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Topic: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ] (Read 3603 times) previous topic - next topic
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Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

[ Lt. Carson | onboard the Apache | Romulan Space ] ATTN: @BipSpoon   @Stegro88     @Nesota Kynnovan @Number6 @Dree

He hated this fucking job, but he hated the Infested even more. Wasn’t a particular fan of Romulans, though he’d be damned if he ever breathed a hint of that anywhere near the LT leading one of the two major missions at this damned R&D facility. Only a handful of their overall team remained with the Apache, while the rest were currently infiltrating the facility. Carson didn’t know if he was among the “lucky” ones to remain behind or if they were the ones damned to death because he could feel it in his bones, people were going to die on this mission. A lot of them.

“I’ve got two latinum bars on the LT,” he turned his head to smirk at Martin, the only other crew member still on the bridge while the rest of the skeleton crew manned their stations elsewhere, “she’s going to blow this whole place sky high.”

Martin cocked his head, staring at Carson as if he were an idiot, “Why the fuck would I want to bet against that when that’s rather what part of the mission is about?”

“Well,” Carson snorted, “I didn’t say whether she would do it while she and the others are safely aboard the ship.”

“I can’t tell if you’re hoping people are going to die on this mission or if you’re just so fucked up that you’re assuming we’re all going to die,” Martin glared at him a few more seconds before sighing and shaking his head, “Probably both.”

Carson shrugged, gaze wandering back to his console, observing the monitors as they beeped this and that regarding their away teams. It was about time to check in with the rest of the skeleton crew, make sure everything was up to speed and ready in case shit went south–and it would. He may hate his job, but he didn’t hate EVERYONE on the crew so much that he’d be the fucking twat to get them all killed.

OOC: The objective of this thread is to infiltrate the facility, scan the triggers and anything else useful for combating the thalaron-based weaponry. There is a story prompt that may be accessed during the time on the facility if anyone in this mission thread, or the other mission thread, is interested in taking that on. I will be NPCing Bip's characters of Henshaw and Rez until Bip gets back.

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #1
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Maintenance Corridor | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space ]  @Stegro88  @Number6  @Nesota Kynnovan  @BipSpoon @Dree

Cameron squeezed her eyes shut as she waited for their team to get through this next round of security protocols before they could enter the station proper. They were barely inside the station on their mission, and they’d already almost lost one of their teammates. Okafor’s suit malfunctioned just shy of their entry point. If sh’Laan hadn’t been quick on the response, the medical officer would’ve shot clear past the station and continued on into open space until his propulsion unit had given out entirely. It’d been a damnably tricky approach, and she made a mental note to speak to Ives about increasing their suit training. They’d had to double up more and nearly compromised their approach since more members on their team were not fully qualified for all the suit maneuvers, which was part of what led to Okafor’s malfunction.

Glancing at the rest of the group, Cameron gave them a reassuring nod (a gesture she wished someone would do for her). “Red team should be infiltrating on the opposite wing by now and will plant explosives as they make their way to the docking bay. We are to contact them if we become compromised only, then they’ll start rattling the pots and pans to draw off attention so we can complete our mission. We are to rendezvous with them in the docking bay at 0100. That gives us seven hours to find everything we can to give our people a leg up against Tal’Aura.”

Cameron waited for questions or comments, inwardly sighing when the last hatch baring their way to the station was opened, compliments of bypassing the security protocol. Seven hours was a long time and not enough, giving them plenty of opportunities to get caught or succeed.

The Theurgy-based NPCs in this chapter are: Amelya Rez (NPC), Tyreke Okafor (NPC), Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Guy Benton (NPC), Lt. J.G. Vince Kennedy (NPC).

If you opted in for the odd and bizarre secret prompts, you can use these in any of the chapters.

Rye, PC, and Hans may choose to join this chapter or the other, TBD.

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #2
[Lt Reika Sh’Laan | Maintenance Corridor | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space ]
@Stegro88  @Number6  @Nesota Kynnovan @Ellen Fitz  ((later on: @RyeTanker  @P.C. Haring  @Hans Applegate ))

Reika stood only feet away from Henshaw who seemed to be gathering her thoughts as everyone congregated just outside the last barrier to entering the station.  Everything in Sh’Laan wanted to pull at the blasted EV suit.  ‘These weren’t made for Andorians,’ she thought.  And they weren’t.  Her antennae were plastered flat forward against her head.  She could feel them squirming trying to work their way into a more comfortable position.  ‘At least these suits have climate control settings, so my eyes won’t burn from drops of sweat.’ 

At that moment at the head of the group, Henshaw started giving them what would likely be their final briefing before they entered the research facility.  While she listened to the Ensign, Reika glanced diagonally at Okafor to ensure he was recovering emotionally from his snafu with his EV suit.  Despite the suit's environmental controls, Reika could see beads of sweat dotting his brow.  But from what she could tell, he seemed to have his mental faculties about him again and his attention was at the front of their column on Cameron.

Her eyes gliding back to the short woman in the front, the Andorian took in everything Henshaw was saying.  Seven hours.  Seven hours to find a needle in a haystack.  Sure they had tricorders with them, but in a station this size the thaleron triggers could be almost anywhere, there was no guarantee that they were going to find them all …  They weren’t even given a number - instead they were told just to find them and gather the data - in seven hours.  And while seven hours felt so short for their task, seven hours also gave them an eternity to get caught or wounded or … worse.

As her thoughts paused momentarily on the ‘or worse,’ a picture of Kino flashed across Reika’s mind, and she deliberately pushed it away.  This was not the time to worry about either of them.  This was the time to focus on the mission - to be all in - to be single-minded. And while she loved that gorgeous Trill and would do everything in her power to be reunited with her, she couldn’t allow herself the luxury of thinking of her right now.

With eyes and thoughts back on Henshaw’s last words, Reika drew a long slow breath as she waited for anyone else's questions and thought of a small piece of earth literature she had memorized at one point that felt very fitting in their present circumstances. 

‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our [Romulan] dead.
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage.’
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #3
[Lt Vanya| Maintenance Corridor | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space ]
@Stegro88@Dree   @Nesota Kynnovan a Kynnovan @Ellen Fitz tz  ((later on: @RyeTanker Tanker  @P.C. Haring Haring  @Hans Applegate ))

As Vanya looked around the enemy space station, she considered the paper portfolio nestled in her gear back on the ship  It was a proposal on the positive uses of Thaleron, written by a Theurgy lab orderly.    Nueva had once been a promising officer, but this research, like the subject itself had burned through and obliterated her career.   If they were still in the Federation, Vanya would have committed a court martial offense.   She would have been drummed out of Starfleet, but not before some vengeful admiral had her freedoms overridden and had her dismantled and archived in some back water annex of the Daystrom institute.
Few things made Vanya more uncomfortable than Thaleron.   She tried to weigh things up rationally.   Perhaps it was the destructive potential of the stuff.    As a scientist, every thought and position she had told her that it was something that should be destroyed, and every piece of Thaleron research should be locked on a fire wall where after successfully entering a 47 character encryption key, the person must take an ARA test to confirm that they are not going to use the data to construct a weapon, just that they are looking to counteract the effects of one such bomb that had been created somewhere else.  

On the other hand, she was much like a Thaleron weapon herself.    They were both created by Romulans.   They were both designed to be weapons of last resort, her an android that was against all Romulan doctrine on synthetic life forms, Thaleron a weapon that could rip the life from a world.  And yet…

She had been allowed to escape.   Her creator had given her a spark of self-determination and independence – something that many cultures had feared in AI’s since the earliest speculative fiction on a hundred worlds.   And yet, she had not attempted to usurp organics, or enslave them, or do anything other than what was asked from her as a Starfleet officer.    And yet, just by doing that and doing what was ultimately right, she was a renegade anyway.    

Was her mother, and Crewman Nueva truly that different?   She might be an officer of Vanya’s grade, or above, but in focusing on illegal Thalaron research, she had doomed herself to scientific oblivion, in the same way her mother cand condemned herself to death for something that she believed in too.   It was clear from the research.  

Still, the time for debate was past.   The mission was clear.   

"Let's do this." she said at last
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #4
[ Major Sareth | Deck 20 | Aboard the Tal’Shiar Ihnerha Faehht Emaifha Laeosa Mniohr (Tal’Shiar Second Secret Disease and Weapons Research Space Station) |  Romulan Space, approximately 24ly from Romulus ] @BipSpoon @Stegro88 @Nesota Kynnovan @Number6 @Dree

He found it most fascinating that a mere day after they’d finished their drills for a station breach, they’d been truly breached. Sareth had felt the jolt of the Starfleet ramming into the station, and so knew that this was no mere drill. He’d already been in the process of ordering everyone in his sector to arm themselves and switch on the Hvei’khenn units when the orders came in from Riov Vrikol himself to do that very thing. Sareth distinctly remembered the bloody the Hvei’khenn unit had made of the Nausicaan test subjects they’d pitted against it in its trial runs. He didn’t look forward to cleaning up the mess the unit would make of any unauthorized personnel it came across. Still, such messes were necessary when guarding the type of technology they had aboard this station.

Sareth paused in his movements when he heard Vrikol speak on the overhead.

[ Our station has been breached by Starfleet personnel. They are here to steal from us, to destroy us; we cannot let them. All station personnel are to remain armed and on the alert. Do not attempt to question the intruders. Incapacitate them in whatever manner necessary. Once you capture them, take them to the commander center for that deck for further processing. Do not abandon your stations; do not give up ground. ]

Sareth smiled, catching similar smiles of confidence from the men and women around him. A few smiles turned into looks of confusion when Vrikol continued, this time in Federation Standard.

[ We know you are here, Starfleet. We are hunting for you, and we will find you. ]

Sareth understood it plainly enough and happily translated for those who didn’t know, garnering another round of smiles. His personal PADD beeped, and Sareth glanced down to see the clearance for the Ghalai toxin. None of them were in danger, but for those Starfleet vermin seeking to steal from them, they would be very, very soon.

For reference, the neurotoxin is scentless and tasteless and spinning images and sensations into victims minds and leaving them temporarily mad and thoroughly incapable of fighting back. And the attack and defense units are this

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #5
Lt Reika Sh’Laan | Maintenance Corridor | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space ]
@stegro88 @Number6  @Nesota Kynnovan @Ellen Fitz @RyeTanker @P.C. Haring @Hans Applegate

Reika’s eyes had been on Henshaw, waiting for the order to move out to be given, but as the voice came over the COMM system.  “Our station has been breached by Starfleet personnel.  They are here to steal from us, to destroy us; we cannot let them.  All station personnel are to remain armed and on the alert.  Do not attempt to question the intruders.  Incapacitate them in whatever manner necessary.  Once you capture them, take them to the command center for that deck for further processing.  Do not abandon your stations; do not give up ground.

Then she heard another voice, “We know you are here, Starfleet.  We are hunting for you, and we will find you.

The other team was onboard by now.   Hopefully, they were already about their work of setting charges.  It was time to move.   Reika looked over at Henshaw with a nod.  Then glancing at the others, she gave another nod and started off. 

On her way to the station, the Andorian had studied the schematics, so she knew where she could go.  The problem was that none of them knew where to go.  And that wasn’t the only problem.  they didn’t know exactly what or even how many of the items were looking for.  They only that these - seemingly everyday items - held the trigger of the Thaleron Radiation.  Likely they would need to do a room-by-room sweep scanning for anything that could trigger the radiation. 

The Andorian input the code they had managed to steal and opened the final barrier between them and the Tal-Shair was gone.  With her weapon cradled in her hands, she started off down the corridor. 

Eerie quiet surrounded them as the small group infiltrated the station.  Coming upon the first room, she glanced behind her making sure that the person to her rear was ready to cover her if someone was in the room.  Breeching the room, she swept her rifle across the room and once she was certain that they were alone, the blue skinned woman held her weapon in one hand and pulled out her tricorder with the other scanning the room for anything that could be a potential trigger for the dreaded radiation.  But after moments, her tricorder told Reika that this room was clean.   She holstered her scanner and once again grasped her rifle in both hands, moving on to the next room.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #6
[ Ensign Cameron Henshaw | Storage Bay | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Nesota Kynnovan @Ellen Fitz @RyeTanker @P.C. Haring @Hans Applegate
Cam awkwardly held the rifle in her arms. She was no soldier, she’d been in a few scrapes, sure - but a soldier she was not. Hearing the voice over the comms system of the Romulan Base was certainly not the way she wanted to start the mission. “Timeline just moved up.” She remarked, to those around her. She wasn’t just going to lie to them, and was likely doing a terrible job at hiding her own apprehension. For the first time in a long time though, she felt as though she had something to come back to, not just work. So she steeled her nerves, and swallowed down the fear that threatened to consume her.

