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Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

The whole memorial ceremony business over, Cross left Hathev in her quarters and continued on his intended scouting mission of the Qo’Nos. Being that she was still on the mend from her ordeal with the Klingon boarders, Cross had time to find suitable places for them to visit once they gave her the all-clear for planetside travel. Cross knew Hathev to be a perfectly capable woman, and he’d had the decency to blush at her studious stare when he confessed to his reasons for going planetside this evening. It was just…

Cross pinched the bridge of his nose as he stood on the steps leading to the grandiose entrance of the Qo’Nos art museum. He heard the grunts of those displeased with his sudden halt, and felt a few passersby bump against him as they filed around his solitary form. Cross ignored them, caught in his thoughts for the time, only barely aware of his surroundings as he reflected on the development between himself and Hathev.

He’d never been in a relationship quite like this before and not even one day into what seemed to be the “deal sealing” act of making love, and his paramour nearly got her guts ripped from her body. Not failing to mention all the fuckery he’d had to deal with back on the Azurite Station and the near the FUBARing that’d turned into. But Cross wasn’t exactly surprised by his own actions. In truth, Cross felt he was handling this whole burgeoning romantic relationship thing quite well. Aside from the near-constant fight against feeling a fuck ton of guilt whenever the image of Blue came to mind or the anxiety he felt whenever Hathev winced as she readjusted herself on the sofa in her quarters.

Shaking himself back into the present, Cross again counted the number of steps leading into the art museum, frowning at the number. It might be too much to ask of Hathev. He approached the kiosk for tickets, intent on asking if they had some sort of assistance to offer for mobility-challenged individuals. He knew Hathev would prefer to hobble her way on her own two feet if they were to come here, but he liked having backup plans nonetheless.

He was just shy of the kiosk with his question already upon his lips when a slight commotion closer to the museum entrance drew his attention. Cross recognized the human female involved in the commotion after a moment of observation. She was one of the fighter pilots, and though he’d had limited interaction with her, Cross remembered Hathev mentioning her name before, signaling to Cross that this particular fighter pilot was more than a mere acquaintance. Cross nodded to the annoyed Klingon stationed within the kiosk before stepping out of line and moving closer to the commotion. He wanted to ensure his colleague wasn’t in danger before interrogating the museum employee on options for Hathev.

“Lieutenant Lance?” Cross looked between the human woman and those closest to her, glad he’d remembered her name in time. “Is everything okay?”

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs] Lost in Translation

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance & Ensign Lauren Pierce | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
Out of sickbay, finally, not that Tessa minded all that much with the friendly company she'd acquired. She was still nursing some lingering pain, but overall she felt fine again. Being battered by a Valkyrie, which now lied in ruins on the flight deck stuck in her mind. Something she'd have to tackle later on. For now, she was exploring Qo'nos, never having had the opportunity for that in the past despite positive relations with the Klingons in years following the Dominion War. Lauren had decided to come explore with her for a bit too since she had missed quite some time with her friend from her Tac CONN training days.

Tessa remembered that not that long ago, she'd dated a Klingon male. Something she didn't intend on doing again because of that situation and how it all went down. Stuck in her thoughts, she glanced at the beauty and colors of the local flora near the museum doors. Lauren was distracted by something else. The plants mesmerized Tessa, causing her to not see a Klingon male who walked intersecting her walk until they collided. He shoved her slightly yelling words that sounded angry or challenging. Tessa couldn't be sure as she never learned the language. Maybe an oversight now.

"'ach be'nalwI'!"

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I was just looking at the plants and didn't see you."

"veSDuj DaHechmeH mIw wIlopmeH jInepchugh."

"I'm sorry. I don't speak Klingonese."

Lauren rolled up part of her sleeves just below the elbow and flexed her cybernetic hand before she punched a rock on the garden, shattering it in the process. "Are you sure you want to do this buddy? It's not been that long since I've gotten to beat a Klingon with it."

The eyes on the soldier lit up with anger and thought about killing the human petaQ, but he knew Martok might not be pleased with him. Not wanting to bring dishonor to his house he simple made a gruff noise and walked away with his head tightly focused on leaving.

"Thanks Lauren, that was nice of you to defend me, but I can take care of myself." She allowed a giggle-snort to escape her lips. "I did however love how the Klingon's eyes lit up when you, a lowly human, crushed the rock with your bare hands."

"It was rather impressive, wasn't it." She said with a wink.

Lauren was still facing the kiosk for the museum when she took note of Commander Cross heading their way. "Looks like we have company heading our way."

“Lieutenant Lance?”

Tessa turned around recognizing the man's voice behind her. "Oh! Hi commander! I hope you're having a good time here. I was until, well, that." She said waving her hand around pointing in the general direction the Klingon officer strode off to. "I was looking at the plantlife never having seen anything like it before and didn't notice him. We kinda collided."

"That's kind of an understatement. Good day sir. Nice to see you. Did you need anything from Tessa or me? Or both of us? I was just about to head into the general direction of the Qo'nos history museum. Tessa has an appreciation for good art. I just like history."

"That is true!" She said rather giddy to be talking to someone she seldom has the audience with on the ship. "What can I do for you?"

'ach be'nalwI'! = Stupid human woman!
veSDuj DaHechmeH mIw wIlopmeH jInepchugh. = Watch your step or I will gut you like a fish and eat your entrails.

Also I can leave in Lauren or write her out but figured it gave a good way to have the "those closest to her" portion.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs] Lost in Translation

Reply #2
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

Cross felt his shoulders relax at the Klingon’s abrupt departure from the Theurgy personnel. He really hadn’t wanted an incident to occur and be embroiled in yet another fight. For a few days of supposed downtime and leave as a recovery from the recent fight against the clock, Cross had seen more than his fair share of near-death experiences already. Shaking away images of the Azurite Station, Cross grounded himself in the present and offered both the Lieutenant and Ensign a smile and nod of greeting. Having seen, though from a distance, Pierce’s display with her cybernetic hand, Cross’ smile turned sardonic as he raised his own prosthetic into view.

“These do come in handy,” Cross’ lips twitched at his own pun, but instead of giving in to the desire to laugh, Cross lowered his hand as he continued with more seriousness, “From my understanding, Klingon’s don’t take kindly to collisions of any kind, not unless you’re starting something of a more intimate nature. And you may well see depictions of that in this museum or ritual items pertaining to that at the history museum.”

Shifting his weight from one foot to another, it dawned on Cross then that he was talking about sexual paraphernalia and images with two female members of his crew. And so soon after, he’d finally engaged in his own bout of lovemaking with Hathev… Cross straightened his shoulders, cleared his throat, and nodded toward the museum’s entrance, doing his best to ignore the heat growing in his cheeks.

“I didn’t need anything; I just saw the potential for an incident and thought if I needed to throw some added brass around, I could. Though, I learned to never underestimate any member of our ship, and believed both of you fully capable of handling the situation. In the end, I could have acted as witness.” Cross returned his gaze to the women as he added, “I also prefer history, but I couldn’t help but feel a most likely inappropriate sense of amusement at the concept of a fine art museum on Qo’Nos. So here I am, and inside I will go. You are both welcome to join me.”

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs] Lost in Translation

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance & Ensign Lauren Pierce | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
The two women stood before Cross, keenly interested in his doings here on the Klingon homeworld now that he was before them. Glad that he had been present if they'd needed him, but they knew it wouldn't have been necessary. Between Tessa's crazy actions, and Lauren's cybernetic hand, the Klingon likely would be crying for death. Or so they believed as a slight chuckle passed between them knowingly.

