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Topic: Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party! (Read 21977 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party!

[ Tesserarius Lorad | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage

When Lorad had received the invitation to travel down to Aldea’s surface, he had been extremely hesitant to accept given that it would be during the day, out on the open ocean and that the boat would be filled with many other members of the Theurgy’s crew. But, much like his trips to the mess hall, among other public areas of the ship, Lorad knew that they would need to become accustomed to his presence if he wanted to join their crew. But that was not the reason he had said yes. It was because he had been asked by Cameron Henshaw to join her.

Despite his various interludes with several of the other members of the Theurgy’s crew, Lorad’s mind always found itself drifting back to thoughts of the woman that he had encountered on the beach that night. He had had few interactions with her since then but the Reman’s mind always found itself thinking about her and he was unsure of why. He assumed that most people would agree that his other encounters with females would be more memorable.

Still, she had asked, and he had accepted, meeting her moments ago at the Theurgy’s transporters. After a few words of greeting, the crew member present beamed them down to the yacht. Now, as he stepped off the pad and onto the vessel’s deck, Lorad took in the view out the large windows of the vast, empty ocean beyond.

“Thank you, Cameron,” Lorad intoned as he looked down at the woman standing beside him. He still couldn’t put his finger on it but there was something about her that enamoured him. And he hoped to find out why. “For inviting me to join you.”

Hi everyone. Welcome to the yacht party thread. Below you will find the details of the yacht. I will keep the thread open to all to participate in and can supply character/s as needed if anyone needs someone to interact with.

The Yacht is anchored in the middle of the ocean, approximately 200km away from the city.

I am currently planning to have the Kaiju arrive at approximately 1830 local time, so around sunset.

Image: The Eclipse while docked in Aldea Prime.

The Eclipse
162.5 meters long
22 meters wide
5.9 meters of draft

2 shuttlepads, 1 transporter room, 24 guest cabins (double bed in each), two swimming pools, 4 hot tubs, disco hall and 4 holosuites. The yacht is equipped with a UV shield to protect the passengers. Crew of ~70. 3 Motor lauches and a single 2-man submersible capable of descending to 100 meters.

Passenger complement of around 100 I'd think.

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #1
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Stegro88
Cameron was probably going above and beyond to make Lorad feel comfortable among the crew of the Theurgy. She didn't mind taking the time or trouble, as she felt a kind of kindred spirit within him. After opening up to him about her suicide attempt some nights back, she had been strangely frank and honest with him, plus very comfortable in his presence. She felt no burden, no need for secrecy if she showed any friendliness beyond professional. He was essentially a civilian on board, and most decorum was not necessary where he was concerned. It was certainly quite liberating.

She also realized she needed more friends than she'd allowed herself to have before. Lorad had quickly began filling that role nicely, though they'd hardly had a chance to spend time since their first meeting, she'd felt a connection, and today, she reckoned it was time they explored this friendship some more. Quite aware that she was asking him outside of his comfort zone, she wondered if she was putting any strain on his health and tolerances considering how Remans lived and the conditions of their world, so she'd checked everything and made sure the ship was equipped with a proper environment room if things got too uncomfortable for him. She herself enjoyed the chance to experience an Aldean late afternoon sun and the beach. No telling when they'd get a chance to experience this again, or if they'd live long enough for a next time, so best to make the most of it.

She'd thrown on a simple black two-piece bikini, and wore a loose white long sleeved blouse, white shorts, and flip-flops. The white clothing was a bit sheer, and her bikini was visible underneath them, but she didn't mind. Compared to some people, she was actually quite modest in her attire. She'd tentatively slipped her arm around Lorad's elbow, not sure if he understood the custom or gesture, so she let her limb hang loose unless he gave her an indication that this was all right with him. Once they beamed down, he spoke to her, and she smiled up at him, her brown eyes catching the rays of the sunlight and making them shine a little, “My pleasure, Lorad. Hey, if it gets too uncomfortable, let me know okay? There's a room that may be more to your liking below decks.”

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #2
[Lt Rhys Williams |Transporter Room 5| Deck 25| Vector 3| USS Theurgy] Atn: @Stegro88 , @Triage

Leave was calling. Rhys had been unsure and uncomfortable about it. There was so much work to do and so many people to see, but even he had to face the truth. He was stressed and flagging quite badly. He would not be surprised if he started to go grey before his time. The people who came to see him deserved better than someone barely struggling along and holding on to their own sanity by their fingertips.

Rhys was not great at relaxing, he was often a ball of emotional panicky stress. However, when he had heard that the Aldeans had allowed those crew on shore leave the use of a yacht that was something he found hard to resist. Rhys had loved the water all his life, he enjoyed messing about with boats and he had grown up in a good area for it. The Anglesey was a tiny island just off the Welsh coast, and the stretch of water between was called the Menai Straight. Rhys had been born practically on that coast and had swam from one coast to the other a few times.

The idea of spending time on The Eclipse was appealing. Just to take in the sea air and be on real water again. So, his appointments had been cleared, and Rhys was dressed very casually. A hoody with a zip down the centre and some shorts. He felt slightly odd being dressed that way in a transporter room, which was a sure sign it had been too long since he took any leave. He nodded to the operator and soon in a familiar flash of light he left The Theurgy.

[Lt. Rhys Williams| Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ]

On his way up from the transporter room, Rhys was more than a little over awed by the scale of the boat. He had known it would be big, but it seemed huge at least compared to the boats he had been used to using. It was lavishly decorated, perhaps a little too ostentatious for his tastes but still beautiful. The planet itself was warm, and he found himself unzipping his hoody and flapping it a little at himself in an ineffective method of keeping cool. “Only one thing for it.” He said to himself. “I think I have earned myself a cooling drink.” He smiled a big rare smile that few people ever really got to see, and set off in search of the bar.

