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Day 07 [0800 hours.] Finding the past!

 [Ens. Mia Dunne | Research Library |Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
Mia knew there was a lot she did not know about the events of the past six months. With that in her mind she had headed to the research library as soon as she had awoken. Her mind kept trying to fit the parasite into some kind of classification but so far nothing fit. Mia looked at the notes she had entered on the PADD in her hand. Tyreke had mentioned a Dr. Nicander, so she wanted to look at all the ships logs where he was involved. She knew this would take time but since she didn’t have anywhere else to be or anyone expecting her, time was pretty much all she had at the moment.

Sitting down at one of the consoles she began with the Dr’s basic information.  He was from a place called Câroon and was humanoid. His current age was 32. And he had been the Chief Medical officer on Theurgy. Now he was a guest in the brig for the foreseeable future. It was interesting to learn that he had been ‘taken’ somewhere where the parasite was introduced. Mia wondered briefly if it was in this dimension or in another. And if it was another, was it where the parasites were from, of a dimension where both were in sync, and thus when he was returned his body was able to ‘protect’ the parasite while it was not really fully in this dimension. Too many questions that could not be answered at this time, but eventually, she hoped they would find those answers. Mia made a note to speak to Dr. Nicander when she was done with her research. Maybe he could shed some light in the darkness.

Mia sat back in her seat and rubbed her eyes. The scar on her back pulled slightly and she shifted her position wondering if she would ever get used to that.  She sighed heavily and began researching what information they had on the parasites. From what she’d read so far, when the parasite was forced into this dimension, it would kill the host body. Of course, most of the time the host had already been killed, but its body was still being manipulated by the parasite somehow. That posed another question that could not be answered, for now.

She thought again of the Trill-Symbiotic relationship. She knew that the symbiot shared its knowledge and memories with its host. Could it do more than that? Were there any similarities between the two? How could she learn more? They had the parasite. Was there a joined trill on the ship? She’d have to ask medical, if they would even divulge that information.  She’d found several reports about what those infested had done, but there was precious little known about the parasites themselves, or at least not that she’d found thus far. Mia sat back in her seat with a tired sigh rubbing her eyes once more, “Damn, these things! How can you fight something like this without any data?”
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 07 [0800 hours.] Finding the past!

Reply #1
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Research Library | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN: @anyone

Mia rose from her seat in front of the console and arched her back. While most of the aches from her surgery had dissipated, she found that sitting for long periods caused a stiffness that could only be relieved by the movement of her legs traversing along the deck. She rubbed her neck in thought as her feet carried her back and forth in the confines of the research facility. A myriad of questions and suppositions warred in her mind for attention. With the lack of any useful knowledge gained so far one might consider the effort was a waste of time. Mia, however, realized something else. What she had discovered was that no one had taken time to actually investigate these parasites thoroughly.  They had found a way to pull them from whatever dimension they were partially tied to into this one, although at the cost of the host life.

She vaguely wondered if anyone had considered the possibility of making it work the other way around, to push the creature back into whatever hell it had come from.  Although, from the description that was given about how the parasite entered the host she wasn’t sure if that would work either. Would that also push the host as well? From what she’d read, the Parasite and host had been physically in the same dimension when the... invasion, for lack of a better term, had occurred. She shook her head again in thought. She was a bit aghast after reading what Dr Nicander had described, but still, something just didn’t seem right with that entire story. At least not in regard to her theory. Did trill symbiots have any appendages? Xeno-biology hadn’t been her area of study, but she did not recall reading anything that matched what Nicander had described.

She paced over to an enclosed area filled with physical books. It always amazed her how such delicate things had survived through the centuries. That brought another idea to mind. What if it wasn’t spacial dimensions, but time. Could these things be from a far-off future? Now that was a scary thought. That someone, possibly even their descendants, would want to inflict this horror upon this particular time in their history, and for what purpose? And by doing so, had they already created an alternate reality?  Just thinking about it all was making her head hurt.
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 07 [0800 hours.] Finding the past!

