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Topic: General Character-Based Sub-Plots (Read 34226 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #100
Okay. That works for me. Thanks for even allowing it to be considered at all, boss.  (L)

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #101
Brutus and I have worked out a thread where Faye ends up having to talk with Selena about getting over/used to her new cybernetic arm.  We figure that with Selena being the one expert on board that's not bogged down with XO duties the doctor/councilor would link the two together for this.  Of course it could be a straight up order, or it could be a more hijinxy method a la Phlox.

Looking at setting it on day 3 or 4 after she's had enough time to thaw out.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #102
In addition, have a few nebulous plot odeas that I'm tossing around with Nolan and Triage as well for Faye that need fleshing out. Natalie and Simon are gonna have a quick chat after the senior staff meeting ends tho. And she and Trent have a meeting around 1400 on day 02.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #103
For those who need it, here is a useful spreadsheet to help marking where you want character meetings to happen. This can then be used to approach writers.


Also attached.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #104
Mathis and I have a follow-up to the Fanatical Interests thread in mind, something a little fun that explores Shall and Derik's personal lives and relationships.  It'll start about an hour after the end of Fanatical Interests, I was thinking it'd pick up as they leave Sickbay.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #105
The Engineering department has a thread going on in CHAPTER 40: PUTTING HER BACK TOGETHER | DAY 02 [ 1415 hrs. that will most involve the security and tactical departments.  It is likely that the tactical department will be called to provide instructions on how to disarm an unexploded photon torpedo and that security will be called to subdue a rogue engineer holding the warp core hostage.  Are any PCs from Security or Tactical free during DAY 02 ,1415 hrs.?  It would be strange if the department heads of security and tactical, not to mention the CO and XO, not being notified when the $#!+ hits the fan.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #106
I am not certain if it bears relevance or if she qualifies for it, but Sinead is essentially a Dominion War veteran, and she was Starfleet Security for most of her life. She then added to her combat skills, what she learnt from the Engineering Corps. Since coming aboard the Theurgy she has been reassigned back to Engineering, where she will be showing up. While she isn't Security or ground combat anymore, her experience and familiarity with being a Security officer can help? She would be going to William Robert O'Connell for assignment. And he'll probably have her dossier and records.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #107
For what it is worth, the XO is on the holodeck with Natalie starting at 1400. We would need to take the timing of this into account,  @CanadianVet  . Probably have the call to the XO interrupt lessons for Natalie.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #108
kind of odd question, but are their any good piloting threads that Nathan can get in on come day 02?

He's been wrapped up in this interogation of Maya for a long time but he was supposed to be transfered back to being a pilot come the next day. I haven't used the half romulan in a long time, and that got me thinking about moving forward.


Small idea for the away mission @Auctor Lucan

I was playing Star Trek Online, and there is a mission where you go to a long abandoned Federation station, aside from having to deal with the random security things that turn on like death traps. The bowels of the station is completely over run by these Talarian Hook Spiders

They are giant aracnids that hide in dark long powered down ships, and seem to thrive in such environments hiding in the few warm places left. When we restore main power to the station they would be able to crawl out of the heating vents where they have long resided. An unparalleled horrific swarm of hungry spiders with hooks for appendages.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #109
@Kaligos @Arista Could do the thread where Ravon gets cleared and Nathan gets commissioned or brought back to TAC CONN?
Otherwise, I'd say ask around with the other pilots, no flight missions so far besides the away mission.
Perhaps patrol mission?

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #110
I think I have managed to identify a way to make this thread more coherent and accessible. With all the plots gathered in one thread, it's subject for a lot of updates that I can't keep up with, and with the number of members so large, there is a lot to keep track of. So, I am going to divide this thread into the different sub-plots, with one thread for the Devoted, one for Virus 117, one for the Asurian threat etc. This way, we can discuss each sub-plot separately, with greater focus on progress for each of them.