Soon, the young man was stood at the bar a glass of chilled amber liquid in his hand looking out across the sea and letting out a sigh. Out of this sigh tensions and stresses he had been carrying with him for just this moment fell from his shoulders like rocks in a landslide. The air was warmer than where he had been born for sure, and boat was far grander, but he still felt this happy familiar feeling. Like he was treading over old paths he had not been down in years. He raised a silent toast to Aldea and stood staring out across the sea with not very much running through his head.

(OOC: How Rhys is dressed)

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #3
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Juzzie
(OOC What Adam is wearing upon beam in):

The transporter effect went away and he was immediately bombarded by the heat and sun. It was a little too much but thankfully he wasn’t wearing too much. His black thigh length shorts was probably not a good idea as black absorbs the sun but he was going for a theme here of a casual bow tie suit look. He would take the shorts off as he had matching themed boxers on with a print of a suit on it which he found amusing.

He looked around to see who else was onboard and found Rhys. He waved and grinned. "Hey man, nice day for a party." He said gesturing around at the pleasant peaceful day. "Do you know what they have planned for us?"

Adam noticed a Reman man, he went through his memory of ship reports and recalled his name is Lorad, speaking with a young woman, whom he recognised as the Captain’s Yeoman Cameron Henshaw. He gave a respectful head bob at them when they saw him. He’d wanted to meet the Reman but duties had prevented it so far. Now he could but he waited for Rhys’ response before he would excuse himself to say hello to Cameron and Lorad.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #4
[ Deacon | K'Ren and Deacon's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn 

Deacon stared at the outfit laid out on the bed chewing on the inside of his cheek.  It was a decision he'd put off until the last possible moment, even when he'd slipped into his uniform to prepare for the breakfast shift this morning.  True, it was a uniform in name only, having only a base resemblance to those worn by the rest of the crew, but it was a stylistic choice to blend in with the rest of the pride.

But now he stood in his boxers, his uniform neatly stowed, trying to decide which of the outfits he'd been given was the most appropriate.  Birthday gifts, mostly from K'Ren, inspired by images of his father that she had come across in reviewing his personnel file.  They had similar features, she'd posited, and as Deacon had no real experience or taste as far as Human fashion went, she felt this was a reasonable starting point for him to explore. 

He was absolutely forbidden to wear his traditional t-shirt and pants.  This was meant to be a party and if he showed up in his overly practical attire, she'd likely scratch his eyes out, and so the quandary persisted.  Still, this had, in part, been his idea.  Since returning from their last trip planetside, K'Ren had seemed... pensive, her encounter there seeming to have left a foul taste in her mouth.  He'd done his best to counsel her, assure her that danger did not persist in the shadows, but she did not share his faith in the Fanged God, and his words seemed to hold no lasting comfort for.

Lifting up one of the shirts, he pulled it on -- a charcoal button up replicated from a traditional Earth fabric.  Denim.  In fact, much of what he had been presented was made of the same material.  His father, it seemed, was a bit of a romantic for old textiles.  Still many of the old portraits made his more casual attire appear worn and unpresentable.  Deacon was thankful that K'Ren had considered his more fastidious leanings and avoided those articles that seemed torn and threadbare.

Lifting his gaze towards the door that lead to their bath, he knew K'Ren was preparing beyond. A faint chill ran down his spine.  The room was a touch colder than he preferred; as much of the ship tended to be.  Without his fur, it was difficult to remain warm.  What he had always seen as a matter of monkey modesty he supposed could double as monkey warmth.  Jeans.  That was the word given to the pants that he pulled on over his boxers, carefully maintaining his balance against the nearby chair. 

His boots seemed a bit much, but he had been presented with a pair of shoes that were said to be of an athletic design -- flexible in the feet and yet providing the ankle support he'd been prescribed thanks to his care at the hands of the Savi.  If he stayed barefoot, he had a tendency to lean forward into the balls of his feet and this would cause painful cramping in his legs after a time.  Two weeks later and it was still a struggle to keep his feet flatly planted against the ground.

The remainder was what he supposed others might call cosmetic -- a three tiered necklace of beads to represent his union with K'Ren and the memory of the kit they'd been denied; a leather bracelet on his right wrist to represent his grandfather and two more entwined on his left to represent his parents, and finally a hat to offset the forecast of a slight breeze and his glasses to avoid excessive stress on his eyes.  Well, they served other functions as well, not the least of which was to reinforce his memory when his prosopagnosia proved insurmountable.  It also allowed him to review texts from his classes during his down time.  Leisure was a luxury he tended to deny himself until he'd reached exhaustion.

Even this, despite his desire to enjoy the feel of a real sun on his face, was something he did for K'Ren and to keep an eye on the pride.  It was his training that kept him wary and his sense of responsibility that would not allow him to relax.

As the door opened to the bath, he looked up, holding his hands slightly to the side.  "Does this look correct?"

OOC - Deacon's attire for the party

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #5
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse ] Attn: @Triage

When Cameron had slipped her arm around his elbow, Lorad was surprised at first. He hadn’t expected such a public display as was now experiencing but he also discovered in that moment that he enjoyed the feel of her arm on his own. He fully believed that if someone were in that instance to disrupt them, that he might throw them overboard, at the very least. Either way, her touch was relaxing him and making him forget about the anxiety he was feeling about being on unfavourable terrain; that is, the ocean that surrounded their vessel.

“I will,” Lorad affirmed, grateful for her concern. He had been working on his Federation Standard over their time at Aldea; more so in the last week when he had come to his decision. Now it was time to use it as best he could. “I should be alright though. I was told that my, ah, visor might be a bit odd here and I was given something to wear instead,” he attempted to explain. He wasn’t sure how clear he was though; he knew what he wanted to say but whether that was what emerged was another story. Reaching into the pocket of the shirt that he had also been provided, he withdrew the sunglasses and slowly settled them on his face. 

“How do I look?” Lorad asked, trying his best to offer a smile but knowing that his toothy visage didn’t help him appear as happy and liberated as he felt. Not even when he was with his family on Bacury III had Lorad felt as free as he did standing there on the deck of the Eclipse, even though he was surrounded by the ocean vast. And then there was Cameron Henshaw. Despite his recent encounters with other females, the Human beside him drew his attention, and held it; even in the face of the many others around them both that were wearing much less than she was. 