There was no way they had seven hours.

That part of her, the part that brought the ups and downs in her emotions, tickled the edge of her mind, prodding her with intrusive, unhelpful, and paranoid thought. She licked her lips, and held the rifle up in a ready position as she pushed forward, Tyreke Okafor took up the position beside her, each of them taking a quadrant of view as they pressed into the station.

She felt a jolt, and it certainly didn’t feel like a small one, her arm institúyelo reaching out for the man next to her to steady herself. Each of them did so, and quickly regained their footing, “What was that?” Cam asked, not really caring who answered, any answer would help.

She pressed in on a room to the left, it looked like a storage bay. “Let’s start the sweep.” She sighed, then opened her tricorder, scanning each of the crates in the room. She heard a creak from her left, Okafor, on her right, looked up and his eyes went wide. All Cam saw as she turned her head was a single red eye, and a massive chassis before she was flung across the room and into a shelf, she shouted out over the local comms, they were made anyhow, damned if she died in a fucking storage bay. “Contact!” As she shouted it however she saw Okafor move out from behind a crate and open fire on the metal monstrosity that had emerged from…somewhere in the room.

The machine tanked the hits, its exoskeleton clearly scorching but it wasn’t enough. There was four clean shots to its chest before it picked up Okafor in its hand, and leveled the weapon…no, the cannon that served as its other arm against his chest, firing once and dropping his limp body to the ground. “Okafor is down! Need backup!” Cam jumped out from behind her cover, and dialed up the setting on her phaser, dangerously high. She pulled the trigger once, aiming for a bulkhead to the rear of the mech, what looked like an EPS relay.

It exploded, throwing cam back even further…and catching the mech in an arc of energy, causing it to momentarily freeze. Her entire body hurt and even worse she felt…strange, like the room was spinning, and those thoughts that plagued her daily grew ever louder. “No, no, no…not now.” She muttered, her breathing quickly becoming labored.

[Amelya Rez]
Amy heard the call over the comms and pressed forward, not knowing what part of her shattered mind compelled her to now run INTO danger instead of the opposite direction. Jona ran right beside her, as real as any other crew member to Amy, though only she could hear him. Only she could see him. Only she could touch him. She was haunted by him, night and day.

She turned into the room, seeing Henshaw on the ground, she looked to be hyperventilating, the blast likely knocking the wind out of her. She turned her eyes forward, seeing the mech frozen in the arc of energy, and the body of Okafor on the ground before it. Much of its armor had been blown off by the blast, but for the time being it was stuck. Amy opened fire with her phaser as she ran towards Henshaw, grabbing her by the straps on her shoulders and dragging her from the room, the whole time the yeoman protested, and screamed as much as she could. “Henshaw! Calm down, I need to-“ Cam elbowed her straight in the shin, desperate to get away.

“Who the fuck decided to send this one?” Jona shouted, firing his phaser. In reality, Amy dragged with one hand and fired the phaser at the mech with the other, though her mind told her a different tale. As she breathed, heavier and heavier she felt…dizzy. “Woah…” She muttered. She’d taken an antitoxin before she’d come aboard but…she opened her tricorder, and sure enough there was something in the air. “There’s something-“ She coughed, even over comms, “In the air…”

Jona picked her up by the shoulder, slinging his rifle, in tandem as Amy secured hers, and dragged Henshaw from the room. “Need more guns in here!” Amy shouted, as she began to treat Henshaw, who luckily had escaped with only minor injury, and whatever was in the air. She felt it, but somehow that. Extra presence in her mind…it kept her centered, at least from the time being. He guided her, talked her through what she needed to do, and when the EPS unit turned off, and the mech got free, he raised his rifle, just as Amy raised hers, and started firing at the monster. Their actions were one and the same. What he did, she did. Even if she saw him doing it…they was her actions alone. Something she had yet to fully grasp.

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #7
[Lt. Vanya | Corridor| Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space ] Attn: @Stegro88  @Nesota Kynnovan ynnovan @Ellen Fitz @RyeTanker  @P.C. Haring @Hans Applegate  @BipSpoon

Vanya had met Romulans before.   Hell, not long ago, there was a pow wow, to use the human idiom, for them on the Theurgy.   Yet to hear the voice of the full empire here in their space, far away from the comfort of Theurgy or the idyllic version of the Federation that seemed further away than ever send a cold shiver down her spine.     These people wanted to dismantle her, to sift through her mind for every engram and catalogue it of its secrets, then cast her remains into an industrial replicator to be recycled.  

She was torn.   On one hand, she wanted to go back and flee, despite being a machine, the fear was real.   On the other hand, there was an opportunity to save her friends, and possibly herself.   There was a low probability of success, but short term it might give her crew more time to find the triggers.     

She took out her tricorder, and desperately hunted for the triggers they were looking for.   The device circled through all the frequencies.   The reading wasn’t complete but the direction was clear.   She sent a remote message to the others and showed them the trail to follow.   Wordlessly she ran in the opposite direction.    She came to a communications and stared at it directly.   She hit a control on her helmet, the visor slid aside to reveal her Romulan face, the ridges and ears would be picked up by any security camera watching.   She closed her eyes and hit a panel.  

As she did, she registered the toxin in the air.   Although she was spared most of the destablilisng effects of the gas, she did feel it affecting her skin, sending pain racking through her body as her respitory system transferred it to her skin.     Once again she cursed her creators for giving her this body… she wanted to tear the skin from her flesh, to some how make it stop… but she had a perception to maintain.   She began to cough.   

“This is Tal-Shiar operative 3347 you are impeding a classified operation.   Do not impede my team.   I repeat, do not impede my team.” She rasped between fake coughs.    It was going to be a touch act to maintain  but if she could slow them down, buy them time, perhaps they just might get through this.  

