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Topic: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks (Read 4588 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

[Ens. Talia “Shadow” Al-Ibrahim | FAB Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
Archaic music blared through the locker room – “Call Out My Name,” by The Weeknd – one of hundreds of thousands of tracks from the playlist Mumbles had given her on the Diamondback. Talia leaned her forehead against the cool, tiled wall, as the steaming hot water flowed over her shoulders and back; dark eyes were closed, water dripped from slightly parted lips. One arm cradled her breasts, fingers tensed around a hard nub. The other arm extended down, the hand there in motion between water-slicked thighs, middle and ring fingers curled within her. She was panting quietly – the lean muscles of her body trembled as the tempo of her fingers increased – pleasure building, forcing her up on the tips of her toes as release neared.

The days had started to blur together, as routine established itself, slowly building into a sense of comfort with where she was. Training with the mk. III’s had progressed, but much slower than she liked. She’d shaken off a bit of the shyness and uncertainty from the long sleep in cryo, pushing out beyond her comfort zone to meet more of the crew. Things seemed to be going well, all things considered. Her body weight and strength had mostly returned to pre-cryo levels, and the gym served as a relief valve for stress and frustrations. Yet sometimes it just…wasn’t enough. There were other needs to be met, usually in the privacy of her room; yet sometimes the mood struck in odd places – it might have just been the music. Talia didn’t really care at the moment.

The gym, her mind screamed suddenly. Dark chocolate eyes snapped open, the pursuit of blissful self-pleasure utterly forgotten. She’d agreed to meet Kali, (Zark, to everyone else), for the first of (hopefully) several training sessions that day. “Shit,” the pilot hissed, irritated at herself for forgetting, followed by a bark of “music, off.” The customary eye roll and sigh followed, as she quickly washed the thin sheen of sweat from her body. Guess I’ll settle for hitting something instead. With a grumble that sounded more like a growl, she turned the shower off and went about getting dried off and dressed, pushing the shower door out of her way.

A wall of steam rolled on her heels as Shadow snatched a towel from the rack, not bothering to wrap her body. The towel went up around her hair as she walked briskly to her locker, shoulders flexed and rolled after the day’s exercises. At least the heat helped with the soreness. She usually hit multiple muscle groups every day – rotated throughout the week – although, after the fight with Valyn, she had been putting more effort into her abs. Doubt it would do any good against that hook again, she frowned, instinctively placing a hand over her liver.

Despite the irritation at herself, Talia looked forward to seeing the Andorian again. The fight-night had been an experience, to say the least, and Kali had been extremely nice to her. The pilot’s eyes glanced to the chrono before pulling the locker door open with a grimace. Hope she doesn’t think I flaked out, Shadow thought, then mumbled a curse in Arabic, patting herself dry with another towel. “Get it together,” her voice rose an octave in a sing-song manner, attempting to pull the towel from her head. Fuck sakes – stupid hair, she hissed silently, discarding both towels after a grunt of effort.

[Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03, 1630 hrs]

Fifteen minutes late. Fuck, Talia grumbled to herself as she neared the entrance to the holodeck, gym bag in hand – stuffed with a water bottle, gloves, headgear, and mouth guard. She was dressed in her usual gym attire: sneakers, dark grey leggings, ripped muscle shirt over black sports bra; also opting to try out the squadron's bomber jacket on a whim, leaving it unzipped. Her hair was still damp, which added to her irritation; she raked a hand through it, crossing the threshold as the doors opened without breaking stride.

“Hey, Sorry I’m –“ the pilot froze, looking around at the program. Oh, shit, her mind quipped, eyebrows raised, as chocolate eyes met cerulean blue. “Sorry I’m late. Uh, got held up with my logs,” she breathed, setting her bag on a bench. Her cheeks colored at the lie, so the pilot turned away from Kali to shrug the bomber off and set it next to the bag. “How’ve you been,” Talia asked with a glance over her shoulder, even as she wondered what Kali had in store. Hope she doesn’t hit as hard as Medusa, that’s for sure.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #1
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Lieutenant XamotZark zh’Ptrell, or Zark as most people knew her stood outside the holodeck.  Standing in a variation of her standard gym wear, hair in a pony tail, sports bra, running shorts, and not much else aside from the bag with all her equipment.  She stood there clearly perplexed as her antennae pointed at the terminal on the holodeck for it was blank.  Looking at the chonometer on the screen, she could clearly see she was on time, but no program was running.  The Andorian pulled on her lower lip for a moment, then shrugged and began calling up a boxing gym for her and Al-Ibrahim to use.  Something vintage and in a grungy warehouse was in order because she was the one in charge of choosing the program.  It took a few moments for the computer to prep the holodeck before it signalled ready and Zark took a moment to add Talia to the entrance list.

Zark entered and cast a critical eye over the simulation and nodded in satisfaction as she headed to a bench on the wall and hung her bag.  Opening the flap, she began pulling out gloves, head gear, and a plastic container that held her mouth guard.  Zark finished unpacking and still no Talia.  The Andorian tapped her foot on the ground for a moment in thought. "Computer, locate Ensign Al-Ibrahim."  "Ensign Al-Ibrahim is in her quarters."  A platinum eyebrow arched in curiosity and Zark debated messaging her to remind her of their appointment.  She mentally squashed the idea quickly.  She could just be busy.  "Computer, leave a message Ensign Al-Ibrahim's terminal for our meeting now."  The computer beeped in reply.  With nothing else to do, Zark went to the ring with her equipment and climbed in.  The Andorian's mind ran through the gamut of possibilities of what she could do while she was waiting.  Deciding to give Talia maybe 10 more minutes or so, the Zhen ran through her waiting option and quickly discarded the more raunchy ones.  Even some of the more combative ones were out.  That left stretching, not a bad thing when an idea struck her.  On the other hand, if Talia didn't show up, she could go for the really steamy or violent simulations.  In the mean time though. "Computer, replay boxing match between Talia Al-Ibrahim and Valyn Amarik on 57669.98, Talia and Valyn only."  The holographic representations of Valyn appeared in front of Zark and she looked behind her to see a determined looking Talia.

Zark moved to a neutral corner "Computer, allow for holographic clipping, and cut breaks.  Double time compression. Begin replay."  As the two women moved very quickly to the centre of the ring and touched gloves, Zark began to stretch and twist.  Valyn was obviously having a good time as she loved the challenge, but that was peripheral to what the Andorian was looking for.  Talia seemed to be fighting something besides the Romulan.  There was a hard determination, and an absolute willingness to come to grips with her opponent.  Her ability to absorb punishment was truly impressive.  Zark didn't look it since most of her musculature was smooth, but she recognized the similarity in the total willingness to ignore pain in the immensely well defined pilot as she absorbed a serious set of blows. I think she's going to out last her fighter, which is saying something. The replay paused near the end as the holo arch opened and Zark casually got up from her leg split position and turned around.  Smiling and waving to her tawdry date, Zark listened as Talia 'explained' the reason for being late.  The air quotes that appeared in her head caused the smile to become a little stiff as her eyes speculatively narrowed.  Though the Andorian was essentially a marine medic by training, her initial training was in security, and that learning didn't really leave.  Zark took in the details, mainly that the long black hair was still wet, and she blushed, while her answer wasn't the smoothest.  That led the Andorian to postulate one of several things.  Some of them quite benign like went to the gym and lost track of time to really hot date of some sort and really lost track of time.

Zark shook her head to dismiss her line of thought as there was no reason yet to go down this road and be suspicious yet.  "No worries.  I'm more glad you didn't forget, otherwise I would have thought I'd done something to offend you and you didn't want to come."  Zark shrugged to dismiss the whole thing.  "Anyway, I was just trying to get an idea of who you are as a fighter, not just a boxer.  Your fight with Valyn was certainly... illuminating, but first hand experience is generally better anyway."  The Zhen took a moment to lean on the ropes as she offered a warm smile.  "So, how have you been?  You know since the last time we met, you were being patched up by Doc Leux."

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #2
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
With her back to Kali, the raven-haired pilot winced at the Andorian’s words as she pulled the ripped muscle shirt over her head. Well, she saw right through that bullshit excuse, Talia sighed mentally, then arched a brow at the mention of her fight with Valyn. After adjusting her sports bra, the pilot turned to see that Zark was smiling pleasantly at her, like an old friend, while the holos stood frozen in time. Medusa's gloved fist had just slammed into her abdomen, just below the ribs; a concussive ripple had spread across Talia's flesh. Shadow looked at her own face, bruised and bleeding, noting the absence of the excruciating pain to follow. Then her eyes looked Valyn over; the Romulan was marred by blood and sweat, sharp brows furrowed in determined focus. Did she know then, the Wolf wondered, that I’d lost it, or was she just fighting to win and for the fuck of it? Even then, especially then, Valyn intimidated the hell out of her – which only fed Talia’s interest in the Romulan. Kali intimidated her too, but in an entirely different way. One projected an aura of undeniable yet illusive physicality; there and not there, dangerously attractive. The other, a seductively warm and welcoming air of compassion; the Andorian cared about people – literally so nice it was scary.

Shadow smiled back at Zark lopsidedly, after dropping her shirt on the bomber jacket. “Busy, mostly,” she answered, shrugging a shoulder, then unzipped her bag to dig around for a hair tie; once secured, Talia approached the Andorian, tying her damp hair up in a ponytail as she walked. “Training, gym, more training, more gym, it all blends together,” she added dryly, then stopped to drape her arms on the ropes, next to the curvy blue woman. She’d expected to walk into a modern training facility; what she got was an old abandoned warehouse and the bottom of Zark’s ass cheeks peeking from her shorts. Quite lovely, really, Talia blinked to file that pleasant image away and gestured to the holos. “Didn’t know it was recorded,” she huffed weakly, “and I don’t really consider myself a fighter. I mean, sure, I’ve gotten into it with a few people, but that night,” she nodded to the holos, “that was different. That was…,” her voice trailed off, unable to accurately describe it. Medusa had pushed her farther than Talia knew she could go, and it felt…

Shit – it felt great, until it didn’t. She had been sore, exhausted, emotionally drained…and really turned on, she admitted, but that came later. Much later.

She shifted away from the Andorian slightly, not wanting to get into how she felt about what happened. “I mean…it was nice meeting everyone,” the pilot continued quickly, brow knitting as she looked down at her feet. “And…I learned a lot, too, which was my objective going in. So,” she lifted a shoulder again, irritated at her own awkwardness. Stop talking. “Anyway, what do you think? Think I can beat her,” she lifted her chin to Valyn’s image, then met Zark’s eyes again, dutifully ignoring the pleasant scent of the Andorian beside her. Mostly.

Realistically, Talia already knew the answer. That really wasn’t why she was there. That fight with Valyn had given her a glimpse into the power of losing control of everything she held deep down inside her – all the shit that even the gym couldn’t expel.  Despite how she felt afterwards, that cathartic release was what she was after and if Zark really could improve her skills? All the better. The odds of besting Medusa were laughable and she knew it, but that was all part of it too; get the work done, face the challenge head on. And yet, a part of her feared releasing that power, of going too far. Maybe just keep your head this time, or try to, the Wolf told herself, and keep your eyes off Zark's ass, while you’re at it. Whether she was successful at both endeavors? Only time would tell.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #3
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark tilted her head from side to side and her mouth worked mostly in unison as she weighed the scales of Talia's success in the future as it stood and reluctantly shook her head.  The Andorian's face was very neutral, quite analytical as she turned to deliver her view to the Wolf. "Talia. You're as tough as they come.  Your display of willpower and willingness to absorb punishment can't be questioned.  I've fought Vulcan's in the ring it's always blood and bruises all over the place."  Zark smiled sadly at the memory. "One actually sent me to the hospital in my first year at the Academy.  She didn't mean to, but I wouldn't quit, so she hit me so hard I ended up in sickbay for a thorough check up after.  Docs said if she had hit me a few more times after that, they'd have to pack my intestines back in through my mouth."  Zark shook her head as the smile brightened. "So in your case, you came off pretty lightly.  I know it didn't feel that way, but it's true.  No sickbay visit for you.  The main point is this.  If Valyn was really serious, it doesn't matter how much punishment you take.  She will eventually batter you into submission simply because she'll hit you more than you can hit her.  You got your licks in, no questions.  But she worked you over and the more she hit, the more likely she was going to hit something critical, whether it was your head, or in this case, your liver."