Reply #2
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Research Library | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]] | ATTN: @Eirual [Show/Hide]

A ping had struck her screen merely a half hour prior regarding inquiries on Doctor Nicander, and the infested. Someone she'd recently lowered her guard enough to meet in the brig as he too showed his good faith in helping her stay safe with the recent boarding of a Gorn in the vicinity. Something she was grateful for. Her heels clicked in the corridors as she had left the C.I.S. and was now fairly close to the Research Library. She wasn't sure who this individual was as she had quite a few crewmembers she didn't yet make an acquaintance with. But she was attempting to let her hackles calm and meet new people. People she was informed could be friends eventually given time.

Crimson hair swayed in her face off and on as she made her stride a little faster, speed walking as she was impatient when walking beyond others, often who walked too slow for her liking. The room was before her as she stepped near, and the door opened before her. Stepping in as the door closed behind her, she observed quietly before making her presence known. The blonde woman stood across the room, arching her back before a console. She certainly noted how attractive the young woman appeared but shook off the thoughts as she attempted to peer at the screen. The woman was seen pacing but clearly oblivious to her being in the room too.

She observed the woman, clearly an ensign, who was now looking at physical books before she approached. "Pardon me Ensign, doing some early morning research?" She smiled at the blonde. "I'm Lieutenant Pierce. Intel division. Is there something I can help you with?"

Re: Day 07 [0800 hours.] Finding the past!

Reply #3
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Research Library | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN: @Pierce

Mia jumped in surprise and almost fell into the front of the bookshelves as she spun around. She placed her hand over her heart and felt the quickness of the beat as she took in the Crimson haired woman in the room, “Oh My God! You startled me! I didn’t even hear you come in!” Mia took a breath to calm herself and , “as a matter of fact I was doing research. I’ve been sort of in limbo for six months until about 4 days ago, and I needed to find out as much as I could for background and to determine my next steps.”

She took another quick breath and moved back to where she’d been working at the console. “Maybe you can help," she said as she looked at the file, ”I am trying to get information on these parasites, but there seems to be a lot either left out, or just not recorded in these files. Since I haven’t really had any first hand experience with them it’s hard to know if any thing was learned, other than how to get them out of the host once it has been... terminated.”

She turned back to face the other woman, “Oh, I’m Ensign Mia Dunne, Xeno-anthropologist and xeno-archaeologist.” She smiled at the lieutenant, “It’s nice to meet you, Lt. Pierce.”
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 07 [0800 hours.] Finding the past!

Reply #4
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Research Library | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]] | ATTN: @Eirual [Show/Hide]

Alana chuckled slightly in a friendly manner as she realized how she spooked the Ensign. It wasn't her intention, but the timing was rather perfect for that momentous occasion. However, she was curious what the lower decks-man was doing here with her research. After-all, not many were privy to the details regarding the infested even among those on the ship and she made it her business to know who exactly was looking into those details.

"Nice to meet you too Ensign." She peered over the woman's shoulder slightly, still standing upright with a brief lean into the information being glanced at. "I can see you're a bit curious on these creatures. Suffice it to say, but I have had some dealings with them up close. It's rather interesting albeit terrifying to see in person. I don't recommend it to be honest. However in order to get these parasites goals, we need to know more."

She took in and exhaled a deep breath before sitting down next to the blond woman. Leaning in close she looked at the information glancing at a lot of redacted details. "May I?" She said before extending her dainty fingers to the console and tapping a barrage of keys before particular low clearance information was revealed. The classified bits were still blacked out but the information pertaining to her skill set displayed.

"You see, we're having issues with the determining their level of attachment as well. We don't know much about them other than it kills the host when attached and while we can sever the connection, it kills the host. That is, unless the creatures allow then to be separated. There are some who can be....revived....while still connected but it's sketchy at best."

Taking her back to the comforting folds of the chair back, Alana's red hair swayed briefly before she folded her arms under her bust. Waving her fingers on one hand she attempted to make small talk. "So Mia, may I call you Mia? You can call me Alana if you like or simply Pierce. What has you so interested in these blasphemous creatures? For me it's simply, it makes it too hard to trust. I like to trust. Just not a luxury I often get."

Re: Day 07 [0800 hours.] Finding the past!