The brief smile was welcome from Cross as they took note of his own prosthetic limb. "Yes sir! They are very handy" Tessa then laughed at Lauren's unintended pun. "Yeah, good one."

Tessa blurted rather loudly after his statement on Klingon's general dislike of being bothered. "I don't care. I'd filet them in my Valkyrie if they challenged me!" "Shhh you idiot!" She yelled in a whisper as she put her hand over Tessa's mouth. "Whaghhg?" Releasing her hand she finished. "Not the place my friend, not the place."

The note of the paraphernalia wasn't lost of the two as they giggled slightly seeing the warm glow on his cheeks. "Ehh, I've seen bigger...." Tessa barked much to Lauren's shock. "Okay then..." She turned to look at Cross again as he explained that he was merely concerned and didn't need anything from the blonde and the redheaded woman.

"That is so true sir. Especially this crew!" Lauren and Tessa listened intently as they walked closer to Cross. "Well, did you want to go Lauren? I'm going with Cross. Never know what we'll see in here." She winked. Lauren's cheeks flushed as she smiled. "Okay Tessa. Let's go with him."

By now the line had thankfully died down and they were able to obtain their tickets for entrance. The Klingon looked bored out of her mind at the entrance. Like she was given the assignment as a punishment. Something lacking in honor to look forward to. The doors wisked open as the trio approached the inside which was dimly lit, much like a Klingon vessel. And in various shades of whites, crimsons, and reds from the lighting above.

Klingon art was...not what Lauren and Tessa expected to find as they waltzed to the first panel. There were several 'different' categories available to them as they traversed their eyes through the printed map that outlined the facility. The starting point was murals and sculptures of great battles from the glory days of the Empire. "I wonder how much of this is true.", Lauren said in wonder. "You mean Klingons don't embellish their stories any? Balderdash!" Tessa said almost laughing.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #4
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

Cross immediately took note that the art museum was only two levels, the ground level, and the basement, and it seemed the Klingon architects of this museum had a love for ramps as aside from the entrance stairs, the map in front of them denoted ramps more than stairs. It was looking more and more likely that he’d be able to bring Hathev here later in the week when she was given clearance to leave the ship. 

He glanced back to his female companions and smirked at the question of the validity of the pieces. Klingon culture was not the only one that appreciated a good story or given to exaggeration when it came time to depict historical moments with paint and brush. Even Vulcans had a penchant for the dramatic, as he’d learned through his mentor when given forced lessons on Vulcan culture.

Thankfully, there was a translated key in the bottom corner of the displayed map and after playing “match the characters,” Cross nodded to himself. There seemed to be some legitimately interesting permanent display rooms with enough variety to keep even the sharp mind of Hathev occupied and entertained.

“Which would you prefer to investigate first,” Cross pointed to the two closest exhibition rooms on the map, “’Portraits of our Glorious Dead’ or ‘Kortar in QI’tu Myths’ are these two here. Unless,” Cross pointed to the furthermost exhibition rooms on the map, his lips pulling into an amused smile, “you’d rather see ‘Kahless the Unforgettable Legends’ or ‘Scenes from Klingon Opera.’”

A museum worker stepped forward and, as politely as was possible for a Klingon, shoved a brochure of the temporary exhibition rooms into Cross’ hand. He noted it was the translated version and was grateful for the Klingon’s assumption that he couldn’t read their language. After glancing at it, Cross handed it off to Lauren, his eyes mirthful as they danced between her and Tessa.

“There is, of course, the ‘Art of War,’ ‘Art of Death,’ or ‘Art of Violence’ in the temporary exhibition rooms downstairs if you’d prefer.” He couldn’t help the amused tone of voice, not at all surprised by the fact that they could curate an entire room around war, death, and violence.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance & Ensign Lauren Pierce | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
Tessa giggled at some of the Klingon art as she thought some of it was goofy and over exaggerating the details to give them a better light. Lauren elbowed her friend. "Tessa! Chill. We are surrounded by Klingons. Let's not get killed please?" She whispered to her friend, knowing that Cross likely heard her. "Fine." She said grumpily before following behind Cross and Lauren.

Taking the pamphlet from Cross she looked at it but wanted to be fun and having been trained in some Klingonese, she wanted to read it in it's natural form.
"yIqIm! qonmeH qeylIS lughommoHta' 'e' tlhInganpu'." To which the Klingon stepped out and handed her one slapping her shoulder as a gesture of respect and honor for speaking out to him and to test her strength. Not missing a beat, she shoved him right back using her cybernetic hand which appeared human. Carefully as to not send the man flying she shoved hard enough to display her strength. He grunted and barked a hearty "Qapla'" before he returned to his post.

"Holy smokes that was cool! Can I next time?"

"Do you speak Klingon?"

"No but..."

"Then probably not best to try it girl. Commander, how'd I do?"

She paused before her arm pointed towards the Glorious Dead as an option for viewing. "Even if it's exaggerated, let's check out 'Portraits of our Glorious Dead.' It could be interesting at least. I'd be interested to also check out the 'Art of War' exhibit as Klingons love the stuff." She glanced seeing one of the first being Kahless on display. The ridges and the appearance were much like the clone by Worf years ago. At least how the images displayed them. Followed by various famous generals of Klingon history such as Kang, Koloth, Kor, and Gowron.

"Boy these guys were giants. Some of 'em were crazy as a dickens too!" Tessa said with excitement.

"Shhh, bone head! I like instigating stuff but not to the extent of my life. Try to calm it down." Lauren said back to the blonde.

She turned back to Cross. "So...what's the occasion for this particular exploration? Hunting for a place for a date on the homeworld that provides some stimulating conversation pieces?" A smile bridging her lips as she looked at his response. As if she knew something with the intuition of a simple human female rather than that of a Vulcan.

OOC: Translations

yIqIm! = Hey you!
qonmeH qeylIS lughommoHta' 'e' tlhInganpu'. = Give me one of these pamphlets in Klingon you scowling dog.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #6
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

Cross smirked at Lauren’s plea to Tessa. It was unlikely that any of the Klingons in this museum presently would take offense by the woman’s words or actions. They might find the trio of them a nuisance and something to be toyed with, but few would be as inclined to fight as the one they’d encountered on the steps. Watching as Lauren spoke the local language, Cross was quick to incline his head in a nod of respect. He’d never mastered the language, feeling a strange sense of betrayal at trying to learn it when he already spoke Cardassian.

The women having made their selection, Cross nodded again before leading the way towards the first exhibit, “Portraits of Our Glorious Dead.” The first few portraits were exactly as Cross assumed they would be: exaggerated forms and scenery in line with the Klingon penchant for exaggerating their stories and pontificating with their robust emotions. Some of the later portraits were almost cubist in style, with a few even resembling the Impressionist era of Earth. Cross kept his art knowledge to himself for the time being. Having only recently become a novice hoping to impress Hathev if she chose to come here, Cross didn’t feel ready to try out his knowledge with these two vivacious women. Likely they’d question him for further details, and he’d be left with nothing to say except, “nevermind.”

Lauren’s question brought Cross out of his musings just as they stood before the semi-nude portrait of a female Klingon warrior in the process of ripping some sort of lizard creature in half with her bare hands. He fought the blush that seemed inevitable, the portrait’s contents not helping him in the slightest.

“I am on a preliminary expedition, yes. My friend was terribly injured during the Klingon boarding party, and I wanted to scout out areas that would not prove too strenuous during shore leave.” Even he heard the vague hedging tone in his voice and it annoyed him, but Cross didn’t think he was ready to state to the heavens just yet that he and Hathev were just on the brink of trying to see if the emotions and sensations shared between them were something of a more permanent nature or just the result of over-stimulated nerves on the edge of a breakdown.