“So, what would you like to do first?” Lorad asked, not having a preference of his own. “Swimming in the ocean is beyond my abilities but I believe I could survive an encounter with the pool I was told this ship had. Among its many other features.”

[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Pool Deck | Eclipse ]

Climbing out of the pool, Donna pulled her wet hair back behind her ears and looked around at the new faces that had arrived while she had been swimming. She’d gotten here early, just as the sun had been rising, to enjoy the view before deciding that a relaxing swim in the water had been in order. The Eclipse had been emptier then, but it was now filling up as the day progressed and other members of the Theurgy crew decided to avail themselves of the generously offered facilities provided by the Aldean government.

Padding across the deck, water running off her body, the pilot walked up to the bar and stopped near two men, one wearing a hooded top and shorts while the other wore a ridiculous bow tie. She had seen both around the Theurgy a few times in the two weeks she had been aboard but had never spoken to either directly.

“Rum,” she requested of the bartender and as they moved off to get her drink, Donna turned to look around at the ship and the people gathered. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves and Donna couldn’t help but wonder how long their raised spirits would last.

They couldn’t hide here forever.

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #6
[ K'Ren | K'Ren and Deacon's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
Getting ready for this party, K'Ren had moved into the bathroom to let Deacon figure out his outfit while she preened herself. She'd been to these parties on earth during her time at the academy, and she'd been quite the social butterfly, enjoying the parties and social atmosphere. This time however, she wasn't sure if she wanted to go planet side again. She knew that she'd be surrounded by her crew-mates, and there were supposed to be guards posted to protect the group as a whole, but it didn't stop her from worrying, pensive Deacon had called it when he tried to reassure her they'd be safe.

But she was determined to go ahead with the party, make a public show of having shrugged off the Savi and Orion kidnappings, and was back to her normal self. She was physically back to her normal self, after the Orion kidnapping, the medical staff had determined that the nanite based drug they'd used to cause her pain (and break her will) had been interacting with her Caitian physiology, and she was forced to accept V9's offer to return her back to the hybrid state she was born as.

As a result, she looked more her again, her thick luxurious fur thinner and shorter, leaving her face looking more human, her dark hair more human like and pronounced. She'd already slipped into a white sundress, a classic summer party dress that showed off her body, not too much covered, but not too little, like a bikini might. The dress also let her tail hang out below it, a common challenge of wearing human outfits, the monkeys didn't have tails so it never factored into their clothing.

Finishing brushing her hair, making sure she was as close to perfect as she could be, K'Ren slipped on the last part of the outfit, a small silver necklace with a little string of beads on it, similar to one Deacon was wearing, a symbol of their mateship, and also a small symbol of their mourning for the cub they'd never see this side of death. Once clasped at the back, K'Ren was ready, and she took a couple of breaths, trying to calm her nerves.

Stepping out, she saw Deacon standing there, dressed and if she did say so, looking sharp in the outfit he'd chosen from the options she'd given him. She smiled, nodding. "It looks perfect Deacon. You look sharp and ready to party." She turned slowly, "What do you think mate? How do I look?"

OOC Note: Some references in this post refer to a thread which has not been written yet.

Outfit Refs: [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #7
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] attn: @Sqweloookle  @Stegro88

Rhys had been off in his own little world. A world of bitter sweet memories and enough nostalgia  to power a ship. So when he was greeted by Adam actually gave a start nearly leaping in the air and producing a noise that sounded worryingly like he had injured himself in some critical way. He placed a hand over his beating heart and laughed. “Sorry I was in my own little world there…” The site that greeted him involved the handsome Adam Kingston without a shirt.

This of course meant that Rhys went instantly red, and despite all of his efforts was staring at the other man’s chest. This had been a mistake clearly. There was a woman who had been getting out of the pool as well who had made his face go red. Rhys chastised himself for acting like a teenager meeting their favourite idol. Instead he attempted to remember himself and calm down. “Yes it’s a great day for a party. Sadly I don’t know what is planned. I’ve always just loved being on boats.” He smiled wistfully looking out over the sea.

He looked out of the corner of his eye at the other officer. “Do you have any hopes for what they might have planned for us?” Rhys had been eying the pool, and was sorely tempted to climb into the water and swim around. Clearly he should have been born into a species that was made for water rather than as a dull human. He sipped his drink and nodded in the direction of the bar. “Want something? The drinks are pretty good.” He smiled.


Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #8
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Juzzie @Stegro88
(OOC What Adam is wearing):

It was one thing that drew Adam to Rhys was how cute he was when the counselor went red. The Master-At-Arms smiled at the blushing man and glanced at the other man’s chest as well. The urge to touch was just a little too overwhelming but he somehow managed to stay right where he was. ”I do apologise for surprising you Rhys.” He said as he followed Rhys’ gaze over to a woman getting out of the pool.

She was quite beautiful, and walked passed them to the bar. Adam smirked and when she looked back at their direction he waved at her. ”She’s pretty hot,” he remarked as he leaned over a bit to Rhys.

Adam suddenly recalled Rhys’ question and frowned. ”To answer your earlier question, some music would be good. Maybe some dancers.” He smirked. ”Aldea is famous for the arts so it would be great to hear and see some of it while we are here. Speaking of which, would you like to go see some art with me sometime Rhys?” He asked, since his leaving stasis he had felt more alive and being near death made him appreciate life more.

He didn’t want to miss any opportunities for anything. Again he recalled the last question Rhys asked. A drink offer. He had to think what he wanted, ”what are you drinking?” Adam asked gesturing to the beverage Rhys held.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #9
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse ] Attn: @Triage

When Cameron had slipped her arm around his elbow, Lorad was surprised at first. He hadn’t expected such a public display as was now experiencing but he also discovered in that moment that he enjoyed the feel of her arm on his own. He fully believed that if someone were in that instance to disrupt them, that he might throw them overboard, at the very least. Either way, her touch was relaxing him and making him forget about the anxiety he was feeling about being on unfavourable terrain; that is, the ocean that surrounded their vessel.

