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Topic: EP 2 S: [D3 | 0015hrs] If You Want Blood, You Got It (Read 1156 times) previous topic - next topic
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EP 2 S: [D3 | 0015hrs] If You Want Blood, You Got It

[Jaeih T’haelaa | Corridor | Deck 6 | The Helmet] Attn: @RyeTanker @Ellen Fitz @Brutus

The former sentinel avoided the distractions of the battle raging beyond the viewports; there were elements in motion now that required her attention. Even as she walked at full stride, Jaeih’s mind churned at the implications and consequences of the few choices she had left, given the circumstances at hand.

Time, it seems, has run its course, the Romulan admitted to herself, pulling the hood free from her head to reveal the stark white drape of hair. In the next stride, the outer robes fell from muscled shoulders to the carpeted floor while she pulled the sword concealed from the scabbard between her shoulder blades with effortless grace – the steel, no longer than her arm, held a recurved edge and gleamed in the red-tinted gloom of combat lighting. The blade had a name, like all weapons should; it was etched into blood channels along its length – V’ale, in the nearly forgotten tongue of Jaeih’s ancestors – a name her more ‘modern’ kin would misinterpret as simply Truth.

Nothing is ever simple, Jaeih allowed herself a rare smile, only the barest curl of her lips. Word had finally reached her of the Praetor’s demise. Phase one, it seemed, had been accomplished, now the final act dawned: for the benefit of all Romulans, they could not trade one dictator for another – certainly not one as power hungry and arrogant as the upstart ‘Empress’ Donatra.

And now, the masks slip free, the sentinel exhaled quietly, features set in determination. By her own actions, Jaeih had aided Donatra in neutering the internal sensors and sowing confusion during the various incursion attempts by the Empress' and the Praetor's agents thus far; a necessary evil to assure the would-be monarch’s trust and confidence, as well as a means to an end, to see where the chips would fall. Now, we enter the endgame.

She turned a corner and the blade in her hand slashed the empty air in a flurry of blurred motion; emerald blood sprayed in an arc, jetted from seemingly nothing, painting the wall and viewport in gore. The hidden Tal’Shiar agent’s cloak-suit failed as it slumped with a wet gurgle, collapsing to his knees. Jaeih took a second to impale her blade into the wall as the man died, then casually lifted the disruptor pistol from his body, and loosed three shots into the wall behind her. Cold eyes returned to the body; this one had been one of Donatra's, and thus, one of Jaeih's. She had tracked his progress meticulously, and applauded his skillful execution; now he would serve a new purpose in death.

Surely that will bring someone along, the Sentinel nodded, tossing the weapon to the floor.

[PO2 Kino Jeen | Moving between decks 5/6 | The Helmet]

They’d materialized moments earlier and hit the deck running, as the saying went; Kino on point, followed close by Hirek, while Falvar and Agans fanned out on either side. The ship was taking a beating around them as they moved – if the constant rumble and shakes meant anything, not to mention the power fluctuations, or the fact that every time Kino glanced outside there seemed to be a constant lightshow on display. Not the nice ones either, like the one I planned for Red’s birthday, Jeen frowned to herself at the insanity taking place outside. Win or lose, whatever happens today will go down in history as a very bad day.

A ping on her wrist-PADD prompted a data feed spike into her helm display, as SecOps uploaded sensor data. Kino blink-clicked an acknowledgment. “Contact, weapons fire ahead, next junction,” she alerted her team and lengthened her stride in the same instant. “Eyes up."

Kino’s rifle moved in perfect synchronicity with her eye as they moved to intercept; at the corner junction she paused, checked her corners, pivoted, and locked in on a lone figure at the end of the hall. A female, tall, white hair: she stood with her back to Kino, next to a prone body on the deck. Damn, that’s a big bitch, Jeen’s brow twitched.

“Security – hands spread in the air, now,” Kino commanded.

The figure complied, slow and deliberate.

“Slowly turn,” Kino commanded, taking equally slow steps towards the woman. "Take three steps towards me."

The figure complied, revealing a surprisingly dark skinned, green eyed Romulan, dressed in form fitting leather attire of unremarkable quality. Jeen saw no visible weapons, other than the length of a blade impaled into the wall and the side arm near her feet. The Romulan seemed almost…bored.

“You took your time,” the Romulan spoke in oddly accented Federation standard, then gestured to the body with a twitch of her hand. “As you can see, you have a serious problem. One I am obliged to assist with, for the greater good of my people.”

“Is that a fact,” Kino snorted, clamping her rifle to her chest as her team closed in. “I’m sure they’ll wanna hear all about it in the brig, lady,” the Trill smirked behind her helm as she fished out a set of binders.