Remembering their gender, though noting the species difference would be a factor in their response, Cross asked, “What would you suggest, from your perspective, as an appropriate entertainment venue for someone with mobility limitations?”

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance & Ensign Lauren Pierce | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
Tessa giggled at the appearance of the partially dressed Klingon female. She was no prude, but rather that of a 13 year old boy when it came to some particulars of nudity presented. Lauren on the other hand admired the strength with which it took for the female to tear the creature apart. Admiration across her face as she looked back at Cross who was in process of displaying a red cheeked stare.

"Who is your friend? Might I know her?" Lauren gave a cheeky grin as she looked at the possibility of an expression from Cross. Afterall, she was aboard during that whole altercation with the Klingons and Gorn overrunning the ship. "Anyhow, I think that this place will do nicely and prove a most exhilarating if not amusing place to learn from." She gave him a wink knowing that the amusing portion would come from the historical over exaggerations.

Tessa clearly missing the point and not really knowing the who it was that was injured piped up next to his final inquiry. "Well. Definitely not skydiving." A chuckle left her as Lauren looked on unamused with her distasteful joke. "Sorry. So, I think this would be a fine venue. Do you know if your friend likes art or history? If that's the case, I think Lauren is right in this pick. I'd personally like to see a Klingon Opera. Not only for the entertainment of it all but for the loud bellowing that would drown out my thoughts sometimes. Ooh ooh!" A thought struck her like a typical kid would seem after discovering their new favorite thing in the world. "What about the beach?!"

Nodding in agreement, he eyes lifted up and eyebrows perked up. "Well, there is the Lake of Lusor, or the River Skral. They both have some historical impacts on Klingon culture and I'm sure it would be relaxing for you two to simply sit and meditate or to watch the Klingon sunsets." She nudged Tessa. "Great picks!" She whispered to her friend.

"I typically go for the holodeck, but more so I can control the scenes and enjoy it how I want to. I like the high intensity nature but relaxing is good too."

"I like the holodecks too, but there's something to be said for immersing oneself into their current environment. I know Lt. Pierce is more familiar with that side of things. Something I can relate to." She looked towards the man clearly puzzled by their in-talking and raving reviews. "What do you think your friend would enjoy? Or you too for that matter? Start with something you both would enjoy."

The pair walked on with Cross nearby admiring the paintings despite the gruesome nature of it all across the walls. Statues stood foretelling the glorious details with the individuals standing in full, upright stances as if defying the onlookers to say their story went otherwise. One of the Klingons stood without their ridges and caused Lauren to chuckle despite their story. "They definitely did not want to draw attention to this one because there isn't much there other than an acknowledgment."

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #8
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

Watching Tessa giggle at the image, Cross felt his lips draw back in amusement, more so at the woman’s response than the portrait itself. He nodded to Lauren’s suggestions as he led them to the next portrait, an interesting take on what sort of creatures Klingons had to fight before erupting from their mothers' womb. At least, that’s what it looked like to Cross.

“I, uh,” Cross cleared his throat, suddenly uncertain if he should’ve even brought up the topic and risk putting too much on the shoulders of the newly established relationship between himself and Hathev. “A member of the counseling department.” He couldn’t bring himself to say her name even as he knew it was cowardly to act so elusive with crewmates. “I somehow think she would NOT appreciate Klingon Opera, even for its cultural peculiarities.”

His mental images of Hathev in a swimsuit at a beach quickly changed to seeing himself seated on a rowboat dressed in old Earth garb while Hathev twirled a parasol to protect her from the sun, watching him row them across the lake. Cross blinked his eyes a few times and shook his head. He really should cut back on the holonovels.

"As far as I know, we both enjoy similar enough things that so long as what I find does not tax her overly so, it should be fine." Cross heard his own uncertainty and swallowed against it before pressing on. "Not that it is any of my business,” Cross began to ask before he thought better of himself, “but will either of you be seeking out similar locations for…friends while we have the opportunity?”

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #9
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance & Ensign Lauren Pierce | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
Lauren could tell that they'd stepped on delicate ground with Cross. Or at least ground he was still navigating. Regardless, there was good information passed back and forth. The women stood next to him as the group peered at the paintings. One of which was painted in what appeared to be the blood of the enemy it portrayed. Tessa responded first to Cross' take on Klingon Opera.

"Well, that's your loss." She said smiling and shrugging before getting back to viewing.

Lauren being the kinder of the two and more delicate in matters of the heart let Tessa wander a bit as she talked to Cross. "I get it. I don't care for Klingon Opera either. Something just doesn't resonate with me the same as seeing something tranquil and quiet or artistic." She said putting a hand on his back and patting it. The coined counseling department drop led her to wonder if it was Hatheev but figured if he'd wanted to divulge that information, he'd have done so already.

She could see the daydreaming on his face but turned her attention to the paintings again. Lauren smiled warmly back at him briefly until he spoke again about their shared interests. His question about seeking similar locations caused her to pause and think. Tessa perked up as well when she heard a question. The blonde woman zipped close to the pair again.

"Did I hear a question phrased about our shoreleave plans?" Excitedly she jumped in. "Well, being I just recovered from a massive injury, I have no, zip, zero idea what I plan to do. I do know there is a party in the holodeck tomorrow that Lauren and I are going to. But as for here, I think we're spending the rest of the day here and then going back to the ship for a bit. Not sure if I'll be coming back. I have a lot of holodeck plans." She said grinning, rubbing her hands together.

Lauren chuckled and rolled her eyes at Tessa. "Like she said, I'm going to the party but otherwise I am unsure what the rest of my plans are for shoreleave. I may try to go through some things here though. Like she said I plan to be here today at least. Maybe come back and check out the beach some. And Tessa, it doesn't surprise me that you'd run to the holodeck."

She calmed her demeanor a little, "Besides, with being so new, I'm slowly getting acquainted with new people here. So it's mostly just been me and Tessa." She smiled.

"So what are you doing next sir?" she said to Cross.

"Want to see some more before we part ways?"

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #10
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

Cross smirked at Tessa’s quip before she moved off to begin studying the paintings on her own, leaving Lauren alone for a moment with Cross. She seemed to operate with a degree of affection that was both pleasant and reassuring. Cross wasn’t accustomed to physical affection, even as simple as the back-patting, from females. Back in the lab he called his childhood, he and his “sister” were rarely physically affectionate only because they’d never seen it modeled and didn’t really understand it. Then after his “liberation,” Cross was basically raised by two cranky men, one human and one Vulcan, and ever since, he’d found himself more at ease trading physical jocularity or reassurance with the male gender than with the female. Of course, Cross only really found females sexually attractive, but that didn’t stop him from feeling a juvenile shyness around them whenever they exerted physical or verbal affection. He knew there were certain aspects of his socialization skills that never really developed, even under the direct tutelage of his mentors or all through the Academy. Those aspects were primarily connected to the female sex and Cross realized in that moment, present company included, most of his days were now filled with rubbing shoulders with females. This was not a bad thing, not in the slightest, but if any of those said females ever turned a batting eyelash towards him or suddenly hugged him, Cross knew himself well enough to realize his professionalism would suffer for lack of experience in dealing with women.

Cross dropped his shoulders and shook his head, not caring for the moment that Lauren might take his response as an emphatic disappointment in her opinion on Klingon Opera. He wasn’t sure if Hathev was the one to help him with the “women issue” but Cross was with it enough to realize that he needed to fix himself before he wrecked himself and others for emotional immaturity.