She wondered how long it would take.   Her face may even be programmed into a list of Romulan defectors, but hopefully as a target, she would have more intrigue and they would come for her first.  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #8
[Lieutenant Junior Grade Amanda Ashby | Maintenance Corridor | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space]
Attn: @Stegro88, @Number6, @Ellen Fitz, @RyeTanker, @P.C. Haring, @Hans Applegate, @BipSpoon

Lieutenant Junior Grade Amanda Ashby briefly held her pace and knelt down behind a hoverjack which someone had left in the maintenance corridor. She had heard the announcements over the COMM system and, if those hadn’t been scary enough as they were, the eerie silence that followed made it even worse. It felt like anything could come at them at any time and, knowing (or rather not knowing) the Tal Shiar, there was a high chance that something would come at them indeed. From behind the relative safety of the crate which was loaded onto the hoverjack, the blonde-haired Martian closed her blue eyes and took a couple of deep breaths in an attempt to calm down and get her breathing back under control.

While she did so, Amanda reminded herself that she’d come here to do a job. Out of everyone aboard Theurgy, someone had considered her to be amongst the best people for this assignment and she wasn’t about to let anyone down. If she wouldn’t do her job because she was too busy cowering over nothing, someone else had to pull her weight as an additional burden.

With a final deep breath, Amanda steeled herself and opened her blue eyes once more. Not willing to be a burden upon anyone, the Martian Lieutenant Junior Grade now had her breathing (and her nerves) firmly under control again. She lowered her rifle and pulled up her tricorder with her right hand before scanning the crate on the hoverjack. A soft sigh escaped her lips upon discovering that she hadn’t been taking cover behind the one crate which they were looking for, and a relieved smile began to adorn her face.

The smile wouldn’t last though because, mere moments later, Amanda could hear a loud crashing noise followed by the voice of Ensign Cameron Henshaw booming over their internal communications. Contact. For a brief moment Amanda could feel the adrenalin coursing down her spine to give her that overly familiar cold shiver, but upon hearing the sound of phaser fire, she quickly put her tricorder back onto her utility belt and raised her rifle.

At first she hadn’t even registered that Tyreke Okafor had gone down, instead focusing on covering the Starfleet Officer who was running right in front of her. She could clearly see the mech standing there, trapped by an arc of energy, and for the briefest of moments she could see the body of a Starfleet Officer laying on the ground right before it. Before she could see who it was however, the Starfleet Officer in front of her began to fire at the mech and Amanda followed suit; aiming her own rifle and calmly pulling the trigger as Valyn Amarik had taught her. Strangely enough, the kind words of the woman now had a very soothing effect on her.

Don’t squeeze the trigger, gently pull it.

It wasn’t until the Starfleet Officer in front of her ran towards Cameron Henshaw and spoke up when Amanda managed to identify her as her friend; Lieutenant Amelya Rez. For the briefest of moments she turned her attention to the woman, given how the mech was stuck in the arc of energy and relatively harmless at the moment. When she saw how Amelya got elbowed in the chin, Amanda’s first instinct was to help her but upon seeing that Amelya began to drag Cameron from the room while firing her phaser at the mech, Amanda followed her example and opened fire once more, only pausing briefly to allow Amelya and Cameron to pass.

”I’ve got you covered!” Amanda wasn’t sure if Amelya had heard her response to the shout for more guns but, while her blonde-haired Trill friend began to treat Cameron behind her, Amanda kept shooting at the mech. It remained stuck in the arc of energy, at least for now, and parts of its damaged chassis now began to glow a hot shade of red from the sustained phaser fire. She was so focused that she didn’t even knew if anyone else was firing at that moment, but all she knew was that the mech was a threat that needed to be taken out. With that in mind, Amanda briefly looked over her shoulder, if only for a second, to shout”I need more firepower in here!”.

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #9
Lt Reika Sh’Laan | Maintenance Corridor | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space ]
@Stegro88  @Number6  @Nesota Kynnovan  @Ellen Fitz  @RyeTanker  @P.C. Haring  @Hans Applegate

Reika had methodically been making her way through the large storage room.  She was aware that others had entered the room behind her.  From her days in Tactical, she knew that she had to continuously be aware of the location of all friendlies at any given moment.  To not do so, could have disastrous consequences.  But while making mental notes of the different locations of the others in the room, everything seemed to happen at once.

Something hissed through the ventilation system on the station along with the breathable air.  Some of the others had removed their helmets.  While Reika hadn’t, she could still hear the serpentine sound that was produced.  Before she could wonder what it was and how it could or would affect the others, she heard Cameron yell, “Contact.”  She and Okafor had engaged with … what was that thing?  A Mech? It was a large metallic creature.  It wasn’t a humanoid - or one at least as she understood it.  The lone feature on its head was one large red eye in its center.  The eye seemed to have the ability to do more than see the visible light spectrum.  It likely had heat sensors and infrared capabilities. 

She watched it fire something from its hand into Okafor’s body which fell limp to the ground.  She wanted to yell at the creature - not that it would do any good.  But she would be damned if she let the man whose life she had recently saved, die in such a manner if she could help it.  ‘Okay,’ she thought, ‘The thing has a type of energy cannon in its hands.  Lovely.’ 

But while her brain was processing what happened.  She once again heard Henshaw yell.  This time it was, “Okafor is down.  Need backup.”  Reika was already on her way.  But as she moved both Rez and Ashby opened fire on the monstrosity.  So Reika took the opportunity to grab Okafor by his EV suit and drag him into the corridor.

Chaos reigned.  Voices cried out.  “I need more firepower in here.”  “3-2-1 NOW.” Phaser fire flew in against the creature from every direction.  Maybe it was slowed, but it wasn’t taken down.  Once Reika had Okafor out of the room into the relative safety of the corridor, she returned. 

The OPS officer had a thought.  Creeping back into the room while the firestorm was still underway, Reika sought concealment that would allow her to stay hidden until she was ready.  Crouched behind some kind of metal storage container, Sh’laan leaned her head back against the crate.  The move she was about to make was risky, and it was taking her a moment to psyche herself into action.   A picture of Kino popped into the Andorian’s mind, but she pushed it away.  ‘No,’ she told herself trying not to dwell on the picture of the voluptuous Trill with creamy skin and spots that wanted to fill her mind and thoughts.  Reika took a deep breath, and from her position, the OPS officer stood with her phaser rifle at the ready.  Taking careful aim for the creature’s eye.