The Romulans eyes flicked between the four of them, then settled back on Kino. “You may call me Jaeih, and if you wish to prevent more bloodshed, you will listen. Right now, there is an effort underway to neutralize your greatest asset – that abomination you name Thea,” her white hair swayed as the Romulan shook her head. “This is a ruse.”

Kino’s head tilted as the Trill shrugged her armored shoulders. “Okay biggums, color me curious: you can talk while we walk.”

The Romulan opened her mouth to speak, but the entire ship shook under one of the worst barrages yet; sparks flew from the walls and ceiling as EPS conduits shorted or overloaded – lights flickered, failed. Everything tumbled into chaos, as the world tumbled. Pressure flared and died as Jeen was tossed from deck to wall back to deck, then something was pulling her backwards at an insane velocity.

Hull breach, she knew, instinctively.

The next second, Kino was pulling herself up to a knee, trying to shake the disorientation away as she called out for her team and visually checked for everyone. The corridor behind them ended in a jagged gash of twisted metal, folded in melted composite metal. Behind a shimmer of a force field, the battle raged on in the void. Fuck, Kino blinked, then prepped to hail SecOps to report the situation, watching as Hirek moved to assist the other Romulan to her feet while Agans and Falvar recovered.

“New plan, start talking,” Jeen told her.

Jaeih grunted something between a laugh and a snort as she regained her feet. “A multi-pronged assault is underway. Without, within,” she nodded to the void, then to the deck. “To sow confusion, to distract. Even I don’t know where all our people are, or where they intend to strike, but I assure you this: Thea would already be dealt with if it were possible.”

Kino stood, giving Agans a hand up with a grunt then gestured to Hirek. “Yall certainly are full of yourselves, I’ll give you that,” she snipped, then addressed Jaeih with a jab of her finger. “Nice story lady, but that’s nothing we don’t already know. C’mon, we got a nice hole for you to sit in for awhile.”

The sentinel moved in a blur of motion, and before Kino could react, Hirek’s bulk was colliding with her in a crash of armored limbs. The momentum carried them both to the deck in a heap, while Jeen cursed and struggled to push him off of her. Too little, too late; Jaeih, the former sentinel, stood above them both, blade angled down at their heads while the disruptor pistol was raised to cover Agans and Falvar.

“I need you to pay attention, Starfleet. I am not your enemy. Your enemy is moving to strike at the head and heart of this ship as we speak. Do you understand me?”

OOC - have fun, sow chaos. (dont kill Jaeih, pls - im saving her for some fun later, lol)


Re: EP 2 S: [D3 | 0015hrs] If You Want Blood, You Got It

Reply #1
[Lt Ida zh'Wann | Deck 5 | Vector 01 | The Helmet | USS Theurgy] @Dumedion @Ellen Fitz @Brutus

The hulking yet svelte armored suits moved down the corridor pensively as they kept a watch out for potential ambushes.  It was the nature of the business, but it was also one that Ida silently cursed in her mind as her team stalked the alloy hallways.  There were two sets of infiltrators on the ship.  The never be sufficient damned House Mo'kai had gotten their people in and loose on the ship.  The other was the thrice damned Tal'Shiar.  At least she thought they were.  Professional, stealthy, and deadly.  Even with Thea, it was proving difficult to reconstruct who had actually killed the Chief of Security since both species were technically stronger than the human and he's been taken unawares. 

The ship was shaking under multiple impacts as the team advanced and crew members moved to and fro dealing with their battle station responsibilities.  This made the situation hectic for the group monitoring their surroundings while lines of fire were constantly being blocked.  There was a chirp in the Deputy's ear.  "Lt. zh'Wann."  Thea began, though much less intoned, cold even. "There are anomalous heat signatures moving on decks 6.  They're not going too quickly and seem to be sticking to the Jefferies tubes."  That seemed to track and Zark's voice chimed in. "Makes sense. Big Klingons, small access ways.  I think they're going to try to storm engineering and breach the core.  They could also wreack havoc against the engineers in there."  Ida nodded minutley. "I concur. I'm headed there now and will be in place to fend them off in two minutes.  Alert the security team there and give them a likely exit locus."

"Acknowledged."  Zark came back quickly.  There was a pause where Lt. zh'wann expected the medic to close the comm frequency, but instead the line stayed open.  "Hold on, we just got a solid confirm on Romulan life signs nearby.  One of them is fluctuating wildly.  Looks like a trauma response. Kino is on her way to investigate.  Will update when I have more information."