He came back to the conversation when Tessa cut in, his eyebrow raising at the mention of injuries.

“Were you injured during the Klingon boarding party?” Cross only asked for that was when Hathev had been injured. Cross has seen her name on the list of injured during the debriefings but couldn’t recall at the moment when or where it had happened.

At the mentioning of the holodeck, Cross smiled, “I am a connoisseur of holonovels myself. Lieutenant Commander Akoni and Lieutenant Kobol and I used to spend a lot of time there, myself typically having more fun at their expense during some of the settings. Maybe I could look into doing that as well, in case the planet concept doesn’t pan out.”

Before Cross could answer Tessa’s question, or Lauren’s for that matter, a blaring alarm sounded overhead. There was no panic from the fellow museum goers but in rapid form the room drained of patrons as everyone made for the nearest exit. Looking at the pair of women first, Cross led the way to file out the side door alongside a Klingon family with a particularly foul-smelling unruly child who looked more belly than arms or legs.

“Can you make out what the announcement is saying?” Cross asked over his shoulder, pointing to the ceiling where a repeated phrase was being growled.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #11
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance & Ensign Lauren Pierce | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
Tessa smiled at Cross responding to the injury she'd briefly mentioned in her plethora of verbal diarrhea. Her excitement getting the better of her she burst out, "Ooooh yeah! Holy smokes was it crazy out there! I was rocking my Valkyrie this way and that as Klingon fire was incoming and I managed to take out quite a few. So after a while I got cocky as did some of my other Lone Wolves. A few bit the dust and well, I almost did too." The excitement left her but a wry grin remained nonetheless. "More or less, they shot my propulsion and the wing. It was damaged badly and I was careening towards the Theurgy fighter bay. I called it in and they put the protective barriers up as I rammed into a squadron of Klingons and Gorn soldiers before I was thrown forward in my cockpit. I was transported to sickbay during the boarding parties according to Lauren. When I woke up, I was a mess. Still healing somewhat though but overall I'm fine now. My ship is still being repaired however."

Lauren interrupted at that point. "I escorted an Ensign from the shuttlebay into sickbay and ran into Dr. Foster and Hatheev in there with a recently woken up security officer with huge muscles." She smiled. "Anyhow I heard Tessa was injured and saw as the doctor and Hatheev were as well. I kind had a PTSD moment due to my time in a POW camp during the Dominion War. I took out quite a few Klingons in sickbay and electrocuted a Gorn with my cybernetic hand implant. I shorted it out but I killed the slimy creature too." Her memory not all too sure if that's how it went down but figured, what's it matter?

The mention of holonovels perked up both the women's ears and foreheads as they tuned in intently. "I like holodeck time no matter what."

"I love, holonovels! I can't get enough of immersive storylines. Especially not knowing how it all plays out and having to use my mind on it. It's rather relaxing despite the physical aspects." She said with a huge smile plastered across her pale white face.

The sounds of the commotion and klaxons overhead startled the women as it did for Cross. Klingons were running out of the museum as did various other species inspecting the grounds. They followed Cross out into the open doorway which had a bulbous looking Klingon boy standing there giving his best battle face. To which Tessa gave her best scowl with a contorted feature, sticking her tongue out like a crazy person, eyes bugged out. Lauren jabbed her in the ribs causing her blonde companion to yipe as they followed Cross out of the door.

"No idea what they said boss. I no speakish Klingon-ench."

Lauren rolled her eyes. "It's Klingonese Tessa. Not a combo of French and Klingon. Let me see..." She glanced at the phrase and tried her best to recall the Klingon alphabet as it were. "It says... joH chu' vIpIH... I think it means Evacuate immediately. " Her dainty hand pointed as she read the scrolling marquee. "taghwI'pu' muSHa'ghach tu'lu'.  Which means, There is a fire located in the atrium. Qelbe'bej.  Do not be concerned. batlh QeyHa'chugh vaj bIHeghchugh. yep. Which means, Drunken intruder. Prepare to capture."

Her head tilted slightly. "Should? Should we help them out? "

"I'm game! What do you say sir? Interested in a little brawl?" Tessa barked.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #12
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

Cross found Tessa’s storytelling antics both endearing and entertaining, his eyes following her hand movements like a cat might follow a flying bird. He didn’t mind her exaggerations or enthusiasm, though he understood why Lauren might want to curb some of that enthusiasm, given their location. As such, Cross remained quiet as he listened to the women bounce ideas back and forth until the announcer called for them to evacuate, as Lauren later translated. The addition of “drunker intruder” had Cross raising a single eyebrow. Had a drunken patron lit a fire in the atrium? Or had he opened fire, with a weapon?

Cross looked back to the women as first Lauren asked if they should get involved, far more level-headed about the situation than her counterpart, with Tessa’s eagerness mirroring that of a fighting dog about to let off its leash.

“Yes, I believe we should investigate. See if they need a hand,” Cross held up his prosthetic before looking pointedly to Lauren and nodding towards her own, “or two.”

It did not take long for them to retrace their steps back to the main atrium, where they found the definition of pandemonium. Museum security guards were doing their best to wrangle together a good half dozen elderly Klingon women in various states of disarray—a few already nude—as they sang and chanted, dancing around an honest to goodness bonfire erected in the middle of the atrium, next to a bronze-like statue of some ancient-looking Klingon warrior. Cross shook his head, glancing at his companions, uncertain who to help first or how.

“Do you know what they’re singing about?” He asked Lauren, pointing to the statue and the pyre-like fire smoking next to it. “Did you read the plaque saying who that was when we first came in? I don’t remember..”

Cross’ words were robbed of him when an old Klingon woman wearing little more than a loincloth bikini barreled into him in her efforts to flee the museum guards. Cross wasn’t sure where to grab as they crashed to the floor and skidded to a halt against the doorway leading deeper into the museum. He didn’t want to offend the woman, but neither did he think her continued carrying on would be conducive to ending this madness. But once he began his “polite” efforts to restrain her, Cross began to rethink his decision to lend a hand to the museum security guards. For the moment she met resistance, the Klingon grandmother turned into a howling banshee, calling to her side two other women who looked far more murderous than they had just seconds before.

“That hand would be helpful right about now,” Cross called to Lauren and Tess, his concentration more on figuring out how in the world this Klingon woman seemed to have four hands instead of two, or at least it felt that way with how she moved in his arms in her efforts to be released.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #13
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance & Ensign Lauren Pierce | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
Lauren and Tessa traversed closer to the sounds coming from the back of the gallery in curiosity and caution. Well, Lauren more for the caution and Tessa just had curiosity with no regard for safety. Which was exactly opposite of their MIMAS days. Must have been the years since that time that changed them both.

Lauren nodded and smirked at Cross' attempt at humor with the 'hand' phrase pointing out that they both had a prosthetic cybernetic hand attached. "Aye sir. Let's go check it out." She reached for a phaser that she clearly didn't have on her person but reminded herself it was likely unneeded.

"This is gonna be fun!" She said rubbing her palms together with a devious smile before elbowing Lauren. Who then shoved Tessa's arm back at herself.

The trio ran back to the main atrium. The sight was, interesting to say the least Lauren thought. Tessa was giggling like a school child at the various nude elderly Klingons. Their wrinkled skin sagging in some unsightly places.

"Least they'll stay warm with the fire. Do you know the song, do their ears hang low?" A giggle ran from her lips as she took in the visuals before her.

She stifled a laugh as the connotation was not lost on her at the song's verbage. "Shut-up Tessa. We don't have time for that right now. Sir?"