As Sh’laan stood and raised her rifle, the monstrosity was alerted to her presence and raised a hand once again - this time toward her.  But the Andorian wasn’t paying attention to that.  Training took over.  Slow steady breath.  Place a finger on the trigger.  Gently squeeze.  And breathe again.  Two things happened at virtually the same time.  Reika hit the creature’s eye dead on, blinding it.  Whether permanently or temporarily, she didn’t know.  But at the same time, the creature fired on the Andorian.  Reika tried to dodge its shot - and almost did, but it tore through her suit and caught the outside of her left arm which went limp and her suit was now exposed to whatever the toxin in the air was.

The Andorian never cried out despite the searing pain that radiated throughout her whole arm.  She tried to inch her way toward safety once again, but she wasn’t sure if she would make it.  Blue blood flowed freely from the wound.  Through her microphone on her helmet, with tremendous effort Sh’laan called out, “A little help?

Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #10
[Lieutenant Junior Grade Amanda Ashby | Maintenance Corridor | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space]
Attn: @Stegro88, @Number6, @Ellen Fitz, @RyeTanker, @P.C. Haring, @Hans Applegate, @BipSpoon, @Dree

Amanda had been firing on the trapped mech, watching as more parts of its chassis began to glow various shades of scorching red from sustained phaser hits and wondering how much more it could take. The answer to that question came when the mech suddenly returned fire; prompting the blonde-haired Martian to duck for cover behind her hoverjack. It would apparently need much more than what they were currently throwing at the mech if they wanted to take it down.

It was at that moment when a voice rang out over the comm channel within her helmet; a chilling cry for help that sent a shiver down Amanda’s spine. From behind her cover, she quickly looked around to see who was calling out. She could see that Amelya was still busy treating Cameron, relatively safe behind cover, and it wasn’t until several moments later when her blue-eyed gaze came to rest upon the Andorian Assistant Chief of Operations.

”Hold on Lieutenant, I’m coming!” As she called out through her own microphone, Amanda stood up from behind her cover but was immediately forced back down when she noticed how the damaged mech turned its weapons towards her. Within a second after having ducked into cover, several stray volleys crashed into the cargo container that was loaded onto Amanda’s hoverjack and she felt how the sheer impact of the mech’s weapons fire pushed the hoverjack towards her. At that moment the most basic realization hit her; one that she should’ve realized right from the start but completely missed due to the stress of combat.

The hoverjack was able to move.

Within a split second, Amanda magnetically attached the phaser rifle to the front of her suit and grabbed the cargo container with both hands. Slowly but surely, the hoverjack followed and began to move; allowing the blonde-haired Martian to close the distance with Lieutenant Sh’laan; all while the mech was busy firing at the moving cargo container. When she was close to the Assistant Chief Operations Officer, she reached out and quickly got the woman behind her mobile cover as well. ”You called for help?” As she spoke, Amanda’s smile was further accentuated by the friendly tone of her Martian-accented voice and she quickly turned her attention towards Reika’s arm. It didn’t look that bad at first glance, nothing a dermal regenerator wouldn’t be able to fix, but the damaged suit worried Amanda a lot more. ”Okay, listen up ma’am. I want you to…” Amanda was briefly interrupted when another volley slammed into their cargo container, pushing the hoverjack into them and prompting her to push it back with her full weight and a muttered curse. This definitely wasn’t what she imagined when she was told to find thalaron triggers and it was getting hard to keep her own nerves in check under sustained fire like this. ”I’m going to regenerate the wound, alright?” While she spoke, Amanda opened her medkit and pulled out the dermal regenerator. ”It’s a stopgap measure. It will stop the bleeding and somewhat mend the skin, but be sure to visit the Medical Bay afterwards.”

While Amanda explained what she was doing, she was already using the dermal regenerator. One of the things she’d learned was to tell patients what she was doing, depending on the kind of procedure of course. It would allow the patients to follow the procedure and, at the same time, allow them to focus on her words and offer some distraction from potential pain and stress. As she was working with the dermal regenerator however, another volley slammed into the cargo container; this time nearly toppling the hoverjack. ”Blimey! Lieutenant, you’re one of our tech people aren’t you?” Amanda made herself even smaller than she already was while she inspected the work she’d done with the dermal regenerator. Any Medical School would revoke her license for the shoddy work she’d done, but under the circumstances it would definitely suffice. ”Can’t you use your tricorder to hack into that mech? Shut it down and work your magic?” She pulled open her utility pack while she rattled on, retrieving a sealant patch before unceremoniously slapping it onto Reika’s suit. It was likely to hurt and the sealant had a chance to latch onto the woman’s skin as well, but those were worries for a different day. For now she at least stopped the bleeding and mended the woman’s suit. ”Now would definitely be the time!”

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #11
[ PO3 Lorad | Corridor | Romulan Station | Romulan Space ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz @Nesota Kynnovan @Number6 @RyeTanker @P.C. Haring @Hans Applegate @BipSpoon @Dree


“Our station has been breached by Starfleet personnel.  They are here to steal from us, to destroy us; we cannot let them.  All station personnel are to remain armed and on the alert.  Do not attempt to question the intruders.  Incapacitate them in whatever manner necessary.  Once you capture them, take them to the command center for that deck for further processing.  Do not abandon your stations; do not give up ground.” The words had been in Romulan but that had meant nothing to Lorad. He had learned the tongue of his so-called overlords at the same time as he had learned his own. The Terran that followed, that was a surprise. “We know you are here, Starfleet.  We are hunting for you, and we will find you.”

Lorad was stationed at the rear of the advancing party, using his considerable bulk to shield those in front of him from any threat that might approach them from behind. He would have preferred to have been at the front of the group, actively clearing compartments and ready to respond to any encounter with the Romulan crew of the station. But it was not to be. And because of that, when the shouting and shooting started, Lorad found himself having to turn away from it and split his attention behind them back down the passageway in case it was a trap.

Every fibre of his being itched to charge ahead and join the fray. He knew several of the group engaged in the compartment. Or at least he had before his sojourn. Or during it though he knew that they were not the same person. It still wasn’t easy for him to stand there. Thankfully, the decision to move and engage or remain and guard was taken from him as a wall panel shifted, revealing a turbolift car and, more importantly, 3 armed Romulans. Lorad reacted instinctively.

His rifle came up and gut shot the middle Romulan just as they were taking a step forward and bringing their own weapon up. Lorad’s shot was both accurate and fatal to the Romulan but in his final act, his momentum carried him forward into the Reman, encumbering him and preventing him from bringing his rifle around to engage the other two. But he was also protected from their return fire by the corpse of the Romulan he had just killed.