“I will,” Lorad affirmed, grateful for her concern. He had been working on his Federation Standard over their time at Aldea; more so in the last week when he had come to his decision. Now it was time to use it as best he could. “I should be alright though. I was told that my, ah, visor might be a bit odd here and I was given something to wear instead,” he attempted to explain. He wasn’t sure how clear he was though; he knew what he wanted to say but whether that was what emerged was another story. Reaching into the pocket of the shirt that he had also been provided, he withdrew the sunglasses and slowly settled them on his face. 

“How do I look?” Lorad asked, trying his best to offer a smile but knowing that his toothy visage didn’t help him appear as happy and liberated as he felt. Not even when he was with his family on Bacury III had Lorad felt as free as he did standing there on the deck of the Eclipse, even though he was surrounded by the ocean vast. And then there was Cameron Henshaw. Despite his recent encounters with other females, the Human beside him drew his attention, and held it; even in the face of the many others around them both that were wearing much less than she was. 

“So, what would you like to do first?” Lorad asked, not having a preference of his own. “Swimming in the ocean is beyond my abilities but I believe I could survive an encounter with the pool I was told this ship had. Among its many other features.”
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @SummerDawn, @SteelPhoenix, @Stegro88, @Juzzie & @Sqweloookle
Cameron was mildly impressed by Lorad's rapid improvements in Federation Standard. The availability of a Universal Translator often negated the need for knowledge on linguistics but it was a flaw that was easily exploited or used that can severely derail communications. So the fact that Lorad could speak sentences was most impressive to the young woman. And for her part, she'd taken some time to learn Reman words. Not that there was a danger here of the UT being compromised, but it felt good to know she could speak it if necessary. She wasn't going to win any spelling bees or spout Reman poetry anytime soon, but she reckoned she knew enough to save her life if she had to.

She smiled up at him when he asked how he looked with the sunglasses. She wasn't sure if he was grimacing though, but she kept smiling. “I think you look snazzy as the Risians say.”

In the course of their short conversation, other Theurgists were beginning to show up or made their presence known, and Cameron studied the people quietly, analyzing them without thinking. She realized she was falling back into her old habits as a Counselor, and mentally shook off the habit. Turning back to Lorad, she answered him easily, “Yeah, the pool sounds quite survivable, as opposed to the ocean.”

She felt a thrum on the floorboard and glanced over at a nearby server, who just smiled and nodded at her, offering a tray of delicacies to her. Politely accepting a type of finger food, she took the man's behaviour to mean that thrumming was perfectly normal on this planet. “Not that you'll see anything of real interest in Aldea's oceans. Almost every sea creature went extinct, and only the deep sea creatures may have potentially survived, but of those, I've only seen one, and he's a little fellow I named Marcell. Curious creature. Anyway, c'mon, lets see if all those swimming lessons paid off.” She slowly led him towards the pool, and she waved at the various people, even calling out, “Hullo Adam! Rhys! Care to join us for a little swim?”

She hadn't bothered to invite Donna whom she saw getting out of the pool and heading to the bar for a drink, and the newlyweds, on an instinctual memory about cats and water. But whether it really applied was another matter, but she smiled and waved at them too.

Cameron's outfit

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #10
[ Deacon | K'Ren and Deacon's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn 

Overdressed.  That was the first word that came to mind.  Under any other circumstance, given the time off and opportunity, he would rather spend the time wrapped up in his mate's embrace in coital bliss, but his duties to both her and the ship required that he set aside such carnal mischief.  He wondered how many other males in his position with such opportunity would make the same choice.

A playful smirk tugged at his lips as he moved over to her, lightly stroking her cheek.  "Beautiful, as always," he stated, opting for his second, less-scandalous answer, letting his mischevious look hint at his initial instinct.  Fortunately, they would be beaming down to the ship, so it wasn't entirely necessary to arrive at the port to disembark, but delaying their arrival overmuch could be taken as disrespectful to their hosts.

"We should get to the transporter room and head down," he noted after a moment of silence.  "I've studied the course we're set to sail.  It should be rather warm most of the trip."  At this point, he couldn't be certain if he was reassuring her or making small talk to afford her the opportunity to forestall her discomfort or, alternatively, back out entirely.  It was the constant struggle between his two halves.  Here, he reasoned, that being Kzinti alone would make the moment all that much easier -- just to tell her to attend.  And yet, knowing his mate, such an edict would likely receive the Scar response.  Or at least end any potential for future mating he might hope to have.  No, humanity had the advantage here.

He held out his hand. "Ready?"

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #11
[ K'Ren | K'Ren and Deacon's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix
K'Ren purred at the complement about her dress. She liked it, knew that human males enjoyed seeing her in it, and was pleased Deacon liked it. She also knew he preferred seeing her less clothed, they were both more comfortable naked, their respective species weren't as concerned with modesty as humans, natural fur was usually enough of a cover. Looking up into his eyes as he stepped closer, stroking her cheek, she leaned into his hand as he caressed her face.

"I guess we should," she said, far less ready for this then she was trying to put forward. She wanted to back out, stay on the ship and not go down. She also knew she needed to step out, face her fears like a grown women, and not let her fears hold her back. She'd survived this latest trial, though her failure to resist, her broken response to the Orion women just before her mate showed up, still nagged at her, still made her feel like a failure.

She looked at him, trying to psyche herself up, put on a strong face for her mate. She took his hand, forcing herself to do this. "No." she said softly, admitting the truth, "But we do this anyways."

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #12
[ Lt. Kala Marika | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @everyone
Kala's outfit:
Seeing the note to the ship's crew about a private party down on Aldea Prime, she just knew she had to go. She'd not taken a proper break from work since she'd transferred out of the shipyards in Mars, so the chance to get off this ship, even if for a few hours or a few days, was a welcome release. And with the beautiful conditions of the planet below, there was no way she could turn the offer down.