Next to the bonfire in the middle of the atrium, stood a bronze-like statue of some ancient-looking Klingon warrior.

“Do you know what they’re singing about? Did you read the plaque saying who that was when we first came in? I don’t remember..”

Cross' statement inquiring about the singing and the plaque caused her to pause and think about it again. She didn't have the memory capabilities of her ancestor, but she was good at learning and retaining some recent information. "Hold on and let me remember really quickly." She paused trying to recall from the images she saw and the singing.

"The plaque said something about, Kahless but nearby was plaques for Kang, Koloth, and Kor. So could be any of those." She tapped her temple as she stood attempting to decipher the drunken slurs down the hallways. "I think they're singing, ''ej HumtaH 'ej DechtaH 'Iw, 'ej Doq SodTah ghoSpa' Sqral bIQtiQ, 'e' pa' jaj law' mo' jaj puS, jaj qeylIS molar MIgh HoHchu'qu'!"

"And what the name of sam hill does that mean?"

"It's a Traditional Klingon Drinking song. It translates as, 'And the blood was ankle deep, And the River Skral ran crimson red, On the day above all days, When Kahless slew evil Molor dead!' So it appears they're singing about Kahless."

The duo looked on as they saw Cross' attempted to politely subdue the elderly Klingon females who turned from escapees into crazed warriors within seconds. As one soon became three, they heard Cross call for help.

"Coming sir!" She yelled as she charged at the first oncoming Klingon woman who was approaching the commander. Taking a dive, she sent both feet spiraling at the woman, tossing her to the side. Not knocked out but definitely stunned momentarily. Tessa continued to go after that one as Lauren was up next.

Lauren saw the other woman darting towards Cross as well. Knowing she had limited time to stop that one from blindsiding the commander, she peered around for something, anything that could be used as a blunt instrument to put the woman down. Her eyes spied a brass or brass like goblet that sat on a nearby display. Not wanting to destroy it, she looked beyond it. There was a beam that didn't appear to be supporting anything other than for looks on the side of the display. Reaching towards it, she slashed at it with her prosthetic hand several times before it broke free from the stand. It sort of reminded her of a baseball bat.

Dashing towards the woman, she discovered she'd never make it in time to save his hide. So with a deep breath, she yelled at Cross. "Commander! Duck!" Her arm heaved the beam back behind her head as she launched it forward with intense speed. The beam propelled forward bashing the back of the oncoming Klingon's head, no killing her but delivering a knock-out blow. In turn sending her flying towards the the woman Cross attempted to subdue.

The look of horror and surprise hit her face as she covered her mouth, not knowing the intensity of her throw until it was too late. Nor did she know if the initial woman was out or not.

Tessa turned to look at the scene and yelled back. "HOLY SMOKES! Remind me never to get in a javelin tossing competition with you. Or baseball." However she missed the Klingon she'd kicked getting back up and gut punching her across the floor. In pain, she barreled over holding her already bruised stomach.

Pierce's eyes lit up wide as she saw her friend fall to the ground and the crazed woman aiming for her now with Tessa down for the moment.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #14
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

Cross abandoned his efforts for cordiality the minute he’d been gifted with the stench of her alcohol-infused breath fanning across his face as they wriggled on the floor. This woman, like her comrades, was so far gone into the cups that most likely anything he said or did to her would not be remembered. Cross hesitated only a millisecond before pulling back his arm and landing a right hook across the woman’s face. While it didn’t knock her unconscious, it was enough of a surprise that Cross managed to dislodge the majority of her girth from his body and hoist her to the side.

“Commander! Duck!”

With a squirming, snarling very naked geriatric Klingon woman still partially in his arms, that directive was easier to hear than to follow. And he had no way of avoiding the oncoming missile of a woman that Lauren’s well-aimed beam knocked. Letting out his breath on a groan as the unconscious Klingon landed atop both her friend and Cross, he pushed at the new weight as he curled onto his side, doing what he could to place the unconscious woman between himself and the still growling one. Cross managed to wriggle himself free when Tessa hit the deck while another female Klingon geriatric rocket propelled toward Lauren. It was his turn to repay the favor with a favor.

“Pierce! Catch!” Having grabbed the beam she’d used earlier, Cross tossed it in a quick arc, hoping the timing was right and his aim true, so she could use it against her would-be attacker.

Leaving Pierce to the hands of fate for the moment, Cross wobbled over to Tessa, reaching down to grab hold of her elbow. “You okay, Lieutenant?”

No sooner had Cross voiced his question when an overhead alarm sounded and a shower of water came pouring down. Likely triggered by the smoke from these Kahless-loving Klingon's bonfire. Still crouched by Tessa’s side, Cross watched as both museum guards and their prey slipped and slid across the damp floor. Another door slammed open further down the hall, and a fresh wave of Klingon guards poured in, effectively tipping the numbers in their favor against the drunken women. With the large atrium-like room now filling with what sounded to be Klingon curses of consternation, Cross smirked at the lieutenant as he reached out to help her to her feet.

“It seems their party is over.”

With Vance on her feet, Cross turned to check on Pierce.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #15
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance & Ensign Lauren Pierce | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
Pierce stood wide eyed as the drunken elderly Klingon woman came barreling towards her. Yelling various slurred words of anger and battle at the redheaded human female. Clothes in tatters and various stages of undress, the Klingon was gaining momentum towards her. That was when she heard the words come from Commander Cross.

“Pierce! Catch!”

She looked over as the very beam she'd broken and launched at the Klingon that the commander had dealt with, as it was being returned to sender. Placing her arm outward, she reached in hopes that the beam met her palm. Briefly grazing it, she caught the metal in her hand tightly. Pulling her arms back in the stance of a batter in baseball, she readied her swing for the oncoming juggernaut. Moments slowed to a crawl as the alien brute was almost upon her when she swung.

A loud thud connected the solid cranium of the brutish drunkard. Pierce dropped the blunt instrument in shock as she realized that she likely killed the woman before her. The large body's eyes rolled to the back of her head as the blood splattered out the side and she hit the deck with a deadening thud. The beam hit the deck too with a metallic clang.

"Oh my...." She held her hands to her face in shock.

Meanwhile nearby, Tessa was gaining her breath again. She could see Cross crouching beside her. "Hey's it going?" She still held her bruised ribs and stomach as she laid up against the wall she'd been thrown against.

The alarms going off now and the fire retardant system's water dousing everyone within range. Tessa laughed as she realized this turned from a museum visit into a rock concert. "Reminds me of some wild holodeck adventures gone wrong. Water, fights and sirens. Under other circumstances I'd say this was fun."

Lauren saw the Klingon guards rushing in as her hair now laid heavily on her back and shoulders as it was soaked with water from the systems. She looked down and say the three geriatrics groaning and in pain as they attempted to get back up but kept falling on the decks due to the water. She chuckled as she realized that she hadn't killed any but had just took the edge off. The Klingon officers ran in sliding on the decks too towards them.

Realizing that they were dealing with humans, he spoke in the terran language. "What happened here woman?"

"We were admiring the museum when these three women had caused a scene with a fire, and drunken disorder. They closed the museum but we were still inside and heard shouting. So we ran to see what was going on and well...a fight broke out and we took a few hits before taking them down."

"Impressive human. You three displayed honor to those remembered in this great hall. We shall take it from here. Qapla! He said hitting his fist on his chest.

"Qapla!" She said doing it back to the Klingon soldier as she turned to go back to help Cross with Tessa. She could hear the officer and his men lifting the brutish females and dragging them out of the museum as the sprinkler system ceased it's operations.