Releasing his hold on his rifle, he dropped his hands to his sides and grasped the phaser with his right and his knife with his left. As the body fell, Lorad fired, catching the Romulan to his right in the side even as he felt the impact from a Disruptor on his shoulder. There was no immediate suit breach alarm, nor did he feel pain, so he ignored it and focused on the last remaining Romulan as he stepped out of the car and raised his own weapon.

Stepping forward, he kicked out and caught the Romulan, slamming him back against the bulkhead, stunning him. Wasting no time, Lorad advanced and uppercut the man, slamming his head again into the wall. That left Lorad with plenty of time to roll his hand over and stab the Romulan in the neck. Green blood spurted out and the Reman was glad he had decided to leave his helmet on as some of it splashed across his faceplate.

“Contact rear,” Lorad notified everyone. “Three neutralised. Standing by.”

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #12
[Lt. Reika Sh'laan | Corridor | Romulan Station | Romulan Space ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz  @Nesota Kynnovan  @Number6 @RyeTanker @P.C. Haring  @Hans Applegate @BipSpoon

For the moment, Reika was in a place that offered both concealment and cover, but she didn’t know how long the mech would be blinded for or if it operated on sound as much as sight.  ‘Someone needs to distract it while someone else sneaks up on it from behind and severs the head from the body of that monstrosity,’ she thought.

Looking over at her injured arm, her eyes drew together.  If her antennae had been free, they would have drooped with worry.  The blue blood that was flowing so freely from her arm would cause her to pass out soon if she weren’t treated.

But while she was still conscious, she would do everything in her power to fight.  But at that moment, she heard, “Hold on, Lieutenant, I’m coming!

That one phrase perked her up a little.  Immediately following the statement, she saw an EV suit pop up, and then come under fire and drop back down.  Internally, the Andorian groaned, but that was part of the way combat like that worked, and she knew it.  You did what you could when you could. 

But then Reika saw a container begin to move, and along with it, one of Theurgy’s crew.  Closer and closer she crept until she was face to face with a blonde that she had remembered seeing aboard, but in the midst of the chaos her name escaped the Andorian.

You called for help?

Reika’s eyes softened.  “Not as a matter of habit, but under the circumstances.

Okay, listen up, ma’am.  I want you to,” but the woman was cut as the two were shoved to the ground by another round of firing at the hoverjack.  Reika’s companion pushed back against it - hard before continuing, “I’m going to regenerate the wound, alright?  It’s a stopgap measure.  It will stop the bleeding and somewhat mend the skin, but be sure to visit the Medical Bay afterwards.

Afterwards.’  The Andorian, for a split second, hoped that there would be an afterwards, but she chided herself for her morose thinking.  “Of course, Lieutenant…”  She let her words trail off hoping that the woman would supply the name she wasn’t able to pull out of either her brain or her ass at this moment.

Reika held still, letting the woman work.  Despite the fact that it was bleeding freely, it seemed more superficial than anything else.  But the hoverjack was once again bombarded by the mech.  And now, Reika heard large, metallic, lumbering footsteps.  ‘That can’t be good,’ she thought

But while her caretaker worked on her wound, the blonde had an epiphany. “Blimey! Lieutenant, you’re one of our tech people, aren’t you?

Yeaaaah,” Reika said not catching the significance.  “Can’t you use your tricorder to hack into that mech?  Shut it down and work your magic?  Now would definitely be the time.

Reika unholstered her tricorder that she had slipped into its place when the fighting began.  It wasn’t anywhere as easy as the medic made it sound, but, if nothing else, she had given her an idea. 

Can you give me some cover fire?” Reika said.  “I can’t just interface it from here, but if I can,” and here the Andorian looked over her shoulder for a Romulan computer terminal.  Finding one, she started talking again,  “Okay, if I can get to that computer terminal, and interface my tricorder through that terminal, I may be able to shut it down that way.  A direct link won’t work, but if I use that as an intermediary, we stand a fighting chance.”  Reika pushed herself into a crouched position, ready to take off when Ashby started firing.  “Let me know when you’re ready."

Once Ashby started shooting, Reika took off around a corner in the room and as quickly and quietly as possible, made her way to the terminal.  She used a hard interface juncture to plug into the terminal.  Now on her knees mostly behind cover, she worked to see if she could trick the mech into thinking that the commands she was feeding it came from that terminal. 

After a moment, the mech’s firing stopped.  Reika called out, “I’m not sure that it will be an indefinite hold, but it seems to have incapacitated it for now.”  She laid her head back against a nearby shelf and closed her eyes for just a moment.  After which, she opened her eyes once again and pushed herself into a standing position.  “Okay, everyone.  Let’s find these triggers!
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #13
[ Uhlaan Vokoth | Green Deck Ventilation Shaft, Grid 51E | Aboard the Tal’Shiar Ihnerha Faehht Emaifha Laeosa Mniohr (Tal’Shiar Second Secret Disease and Weapons Research Space Station) |  Romulan Space, approximately 24ly from Romulus ]  ATTN: @BipSpoon @Stegro88  @Nesota Kynnovan  @Number6  @Dree

Her green blood left a river in her wake, gushing from the mangled flesh that used to be her left arm.  So many were worse off than her, and their cries would haunt her for the rest of her days as she walked over their maimed forms to the ventilation hatch that promised safety. She'd been on her way to Grid F on Red Deck when the labs in 52E were compromised. She managed to get to the turbolift just as the containment crew arrived and had witnessed their subsequent massacre. What weapons they had were useless against Experiment 9832. Their destruction depended on heavier weapons in the armory, weapons that were not standard issue while on duty. The regular weapons Vokoth and her peers had would only fill the energy reserves of a specially designed organ within the creature, an organ that was necessary for the creature to store up absorbed energy until they had enough to projectile "vomit" plasmatic energy at a foe.

The only reason Vokoth had survived Red Deck was by hiding beneath the corpse of a member of the containment crew, covering herself with his eviscerated bowels. Even then, one of the creatures had still tackled her before she could close the ventilation hatch, ripping off her left arm with the same ease as she might pass her arm through the air. These monsters were a mixture of biological experiments and mechanical enhancements. They sported venomous fangs that injected victims with a hallucinogenic component, and the claws on all four paws had a special gland that secreted a necrotic poison. Even the blade-like spines on their tails, durable and sharp like real blades, had the same gland embedded in their skin that kept the spines shiny with the poison. Next to their eyes, they had special devices that automatically fired on anything the creature deemed a threat and with the labs compromised, Vokoth feared that the kill switch used to keep the experiments from seeing their Romulan makers as threats was now gone.

