.   Gather the facts, analyze, conclude, act.   And do not allow your concerns of self to circumvent your duty of care.  You assured the Captain you could attend to your duties.  So attend and focus on your patient.

“It sounds as if Ms. Pierce had a profound influence on your life.  How old were you two when you knew her?”

On its surface, the question should be harmless enough while at the same time, the answer could go a long way to either confirming or refuting the growing suspicion in Hathev’s mind.   She had to be as certain as possible before she shared that suspicion for if she were wrong, the news would do more harm than good.  

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Holodeck 02 | Deck 8 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Tessa was totally oblivious to the notion that Lauren Pierce was alive and well as well as aboard the very ship she was on. But unfortunately for her, the fates wouldn't allow for the two of them to reunite until this mess was all over with the eventual Klingon attack at Qo'nos. But for now, she could take solace in the notion that Hathev seemed interested in what it was that she did for a living onboard the Theurgy.

The request to see the cockpit rang in Tessa's ears as she stopped talking about her favorite features of the Valkyrie's long enough for Hathev to be heard. "Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. Sometimes I get a bit long-winded and forget that people actually want to see the fighter and not just hear about them." She giggled slightly with a big grin and felt a little goofy about the situation but quickly returned to a more normal emotion seeing as how the Vulcan was watching intently.

She released the clasp of the cockpit allowing the counselor to see inside the ship. Tessa motioned for her to step inside it to get familiar with it as she stepped next to it on the ladder platform. Tessa stared in bewilderment as she noted how the Vulcan seemed a bit more distant than she was used to. Certainly, she wasn't expecting her to 'space' out in their conversation as that was normally something that she did herself...often.

That was when Hathev spiked the question to Tessa who was already thinking about this more than she let on to. "It sounds as if Ms. Pierce had a profound influence on your life.  How old were you two when you knew her?"

Thoughts came flooding back in from that fateful day when Lauren had sauntered into their combined quarters and proposed the idea to sneak out and see some action. The need for the adrenaline and the thrill of it all came back despite the utter terror she still held onto from the fact they could have been court-martialed and that her friend didn't walk away from that stunt.

"Actually, she did. Quite a bit. I remember when she came to my quarters at MIMAS Station during the Dominion War. I was terrified of being a Cadet still and attending the Tactical CONN Academy. She was there too for the same reasons. Starfleet wanted to guard their new test pilots for the Tactical CONN Squadrons. The only difference was, she was a free spirit and I was overly cautious. I'm still cautious but have gained a little bit of that fight or flight from her..." She looked down deep in thought, the smile fading slowly from her face as she closed her eyes trying to hold back the tears. "We should have been court-martialed for what we pulled escaping our bunks and stealing a few ships to scout on the Breen in the Sol System."

The memories came like a flood over her as she felt her heart pounding in her chest as her breath began to lift and fall rather speedily as her lungs accelerated the air intake. Panic was what she felt before trying to self-soothe. A deep breath later and she calmed enough to open her eyes. Tears slightly forming in her golden-hued eyes. "I took a Flight Trainer and she took a Type-8 Shuttle. Fortunately, my ship had a homing transporter beam to the base. She wasn't so lucky. She was able to transmit the Breen ship specs and data in the Sol System to me. Something I was able to pass on at the Academy for Starfleet Command. She wasn't so lucky as I watched her get destroyed."

Again her chest heaved as she began to hyperventilate again. "I just don't understand why everyone I get close to dies..." Tears now running down her face as she held on to the ladder for the Valkyrie. Shame for balling her eyes out began to wash over her as she stood with the ugly face of distress before the stoic behavior of the Vulcan officer.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #9
[ Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce 

Following the pilots invitation, Hathev ascended the ladder and climbed into the cockpit.  It was a bit tighter than she had anticipated but realizing she had only the pilots seat of a shuttlecraft as comparison.  She recognized some of the basic controls but many of the more advanced functions were foreign to her and, despite it being a holodeck sim, she refrained from touching anything lest she inadvertently launch a torpedo.  She made a mental note to re-up her flight training at the next opportune time.

She listened as Lt. Lance talked about the incident at MIMAS and it seemed to correlate with the records she has read on Ms. Pierce.  Yet she found herself in the unusual position of being uncertain as to whether or not she should inform the pilot of her suspicions.  On the one hand Lt. Lance would find out eventually, and to tell her now might dampen her ability to focus in the coming engagement.  On the other, Lance had put a considerable amount of emotional weight in the belief she had lost her friend.

"I just don't understand why everyone I get close to dies..."

Hathev resisted the urge to pull Tessa close and hold her.  She and Triss had shared far too many of these moments when their Son had died, and she was all too familiar with the need for support, the need for love whether plutonic or romantic.  But to do so here, in this moment would be both inappropriate and unprofessional.  More importantly, it was not Hathev’s comfort Tessa needed.

“It is not an easy thing, Lieutenant, to serve during wartime.  For whatever it is worth, you are not the only one who has lost friends and family.    I know that brings little solace, but you need to know the unfortunate truth that you are not alone in that experience.  I would encourage you to seek out others who have similar experiences to your own, talk to them, learn from them, teach them, and with them you will find a kinship and solidarity that will support you through the difficulties.”