Tessa stood now with the help of Cross. "Thanks sir. Holy smokes that was crazy! Who's ready for round two?"

Lauren smiled at her wild friend who was still clutching her side. "How are you two holding up? Thank goodness they showed up when they did or we'd likely have been in trouble. ."

"No kidding! Looks like we need to get dried off now. I'm soaked!"

"Me too! Although at least the smell in here has let up." She smiled at them both. "What now sir? More exploration or heading back for a dry uniform?"

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #16
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

"That was some impressive hitting, Ensign." Cross called out to Lauren while he remained by Tessa's side, genuinely impressed with her quick reflexes and the power behind her prosthetic. Cross then smirked at Tessa’s holodeck comment, “Yes, I agree; under other circumstances, I’d consider this par for the course for the type of holodeck adventures I concoct. All we are missing is a brass band at this point.”

With Tessa on her feet, the pair moved to join Lauren as she finished speaking with the Klingon guard. Tessa’s exuberance was endearing with Cross’ lips pulling back into a responding smile when she called for a “round two” despite her aggravated injury. Lauren’s subtle dig at the formally pungent smell that permeated near every building Cross has thus far entered was also amusing, and he coughed to hide his laugh. Glancing at his sodden uniform as if noting for the first time that they’d not gone unscathed in the earlier deluge, Cross harumphed with a bemused sigh.

“I think the sun is strong enough outside to help us dry off to a tolerable level,” first looking at the women, Cross nodded towards the corridor that led to the museum's courtyard, “I saw in the brochure that they have what looked to be a café out in the courtyard. And I don’t know about you, but I could go for a drink. If not there, I also saw a concession booth at the foot of the museum entrance, near the canal.” Cross shrugged, content with either option. “The way things have been going recently, the minute I step foot back on the ship, I’ll be there to stay for the remainder of the day, so I think I’ll avoid a return for as long as possible. Care to join me?”

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #17
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance & Ensign Lauren Pierce | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
She smiled at Cross who acknowledged her hitting capabilities. "Thank you sir! Glad I caught it correctly to make the homerun as it were."

Tessa snickered and put her hands to her mouth to cover it up. "Sorry..." The sheepish look with a smirk told she was only sorry for getting caught laughing instead of the incident. She looked at Cross who smirked at her own previous comment. With Cross reaching back for her, helping her to her feet, she hobbled over next to him and Lauren. The bruise still aching slightly under her wet clothing.

Lauren wondered if Cross coughed due to her comment on the fresh air they finally achieved at the hands of the sprinkler system or the fact he got a genuine itch in his throat. Either way, she gave him a brief look and moved on. Each of them glancing at their wet uniforms in the facility with no current options for changing them.

The commander responded however in regard to their next course of action on their down time and that was to exit to the heat outside. "You're right. Besides, they happen to be very hot outside. The water only helped cool me off. Especially with that workout we just got. Whew!" She looked at Tessa who was attempting to take off her shirt and likely her pants thereafter but Lauren grabbed her hands. "Not here Tessa."

The side smirk given back gave away her intentions as she removed her hands and just dealt with the wet clothing she had on. "Oh balderdash, you're no fun."

They stopped to listen as Cross had dropped a mention about his duties taking over. “The way things have been going recently, the minute I step foot back on the ship, I’ll be there to stay for the remainder of the day, so I think I’ll avoid a return for as long as possible. Care to join me?”

"This isn't the place you'd wanna do that anyhow girl. Anyhow sir, I think the cafe' sounds wonderful."

"Forget the cafe'! I think I'm hungry after all of that."

"Right...With all the slumping over you did. Anyhow, come to think of it, I could use a bite to eat. Let's get some food. Although I can't remember what they have here off the top of my head. The other Pierce would likely know that having been down here a great many times in the past."

"Oh yeah, her..." Tessa said sarcastically. "Your new BFF."

"Oh quit it. She's my's complicated. Ready to go sir?"

As they headed to the canal areas' concession booth, they noted how their uniform went from wet to sticky due to the humidity in the atmosphere in addition to the heat.  "Sorry sir, I can't help it." She said as she ripped the top shirt off, revealing a tank top that was underneath her off duty uniform. "I just can't take that weight on my bruises anymore how it hugs my torso." She tossed the shirt in the nearby trash receptacle.

Lauren rolled her eyes. She too had another shirt on under her jacket but rather than throw it away, she tied it simply around her waist. Thus revealing a greenish t-shirt beneath. "Yeah, not throwing this leather jacket out. It's staying with me even if it's uncomfortable."

Finally upon the little shack-like booth near the museum, Lauren took note of various drinks and foods for various species. "Well, that's convenient. At least I don't need to translate my food before I eat it. Haha. Looks like they have something equivalent to chicken soup. Not gonna ask what it is but I've heard it's good." She reached up to the Klingon and pointed at her desired dish.

"And I'll take that!" Tessa yelled with excitement.

"You have no idea what it is. Do you?"

"Nope! Hope it's good!"

"Sorry Commander. You're about to witness one of her random drawing food selections. It could be normal or it could be downright hilarious. Time will tell." She paused. "See anything you like? I'd recommend that." She said pointing to another dish on the menu. She turned back and saw prune juice on the menu which gave her a chuckle remembering how Commander Worf ordered it. He called it a "warrior's drink" of all things. "And I'll have one of those."

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #18
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum Area | Canal Side |  Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

Lauren’s warning look accompanied with a quick chastisement had Cross glancing at Tessa, spying the last of her efforts to divest herself of her shirt. He couldn’t blame her. It was already muggy outside, the clothes were heavy with sweat and water, and even his skin was itching for fresh air. Cross smirked at Tessa’s playful smile as she acquiesced to Lauren’s missive. He got the distinct feeling that Tessa would lose the shirt before too long, despite Lauren’s best efforts.

Mere seconds after Lauren agreed to his invitation for a trip to the café, Tessa interjected with a plea for real food. What followed was a quick back-and-forth between the women that had Cross furrowing his brows in confusion. Other Pierce? BFF? Ancestor? Cross remained quiet for the time being as he stayed close to Tessa’s side, subtly waiting for a signal if she needed further assistance. Instead of stumbling in pain, the woman followed through with his earlier assumption and ripped her top shirt off, her apology mere lip service, though her added reasoning was logical. He again raised his eyebrows as he watched Tessa toss her shirt while Lauren tied her jacket around her waist. 

“Does the jacket have personal value?” Cross glanced at Tessa, “Is it connected to your…ancestor? The ‘other’ Pierce?”

Their arrival at the shack derailed the conversation for the time being as the women quickly found and ordered their food, then turned to him. Cross had spent time on the ship researching Klingon food and trying out the replicator version of a few items. He would rather try it out in the privacy of his room where he could swear at the taste and toss it without risking a diplomatic event.

“Durani lizard skins and a na’ran juice.” He pointed to his desired items and then stepped back to allow the women more room. “I know I like that at least.”

Leading them to the side of the shack where the food would appear when ready, Cross responded to Lauren’s earlier warning, “I take it this is a tradition then?” He moved to join the women in shedding his outer layer, revealing a damp white tank top beneath his jacket. “I count myself lucky to be here to witness it.” He also tied the jacket around his waist.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #19
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance & Ensign Lauren Pierce | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
Lauren was intrigued by Commander Cross. Clearly he was attempting to learn something down here being on Qo'nos, and trying to gain some level of emotional meaning for a purposeful late engagement of activity. She surmised it was Hatheev, but wasn't totally sure. Not too familiar with the Vulcan woman, she could see the pair working well together regardless of what was achieved here today.