With the ability to fight and maneuver in both quadruped and biped positions while also capable of fighting on all terrains and weather and immune to all poisons and diseases in the Romulan database, the only thing they were incapable of "fighting" was the vacuum of space and it was this fact that Vokoth feared. She knew the procedure was to vent out any deck that became compromised with one of these experiments, and she didn't want to be caught on one of those decks.

A non-humanoid snickering growl sounded from behind her, sending a shiver of dread through Vokoth body. She barely had a chance to turn to face her enemy before it pounced, crunching the bones of her skull together between its molars.

GM Note: There is a story prompt, "Encounter supposed defectors wishing to find asylum with Federation. (SP)," that can be pursued if the writers of this thread decide to pursue it together (it is first come, first served); otherwise, the other chapter 1 writers may pursue it. We will presume that nearly 1hr in-game has occurred since the start of this thread. Departure from the R&D facility does NOT have to take place later; it can occur sooner if objectives are made and the two teams make it back to the Apache for rendezvous. But if writers prefer to keep on track with the suggested timeline, then that is dandy as well. 

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #14
[Lt. Vanya| Maintenance Corridor | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space ]
@Stegro88 @Dree   @Nesota Kynnovan  @Ellen Fitz @Rye tanker  @P.C. Haring  @Hans Applegate

“And those who deny my brothers cry
Who won’t let my daughters sing
Have seen their last sky
For they shall be crushed by the Raptor’s Wing”

The song claimed to be an ancient Romulan hymn but Vanya knew it to be between 100 and 200 years old, a ditty that was intented to encourage patriotism in the lower classes while their Senator’s personal guards were absorbed into the central command to fight in the wars against Earth.   

Vanya turned to face the singer.    She had never quite seen a Romulan like him before.   His face was heavily tattooed she didn’t recognise the origins of the designs    It wasn’t just the tattoos, the parts of his face that weren’t under ink had been ravaged by time, or were under thick, dark green scars.    No doubt the irritation on the scars was being intensified by the same gas that was affecting her

“I’ve waited so long for this…”    he said staring her down.  He held the equivalent of the Romulan phaser rifle.    “I’ve even had you in my sighs before..    But I wasn’t allowed to do what must be done.   But now I have you.” 

She held up her hands.  “Vanya, Lieuentant, Starfleet serial number 987343-C .”  

The man barked with laughter.   “Cute really really cute.   You have no idea who I am do you?  Not only do I deny you your rights as an enemy combatant, I deny your rights as a sentient being.   You are an abomination that must be destroyed.   I am a sentimental old man, I should have done the deed as soon as I saw you, but I wanted you to begin to understand…”

She was about to make a play for freedom when her would be attacker’s head  vanished in a sea of green plasma. 

The attacker behind her assailant was a female in a Romulan uniform.   She dropped her phaser and raised her hands. 

“I don’t know whats going on here.” She confessed.   “But this isn’t right.   Its not even Tal’Shiar right.”
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #15
[Lieutenant Junior Grade Amanda Ashby | Maintenance Corridor | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space]
Attn: @Stegro88, @Number6, @Ellen Fitz, @RyeTanker, @P.C. Haring, @Hans Applegate, @BipSpoon, @Dree

[OOC: I thought I’d have Amanda find the triggers so we can progress the story. If anyone is opposed to that, please let me know and I’ll edit my post accordingly!]

Amanda’s idea of providing covering fire had been the often tried and tested practice of blindly firing her phaser rifle and hoping that no one was stupid enough to wander into her field of fire in the process. When the mech finally stopped firing after a while and Reika called out, stating that she at least temporarily disabled the mech, the blonde-haired Martian carefully peered over the edge of her scorched crate. While the mech was slumped over and idly humming, thus no longer posing a threat, there was a gnawing feeling in the back of Amanda’s mind that, with her luck, it would immediately power back up the very moment she stepped out of cover.

Regardless, as Reika correctly pointed out, they had thalaron triggers to find. Following the Lieutenant’s position, Amanda pushed herself out of cover as well and reattached the phaser rifle to the magnets on the back of her suit before taking out her tricorder. At the same time she could hear how Lorad reported contact in the rear and how he’d neutralised the threat. ”Copy. We’ll resume our search for the triggers.” It was nice to know that the rear was being covered by someone who knew what they were doing and, for a brief moment, her blue eyed gaze came to rest upon the mech. The space station was dangerous and just the sight of the mech prompted Amanda to smile nervously. ”Nice job, Lieutenant. That mech would have torn us to shreds.” While she spoke, the blonde-haired Ensign activated her tricorder and began to scan for the unique signature of the thalaron triggers.

If she had expected the process of scanning to be easy, Amanda was definitely proven wrong the very moment she looked at the scans. Her scans were frustrated by an incredible amount of background clutter; various types of radiation at roughly the same frequency as the feint traces of thalaron that would give away the position of the triggers. It was an old trick though, one Amanda only recalled too well from her time as a wartime volunteer at the Ganymede refugee camp back during the worst of the Dominion War. Back then, the crew of resupply ships developed the practice of masking the  critical medical supplies in their cargo holds by drowning it out in background radiation so it wouldn’t show up in scans. While it wasn’t exactly the same, the high amount of background clutter in her scan held enough similarities to remind of her the practices back in those days.

It was at that moment, just when Amanda tried to filter out the background radiation, when her attention was briefly drawn by a sound. She listened closely and, astonished, double-checked to be absolutely sure, only to realize that some asshole apparently felt confident enough in their current predicament to start singing. She couldn’t be absolutely sure what was happening because it happened around the corner and, given that she wasn’t able to see anyway, Amanda shrugged and resumed her scans; identifying and eliminating the background clutter one piece at a time, like peeling an onion, and narrowing the search one piece at a time. ”Judging by the sheer amount of background clutter in here, the triggers must be in this room. I can’t pinpoint their exact location, but they must be… give me a moment to burn through the background noise.”