As she materialized, she had no idea who she'd meet, outside of the engineering staff, and the other survivors, she'd had little contact with the rest of the crew. At the very least, she might hopefully meet a few new faces. Dressed in white hiphuggers jeans and a bikini top (the bottoms were beneath her jeans, just in case) she wasn't out of place at the party. First thing to do was find a drink, and then she could start mingling. The bar thankfully, wasn't far away, under the shade of an awning near one side of the main deck, and she made an easy beeline for the bar.

It was only once she had a drink in hand, a classic Terran mojito, that she began to look around, seeing who all was here. There were a few men standing around, mostly in shorts though one wore a bowtie and cuffs on an otherwise bare body. She'd seen it before, in a Chippendale's show (they were still around) and it seemed a little out of place, but who was she to judge. She noticed an alien standing near a human lady talking. He looked vaguely Romulan, but more like a Romulan that'd caught a blast of warp plasma to the face. She wouldn't judge the man, he was an alien and who was she to judge standards of beauty, and his human companion seemed perfectly at ease with him.

Glancing around, she also noticed as another party beamed in, this time a couple from the looks of it, a rather tall striking human, with a noticeably shorter, feline on his arm. The man was very much human, tall, well built, the sort of guy who'd be a challenge to spar with. The women with him by contrast, a good foot shorter, lithe, almost skinny. Her features were feline, but also distinctly human as well, a hybrid no doubt, Cait most likely. She seemed to be holding onto him, perhaps unsure about a gathering like this?

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #13
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] @Sqweloookle @Stegro88

Rhys accepted Adam’s apology, with a friendly pat on the shoulder. “Its fine. After what we have all been through recently, I am sure I won’t be the only one who is a bit jumpy.” Many people on the ship seemed to have been conditioned to expect something bad to happen at any moment. Of course, that was because of everything that had piled onto their shoulders in recent times.

It was then of course that the embarrassment returned. Adam had noticed him eying and attractive woman. That of course made him pink faced and nervous. “Yes, she is…” He paused “Not that you are not either. You are very attractive.” This he mumbled quietly, at a volume that was calculated carefully to allow him to pretend he had said something else if Adam was not interested. Rhys was always nervous about expressing interest in others he had not done very well on the relationship front with either men or women. He came across as awkward and odd, which were not winning combinations. Most people liked someone outwardly confident, relaxed and cheerful. Rhys struggled to be any of those things.

Adan then mentioned dancers with a smirk. Rhys furrowed his brow. “Really. Sadly, I am not good at dancing myself. Far too un-coordinated.” He nodded about the art. He had heard Aldea was quite well know for that kind of thing but as far as art worked, he was a little bit of a philistine. Music he got, he played a couple of instruments passably. In addition, he seemed to have subconsciously slipped into various Welsh stereotypes one of which was for a love of singing. He had been in choirs and alike in his childhood in Wales and had shyly taken part in a few in Starfleet. “I’d be happy to go with you. Sadly, I know very little about art.” He smiled nervously and wondered if this was an offer of a date. It sounded like one but asking might shatter that precious illusion. So he kept his mouth shut on that score.

“Oh drinks?” he looked down at his nearly empty glass and drained it licked his lips and stared at the glass for a moment. “You know… I don’t think I asked. Its something Aldean” He said making a gesture. “I think…. Let’s ask the guy who served me?” He said smiling his little awkward smile.

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #14
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Triage @Juzzie
(OOC What Adam is wearing):

So many more people were appearing and he had waved at most of them before the Yeoman called at him and Rhys. ”Maybe in a bit,” Adam called back to the yeoman with a smile before turning back to Rhys. ”Speaking of which, I hope the crew is not draining the counseling department too hard,” Adam said with an encouraging smile.

Adam grinned. ”Why thank you, it’s the tie isn’t it?” He chuckled softly as he pointed to the collar and tie around his neck, it was feeling a little erotic but he quickly focused. ”Maybe I could teach you to dance?” Nope he lost it to the image of him and Rhys dancing, holding each other close as they swayed… Okay he blinked as he realised that Rhys had accepted his invite and grinned, it softened when Rhys seemed to not know much about, well most things.

”I don’t know much either, I just like looking at it,” Adam said, he rubbed his hands together. ”Excellent, it’s a date,” he declared and then his stomach rumbled clearly reminding him about that drink and maybe some nibbles.

”Yeah I think we should go ask the bartender, are you hungry?” Adam asked gesturing for Rhys to accompany him to the bar.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #15
[ Samala | Pool Deck | Eclipse ]

Samala had been almost at the door to the quarters she shared with her brother Lorad, when the Reman in question stepped out of them, wearing the oddest set of garments, she had ever seen him garbed in. It was positively Terran in its design. Black shorts that left his lower legs exposed and a black shirt of the same colour but decorated with a flame design reaching up from the bottom hem of it. She was so taken aback by the situation that she couldn’t help but stalk after her brother to find out where he could be going.

Samala didn’t know the Terran female that her brother met outside the ship’s transporter room but had seen her around the ship during her walks. Her outer clothing did little to hide the swimwear that she wore beneath it and the sight of the two of them together perplexed her in a way she couldn’t quite describe. As they entered the transporter room, Samala turned about and sprinted back to her quarters. Not 5 minutes later, the hybrid returned to the transporter room, now freshly showered and casually dressed, and commanded the operator to send her to the same place that he had sent her brother and the woman.

[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Pool Deck | Eclipse ]

Donna was enjoying her drink, watching as those around her chatted and relaxed in a way that only shore leave allowed. She had spied Lorad with Ensign Henshaw and smiled to herself, thinking how different the two of them were to each other. Still, sometimes it was that difference that drew people together. And if anyone needed someone in their lives that they could count on, it was those too.

As the two passed her, headed towards the pool, Donna caught movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to see Samala, Lorad’s younger sister, lurking in the shadows near the transporter room. The woman’s gaze was locked onto her brother’s back and it suddenly dawned on Donna that Samala was stalking her brother. Grinning to herself, she picked up her drink and sidled over to lean against the doorframe in front of girl.