Zark turned around while that sank in to lean on the ropes for a moment before pushing herself off. "Talia, I want to show you something.  Computer repeat replay, three quarters speed, mute audio." The Andorian offered an easy smile to the human.   "Don't worry, you'll get used to seeing yourself get pounded during review, first fight I had watch, I saw myself take a over a dozen punches in a row.  Head and belly. You wouldn't believe the bruises from that one and that's how I ended up in sickbay.  Anyway."  Holo Talia moved in and even at reduced speed, got pounded and was on the mat.  Zark's voice got clinical as she paused the replay. "The thing is, you're new at this, so you're not used to watching your distance.  Your first two jabs were fine, but then she got close and cross decked you.  Computer, repeat initial sequence before first knockdown with avoidance and additional jabs by Talia and replay."  The computer disappeared the holographic fighters and replayed the sequence with holo Talia keeping her distance and Valyn at bay. "You're biding your time for your opponent to make a mistake, like she did when you got her next.  Computer resume replay after first knockdown."  Holo Talia got up and went at it with Valyn once more, eventually managing to score several hits.  Zark repeated the process as the replay went on, identifying points that would have left the pilot relatively unscathed while opening up opportunities to do some damage of her own.  "Computer pause. Controlled aggression has it's place.  Opening like this one near the end of round one to the chin are great to exploit with all out assaults.  Valyn was stunned, so a solid hit to the side of her head could have put her down, if not out.  Otherwise, look at her arms, no where near here core, so you could have had a free run there.  Body shots would have drained her tank a lot faster."

Zark proceeded through the rest of the fight till just short of her knockout.  Zark turned a look of concern on Talia before going on gently.  The medico placed a blue hand gently Talia's upper arm.  "Talia.  Loss of control is almost worse than being knocked out.  The rules can easily be forgotten after that or like what happened here, you open yourself up to something that can really hurt you." Troubled blue green eyes looked at the younger woman.  "Talia. What happened?" Zark asked in a soft voice full of concern.

OOC: For reference on the fight see this post here

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #4
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
As the Andorian began, Talia simply nodded, giving Kali her undivided attention. Performance review was nothing new for the pilot – she spent hours analyzing flight recordings and data – doing exactly what Zark was doing; mistakes were highlighted, lessons learned, alternatives considered and incorporated. Her respect and appreciation for Kali ratcheted up even more then; Talia expected a blunt, unbiased assessment, and that’s exactly what she got. The Wolf crossed her arms on the ropes and leaned in, resting her chin on her forearms. She didn’t interrupt – this was valuable data, a new perspective. Peer review was a priceless training opportunity, even more valuable from a subject matter expert.

Dark eyes narrowed at her own image, and the corners of her mouth tugged down as Zark continued; not out of discomfort or bruised pride, but in concentration. Talia absorbed everything she saw and heard, recognition for the mistakes and small successes earned a subtle nod or a blink, but nothing more. As Kali neared the end, however, pointing out the obvious, the Wolf’s shoulders tensed as her brows knit. There it is, out in the open, her nostrils flared as the pilot exhaled forcefully, her lips pressed together in a tight frown.

Her arm tensed at Zark’s touch, as the Wolf shook her head. “You know what happened,” Talia rose to her full height, fists clenched on the rope, nodding at her holographic image. Her voice was cold, neutral, refusing to meet Zark’s eyes. “I lost it. She laughed, and I lost it, but it wasn’t just that. I gave her everything I had and it wasn’t enough, not even close. So I let my emotions and survival instincts take over, and I paid for it.” She nodded again, understanding the gravity of what Kali said.

If she’d been in her fighter, in the thick of it, people would have died. If Medusa hadn’t dropped her, how far would she have gone? How much damage would she have done? As good as it felt, Talia shook her head, that was incredibly stupid, her jaw clenched.

“I felt terrible, after,” she leaned back on the ropes, feigned interest in her nails, picking at her cuticles.  “It was supposed to be fun, but…I guess I’m not used to fun; everything is work, life or death. I take my training seriously, and push myself because I have to. In the box, I know my limits and the limits of my ship; it’s all muscle memory, and procedure, tactics and yes, ultimately, experience. Time and repetition, until I don’t have to think to react. It's life or death measured in split second decisions. But this,” she gestured to the holos, “this was supposed to be fun, and I let it turn into something else.”

The Wolf took a breath then, sucking her teeth. Regardless how slim the chances were against the Romulan, she wouldn’t give up; that just wasn’t in her, but maybe that was the lesson she needed to learn. Sometimes there just isn’t a way to win without losing. All the training in existence wont turn you into something you’re not.

Another question remained, framed in a new light – if losing control was what she sought, and she knew that was dangerously reckless, then why the hell was she even trying? I shouldn’t – not with someone that could get hurt, or hurt me. That’s just fucking irresponsible.

“Maybe I’ll just stick to hitting bags,” Shadow murmured softly, then met Zark’s eyes. “Thanks for helping me put that in perspective,” she smiled slightly as she let go of the ropes, lifting a shoulder. “You’ve given me a lot to consider, but the truth seems apparent,” she lifted her chin to herself and Valyn, then shook her head. “I had no business going in that ring with her in the first place.”

It stung, as the truth always did, but she accepted it. “I might not be able to outfight her,” Talia smirked, “but I can damn sure outfly her.”

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #5
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark gave the Wolf a concerned look as she listened to what happened with the loss of control and the answer she had expected or wanted to hear.  The medico felt that Talia was carrying something unresolved, but had no idea what.  Zark on the other hand was adept at healing the body.  Healing the mind and spirit usually happened by accident.  The counsellors would probably be able to put her conundrum in a place that Talia could deal with, but that was up to her to go seek their assistance.  The blue woman debated for a second about suggesting it, but she decided she would only mention it if her judgment deemed it necessary or Talia asked about it.  What she could do though was offer support and comfort, though she was usually very impulsive about these things and her arms circled the muscular pilot.

The empathetic Andorian pulled the pilot in and squeezed her as the two touched heads.  "Talia, you have every right to be in that ring."  Zark pulled back and placed her hands on the tanned shoulders, offering a grin that hopefully put Talia at ease.  "You were looking to blow off some steam and like the rest of us, get to know some new people.  Things got out of hand, and that's something that's controlled over time as you come to grips with who you are.  There is something you haven't come to term with yet, so you were fighting not only Valyn, but yourself as well."  As Zark was want to do, her hands glided down Talia's arms and she gently grabbed her hands and picked them up together like a prayer in her own.  "As corny as it sounds, you've got talent and drive to succeed, and you can totally whip Valyn.  It'll just take some practice and refinement of how you operate. Who knows, maybe this training will help you open new possibilities in how you fly. I don't know."  The Andorian dropped the Wolf's hands and threw them palms up beside her as she tilted her head to one side in a universal 'I don't know.'

Zark headed out of the ring and to grab her gloves, and mouth guard.  "Talia, boxing is as much muscle memory, I think just like flying, there is very little time to think things through.  If you get the chance to stop and think, great, if not, you're going instinct. "  Zark returned and slid herself in.  "Nobody ever improved themselves doing just one thing, especially just working the heavy bag.  Besides, we came here to spar.  If you want to go for full contact, we can do that later.  Here's how this is gonna work."  The Andorian turned to face the pilot.  "You go ahead and take swings at me.  I'm more interested in seeing your technique, so please try not to hit to do damage, just a tap is fine.  Don't worry, I'm not that easy to hit anyway."  The mouth protector went in, slightly muddling her voice.  A well worn set of black gloves with blue thumbs was put on.  "When I see something that needs fixing, we'll stop and I'll show you what to look out for when making that move and how it can be more effective.  It'll take some practice, so I recommend you come to the holodeck and practice.  Time permitting, I can join you and work with you."

The geared up Andorian finished putting on her gloves and tightening the velcro.  Moving to the middle of the ring, Zark smacked her gloves together and waved Talia to join her.  "One last thing, one strike on me is an accident, two is very coincidental. At that point." Zark smiled as she slammed he gloves together couple more times generating some loud thuds.  "I hit back and we'll go for a few.  Come on! We haven't got all day."

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #6
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
The sudden rush of blue wrapping her in an embrace caught the pilot off-guard, again; Talia’s body locked up, flinching at the unexpected intimacy. And we're hugging again, she smirked as their heads touched and Kali’s compassion soothed her, the scent of her filling her nostrils. The pilot licked her lips on instinct as she stood there and listened; blinking rapidly, unsure how to respond, trying to adjust to the Andorian in her personal space. It felt…awkward, good, but awkward – leaving her cheeks, ears, and skin tingling. Soon enough though, Kali pulled away to grab her gear; Talia followed suit, after a quick breath, to her own bag. The Wolf shook her head with a weak huff of air, shaking the contact off; reassurance from anyone was rare, leaving her slightly confused but appreciative all the same.

There’s plenty of shit I haven’t come to terms with, the pilot thought darkly as Zark continued, unsure how to feel about that insight from beyond herself. Dark brows met together as Talia pulled her gloves on and her mind conjured a list of pains that fueled her, that kept her going. It was the pain she used to get where she needed to be: too weak to save her mother and sister had forced her to be stronger –  too wild and rebellious to be loved by her father had forced her to learn control and discipline. From the death of her uncle and cruelty of the Breen, she learned to keep everyone at arms length – because letting people in invited pain. This was how she lived, the justifications and rationalizations for how and why she operated the way she did. For good or ill, there was no other way to be.
So how am I fighting myself, and why, the Wolf wondered, turning to nod to Kali as the Andorian explained what she wanted Talia to do. A small smirk dawned on the pilot’s lips at the warning that followed. She’d agreed with everything Zark said, to one degree or another; nothing in life was given freely. Shadow certainly knew that part well enough; it took work to get in shape, to fly, to function well in any worthy pursuit or goal. Some people are born with talent, but even that would only get you so far. Talia wasn’t afraid of work, but she was afraid of something.

Going too far, her mind whispered as she popped her mouth guard in. No. You’re afraid to let go, of going after what you really want with abandon. That’s what you’re really scared of. You’re afraid to let go, to get hurt, to hurt others the way you were hurt. With her back to Zark, who was hollering for the pilot to hurry up, Talia’s face darkened at herself with the sudden realization. “You’re fucking insane, you know that,” she muttered under her breath, then turned to approach the ring, shaking her limbs out as she walked. Leave it be. Just learn what you came here to learn, she exhaled, irritated at all the useless introspection. Fuck sakes Talia, just stop thinking so much.

After dipping in between the ropes, the pilot rotated her neck and shoulders before she started bouncing off to a corner. “Ready,” Talia asked, her speech muffled around the guard, nodding to the Andorian. Once she’d been given an affirmation, the Wolf ceased bouncing and closed in, gloves up, the Andorian’s warning at the front of her mind. Last thing she wanted to do was piss Zark off, but she also didn’t want her to think that she wasn’t taking this seriously – so Talia opted to err on the side of caution – aiming for 50% speed and power. She circled the Andorian for a few seconds, observing how her opponent moved, before rushing in to middle range with a jab from her left.

For the next several minutes, Talia lived exclusively in those moments; maneuver, attack, re-adjust, maneuver, attack, re-adjust. Over and over, following her opponent. She threw jabs to the head, to the body. She threw one-two combos; tried closing in when an opening appeared for a cross, only to find herself retreating seconds later. As more time went on, Talia’s mind blanked, as it always did when she stopped trying to control everything about herself so rigorously; it was the same trance-like focus she used in the gym – the world simply got tuned off. Gradually, the speed and intensity of her strikes increased, as her body instinctively responded to the activity. Deliberate, conscious control started to slip, but the Wolf wouldn’t let herself go completely.