Reply #5
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Research Library | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN: @Pierce

Mia turned to face the other woman, “Well, that is why I am looking into them. I had only just learned about them when I was injured and put into stasis six months ago.“ She looked at the console and sighed, “other than how to kill them, no one has really tried to find out what they are.” Mia nervously rubbed her hand over the back of her neck, “I mean, we know it’s a parasite. We know it invades the host body through at least one orifice and the attached itself. We also know it is trans-phasic to a certain extent since it seems to be able to affect the host in this dimension while still residing in another. At least that is what I am seeing from what little information I’ve been able to read.”

She stood again and began to pace, “I was attempting to identify the species, although I can’t say that I’ve heard of anything quite like this. But, if the is from a future, our future, I should be able to find something that can bring us closer to finding the truth.“  At this point she paused and gave a small shake of her head. There was so much more she needed to learn, and she wasn’t even sure that any of it would help rid them of this menace. But she still wanted to try, so many lives were at stake, mostly those of the hosts forced to do these creatures bidding. Or did they have masters giving them orders as well? There was another question yet to be answered that she might never know. She turned back to Alana, “And then maybe, just maybe, we can figure out the best way to separate the host without killing them in the process. That is my ultimate goal.”
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 07 [0800 hours.] Finding the past!

Reply #6
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Research Library | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]] | ATTN: @Eirual [Show/Hide]

Pierce listened in to the blonde woman as she spoke. Interest sparked both of them in these particular creatures that were such a damn nuisance to everyone in the galaxy now. She herself had heard it compared almost to the symbiosis of the Trill but rather than a true symbiosis, it was a parasite that took over. Her body shook at the thought of one of those creature taking over her body.

"Transphasic light is able to do some damage and in particular trials, it has allowed the individual to re-assert some semblance of their true persona over the creatures. But things can easily trigger them back into their parasitic state. Troublesome to be sure. We have to get our hands on more of the materials to test it on a grander scale. While the transphasic light-ability works, it is slightly flawed. There are theories that a scientific and technological means to augment the emanated light from the Radiant - making it transphasic enough to have an actual effect on the Infested, in this process, it could be that the unique phase of the wavelength could be emulated technologically. Perhaps phasers could even be fitted with some kind of phase variance add-on in order to target the parasites specifically inside Hosts. We're currently unclear on the details."

She listened once more to the pacing woman. "Mia, I too would like to see that come to fruition. That would make everyone's jobs so much easier. But there are a lot of unknowns not being able to get our hands on many of these individuals to test these concepts on."

Sitting back still, she reached for a drink she brought in with her on entry and forgotten about until now. Taking a sip, she swallowed and thought. "What progress have you made so far other than research? Any ideas which may bring merit to attempt?"

Re: Day 07 [0800 hours.] Finding the past!

Reply #7
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Research Library | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]
ATTN: @Pierce

Mia shook her head slightly as she listened. Transphasic light seems to have some effect, but  is was also so far outside of Mia’s expertise that she doubted she would even know how to use it effectively.

“Honestly Lieutenant,” Mia said with a sigh, “I haven’t been... um.. back long enough to do any sort of experiments.” She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, feeling a bit like she was still trying to catch up with everyone else who had lived through the six months she’d been in stasis. “I’ve only really had a few days to learn about the parasites and try to find something I can do about them. I was thinking of trying to see if they are in anyway related to the trill symbiots, but I am still trying to work that out as I would need some help from other departments, and I don’t know who would want to assist with my ... um... research.”

Mia turned to look at the young woman, “There’s just so much I have missed that right now researching it is the only way I have to learn what has been done, what has already been learned, and then I can figure out what I might do to gather further information to assist others with their battle against this unseen foe.”

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]


Re: Day 07 [0800 hours.] Finding the past!

Reply #8
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Research Library | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]] | ATTN: @Eirual | MENTIONED/TAGGED: @Ellen Fitz @Number6 @Tae @BipSpoon [Show/Hide]

Pierce looked on at Mia as she could relate to the other woman. "I can relate believe it or not. I haven't been on board all that long. Honestly, I'm from another point in time. So I know what it's like to wake up a fish out of water running downstream. I've been back for over a year now and am still grasping the situation. There is however an avenue to work with. We happen to have used this transphasic light cannon on an individual recently and it woke their subconscious personality up from the hold of the infested hive mind. It's not perfect but does the trick for short bursts. And as far as I can tell, they're not related to the trill symbiots."