“They make an interesting pair, your brother and the Ensign,” Donna observed as she watched Lorad step into the pool and offer his cybernetic hand to his companion. “Why don’t we go to one of the upper decks and talk more there?”

[ Tesserarius Lorad | Pool Deck | Eclipse ] Attn: @Triage 

Lorad, somewhat uncomfortable in the social setting but unwilling to show it, remained calm as Cameron guided him across the deck of the yacht towards the pool. The thrum of what he assumed was the vessel’s engines could be felt through his feet, but he paid it no mind as the ship’s crew seemingly ignored it. Instead he focused on his companion.

She looked, to his mismatched eyes, completely at ease and without a care in the galaxy. He wasn’t sure if this was truly the case or not, but he decided against bringing it up unless she did. No sense in causing trouble where there seemingly was none. If she was troubled, then this could be an escape from it. If she wasn’t then this was a way to recovery from her recent past.

“Indeed,” Lorad intoned when Cameron mentioned his swimming lessons. Much like his command of Federation Standard, he had been working towards improving his lack of ability in the water. He still had a long way to go but he believed he would not immediately drown if he entered it now. As they walked, he noticed Donna standing at the counter enjoying a drink and his mind flashed back to the day he had spent with her, being drawn by the Trill, and what had happened afterwards. Thinking on it, he understood now that that had been a physical encounter, nothing more. Today, now, was an emotional one. He wanted to connect with Cameron Henshaw, to understand her. But did she want the same of him?

Pausing at the side of the pool, Lorad looked down at the Terran at his side and wondered what, if anything he should say? Would it be rude to ask? Presumptuous? Shedding his footwear, Lorad stepped down into the water, descending the steps until the water was around his knees. Turning back, Lorad held out his end, offering to help Cameron into the water if she wished.

“Cameron,” Lorad said, looking at her, his arm still outstretched. “I am grateful you asked me here today. But I curious. Why did you ask me here?”

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #16
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @SummerDawn, @SteelPhoenix, @Stegro88, @Juzzie & @Sqweloookle
Why indeed. Cameron smiled the whole time, but her eyes were searching within herself as she stared straight at the Reman. Was it odd that she felt comfortable around him? Maybe it was because whatever baggage either carried with them, it was unrelated to one another, or that they didn't unload it upon each other. Whatever it was, the girl wasn't sure, but she formulated as logical an answer as she could on short notice, “Because you're my friend, and because...I guess I wanted to spend some time getting to know you a bit better.”

She smiled wanly and looked away for a moment, staring out over the sea. There were odd ripples in the water close to the boat.

“It feels like this will go on forever,” said Cameron, “but I know it won't, so I figure we should all enjoy it as much as we can while we can.”

She craned her neck to look up at him, since she stood so close to him, it was hard to look right into his eyes from her angle, “Maybe you might want to stay here, even. It's not the most comfortable, I guess, but I think there's worse places to live in.”

She had accepted his offered hand when he'd given it to her, and she daintily stepped into the pool, only her footing was not as accurate as she hoped and she slipped down the last few steps, her face colliding violently against Lorad, “Owph!”

She learnt that day how solid Remans could be, and she'd be lucky if she didn't need a nose readjustment later. Balancing against him, Cameron shook her head, trying to uncross her eyes, “Sorry! Yeah, I'm fine...I think. Nothing broken...”

She touched her nose lightly, nothing broken, but a droplet of red slid out one nostril, “Oh bollocks...”

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #17
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Nolan 

Faye was humming a tune that only she could hear as she strode up the steps and out into the bright sunlight of Aldea Prime. The deck moved subtly under her bare feet with each step she took, which was something she wasn't used to, but the very small patch under her right ear should take care of that. She'd had a quick check in and chat with medical earlier that morning, before beaming down to the yacht, and was reassured that the device was calibrated to prevent motion sickness - sea sickness, specifically - in Betazoid women.  Thus she'd be able to enjoy the party without worrying about losing her breakfast.

And speaking of medical, she thought with a grin, turning and walking backwards a bit, to hold a hand out to the woman that followed her onto the deck. News that general leave was granted to all crew on a rotating cycle to attend a party hosted on the crews behalf by the Aldean locals had once again tugged at Faye's heart strings, and justifying this as a 'diplomatic outing' she'd decided that it would highly rude not to attend. And there was no way she was going to a party without a date. While the defrosted telepath had a few friends (with benefits) she might have called on for an escort to the boat bash, luck would have it that a certain nurse was free at the same time. Schedules had simply worked out that way, with no needed adjustments for 'diplomatic purposes' (this time) and Faye pounced on the opportunity to drag Riley Patterson out on a date.

Relations between the two had steadily, if swiftly, escalated to something rare and special, and the Betazoid was feeling playful, willing to put a little risk into things for a party where no one's rank or position would be on display. The Theurgy was a massive Dreadnaught-type ship, and even understaffed as it was, there were a lot of people in the crew (many of which were recent 'transfers' from vessels no longer in service). She was reasonably certain no one at the party would care that an Ensign brought a Petty Officer along as a date. If they noticed at all.

Thus it was that she came to a stop, one hand on her yellow bikini clad hip, the other gripping Riley's tightly as she surveyed the pool deck. The wind off the port bow came up and blew her hair back, bringing with it the smells and sounds of the ocean - sensations she was starting to truly love, given how many times she'd hit the beaches here since their ship had made orbit. The eventual departure was going to be hell on her, but as the Terrans were fond of saying, that was 'future Faye's' problem. Faye of today had no worries at all,

"I think we found the right place," she said with a wide grin, turning to glance up at the human woman who stood all of an inch taller than her. There was a hint of thrill in her voice, fed from the very public nature of what was happening, and the feelings of excitement  from everyone around them. It was infection, and a smile split her face and she wagged her eyebrows, working to elicit a laugh from the non-com.

ooc: Fayes outfit:


Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #18
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Pool Deck | Eclipse ] Attn: @Triage

Lorad feared he had overstepped with his question when Cameron didn’t reply at first. He went back over the words he had used to ask his question and as far as he could tell, there was no hidden meaning or insult in them; not that he was an expert. According to the programs he had been working through, his Federation Standard was at a rudimentary level. It was improving, but slowly as he had to develop skills in other areas of the language beyond just speech to progress to the next level.