By the time Zark had apparently seen enough, Talia stopped instantly, blinking as she snapped back to reality. The pilot retreated a few steps, breathing through her nose, gloves on her hips, wondering what she did wrong. “Sorry,” Talia mumbled, then pushed the mouth guard out to hang between her teeth. “Was that too much,” she breathed, concern written on her face. Pretty sure I never even hit her, she thought with a frown.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #7
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

After Zark had gotten the snot beaten out of her early in her training, the coaches had made it clear that the main way for Zark to really win in most had to hand combat engagements was to bide her time and avoid most contact till she could get her own in.  Having seen Talia go at it in a slug fest with Valyn, Zark made damn sure to dodge and weave away from any hits that came in.  After Talia called ready Zark ordered the computer to record Talia's movements, then kept a low guard so she could see what the Wolf's entire posture as she went after the medic.  Zark noted the restraint in the beginning as she easily pulled out of range of the jabs and punches that were sent her way.  A jab would come at her head and the blue head simply pulled back, then weaved to the side to avoid the follow up.  The blue and tan danced while Zark kept made sure to stay light on her feat and out of the body builders potentially powerful strike.  Despite the admonition in the beginning, the intensity began to ratchet up and Zark found herself having to resort to more aggressive manoeuvring to keep from getting hit.  Talia seemed to fall into a trance as she came after the blue woman.  Zark would twist and turn to avoid body shots, while occasionally letting strike graze her defences. All the while, Zark kept watch and identified vulnerabilities that she would have exploited.  The Andorian fainted with an arm drop at one point that was an opening to get punched in the head and bounced away.  It was soon becoming apparent to Zark that her initial assessment as to why Valyn would beat Talia was quite on the dot in terms of her vulnerabilities just as the Andorian had to deflect a strike with her gloves.  The deflection actually caused her loose weak guard to cave in somewhat and Zark waved a stop to Talia.  The blue face was very neutral as she regarded the pilot for a moment and popped out her own mouth guard as she formed her response.  "Not really." was the reply the Andorian gave to the human.  "On the other hand, I do see a few issues.  First get in a ready position."  Zark then circled the pilot for a moment and began looking her over, analyzing before coming back into Talia's view.  "Main issue is you're fighting like your warp fighter.  Your foot work and your ability to deliver punishment is good, but your defences are on the weak side.  Good thing that's easy to fix, but it'll take time to get used to."  Zark used her glove hands to bring Talia's gloves in a bit tighter and it took a bit more work to compact the pilot's body into something more defensible.   The hardest was getting her arms in the right position to keep the important organ's covered.   "Your coverage looked good, but actually wasn't that effective in protecting your body and head. Lemme show you.  Computer record this pose for Talia" and the computer beeped.

The Andorian motioned for Talia to head to the corner. "Computer, activate hologram of Talia and play her movements with appropriate reactions to my strikes.  Record the moves that I make."  The computer beeped and Zark put her gloves up. "Talia, I want you to see watch to see how open your defences were and then we'll change it to your new pose." Zark popped her mouth guard back in.   "Computer. Initiate at double speed."  Holo Talia moved in quickly and began to circle as Zark bounced back and forth with an orthodox stance.  Zark dodged the first few jabs, then suddenly opted to block with her left and slammed her right into the pilot's mid section twice and the hologram grunted as it bent in response.  The left came round automatically and connected with the holographic cheek and sent her staggering with an oof.  The computer worked to bring the marionette back on the track and Zark waited as the hologram moved back into place and kept going.  Zark alternatively bounced away or let her tight guard deflect the shots to the side and gave an opportunity to for the blue woman to send jabs at the mouth that snapped the tanned holo head back.  The one-two came in and the Andorian simply absorbed the shots on the arms in order to deliver a short brutal upper cut to the chin.  It was the was the dropping of the guard slightly and Talia's attempt to cross Zark that ultimately ended the scenario as the medico weaved out of the way and drove her fist at holo Talia's mid section again, pretty much the same spot where Valyn had hit her the previous time.  "Not every opening is a real opening Shadow."  Zark said she stepped away to join Talia while her breathing had increased slightly.

Leaning on the ropes, Zark initiated the next part of the teaching aid.  "Computer, merge movements from myself and Talia, but change Talia's stance to the one recorded earlier.  Determine appropriate punches for Talia and incorporate into simulation."  The computer beeped after a few moments and signalled it was ready.  "Computer, begin."  Blue-Green eyes watched as a hologram of Zark and Talia moved towards each other and began throwing punches at each other.  Holo Talia couldn't block everything as the sound of leather impacting skin still thudded out, but the number of punches that could be absorbed or deflected went up significantly.  Holo Zark on the other hand was coming off worse for wear as several shots that had made it through earlier were being deflected and leaving her open.  Zark mentally winced as the blue holo grunted when an uppercut sank deep into the exposed mid section then a follow on to the mouth snapped the head back up.  The recreation ended at the cross and holo Zark's body shot still made it through before the simulation stopped, but this time was different as the shot had been robbed of some of it's power by an arm that was in the way. "To avoid the last one takes time, practice, and experience.  Anyway, main thing is to get your defences in tighter and move about a bit quicker. Any questions so far?"

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #8
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
After she'd huffed a sigh of relief for not over-doing their initial exchange, Talia complied, assuming the stance she'd always used as Kali circled around her; dark eyes stayed up, above the blue woman's curves. She arched a brow at the Andorian’s comment – Talia didn’t know if Zark had ever flown or not, or even seen how the fighters flew – but listened, regardless; she could analyze that comparison at length later. Allowing Zark to adjust her posture and arms, the Wolf took a moment to focus on the difference in how the new stance felt versus the old. Her gloves were higher, elbows and forearms tighter to her body. Overall, it seemed to make sense, as it offered a smaller, tighter target for an opponent and she could feel her muscles coiled tighter. Her head nodded in silent agreement – it would take some getting used to, for sure.

She then moved off to the corner to rest her elbows on the ropes while Zark continued, shifting her weight from one foot to the other to stay loose. All the while, as she chewed absentmindedly on her mouth guard, her attention never wavered; Talia watched with intense focus as the simulation unfolded, her arms flexing instinctively as her counterpart moved, dodged, blocked and attacked. Kali’s input was enlightening, and Talia nodded her understanding. She’d fallen for Medusa’s feints, and again with Zark’s – that was obviously a key issue to work on.

To her eyes, the second sim ran much the same, but she did notice the subtle differences in the way her holographic counterpart moved; she reacted to her opponent defensively, timing her attacks by countering, not just attacking.

This was quite revelatory, and Shadow realized two important facts almost instantly; Zark isn’t a punching bag, and I could watch her move all day. The Andorian was a living, thinking opponent, way more experienced, and trying to teach her. To learn and improve, Talia needed to stay focused and aware, to pay attention; drifting off into zombie mode wouldn’t suffice. She was also gorgeous, obviously, but beyond that, Talia paid attention to the way the Andorian leaned away from incoming strikes – the way she twisted, turned, seemed to flow and stay fluid – the way her weight shifted, the way her muscles played, pulling taunt under blue skin. Poetry in motion. Damn, I got a lot of work to do, Shadow shook her head subtly. Physical attraction aside, she felt immense gratitude for the blue-skinned beauty for taking the time out of her (undoubtedly) busy schedule for this tutorial.
Zark then asked if she had any questions. Shadow took a breath, then met the Andorian’s eyes. “Stay tight, move faster,” the pilot nodded, “Makes sense.” She took a few steps out of the corner, shaking her arms out; once she’d set into the new stance she’d learned, Talia practiced bending and twisting her torso in mimicry of Zark’s movements before relaxing again to smirk at herself. It felt weird, moving in new ways, but she trusted the Andorian’s instruction. “I’ll try my best,” Talia nodded again, then pushed her guard back into place. “Go again,” she asked, bouncing a little on her toes. “Feel free to tag me this time, ok?” Her defenses needed work, so, what better way to learn?

Once the holos had been dismissed, and Zark had given her readiness, Talia thumped her gloves together and moved in. This time she made a conscious effort to incorporate what she’d learned; keeping herself tightly guarded, moving faster, paying attention to her opponent. Mostly though, the pilot tried to be patient, circling her opponent, dodging what she could, blocking where she could. Kali's blows still struck home, each one earned a wince or grunt, but Shadow focused on timing – using her reflexes to counter to the body, or a quick jab to an exposed cheek or chin. As the minutes wore on, it felt like she was getting worse, not better, adding an irritating layer of frustration to her efforts. She stepped into a quick combo of body blows, taking the hits on her arms, followed by what looked to be a solid cross coming for her face. Shadow leaned back to duck under it, but she wasn’t fast enough. The impact was minimal, deflecting off her glove instead of her head, but enough to piss her off. She answered with an attempted hook to the Andorian’s torso – which met nothing but air – then a stiff jab collided with her face, about the same time as she realized her mistake.
Talia grunted from the impact, retreating back a few steps to rotate her jaw as she shook the stars from her eyes. “Fuck,” she grimaced, exhaling sharply to vent her anger at herself. “I keep falling for the same stupid shit,” she huffed, then laughed; because it sounded comical with the guard in, even to her ears. Then she set to pacing with her gloves on her head, chest heaving, skin sheened in a thin coat of sweat. She honestly couldn’t tell how long they’d been sparing, but it felt substantially longer than the first. Not that it really mattered, she still had plenty of fuel in the tank – but she needed to stay calm to learn. Easy, ace, take it easy, the Wolf told herself; if that had been real, she knew she’d be laid out cold on the mat, which didn’t help her constant self-critical thinking. It stung, but she doubted it would even bruise. Pushing her guard out again, Talia took a deep, calming breath, then waved a glove at the Andorian. “Its fine,” her eyes closed as she sighed, then sniffed quickly, wiping a thin trail of blood from under her nose. Keep your shit together Shadow, she warned herself, waiting to hear what Zark had to say.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #9
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

The Talia that came in for the second round was definitely different calibre altogether and Zark was impressed that she was internalizing the lesson so quickly.  Zark didn't remember being that quick on the uptake when she first started.  On the other hand, she had been younger and more fiery back then.  So the two bounced around each other, blue-green eyes matching against brown in seeking an opening. Alright, let's see how much tighter she really is. Zark thought as she opened the ball and began throwing jabs and punches.  Like the holo, a good portion of the shots landed on Talia's arms and gloves keeping her body and head protected and in action.  A few outside shots were deflected leaving the Andorian open and Zark ate leather as her head lurched back a few times.  These punches were only somewhat softer than the end of the first round, but nowhere enough to do real damage.  Surprisingly Talia was sort of starting to flag a bit and falling back into her old posture, which Zark took advantage of to slip some light jabs at her face, and couple of light hits to her mid section, just enough to sting and hopefully get her arms back in position.  The reminder sort of worked as shot aimed at Talia's mid section bounced off her arm and Zark more oofed out of habit than any real pain as she got hit in her abdomen instead.  Maybe I oughta keep my guard in tighter. The Andorian thought to herself as she formulated a plan to see how well Talia was at reading her opponents and her leading arm fired as if to jab at the pilot's head.  Her responses were good as she stepped out of the way, but it was the move Zark wanted as she was already twisting to bring her other arm into action and the pilot didn't have time to react as the medic swung in a series of body blows.  A few bounced off her arms in the rush, but most connected in good hits that would have been devastating if at full power.  The Andorian boxer bounced away from a counter and waited till she was in position once more and deliberately misfired a cross before sending her right into the pilot's face that sneaked through her guard and landed on her nose.