She shifted in her seat. 

“There is something else, I must also tell you Lieutenant.  Under normal circumstances, it would not be my place to share this, but I believe it will help you start to heal.  You’re no doubt aware of our rendezvous with the IKS Kajunpak't.  What you may not know is that we took on new crew as a part of that rendezvous.  I have not yet met all of the transferees, but I did review the manifest and their service records.  An ‘Ensign Lauren Pierce’ is among those who came aboard and the notes in her record lead me to believe she may be your friend.”

It was done, and it could not be undone.  Now all Hathev could do was see how her patient would react.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Hallway near Holodeck 02 | Deck 8 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Tessa took comfort in the counselor's remarks regarding the loss of friends and comrades in the line of duty during wartime. It was an unfortunate side effect that rarely left the remaining without some form of suffering at the emotional level. She too could see in the Vulcan's eyes the shimmering that only came with loss of someone close. She didn't wish to break the resolve Vulcan's observed for the lack of emotion despite knowing that they do but keep it bottled within a layer of logic.

What she didn't count on however was the words Hathev spoke next. Something that startled her down to her core and caused the look of surprise and questioning to break onto her face. Tessa could feel the hesitation and the weight of the room hit her all at once as she listened closely to Hathev's initial sidestepping. She mentioned that among the transfers in from the IKS Kajunpak't was none other than her friend from MIMAS Station. The very same one who'd been thought dead since her days at the Tactical CONN Academy. The name Ensign Lauren Pierce hit her like a ton of bricks as her legs gave way and she toppled onto the deck.

Memories swirled in her head of that day as she lay unconscious on the digital recreation of the Fighter Bay. The memories of the events of MIMAS and Lauren's abrupt entry and exit into her life. She began to come to as eyes flicked open slightly and slowly. She saw Hathev nearby with a look of concern and keen interest on the situation. Her eyes filled with tears as she realized that what she'd clung to all this time was possibly a lie if not a trick.

"So you mean to tell me alive?" A childlike glimmer of hope drawn across her face as she attempted to come to grips with the unfolding situation.

Her head spun around as she picked herself up off the deckplates. "When did she...where is she? What department? I...need to see her..." A whimper hit her as she was standing in utter shock at the development. "I mean not that I can visit her now with my department about to be deployed. It's...for...after I get back." She said while she attempted to put herself back together.

"Besides, I'm supposed to be here showing you the ship."

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #11
[ Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce 

Hathev almost regretted telling the pilot as soon as the words came out of her mouth.  As expected she was fully distracted by the prospect of her colleague being alive.  From a therapeutic perspective it was not necessarily the best decision she had ever made, but given everything this young woman, and the crew had been through, it gratified the counselor to provide some good news for once.

"I am not privy to all of the details yet, Lieutenant, and I cannot be certain it is your friend."

The statement was an exaggeration, but not by much.  She had only read the transfer roster, and some of the addendum notes which listed Ms. Pierce's name and she has only briefly reviewed her personnel file in which there had been notes regarding her being declared MIA, presumed KIA during the Dominion war only to be returned to the Federation after cessation of hostilities.  The facts pointed towards a logical conclusion.

"I believe she has transferred to the flight control team."

She let the comment about Tessa showing her the ship pass without response.  This was no longer about a tour and Hathev suspected they both knew it.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Hallway near Holodeck 02 | Deck 8 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring 

Still shaken up, Tessa was unsure what to think. Her mind was in a preoccupied tailspin now that this information had been unveiled. Curiosity and disbelief struck her face as she wrinkled a brow, and placed a hand at her jaw to think. She paused in thought as Hathev mentioned her not being totally up to speed on the situation and information in regards to her friend. If this was indeed true, she looked forward to meeting Lauren again in person. Their last encounter had left Tessa with a giant hole and PTSD that has plagued her for years.

"Flight control? So...she should be nearby the flight deck. Or at least one of the many around here. I doubt it's near the FIghter bay. This is great news! I just cannot WAIT to see her again! Oh, we have so much to catch up on. I can't believe this news!" She was spiraled in her thoughts as she thought about the things they'd missed out on. Tessa always being the clingy type when she made a friend tended to make her seem needy. But it wasn't this at all as she just loved being in the company of other people. It was her safe space.

"Is there anything you can tell me about her since I saw her last during the Dominion War? Or is that forbidden? You have no idea how good this makes me feel. I feel like a huge burden has been lifted off my chest. Well..." she looked down and smirked about her ample bust. Not to mention the barrage of seemingly unrelated words bouncing out of her mouth. "I mean I still have this weight on my chest, but this is a good weight. You know what I mean." She laughed a little at her stupid joke. Not many found her funny but they were always amused. She breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that she'd carried this for so long it became a part of her personality and insecurities.