When she finally started to speak after what felt like an eternity, Lorad listened as she explained her reasons. And he echoed those reasons. He wanted to spend time with her and get to know her better as well. Something drew her attention for a moment but before he could see what it was, Cameron had begun speaking again, drawing him back to her.

“Nothing lasts forever,” Lorad intoned softly, looking down at the Terran. She was so much shorter and smaller than he was that Lorad had to remind himself to always be wary of where she was. He had seen the aftermath of someone colliding with her and he didn’t want to be the cause of something similar. “All we have is now.” 

Lorad’s answer to her proposal of staying on Aldea was interrupted by Cameron’s less than graceful entry into the pool. He wasn’t sure what had caused it but she had slipped somehow and the hand that had been offered to steady her instead acted like a pivot, bringing Cameron’s face around to slam into Lorad’s firm frame. The impact hadn’t even unsteadied the Reman but soon enough he discovered that Cameron had not been so lucky as he watched blood begin to slip from her nose.

Lorad dropped, quite abruptly, to sit on the pool’s steps, bringing his face down so that it was on the same level as Cameron’s he still held onto one of her hands and found his other grasping her upper arm to hold her still. He wasn’t even sure when it had gotten there. Still, the blood remained his focus and the Reman began to worry about what other injuries she might have. He brought the hand from her arm up to check her but seeing it next to her head, comparing the size of his Reman hand to her face, Lorad drew back, afraid to hurt her even more than he already had.

“I’m sorry, Cameron,” Lorad apologised, his eyes dropping to the water of the pool. He couldn’t bring himself to look at her and the look of fear and reproach that he was certain was on her face. “I’m very sorry.”

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #19
[ Deacon | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @SummerDawn  @Sqweloookle  @Stegro88  @Juzzie  @Triage  @Brutus

Deacon's eye crossed the assembled members of the crew, a faint scowl marking his features as he caught a glimpse of some of the attire that they had felt appropriate for such a gathering.  Clearly he would need to keep tabs on the crew lest the inevitable lasciviousness unfold.  It was unfortunate he did not have control of the intoxicants for this event as he has a feeling they may well play a large hand in any future foolishness.

Still, he could not recall the captain giving any explicit direction regarding appropriate clothing so it was hardly a matter he could chastise them over.

Placing a hand reassuringly on her own wrapped around his arm, he tilted his head slightly.  "Do you want a drink?"  In small doses, he knew that alcohol could at least ease nerves and he was concerned that K'Ren may be too much inside her own head to relax.  But they were among the crew and he was there to ensure nothing untoward might befall her.

"Or there is a pool," he added, allowing his gaze to move on towards the amenities that appeared to have attracted a healthy amount of activity.  "Or we could look out at the ocean," he offered, indicating a row of seats near the aft of the deck offering an unobstructed view of the glimmering horizon.

It was a struggle for him to set his pride to the side, to indulge his human half and leave the decision to K'Ren, but he didn't want to dominate her or overwhelm her.  He wanted her as she had been when he first met her -- someone who could put him in fear of his own life.  He paused, considering that thought for a prolonged moment before giving her a wry smirk of assurance.

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #20
[ PO2 Riley Patterson | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Brutus

Riley had worked yesterday evening and had found the time to sleep in before Faye woke her up. The Betazoid had already dressed herself up in the yellow clad bikini as she had asked Riley along for a party aboard a yacht of all things. Patterson hadn't been sure if she were dreaming or not, though the Betazoid had made a perfectly good example to illustrate that this was in fact real time and real world. Dragging herself out of bed, Riley had continued to take a sonic shower before replicating herself a black bikini. She produced a thin blue veil to cover her up so she'd be at least decent when roaming throughout the ship and down on the planet.

Being lead through the ship until they came to a stop on a more overseeing area, Riley was holding hands with Faye as she breathed in the ocean smell and felt the warm sun on her. It reminded her of their little trip to the beach, a decadent feast of lust and flesh. A bonding experience all together though as the two lovers simply were brought closer to one another. Riley undid the veil she had been wearing and as the sun kissed her skin, the nurse sighed at her choice of bikini. She undid the straps a little in order to prevent some tan lines as the fabric held on perfectly to her chest.

The Betazoid pointed out that they found the right place and her non verbal suggestion triggered the non com to laugh and shake her head before she traced her fingers over her cheek, pushing some hair aside "You're so adorable at times." she replied with a grin before she kissed Faye's shoulder and hugged her from behind "Where do you want to go first?" she asked as she looked around, taking in the sights and various ongoing activities. She worked her hair into two braids and tails before letting them hang loosely as she pursed her lips together.

Oddly enough, Riley had a song stuck in her head, unsure where she heard it or where it originated from. Unbeknownst to her it was the same tune Faye had been humming earlier on as she swayed her hips to the tone that was stuck in her head.

Riley's outfit: [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #21
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Brutus, @Nolan, @SummerDawn, @SteelPhoenix, @Stegro88, @Juzzie & @Sqweloookle
“Good heavens,” said Cameron with a small laugh, “what are you being sorry for? I'm the one who introduced her face to that hull plating you call your body.” she playfully slapped her palm against his solid chest two times, the impact of which would have been felt if she were perhaps a hundred pounds heavier, at least.

He'd moved to sit on the steps so that he was eye level, but his touch and act was as if she were made of glass...

Well, compared to most beings, I suppose I am. thought Cameron, and she mentally shrugged, though she realized he seemed to feel guilty far more than he should. She gave him a small smile and gently touched her fingertips to his chin, whilst her other hand lightly covered the bleeding nose, trying to stop it. Slowly she applied some strength to tilt his face and make him look at her. “Hey,” she said softly, “it's not your fault, you understand?”