Zark's eyes widened as she realized she'd gotten carried away and drawn blood as Talia waved the fight to a stop.  The Andorian was about to apologize when Talia delivered her assessment of how she was doing and she gave a shallow nod in agreement.  "It's a learning curve for sure.  Part of it is knowing who your opponent is and their preferred techniques.  The rest comes in knowing how you fight.  Some prefer to bore in and just go for a slug fest.  Others prefer to dance and wait for the right moment.   The main thing we're going to have to work on is your stamina in the new position since you have to consciously think to use it at this stage.  It did seem to fall apart at little round half way."  The medico waved at the dripping nose and summoned a towel, then handed it to Talia so she could staunch the flow and clean off.  It didn't escape the Zhen's notice the way the pilot's muscles glistened and her chest heaved as she breathed.  It took some willpower to not arch an eyebrow at the sight. Though she did mentally sigh at having a thought like that right at this point in time.  Oh Damn Faye! The Zhen mentally cursed before continuing. "To be fair, I think we went on a bit longer than what a normal round goes for.  Computer, how long was this latest sparring round?" "This round was 4 minutes and 11 seconds."  Zark nodded at this.  "Most round are usually two minutes with a minute break.  I usually fight amateur, which is four or five rounds with a minute break in between.  Never tried for professional for obvious reasons, but 10 rounds is a lot."  Zark planted her gloved hands on her hips for a moment.

This last exposition gave Zark an idea and her head rocked from side to side as she mulled it over, it was potentially dangerous though, but would give Talia a good appreciation of what she had learned in real life, and a chance to come to grips with her killer trance.  It was the last part that Zark had doubts about since in her trance, Talia would fight for all out victory, but likely default to old muscle memory.  Despite being aggressive and dangerous, it had it's glaring weaknesses that would leave her vulnerable.  On the other hand........

"Talia, let's go for full contact.  Amateur length since we've been at this for a while already.  More importantly though, I think you've got talents, but they don't really become active till the competition becomes really intense.  Plus it'll give you a a chance to really work off that tension you're carrying around."  Zark's head dipped to one side.  "What do you think? ready for some hot and heavy action?" Zark asked totally aware yet unconcerned with the sub text of what she'd just said since the alternative was twisting Talia into a pretzel and putting the pilot on a massage table.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #10
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
Dark chocolate eyes opened as Kali spoke; Shadow kept her gloves up on her head, chewing on her mouth-guard, weight shifting from leg to leg. Her breathing slowed, but her body remained coiled and tense; irritated and frustrated with herself, she simply nodded at the Andorian’s comments. It felt like the she’d been fighting on two fronts during their last bout – against her opponent and her old habits; the new stance she’d tried to incorporate had taken more out of her to maintain than she’d thought. Talia caught the offered towel with a murmured thanks, then dabbed it to the blood smeared across her upper lip with a sniff. Wasn’t even that hard of a hit, she thought with a frown, shaking her head subtly.

Her brows met together in confusion as Zark explained the time limits on rounds; the fight with Medusa seemed to stretch on for a lot longer than two minutes, but she didn’t comment. She just nodded her understanding, then moved off to the nearest corner to drop the rag in a ringside bucket, before turning back to Kali. Watching as the Andorian debated something internally, Shadow rested her elbows on the top ropes, lips pursed slightly as she waited. I wonder if that’s how I look when I’m arguing with myself, the pilot smirked.

That smirk died rather quickly at the Andorian’s proposal.

Full contact, Talia’s head tilted, blinking in surprise. Tension? What tension? Fuck, is it that obvious, she frowned slightly, but refused to comment. Despite the fact that she was currently stuck in a two-year dry spell, and yes, more than a little sexually frustrated, Talia went to considerable lengths to keep her shit internalized. Then Zark’s head dipped to the side, and the pilot unconsciously mimicked the movement in the opposite direction, brows raised again at the Andorian’s final question. With a slow, deep breath, the Wolf widened her stance to lean forwards, gripping the ropes to stretch her arms and chest. Her head lowered with a slight groan, obscuring her face in a curtain of sweaty, tangled black. Is this really a good idea, ace, she asked herself. Fuck it – we could all be dead tomorrow. Her face set in stone as she popped up and tossed her hair back, shaking her legs out. Can’t fuck her, might as well fight her, she growled silently, throwing Kali a curt nod. “Let’s go then,” she shrugged, walking to rejoin Zark in the center of the ring. “Three rounds, all in,” she asked, brows knit as her eyes darted down the Andorian’s body and back up in a blink. “Or did you have something else in mind,” she asked, tucking the thumbs of her gloves in to tug the waistband of her leggings low across her hips, to a more comfortable position.

She figured three was a good number, not that it really mattered – Talia held no illusions about how this was going to end. That night, a few days ago, Valyn had been enjoying herself and Shadow’s intensity had caught the Romulan off-guard, or something such; to her mind, based on what she’d learned from Zark so far, there was no other explanation for why she had lasted as long as she did. Here, now – Kali was clearly about to beat the shit out of her, but standing there, breathing the Andorian in, Talia really didn’t care. She’d get her licks in and go down swinging; that was who she was, how she fought – putting everything she had into it, like always.  Maybe I’ll learn a few more tricks before she puts me down, the Wolf smirked.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #11
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) & Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark nodded and smiled at Talia’s acceptance and three rounds was enough just after having gone through the equivalent of three rounds earlier.  Zark knew she had been checked out, it wasn’t hard to see given her security training and awareness of her own attractiveness.  Talia’s offer was tempting, but counter productive, so the Zhen filed it away.  "Okay, go put on your head gear." Zark told Talia as she grabbed hers and stopped. "Good luck for both of us." The medico said to the pilot as she laid her glove on the Wolf’s shoulder for a moment before heading to her own corner and putting the black helmet on the way. "Computer, generate a referee, and a two person coaching team for each corner. Match time will be three rounds of two minutes with a one minute break in between." The computer beeped obediently and a Bolian in a black and white striped shirt appeared in the middle of the ring, while Zark got a Human with a cigar stuck in his mouth and a Trill with a towel over her shoulder.

Zark knew what she was going to try to do did not fall under safe at all, but it was for Talia’s benefit and her chances of victory in the future, so any bruises and cuts were going to be well worth it.  After reaching her corner and seeing Talia was in position, she initiated the program.  The blue woman bounced lightly on her feet while the coach offered some generic advice through his cigar while the Trill gave Zark an impromptu neck and shoulder massage.  Zark opened her mouth and the Trill pulled it out to squirt in some water before sticking it back in.  After wringing her head around for a bit the Bolian signalled Zark and Talia to come to the middle.  Okay ladies, I wanna see a clean fight, obey my commands at all times, and no low blows. Got it? Touch gloves and to your corners.  Zark gave Talia an arrogant smirk and pushed her gloves in then headed back to her corner.  Taking a last few hops, the match began.


Zark came out in a low crouching stance that made her look substantially smaller than she normally was and approached Talia at speed.  Deciding to open the ball hard in order to get the Wolf in the right mood, Zark suddenly lunged at what appeared to be outside range as she stood to her proper height.  Instead of going for the head like most used as an opening move, Zark's muscles tensed and fired two shots at Talia’s well defined tan abs, and quick hook at her head before pulling back.

Shadow let the Andorian come to her, expecting no less; she knew Zark held several advantages over her and had decided to let her opponent set the pace. The pilot attempted to move around Kali’s initial charge, and just like in the cockpit, she turned into the fight; Talia took the body blows on her arms, but saw the incoming hook and swerved to the side. As Zark pulled back, her left shot out with a quick jab as she bounced back and around to Zark’s flank.That’s it, keep moving, she thought quickly, mindful of her own aggression, but aiming for patience.

Zark felt the glove graze her helmet and smiled.  Good, her guard’s tight..  Reacting to Talia’s attempt to flank her, Zark joined the circle and kept bouncing.  Blue-green eyes peered over the black gloves and measured her opponent’s stance.  Guessing Talia would try to protect her head, the Andorian fired a quick right jab at where she figured the glove was going to block the strike and kept her left ready to block anything else that came in.

As Talia continued to side-step around, with her initial jab batted aside, she held back and tried to keep her body moving; her arms and torso weaved side-to-side as she consciously kept her guard tight while searching for an opening. Even as she did, the all too familiar tension grew in the back of her mind - aware that time was not her ally, the Wolf fought against the instinctual impulse to rush in. Fuck it, c’mon, she growled to herself, opting to try something different; her right lowered fractionally, shoulder rolled as she stepped in suddenly, only to throw a quick hook to the Andorian’s torso with her left. Once committed, her right followed suit in quick order, followed up by an aggressive uppercut attempt with her left.

Zark's mind was cool and analytical as the body shots came in. The jab at Talia's had been nothing more than a taunt; not committed to anything except a psychological ploy. Her defences were ready and the Andorian's face didn't waver as she continued her hit and run. The lithe blue body quickly rotated right then left. The smooth yet muscular arms felt the shock as the smacks of the deflected blows thudded out. Her upper body lunged backwards just in time to feel much harder smack against her left arm. Though somewhat unbalanced by the hit, Zark quickly fired her right at Talia as a parting gift while biding her time and continuing her fighting retreat.

Shadow grunted under the impact as Zark’s glove clipped the side of her chin, a stiff impact that caused her to shift her weight to compensate. The combo was less than effective, forcing her to refocus her defenses while attempting to open up space from the Andorian. Blinking the hit off, her face drew into a tight scowl as the pilot mentally berated herself for expecting her opponent to fall for something so obvious. Yeah, that worked great, she grumbled, even as she continued to shuffle around Kali, waiting for her opponent’s next move.Keep it together, c’mon, she reminded herself.

Zark's mind shifted gears as she instinctively noticed the reset and surged in. Moving to close range in less than two seconds, the expressionless Andorian quickly threw a left and right hook at Talia's defences hard enough just to pin them in place. The blue fury barely rotated as she flashed a quick and hard right uppercut into the gap between the tanned arms as a shield breaker. Done right, it would expose the Wolf's head and leave her open to stunning punch to the head, then a barrage to just about everything Zark was allowed to hit. If it didn't work, the Andorian would find herself hard pressed to extricate herself from a painful situation. She was fully committed though as her left followed, rocketing towards Talia's head.

Instinct forced Talia to cover under the barrage, even as she tried to retreat. Unfortunately, she wasn’t fast enough; her arms stung under the blows, one of which hit directly to the radial nerve. As her right arm numbed the pilot grimaced, attempting to lean her head back out of the way - and ate the uppercut to her face with a muffled grunt. Everything fell apart rather quickly after that - the Wolf stumbled as she tried to retreat, but found herself leaning back onto the ropes suddenly with nowhere else to go before she could even shake the shock out of her system.

Zark followed the stunned Talia to the ropes as soon as she felt the impact through her glove and there was a good chance it had hit Talia right in the middle of her face.  That mattered little though as Zark got close and started delivering a spectacular pounding, but not a hard one.  Although it certainly wouldn't feel like it, Zark wasn't aiming to debilitate the pilot, just leave a spectacular set of cuts and bruises.  She first began punching at the pilot’s head, knocking aside the inadequate defenses that were desperately trying to reset. A couple hit Talia’s arms and gloves, but following strikes knocked the shielding gloves out of the way and the ring reverberated with the sound of leather connecting to skin and as Zark threw hooks and punches at Talia's cheeks and mouth.  Each hit elicited a grunt as sweaty black hair snapped in several directions before the defending gloves managed to get back tight into position.  With that avenue closed off, the right black gloves circled for momentum and drove an uppercut into the exposed tan six pack and Zark heard another harder series of grunts as she began pistoning Talia’s weakening abs and her head to keep the defences up.  Talia let out a cry of pain as a hard slam into the middle of her belly button shifted the focus of the defense as Talia keeled over, and this was where Zark miscalculated as she brought an uppercut that connected with the bottom of her opponent's jaw.  Zark’s eyes widened as a black and white shirt began pushing her away and the Bolian referee told her to head to a neutral corner.  Zark stared at the carnage she’d wrought and mentally pleaded for Talia to get up as the referee began the count. “1”  A hand came down “2…3…4…5…6…7..”