Since the Poll suggested that we are quite fed up with mutiny threads - aside from the Devoted angle - I might ditch the sub-plot we have not begun yet that discussed the Jona/Ives Ideologies.

For the time being, @Kaligos , I love the idea, and I will make sure to keep it in mind for the most opportune moment. ;)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #111
I for one am glad none of my characters are going to deal with spiders. Yick!

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #112
I'm seeing we're getting quite a crop of junior personnel...

I think we need a "lower deck" thread with our various junior type, no one above very junior CPOs!

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #113
Well, now that B'Nila is canon on Theurgy, I'd be happy to do threads with her. So if anyone needs a head shrink we have yet another one. Or I'd be happy to do a thread in the gym's steam room, the lighting could be set low and moody, good spot for any member of the crew who thinks humans like things way too cold.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #114
I have removed one mutiny sub-plot and posted the big ones separately now. Left here are general - character-driven - sub-plots that we can discuss in this thread. I have yet to revise the top post fully, making it up to date, but I will do so asap.


Auctor Lucan

Re: General Character-Based Sub-Plots

Reply #116
B'Nila is a touch telepath, even though she does prefer to do more traditional therapy.

Re: General Character-Based Sub-Plots

Reply #117
Hi everyone!

With no character applications bogging me down, and some background projects being wrapped up, I figure I needed to check if I have made any promises about character scenes with either of the below ones with you guys. I remember some of them, and even if we have nothing on the waiting list, feel free to suggest meetings that are specially relevant for your characters.

However, instead of cluttering this thread, why not PM me instead? Please don't leave a message on Discord though, since those get lost. PM is the way to go. :)

Cpt. Jien Ives                Commanding Officer 

  - Played by Auctor Lucan

Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854       Ship A.I. Hologram  

  - Played by Auctor Lucan

Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann           Deputy Chief Security Officer  

  - Played by Auctor Lucan

Lt. JG Devyrie Okhala         Wolf-11 [Dragon]  

  - Played by Auctor Lucan

Lt Cmdr. Lucan cin Nicander   Chief Medical Officer  

  - Played by Auctor Lucan

PWO Rihen Neyah               Engineering Specialist  

  - Played by Auctor Lucan

CPO Liam Herrold              Head of Fighter Weapons & Ordnance   

  - Played by Auctor Lucan

Mr. Drauc T'Laus              Mercenary 

  - Played by Auctor Lucan

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan


Re: General Character-Based Sub-Plots

Reply #119
Just thinking here, would there be enough interest to have a junior ranks only gathering?  No one above the rank of Chief Petty Officer, no Senior or Master Chiefs, no officers, no warrants, just the grunts?

Re: General Character-Based Sub-Plots

Reply #120
I would join in one.  Alessia is slowly making new friends, but a thread like that wouldn't hurt.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: General Character-Based Sub-Plots

Reply #121
B'Nila would be up for any Non-Comm gatherings.

Re: General Character-Based Sub-Plots

Reply #123
Copied from the Main OOC thread for posterity, since the Main OOC can be more active and the list lost on earlier pages:


As mentioned in the last newsletter, here is the lottery result of the random encounters for Day 03!

This idea was very liked when mentioned on our Discord server. It is a little writing exercise called Random Encounters. The setup is simple, where I have made a list in MS Excel of our actively played characters in two columns next to each other. Then, I made a third column that is optional, but pretty helpful in giving ideas, where locations aboard Thea is listed. What I did next was that I randomised the columns, like a lottery, and we end up with the writing challenge for your all.

The challenge posed will be for all of you to write short threads during Day 03 where the characters that end up next to each other in the randomised columns interact in some way or fashion. The two writers that have been paired need to figure out a way to do it, and the third column will suggest a location for the two characters to meet. The writer with a character in the left column is the one who posts the starter.

I hope you will all see this as a chance to have your characters end up interacting with characters they normally wouldn't, and that you all may find new writing partners in the long run when doing this.

Oh, and no, it is not required that the paired characters have sex in the location listed, just to be perfectly clear, lol!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

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