With a slight shake of her head and another smile, she began the slow trek back out of the pool to sit on a nearby chair, “I don't think people will fancy me bleeding all over the pool. I better get something to staunch this first. Excuse me,” she looked toward a passing waiter, who noticed her injury, “I don't suppose you have a first aid kit handy?”

He smiled and nodded, then bustled away quickly. “At least this won't be for long...”

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #22
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] attn: @Sqweloookle

When Adam expressed his hope that the crew were not draining the Counsellors too hard, all Rhys could do was shrug expressively. It was a shrug that told people an awful lot. Mainly that yes, they were over worked and being drained too hard, but there was nothing that could really be done about it.

It was sad but it was true, it was like the medical staff they had bodies in front of them that needed fixing and until they were fixed they would have to except the over work. The Counsellors were just the same, except the department was smaller, and it was harder to get people to come and seek treatment. People were happy to seek treatment for a broken leg, but a broken mind seemed to be a different matter altogether. They could never really turn people away as it was so hard to get them through the doors in the first place. Mental health was often the first thing people neglected even amongst the wisest of officers. 

When Adam offered to teach Rhys to dance he blushed more and simply nodded. “Sure.” He said softly in reply. Though in truth the thought of it embarrassed him. He had a feeling he would look stupid dancing and was nervous about humiliating himself.

When Adam suggested they go eat, Rhys smiled broadly. “OH yes. I’ve been wanting to try some local food.” One of the few ways in which Rhys displayed any adventurousness was in his desire to try alien cuisine. No matter how weird or outlandish it was to the human palette he always gave it a go. Rhys smiled happily and followed Adam like a puppy who had just been promised a treat.

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #23
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Samala | Top Deck | Eclipse | Aldea ] Attn: @Brutus @Nolan

"So, any more thoughts on what you are going to do now?” Donna asked Samala as the two of them stood on the upper deck looking out at the ocean. Unlike her brother, the hybrid didn’t seem to have much of an issue with direct sunlight. Donna herself found it wonderfully awesome as she let herself dry off from her earlier swim. “You know that the Theurgy won’t be staying at Aldea. Repairs will be completed eventually or something else will come up and we’ll be forced to leave. And while no one is going to kick you off the ship, everyone needs a purpose.”

“Are you are saying that I should assist you in your mission?” Samala wondered, glancing around as she heard voices approaching. Two females, both Terrans by the looks of them, were just now stepping out onto the same deck as them. “Next you’ll suggest I should join the crew?”

“I’m not suggesting anything,” Donna said, also taking note of the new arrivals but making no move towards them as yet. “But, if you were wanting to join the crew, I’d suggest either speaking to Lieutenant Veradin, the Acting Chief CONN Officer or Commander Ducote, the Executive Officer and Officer in Charge of Personnel. Ultimately, I believe it will be the Captain’s decision but you’ll need to convince either or both of them before they bring it to his attention."

[ Tesserarius Lorad | Pool Deck | Eclipse | Aldea ] Attn: @Triage

Lorad waited as the waiter that Cameron had requested the kit from returned with it. In this situation, Lorad himself felt somewhat helpless. He was better at breaking things than mending them he knew, but he still felt like he should be doing something given that he was, in some way, responsible for her injury. Standing next to her, Lorad thought about what he should say.

“I, am still sorry,” he began slowly, struggling with his words. “If I had helped you better, you would not have slipped. But I not want to hurt your hand,” Lorad explained as he watched. A thought occurred to him as he watched. “You not upset? Is this normal for you?”

Re: Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!

Reply #24
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Party Floor | Top Deck | Eclipse | West Pacific Ocean | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Nolan @Sqweloookle @Juzzie 

Contented to be held, Faye settled back into Riley's grip and let her gaze wander some more. She saw a few familiar faces, members of the ships crew that she'd either met in passing, or had worked with hand in hand on some assignment. Most of which would have been after her defrosting. By that same token, many were faces unfamiliar to her. Two weeks at Aldea had not been long enough for her to familiarize herself with all the new personnel acquired from the multitude of ships and sources that the Theurgy had encountered during the diplomats enforced slumber.

She did recognize Cameron Henshaw, though not the Reman she was speaking to. At least not personally. She'd heard of the man, of course. Hard not to. There weren't exactly a lot of Reman's running around, and definitely not on the Theurgy. At some point she figured that her duties would bring her into contact with him, but that time hadn't come yet. Still, she wondered what was going on there, and let her eyes sweep the deck again, not really seeing anyone she knew by name. Someone had just crawled out of the pool and a few others were gathered about, hanging near the railing, wandering over the party deck. A small crowd, but Faye was sure they would grow as the morning worked its way toward midday.

Tilting her head to the side she placed a kiss against Riley's cheek, and let her mind drift for a second, before coming to a realization. "You haven't had anything to eat yet, have you?" The diplomat had woken up hours before the nurse, and consumed breakfast already. She'd been fed but her paramour had missed out, because she'd rushed them both down to the yacht party as soon as she could manage. She pursed her lips and then gave a little shrug, cheeks coloring ever so slightly. It was her fault that Riley hadn't had a bite to eat since the previous night. 

"I think the first thing we do is see about a buffet line, or getting a meal. Parties like this always have options, especially when people are going to be threading in and out." Now that she thought about it, she felt a bit hungry herself. Which was out of character, since she had already eaten a few hours ago. Yet her stomach gave a little rumble, just as she'd imagined Riley's might. [color=red["Guess I'm projecting a bit,"[/color] she mused with a little laugh. 

"But hey, its a chance to try more of the local grub. Time to go exploring strange new culinary worlds!" She took Riley by the hand, heading toward where she thought the food might be.  If nothing else the bartender would probably know, and thus the duo found themselves following along behind two of the men attending the party. Faye felt her eyebrows ride up and the urge to giggle had to be violently suppressed when she got a good look at what one of them was wearing. There was no denying that the bow tie was a cute little accent piece, but then, the whole out fit could be called 'little' and still be generous.

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