Under the merciless assault, for Shadow, time seemed to stretch between the jarring impacts of black gloves; there was only the thudding of her heart, ringing in her ears, the tang of metal in her mouth and a red haze in her vision. Dazed, bleeding and bruised, the pilot felt like she was sinking in quicksand. Her body failed to obey, muscles acting of their own accord from misfiring neurons. Eventually, Talia realized that she’d fallen to one knee, as her vision swam into focus; a single glove, knuckles down to the mat, held her from total collapse. Her head ached, along with most of her body; breath sawed in and out of her lungs as the pilot shook herself and raised her eyes to the Bolian ref. He’s...counting, her mind slurred, as her face pulled into a mask of determination.


The round ended before the ref could finish the count and Zark headed for her corner.  The coach was enthusiastic while the Trill attended to her with water and sponge. Zark drank the water and didn’t feel any of the water running down her body as she snapped. ”Computer, remove my coach.” and the widely gesticulating human disappeared as Zark kept her eyes on Talia.

Talia grunted through a scarlet stained mouth-guard, using her other gloved hand on the rope to haul herself to her feet – brows knitted as she grimaced with effort. Nostrils flared with anger as her eyes glared, first to the ref, then to the Andorian. Fuck this shit, Talia growled mentally, irate at herself for failing, for being weak; as the ref checked her out, the Wolf nodded curtly to continue. Zark was going to win, that much was inevitable – but as the last of Shadow’s brittle emotional control frayed, she really didn’t give a fuck. Try that shit again, her eyes told the Andorian, as she made her way to her own corner, kicking the stool out of the ring. Now her blood was up – now she was ready to push herself beyond the pain, and dish it out in turn. Her gloves rested on the ropes opposite her corner as her coach pulled the bloody guard from her mouth to rinse it out. Talia turned her head to spit the bloody mess as she breathed heavily. She listened as he warned her to stay off the ropes, to dance in and out of range and not go toe-to-toe with the blue wrecker. Shadow didn’t comment; she just kept shifting her weight from leg to leg, clenching her sore jaw. Fuck this fucking shit, she snarled at herself again, I’ll do it my way or not at all. 

Zark frowned as she watched Talia get herself ready for the next round.  She knew she could beat Talia hands down, no problem.  The issue was what she was seeing in those brown eyes and what they would bring.  It would be harder, but the Wolf would go down. Whether she went down satisfied with how she was doing was something else.  Zark tapped her gloves together in thought and stared into the hard determined face to suss out what to do next.  The Andorian seriously considered throwing in the towel right there, but a blood price had to be paid and the Wolf would be resentful till it was paid.  The other option was to flat out win.  At least she’d go out on her own terms.  There was a third option though and as little as Zark would like it, there was the possibility that it would give Talia more than what she wanted.  Mentally nodding to herself and coming to terms with what she was asking of herself, Zark stood up and kicked out her legs a bit to keep them loose. When the bell rang, she would close to see what Talia was really capable of.


Shadow didn’t waste time closing in; she fought cold, filled with icy, determined rage - completely instinctual. Kali was no longer a person; her opponent was Talia’s past, oppressing her with its pain. The blue woman was the rubble of her childhood home, slowly crushing her mother and sister to death while Talia struggled to free them hopelessly. Zark was her uncle’s mangled body on a cadaver slab, waiting to be identified by the only living relative that cared about him, all for the sin of who he chose to love. Zark was the bodies of people Talia had wanted to know, to love, but never got the chance because she was too afraid to try; the Breen had slaughtered them, murdered them, robbing her of the chance. The Andorian was everything about herself that she hated and wanted to destroy; so she attacked, again and again, heedless of the consequences. With bitter, vengeful tears in her eyes, she went for broke, holding nothing back. She raged against her own weakness, her own vulnerability, her own pain, and she wouldn’t stop. This was the rage unleashed by Medusa, an intoxicating serenity that drowned her in its purity of release. Everything she’d internalized, for so long, vented as pure physical wrath. She didn’t care if she lost. She didn’t care if she got hurt. She didn’t care, really, if she hurt Zark. Talia was lost, and she wouldn’t stop until her body gave out.

Zark saw the berserker and knew this round would only end in an orgy of destruction.  The Talia she knew was lost and drowning in her own rage, and she needed a release so the Talia she knew could surface again. Zark’s resolve firmed up to fight the fight she was specifically trained to not do.  There was no point in stretching this out. She would just have to hold out as long as possible, or go down trying.  The bloody and bruised rage in front of her closed quickly and though Zark knew it would piss her off no end, she smiled the smile of the dead as two began to dance around each other.  Without warning, her right lashed out a pair of jabs at Talia’s head and the battle of wills was on.

Shadow batted aside the first jab, ignoring the second completely as it grazed the side of her cheek. All pretense of form and composure was over. She threw everything she had at Kali in a ceaseless barrage, only dimly aware of the damage she was sustaining – it didn’t matter. Every blow was a kill-shot, as the blissful emotional pain flowed through her, dulling her physical sense of injury, the pilot pummelled her own pain in ruinous savagery. She threw combos to the body, hooks and uppercuts, even as she was battered and smashed aside, Talia never stopped pressing forwards; she fought like a woman possessed, lost in her own pain and the desire to see it destroyed.

Zark kept her defences tight. She had to this close to the human jackhammer.  The shots were not the best aimed, but there were a lot of them as Zark weaved, ducked, and countered.  Talia was frequently over committing, and the Andorian took ruthless advantage of it, peppering the tanned bruised body with punches and hooks.  Talia still grunted as her body was forced to bend and twist, but it didn’t matter since she was pressing Zark and ignoring everything to beat the Andorian into submission, possibly beyond that.  Zark stood tall and Talia launched a hook to take her head off.  Zark ducked underneath forcing an over extension and piled three shots into her mid section before her blocking arm got up just in time to deflect a blow that sent the blue woman in another direction.  It was hard work, and Zark was starting to feel it as her legs burned and her arms were starting to get rubbery from the battering for she’d been on a close defence for almost a minute and half of intense, furious combat.  Despite landing way more hits on the pilot, it seemed like Talia had an endless tank, fuelled by a sun of burning rage, and Zark was certain there was only one way to douse the flame.  That moment came when Zark misjudged her distance and she could see the ring post in the corner of her eye.  ”I’m sorry Talia." she said quietly just before she blocked a punch that smashed the glove into her head and knocked her against the poll cushion, and with that Zark flexed everything she had and bit down hard on her mouth guard as she prepared to receive Talia’s full fury.

Lost to wrath, unable to see what she’d become, Shadow launched into a series of ruthless assaults. Her gloved fists pinioned into the Andorian’s abdomen - twice, thrice; Zark grunting for the first two, then crying out on the third - followed by a hook to the face, a furry of jabs at point blank range; she pummeled her hateful self mercilessly, venting every last shred of energy and then some. Then something happened – something, a sound – registered. Zark? her mind, her rational mind, wondered. It was enough – barely – to make the Wolf hesitate, even for a fraction of a moment. She stood there, arms tensed to rain death itself, and saw what she had done – what she had become. And just like that, the serenity of rage fled; leaving her cold, and uncertain, and ashamed. Talia blinked furiously through eyes that wouldn’t stop watering as the weight of her injuries finally registered. ”Zark,” she muttered, as her gloves fell to her side.

Zark was a mass of bruises, sweat, and blood by the time the assault on her suddenly stopped.  It had seemed like an eternity of leather smashing against her and the sound of her own voice either grunting in pain or worse. She could taste the blood in her mouth and it was a little hard to get air since her heavy breathing sounded fluttery instead of smooth.  Her own guard was up, but about as useless as a glass hammer since it hung pretty much around her bruised and swelling abdomen while she leaned against the ring corner for support as her legs were threatening to buckle from under her.  A cool breeze blew by and instead of bringing relief, Zark felt the cool dampness of a cut on her cheek.  She hurt all over from the exertion and the beating to the point she was just one giant pain receptor.  Good thing she stopped when she did.  The Andorian thought to herself as she slowly raised her gloves to her stomach.  They roiled for a moment from the abuse and she fought back the urge to throw up, which she won, barely.  Zark looked at Talia through her one good eye as the other was shut to keep out the blood that was seeping down her face, and the Andorian’s heart went out to Talia.  It hurt so much to move, but Zark forced her body to do her bidding and she released the velcro on her one glove, then the next, and let them drop to the ring floor.

Slowly pushing herself off the corner, Zark gingerly made her way to the confused Wolf and gathered her bruised partner in a protective embrace and led her back to the corner of pain.  Supporting another body while this badly injured was no mean feat as the two women slowly slid down to land on their butts.  Zark groaned the whole way down, but refused to stop holding on to Talia’s head and shoulder.  The medico let Talia just rest on her while the tears threatened to let loose. Zark offered the only other thing she could think of through the fog of pain. ”Tears are the bodies way of letting the pain go Talia.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #12
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
After collapsing next to Kali, the only sounds that broke the silence of the old abandoned warehouse were the groans of the injured - as the pair caught their breath - punctuated by sniffs of emotion. Talia’s swollen lips trembled as tears and blood slowly trailed down her cheeks; the pilot busied herself by fumbling with her gloves, trying to get them off after spitting her mouth-guard off to the side. Once that was accomplished, it felt like the fighting was officially over – her head leaned onto Zark’s shoulder, allowing her bruised and battered body to rest. Her eyes drifted closed, pushing more tears down her face.

Zark’s murmured comment prompted her to nod. Not trusting her own voice, Talia simply sat there, sniffing as her body trembled with silent sobs. A tan hand wrapped itself around a blue one, almost of its own accord, with a gentle squeeze. She wanted to apologize to Kali, to thank her, to run from this vulnerability, to curl up in a ball and weep, to wrap the blue woman up in her arms – all of it, all at once – but she sat there and let the moment stretch out instead. She could only hope that the Andorian could feel and understand what she wished to convey in that simple touch.

It wasn’t easy, living a life of single-minded determination. Important things, simple things, tended to get pushed aside. Sitting there, forced to feel her pain flowing out, Talia realized how wrong she had been, all this time. The beating she’d given Zark, and the one she’d earned in return, seemed a perfect reflection of the path she’d chosen to take through life so far. I have to find another way, she grunted, shifting to pull her left knee up as she stretched her right out next to Zark’s.

The three remaining holos approached suddenly, in odd unison; a Trill, from Zark’s corner, and the old man and a son perhaps – judging from the resemblance between the two – from Talia’s. The pilot’s eyes cracked open as the younger lad set a medical kit down between them with a soft smile. “That was one hell of a fight,” the boy nodded, sounding far older than he looked. He jerked a thumb over his shoulder at the others. “We’ll give you two some privacy,” he grinned, then the three of them vanished.

Talia eyed the kit, then reached for it before Zark could. “Let me,” she murmured, batting a blue hand away with a nudge of her arm. Groaning, the Wolf sat on her knees as she turned to face the battered Andorian, scooting closer. She set the kit in Kali’s lap and opened it, taking a tricorder and hypo out. She understood the basics, but as her dark eyes looked over the damage she’d done, Talia frowned as she shook her head. “You could have dropped me,” the pilot whispered over the hiss of a healthy dose of painkillers, then she pulled some anti-bacterial wipes from a package and went about cleaning the blood from blue flesh – dabbing the gashes lightly. She sniffed, shaking her head subtly as she worked, ignoring the aches of her own body. The Andorian seemed to tense, intent on taking over her own care. Talia huffed a breath of weak amusement. “Just relax, please, and tell me what to do.”