The process of eliminating each particular piece of background radiation was a tedious one that took more than ‘just a moment’, but Amanda eventually got lucky. After several minutes she eliminated a particular piece of background clutter originating from a large crate on the opposite side of the room and, when it disappeared from her scans, the feint traces of thalaron radiation finally appeared on the display of her tricorder. ”I’ve got them!” As she spoke, there was a hint of excitement in Amanda’s voice and she quickly followed the source of the radiation to a small shielded crate which was stacked neatly next to some other crates. The closer she got to the shielded crate, the stronger the particular signature of the thalaron triggers became. ”Alright, I have logged the signatures of the triggers!” She turned around and looked at the person closest to her. ”Now what do we do?”

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #16
[Lt. Reika Sh'laan | Corridor | Romulan Station | Romulan Space ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz  @Nesota Kynnovan  @Number6 @RyeTanker @P.C. Haring  @Hans Applegate @BipSpoon

The mech was down, and Reika heaved a sigh of relief.  Lorad had downed an attacker. 

Reika nodded her acknowledgement of Amanda’s statement.  “It was your suggestion,” she deflected.  “I’ll continue monitoring the monstrocity and make sure it stays offline, so the rest of you can find the triggers.

She didn’t like the idea of letting others do the hard work, but she knew that her job was to keep others safe as much as it was to find the triggers, and this was where she needed to be.  Her eyes kept sweeping over the area, and she listened to see if there were other skirmishes going on somewhere else.

And as Amanda and others were looking for the triggers, Reika heard another series of shots.  “Shit,” she murmered under her breath.  She lifted her rifle into position as much as she could since her arm was injured.  Her eyes continued flitting from the control panel where she was monitoring the status of the Mech and the door beyond which the noises came.

But Amanda’s words momentarily drew her attention away from both.  “I don’t know what’s outside the door,” she answered into her helmet, hoping that whoever was outside hadn’t heard them.  “I’m watching the door, but work as quickly as you can.

Quickly….well, quickly was relative.  It felt like an absolute eternity with everything that could go wrong.  The seconds ticked painstakingly by, but eventually, Amanda said that she found them. 

As soon as the blue hears heard the words, she activated her comms.  “Triggers have been found.  Everyone, we’re evacuating now.  Let’s move.

She moved to the hallway supporting the rifle with both of her hands.  As she peeked around the corner and saw a Romulan holding a phrase rifle on a member of the Thuergy crew.  She didn’t hesitate but shot her in the back, right between the shoulder blades.  “We’re heading out,” Reika said tipping her head toward the exit.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]

Reply #17
[ PO3 Klaudia Cheung | Aboard the Tal’Shiar Ihnerha Faehht Emaifha Laeosa Mniohr (Tal’Shiar Second Secret Disease and Weapons Research Space Station) | Somewhat near the border in Romulan Space ] [Show/Hide]

An unexpected consequence of the Intelligence team's chosen method for approaching the station was the sheer amount of damage the station was suffering and the ripple effect it was having on numerous systems.  The Asian tech specialist had to displace when a section of EPS conduit in a nearby region had decided to detonate and flooded that area with heat and radiation.  It wasn't really close, but it was close enough to cause concern, so it was time to move.  Settling into junction, her Intel special PADD went to work setting up approach alarms to her location, then she locked the access hatches immediately surrounding her.  Taking a moment to adjust her ear piece, the Operative took a moment to wipe a bit of sweat from her hair line as settled onto the floor while laying her pistol down next to her butt.

She brought up the system monitoring the computer virus as it wound and ravaged its way through the station's data networks.  The raven haired woman nodded in satisfaction as she plugged into a camera feed of the command centre and watched as several personnel gesticulated at their console while someone furiously pounded away at a PADD equivalent in their hand.  The tech frowned for a moment as she considered modifying the electronic worm to go after the PADDs too.  Time required versus immediate needs were calculated and she decided to set the idea aside for the time being.  Maybe she'd modify the virus when she was talking to Theurgy's crew.  Which brought the next questions, how to let the other Starfleet crew know they were here to help them in a way that recognizable when there was no warning the team from Intelligence was supposed to be here?

There were no pre-arranged signals, no known codes had been given to the supposedly renegade ship.  Just a dossier with a very slim timeline as to the ship's activities.  The only bit of information that could really considered solid were the names of the people and ships that had been directed to support Theurgy.  While one part of her mind worked the pass in her mind, on the pass, her fingers flew over the PADD as she patched into the security systems where the Theurgy team was supposed to be.  It took a little bit of time before she found several figures that definitely weren't Romulans. She could see a blonde Human and an Andorian working on something.  Using the stations internal sensors, she scanned for the frequency they were using.  A quick dash of Starfleet communications and security protocols tied their comm badges to her own.  A quick system test showed a good link.  The tech punched in several more protocols to access the cameras in the area to see if she could get a better look at their profiles, then ran it through a facial recognition system.

A pair of matches up.  The human was a Lieutenants Amanda Ashby and Reika Sh'laan, both original crew members. Taking a breath, she activated the link and waited the brief second for the signal chime to clear. "Lieutenants Ashby and Sh'laa.  This is Petty Officer 3rd Kaudia Cheung.  Authentication Aldea Qo'nos Madsen Valin Leux Oneida.  I'm with a team from Starfleet Intelligence with a new draft of the King's personnel." Cheung had no idea if they were even privy to the knowledge of their contact inside Starfleet, but maybe it would help. "My team is the reason there has been reduced security response in your area, but that is not likely to last too long as I can see you've secured what I believe is Thalaron technology, the same ones my team had also been sent to secure."  She paused toe let that sink in for a moment.  "I'm currently coordinating with my team to bring them to a shuttle bay twelve decks up from you to secure transportation for exfiltration. I've also uploaded a computer virus that is currently causing havoc in the Romulan's systems.  Please advise on your intentions as my team has been ordered to join you for your return to Theurgy."

Cheung was hesitant to say any more to give the Theurgy crew some time to digest the radical change to their situation.  This rumination was quickly halted however as the entire station lurched and Cheung crashed to the deck as her PADD reported alarms blaring with systems damage all across the station. "What in the hell was that?"  She quietly muttered to herself as she worked to get up off the floor.

OOC: Here we begin the melding of two different stories

To see everything from the other side, you can read about it in The Great Romulan Smash and Grab.

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