She watched him but at the same time was distracted by Tessa who was a loose cannon as she's learned over the last week or so since meeting again. The air was sweltering with humidity which only added to her persperation on her body.

Cross' comment about the jacket she'd declined to toss, but wrap around her waist startled her train of thought. "Oh! Yes, sorry I was distracted." She looked at the jacket and felt the leather on it as she glanced back at Cross. "This belonged to my great-grandmother once. It's been repaired over the years but kept safe and restored. But it's the same one. My great-grandfather gave it to her before he disappeared on a covert mission back in the 2280's." She smiled back at him in thought. "So this jacket means a great deal."

Tessa stood nearby stuffing her face with the Klingon food that she clearly had no idea what it was at this point. "Dang grrl..." She said with a mouth full. "Dis food is good, but that jacket looks hot on you."

Pierce smiled and laughed at Tessa. "Shut up and eat your lunch."

Turning back to Cross while snacking on her lunch, "Don't tell anyone but, the jacket means more because my great-grandfather resurfaced last year in a temporal accident and is actually on the Theurgy."

Spitting food while talking, "Well, and he's a chick now so..."

She patted Tessa on the head and slapped her back. "Shut up and eat your food and I'll buy you an ice cream later."

Tessa smirked and choked out, "Replicator can do that. Have to do better than that."

"How about I tell your dark secret and punch you in the leg?"

"Good point. I'll just shut up and eat."

"Anyhow, that was part of the same accident since Tessa spilled the beans on it." Tessa turned to her and shrugged a sorry out while pretending to not pay attention as she stared at half naked Klingons on the beach.

"Anyhow, interesting plate sir. And yes, Tessa does levels of clothing drops at random and however she feels. Many have witnessed it on Theurgy. Present company included."

She glanced down and saw that her undershirt was still drenched with water and sweat. She had some dark marks under her bra line but shrugged it off and continued to eat.

"So what do you plan to do with the rest of your shore leave? I'm not sure what I plan to do but it's good to not have people shooting at us right now."

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #20
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum Area | Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

Cross nodded as he tracked Lauren’s explanation regarding her leather coat. For himself, he had no such heirlooms. Aside from his mentors' gifts to connect him with both cultures represented in his DNA, Cross had very few mementos connecting him to anyone or anything outside of his Starfleet career. There had been nothing to take from prison camp, and if there had been, it would have been complicated. While recognizing the nefarious nature of his origins and the work of the Cardassian scientists, he had never received the terrible treatment others spoke of at the hands of his supposed captors. They’d been as distant, cold relatives, with the Cardassian guard the closest thing to a father figure he’d known until his “rescue.”

Tessa’s interruption regarding the gender change of the ancestor, along with Lauren’s admission that the ancestor was still very much alive, and onboard, had Cross mutely blinking several times, his food momentarily forgotten. He quickly went through the personnel roster in his head until he landed on the only other Pierce he could readily think of, blurting aloud the name.

“Lieutenant Pierce from Intelligence is your ancestor?” Cross ducked his head as he spoke, doing what he could to maintain discretion even though no one in the immediate vicinity looked remotely interested in their conversation. “Fascinating.” Cross couldn’t imagine what life must be like for the assistant chief of the Intelligence department, and he could even begin to fathom the ramifications of beginning life as one gender and likely finishing it as another, let alone in another time. Raising his fingers to his lips, Cross made a criss-cross sign over them and bowed his head, “Not to worry, I will remain discrete.”

Lauren’s threat to Tessa had Cross leaning back in amusement, “Now I’m intrigued. What sort of dark secret could you be hiding, Lance? So far, and I mean no disrespect, you do not strike me as the type of individual who holds much to yourself.”

Cross returned his attention to his food as he waited for Tessa’s reply, with Lauren’s follow-up question later on drawing him back into the conversation.

“Well, as I mentioned earlier, I am on a scouting mission for later shore leaves. I know that she is also searching for ideas, using her own channels and methods to achieve her desires. I prefer hands-on scout missions. And, to be fair, I am also more able to do such right now as well. I just hope that our fellow crew members can manage to stay out of trouble.” He glanced back up the steps to the museum and chuckled. “I think the diplomatic corps can handle incidences where chaos finds us, but given our present situation, it may prove more difficult to weather if we are the ones who go looking for it instead.”

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #21
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance & Ensign Lauren Pierce | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
The cat was out of the bag with Lauren in regards to Alana Pierce's story. Not her intention, but it happened. So there was that. "Yes, sir. Lt. Pierce from Intelligence is my ancestor. And thank you for being discreet. I think it's a quietly kept secret." She turned back and brushed the crimson hair alongside her ear as she sat down at the nearest chair while eating.

She leaned in close to Cross to whisper. "Tessa's dark secret is that she's nuts. Honestly when we met she was normal and my apparent death threw her. So since she's been a little off and almost ADHD as well as strange when it comes to company. She goes into various stages of nude quickly too, especially when around female officers. If it's male, well, she does it to win some contest or display of strength as a distraction. That and she likes to crash into stuff." She giggled moving her chair and hand back from the Vulcan's ear's.

"Why are you talking about me?" She grinned. "Seriously, I know you did red." She finished her platter and took in a deep breath, stretching her arms into the air, her ample chest raising with them as she leaned back into it. Clearly enjoying her extra blood flow and energy from eating. "So, since I know Lauren talked about me, I can tell about her right?"

Lauren shoved the blonde for a moment as Cross expounded his reasoning for shore leave and the ideas he was searching for. "Yes, I think the diplomatic team will have their work cut out for them if any of us get into a brawl intentionally instead of what we just did back there."

"Sir! How many battles have you been in? Did you give them the ol one two punch?" She said shoving her hands in a boxing position and swinging, almost connecting with Lauren's jaw.

Pierce swerved to miss the hit and grabbed Tessa's hand with her cybernetics enhanced fist. She held tight to let Tessa know it wasn't going to be tolerated by her. "Non yo business girl. Move along."

A pout hit Lance's face as she sulked. "Besides most of us prefer not to relive the fights after being in a POW camp."

"Sounds like this lady you're interested in will have a jolly good time once you get her down here. Haha, hands-on scout missions he said..."

Rolling her eyes, Pierce looked back at cross. "I prefer hands-on scout missions too. I like the chance to explore. When I go to a destination, sure I do regular research but when it comes to the location, I prefer not to be bogged down with data files. Especially since we're reading them for work all day. It's just fun to explore both with a tricorder and with my eyes. To see the beauty of the worlds we visit and vacation to. Do you get that feeling sir?"

Tessa's mocking Lauren behind her back as she came up and hugged her before landing a hand on both Cross' and Pierce's shoulders. "What's next guys?"

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #22
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum Area | Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

Cross was partially seated alongside Lauren when she let Tessa’s secret slip, and the Vulcan couldn’t help the green tinge that touched the tips of his ears. He could easily picture Tessa prancing about naked in this setting, hollering to the Klingon towers, and Cross didn’t know if that was more telling on him that he could picture it realistically or on Tessa that she projected that reality so strongly in her actions.

He quickly averted his eyes back to his food when he first noticed Tessa stretching in his peripherals. It would not do to oogle the poor woman, at least not unless he meant to do something alongside his visual appraisal. But not only was he a superior officer, and the line of fraternization was still somewhat strong for him, but he was also fairly well “taken” now with Hathev, so that was two very good reasons to find his food doubly fascinating.

“There’s more to tell?” He quipped to Tessa good-naturedly, not wanting her to think his eye contact aversion was an affront.