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #13
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark inhaled sharply as the anti septic wipes began cleaning off the cuts and abrasions.  She'd tried to get to the med kit first, but it just wasn't in the cards after being the muscular pilot's punching bag.  What she could do though was remove her own mouth guard, and it looked a little strange with the deep teeth marks she'd had to put into them just to avoid biting out her own tongue.  Still it was disturbing to look at since it dripped a healthy amount of blue liquid mixed with clear saliva.  The Andorian tossed the item aside and it landed with a small blue splat on the ring floor.  Her breathing was still laboured as she removed her helmet and white matted hair fell in strands across her face.  She just sat there as Talia worked to clean up the bleeding as much as possible, her mind fogged over as various body parts complained loudly that they were happy to have someone to bitch to.  Taking a moment, Zark indicated her head, specifically around her eye and winced as the wipe was applied and gave Talia a weak smile as she opened her eye again.  "I could have knocked you out and it wasn't for lack of trying hon. You're in not much better shape than I am. I may be bleeding more, but I think your bruises go deeper"  Zark picked up a wipe and began gently dabbing at the red spots starting with the nose.  "But where would you be afterwards? Unconcious and what? At least this way you had a chance to face it. Gimme the tricorder."

Zark took the device and slowly began pressing buttons and activated a floating holo screen.  The onboard computer scanned both Zark and Talia and stopped beeping when it was done.  Blue fingers fiddled with a few more settings and a new pair of floating holographic screens materialized in front of the medico and she grimaced at the number of yellow descriptors she saw.  Thankfully nothing was orange indicating a serious injury, or red indicating life threatening trauma, but there were a lot of items. 

Zark winced and gritted her teeth as she moved to get a better look at the med kit. She didn't dare shake her head of the cob webs as one of the listed items for her injures was a minor concussion.  It took longer than usual to read the codes on the vials, but she plucked out the Hydrocortilene and handed it to Talia. "Press the bottom left, then bottom right button, then the big trigger.  After you inject me with the Hydrocortilene, our headaches should start to clear."  The medico waited for both of them to get the injection before instructing Talia to remove the vial.  Feeling a little more numb, the combat medic pulled out a vial that the pilot had previously used and inspected it.  Nodding at the Metorapan code, she handed it to the Wolf.  "Press the bottom left button twice, then inject me.  After you do that, Press the left button once and inject yourself."  After hearing the hiss against her partner's skin.  Zark settled in to wait.  She didn't have to wait long as the cob webs began to clear, and the pain all over felt less present than they did before. It was less of not feeling good, and more of there being a barrier between herself and the pain.  "Just give the drugs a minute." 

Zark leaned her head back against the corner and waited till her pain level started to reduce to a manageable level that would impede her ability to operate.  It took more than a minute, but the Andorian just sat there with her eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of hurting less and less.  And having a body next to hers.  Strange how the one who had put her in this state was such a source of comfort. Opening her eyes, Zark felt much better, and didn't wince much when she leaned forward to get the autosuture from the medkit. When Talia tried to interfere, Zark lightly swatted the hand away.  "I hate to say it, but self surgery is a specialty of mine, but go ahead grab the dermal regenerator, and select setting three then start running the beam over your self.  Go slow so the beam has time to take hold and do its job."  The Andorian made a demonstration with the tool in her hand so tali had a good idea of the speed she should be moving the device.  With that taken care of, Zark called up a diagram of her own body and studied the wire frame for a moment then activated her device and watched as she began running the wand over her injuries and letting the device knit her back together.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #14
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
After all the injections, Shadow sat up a bit straighter, neck craned over her sports bra to see what she was doing. The dermal regenerator in her right hand rested gingerly over a colorful abrasion to the right of her belly button, the nasty red blotch at odds with the bruises forming around her ribs and obliques. Talia winced a little from the position, and the tickling sensation of the device as it knit her flesh back together from the abuse suffered by Kali’s black leather sledgehammers. It didn’t help that she was slick with sweat, and still panting, and a little wobbly; but she'd managed to follow directions so far.

At least the drugs helped, the pilot thought sheepishly, after her hand had been swatted away from the autosuture. Her dark eyes flicked to Zark, amazed at the Andorian’s skill; Kali was going about treating herself the way anyone else might get dressed – matter of fact, almost by muscle memory alone. Talia caught herself wondering how many times she’d done that, but paid the price for letting her attention waver by receiving a sharp pinch from the regenerator. “Ow,”  the Wolf grunted, bending over to see what the hell she’d done. “Fucker pinched me,” she muttered, her left hand rubbing over the mostly healed skin with a sigh. She had plenty more to pass over, mostly to her ribs, arms and elbows, and face. Unlike her blue companion, Talia decided to leave the ones she couldn’t see alone.

She talked, to break the silence with more than grunts; a halted, blunt confession of sorts. Despite the need to explain herself, the words wouldn’t come easily. Knowing what she wanted to say and actually saying it was difficult for the Wolf at the best of times – but she felt comfortable enough with Zark to stumble her way through it. She spoke of what she felt, during the fight – the anger, the fury – what it did for her, what it did against her. Why she kept it in, how it scared and intoxicated her in equal measure. “But I was wrong, Kali,” the pilot shook her head, looking down her arm while the regenerator closed another angry looking abrasion. Once complete, she handed the device back over to the Andorian. “I can’t keep this shit inside anymore. I can’t keep moving through life as an island either,” she huffed, smirking at herself. “It all hurts, regardless.”

Misty dark eyes met blue-green, as Talia frowned in shame at what she’d done. “I’m really sorry it took all this for me to figure that out,” she sniffed, then took a quick breath to calm herself. “But I’m glad we did. Thank you, for this,” Talia whispered through a small smile and a nod, then grumbled as she laid down on the mat, her head past the Andorian’s feet, wincing as she stretched her sore and tired body. Even with the drugs, it felt like she’d been run over by a lift freighter.

She smelled too. “I need a shower,” the pilot sighed, as her stomach spoke up. “And some food,” she added, arching a dark brow as she peeked at Kali. “You in?”

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #15
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark was partially listening to Talia as she worked to repair her torn muscles and tissues.  It was frightening in a way that the medico as a person had become so familiar with self surgery, but it was comforting to herself that she had the skills to do so.  A lot of other would have ended up in the sickbay or died at some point.  Zark grinned when Talia pinched herself with the dermal regenerator since how it felt depended on the persons skill level with the device.  The grin changed to a slight frown as Talia admitted that she had to start embracing the people around her in order to move forward in her life and the blue head nodded as she made sounds of agreement.  "Talia, you're always welcome, and I'm always glad to help." Zark responded though she didn't take her eyes off her hologram.  With a last wave of the device over her eyebrow, Zark finished sewing up the cut. 

Zark needed to start using the dermal regenerator when she heard the pilot's need for food and smiled.  "You should really get those bruises looked after though.  Hold still."  The book stated that a person who had just gotten surgery using the auto suture wasn't supposed to move immediately after use, but Zark had ignored that admonition on several occasions.   The medic didn't exactly wince as she got up, but she was still sore as she got on her knees and crawled over to the lounged out pilot and swapped the autosuture for the dermal regenerator.  Checking, then activating the device, skilled blue hands began running it over the areas that Talia had missed, or in Zark's opinion, applied incorrectly.  In her Academy classes on the use of medical devices, a nurse had likened the feeling of the device to a nice massage if done properly.  Having patients be comfortable was important in medical treatment, so Zark had learned the lesson well as she ran the device over the top of Talia's abdomen, along her sides, under her head, her face, and some part of her arms.  After the initial fight night, Valyn Amarik had walked out of the holodeck looking like she'd just had a workout, not had the stuffing beaten out of her.  When Zark was done, Talia's tanned skin was still marred by some bruises, but her face and arms were flawless, and the other parts could be taken care of later.  "If you want to, you can go ahead to the showers over there."  Zark pointed at a door. "I still need a few minutes to run the regen over my bruises." The look on Talia's face gave her opinion on that thought.  "or we can wait till I'm done cleaning up, then get food after we shower." Zark added quickly afterwards.

As Zark began running the regenerator, she offered her thoughts on what had happened. "To be fair Talia, I knew you were coming to grips with something, but you kind of seemed in a sort of stalemate with this particular demon."  Zark's arctic jade eyes looked into the Wolf's dark ones for a moment, her expression a little wry.  "I made choice to get the demon out, but I didn't know what sort it was." Zark's expression turned steamy.   "Probably a lot less fun than the sex option, yes, I know you were checking me out before we started turning each other into pink and blue paste, and trying to use that sensuous tough girl pose on me."  Her face turned gentle and warm again. "Hopefully though this was far more productive and your were able to over come if not recognize the source, and well, beat it into your bitch from now on."

Zark stopped talking to let Talia digest that as she continued working.  Having concentrated on the worst, she generally found herself in the same shape as the pilot.  As long as they wore something over their torso and avoided too much hard exertions, no one would be generally the wiser to the damage that had been wrought. "Come on, we have a lot of hair to wash before we can go get food.  The shower stalls work, but they only have some panels in between.  We can always change the showers to a different type if you want."  Zark told Talia as she got up and offered her hand to help Shadow get up.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #16
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
“Caught that, huh,” Talia murmured under her breath. She’d chewed on her bottom lip with a sheepish look of mild embarrassment before gripping the Andorian’s wrist, accepting Zark’s help up with a sigh. Kali had skillfully observed and interpreted the pilot’s earlier distraction, which shouldn’t have surprised Talia, given the blue woman’s profession; the pilot hadn’t expected to be called out on it though. Not like you’re the first person to get caught checking someone out, ace. A mild blush colored her cheeks, but Talia lifted a shoulder and nodded, one hand on a hip as she gestured to the showers with the other. “Long as its got hot water, doesn’t matter to me,” her eyes closed as her free hand raked the sweat soaked curtain of hair out of her face.

Bending to gather up the medical kit briefly, the pilot tucked it under her arm as she stood again, head tilted to Zark in a lopsided smile. While sex had of course crossed her mind, (and, if she was being honest, had crossed her mind increasingly more frequently as of late), Shadow had to agree with the Andorian. “Better this way, I think,” she shrugged again, as they made their way across the ring to the opposite side. “I mean, I’m not sure if it would have been much better for you either way – I’m about as experienced with sex as I am with boxing,” her head shook as she held the ropes open for Kali to pass, then bent and followed after. “Much as I’d like to, I just can’t seem to shut my brain off to let it happen, so it doesn’t,” Shadow chuckled, “eventually I’ll figure out how, or just say fuck it and go for it.”

As she pushed open the creaky door to the locker room/showers, Talia arched a brow at her surroundings. The place kept up the ‘old abandoned gym’ look: white walls, cracked tiles on the floors, slightly rusted lockers. Quaint, Shadow smirked. The showers were open with small privacy glass panels on the sides, so they could at least see each other’s faces and talk. After placing the medkit down on the bench, she opened a locker and grinned at a stack of towels and the small assortment of body wash and shampoo available. “Lovely. Thea thinks of everything,” the Wolf chuckled as she grabbed two towels for herself and handed the other two to Zark. “I’ll take that one, I guess,” she gestured to one of the stalls then straddled the bench to start untying her shoes. “Nothing like a hot shower after a good workout,” she smirked at Kali; now that the sexual tension had been called out, Talia felt no need to linger on it. Zark seemed to take it for what it was, and Shadow would leave it alone out of respect  – making an effort to relax a little and just enjoy the Andorian’s company.