Lt. zh'Wann could feel her antennae try to shoot up at the unexpected news.  What was going on, who had gotten the infiltrator?  Was it a trap?  The Deputy considered comming the Petty Officer to tell her to be careful, but she shook away the notion knowing the experienced NCO would do that automatically.  This was not a time to micromanage.   Instead, the Andorian opened a comm frequency to her team "Full speed to engineering. Hopefully we can get the Klingons to surrender before they exit and do damage."  It was possibly wishful thinking about getting them to surrender, but the Deputy knew she had to try.

[Shohlogh G'gedh | Deck 6 | Vector 01 | The Helmet | USS Theurgy]

He was by no means small, and that made their current situation worse as he trailed behind his three other comrades snaking their way through the cramped maintenance tubes on board the grethor damned Starfleet vessel.  Still, he didn't complain.  He would take his vengeance against the interlopers that had brought shame down upon his house.  If they hadn't interfered, then Mo'kai would have been victorious and House G'gedh would have been elevated in their fued against House Mnath.  Never mind they were both very minor houses, the fued had gone back over a millennia and Mnath had sided with the existing regime under Martok. 

Unfortunatley G'gedh had been crushed and their holdings absorbed into Mnath, and as much as it disgusted the third son of G'gedh to be slinking in the shadows instead of facing his enemies face to face, eye to eye with cold steel; this was a necessary part of his vengeance.  Still, there would be enough alien blood to be spilled soon when they got to the engineering section of the ship.  There had been that one blonde woman they thought was a human, but had turned out to be a Bajoran.  She'd been taken unawares and he's savoured her subdued meep of surprise when his burly arms had encircled her neck and head.  Not a sound had escaped as he massive hands had covered her mouth.  She'd barely even struggled and he's only gotten a whiff of the terror that had over taken the woman before he'd felt her neck satisfyingly snap.  It would have been better if he'd been able to plunge his dagger into her body and watch the life bleed out of her, but the group had larger goals.

Thoughts of vengeance stopped for a moment and the Klingon gagged as the stench of someone venting noxious silent flatulence in a confined space and a chorus of silent filthy curses followed, though the offender instead hissed then chuckled at the misfortune of his fellows. It took some more crawling and they were past the hideous fumes to the point where thoughts of vengeance could reassert themselves.  Soon.  Soon, the shame of house extinction would be wiped away in a glorious fireball that would signal to the universe that he had taken vengeance and he could recount his tale in the halls of Sto-Vo-Kor.  He was certain of it.

[IRS Vas'deletham | The battle in the Triangle....]

The lumbering carrier manoeuvred far more smartly than her size and bulk would give credit for as Commander Borroso ordered the large ship into an evasive pattern.  The ship shook under a few hits, but it was less than what could have been in store as most of the plasma torpedoes flew harmlessly passed.  One squadron of fighters formed up on each flank, fending off other attackers, or engaging some of the slower moving torpedoes. The Commander looked at the tactical display, looking to discern a pattern in the battle.  Too many ships were moving too and fro, but there had to be a key to the whole battle.  Something that would cause mass confusion in the ranks.

Then his mind saw it.  It was a small thing, but very easy to miss given the colour codes used to denote friend and foe.  There was one symbol that stood out.  The Federation starship.  There appeared to be a bubble around the ship that made any attacks difficult.  Maybe other ships were protecting it, but the amount of firepower it was putting out was impressive.  The Klingons were Federation allies the Commander mused.  Maybe destroying that ship would cease the reason for the Klingons to be here.  That didn't matter though, it was a threat that needed to be dealt with. 

Commander Borroso acted.  "Comm! Get me the Raalar wing! I want those Valdores to punch us a hole towards the Starfleet vessel."  The commander next turned to the tactical station. "Launch the reserve squadron and have them form up behind Raalar.  They'll lead the strike in and we'll follow them.  Standby to focus all forward batteries on the eneny."  The tactical officer nodded and moved to turn the Commander's intentions into action.  Commander Borroso then turned towards his marine commander. "Centurion, when we have knocked down their shields, standby to board and seize the Federation vessel."  The Centurion gave a predatory smile and gave a salute then turned to leave the ridge to organize his forces.

The carrier commander turned his attention back to the tactical display to watch his plan unfold and make any more adjustments.  His eye caught the first change to his plans too late and the ship rocked as a quartet of Klingon Birds of Prey swooped in from the aft quarter and unleashed a withering barrage of disruptors and torpedoes in a high speed pass.  The bridge shook violently as the shields did their best to weather the storm, but bleed through was inevitable and sparks exploded as several conduits vented their abuse.  "Four Klingon Warbirds coming in from 263 mark negative 85.  Hull damage to the port aft and port impulse engines!"  It would seem Commander Borroso's master plan would need some time before it would come to fruition.

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