Pulling up a PADD, she accessed the data here on the creatures now known as the parasites or infested. "Computer, pull all available data on the infested. Omit known infested. Security clearance Alpha-Gamma-One-Seven-Six-Three. Display on terminal 4A."


Parasites of the nameless darkness are not easily detected. They do not appear on tricorder scans, and the parasites exist in a state of flux. When the parasites were introduced to the hosts, the effects were both physiological and mental. Observations of closely studied hosts, Ensign Sonja Acreth and Dr. Lucan cin Nicander, made it evident that the hosts were granted superior strength and resistance towards neurological trauma - the stun settings of phasers included. Based on what Ensign Acreth told her interrogators on the USS Theurgy, it was evident that the alien parasites were of chaotic origin, meaning to tear down the structure of all societies - actively trying to dissolve the Federation and all other galactic powers from within. It was not entirely clear why or how, but it seemed it lay in the parasites' nature to return matter to its original state - energy - and to do so on a galactic scale.

They do not deem themselves individuals. Structure and direction seemed to be granted by their hosts in order to achieve their ends, making their existence a paradox. One thing was certain, and that was how the parasites thrived in the extremes of the process towards their intent.

For Examples See: Niga Virus, Azure Nebula, Thalaron Bombing in Paris, Cont'd...

Known Attributes
Since the parasitic manifestation of the nameless darkness existed in a state of flux, information suggested that using subatomic anyon particle emissions might dephase the parasite and bring it to the same existence as the host body, likely killing the latter in the process. The parasite would be fused with the matter which it might occupy inside the body, and thus become neutralized as a threat.

The nameless darkness also seemed to be sensitive to a certain kind of bio-luminescence, emitted by Radiants. The light of Radiants had a transphasic wavelength which could reach the parasites, and thus both hurt and diminish the control it held on their hosts. There was also a theory about the bio-luminescence of the Radiants, that it held a chroniton variance that would make it reach not just beyond space, but time as well. This was, however, unconfirmed as of the middle of March 2381. By then, it was also unknown if this light could completely repel or damage a parasite from a host body.


Pierce took a deep breath. "So, I've unlocked some of the data. I am no scientist and have no idea what to do with that data. But rest assured, we're working to uncover more of this threat as it progresses. I would suggest asking a Trill if they have any similarities or Thea. But I suspect they do not. I would suggest meeting with one or several of these individuals on this list here. Lt. Rez, Lt. Vanya, Hirek, and Crewman Nueva. I suspect one or each has skills that may come in handy for your needs."

Standing up straight and fixing her uniform she put a hand on the blonde's shoulder. "It takes time. For all of us. Lean into the crew. Something I am still learning to do again. We're better together." Taking a deep breath she stepped away and towards the door. "If you need anything else Ensign, feel free to let me know. Or if you need an ear to listen, my door is open." She stepped towards the door as it swished open and before stepping out waited for a reply and took the steps out the door. She just hoped she gave the woman information she could use.

OOC - Don't feel you have to reply all but I tagged you in the event we have something we can contribute.

Re: Day 07 [0800 hours.] Finding the past!

Reply #9
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Research Library | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]

Mia watched as the young lieutenant got to her feet and headed for the door. “Thank you for helping me with this,” she said with a small smile, “It’s been difficult to find my footing, so to speak.” The door closed as Alana stepped out and Mia was left alone once again.  She turned back to the console and began reading this new information. Taking several notes on the data that was contained therein as she read and reread the reports.

She’d made a note of the names of the crew that Alana had mentioned who might be able to assist her. She would need to look each up and find out what they did and then if their specialties would be useful to her ongoing research. She had no idea if her theory would provide any answers or if it was even going to be useful in their fight against these parasites, but she was determined that every possible avenue to gain information was taken.

After absorbing what she could and making a copious number of notes for further review she turned shut down the report, adding a note as to where and how she had obtained it for her own records, just in case. Standing from the small workstation as she picked up the PADD with her noted she too headed for the door.  She already had an idea forming, but she needed to think about the best way to go about it and who would participate.

OCC: I believe this thread can now be CLOSED!
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

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