“And as for that ‘demon’ you spoke of,” she sighed as she rolled her shoulders, “I’ll keep working it out,” Talia nodded. “Nothing happens overnight,” she smirked, “and you’re right – maybe it wasn’t as fun or pleasurable as it could have been,” the smirk grew into a grin at Kali as Shadow stood, peeling her clothes off. “But that wasn’t my real objective coming here anyway. That’s a whole other problem,” the pilot snorted weakly. “One thing at a time, right,” the wolf added over her shoulder as she walked up into the shower stall.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #17
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark followed Talia to the ropes as the pilot gave a frank admission on how much sexual experience she had.  Given how Talia had done in the ring, she probably had more than she realized, and the Zhen couldn't help but smirk at this as thanked Talia before passing through the ropes and helping to keep the gap open.  As Talia kept talking, Zark figured the woman was discussing her own sense of perfectionism with regards to the carnal arts and chipped in her two credits anyway.  "I usually go with the latter option and let my feeling dictate what happens next.  Truth be told though I usually find myself in charge of a lot of things, it's great to just let go and let others decide what happens."  By the time the two reached the worn out lockers, Zark was ready for a warm shower, though in her case, the definition of warm was a lot lower than most beings since she came from an ice ball.  Smiling at Shadow's observation about the availability of the various toiletries, the Andorian dumped her bag on the bench as well and opened a door next to Talia.  Thea was very considerate since the items waiting for her were what she normally had in her own quarters, though they appeared to be more travel sized. She was about to grab towels as well when she felt the fluffy white linen bump into her and she thanked Talia as she took them and closed her own locker.  The Andorian sat on the bench to remove her shoes, while nodding and affirming the pilot's discoveries and priorities. 

Neatly placing her shoes under the bench, the Andorian took a moment to just sit and breathe. It had been quite the close call and as Zark watched the tanned ass walk towards the shower, she slowly got up and began removing her own clothing.  This took a bit longer since she had to move more carefully with the bruised abdominal muscles making it harder to bend over and get her tight shorts off.  There was nary a cry, but some grimacing as they eventually bunched up and slid down into a pile at her feet that the Andorian collected and folded on the bench.  The sports bra took a bit of time as well as she had to stop to let a moment of residual pain pass, but eventually came off over her head and her breasts was free to hang.  Seeing a full length mirror, Zark made her way over and stood in front of it and grimaced at the sight.  She took a moment to gently probe the remaining bruises, and quietly sucked in air a few times at some particular bit of damage.  "And this is why the coaches said not to get into slug fests." Zark repeated to herself in a whisper.  Shaking her head, Zark headed back towards the showers and grabbed all her necessities along the way.

Talia had already started the process and a substantial head of steam was being generated already.  Stepping into the next stall, Zark started the water as a luxurious wall mounted shower head joined the over head one to provide a couple streams of water that quickly matted the Andorian's hair down.  Pouring a generous amount of shampoo, Zark took a moment to foam it before raising the lather covered hands to her hair and gently scrubbing it in.  The water sluicing off her skin did feel nice, but she had to lower the temperature a bit as the residual heat from her neighbour began to radiate over.  It wasn't that uncomfortable, but if she had a choice, she'd prefer it to be cooler.  It took more work to get the white hair thoroughly cleared out of any residual soap, but eventually the water came out clear of any suds and the Zhen grabbed a shower puff and poured some shower gel and wrung the puff.  She smiled as a floral scent from home hit her nose mixed in with vanilla and coconut from Earth.  With a thick lather, Zark stretched out her arms and started the cleaning and exfoliating process.  It was a gentle and thorough work as she moved over the various parts, only slowing down where she hadn't taken the time to heal herself, the only sign of this being a slight slow down.  The legs took some work as she bent over and unconsciously ended up pointing her ass at the dividing glass between herself and Talia.  With the legs complete, the Andorian grabbed a luffa and scraped the dead skin off her feet.  Standing under the water and letting it wash away the soap, Zark stood there for a moment to luxuriate and check what else needed to be cleaned.  Her mind told her she'd missed a spot as the water ran a little funny in the middle of her back and she debated getting a brush to deal with it, but then she looked over to the next stall and her sense of mischief kicked in.  Standing up straight, Zark grabbed her shower puff and went to the dividing glass.  The smiling Zhen gripped the top of glass with her hands as she pressed her body into the divider and was happy it was on the cool side.  "Hey Talia, I forgot my back brush, could you help me clean my back, and I can help you with yours?"

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #18
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
Showers had always been her favorite part of the day. Talia stood under two streams – one directly overhead, the other at her back – both set on the highest temperature possible. The heat felt delicious, soaking into her sore muscles and opening her pores up, flowing over her body in tingling waves as everything melted into a state of relaxation. Her hands raked through her long hair as she slowly rotated about, saturating herself.

Dark eyes fell to slits during this process, but they didn’t miss the Andorian’s struggles. Shadow winced mentally with Zark – one hand unconsciously moving to the slight bruises still marring her own flesh. The pilot was still sore, too, but that was an every day experience for her; Talia wondered if that had increased her pain threshold, briefly, frowning at the damage she’d done to Kali. Maybe less sparring next time, she thought, closing her eyes to shampoo her hair.

She heard the stall next to her start up, but her thoughts didn’t linger too long on the beautiful Andorian showering next to her; Talia’s mind was pulled in two main directions – reviewing everything that she’d learned, and analyzing what Kali had just mentioned about the Andorian’s approach to sex. Even as her body relaxed, senses swimming in comforting heat and pleasant aromas as it went about on autopilot, the mind kicked into overdrive; old habits died hard. Eventually, the mystery of Zark's remark took precedence. Something is trying to tell me something here, Talia thought dryly.

Part of her knew that she simply got in her own way regarding physical intimacy – there was always something else she should be doing, some other goal or task that took higher priority – which of course was just her own insecurity throwing up a wall. What would happen if I really just said fuck it and did what I wanted? Or let someone else do what they wanted? Even as she considered that, there was her habitual need to meticulously control her own impulses, to keep people at arms length, to get shit done. It never seemed to matter how attractive she found someone – man or woman – in the end, Talia was her own worst enemy.

Control, control, control. Isn’t that what got me in this mess to begin with? Too much, and I never have any fun. Too little and, well…look what just happened. Fuck sakes, I should have this shit figured out by now.

Still, the pilot wondered what Zark meant by that comment, and what she should do with it; it was like a horny seed of possibilities had been planted in sex-starved soil, choking her mind with all manner of situations and scenarios. Get a grip, ace, she told herself, blinking rapidly in an attempt to clear her head. All of this internal musing was interrupted by the Andorian’s request for aid just as Talia was rinsing everything off, hands wringing out the long length of her hair.

Do what now, she thought; one eye cracked open and blinked, brow arched at Kali. Talia couldn’t help looking her over – the way the blue goddess was pressed up against the misty glass, soapy loofah dangling on Shadow’s side between ample mounds. She had to admit that it was all very innocently done, so far as teasing went; but it was the look in Zark’s eyes that really did it for her. Shadow’s initial reaction was to laugh nervously, waiting for the follow-up ‘just kidding’, or ‘gotcha’ to land – that never did. Dark eyes locked on blue-green as the pilot tried to figure out if the Andorian was being serious or just fucking with her.

That didn’t stop her imagination though, as Talia found herself put on the spot in a seriously conflicted position. Of course she wanted to mess around with Zark – hell, it had been forever since anyone had touched her – but she also respected the Andorian and didn’t want to overstep her boundaries. Every possible outcome of any decision she made in the next few seconds flashed through her head, as her heart rate ratcheted up and her face grew even more colored. Her brain effectively seized up, as she blinked rapidly, trying to reach a course of action as control battled desire. Suddenly she realized she wasn’t responding at all.  Fuck, say something don’t just stand there and blink at her!

Snap decision.

“O-okay,” Talia blurted through a goofy grin, taking the loofah in one hand as she stepped closer to the glass. “Um…,” her over-worked mind tried to figure out how this was supposed to work with the glass in the way. “Not sure I can…reach everything,” her brows knitted as she blinked water out of her eyes, looking at the loofah, to Zark and back again, then searched around for something to stand on. Maybe a box…or…something? Trying not to panic, Talia started giggling at her own awkwardness, her face bright red and burning as she held her sore abs. “I have no idea what I’m doing right now.”

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #19
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark wanted to giggle at the innocence that was radiating off the madly blushing pilot. Maybe I've over done it. She thought to herself as she wondered for a moment which direction to go next.  Though she was sort of upset with Faye still, the Andorian had no doubt about which direction an encounter with the Betazoid she'd met in the morning would have gone.  In her current state with Talia though, she wasn't sure if the injuries they'd sustained would kill the mood, or make it difficult for them to cavort.  Well, maybe Talia would be fine. 

Zark ran her eyes over the giddy pilot and decided otherwise on the way she was holding her mid section and shook her head, but decided the interaction would be good for her, especially since she was willing. "And sometimes a request to clean someone's back is just asking to clean a person's back."  The Zhen practically sighed as she left her shower stall and crossed into Talia's, and turned the water off so she wouldn't cook.  "Just relax and enjoy this." Zark said as she took the luffa and began to gently trace long strokes on the tanned pilots back. "Truth is, if we decided to do anything intimate now, I'm not sure if we'd get hurt even more.  You're still in pain.  I can see it in the way you hold yourself.  It can always be fixed, but it might kill a mood." Zark stopped her wide brush strokes since the back should be plenty clean.

Zark turned her back and held the luffa out to Talia in a silent request for herself.  "On the other hand, if you feel the need, the desire is too strong to ignore, I could help you with that." The Zhen told Shadow as the naked Andorian pulled her white white hair over a shoulder and turned her head to see what Talia wanted to do next.


Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #20
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
She stood there, dripping wet, holding her sore ribs, chewing on her bottom lip – thoroughly embarrassed – unable to do much other than shake her head and mentally berate herself. Talia, you fucking idiot, was broadcast over and over, as she sighed along with Zark. Stupid, stupid brain, her eyes squeezed shut with a grimace as she was turned around. Kali's patience and kindness helped tremendously, and Shadow tried her best to relax, but the fact that she'd once again torpedoed herself couldn’t be ignored.

And my fucking ribs hurt, she pouted, as the Andorian so wisely pointed out – there really wasn’t much to be done until they both healed up. Even the gentle strokes along her flanks sent mild discomfort, when passed over the bruises that pockmarked her flesh. Damn it all. Nothing for it now, the pilot agreed, nodding subtly.

Taking the loofah from the Andorian, Shadow felt her skin break out in pebbles of goosebumps without the heat from the shower, but ignored it. The need to explain herself arose, but she wasn’t sure how to say what she wanted. Zark was a wonder to her; impossibly nice, selfless, and compassionate. She’d met plenty of people so far on this crazy ship, and managed to work with them well enough, but as far as wanting to let them know her? Kali was on a very short list – so Talia took a breath and forced her mind to shut up so she could just say what was in her heart.

“This is the closest I’ve been with anyone in almost two years,” Talia snorted a laugh, “ever since the Academy I’ve just…worked. Never played. Sorry for being so dumb about it.” Working while she talked, the pilot started gently soaping up the Andorian’s shoulders with one hand, gliding the other over the smooth blue skin as she went. “And you’re right, we’re both too banged up to mess around – much as I’d like to – but this isn’t just about me. I feel terrible for what I put you through,” she paused to take extra care around Zark’s sides, as the back of her hand slid down her lovely spine. “Besides,” she chuckled, “I’ve embarrassed myself enough for one day. So how about,” she paused to lean over a bare blue shoulder with a small smile, “we let ourselves heal up, get some food, and call it a day?” Her smile grew into a dimpled grin. “We can hump each other silly another time,” a shoulder lifted. “If your still interested.”

See? That wasn’t so difficult, she told herself. Get fucked, stupid brain.

As she finished up, Shadow gave a small squeeze to Zark’s shoulders, sliding her palms up and down the blue arms with a smile; enjoying the simple intimacy of physical touch, not intending further arousal. “Thanks for the back scrub, and the lessons. I learned a lot today,” the pilot smirked, reaching for the shower controls so they could rinse off. She was careful to set it at mid-level, heat wise, so as not to cause her blue friend to yelp.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #21
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark placed one hand on the shoulder closest to her and blue arm around Talia's shoulder reassuringly. "You've got nothing to be embarrassed Talia and if anything, you read the signals right.  If anyone should be embarrassed, it's me since I just send out sex signals without thinking about it."  Zark gently turned Talia around so she could look into her eyes. "And there's no need to apologize.  A fight's and fight and I knew what I was getting into when I said we'd go full contact.  I bit off more than I could really chew, and that's the price of doing business.  Besides, we both walked out of it, and that's what really counts. I forgive you for all of it, now please forgive yourself." The blue-green eyes stared into the brown ones as if they could drill that idea into their owner's head by mere thought.  Then, despite her own admission of what she'd done and the chaos it caused, Zark smirked and cupped the pilot's head in her hands and kissed her.  It was a warm kiss of friends, maybe with more attached to it later.  Zark didn't kiss long or linger in case Talia got too excited, but when she pulled back, she laid an index finger on the no doubt confused pilot.  "Consider that a down payment on us fucking each other silly another day."