Tessa stood close and hugged Hathev. She released her almost as soon as she held her. "I am so excited to see her again. Oh...but were you wanting to learn about the Valkyrie still or was it kind of an excuse to see me? I'm not mad. Quite the opposite really. Holy smokes this is great news!" She said almost as giddy as a school girl again. Hopefully, the time hadn't put a damper on them too much. Then again, hopefully, the universe didn't have some unforeseen event ready to unfold on herself now that Lauren was back.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #13
[ Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce 

It gave Hathev and odd form of pleasure to see the elation in Ms. Lance.  So often in her line of work, success progressed at such a slow pace and was measured in such subtleties that it was often difficult to take stock in such things.  However on the rare occasion, such as today, when she could see the excitement and the joy she had helped bring to someone else, Hathev found it served to ease her own burdens. 

Lance peppered her with questions about Ms. Pierce and what she could and could not tell her.  Also asked about the motivation of the visit.  She chose to take those questions in the opposite order that they had been posed. 

“In truth, Lieutenant, our meeting in the corridor was no accident.  Given recent events, your name did come across my desk as someone who likely needed additional counseling.  I suspected you would not feel comfortable in an office visit, so I chose to come to you, and attempt to find a way to counsel you while you were at ease with the surroundings.  That said, my interest in the AC-409 and my desire to fly in one are genuine, as is my desire that you serve as my flight instructor when I update my pilot certifications.”

She walked along the side of the fighter craft, letting her hand slide along it’s hull.  She had seen shuttle craft, runabouts, and even the Delta Flyer class heavy shuttle, before.  But never had she seen such a vessel come off the Federation production lines.  The fighters used during the War were…primitive by comparison.  She turned and walked back to where Tessa stood, observing the ship once again before shifting her gaze to her patient.

“As to Ms. Pierce, I can only tell you what is of public record.  You already know she was declared presumed KIA after the MIMAS incident.  However, in the aftermath of the war, the was discovered among a group of POW’s returned to the Federation by the Breen.  It seems she was held in their custody during that time.”

Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Holodeck 02 | Deck 8 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

Tessa was only slightly surprised to learn that their meeting wasn't by chance. It was pre-ordained by the counseling gods to have them meet. She knew that likely it had to do with her various bouts with counselors and the consistent loss of friends in the line of duty. "I'm glad to hear you still have interest in the AC-409. Although now might not be the best time to actually be taught the ropes but I'd love to teach you in a more formal manner after the tension lets up with the Klingons. I mean, I'd be honored to help you. Holy smokes, I am such a mess. Haha."

She chuckled to herself as she brought a hand behind her head and scratched her scalp, ruffling up some of her blonde hair in the process. "I mean we can certainly go around it and I can give you some basics before we begin an actual course. If that works for you that is."

The Vulcan woman was stoic but Tessa could see through the confines of her mind. She could tell that despite the Vulcan resolve, she had demons too but was just better at hiding them than she was. The amazement at the brief overview of her friend's history since MIMAS kept her mind scattered as she pondered what Lauren must have gone through.

"I'm sooooo glad that Lauren is okay. At least I hope she is. I can't wait until I can see her. Unfortunately, that won't be til later." Tessa paused a moment. "Do you ever get the feeling that something bad is going to happen before it does? I don't usually but sometimes I do and it's spot on. Basically like a danger version of Deja' Vu." She had a look of bewilderment on her face as she contemplated the events that were yet to unfold.


Re: CH06: S [D03|1000] Indirect Counsel

Reply #15
[ Lt. Cmdr. Hathev | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Hathev found a sense of satisfaction coursing through her as she saw Tessa’s reaction to the news.  There existed a certain gratification that she had never before experienced in her career thus far…it made her feel…good.

For as disconcerting as her emotional state had been to her, it was a welcome relief to experience something positive and uplifting.  Her grief and confusion had been the majority of her emotional experience and it was not an experience she welcomed.  Today Hathev had made a difference, a small one to her perspective, but she did not need training to see just how much the news had meant to Tessa.

But this good news was little more than a salve, a minor balm to momentarily relieve the pain caused by a much larger wound. 

Hathev reached out, gently putting her hand on the Lieutenants arm and turning her towards her to make eye contact.

“I want to apologize for my deception.  I felt it best that I come to you and try and ‘ease into’ a conversation with you as your service history indicated you might resist a more formal session.  It is my professional opinion that you would benefit from a proper treatment regimen.  Whether you follow up on that with myself or another counselor on staff, is a choice I leave up to you.”

She let that sink in as she released the pilots arm and took the moment to consider Tessa’s comment about something bad about to happen.  While Hathev did not share the superstitious nature of Tessa’s comment, she could certainly understand.  Klingons were without question some of the most formidable warriors in the quadrant if not the galaxy.  If the Lone wolves squadron engaged they would, yet again, see high casualties.  Statistically speaking, Tessa would likely be a casualty in the engagement.

Hathev considered her role in the coming fight.  While there was certainly a seat on the bridge for her, logic dictated that she would be both safer, and more useful in the main sickbay on vector 2.  It would keep her out of the fighting and keep her available to assist the medical staff.

“As to the AC-409, I agree that an actual flight test and my own re-qualification should wait until after the current crisis has passed, but I would welcome the basics as long as you have time before you need to ready for launch.”

Hathev fell into step behind the pilot, absorbing everything she had to say.


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