But, instead of the conversation continuing in the surface-level verbal banter between the women with Cross along for the ride, Tessa’s question veered them far into left field, and Cross’ hand stopped halfway between his mouth and his plate. He was certain neither woman was aware or interested in knowing about his origins in the Cardassian lab. So, focusing solely on his Starfleet career, Cross leaned back in his chair and listed off a few of the highlights.

“I don’t mind. Let’s see…I was aboard the Hood during the First Battle of Chin’toka, but I’m not sure if that counts by your boxing terminology. While aboard the Harbinger, I was injured on an away mission near the Klingon neutral, escorting colonists and freeing hostages. And then there was the fight with the Borg aboard the Endeavour before the Savi sank their teeth into us.” Cross paused. He realized not all Savi were the type to force a genetic change and not all were bastards. And he was very aware of the fact that as the superior officer sitting at this table he had best keep certain undiplomatic opinions to himself. So, instead of voicing a few choice adjectives to go along with his tale, Cross finished with, “I was involved with rescuing Thea on the Versant before joining up with the Theurgy.” He glanced askew at Lauren before smiling at Tessa, “Do any of those count for your one-two punch? Or were you looking for more barroom brawl type stories?”

Lauren’s comment about POW camps had Cross’ eyebrows rising, but he did not comment as Tessa did a splendid job of taking hold of the conversation and steering it into another left field. He chose to address Lauren’s instead of Tessa’s playful jibe.

“I am of a similar opinion, actually. While intel can prove useful, sometimes there’s more to tell from being there in person and-“

Cross’s words trailed off, his mind barely registering Tessa’s question, as he watched a group of scowling Klingon men dragging the bedraggled older Klingon women behind them. From the looks of things, it appeared as if these men were either their sons or grandsons, and none looked happy to be in the situation. In fact, one of the elderly women, upon looking up and seeing the trio sitting at the tables at the foot of the stairs, began pointing and yelling out a slew of words that sounded more like threats than comments on the humid weather. Within seconds not only were the gaggle of Klingons on the stairs all staring at them, but all the tourists sitting nearby began to stand and edge away.

Glancing over at Lauren and then Tessa, Cross made a whispered suggestion, “Perhaps a quick exit?”

Life got stupid hectic all at once and I'm so sorry it took me so long to reply!

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #23
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance & Ensign Lauren Pierce | Qo’Nos Art Museum | Qo’Nos ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz [Show/Hide]
Before Lauren could pipe up, Tessa did first. "FIGHT!" She yelled loudly drawing some unwanted attention before the patrons ignored the blonde human woman in their midst.

"Shut up idiot! Yelling that can have negative consequences. As Tessa meant to say is your brawls or fights in general. I had a few in my Academy days, and on the Theurgy the other day with the on ship battles. But before that, I was a POW and saw some....things..." She said slowing down and speaking softer as she glanced at her hand and clenched it.

Tessa took the hint and quieted down a bit on her front as she felt sheepish now as opposed to what she did feel like. That was when she noted the grumpy and still drunken elderly Klingons looking and pointing right at them. "Uhh, Commander....I think we should go, post haste."

Acknowledging it from Cross too, she nodded. "I agree. We should go, and quickly." She said as she glanced at the oncoming group of Klingon warriors. She was about to tap her combadge as they grew closer, but realized she'd placed it out of reach temporarily. That and she wasn't sure what to do at present.

Without missing a beat, Tessa's plate was knocked inadvertently over as she had gone back to it to finish her food. All of which spilled on the ground causing her face to wrinkle in irritation. She looked back up at the oncoming Klingon's and tapped her plate on the table confirming her suspicions. It was a metallic plate of some kind. She winked an eye as she stared in their direction before she hurled it in the air like a frisbee and watched as the Klingons too watched. It flew fast and out of range. They paid no further attention to it as it flew by them. Tessa leaned against her stool at the table as Lauren panicked slightly.

The Klingon women had broken free from their relatives and were on the hunt again, at least two of them as Tessa's dish ricocheted off the nearest wall, gaining momentum again and slammed into the back of the first woman's head, and then it bounced off and struck the second woman's. The sound of metal clanking the two echoed as the plate landed again at Tessa's feet with a loud rattling of the metal spinning to a stop.

Shock and awe struck Lauren as she watched on. "Tessa, that was..."

As if finishing her sentence, Tessa replied, "Awesome, and completely necessary. Bulls-eye!" She said with a hefty fist pump and watched the two brutes drop to the ground. Goldeneye bent down and picked up her meal which was the equivalent of grilled chicken but Klingon, and she continued eating as if nothing happened. "What? I was hungry!" She said with food still in her mouth.

Lauren couldn't help but laugh. The Klingon males grabbed the females and picked them up eyeing the group of Starfleeters heavily as they escorted their own away from the.
"How? What was? Ugh. Well, I hope we don't have another incident over this...Can't say I want to pick a fight with a group of Klingons again."

Tessa shrugged. "So Commander, want to hit up somewhere else now? Like maybe a Klingon bathhouse?" She gave a funny look to the other two as she winked playfully.

"How about, not. So sir, I think I've deduced your companion, based on the evidence mounting, but is there something you enjoy doing that we haven't done here? Something that your friend might enjoy too?"

"I know what I'd enjoy. Hmph!" After having discarded her jacket earlier in their excursion, she now had torn and cut off her pantlegs at the high thigh, showing an excessive amount of skin which reflected the Klingon sun. Additionally she took off the overshirt she wore, now down to a skintight, muscle shirt showing off the cleavage she had available.

Lauren slapped her face and looked up in the air. "Course you would Tess. Just try not to take anything else off please? We are on the Klingon homeworld afterall."

"So what if they get their jollies about it? Or an Orion for that matter." She finished tying up the shirt to her midriff and discarded the rest of the clothing in the trash receptacles. "Hey' look! I'm Rambo!" She got into a weird pose trying to look cool and failing miserably.

Turning to Cross, Lauren looked at him and shrugged. "See what I have to deal with?"

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation

Reply #24
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Qo’Nos Art Museum Area | Qo’Nos ] attn: @Pierce

Cross remembered an old phrase his mentor had taught him, something about hackles rising, and in the moments before Tessa’s plate rendered their would-be attackers useless, Cross’ hackles had certain been up. And up they’d remained until at last the family members dragged them away and the trio was once more left alone to their own devices.

“I appreciate your aim, Vance. And yes, I’m with you, Pierce. I also hope we don’t keep finding ourselves just one or two steps shy of a diplomatic incident.”

The suggestion of a bathhouse had Cross raising an eyebrow. He had never really been to a bathhouse, though he’d heard of them. As curious as he was, Cross figured it would be best to investigate either on his own or with Hathev. Considering what they’d just come through, Cross figured they’d only encounter more such nonsense at a bathhouse, only there they’d be naked. A furtive glance at both women had Cross’ cheeks deepening in color before he forcibly moved his gaze to the sky. Tessa’s mentioning of an Orion brought his attention back.

“Have either of you been to the Orion outpost? It has a cabaret, gambling, many other nefarious activities, and just so happens to be sitting atop an ancient Klingon historical sight.” Cross rolled his eyes. “I find the location amusing.”

Thinking back to Hathev, however, as well as Lauren’s question, Cross nodded towards one of the winding streets that branched off from the open area just outside the art museum, “There is a street market down that way. I believe it sells a variety of clothing items,” Cross couldn’t help the playful smirk as he studied Tessa’s intentional dishevelment before continuing, “as well as trinkets and food items. As my research told me, the only problem is that Nausicaans have been known to wander the stalls looking for trouble. Not sure if it is worth taking my companion there or not. What are your thoughts?”

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