The Andorian left the stall and entered her own to finish rinsing off the soap residue from her own body before leaving the shower area.  "I'll meet you at the benches." Zark called as she shut the water off. Grabbing a towel, Zark walked and dried at the same time, while leaving a trail of water steps behind her. When she got to her equipment bag, the Zhen started a more thorough drying then headed for the hair dryer to commence the long process of trying to get all the water out.  This was a pretty long, yet familiar process, and she'd know it was coming.  Zark debated cutting her hair short, but she rejected that option once again since it would make her feel like she'd lost something and her bond mates liked it that way.  With that onerous task complete, she made her way to the locker and grabbed out a t-shirt, capris, and a pair of running shoes that she usually kept in storage to travel around the ship.

Talia was going through her own process, when Zark found the medical kit and began healing the bruises she'd missed.  The soreness would persist for a bit, but would eventually fade. "When you're dry and changed, lemme get the rest of those bruises and then did you have anywhere in mind you wanted to eat? One of the lounges, or change the program?"

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #22
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
She’d barely turned the water on when Zark spun her about, and as her friend spoke, Talia listened with a slight nod, a sheepish smirk pulled on one side of her face. Almost instantly, she felt her body relax – the embarrassment and awkwardness forgotten by the honest words and the kind look in the Andorian’s eyes. Her smirk bloomed as the pilot tried to nod again, but then Kali’s hands were holding her face. Oh, her eyebrows jumped up onto her forehead, as blue lips planted on hers. A soft mmph announced her surprise, and as Zark pulled away Talia was left blinking in bemusement with a dimpled grin. Down payment, huh, her eyes fell playfully as the blue beauty turned to leave for her own stall.

Well shit, that just happened, Talia cleared her throat, then snorted quietly; quite pleased with the way things had turned out, but just as equally confused. Note to self: stop thinking. Amazing things happen if you just – stop – thinking. She didn’t even mind the lukewarm water, spinning to rinse the soap of her back while holding the slick drape of hair over a shoulder.

After Zark called out, Shadow nodded with a murmured acknowledgment, blinking water out of her eyes as she turned the stall off; pausing for a moment to run her hands over her limbs, as the chills hit her skin with a visible shiver this time. After a final swipe down her torso, Talia yelped under her breath as she cupped her extremely hard nipples with one arm, leaving the stall behind. Her free hand scooped up a towel, promptly wrapping up. Fuck, did it drop ten degrees in here or what, she huffed, shivering again as she approached the benches. With one knee on the bench, the pilot tossed the entire length of her hair forward as she bent with a grunt, letting it hang while she used the towel wrapped around herself to dry off. Once that was done, the used towel was draped over the bench, while a fresh one was wrapped up around her mop of hair, then tossed back over her head.

Dark eyes flicked to Zark, watching the Andorian deal with her own hair. Wonder what kind of conditioners she uses, Talia mused. Kali had beautiful hair; not nearly as long as Shadow’s, which sparked her envy even more. I seriously need to cut off some of this shit, she huffed, smirking as she rummaged around in her gym bag for clothes. A fresh, dark gray sports bra was tugged on and adjusted properly, followed by black panties. Talia was pulling her leggings on and fishing her old Viper Squadron tee from the bag when Kali spoke up about looking after her bruises, to which she nodded. “Okay. Only hurts a little – so long as I don’t laugh,” she smirked., Shadow’s lips pursed as she tugged the leggings up her ass and hips, then sat to rummage through her bag for a hairbrush. Suddenly she froze, adjusting the towel on her head. Fuck – left my PADD in the FAB! Without it, she’d have to ‘eyeball’ her intakes, which would screw up her dailies. The rumbling in her abdomen informed her that her stomach didn’t care. “Um, well…I usually just eat in the Den because its closer,” a shoulder lifted, “I haven’t been to any of the lounges yet. Tried the Mess up on 13,” she added quickly with a laugh, “but I got ambushed by a journalist, so that was that.” Her lips pulled to one side at the memory, while the brush from the bag was set on the bench. Next came clean socks, which she donned, then her shoes.

Once her gear was stored, the tee draped over her shoulder, Talia zipped her bag up before walking over to take a seat next to Kali, then pulled the towel from her damp hair. The Andorian was tending to her own bruises, so Shadow busied herself by brushing her hair. “Doesn’t really matter to me where we eat – wherever you like,” she grimaced a bit, working the knots out of her mane, thinking. “I’m very careful about what I eat, but I wouldn’t mind trying something new,” she shrugged, arching a brow at Kali.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #23
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 3 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Zark finished running the regenerator over nasty bruise on her arm and turned it over to give her handiwork an inspection.  Technically there was no bruising, but the mind didn't forget that easily as she pressed the spot, then gently poked her flat blue abdomen and only frowned slightly.  The residual pain would go away by the morning she figured, and when she looked up, slightly battered, but still strong Talia was standing, and ready to go.  She'd mostly succeeded at not giggling when the pilot's stomach let it's owner know that it existed for a reason.  As soon as the thought had entered Zark's mind, she had to chuckle as her own stomach rumbled in sympathetic complaint.  Zark tossed the device in the case, then grabbed her bag of real items and waited for Shadow to do the same before calling the arch. "I think I know a place.  It's actually where I met you first opponent on the fight night, Via.  She sure is an odd one, but her heart's in the right place as far as I can tell."  Zark led Talia to the nearest turbolift.  "Arboretum Cafe, Deck 20."  The computer beeped and the whine of the high speed turbolift began.  Zark used the time to explain her circumstances for meeting Via, how the woman had gotten absolutely lost on the ship after her transfer in, the strange conversation where Zark had to work either to keep her laughter under control while parsing the way Via spoke, then the absolute chaos the pilot had caused to herself when she'd jumped into the pool of the Arboretum. "The funny thing is, I left her detailed instructions on what ointment to use for getting rid of the rash, but I'm not entirely sure she actually understood how she was supposed to use it since her mind keeps jumping from point to point so quickly." Zark finished and the turbolift stopped at the nearest door to the Arboretum and whooshed open. 

Zark crashed into a teal shirt that was too busy buried in her PADD to notice people were exiting the turbolift.  Zark being much sturdier and watching where she was going had braced and the woman fell flat on her ass.  The Andorian offered a warm smile as she helped the Crewman up.  "I'm sorry sir."  Crewman Kane apologized.  "I should have been watching where I was going, but I just needed to make sure there wasn't any more extraneous bacterial growth in the water after that person fell into the pond and, you don't care.  Sorry!" The crewman disappeared into the turbolift before either officer had a chance to say anything. Zark stood there for a moment and blinked before bringing herself back to reality.  "And so the chaos persists. Come on."  Zark walked a few more paces to a door and it opened up to reveal a small, but open air style cafe that over looked several tall trees.  Raised glass separated the walkway surrounding the top most layers of the arboretum from the cafe, and Zark spotted a good spot that had four chairs.  The Andorian walked over and staked her claim on the table by dumping her bag on one of the chairs.  Normally considered a rude practice, the Andorian didn't care, and at the same time, the cafe wasn't too occupied.  Food was the focus and order of the day and Zark headed for the fresh section to see what they had.  Unsurprisingly, the proteins and grains were mainly Klingon in nature, hydroponics on the other hand had worked to keep a variety of Federation standard fruits and vegetables.  It was bit early for dinner, but the Andorian's stomach rumbled at the sight of so much food and her mind went about picking what she would eat as she grabbed a tray. 

The garden salad came out of the cold fresh shelf, followed by a fruit plate.  Heading over to the heated section, she found barbecued shaved targ pumpernickel sandwich with a heavily modified Grapok jus and a pickle.  There was a plate of roasted octopus that joined the quickly growing pile of food on the tray.  The Pipius claws were bypassed for being too messy. The Andorian felt somewhat virtuous for skipping the hot sides, though the train track fries did try to lure her in.  Stopping at the dessert section, Zark caved as she spotted a Mississippi Mud pie with a raktajino mousse and grabbed a slice.  Drinks soon followed with a bottle of water some how managing to fit on the tray along with a flute of blue Bajoran spring wine.  Balancing the whole thing, Zark smiled in anticipation as she slowly made her way back to the table and carefully set everything down before heading towards her seat next to the window and waiting to see what Talia had chosen.

For the event that Zark is talking about with via see here.

Re: Day 10 [1630 hrs] Zark's School of Hard Knocks

Reply #24
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @RyeTanker
The Andorian’s tale of her encounter with DixieBee left Talia smiling, appreciative of the story and insight gleaned of her fellow Wolf. Even if they hadn’t met under the best of circumstances, with Wix being drunk on her feet spoiling for a fight, Shadow figured there was more to the firecracker than just being a loudmouth. I should check in on her sometime, she smirked, as the lift stopped.

Suddenly a poor crewman crashed into Kali, before she – or Shadow – could do anything about it. Talia moved to help, but wasn’t needed; she arched a brow at the crewman’s explanation, frowning a bit at the implications. Bacteria? That…doesn’t sound good, she shrugged at Zark, who seemed to be thinking the same. Guess that explains the rash, she smirked, thinking of Wix. Poor thing.

Talia followed Zark, and as the door to the café opened, she blinked at the scenery, having never seen the Arboretum before; instantly, it reminded her of the enormous parks of ESD and San Francisco, only…quieter. Less people, no birds…just calm; a place she would definitely frequent more often. After dropping her bag in a chair at the table, and despite her hunger, Talia paused to lean on the glass railing overlooking the park. A deep breath filled her lungs as dark eyes drank in the gardens and colors. This is great – I should’ve come here sooner, she grinned, all teeth and dimples.

Then her nose caught the scent of meat nearby, and her stomach spoke up again. Yeah, alright, I’ll feed you, her eyes rolled quickly as she turned to follow Kali; the blue she-devil was already piling food up on a tray. Talia's eyes flicked over her figure as she followed suit – starting with the fresh section. I’ll take you, she grabbed a container of broccoli salad, and you, two smaller containers of blueberries and strawberries with cottage cheese. Moving on to the heated section, the pilot lingered, considering the options. The Targ sandwiches looked delicious, so did the octopus, but they were unknown variables. Her lips pulled to the side. Better play it safe, a shoulder shrugged; two small filets of pan seared tuna were added to her tray. The sides were ignored, but she did glance over the deserts. Nope, don’t even think about it, the pilot chewed her lip, but turned away; snagging an avocado from the fresh section on her way back to the table.

Her mouth was practically watering as she joined Zark, seating herself on the opposite side of the table. Her dark head nodded to the park as she grinned and opened all the containers. “This is really nice. Thanks for bringing me here. As for Via, I haven’t seen much if her since the fight, but I’ll see how she’s doing.  I should be spending more time with the other Wolves anyway.” Her eyes flicked to the Andorian’s selection, tilting her head a bit as she chuckled. “That was dangerously tempting,” a fork pointed at the pie, before digging into the broccoli salad.

Once started, Shadow’s eating soon turned frenzied – moving all over her tray as the Wolf gorged herself – all thought of conversation replaced by the instinctual need to refuel. She even grunted a few times without realizing it. Her eyes lifted to Kali with a smirk as she chewed, then swallowed with a shrug. “Sorry,” Talia snorted at herself, “not used to company while I eat,” her chin lifted to the Targ sandwich. “Any good?”

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